PORTFOLIO Ruei-Hong Lin Come form Taiwan Chung Yuan Architecture
(+886) 922-238-257 littlepanda@cycu.org.tw
Name/ 名字 :PP 林瑞浤 Gender/ 性別 :Male 男性 Origin/ 籍貫 :Taiwan 台灣 Education / 教育 : Chung Yuan Architecture 中原大學建築系 littlepanda@cycu.org.tw (+886) 922-238-257 https://www.instagram.com/rueihong_pplin https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100011488892053&viewas=100000686899395
從我的作品集可以看見,我的個人特質是「理性」且「嚴謹的」。 我做事能夠理性分析並保持冷靜來面對事情,所以總是能很有邏輯的理解數位與設計之間的關係,而非自圓其說。對於設計過程的要求, 如同做實驗一樣,我也是抱持「嚴謹且科學的態度」來處理,對於數據與原理的要求是很重視的,所以我才來想來就讀建築專科 : 數位與 參數化等相關領域。而貴校的建築數位組,正是我想深造,讓自己的個性、興趣與建築專業作為結合的地方。 因為我未來想要成為一名優秀的研究員,同時成為一名跨領域的數位建築工程設計師。 而「不怕失敗」與「堅持」則是幫助我依循自己的興趣走向數位。畢竟做實驗或設計有時候非一蹴可及,而在我開始學習建築數位組其他 額外技能如程式語言,材料應用,機械操作與實作等問題,「堅持」總是幫助我在無數的失敗撐下去而不氣餒,因為「堅持」,我才從對 數位的「陌生」轉為對數位的「熱愛」。而透過「隨和」,它讓我的「堅持」不會變成「固執」,所以我不管是與同伴一同競賽,舉辦工 作坊或與廠商溝通,都能透過愉悅的人際互動,維持良好團隊關係。 Computer Skills/ 電腦能力 : Expertise/ 專長 : Processing 3(JAVA 程式語言 ),機械手臂 / 震動刀 / 雷切機 /3D 印表機 /CNC 之使用與維護 部分實作能力 ( 微焊接與木工 ),廠商採購估價
Education/ 求學經歷 2020 大四暑假參與〈信義房屋全民社造行動計畫〉競賽,共 10 人,我們團隊提案〈示一口田學堂〉在桃園觀音廣福社區。 大四下修習數位課程 -〈數位設計與構築〉 數位課程 工作坊 競賽
大四下參加多次數位工作坊 (Revit ,震動刀操作,GH 演算最佳路徑進階版等 )。 2019 大四上分組設計課,進入建築數位組 〈參數化數位 Lab〉。 大三下擔任電腦輔助設計二〈課程助教〉,並參與〈機械手臂操作課程〉與〈數位製造 : 玻璃工藝坊〉。 2018 大三上參與〈數位課程 : 金屬折板〉工作坊與〈3D 建模與軟體渲染〉工作坊。 2019 擔任〈系學會數位部副部長〉,負責協助管理系上數位工具。
社團 活動
2018 大三上學期擔任中原建築 ( 福工 ) 陸專班的學伴,幫助交換生熟悉環境。 2017 大二擔任〈系桌隊長〉,帶領球隊參加全築盃。 大一下學期參與建築之夜與建築營等活動,讓我學習團隊合作與組織舉辦活動等經驗,也使我更認識建築系。 2016 大一上參與系上桌球隊與新生盃,養成運動習慣與拓展人際關係。 Work Experience/ 工作經歷
2019 大三暑假到〈三禾聯合建築師事務所〉實習,在競圖設計部門,擔任設計助理,負責繪圖與建模。 大三寒假到〈劍橋國際建築事務所〉實習,在一般設計部門,擔任助理,負責報告書與基地測繪紀錄。 2018 大二暑假到〈立聯合建築師事務所〉實習,在商業建築設計部門,擔任設計助理,負責製作模型與建築報告書。 Awards / 獲獎 2020 大四下榮獲 108-2 書卷獎第一名,且優異表現榮獲系上 108-2〈嚴世校校友獎學金〉。 2019 大四上榮獲 108-1 書卷獎第一名,且優異表現榮獲系上 108-1〈陳章安建築師獎學金〉。 大三下榮獲 107-2 書卷獎第一名。 2018 大三上榮獲 107-1 書卷獎第三名,且優異表現榮獲系上 107-1〈嚴世校校友獎學金〉。 2017 大一作品〈From Painting to space〉榮獲系上設計特優表現獎。 2012 高中參加國際比賽 : 馬來西亞 ITEX 第 12 屆發明展,參賽作品〈多功能瓶蓋〉榮獲銀牌。
CONTENTS WORK 01 Interaction Design Research( 互動設計之研究 ).................................................................................................P6.~P.75 1-1 旋轉分析與彎折分析 P.8~P.43 1-2 格式塔心理學的設計應用 P.44~P.65 1-3 互動裝置 1:1 實作與設計構想 P.66~P.75 WORK 02 Digital Architecture -Structure Research : Reciprocal Frame( 互承結構之研究 ).....................................P76.~P.89 2-1 互承結構之實驗操作與分析 P.8~P.43 2-2 數位探討 : 利用 Grasshopper 進行參數化設計 P.44~P.65 2-3 可能性的探討 P.66~P.75 2-4 實作探討 : 連接部分、實作材料和施工過程 P.66~P.75 WORK 03 (Team Work) Digital design and construction-Folding plate and Grille( 折板與隔柵之研究 )........................................P91~P.95 WORK 04 (Team Work) Digital manufacturing-Airbug Practice( 數位製造 - 氣囊之研究 )..........................................................P97~P.99 WORK 05 Danshui Art Museum( 淡水美術館 )................................................................................................................P100.~P.105 WORK 06 Congregate housing( 集合住宅 ).......................................................................................................................P106.~P.111 YT : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHBvS-4Jz00&list=PL6xm-0fTamZLQQxXOh5Kjapf7ZBbrek6_&index=1 ISSUU : https://issuu.com/iweyouthey/docs/issuu
Senior Second Semester
Interaction Design Research Pattern and Deployable Structures Starting from the pattern, transforming into the skeleton and cortex Explore the relationship between space and device and automatic control (Arduino) DESIGNER: 林瑞浤
SITE: Building Cortex
KEYWORDS: Deployable Structures
P.S. My video link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHBvS-4Jz00
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
Rotation: Attempt to rotate with geometric figures Analyze from a simple geometric pattern.First,start the experiment with an equilateral triangle as the center.
Trilateral system - Regular triangle When there is only the skeletons...
Use this as the maximum angle of rotation The other side of gray and the red side are 180 degrees
Small rotation angle
Large rotation angle
Geometry attached to the skeleton
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
When other graphics are substituted into the skeleton... Center pattern (red)
Border pattern (gray)
