Innovation - Issue 1 2018

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FIVE CRITERIA TO CONSIDER WHEN CHOOSING A DENTAL FURNACE w w w. i v o c l a r v i v a d e n t . c o . u k w w w. i v o c l a r v i v a d e n t . c o . u k




Bluephase Style Black Edition ÂŽ

The innovative Bluephase Style Black Edition promises to be eye-catching in any dental practice. The special matteEdition black finish highlights the sleek andinstylish The innovative Bluephase Style Black promises to be eye-catching any award-winning Style design. Dentists can the place an advance order for dental practice. The Bluephase special matte black finish highlights sleek and stylish the exclusive curing-light online while stockscan lastplace at: an advance order for the award-winning Bluephase Style design. Dentists exclusive curing-light online while stocks last at: 2

Ivoclar Vivadent UK & Ireland | Compass Building | Feldspar Close | Leicester | LE19 4SD

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WELCOME Welcome to our new edition of Innovation. We are pleased to bring you our most up-to-date product features, relevant case-studies & blogs, and the latest in dental education to keep you well informed in this advancing industry. Of course, you can also find all of Ivoclar Vivadent’s National Offers which are new as of September. Innovation now incorporates Clinical, Technical and Digital elements into one magazine to effectively show how our extensive product portfolio can provide complete solutions for patients, dentists and technicians. We hope you enjoy reading this issue.

Dr Andrew Garland Managing Director Ivoclar Vivadent UK & Ireland

CONTENTS CLINICAL BLOG - How to master the art of taking great intraoral pictures ARTICLE - Efficiency and aesthetics in the posterior region FEATURE - Bluphase Style: Black Edition Q&A with Minesh Patel

page 4 page 6 page 12

DIGITAL OFFER - All you need for restorations in a single visit HIGHLIGHT - Harmonious results with IPS e.max ZirCAD MT Multi ARTICLE - Embracing the digital evolution in removable prosthetics

page 20 page 23 page 26

TECHNICAL OFFER - IPS e.max Press & Ceram BLOG - Five criteria to consider with choosing a dental furnace

page 32 page 36

EDUCATION FEATURE - SKYN Concept - The veneering process page 40 UPCOMING IVOCLAR VIVADENT COURSES page 42

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Intraoral pictures are generally considered particularly tricky; they require you to take a range of challenging details into account and professional teamwork is essential. Dr Arnd Peschke from Ivoclar Vivadent headquarters in Schaan, Liechtenstein has provided the following advice which will be of use to you and your dental assistant to create high-quality clinical photographs.

1. Planning is the be-all and end-all Intraoral pictures require careful planning; they are considered particularly demanding because they require a high level of consistency. Image area, orientation, depth of field, illumination, colour temperature and scale should all remain unchanged in the images across the entire sequence.

2. Attention to detail is key Your photography may be affected by the practical details of the clinical situation. For example, the placement of a rubber dam may result in a change in the light situation – and lead to deviations from the colour temperature and brightness compared to the initial situation. Manual fine-tuning is essential in such circumstances. This means that the exposure parameters and white balance should be adjusted as required.


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OptraGate retracts the lips and cheeks evenly and gently, allowing more effective, relative isolation of the treatment field.

3. Remember to include each step Detailed planning is especially important when shooting step-by-step sequences as it is often impossible to reconstruct a setting later on. Before starting the session, compile a list with all the settings that you want to photograph and then work through them systematically. Otherwise, it may happen that you forget to take pictures of a specific situation that will be difficult to recreate later on.

4. The environment should fit the subject Images can lose some of their value because the surroundings depicted on them do not match the subject on the picture. For instance, the image sequence of a highly aesthetic inlay restoration loses its appeal if it is shown next to a defective amalgam filling. Plaque, gingivitis or excessive saliva can also cause this problem. To avoid this, pay attention to the surrounding details so that your pictures convey the quality of your treatment and the materials you are using appropriately.

Top tip: It is often necessary to include instruments (e.g. brushes, spatulas, contra-angles) on intraoral pictures. For this reason, we recommend using an oral mirror with a long handle. Longhandled mirrors provide easy access to the treatment field and do not obstruct the access of light.

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EFFICIENCY AND AESTHETICS IN THE POSTERIOR REGION Since bulk-fill composites have been on the market for a number of years, the time has come to take a look back at the introduction, development, current trends and future options of these materials. When bulk-fill composites first hit the market, they were considered a true innovation. We had been layering posterior composites for more than 40 years, yet many of us were not quite sure for what reasons the layering technique was mandatory. Understanding the reasons why a certain technique is applied is crucial for the correct assessment of the pros and cons of any technique.

bonded surface area. Although there is enough in-vitro evidence on the relevance of the C-factor, a clinical correlation has not yet been shown. This point can be easily illustrated by the fact that Class-I restorations have an unfavourable C-factor but a high survival rate while Class-V restorations have a favourable C-factor but a low survival rate. This example shows that the C-factor is only one of many factors that determine the success of a direct restoration - and frequently not the most important one.

Basically, the reasons were four: 1. Aesthetics: It is obvious that a layering technique involving dentin, enamel and effect shades leads to a better final outcome than a technique that uses only a single layer in a standard translucency. As regards the bulk-fill technique, this reason can easily be rejected because, objectively, most posterior restorations are almost always placed using one shade only and most patients are satisfied with the result. 2. Reduction of volumetric shrinkage: The less composite we place, the smaller the volumetric shrinkage. 3. Reduction of shrinkage stress: This reason makes sense and is based on the configuration factor. It is said that the shrinkage stress is reduced if the unbonded surface area of a layer is larger than the


4. Depth of cure: This is probably the most important factor because increments of only 2 mm could be applied before the advent of bulk-fill composites. Some studies suggest that the depth of cure of certain composites is even lower than 2 mm. This was the reason why all layers were restricted to a maximum thickness of 2 mm. If not, the composite material placed in the deeper areas of the cavity would never receive enough light to cure adequately. Having discussed all these factors, we may realise that we are not so far from the bulk-fill technique. If a composite is capable of reducing the stress when applied in thick layers and, at the same time, offers an increased level of translucency and a more effective light-curing process, the bulk-fill technique is feasible. In most cases, shrinkage stress relievers are responsible for the reduction of shrinkage stress. Shrinkage stress relievers are fillers with a lower modulus of elasticity.

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Their function is to release the stress as the composite polymerises. The second aspect, i.e. the depth of cure, was achieved by making the composites more translucent with the effect of enhancing the passage of light through the material. As a result, the depth of cure was increased. This point has also been proven to be true. In addition, some companies such as Ivoclar Vivadent improved the polymerisation process in deeper areas by adding newly developed initiators (e.g. Ivocerin®) to the formulation. Nowadays, all major dental manufacturers offer bulkfill composites. Bulk-fill composites can basically be categorised into two main groups: first, flowable bulk-fill composites requiring a final capping layer and, second, sculptable bulk-fill composites. Generally, these materials increase the efficiency of the restorative workflow as they allow the fillings to be placed with either a single-increment technique (sculptable composite) or a two-increment technique (dentin replacement with flowable composite and capping layer with sculptable composite). These methods are obviously faster and easier to perform than conventional layering procedures. However, this advantage is undermined by the fact that bulk-fill materials are generally too translucent and allow discolourations to shine through the restorations, especially if they are used to replace an amalgam filling. Nevertheless, clinical evidence has shown that the results achieved with the new bulk-fill methods are comparable to the results achieved with con-ventional multi-layer techniques. Fortunately, new developments often pave the way for new technologies. By this I mean the Aessencio technology developed by Ivoclar Vivadent. The Aessencio technology allows a composite to be highly translucent prior to being light-cured and causes a drop in translucency as it polymerises. Once polymerised, the material exhibits a dentin-like translucency and is capable of effectively masking most discolourations. Practitioners can follow a very efficient procedure to accomplish fillings due to the Aessencio technology of Tetric EvoFlow® Bulk Fill and the combination with Tetric EvoCeram® Bulk Fill as the final capping layer. Two steps will be enough in most clinical situations. At the same time, patients will receive a sufficiently aesthetic restoration. In addition, the entire adhesive restorative protocol has become more predictable with the recent introduction of universal adhesives, as they have eliminated the need for dentin etching. Dentin etching was one of the reasons for the variability and sensitivity of the adhesive technique in the past years. A recently published meta-analysis showed the importance of predictable clinical protocols as the correlation between in-vitro tests and clinical performance is poor. Furthermore, there is growing evidence in clinical trials and elsewhere that self-etch protocols show a favourable performance.

