Agile development and test automation
Most development is moving the agile way, when it comes to product development and it does make sense. Considering the previous statement is true, you have to be wary about the automation tool that you use, for most traditional tools would fail in an agile environment. Some of the reasons are, you cannot test last in an agile environment; scripts developed using proprietary tool vendor languages become unmaintainable; and installing them on every workstation becomes prohibitively expensive. The way traditional test automation works, it just cannot support agile development. Take for instance the workflow - developers develop the code, test analysts design the tests, testers execute the tests, developers fix the bugs, testers again execute the tests, a few more cycles of this and then automation experts automate the regressions tests using test documents as specs. This in no way will be feasible to be done in an agile environment and can only be possible with large release cycles. One needs to understand these shortcomings of traditional automation tools and these necessarily have to be addressed. At Ivesia, this is how we validate the agile user stories: Some of the tools that we use are Fit and Fitness and a whole bunch of libraries that are appropriate for agile methodology Enhancement of collaboration is the bottom line so that the feedback – control loop is complete Automation starts at the beginning itself with a test-first approach Good programming practices are supported on the coding portion of the automation Usage of real languages and real IDEs for doing the automation code