Single unit
Connection relationshi p between unit and unit
Unit connection relationshi p in a cycle
Half of a square Rectangle 1
Rectangle 2
Deformation from case 2 = Parallelogram
When the four sides of the parallelogram are equal in length = rhombus
Center pattern (red) Case 4: Parallelogram
Border pattern (gray)
hollow out part
Case 6: Lightning 1
hollow out part
Case 7: Lightning 2
Case 5: Rhombus
Regular hexagon
Hexagon deformation = Crystal shape
Regular octagon
Single unit
Connection relationshi p between unit and unit
Unit connection relationshi p in a cycle
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
Use another geometric figure as the center to analyze the difference...
Quadrilateral system - Square When there is only the skeletons... Small rotation angle
Large rotation angle
When other graphics are substituted into the skeleton...
Center pattern (red)
Border pattern (gray)
Single unit
Connection relationshi p between unit and unit
Unit connection relationshi p in a cycle
After substituting the graphics, we can find the difference between the square system and the previous one. The four units form a cycle and the enclosed virtual space is also framed by a quadrangle.
01 : Interaction Design
Center pattern (red)
02 : Reciprocal Frame
Border pattern (gray)
03 : Folding plate & Grille
Single unit
04 : Airbug Practice
Connection relationshi p between unit and unit
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
Unit connection relationshi p in a cycle
May be used for stent applications or create more virtual space. P.13
Center pattern (red)
Border pattern (gray)
Single unit
Connection relationshi p between unit and unit
Unit connection relationshi p in a cycle
After reading the square series of experiments, let’s compare the similarities and differences between the regular triangle series and the square series.
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
Compare the number 4 (parallelogram) with the number 5 (diamond) When the unit loops around...
Triangle system
Square system
Gradually discover the regularity of rotation, and the changes that can be substituted into the graphics can be deduced from the skeleton. And because the skeleton of the three-side series and the four-side series are essentially different, there are the differences just mentioned above. P.15
Then, if we assume that the skeleton rule with the quadrilateral as the center is used to extend the application. Extension application and questions: What happens if you stretch a square into a rectangle? What happens when the square is skewed into a rhombus? Take some of the previous examples and change the center of the original square to a rectangle... Center pattern (red)
Border pattern (gray)
Single unit
Connection relationshi p between unit and unit
Unit connection relationshi p in a cycle
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
Take the previous example as an example and change the center of the original square to a rhombus... Center pattern (red)
Border pattern (gray)
Single unit
Connection relationshi p between unit and unit
Unit connection relationshi p in a cycle
You can find the example in the above figure. When the rectangle and rhombus are the center, the generated case graphics can be derived from the previous square system. The difference lies in the length and skew angle, but it can be seen that they are essentially quadrangular systems. Quadrangular Systems
Square series
Rectangular series
Rhombus series
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
We know that the rotation system of the regular polygon at the center has rules, even if the center is a deformed polygon, it can be derived from the original regular polygon. But will there be similar characteristics or changes among the various polygons due to the influence of multiples? Change the center to a regular hexagon to test the relationship between the hexagon and the triangle. Center pattern (red)
Border pattern (gray)
Single unit
Connection relationshi p between unit and unit
Unit connection relationshi p in a cycle
It can be found that the relationship between the triangle and the hexagon is actually linked.