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Clinical case A 33-year-old patient presented with a failing amalgam res-toration on the upper right 4 with no interproximal contact (Fig. 1). After the amalgam filling had been removed and a rubber dam placed (OptraDam®), a matrix, wedge and ring were inserted (V4 Triodent). The enamel was etched with phosphoric acid (Total Etch) and then rinsed with water (Fig. 2). Subsequently, the adhesive (Adhese® Universal) was applied with the help of the new VivaPen delivery form and carefully scrubbed into the tooth structure of the entire cavity for 20 s (Fig. 3).

1 Pre-op situation

2 Enamel etching with Total Etch

3 Application of Adhese Universal with the VivaPen


Next, the solvent was evaporated until a shiny immobile film resulted. Then, the material was light-cured using a Bluephase® Style third-generation curing light Tetric EvoFlow­Bulk Fill was applied to the proximal box and cavity floor. Initially, the material was as translucent as most other flowable bulk-fill materials. This translucency makes it difficult to mask discolourations (Fig. 4).

4 Tetric EvoFlow Bulk Fill before light-curing. The high translucency facilitates the penetration of light.

5 Once cured, Tetric EvoFlow Bulk Fill exhibits a dentin-like translucency, masking discolourations.

6 Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill was applied as a final layer. All excess was removed before curing.

7 Completed restoration after 1 week. Occlusal view.


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Figure 5 shows how the translucency altered in the course of the curing process and the material started to mask the discolourations underneath it. Then, a final composite layer of Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill was applied. Excess composite was carefully removed and the filling contoured to an adequate anatomical shape prior to undergoing final polymerisation (Fig. 6). This was all accomplished in a single step, as most of the cavity had already been filled before with Tetric EvoFlow Bulk Fill. After final curing, the restoration was polished with OptraPol. Then, Fluor Protector S was applied. The completed restoration rather closely resembles the natural tooth structure. It is virtually impossible to detect the margins from the occlusal and frontal view (Fig 7). The X-rays show the excellent radiopaque properties of both materials, i.e. the flowable and sculptable variant (Figs 8a and b).


Conclusion To sum up, the “bulk-fill technique” using Tetric EvoFlow Bulk Fill and Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill allows us to be more efficient with almost no compromises compared to the conventional layering technique. The C-factor is no longer an issue due to the shrinkage stress relievers. As expected, marginal gaps do not occur more frequently and are not larger compared to the conventional layering technique. Application is clearly quicker and the esthetic effect is in most cases similar to that of conventional composites. The differences in the translucency of materials for conventional posterior composite restorations are no longer of relevance due to the Aessencio technology. This sets a new standard in this group of composite.

8b X-ray images before and after the restoration. Both the flowable and sculptable variants offer adequate radiopaque properties.

Educardo Mahn Dr. Mahn is a graduate from the University of Chile. He received the German DDS in Münster in 2005. He got his doctorate degree in 2010. He also owns a Diploma from NYU. Between 2007 and 2009 he worked for Ivoclar Vivadent at the ICDE (International Center for Dental Education). He is presently a guest lecturer at several universities and is the author from several articles in the field of Aesthetic Conservative Dentistry and Implantology. Dr. Mahn is presently Director of Clinical Research and the Director of the Esthetic Dentistry Program at the Universidad de los Andes, Chile. He also maintains a private practice emphasising conservative aesthetic dentistry and comprehensive implantology.



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Tetric Evo-Line The Tetric Evo line of products combines clinical reliability and durability with innovation. The four composites of the Tetric Evo family provide high-quality aesthetic restorations for all cavity classes. Gains in efficiency can be achieved by using the correct combination of composites, depending on the specific cavity class. All four composites are now offered together in new system kits, which include an overview of their indications and possibilities of combination to enable users to see which material is best used when and where.

Each system kit comprises: • Tetric EvoCeram – sculptable, for conventional layering techniques • Tetric EvoFlow – flowable, for conventional layering techniques • Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill – sculptable, application in increments of up to 4 mm • Tetric EvoFlow Bulk Fill – flowable, application in increments of up to 4 mm • Adhese® Universal VivaPen – the universal adhesive system The kits are available in cavifils or syringes.

A suitable solution for every cavity class Non-discoloured dentin

Moderately discoloured dentin

Severely discoloured dentin Tetric EvoFlow or Tetric EvoCeram Dentin + Tetric EvoCeram

Class I + II

< 2 mm

Tetric EvoCeram

Tetric EvoFlow or Tetric EvoCeram Dentin + Tetric EvoCeram

Class I + II

2 – 4 mm

Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill

Tetric EvoFlow Bulk Fill + Tetric EvoCeram

Tetric EvoFlow or Tetric EvoCeram Dentin + Tetric EvoCeram

Class I + II

4 mm

Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill

Tetric EvoFlow Bulk Fill + Tetric EvoCeram

Tetric EvoFlow (Dentin) + Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill

Class I + II

4 – 6 mm

Tetric EvoFlow Bulk Fill + Tetric EvoCeram

Tetric EvoFlow Bulk Fill + Tetric EvoCeram

Tetric EvoFlow (Dentin) + Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill

Class I + II

> 6 mm

Tetric EvoFlow Bulk Fill + Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill

Tetric EvoFlow Bulk Fill + Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill

Tetric EvoFlow (Dentin) + Tetric EvoFlow Bulk Fill + Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill


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1 x Tetric Evo-Line System Kit Cavifil



FREE + 1 x Tetric EvoCeram Cavifil, 20 x 0.2g A2*

+ 1 x Tetric EvoCeram Cavifil, 20 x 0.2g A3*


1 x Tetric Evo-Line System Kit Syringe

FREE + 1 x Tetric EvoCeram Syringe, 3g A2*

+ 1 x Tetric EvoCeram Syringe, 3g A3* + 1 x Tetric EvoFlow Syringe, 3g A3*


4 x Tetric EvoFlow Syringe, 2g each, any shade or 4 x Tetric EvoFlow Cavifil, 20 x 0.2g each, any shade or 4 x Tetric EvoFlow Bulk Fill Syringe, 2g each, any shade or 4 x Tetric EvoFlow Bulk Fill Cavifil, 20 x 0.2g each, any shade FREE and get 1 pc. of the same product (in the same delivery form)*


4 x Tetric EvoCeram Syringe, 3g each, any shade or 4 x Tetric EvoCeram Cavifil, 20 x 0.2g each, any shade or 4 x Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill Syringe, 3g each, any shade or 4 x Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill Cavifil, 20 x 0.2g each, any shade


and get 1 pc. of the same product (in the same delivery form)*

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Ivoclar Vivadent’s Bluephase Style has been launched in a sleek and stylish matte black finish. The best-selling curing lights have an output of 1,200 mW/cm2 and a Polywave LED which optimally cures all types of dental photo-initiators and materials. They are used in numerous clinical studies as well as being ranked top by independent and renowned test institutes. Cosmetic dentist, Dr. Minesh Patel, has recently been experimenting with the Bluephase Style Black Edition. We visited him at his private practice in Thames Ditton to hear what he has to say about the popular curing light.

How would you compare the Bluephase Style to other curing lights? I’ve used similar types of light curing units in the past and what I found with this unit is that it doesn’t overheat. I’ve had a similar type of unit before and what I found when I’ve been using it constantly throughout the day, sometimes it did short-circuit because it was overheating but so far using this unit constantly day to day it’s been performing pretty well with no loss in intensity and no loss in battery life.


