2002.3.25 女 0905172774
台中私立葳格高級中學國中部 市長獎畢業
台中市立臺中工業高級中等學校 市長獎畢業
統測全國榜首錄取台灣科技大學 建築系
Technische Universität Braunschweig 交換學生
Autodesk Revit Architecture ACU國際認證
中華民國技術士證 印前製程乙級
中華民國技術士證 印前製程丙級
大墨聯合建築師事務所 建築設計部
漣漪室內設計事務所 室內設計部
IDEA 2022 Finalist
Young Ones ADC 2022 Shortlist
AMP 2022 Honorable Mention
第27屆 時報廣告金犢獎 Shortlist
第28屆 時報廣告金犢獎 Shortlist
全國技能競賽-平面設計技術 中區分賽 殿軍
全國技能競賽-平面設計技術 全國決賽 參賽
107 全國學生美術比賽 初賽 銅牌
107 全國學生美術比賽 決賽 佳作
108 全國學生美術比賽 初賽 佳作
第9屆 特力家居盃設計大賽 佳作
第2屆 PVQC 專業英文能力大賽 銅牌
多益 905 分
PVQC專業英文詞彙能力國際認證 TIER 4
全民英檢 中級
110學年度第1學期 書卷獎
111學年度第1學期 書卷獎
2022 台科大赴尼泊爾USR計畫人員
我是一個積極正向有活力的人,對自我要求 嚴格,對於課業也認真地看待,喜歡挑戰自己 嘗試新鮮事物,喜歡在挑戰中學習,NO PAIN
NO GAIN 是我激勵自己的一句話,對於陌生害 怕的新事物應該正面的看待,困難的克服便是 能力的提升!
高中因為對於設計有興趣所以放棄當時考取 的第一志願台中女中,進入了台中高工圖文傳 播科就讀,高中時期非常努力的學習,不論是 術科繪畫或是學業成績都是科排名第一名,並 且非常幸運地獲選為全國技能競賽平面設計的 選手,參加了第四十九屆國技能競賽並獲得第 四名;在統測時也很幸運,能夠發揮平常努力
的成果,以設計群全國榜首的成績入取台灣科 技大學建築系。
在2023年,很榮幸的申請到了德國 Technische Universität Braunschweig 的交換學習機會,在德 國學習到非常有別於傳統的建築設計方式,讓我在 設計的思考上有創新的想法,和當地的學生一起上 課、討論,並在最終階段利用機械手臂實際建造出 1:1模型的設計,我很珍惜這一學期的機會,把握 時間參加了很多專業工作營,例如基地資訊蒐集技 術、機器人纖維纏繞等等,學習更多在台灣接觸不 到的領域。
在台灣科技大學學習的這三年我學到了很多, 除了設計還有表現法和軟體的操作,也參加了一些 國際競賽,iF、IDEA、Young Ones 、ADC等等, 雖然我的設計不太成熟,但在比賽的過程中收穫量 多,最後能被評審肯定非常開心,此外我也利用課 餘時間參與了許多證照培訓,除了取得證書更希望 能夠學習新技能。
6. Clean Water and Sanitation
Concept : Pavilion of Ecosystem
Student/s :
Hsuan-Yu, Lai / Pin-Hsi, Sung
According to the World Resources Institute, nearly a third of the world’s population live under "highly water-stressed". Among them, 1.7 billion people in 17 countries live in "extremely water-stressed" areas. Water crises make people destitute and homeless leading to nationwide conflict and political turmoil.
Water shortages are strongly related to climate on earth, especially for desert climate areas and temperate continental climate areas. These areas feature too little annual rainfall and too much annual rainfall variability. Dry seasons and wet seasons are distinct. Floods and droughts happen frequently so the water resources cannot be effectively utilized.
A pavilion is a place closely related to human beings’ daily life. To ensure adequate water resources available for all, we hope to achieve "Clean Water And Sanitation" through this multifunctional design, which can achieve both environmental friendliness and a humanistic environment. We aim to solve the dilemma of global water resources by designing
a pavilion that provides a place for people to pass through, gather together, and stay in it. To sum up, this pavilion is a water collection facility with an entertaining function.
temperate continental climate areas.
New York
University :
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
IDEA 2022 Finalist
Taipei / Taiwan
Department of Architecture
Young Ones ADC 2022 Shortlist
AMD 2022
Wet season water collecting surface
During abundant rainfall season, the rainwater can pass through the funnel-shaped water-collecting equipment to achieve a series of water purification processes and become available water resources. The collected water either irrigates the plants in the center of the pavilion or supplies water for people's livelihood through different pipes.
Dry season condenser tube
During the dry season, people can have access to clean water simply by using the energy of the wind. The airflow can be introduced into the condensation pipe through the operation of the upper wind turbine, and the water vapor in the air condenses into liquid water and enters the water purification equipment to achieve circulation.
To truly integrate the design into the landscape, we used the vocabulary of large trees, leaves, and veins. Resting under the shade of trees is a common leisure activity in daily life. The overall structure of this design is based on a large tree that grows outwards and upwards.
I hope that the scale of this design can make people stay and shuttle. As for the details, the glass was divided into cell-shape to imitate the veins of the leaves, and the sun shines on the ground to form an interesting light and shadow effect, which also responds to the entire ecosystem.
The design goal aims to facilitate the transformation of Taoyuan City's urban environment, with a primary focus on enhancing social welfare through the undergrounding of the railway. Following this transformation, our foremost consideration is the safety and comfort of pedestrians, creating a secure, accessible pedestrian environment to offer citizens a superior transportation experience.