Triangle skeleton skeleton
Small rotation angle
Hexagonal skeleton system
Hexagonal virtual space
Large rotation angle
Triangle virtual space
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
The virtual space can be substituted into the center of the hexagon.
The two may be combined into a new pattern.
Furthermore, the relationship between the skeleton and the cortex was found to be very interesting during the previous rotation experiment. So next I want to study the various possibilities and applications of the combination between different skeletons and cortex Why choose this kind of skeleton as the research focus? Because of the following cases(Diamond-grid skeleton), I want to refer to these cases and use them to develop my skeleton research.
Internet Reference 1
Internet Reference 2
Note1: Refer to other people's case references. 1.(Mesh skeleton) 2.(Combination of cortex and skeleton)
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
Let's start to discuss bending: the concave fold of the skeleton and the node
Bending: Discussion on the concave fold of skeleton and node Single unit permutation and combination Initial unit state
Fold inward
Fold outward
Three nodes collinear
Inward + Outward
1 side
(node ​​distribution position)
2 sides Opposite
3 sides
All sides
Double unit (linear) permutation and combination Deformation 1
Initial unit
Deformation 2
Two-units skeleton
(no nodes on the edges)
1 side
2 sides
Initial unit state
Three nodes collinear
Inward + Outward
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
2 sides
3 sides
All sides
Double unit (linear) permutation and combination Deformation 1
Initial unit
Deformation 2
Four-units skeleton
(no nodes on the edges)
Bending rule
1 side
Initial unit state
Three nodes collinear
Inward + Outward
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
2 sides
2 sides
3 sides
All sides
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
Through the previous experiments and analysis, I selected some skeletons for the next step. Next, I will start to research: the combination of cortex and skeleton. Attach the geometry to the four-unit skeleton.
Experimental test analysis: attach the geometry to the four-unit skeleton Common conditions for attaching geometric figures 1. There are two lengths in the frame members, the first one is 1 unit, the shorter one is 0.5 unit. (Longer = 2 x Shorter) Attached initial graphics: regular polygon series The length of the middle line of the attached picture is equal to the length of the long rod, which is 1 unit. regulaer triangle
1 side 2 sides (Opposite)
2 sides (Neighboring)
2 sides (Opposite)
All sides
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
Middle Line System 2. Attached to the reference of the figure: the reference point of the rod placement is the middle line. Attached initial graphics: regular polygon series The length of the middle line of the attached picture is equal to the length of the short rod, which is 0.5 unit.
1 side 2 sides (Opposite)
2 sides (Neighboring)
2 sides (Opposite)
All sides
Common conditions for attaching geometric figures 1.Change the y-axis of the regular polygon pattern to get its extended geometric pattern. Attached initial graphics: acute angle series The length of the middle line of the attached picture is equal to the length of the long rod, which is 1 unit.
1 side 2 sides (Opposite)
2 sides (Neighboring)
2 sides (Opposite)
All sides
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
2. When the y-axis ratio is originally 0.5, an acute angle series (elongated series) can be obtained. Attached initial graphics: acute angle series The length of the middle line of the attached picture is equal to the length of the short rod, which is 0.5 unit.
1 side 2 sides (Opposite)
2 sides (Neighboring)
2 sides (Opposite)
All sides
Common conditions for attaching geometric figures 1.Change the y-axis of the regular polygon pattern to get its extended geometric pattern. Attached initial graphics: obtuse angle series The length of the middle line of the attached picture is equal to the length of the long rod, which is 1 unit.
1 side 2 sides (Opposite)
2 sides (Neighboring)
2 sides (Opposite)
All sides
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
2. When the y-axis ratio is originally 1.5, an obtuse angle series (fat wide series) can be obtained. Attached initial graphics: obtuse angle series The length of the middle line of the attached picture is equal to the length of the short rod, which is 0.5 unit.
1 side 2 sides (Opposite)
2 sides (Neighboring)
2 sides (Opposite)
All sides
Experimental test analysis: attach the geometry to the four-unit skeleton Common conditions for attaching geometric figures 1. There are two lengths in the frame members, the first one is 1 unit, the shorter one is 0.5 unit. (Longer = 2 x Shorter) Attached initial graphics: regular polygon series The length of the sideline of the attached picture is equal to the length of the long rod, which is 1 unit.