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What have you liked about the Bluephase Style? In particular, I’ve been really impressed with the general ergonomics and style of the unit, it has an easy-to-hold handle and my nurses found it very comfortable to use. Also, the style and length of the curing tip is ideal, it’s around 10mm which is great for getting to those posterior teeth and inter-proximal regions, the curve of the light handle itself is ideally suited to reaching the back of the mouth. One of the good things about it is the multiple curing modes, you can have a 10 second, 20 second, 15 second and 30 second, so this is quite useful when doing quick-tack curing of e.max bonded restorations or your final increments of your posterior composite.

What results have you experienced since using the light? I have done a few tests on Typodont teeth where I have actually tested the surface hardness after curing with this light compared to the one I used before and it was surprising to see even on the ten second cure, you could feel an increase in surface hardness of the restoration. Another thing I liked about the design was the ability to use it as a wired mode because often we work in a practice with multiple different dentists and sometimes the unit might not be fully charged, so if this is the case you can un-clip the battery and then you can plug it directly into the mains power point so you can use it through the mains charging port as well which can be quite handy.

What would you say to someone who was considering purchasing a Bluephase Style? When buying a new curing light, we must think of it as an investment. We’re using this piece of kit day in and day out, so you must think about the benefits it has to our patients. There are cheaper units on the market, however we can’t guarantee that they are actually curing the composite as well as stated. With this unit, there are a lot of studies showing that it does have a broad spectrum of wavelength and it is a very powerful light so it is a good investment and my composites will be fully cured after using it.

£899 E



Dr. Minesh Patel graduated with honours from Barts and the London School of Dentistry in 2009. He went on to complete a Master’s program in Aesthetic Dentistry, whilst simultaneously completing a post graduate training program in surgical and prosthetic implantology. Minesh has a passion for dentistry that is fuelled by his own creativity and artistic nature and has provided hands on post graduate training courses in the fields of aesthetic dentistry and clinical dental photography. Minesh has been using one of the 999 Bluephase Style Black Edition’s available worldwide. The special unit is priced at £899.00 and sold exclusively through Dentists can place an advance order for the limited-edition curing-light online while stocks last at: w w w. i v o c l a r v i v a d e n t . c o . u k

*Euro price applies



Bluephase Style Bluephase Style is on an ergonomic mission. Whilst it is grounded in the proven technologies of the Bluephase range, it incorporates optimised features. Bluephase Style offers a high light intensity (new at 1,200 mW/cm2) for short curing times as well as a compact and ergonomic shape that comfortably fits the hands of women and men. Click & Cure

This is how it works: Turn around charging base, remove power cord, attach to handpiece, resume work as usual.


RETURN 1 x old curing light and get a discount of:



when purchasing a new Bluephase curing light EURO PRICE €200.00

1 x Bluephase Style or 1 x Bluephase Style blue or 1 x Bluephase Style pink or 1 x Bluephase Style green or 1 x Bluephase 20i (G2)

Advantages • Polywave LED with halogen-like broadband spectrum of 385 to 515 nm • Suitable for all materials • Large treatment field due to 10-mm light probe • Shortened light probe, enabling access to all tooth surfaces without extreme opening of the mouth • Click & Cure for battery-independent emergency corded operation • Available in 4 colors: grey, pink, blue and now also in green


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THE 5-SECOND ‘TURBO CURE’ ALONE IS A GAME CHANGER After purchasing Ivoclar Vivadent’s Bluephase Style 20i, Dr Suraj Dhanda has been immensely impressed with both the speed and the predictability of this top-of-the-range curing light. Read what he has to say below:

In the past, I had always worked with ‘standard’ light cures, layering the composite in increments and curing for 20 seconds at a time. But with large restorations, this was becoming far too time-consuming and even when using bulk fill composites, I felt frustrated with how long they were taking. In came the Bluephase Style 20i. A late Christmas present to myself, but well worth the investment. Using the 5 second ‘Turbo cure’ alone has been a game changer and tack-curing crowns and bonding an adhesive bridge are too, a cinch. To be honest, I still cure my bond for 10 seconds with the Turbo setting (I’m just too cautious), but my overall treatment time has reduced by around 10-20%. This may not sound like a huge amount but it has definitely given me more freedom in my diary. The best part of the Bluephase isn’t necessarily the speed, but the predictability! The number of my patients suffering from postoperative sensitivity has dropped massively. Reading into this, I realised just how much I had underestimated the relation between complete depth of cure and post-op sensitivity and failure of resin restorations. My understanding of light cures was that they are created equally and simply branded differently, but making the move from a traditional light cure unit to the Bluephase Style 20i has made my working-day so much more efficient. I can now perform my restorations quicker, improving my hourly rate without increasing my fees; and now I don’t think I could work so well without it. Dr. Suraj Dhanda qualified from Manchester Dental Hospital in 2009, and has since undertaken a postgraduate Certificate in Restorative dentistry and received a Diploma in Postgraduate Dental Studies with Merit, from the University of Bristol. In 2014, Suraj become Principle Dentist at Foley Dental & Implant Centre in Kidderminster. Having worked in both NHS and Private Practice for a number of years, his main interests lie in Cosmetic Dentistry and he prides himself on keeping up-to-date with the latest advancements in dentistry to provide the best quality of care to his patients.


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Cementation Dentists are finding it increasingly difficult to make the right choice amidst an ever growing selection of cementation and restoration materials. Which cement is suitable for which material and which indication? Variolink Esthetic and SpeedCEM Plus are fully coordinated product systems which are suited for the cementation of a broad spectrum of different types of restoration. Both materials complement each other optimally: Variolink Esthetic is an aesthetic light- and dual-curing luting composite for the permanent cementation of demanding ceramic and composite restorations. aesthetic restorations. SpeedCEM Plus is a self-adhesive resin cement that is ideally suited for the cementation of opaque restorations made of zirconium oxide ceramics.


1 x Variolink Esthetic DC System Kit IPS e.max

FREE + 1 x OptraGate Small Refill/80* BUY

1 x Multilink Automix Refill 9g, any shade

FREE + 1 x Multilink Primer A+B Refill 2 x 3g*


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Homogeneous Formula - Fluor Protector S’s active ingredient is Ammonium fluoride. In solution the concentration is 7700ppm increases to just under 30,000ppm of fluoride after drying. Homogeneous meaning the fluoride content is evenly distributed throughout the product.


Fluor Protector S

Alkaline-soluble fluoride on the enamel surface one hour after the application of various fluoride varnishes 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

Low Viscosity - Excellent flow into fissures and interdentally, soaking into the enamel surface. Economical & Hygienic.

Fluor Protector S Duraphat*

Clinpro White Varnish*

Ml Varnish*

Bifluorid 10%*

(Ivoclar Vivadent, R&D 2011) *Not a registered trade mark of Ivoclar Vivadent AG

Delivery Form - Fluor Protector S’s dispensing tube allows precise dosing and minimises waste. One 7g tube is sufficient for 30 full adult dentitions. Aesthetics and Comfort - Fluor Protector S varnish is clear leading to better patient compliance. Colophony & Latex Free - It does not contain colophony, which is contraindicated in patients who have asthma or allergies, particularly if they have been hospitalised with their condition. Available with latex free packaging.


1 x OptraGate Assortment

FREE + 1 x Fluor Protector S Starter Kit 1 x 4g* BUY

1 x Cervitec F Refill tube, 7g 1 x Fluor Protector S Refill, 7g

FREE + 1 x OptraGate Junior Assortment* / blue + pink / 20+20*

Adhese Universal Adhese Universal is a single-component, light-cured adhesive for direct and indirect bonding procedures that features compatibility with all etching techniques: self-etch, selective-enamel-etch and total-etch. Adhese Universal is available in the unique VivaPen delivery form for fast and convenient direct intra-oral application with minimal waste to optimse cost-effectiveness.


1 x Adhese Universal System Kit VivaPen 1 x 2 ml

FREE + 1 x VivaPen Snap-On Cannulas Refill 100*

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Direct Restoratives Bond






Tetric EvoCeram is the universal composite for anterior and posterior restorations that affords outstanding aesthetics.

Bluephase Style Offers a high light intensity (new at 1,200 mW/cm2) for short curing times as well as a compact and ergonomic shape.