Building upon this foundation, we further emphasize the concept of urban integration. Through the design of overpasses, we make it easier for citizens to reach greenbelt parks, promoting connectivity across different areas of the city. This not only increases urban accessibility but also strengthens connections between communities, injecting more vitality into the cityscape.
Simultaneously, our design incorporates dedicated lanes for family cycling, fostering family activities and interactions. Additionally, we transform the unused space resulting from the railway undergrounding into parks, providing citizens with expansive recreational areas. This transformation not only enhances the quality of the urban environment but also allows residents to better enjoy city life.
Ultimately, our design is not just an improvement of urban transportation infrastructure but also a comprehensive consideration for social welfare. The success of this project will bring a safer, more livable, and environmentally friendly urban space to Taoyuan City, simultaneously elevating the quality of life for its residents.
The chosen location for planning is the intersection of Longshou Road and Zhongshan Road, situated between Neili Station and Taoyuan Station.
This area, adjacent to Taoyuan Hospital and a commercial hub, is considered a crucial demonstration point due to its core location with high traffic of both vehicles and pedestrians.
The existing pedestrian walkways and overpasses do not consider planning towards the railway.
The future railway will be developed into an urban greenbelt, necessitating comprehensive consideration of integrating surrounding pedestrian spaces to enhance accessibility to the greenbelt.
Maintain the continuity of the greenbelt, ensuring a rational distribution of vehicular and pedestrian flows to prevent interference on the same plane.
Consider vertical directional flow to ensure an effective separation of pedestrian and vehicular pathways.
Research indicates that Taipei City lacks music performance venues, and the main library is outdated with equipment in need of updating. This design aims to address these shortcomings by creating a multifunctional space for both performances and reading and exchange activities.
By combining performance and reading spaces, we aim to complement the weaknesses of existing facilities. The approachability of the library can encourage public participation in music events, thereby lowering the barrier to entry for involvement in music.
The library welcomes readers from the direction of the main library like the bell of a french horn.
The expansive plaza offers ample space for residents to unwind and enjoy leisure activities.
Many countries face severe issues related to high popula tion density, rapid urbanization, and pollution caused by industrialization. These factors have led to particularly poor air quality. Including Taiwan, China, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Egypt, Mexico, and Vietnam.
100K ppl/km2
150K ppl/km2
200K ppl/km2
These countries faces significant challenges in ad dressing air pollution due to high population density and rapid urban development. The densely packed buildings and heavy foot traffic make it difficult for pollutants in the air to disperse, while green spaces capable of purifying the air are extremely limited in cities. Existing parks and small patches of greenery provide some relief from pollution, but they are far from enough to meet the demands of overall air quality.
of death from Luno Cancer of death from Stroke of death from Heart Disease of death from Luno Disease
According to data from the World Health Organization, many deaths from diseases are caused by air pollution issues, and around 7 million people die each year due to the effects of air pollution. The most significant impacts are seen in low- and middle-income countries, where urban air pollution tends to be more severe.
This design presents an air purifier tower that functions as a pavilion, suitable for placement in urban areas. It not only improves air quality but also features an automated self-cleaning system, eliminating the need for consumables and reducing pollution generation.
This design seeks to tackle air pollution in high-density urban areas worldwide. By utilizing minimal space, the air purifier tower can be strategically placed in urban environments where space is limited. The ground-level space is fully reserved for community activities, allowing for public engagement. This solution not only improves air quality but also enhances the overall urban experience, turning otherwise neglected spaces into vibrant community hubs.
Taipei city
Design Highlights:
This device includes four primary functions:
1. Air purification
2. Condensation-based water collection for a self-cleaning system
3. Solar power generation and storage
4. Pavilion space for rest and leisure
The components of this design include an outer casing and internal equipment, all of which are prefabricated to allow easy installation or relocation in various urban areas.
This design features high mobility, making it suitable for mass production and widespread placement throughout urban areas.
Washable Air Filter
Avoids consumable filters, reducing costs and pollution from regular replacements.
Considering the relationship between human scale and urban building height, this design aims to achieve a universally comfortable scale for people of all ages. It is intended for use in urban settings such as small parks, plaza spaces, or land areas on the outskirts of the city.
Design Concept
1. Activated carbon pre-filter
2. Antibacterial fabric
3. HEPA filter with VOC filter
4. Metal shell 1 2 3 4
The shape is designed considering the airflow direction requirements for intake and exhaust, as well as the spatial needs of the internal components. This design effectively controls the intake of polluted air and directs the purified air to both the external environment and the interior of the pavilion.
Condensation Tube
Condense the moisture from the air to alleviate the humidity problem, and serve as the water source for the cleaning system.
Water Tanks
One for unfiltered water and the other for filtered water, with the clean water stored for future use.
Cleaning pipes
Filtered water will be pressurized and passed through the pipes, used to clean the air device at regular intervals
Solar Panel
This device requires no external power source and includes an energy storage system.
remove impurities and contaminants
Precast foundation
1. Non-woven fabric
2.Granular activated carbon
3.Powdered activated carbon
4.Antibacterial hollow fiber membrane
Avoid on-site casting, enabling rapid construction in busy urban areas.
Water Tank
The water used to clean the filter will be storaged and supplied to plants from the storage tank.
/TU Braunschweig Robotic Fiber Winding Course
Using the model as a force research method to find out how to balance the frame through the tension of the strings, and then try to wind.