1 side 2 sides (Opposite)
2 sides (Neighboring)
2 sides (Opposite)
All sides
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
Sideline System 2. Attached to the reference of the figure: the reference point of the rod placement is the sideline. Attached initial graphics: regular polygon series The length of the sideline of the attached picture is equal to the length of the short rod, which is 0.5 unit.
1 side 2 sides (Opposite)
2 sides (Neighboring)
2 sides (Opposite)
All sides
Common conditions for attaching geometric figures 1. Change the y-axis of the regular polygon pattern to get its extended geometric pattern. Attached initial graphics: acute angle series The length of the sideline of the attached picture is equal to the length of the long rod, which is 1 unit.
1 side
2 sides (Opposite)
2 sides (Neighboring)
2 sides (Opposite)
All sides
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
2. When the y-axis ratio is originally 0.5, an acute angle series (elongated series) can be obtained. Attached initial graphics: acute angle series The length of the sideline of the attached picture is equal to the length of the short rod, which is 0.5 unit.
1 side 2 sides (Opposite)
2 sides (Neighboring)
2 sides (Opposite)
All sides
Common conditions for attaching geometric figures 1. Change the y-axis of the regular polygon pattern to get its extended geometric pattern. Attached initial graphics: obtuse angle series The length of the sideline of the attached picture is equal to the length of the long rod, which is 1 unit.
1 side
2 sides (Opposite)
2 sides (Neighboring)
2 sides (Opposite)
All sides
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
2. When the y-axis ratio is originally 1.5, an obtuse angle series (fat wide series) can be obtained. Attached initial graphics: obtuse angle series The length of the sideline of the attached picture is equal to the length of the short rod, which is 0.5 unit.
1 side
2 sides (Opposite)
2 sides (Neighboring)
2 sides (Opposite)
All sides
The combination of cortex and skeleton: the genealogy of pictures Integrated Analysis Table Pattern to be attached: Take quadrilateral as an example Y-axis scaling Choose four pairs of (linear scaling) skeletons to analyze
x1 (Initial pattern)
x0.5 (Narrowing)
x1.5 (Widen)
2 sides (opposite sides) no.6 and no.7 skeleton
x1 (Initial pattern)
x0.5 (Narrowing)
x1.5 (Widen)
The reference point of the rod placement is the middle line The length of the rod is 1 unit
The length of the rod is 0.5 unit
The reference point of the rod placement is the sideline The length of the rod is 1 unit
The length of the rod is 0.5 unit
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
Organize and summarize the previous table of the combination of the skeleton and the cortex, and select a part of the skeleton as an example. I tried to analyze the influencing factors of the combination of the skeleton and the cortex from another angle, and discuss the similarities and differences in the results after the combination. x1 (Initial pattern)
x0.5 (Narrowing)
x1.5 (Widen)
All sides no.1 and no.3 skeleton x1 (Initial pattern)
x0.5 (Narrowing)
x1.5 (Widen)
Gestalt Psychology-Conversion application The most basic rule : Law of Organization Introduction to the four rules of law of organization. 1.Closure
Note 2: Search for information about Gestalt Psychology on the Internet.
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
First choose a pattern from the previous collation table for in-depth psychological transformation discussion. At this stage, there are currently pattern color blocks and pattern frames that can be tested in Gestalt psychology.
Cortical Binding
Converting Into The Frame
Pattern Color Blocks
Pattern Frames
Law of Closure Research Sequence 1 : â—Ž Test the difference of different degrees of dotted lines to the pattern frame.
Color block
The sideline is divided into 2 dashed lines.
The sideline is divided into 3 dashed lines.
â—Ž Test result : There is a difference, but the change is not obvious.
The sideline is divided into 4 dashed lines.
The sideline is divided into 5 dashed lines.
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
Research Sequence 2 : â—Ž To test the effect of law of closure on dotted lines, first make the outer frame of the pattern into a dashed line, and then make it form a 4X4 grid surface to observe the different changes Pattern Frame
Only dashed the outer frame
Changes after a closer look
4X4 Grid surface
Leave a dotted frame
â—Ž Test result : It can be found that the green dotted line has different patterns appearing in the near and far, but when there is a solid line, the dotted line will become inconspicuous. P.47
Law of Similarity Research Sequence 3 : ◎ Choose similar type to test the possibility of this pattern. ◎ Take the pattern color block as the test object. ◎ Divided into three different types by three colors.
Sort by shape
Pattern color block
Substitute again
Divided into three types
Get a new pattern
4X4 Grid surface
◎ Test result: the three types may be too complicated.
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
Research Sequence 4 : ◎ Test the possibility of this pattern with similar color. ◎ Here is also the first to use the pattern color block as the test object. ◎ The two types are distinguished by the obvious color and the background color Distinguish the four corners of small diamonds
Distinguish between long and short
Distinguish between horizontal and vertical
Distinguish by interval
Distinguish by center
Research Sequence 5 : ◎ Also, test the possibility of this pattern with similar color. ◎ Change the pattern frame as the test object here. ◎ The two types are distinguished by double contrast colors.