OptraPol Excellently suitable for polishing all popular composite restorations in a single step.

Fluor Protector S The protective fluoride varnish provides superior protection against dental caries and erosion

Bluephase Style 20i The cordless high-performance LED curing light. With extremely short curing times starting from only 5 seconds.

OptraGate retracts the lips and cheeks evenly and gently, allowing more effective, relative isolation of the treatment field.

Adhese Universal is a single-component, light-cured universal adhesive for direct and indirect bonding procedures.

OptraGate Junior In blue and pink helps to playfully ease the treatment and improve patient compliance during the treatment.

ExciTE F A light-curing, fluoride releasing, single-component total-etch adhesive.

Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill Offers excellent handling and has a pronounced “chameleon effect”aesthetics.

Syntac Classic bonding agent for a sound chemical bond between composite material and tooth structure.

Tetric EvoFlow Flowable when desired and stable as required. It may be used as a liner in Class I and II cavities and as a restorative material for filling small cavities and even Class V cavities.

OptraDam Plus Based on an innovative, three-dimenional technique to establish a completely dry treatment field.

Total Etch Used for enamel etching & dentin conditioning in conjunction with sealants, composite restorations and the adhesive luting of indirect all-ceramic or composite restorations.

Tetric EvoFlow Bulk Fill Flowable bulk-fill composite complements the successful Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill.

Bluephase Meter II A precise dental radiometer for the quick and easy verification of the light intensity of all types of curing lights.

AstroPol Polishing system is especially designed for the finishing, polishing and high-gloss polishing of composite and ceromer materials.

Helioseal A light-curing, white-shaded fissure sealant. The whiteshaded sealant permits easy control during application and at recalls.

Cervitec F Protective varnish enables fluoride application and germ control in only one working step.

Cervitec Gel Optimised care formula protects the teeth, gums, peri-implant tissue and mucous membrane. It prevents inflammation and it freshens breath.

Instruments Instuments

OptraSculpt NG Crafting modern and high-quality composite fillings is a challenge. Among other factors, it has a decisive influence on the longterm treatment success.

OptraSculpt Pad A modelling instrument with special foam pad attachments, which enable the efficient, nonstick application of composite filling materials.

IPS Empress Direct Highly aesthetic filling material for the anterior and posterior region – available in 32 shades.

Apexit Plus A radiopaque, non-shrinking root canal sealer paste that is based on calcium hydroxide.


Cervitec Plus The protective varnish containing chlorhexidine and thymol protects exposed root surfaces and controls bacteria.

Proxyt Pastes clean more effectively, yet still very gently.

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Fixed Prosthetics Prepare

Virtual Putty Vinyl polysiloxane impression materials specifically developed to meet the requirements of today’s most popular impression taking techniques.




IPS e.max CAD The highly aesthetic lithium disilicate glass-ceramic (LS2).

Programat CS2 The second generation of the Programat CS series is the ideal ceramic and crystallisation furnace for dentists.

IPS e.max CAD Crystall Universal range of stains and glazes designed for use with IPS e.max CAD, IPS e.max ZirCAD and IPS Empress CAD.

Pre Placement

Ivoclean Universal cleaning paste cleans the bonding surfaces after try-in.


Variolink Esthetic An aesthetic light- and dualcuring luting composite for the permanent cementation of demanding ceramic and composite restorations.


Virtual 380 The two consistencies Heavy Body and Monophase are now offered as Virtual 380 in new, large cartridges.

IPS Empress CAD Are leucite-reinforced high-performance blocks for the CAD/CAM technology. IPS Empress CAD provides a balanced chameleon effect.

Programat CS3 The ideal ceramic and crystallisation furnace for dentists with higher demands.

Optrafine High-performance diamond polishing system for ceramic materials.

Monobond Etch & Prime Self-etching single-component ceramic primer for glassceramics.

SpeedCEM Plus Self-adhesive resin cement ideal for zirconium oxide restorations.

Monobond Plus is the universal primer for the conditioning of all types of restoration surfaces.

Multilink Automix A universal self-curing luting composite with optional light-curing.


Tetric CAD An aesthetic composite block for the efficient fabrication of single-tooth restorations.

Programat CS4 The ideal sintering, crystallisation and glazing furnace for dental practices.

IPS e.max ZirCAD The high strength zirconium oxide ceramic.

Programat P310 Compact design, the Programat P310 focuses on the essentials and is therefore the optimal furnace for the daily lab routine.

Temporary Products

Telio Inlay/Onlay Light-curing single-component materials for quick and easy application.

Telio CAD The CAD/CAM solution for the fabrication of long-term temporaries.

Telio C&B Telio CS C&B is the chairside component of the Telio system.

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Telio CS Link Dual-curing highly translucent temporary luting material.

Telio CS Desensitiser Telio CS Desensitizer is a clear desensitizing solution for reducing or preventing dentinal hypersensitivity.


ALL YOU NEED FOR RESTORATIONS IN A SINGLE VISIT The coordinated products out of one hand cover an extensive range of indications and offer all that is needed for treatment in a single visit. The benefits: durable, aesthetic and accurate restorations paired with efficient and time-saving workflows.

1 Average biaxial flexural strength, over a period of 10 years 2 Typical mean value of biaxial flexural strength of IPS e.max ZirCAD LT 3 Typical mean value of biaxial flexural strength R&D Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein


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IPS e.max CAD 3 x IPS e.max CAD (HT, MT, LT, MO) C14/I12 (5pcs each)

FREE + 1 x Monobond Etch & Prime Refill 5g* BUY

3 x IPS e.max CAD Refills for CEREC and inLab, 5pcs each (HT, MT, LT, MO) I12

FREE + 1 x Tetric CAD Refills, 5pcs each (HT, MT) I12* BUY

3 x IPS e.max CAD Refills for CEREC and inLab, 5pcs each (HT, MT, LT, MO) C14

FREE + 1 x Tetric CAD Refills, 5pcs each (HT, MT) C14*


4 x IPS e.max CAD for CEREC and inLab, 5 pcs each, same size and same translucency (HT, MT, LT, MO) C14/I12

FREE + and get 1 pc. of the same size

and same translucency for free*

IPS e.max ZirCAD BUY

4 x IPS e.max ZirCAD LT C17 (5 pcs each), any shade

FREE + 1 x Ivoclean Refill 5g*

+ 1 x SpeedCEM Plus Refill yellow, opaque or transparent 9g*


3 x IPS Empress CAD for CEREC and inLab, 5 pcs each, same size and same translucency

FREE + and get 1 pc. of the same size and

same translucency for free*

Tetric CAD BUY

3 x Tetric CAD Refills, 5 pcs each

FREE + 1 x Adhese Univ. System Kit VivaPen 1 x 2 ml*

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Programat CS2 CS2 Advantages: • Colour touch screen and proven membrane-sealed keypad • QTK2 muffle technology with SiC bottom reflector • Easy operation; specially developed for use in the dental practice • Automatic double-range temperature calibration (ATK2) • Remote diagnostics via Internet, e-mail and data log files • Software updates via USB flash drive • Power-saving technology • OSD display • Integrated tong holder • Double valve vacuum technology


1 x Programat CS2

FREE + 1 x Vacuum Pump VP5*

+ 1 x IPS e.max CAD Crystallization Kit*

Programat CS3

CS3 Advantages: • Firing and crystallisation furnace with integrated DSA function for the digital analysis of the tooth shade. • Colour touch screen in combination with the proven mem brane-sealed keypad. • Operating concept specially developed for the dental practice. • QTK2 muffle technology with SiC bottom reflector • Automatic double-range calibration (ATK2): • Integrated power-save function (Power-Save Technology) • OSD display • Programat WLAN Kit for wireless data transfer (software updates, PrograBase x 10) • Modern interfaces (USB, ethernet, SD card reader) • Double valve vacuum technology


