Thesis installation booklet

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1162.67 1160.75 1156.19 1153.56 1156.51 1154.69 1190.98 1189.67 1185.07 1131.74 1128.40 1123.85 1089.83 1090.63 1088.31 1132.24 1133.05 1132.24 1133.42 1133.31 1131.65 1132.07 1132.54 1132.79 1140.46 1140.67 1139.34 1153.65 1153.32 1151.06 1152.87 1150.40 1148.29 1162.27 1160.94 1156.12 1172.75 1174.73 1178.78 1180.14 1178.08 1174.95 1178.74 1178.38 1177.13 1180.93 1182.90 1181.25 1193.01 1191.98 1189.01 1186.09 1187.62 1188.44 1198.83 1202.61 1201.04 1198.99 1204.13 1202.87 1203.58 1204.31 1202.15 1201.15 1202.39 1201.02 1206.83 1210.25 1211.59 1209.82 1207.67 1206.05 1206.95 1206.68 1206.43 1201.59 1202.72 1202.45 1210.23 1210.58 1208.57 1211.17 1211.70 1210.74 1201.40 1202.49 1200.28 1191.00 1191.75 1189.56 1179.39 1180.06 1179.31 1177.25 1179.42 1180.31 1183.64 1189.88 1193.46 1190.09 1190.97 1188.51 1180.37 1182.58 1182.27 1193.45 1193.81 1193.81 1195.63 1196.51 1199.10 1214.40 1214.05 1214.26 1212.89 1213.30 1211.75 1214.26 1213.79 1211.33 1197.27 1196.62 1194.68 1177.94 1176.50 1172.06 1153.33 1154.42 1153.09 1140.39 1140.11 1138.70 1137.40 1143.25 1147.66 1139.46 1141.20 1139.48 1129.55 1129.35 1125.79 Mohsen Mostafavi 1116.46 1116.93 1115.65 1111.78 1111.43 1107.40 1100.02 1103.21 1100.66

1153.56 1165.75 1179.06 1123.41 1094.57 1132.15 1131.72 1134.15 1140.79 1150.80 1148.63 1154.74 1186.14 1171.35 1174.18 1179.68 1183.10 1186.14 1200.01 1201.94 1198.44 1198.30 1211.26 1205.91 1206.16 1204.78 1207.67 1208.36 1197.35 1186.89 1177.80 1179.78 1193.04 1184.94 1179.68 1192.75 1200.01 1212.74 1208.80 1208.78 1190.76 1167.49 1148.27 1134.98 1144.45 1135.94 1120.69 1110.61 1101.26 1098.00

1154.45 1185.56 1172.43 1119.32 1110.08 1133.07 1131.49 1135.18 1141.26 1150.87 1149.06 1154.35 1185.93 1169.68 1173.66 1180.39 1179.83 1184.58 1197.55 1199.93 1196.22 1196.93 1212.33 1209.74 1209.83 1208.16 1205.99 1206.23 1192.59 1183.93 1175.92 1177.31 1190.27 1181.64 1178.33 1191.26 1199.96 1211.59 1207.37 1207.67 1187.32 1162.39 1144.68 1129.70 1141.89 1131.14 1115.89 1107.05 1096.92 1094.30

1161.19 1198.17 1167.16 1112.47 1125.69 1132.70 1130.40 1136.23 1141.79 1150.73 1149.85 1154.60 1186.34 1169.60 1174.48 1180.47 1176.16 1184.76 1195.50 1202.27 1193.70 1196.42 1220.27 1212.17 1214.25 1210.13 1206.60 1203.18 1190.40 1182.06 1174.67 1175.07 1188.27 1179.42 1179.03 1190.43 1202.32 1211.83 1206.40 1204.09 1183.12 1160.19 1143.19 1126.93 1140.46 1128.26 1113.50 1104.98 1095.26 1089.30

“The city, for all its importance, can no longer be thought of onlyas a physical artifact; instead, we must beaware of the dynamic relationships, both visible and invisible, that exist among the various domains of a larger terrain of urban as well as rural ecologies.�

1157.62 1203.98 1160.27 1103.84 1124.33 1130.32 1128.81 1136.76 1143.32 1150.53 1151.22 1154.84 1184.89 1171.87 1176.97 1179.85 1175.34 1183.31 1194.86 1204.65 1192.88 1196.48 1225.44 1212.92 1213.95 1207.14 1207.80 1201.43 1189.72 1179.49 1173.29 1173.92 1187.20 1178.97 1180.75 1190.26 1203.49 1212.43 1207.28 1199.97 1180.78 1157.57 1141.93 1125.73 1139.01 1126.42 1111.58 1104.42 1094.20 1086.97

1154.05 1200.87 1153.88 1098.58 1124.32 1128.21 1128.44 1136.89 1145.31 1151.33 1152.85 1156.28 1182.28 1173.30 1178.16 1177.84 1177.27 1183.74 1195.71 1204.58 1192.78 1197.39 1222.17 1211.40 1212.79 1207.52 1209.56 1199.57 1189.40 1178.82 1172.92 1173.59 1188.41 1178.24 1181.70 1190.02 1204.52 1214.30 1208.74 1196.66 1179.97 1156.42 1143.27 1126.67 1139.61 1126.54 1111.84 1105.13 1093.73 1086.91

1153.74 1197.64 1149.04 1093.49 1124.79 1127.59 1130.20 1136.44 1146.86 1152.58 1153.61 1158.49 1180.26 1173.99 1180.10 1179.40 1180.48 1185.43 1195.30 1204.92 1192.67 1198.96 1218.21 1210.06 1213.14 1208.83 1209.79 1199.16 1190.22 1180.02 1173.01 1174.44 1189.15 1178.40 1184.28 1190.84 1205.81 1214.78 1211.29 1196.72 1177.96 1155.42 1142.12 1125.86 1138.36 1125.36 1111.06 1105.76 1093.68 1083.81

1155.15 1196.65 1144.99 1090.12 1125.90 1128.42 1128.67 1137.46 1147.22 1151.77 1154.40 1161.59 1179.47 1173.83 1180.41 1182.16 1180.36 1186.69 1195.12 1203.21 1194.11 1201.06 1215.32 1208.63 1211.16 1208.70 1208.69 1199.15 1189.55 1178.90 1171.73 1174.68 1188.05 1177.80 1186.12 1191.56 1209.64 1215.76 1212.11 1196.66 1178.03 1154.89 1141.17 1127.43 1137.01 1126.13 1110.95 1107.94 1093.26 1082.36

1155.22 1195.05 1141.50 1089.02 1127.93 1129.72 1127.71 1139.05 1149.71 1151.75 1156.84 1163.82 1178.70 1175.67 1179.64 1185.94 1179.29 1188.73 1196.64 1203.68 1195.42 1204.76 1213.38 1208.29 1208.76 1209.77 1210.05 1199.46 1189.02 1178.54 1171.82 1175.45 1188.45 1175.67 1189.65 1192.71 1212.80 1214.79 1212.58 1196.45 1177.22 1153.30 1139.48 1130.13 1135.27 1126.63 1111.22 1107.33 1093.52 1081.94

1154.64 1193.12 1136.93 1088.14 1129.74 1132.05 1129.84 1139.65 1152.50 1152.95 1160.13 1168.35 1176.92 1176.80 1179.63 1187.87 1180.82 1193.31 1197.97 1202.88 1198.28 1208.37 1212.33 1207.90 1205.49 1210.39 1211.03 1199.75 1189.80 1177.89 1173.44 1176.86 1188.75 1176.55 1190.92 1194.38 1214.64 1212.53 1213.94 1196.12 1177.37 1152.13 1139.12 1130.01 1137.52 1128.12 1114.81 1110.97 1096.30 1086.30