Dismantling analysis
Pattern frame
Can be seen as these two types Frame classification
4X4 Grid surface
Dismantling analysis
Pattern frame
Frame classification
Can be seen as these two types 4X4 Grid surface
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
Similar cases : Form a hierarchical power device through differences in color, space depth, materials, etc. Kinetic Sculptures 1
Kinetic Sculptures 2
Note 3: Search for information about kinetic sculptures on the Internet. P.51
This part of the research(Law of Similarity) Picture 1
Picture 2
Advanced Application
Back to Law of Closure The classification method here (entity and negative space): 1.After using the background color, I found that the two type expressions can not only be distinguished by color, but try to replace the background color with a dotted line to try out the different possibilities.(As the following example A) 2.In the second picture, the original frame with only color difference is also transformed by entity and negative space.(As the following example B)
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
Law of Closure + Law of Similarity Example A : Divided into two types with dashed line and solid line.
Example B : First divide the dashed line and the solid line into two types, and then fill the solid line to divide it into two types : entity and negative space.
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
Similar cases : This kinetic sculpture moves like a flock of birds The contrast between entity and negative space : the white paper umbrella and the black rope.
This kinetic sculpture moves like a flock of birds
Note 4 : Reference case.
Let us return to the law of similarity...
Research Sequence 6 : ◎ Here is the framework as the test object. ◎ Try to distinguish by the same combination graphics. ◎ The two types are distinguished by double contrast colors. Frame classification
Pattern frame
Dismantling analysis
Can be seen as these two types
4X4 Grid surface
Frame classification
Pattern frame
Dismantling analysis
Can be seen as these two types
4X4 Grid surface
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
After decomposing and analyzing this part of the pattern, transform it again and extend the application.
Law of Continuity Connecting through similar types can connect patterns into new possibilities. Law of Proximity By changing the distance to make new changes to the pattern. P.57
Law of Proximity ◎ Extend the application from the previous (Law of Similarity) two-color frame. ◎ Regard the pattern frame as four detachable objects, and set a maximum moving range (gray box) in the center. ◎ Set the positioning points of the graphic frame to be at the center of the gray box at the beginning, and test the different changes and possibilities when the distance between each object in the graphic frame changes.
Original type
Because of the law of proximity, new
Because of the law of proximity, the
Because of the law of closure and the law
They are like blossoming flowers
patterns are formed like pine cones.
new pattern seems to move again.
of similarity, new patterns are produced.
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
Similar cases : Interactive Installation Detects Light to Open/Close Change the pattern through the expansion and contraction of the lamp hole.
Note 5 : Reference case.
Law of Continuity
◎ First use color blocks to test law of continuity. ◎ The setting is that each pattern is nailed in place, just like the case above, but it can be rotated to produce different changes. ◎ Through the law of continuity,it can connect different patterns. Local continuity
Become a frame
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
Similar cases : Kinetic Sculpture clock
Note 6 : Reference case.
Transform the pattern into three-dimensional (2D to 3D) From plane to 3D form : transformation from the beginning to the present. Flat
Folded Surfaces
P.S. My video link : https://youtu.be/EFO5oFcC8F0
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
Three-dimensional structure using Deployable structures. Principle of Operation
1.First construct a skeleton line that conforms to the projection. 2.Match it to the height of the projection surface. 3.Substitute into the whole. Because of the rotation principle and three-dimensional joints and other factors, the design goal was first changed to semi-three-dimensional 2.5D. I hope to use this to better understand the changes in this structure and the places that need attention during exercise, and explore opportunities to transform them into 3D. P.63
It can be seen from the above that there are many ways to convert from plane to three-dimensional. If we use the last one in the list to make different angle changes... many interesting developments can be played. Use the Gestalt psychology mentioned above to construct three-dimensionality.
Law of Similarity Possible development-TYPE 01
Possible development-TYPE 02
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
Law of Closure + Similarity entity and negative space - TYPE 01
entity and negative space - TYPE 02
Conversion method assumptions: 1.Dotted line with string or thin rod. 2.Rods for solid lines.
Conversion method assumptions: 1.Dotted line with string or thin rod. 2.Encapsulate the entity with a plane.