1 x Programat CS3

FREE + 1 x Vacuum Pump VP5*

+ 1 x IPS e.max CAD Crystallization Kit*


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HARMONIOUS RESULTS WITH IPS E.MAX ZIRCAD MT MULTI The polychromatic IPS e.max ZirCAD MT Multi discs provide an ideal blend of high strength and natural aesthetics. Their exceptional properties are based on two decisive factors: the special material composition and the integrated progression of shade and translucency. Unlike other zirconia discs available on the market, IPS e.max ZirCAD MT Multi is composed of two different basic materials: 4Y-TZP with medium translucency (MT) and 5Y-TZP with high translucency (HT). The unique combination of these two components provide the discs with an optimum brightness in the dentin area and high translucency in the incisal area. In addition, the discs offer a high flexural strength of 850 MPa (typical mean value) and are suitable for the fabrication of three-unit bridges in the posterior region (Type II, Class 4 material). 5Y-TZP



Layer thickness 1 mm




Layer thicknes

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20% Incisal zone 20% Transition zone

60% Dentin zone


4Y-TZP Layer thickness 1 mm Layer thickness 1 mm

The IPS e.max ZirCAD MT Multi discs feature a balanced progression of shade and translucency. The progression is modelled on the dentin and enamel layers of the natural tooth and produces an accurate match to the A-D shade guide. Given their outstanding aesthetic properties, IPS e.max ZirCAD MT Multi restorations can be finalised easily and efficiently using the glazing technique. It goes without saying that the restorations can additionally be customised using the materials of the IPS Ivocolor range in the staining technique or the Effect Liquids in the infiltration technique - as wished or required.

IPS e.max ZirCAD BUY

3 x IPS e.max ZirCAD LT 10mm, any shade or 3 x IPS e.max ZirCAD LT 12mm, any shade or 3 x IPS e.max ZirCAD LT 14mm, any shade or 3 x IPS e.max ZirCAD LT 16mm, any shade or 3 x IPS e.max ZirCAD LT 18mm, any shade or 3 x IPS e.max ZirCAD LT 20mm, any shade or 3 x IPS e.max ZirCAD LT 25mm, any shade or 3 x IPS e.max ZirCAD MT 14mm, any shade or 3 x IPS e.max ZirCAD MT 18mm, any shade or 3 x IPS e.max ZirCAD MT Multi 16mm, any shade or 3 x IPS e.max ZirCAD MT Multi 20mm, any shade


1 x pc. of the same product for free*


5 x Viteo Base, any shade and any size


1 x Multilink Hybrid Abutment Refill HO 0* or 1 x Multilink Hybrid Abutment Refill MO 0*


5 x Viteo Base, any shade and any size


and get 1 pc. of the same shade and size free*


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Telio CAD Telio CAD are cross-linked PMMA blocks and discs. This material allows you to produce temporary crowns, bridges and hybrid abutment crowns. The industrial polymerisation process makes the material very homogeneous. This means Telio CAD can be easily processed.


3 x Telio CAD LT Discs 16mm / 1, any shade or 3 x Telio CAD LT Discs 20mm / 1, any shade or 3 x Telio CAD LT Discs 25mm / 1, any shade

FREE 1 x pc. of the same product for free*

Colado CAD Colado CAD Ti2 are pure titanium discs. They are suitable for the production of crowns and bridge frameworks for the anterior and posterior region. Depending on the situation and the indication, you can use the light-curing laboratory composite SR Nexco to veneer the restorations. The CTE range of Colado CAD Ti2 is 9.6 x 10-6/K. Colado CAD Ti5 are discs made from a titanium alloy. Use these discs to mill crowns, large-span bridges and implant-supported superstrucutres. The laboratory composite SR Nexco allows you to veneer restorations individually according to the patient’s requirements. The CTE range of Colado CAD Ti5 is 10.3 x 10-6/K.

3 x Colado CAD CoCr4 98.5-8mm / 1 or 3 x Colado CAD CoCr4 98.5-10mm / 1 or 3 x Colado CAD CoCr4 98.5-12mm / 1 or 3 x Colado CAD CoCr4 98.5-13.5mm / 1 or 3 x Colado CAD CoCr4 98.5-15mm / 1 or 3 x Colado CAD CoCr4 98.5-18mm / 1 or 3 x Colado CAD CoCr4 98.5-20mm / 1 or 3 x Colado CAD CoCr4 98.5-24.5mm / 1 FREE 1 x pc. of the same product for free* BUY


3 x Colado CAD Ti5 98.5-8mm / 1 or 3 x Colado CAD Ti5 98.5-10mm / 1 or 3 x Colado CAD Ti5 98.5-12mm / 1 or 3 x Colado CAD Ti5 98.5-13.5mm / 1 or 3 x Colado CAD Ti5 98.5-15mm / 1 or 3 x Colado CAD Ti5 98.5-18mm / 1 or 3 x Colado CAD Ti5 98.5-20mm / 1 or 3 x Colado CAD Ti2 98.5-8mm / 1 or 3 x Colado CAD Ti2 98.5-10mm / 1 or 3 x Colado CAD Ti2 98.5-12mm / 1 or 3 x Colado CAD Ti2 98.5-13.5mm / 1 or 3 x Colado CAD Ti2 98.5-15mm / 1


1 x pc. of the same product for free*

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EMBRACING THE DIGITAL EVOLUTION IN REMOVABLE PROSTHETICS Eric Kukucka, DD, explains the step-by-step process of restoring an edentulous patient, from initial preliminary records to the final prosthesis, using the Ivoclar Digital Denture System. Calling it a fundamental change to his approach to denture fabrication, the system consists of the CAD software for scanning and design, digital denture materials, innovative tools and workflow options and a CAM platform that gives the user total control.

Appointment 1 Clinical Steps

Preliminary impressions are taken using an AccuDent XD thermoplastic stock tray in conjunction with AccuDent XD impression material. You can also use Virtual XD PVS, which is more suitable for those without access to a scanner due to the dimensional stability of the material. (All three are Ivoclar Vivadent products.)


Preliminary jaw relation record is taken using the Ivoclar Vivadent Centric Tray.

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Occlusal plane: The Centric Tray is used in conjunction with the UTS CAD, a tool similar to a Fox Occlusal Plane used to capture the patient’s occlusal plane. The planes of the instrument are aligned with the patient’s Camper’s plane and the bipupillary line, and the instrument’s numeric values are recorded and transferred to the design software. The maxillary and mandibular impressions, Centric Tray bite and UTS CAD measurements are sent to the laboratory.

Laboratory Steps

The trays are milled using the ProArt CAD Try-in Disc. These trays are designed to have a uniform relief of 2mm, allowing me to incorporate the final impression material for the functional impression that will be taken.

If preferred, wax occlusal rims can be milled using the ProArt CAD Wax Disc.

Appointment 2 Clinical Steps

Functional impressions: Using Virtual XD PVS material, functional impressions are taken. The initial impression is done using heavy body around the borders followed by a light body wash of the entire tissue-bearing surface.

Custom Impression Trays: The maxillary and mandibular impressions and Centric Tray records are scanned with the 3Shape D900 scanner and brought into the Ivoclar Vivadent Digital Denture Professional Add-on software. The scans are merged and virtual models are displayed on the screen; the UTS CAD measurements are input into the software to orient the virtual models to the virtual UTS CAD and the patient’s Camper’s plane and bipupillary line. Custom closed-mouth impression trays are designed and the virtual Gnathometer CAD centric recording device is incorporated into the design of the trays.

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Scan and design: The final maxillary and mandibular functional impressions and centric record are scanned as one piece. The virtual models and bite registration are displayed and the UTS CAD measurements are reentered into the software to verify the occlusal plane. The desired denture teeth and occlusal scheme are selected and all 28 teeth appear in the virtual model setup in bilateral balanced occlusion. The setup can be adjusted by moving individual teeth to create the desired aesthetics. UTS CAD record and bite registration: The UTS CAD is positioned between the maxillary and mandibular trays to reconfirm the bipupillary line and Camper’s plane measurements. The UTS CAD is removed and the Gnathometer CAD components are snapped onto the trays so the bite can be taken.

The gingiva is placed and contoured using the wax modeling tool. I also have the ability to replicate the natural rugae and create a base thickness.

The bite registration is fixed in place by injecting Virtual Bite registration material between the upper and lower rims.