46°55'43" N 117°23'02" W


1”=4.5 miles 2000 sq miles


42째38'01" N 114째31'41" W

2000 sq miles


47째57'44" N 111째34'39" W

2000 sq miles

south dakota

44째37'42" N 99째28'41" W

2000 sq miles


43째06'03" N 121째27'14" W

2000 sq miles


41째50'10" N 111째56'46" W

2000 sq miles


41째14'42" N 104째13'15" W

2000 sq miles


41째05'20" N 97째24'23" W

2000 sq miles


36°18'07"N 119°26'09” W

2000 sq miles




40째16'02 N 102째44'27" W

2000 sq miles


37째31'24" N 101째37'34" W

2000 sq miles


32째45'47 N 111째45'12 W

2000 sq miles

New mexico

34째39'53" N 103째33'00 W

2000 sq miles


33째03'45" N 102째14'17" W

2000 sq miles


31째58'47" N 91째30'53" W

2000 sq miles

L a n d Wat e r Usage

Developed Land {Urban} 3.3%

Despite all the hand wringing over sprawl and urbanization, only 66 million acres are considered developed lands. This amounts to 3 percent of the land area in the U.S., yet this small land base is home to 75 percent of the population. In general, urban lands are nearly useless for biodiversity preservation. Furthermore, urbanized lands, once converted, usually do not shift to another use.

Rural Residential {Sub Urban} 3.6%

This category comprises nearly all sprawl and subdivisions along with farmhouses scattered across the country The total acreage for rural residential is 73 million acres. Of this total, 44 million acres are lots of 10 or more acres.

Developed and rural residential make up 139 million acres, or 6.1 percent of total land area in the U.S. This amount of land is not insignificant until you consider that we planted more than 80 million acres of feeder corn and another 75 million acres of soybeans (95 percent of which are consumed by livestock, not tofu eaters) last year alone. These two crops affect more of the land area of the U.S. than all the urbanization, rural residential, highways, railroads, commercial centers, malls, industrial parks and golf courses combined.

Crop and Pasture {Agriculture} About 349 million acres in the U.S. are planted for crops. This is the equivalent of about four states the size of Montana. Four crops -- feeder corn (80 million acres), soybeans (75 million acres), alfalfa hay (61 million acres) and wheat (62 million acres) -- make up 80 percent of total crop acreage. All but wheat are primarily used to feed livestock. Some 788 million acres, or 41.4 percent of the U. S. excluding Alaska, are grazed by livestock. This is an area the size of 8.3 states the size of Montana. Grazed lands include rangeland, pasture and cropland pasture. More than 309 million acres of federal, state and other public lands are grazed by domestic livestock. Another 140 million acres are forested lands that are grazed. The amount of land used to produce all vegetables in the U.S. is less than 3 million acres.


Forest {Timberlands} Forest lands comprise 747 million acres. Two-thirds of U.S. forest lands, or almost 490 million acres, are classified as timberlands. Timberlands are defined as forest lands used for the production of commercial wood products. Commercial timberland can be used for repeated growing and harvesting of trees. Seventy percent of U.S. timberland is located in the East.


Water Price Increase {Cities} Seattle 109% Portland 161%

Montana 28%

Boise 41%

San Francisco 211% Las Vegas 129% Phoenix 69%

Bismarch 61%

Sioux Falls Cheyanne 140% 64% Wichita 153% Colorado Springs 97% El Paso 65% Austin 93%

Milwaukee 64% Detroit New York 151% 119% Philadelphia164% Waterloo Columbus 145% Chicago 118% 116% Kansas City Charlotte 92% 112% Augusta 141% Atlanta Jackson 233% 110% Tampa 117%

“Water is H20, hyrdrogen two parts, oxygen one, But there is also a third thing, that makes it water And nobody knows what it is.� D.H. Lawrence

Water Usage {Domestic}


“There’s More to Green than Meets the Eye”

Water Usage {Industrial}


“When you start to think like we think, you don’t see water in the pipes. You see dollar signs.” Eric Berliner, IBM water manager

Water Usage {Ag Irrigation}


“I think the days of big water are gone.� Laurie Arthur, Rice Famer

Water Shortage {Colorado River}

7% 2.7% 30%





“We don’t have a water problem. We have an endangered species problem” Anon


“The city, for all its importance, can no longer be thought of only as a physical artifact; instead, we must be aware of the dynamic relationships, both visible and invisible, that exist among the various domains of a larger terrain of urban as well as rural ecologies.� Mohsen Mostafavi


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