1:1 Actual production discussion First discuss how to build a 2.5D movable skeleton and movement mode Method 1: Make a slide rail for the movable skeleton to move according to the original pattern skeleton
Disassembled into small units
Preliminary sketch of slide rail P.S. Black line: initial pattern skeleton (slide rail)
Red line: movable skeleton
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
Method 2: Refer to this case of deployable structures,and connect the small seams with faces. Later refer to this case
Estimated Size of One Unit
Connect the small seams with faces
Actual Rod Length
Simplify into a skeleton
Principle of Operation
1 small unit implementation concept map
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
4 small units implementation concept map
Discussion on the combination of this movable skeleton operation mode and other patterns. From the previous discussion of the pattern skeleton, it can be found that the pattern skeleton type of the same node system can use the same movement principle to change the pattern and contract the movable skeleton. The current type of movable skeleton
Back to the currently selected movable skeleton and its original node system. The current type of movable skeleton
Original pattern skeleton
After the plane is attached to the geometric figure (Rhombus)
Type 2 after applying the current movable skeleton
Conversion of the folded surfaces Original type 2
Original type 3 Type 1 Initial pattern skeleton 2 sides (opposite) node system
Add fo
Original type 4
The type 1 of movable skeleton
Make the skeleton near the center transparent
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
Color explanation: Red:echoes the pattern formed by attaching the diamond Light gray (background color):the auxiliary skeleton added or blended into the background color Light blue:folded surface or thin steel bracket In the same type of patterned skeleton, with different geometric figure color patches attached, what kind of movable skeleton pattern can be produced? Rhombus
Type 3 can be found
Square Type 3 Type 1 Initial pattern skeleton
olded skin
Type 4
Summary Through the discussion and experiment just now, we can understand that under the same operation mode of the movable skeleton, by attaching different styles of movable skeletons and folded skin layers, a variety of levels and styles of graphic vocabulary can be generated. It can help us in the design, using the same operating principle to have more choices to form a 2.5D Pattern. P.71
A Probe into Gestalt Psychology and Folding Cortex Design From the previous discussion of the pattern skeleton, it can be found that the pattern skeleton type of the same node system can use the same movement principle to change the pattern and contract the movable skeleton. Use Gestalt psychology to determine the possible forms of the cortex, and then design the visual and spatial effects. The theory (entity and negative space) in Gestalt Psychology
Stagger the position of the folded surface
Make the skeleton all transparent to highlight the changes in the folded surface
Skeleton close
Skeleton open
Distributed according to the green color block I offseted the dividing line of the folded face so that one side is upright on the skeleton and the other side is more tilted. When the skeleton is closed, the folded surface will tilt out of the skeleton.
More inclined
Skeleton open
Tilt out of the frame
Skeleton close
Color explanation: Red: echoes the pattern formed by attaching the diamond Light gray (background color): the auxiliary skeleton added or the color that blends into the background Light blue: folding surface or thin steel bracket
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
Entry and exit lampshade device I designed this so that the folding surface can be used as a fluorescent material when in a movie theater. When people enter the arena, the skeleton is closed to dim the lights; when people are invited to leave, the lights emerge from the middle box, and the fluorescent cortex also tells people to leave.
Law of closure and proximity
Invite people to come in (the middle light dims)
Ask people to leave (the middle light turns on)
Advanced application of the method mentioned above:
Make one side of the folded surface blurred, and replace it with a thin rod.
2 Seen from the top view, the folded surface will disappear and appear as the skeleton opens and closes. Change the offset folds from the original mirror distribution to clockwise or counterclockwise or straight on the same side.In this method, the folded surfaces are all tilted like the same side.
This is like falling under the influence of wind, so I designed this part as an interactive device that can visualize the wind field.
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
05 : Danshui Art Museum
04 : Airbug Practice
06 : Congregate housing
Semi-closed state
Fully open state 1.Patio mask device I designed this to be placed above the patio. When closed at that time, the folded surface looks like a leaf, and will produce broken shadows; when opened, the folded plate disappears as the sun falls.
Greater than a certain distance
Less than a certain distance
Processor Radio sensor
Wind Motor
No sound
2.Visualization of sound I designed this as a device that can be opened and closed under the influence of sound to visualize the sound. When exceeding a certain volume...
Windless state
Wind speed fast
3.Visualization of wind I designed this as a device that can perceive changes in the wind velocity. Through the opening and closing of the wind speed, the inclined folding surface will visually visualize the invisible wind speed.