Try-in: Using the ProArt CAD Try-in disc, a fully functional monoblock try-in is milled. If a wax try-in is desired, it can be milled using the ProArt CAD Wax disc; this option also allows you to invest and process the final denture using conventional methods such as IvoBase or Ivocap injection processing.

Appointment 3 There is also the option to take the bite registration using the milled Wax Rim.

Clinical Steps

Tooth and shade selection: I selected Phonares II B82 with Phonares II Lingual.

Laboratory Steps

Try-in verification of aesthetics and phonetics: In this case, I used a monoblock try-in. A layer of wax was added to the tissue area to differentiate the gingival margin and the apex of the tooth to facilitate patient acceptance. After getting the patient’s approval on the aesthetics, function and phonetics, no modifications to the try-in are required. I then proceed to finalising the prosthesis.


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Laboratory Steps

Appointment 4

Milling the final denture: The software splits the final design file into two parts - the denture base and the denture teeth - and then you have two fabrication options for the final prosthesis: the oversize milling process (see below for more details) or using premanufactured denture teeth, which is the process I used for this case.

Clinical Steps The prosthesis is delivered to the patient, at which time all centric and eccentric contacts are assessed. As you can see, the patient is very pleased with the prosthesis.

Using the IvoBase CAD disc, one side of the denture base is milled with the tooth sockets into which premanufactured denture teeth are individually bonded using IvoBase CAD bond. The disc is then re-inserted into the mill to finalize the intaglio and basal surface. The prosthesis is separated from the disc and the excess bonding material is cleaned with a dental handpiece and polished for delivery. This image shows the final prosthesis with a bonded tooth workflow. To enhance aesthetics, the gingiva is characterised using SR Nexco.

Eric Kukucka Eric Kukucka, DD, is President of The Denture Center, a network of three denture clinics in Ontario. A practicing denturist, Kukucka is a consultant and key opinion leader for Ivoclar Vivadent and Nobel Biocare, author and lecturer. He graduated from George Brown College of Applied Arts & Technology with Dean’s List Honors in 2010 and was the valedictorian of his class. Author’s Note: Special thanks to Bill Barton, CDT, TE, Dr. Frank Lauciello and Ivoclar Vivadent for their collaboration on this case; Grant Thompson, DD, who took all the photographs; and the patient, Doug Roberts. Reprinted with permission from February 2018 LMT,



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The Oversize Milling Process Renders a Virtually Monolithic Denture As part of its Digital Denture System, Ivoclar Vivadent has developed a unique patent-pending method, the “Oversize Milling Process”, to mill the final denture. It incorporates a milled monolithic arch of denture teeth, reduces labor time and increases the strength of the prosthetic teeth. This workflow is also ideal in situations involving reduced interocclusal space, where the bonded teeth would typically penetrate through the intaglio drastically; immediate dentures; and both removable and fixed implant restorations. Using the Ivoclar Digital Professional Add-on Software and a mill with Ivoclar Digital CAM V4 software, the denture base is milled from the IvoBase CAD disc to approximately 80% of its final size with the tooth sockets milled to their final precise size. The next step is to mill the SR Vivodent CAD, a disc made of DCL (Double Cross Linked) resin-material and approved for the fabrication of permanent denture teeth. A monolithic tooth arch is milled to approximately 80% of its final size with the tooth necks milled to their final size so the arch precisely fits into the sockets of the denture base. The tooth arch is then cut from the disc and bonded to the denture base using the Ivobase CAD Bond. The combined tooth arch and denture base disc is milled again to final size to clean up the excess bonding material and fine tune the occlusion, creating a final denture that’s virtually monolithic.



Complete workflow from Ivoclar Vivadent GATWICK - DUBLIN - BIRMINGHAM - YARM




Digital Denture is a manufacturing process which combines the digital production of removable dentures in the dental lab with established treatment steps in the dental practice. Ivoclar Vivadent now offers a complete process for the production of removable dentures to provide predictable and consistent results. Based on 3Shape software and combined with Ivoclar Digital materials and PrograMill milling equipment; Ivoclar Vivadent has been at the forefront of developing an aesthetic, accurate and systematic approach to Digital Dentures, building upon their proven Bio-functional Prosthetic System (BPS) concept. This 2-hour lecture will give dentists and technicians an insight into Digital BPS from both a Clinical and Technical perspective Regional Manager Vicken Hatsakordzian & CDT and Removable Specialist Carl Fenwick form the Ivoclar Vivadent Digital Denture team. Their 2-hour CPD course is a must for all dental professionals who want a greater understanding of this new treatment option. SCAN TO FIND OUT FULL INFO AND DETAILS ABOUT THE DIGITAL DENTURE LECTURES


Vicken Hatsakordzian

Carl Fenwick

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SR Vivodent S PE is a distinctive anterior tooth for sophisticated needs. The PE layers and high shade intensity impart a very lifelike appearance.

Exceptional design Each of the 16 upper and 8 lower moulds is specifically designed to suit the characteristics of each individual tooth. The moulds fulfil the essential requirements of modern denture teeth.


Highly cross-linked DCL material The new teeth are made entirely of highly cross-linked DCL polymer (Double Cross-Linked). This material displays a higher compressive strength but a similar flexibility to that of conventional PMMA. As a result, extended denture longevity can be expected.

60 x SR Vivodent S PE set of 6, any shade + 20 x SR Orthotyp S PE set of 8, any shade

FREE + 1 x SR Vivodent S PE Shade Guide*

+ 1 x tooth Cabinet with 4 Drawers*

Ivobase Injector IvoBase Injector permits a fully automated, controlled injection and polymerisation procedure of special PMMA resins which are coordinated with the system. The chemical shrinkage of the resin is entirely compensated during polymerisation thanks to the patented temperature control in the flask and the heater. This enables the fabrication of denture bases featuring high accuracy of fit and precision. The injector has been especially developed for the IvoBase material and permits excellent restorations. The IvoBase Injector can also be used for the tried-and-tested SR Ivocap material.


1 x IvoBase Injector

FREE + 1 x IvoBase Flask Set*

+ 1 x IvoBase Hybrid Kit 20 Pink-V* + 1 x IvoBase HI Kit 20 Pink-V*

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SR Vivodent S PE

IPS e.max Ceram & Press IPS e.max Ceram is a versatile layering ceramic for lithium disilicate and zirconium oxide. They provide reliable results regardless of whether a standard layering scheme or a demanding high-end layering design with lively dynamic light effects is required. The classic dentin and incisal materials are optimally matched to restorations with more opaque substructures that reflect more light. The relationship between brightness and chroma is well balanced to achieve an ideal match with the A–D shade guide. IPS e.max Ceram The range has now been extended to include IPS e.max Ceram Power Dentin and Power Incisal materials. These specially coloured layering materials offer a heightened level of brightness for cases that require it. The desired brightness can be achieved even on translucent substructures without having to modify the layering scheme. The range of Gingiva materials has also been extended and now includes the new layering materials IPS e.max Ceram Gingiva BG 34 and IPS e.max Ceram Intensive Gingiva IG 5. They round out the Gingiva Solutions system. Expressive and versatile characterisations can now be added to these restorations with the new universal staining system IPS Ivocolor.

PS e.max Press are lithium disilicate glassceramic ingots for the press technique. The innovative IPS e.max Press lithium disilicate glass-ceramic (LS2) offers excellent fit, form and function combined with high strength of 500 MPa. The material is supplied in four levels of translucency and two sizes. The resulting restorations exhibit lifelike aesthetics, independent of the shade of the preparations. IPS e.max System IPS e.max Press is used to produce single-tooth restorations, bridges for the anterior and premolar region and implant superstructures. Minimally invasive inlays and onlays (1 mm) and thin veneers (0.3 mm) round out the indication range. The two investment materials IPS PressVEST and IPS PressVEST Speed are available for processing IPS e.max Press. A wide selection of ingots is offered from which users can choose the one that suits their preferred processing technique (staining, cut-back or layering technique) and the case at hand (e.g. discolored preparation). The restorations are characterised or veneered with matching staining materials or layering ceramic from the IPS e.max Ceram assortment. The press material for the fabrication of fullcontour restorations is available in 16 A-D and four Bleach BL shades. The materials for the layering technique are supplied in group shades.

The new IPS e.max Shade Navigation App finds the correct shade and level of translucency for all IPS e.max restorations. All the important factors that influence the overall shade design are taken into account. It is the interplay of these factors that results in the overall shade effect.



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IPS PressVEST Premium Its high stability permits the processing of materials with different expansion behavior including milled and printed wax or resin as well as conventional build-up wax. Additional benefits include minimal reaction layer and highly accurate details and fit.


1 x IPS PressVEST Premium Powder, 5kg 1 x IPS PressVEST Premium Liquid, 1l

FREE + 1 x IPS e.max Press Refill, 5 pcs, any shade*








3 x IPS e.max Press Refill, 5 pcs each, same size and same translucency


and get 1 pc. of the same size and same translucency for free*


4 x IPS e.max Press Refill, 5 pcs each, any shade

FREE + 1 x IPS e.max Press Multi Refill, 5 pcs, any shade* BUY

6 x IPS e.max Ceram, 20g, Dentin or Incisal any shade

FREE + 1 x IPS e.max Press Refill, 5 pcs any shade*

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IPS Style The patented metal-ceramic material IPS Style offers dental labs maximum efficiency, easy handling and lifelike aesthetics. This is the first material in the history of dental ceramics to contain oxyapatite crystals. These crystals reflect a high amount of incident light and therefore give restorations a natural-looking depth. Oxyapatite crystals are contained in all the shaded components, ranging from the opaquer to the incisal materials. This allows the translucency or opacity of the restoration to be controlled as needed. The additionally contained leucite and fluorapatite crystals and the coordinated glass phases impart this low-fusing mixed-glass ceramic with unique handling and optical properties. Benefits • Optimised shrinkage behaviour and therefore high stability during the firing of the materials • Versatile modelling properties and individualised handling of the layering materials • Oxyapatite crystals for lifelike translucency and depth effect Indication • Conventional single and multiple layer veneering ceramic for the most popular dental alloys (including electroplating) in the CTE range of 13.8 – 15.2 x 10-6/K (25 – 500°C) • Veneers on refractory die material IPS Style comprises components for single and multiple layer techniques. The materials are all matched to the stains and glazes of the versatile IPS Ivocolor assortment.


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15 x IPS Style Ceram Refill, 100g each, any shade



FREE + 6 x IPS Ivocolor Essence, 1.8g* each

+ 6 x IPS Ivocolor Shade Dentin, 3g* each + 3 x IPS Ivocolor Glaze Paste, 3g* each BUY

15 x IPS Style Ceram Refill, 20g each, Dentin or Incisal, any shade

FREE + 2 x IPS Ivocolor Essence, 1.8g* each

+ 2 x IPS Ivocolor Shade Dentin, 3g* each + 1 x IPS Ivocolor Glaze Paste, 3g*

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Furncae blog post

So, you need a new furnace? But you’re uncertain about the model. What should you take into consideration when buying a new furnace? The selection is vast and making a decision can be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. We have outlined the following five considerations to save you time and money and will hopefully make your choice much easier.

1. Firing behaviour and firing quality The most important aspect in a dental furnace is the way in which it will influence the firing behaviour and firing quality of ceramics. The temperature within the furnace should be evenly distributed and a furnace should be equipped with QTK muffle technology and a reflecting floor to help spread the heat evenly throughout the firing chamber. In addition, automatic double range temperature calibration involving two melting points (680 and 962° C) will ensure accurate firing of high and low-fusing ceramics. These are ideal prerequisites for achieving the best possible ceramic firing results

2. Infrared – a sensor for successful results If you’re afraid that a lack of process reliability in firing procedures could harm the consistency of the quality you aim to offer, then a furnace with built-in infrared technology will offer you peace of mind. This type of technology will allow you to achieve more reliable and in some cases faster firing results, thereby increasing your efficiency. Best of all, you will benefit from the advantages offered by the infrared technology during the preheating of the ceramic in particular. The pre-drying process controlled by the IRT feature will reduce the risk of cracks occurring in the ceramic during the closing process.

3. Handling – as easy as possible Is the furnace you have been using too fiddly and difficult to handle? In that case, perhaps you should be looking for an easy-to-use and intuitively operated model. We recommend looking for a furnace with a large, movable colour touchscreen, which will allow you to operate the unit without any fuss, using the same type of icon controls which you know from your mobile phone.


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Furncae blog post

4. Energy-saving function: for the benefit of the environment Are you looking for a furnace that offers you helpful extras for greater flexibility and freedom? Two examples are presented below: You may want to look at a furnace that has an energy-saving function. Certain furnaces automatically switch over to a stand-by mode to save up to 40% energy. All you have to do is press a button and you are on your way to saving electricity and using other valuable resources efficiently and responsibly. In the process, you will protect the environment and reduce your electricity bill at the same time. Long-lasting, robust technology with high-quality components will ensure a long life and a good return on investment. As a result, Ivoclar Vivadent extends a warranty of up to three years on the company’s equipment.

5. Shade determination – leave nothing to chance Do you sometimes have the feeling that shade determination with a conventional shade guide is not always 100% correct? There is a way around this problem. Some furnace models can actually help with the shade selection process. The dentist takes a picture of the selected shades and the natural teeth with a smartphone and sends it to the laboratory. This is particularly useful when the dental practice and the laboratory are quite far apart and the patient may not be able to go to the laboratory to have the tooth shade determined. The DSA (Digital Shade Assistant) software of the furnace determines the final tooth shade, which is then reproduced in the ceramic. The DSA system does the work for you and minimises the risk of selecting an incorrect tooth shade.

Conclusion: If you are worried about how to finance the perfect furnace, you should know that excellent furnaces are available in a variety of categories and you don’t have to choose the most sophisticated model. Try to establish the features that are indispensable to you, the price you can afford and are willing to pay. Good firing behaviour and easy handling are the paramount features. Other than that, we are sure that good judgement will guide you. Ivoclar Vivadent have a variety of dental furnace offers available until 31st January 2019. please turn over.

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Programat Ceramic Furnaces The current Programat furnace platform offers users a choice of three innovative models to suit their specific requirements. The Programat P310 meets the requirements for a straightforward ceramic furnace without too many additional functions. The Programat P510 has been designed for daily use and features an integrated infrared camera and a host of additional innovative features. The Programat P710 is the premium furnace in the X10 series designed to meet the most exacting requirements. It leaves virtually nothing to be desired. All three furnaces are equipped with the QTK2 muffle technology and SiC bottom reflector to ensure optimum firing results.

Various communication interfaces (USB, Ethernet, SD card, WLAN, Bluetooth, etc)

FEATURES • PDF viewer • Large cooling tray • Modern acoustic signals • OSD 2 operating and progress display • Multimedia capabilities (pictures, MP3, videos) • Easy operation via colour touch screen • Diverse diagnostics, maintenance and test programs • Integrated timer

Automatic double-range temperature calibration (ATK2) Vacuum parameter assistant for automatic parameter selection Infrared thermal imaging camera DSA – Digital Shade Assistant for digital shade matching QTK2 muffle technology for a homogeneous heat distribution


1 x Programat P510

FREE + 1 x Vacuum Pump VP5*

+ 1 x IPS Ivocolor Starter Kit*

Up to 700 individual programs


1 x Programat P310

FREE + 1 x Vacuum Pump VP5*

1 x Programat P710

FREE + 1 x Vacuum Pump VP5*

+ 1 x IPS Ivocolor Starter Kit*

+ 1 x IPS Ivocolor Starter Kit*


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The Programat EP 3010 is characterised by cost effectiveness and high-quality press and firing results. In addition, the Programat EP 3010 is optimally coordinated with Ivoclar Vivadent press ceramic materials such as IPS e.max Press. In comparison to its predecessor model EP 3000, the operation of the Programat EP 3010 has become even simpler due to the new colour touch display, the modern icons, the intuitive menu-based navigation and the proven membrane-sealed keypad.