Processor Wind speed sensor
Senior First Semester
Digital Architecture -Structure Research My Chosen Topic : Reci procal Frame 探討數位能力與現實結構之結合運用 在數位運算 ( 如 Grasshopper) 與製造 (CNC) 幫助下 來研究幾何結構的參數化與可能性 DESIGNER: 林瑞浤
SITE: 建築系館中庭
KEYWORDS: Reciprocal Frame
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
◇順逆時鐘方向雙單元的 3D 模型驗證規則之過程 在這裡只列出比較精華的實驗步驟,讓大家快速了解互承結構組合邏輯。 實驗驗證結論 : 我在這個實驗 ( 四桿件順逆兩種不同的單元來建構 3D 之過程 ),發現其大方向是可以通用上方實驗的規 則與手法,可見結構邏輯的基礎是相同的,不僅每個階段所探討的邏輯或是找尋到的單元規模是類似的, 連需要優化的地方也是在類似之處。 條列總結 : 1. 訂定一個水平面,此為曲面的最高處,也是向外發展的曲面中心。 2. 從 2D 投影到建構 3D 的過程中,了解到四桿件單一根桿件在一個單元裡傾斜的維度變化不是 A 向就是 B 向,不會有雙向變化,故 3D 單元在頂視圖與 2D 投影視重疊的。 3. 第二階段所探討的兩根桿件需同在一水平面上是符合現實模型的端點會碰於一平面上的力學情況來思 考。 4. 第二階段旋轉兩桿件時,了解到若希望兩桿件的接觸點不因旋轉而鬆脫,則須將轉軸通過不想鬆脫處。 5. 橋狀的曲面規則較為寬鬆,只要符合單項度變化 ; 球狀則需考慮兩向度的互承結構之間如何連接,其勢 必會收斂於一起,此為條件。 6. 需優化地方並非只能放入四桿件互承結構,仍有其他可能性。
單 ◇一逆時鐘方向單元 分 - 割分析圖表
雙 ◇ 單元逆順時鐘方向單元 分 - 割分析圖
四 桿 件 分 析 :2D 桿件投影分割 實◇驗結果整合表格圖
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
四桿件分析 : 3D 模型建構實驗過程之分析 ◇由小到大探討兩種單元結構方式所發展而出的 3D 互承框架結構並進行分類。
◇數位探討 : 利用前面的分析與 Grasshopper 來進行參數化設計 操作方法 : 大體上是將曲面網格化,找出網格與內圈的中點互聯,將線段優化後,再以此貼近曲面的互承結構直線,按照曲面與各直線的 法向量,擠出板狀的互承互承結構,完成電腦輔助計算施工放樣。 細節討論 : 在講解完整體每個部分大致的邏輯與順序後,接著我想帶大家深入了解,解釋內部一些重要的步驟與邏輯操作,來呼應前面的 分析與方形互承結構的特色。
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
得到放樣後的板互承結構後,再研究如何利用 GH 幫助我們了解各板件的凹槽深度與位置。 這裡是用一根被切者與四根切割者進行一次運算,透過反覆操作進而了解每一根的情況。
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
Unit : cm
◇可能性的探討 可能性的探討 型態討論 : 透過 GH 參數化模型的幫助,在不同的屬性,數值與目標曲面的條件下,可以模擬出不同型態與樣式的互承結構。 因此我想透過此表,說明以下的條件會產生哪些不同的結果以及延伸應用的可能性。
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
◇實作探討 實作探討 : 連接部分、實作材料和施工過程
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
Senior Second Semester
Digital design and construction Folding plate and Grille 探討數位製程與建築結構的相互應用 組員共 4 人 : 林瑞浤,陳奕偉,劉子謙,辛威 此為團體作品 個人負責 1. 整體設計。 2. 建模、渲染與影音紀錄。 3. 震動刀實際切割操作。 4. 組裝與發表。 DESIGNER: 團體設計
使用機器 : 震動刀與雷切機 ADVISOR: 陳宏銘
KEYWORDS: 折板 / 格柵
P.S. My video link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sYPLdX6KPE
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
◇設計過程 - 折板參數化運算與變形應用
1. 先決定好折板的圖文樣式。
5.Bake 後得到所要折面。
2. 將之線段碎化,並形成各別網格面。
3. 將各線段與平面透過 Origa
6. 折面因為稍有扭曲,需要分段才能攤平。
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
ami 和 Kangaroo 來形成需要的折面型態。
7. 得到攤平後的圖面,送至震動刀,雕刻出折板的凹痕。
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
4. 透過 Scale 調整比例。
8. SC:1/10 折板實作完成。 P.93
◇設計過程 - 格柵的製成
1. 接著要製作可固定折板的格柵。
5. 接著計算隔柵板彼此之間的卡榫深度與位置。
2. 將折板以等距斷面線切出 X 與 Y 向的線段。
5. 透過 GH 的交集與差集,可以精確快速繪製出卡榫。
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
3. 依照設計需求與材料特性,可以參數化調整格柵板的深度 與厚度。
7. 將之透過排列整理,得到平面圖,並模擬出用夾板所做的情況。