1 x Programat EP 5010

FREE + 1 x Vacuum Pump VP5*

+ 1 x IPS Ivocolor Starter Kit*

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Programat Press Furnaces The Programat EP 5010 combines hightech and modern design in a very efficient and user-friendly furnace. In addition, the Programat EP 5010 is optimally coordinated with Ivoclar Vivadent press ceramic materials such as IPS e.max Press. The Programat EP 5010 is a premium combination furnace of the latest generation of the Programat series and may be used as both a press and a ceramic furnace. This highly innovative, efficient and user-friendly furnace model optimally combines sophisticated design and advanced technology.


1 x Programat EP 3010

FREE + 1 x Vacuum Pump VP5*

+ 1 x IPS Ivocolor Starter Kit*




The SKYN Concept has been running for almost five years and well-established in 13 countries. It was first introduced after Dr Paulo Kano had the idea to copy natural teeth manually and Co-Developer of Digital Smile Design, Livio Yoshinaga, introduced a digital format, bringing this notion to life. Livio wanted to create a digital database of natural teeth so there wouldn’t be a need to recreate or sculpt the teeth with a mouse. Livio’s idea has since been developed by a team, including Tautvydas Butkus and Dr Robbie Hughes, under the concept of being able to replicate SKYN to others and to scale up the art of dentistry, which is not sculpting the teeth by hand but copying the nature through the database.

From left to right Livio Yoshinaga, co-developer of SKYN Concept Fabricio Guarnieri, Head of Clinical Education

We spoke to Tautvydas Butkus, who joined Livio and the SKYN movement over 18 months ago. Tautvydas owns Smile Design Laboratory as well as SKYN Lab UK, he also runs International courses and is speaking next at the SKYN International Symposium in Barcelona. With immense experience in Digital Dentistry, Tautvydas had his own vision on how to assist Livio to design, develop and improve the SKYN concept and technique. Here Tautvydas talks us through the benefits of this to both dentists and patients, as well as how to be amongst the first UK dental professionals to gain official certification.

In the vast field of dentistry today, what is SKYN concept and who is it for?

From left to right Tautvydas Butkus and Dr Robbie Hughes help to form the SKYN Concept Team.


SKYN Concept is a complete digital workflow, designed for and performed by dentists in regards to all clinical procedures as well as the Lab protocol. It advises the dentist on how to organise and operate their dental practise. Complete with a step-by-step process; from diagnosis, planning and selling as well as executing the clinical steps to deliver precise and high quality digital dentistry.

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How does the SKYN concept benefit the dentist? The major benefit for dentists is that they will no longer be depending on time-consuming processes to order teeth or restorations. The digital protocol will deliver high quality at a higher speed, this will also affect their costs as the digital manufacturing process is much simpler and demands less people. Dentists will also benefit by offering a totally new experience for their patients, a non-conventional environment from the start as the first visit is conducted in the Design Room. Faster turnover and higher quality will deliver a much more enjoyable relationship with their digital laboratory.

How else does this benefit the patient? For the patient, the major rewards are the quality of restoration and time in which they will be treated. Digital is more predictable than hand-made restorations and patients can now participate in the design process by choosing their style of teeth.

What is unique about the SKYN Concept compared to alternative workflows? Starting from answering the phone, SKYN Concept focuses on delivering health instead of disease, this means aesthetics, although most of our patients also need a better bite/occlusion. It is through aesthetics that dentists can improve their communication. Surgeries and invasive procedures will be better accepted if their patient is fully motivated. The workflow continues with an Initial scan, where just 1 photo and 1 video is enough. Mock-up design in the computer will be delivered in less than 48hs, and after prep’s, the final restorations will be delivered in a maximum of five days. Straightforward protocol, fully digital and much more predictable.

How do you educate dentists who want to become clinically certified? Our first UK SKYN Certification course: Art & Technology in Digital Technology, took place over three days in June earlier this year with our next one in November. This takes place at Dr Robbie Hughes’s practice, Dental Excellence UK, as Robbie teaches the clinical side of SKYN. The first day is based around theoretical lectures and a live patient first visit. The following two days is practical and delegates will need to perform hand-on sessions in different areas whilst we treat the same patient from day 1 to show you every step of the process. Upon completion, we will officially certify you as a SKYN Certified Clinician. To find out more about SKYN Concept or book on to their next course: Art & Technology in Digital Dentistry, 23rd-25th November, please visit:

Live Patient Demonstration in last course, June



For this case, we have used IPS Empress CAD Multi B1 shade. Luting composite, Variolink Esthetic, and also Ivocolor stains to achieve a 3D stain. The restorations were stained, glazed and hand polished by Tautvydas to provide the patient with a natural glossy appearance.

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2018 EDUCATION IPS e.max CAD Monolithic – Module 1 Tutor: Leo James Dates: 13th September • 6th December Location: ICDE, Leicester, LE19 4SD





This practical course focuses on working with IPS e.max CAD, a unique material known for its unparalleled aesthetics, strength and flexibility. It is suitable for the efficient fabrication of full-contour restorations and is known for its versatile application options, comprehensive range of indications and for its high strength of 530 MPa. Delegates will be guided through a co-ordinated approach, efficiently producing their own all-ceramic restorations, utilising the latest digital workflows and characterisation techniques now available to the dental team.

IPS e.max Press Multi – Abutment Solutions Tutor: Rob Lynock





Dates: 20th November, 4th December Location: ICDE, Leicester, LE19 4SD


The IPS e.max Press Multi ingots revolutionise the press technique, composed of the clinically proven lithium disilicate glass-ceramic and show a graduated level of shade and translucency similar to that of natural teeth. Our technical trainer Rob Lynock with lecture on efficient technical processes to maximise the aesthetic potential of the IPS e.max Press Multi for anterior and posterior custom implant abutment solutions.

Mi Expert Symposium Tutors: Adam Nulty, Ash Parmar, Chris McConnell, Quintus van Tonder, Lance Knight Date: 13th October Location: The Lowry, Greater Manchester, M50 3AZ





Ivoclar Vivadent’s full-day event will educate dental professionals on how to achieve outstanding cosmetic results with techniques leaning on minimal intervention. Industry leading dentists, Chris McConnell, Ash Parmar, Lance Knight, Adam Nulty and Quintus van Tonder will present a series of lectures which will explore this philosophy and demonstrate predictable, aesthetic and efficient treatment options for your patients.

Digital Denture: Complete workflow from Ivoclar Vivadent Evening Lecture



Tutors: Vicken Hatsakordzian & Carl Fenwick Dates: 19 September • 13th November • 21st November • 5th December Locations: Gatwick • Dublin • Birmingham • Yarm



Delegates will be given an insight into the Clinical and Technical steps which make up the workflow of Ivoclar Vivadent’s Digital Denture system. This includes; primary and secondary impression techniques, combined with the proven Bio-functional Prosthetic System strategy. This 2-hour CPD course is a must for all dental professionals who want a greater understanding of this new treatment option.

BDIA Dental Showcase Date: 4th-6th October Location: London Excel, E16 1XL





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Programill PM7


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EDUCATION: 0116 284 7886 MARKETING: 0116 284 7888 SERVICE: 0116 284 7885 INTERNAL SALES: 0116 284 7880 DIGITAL SUPPORT: 00800 7000 70 80

*Will be delivered to you directly by Ivoclar Vivadent AG. Changes and possible errors are reserved. The special offers are valid until 31/01/2019 – as long as stocks last. These offers cannot be combined with any other promotional offers or special pricing. Your order with your data will be forwarded to your dealer and will be considered binding once the agreement between you and your dealer regarding the prices and conditions has been concluded. The special offers can only be obtained from participating dealers. All free items will be sent on receipt of copy invoice, send copy invoices to, please allow 28 days for delivery. Ivoclar Vivadent processes your personal data for customer care, order processing and marketing purposes within the scope of its own ordinary business activities, if necessary in cooperation with its affiliated companies (available at You have the right to object to this processing at any time by contacting In the event of an objection, your personal data will be deleted unless it its stipulated by law to be stored beyond this time. E&EO

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