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
4. 得到可以固定折板的兩向格柵板。
8. 將圖送至雷切機,再將之按卡榫組合,SC:1/10 格柵 完成。 P.95
Junior Second Semester
Robotic arm preliminary course Digital manufacturing AIRBAG PRACTICE 初步接觸機械手臂與數位製造的課程操作 探討輕材料氣囊與參數化之結合運用 此為團體作品 個人負責 1. 部分設計探討。 2. 機械手臂實際操作。 3. 皮膜材料測試與調整。 4. 影音攝影紀錄。 DESIGNER: 團體設計
組員共 6 人 : 舒彥農,葉子豪 林瑞浤,林崇恩 駱維哲,呂子豪
KEYWORDS: 氣囊 / 機械手臂
P.S. My video link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRAIw6oS0rQ&t=11s
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
Junior Second Semester
Danshui Art Museum
議題研究 傳統美術館 ( 看畫看展 )VS. 新型態美術館 ( 一個有放畫的社交空間 ) 現代人的需求與線上畫廊的出現對於當代美術館 之影響,並探討公共性建築與當地文化之紀念性 DESIGNER: 林瑞宏
SITE: 新北市淡水國小
KEYWORDS: 新型態美術館 / 空間模糊
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
對於這次課題我翻閱許多關於美術館的資料,其中我讀到一本介紹新型態美 術館案例的書,名叫「新天堂美術館」,它讓我了解到原來今昔之間建築師 對於美術館的想法有多大的不同。目前因為科技的進步,許多藝術品與畫作 都能在網路欣賞到,加上現代人生活步調快速,一般民眾對於藝術的需求也 不高,所以有人認為若只是為了欣賞畫作,那其實只用線上畫廊看看畫,根 本不用特地去美術館。的確如此,畢竟對於現代人而言,我認為單純看畫已 經不能滿足了。現今的美術館如何吸引人來,是一大值得討論的問題。
◇設計概念 - 空間的模糊 X 交錯 X 融合
( 外 ---- 內 ---- 外 ---- 內 的空間配置與動線安排,模糊內外邊界 )
1. 選擇開放虛空間
敷地策略與方向,利用原有校景,將景觀空間規畫於靠近馬路 側,讓美術館與都市之間有所緩衝與區隔,形成氣氛轉換。
5. 確認大致量體
2. 切 離, 檢 討 地 面 動
3. 確 認 以 此 為 基 底 動
6. 將天橋延穿梭量體
7. 檢討空間概念並
4. 開 始 檢 討 上 方 量 體
8. 定案
概念簡圖 : 透過不同手法,讓人連續不斷的產生空間錯覺感,能同時兼顧展覽 ( 內 ) 與風景 ( 外 ),讓人了解到,淡水的藝術是與外面的息息 相關,使人能夠想到,我們看的一幅幅畫,都是源自於淡水本身的大自然,人文與自然是相連合而為一的,而天橋藝廊就如同淡 水河一樣,帶著人們穿梭於淡水之美,更加認同當地的歷史與文化。
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
半戶外陸橋,將美術館室內感覺延伸而出 穿越常設展的大空間,L 型動線可以看到 不同角度的展場情況
由此進入館內,可以看到圖書室內與另一端 天橋藝廊的情況,形成館中有館,景中有景 此處面臨眾多綠樹,設計成半戶外,親 近自然
走道這個觀景平台時,就可以清楚看見遠 處陸橋,暗示這個動線的連接處
穿越攝影展區,即將要到半戶外的空間, 因為沒有天花版,故空間感會變開闊
將藝廊動線結合平台與校門口,讓學生更 有機會與意願穿梭館中
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
Junior Second Semester
Congregate housing 議題研究 2. 建築膨脹
1. 建築尺度
SITE: 台北大安區 錦安公園
KEYWORDS: 集合住宅 / 層層遞進 / 巷弄
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
面對左側的議題,如何應對 ? 我認為可以透過與當地將要發展成的特色園區結合。 屆時 , 基地 , 街區 , 園區三者之間將會整合於一起 , 文化層面 能增 加社區認同感 , 環境層面可以串聯綠帶為環境 , 並提供 人文 風景於周圍住民 , 讓這裡更適合生活的步調。以此為中 心 , 向外融合其他巷弄空間。讓空間去連動空間。
◇設計概念 - 空間的串聯,互動與延伸 空間的延伸與串聯,讓人與人有更多交集,創造互動的可能性,空間不斷分裂出次空間,但是次空間裡又有主空間。空間互相連動延伸,有如樹枝不 斷分岔出去,讓空間的變化是充滿層次,而非跳躍式的變化,且又有交集的地方,我想,這種概念回應的都市紋理的變化,空間的連結與延伸讓人的 心態能夠收放自如,空間的交集能讓人們的生活產生更多互動與記憶,層層遞進的空間使生活產生更多層次感。
1. 社區層面 ( 整棟住宅與基地 )
2. 住戶與住戶層面 ( 單元與單元 )
大自然的延伸,使咖啡廳與公園有 了空間上的連結,並一層一層遞進
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
3. 家庭層面 ( 單元內部 )
家的延伸 : 把窗簾拉上,便可知道共用陽
+1 空間 : 臥房的延伸,家人的隱密小天地。
4. 整體概念關係
01 : Interaction Design
02 : Reciprocal Frame
03 : Folding plate & Grille
04 : Airbug Practice
05 : Danshui Art Museum
06 : Congregate housing
â—‡ My Critique Time
â—‡ Design Discussion