IW Gazette 59

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gazette the isle of wight




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FREE! Friday April 2, 2010 Issue 59

NEWS Low Morale at Council

IW COUNCIL workers are not happy bunnys this Easter, according to a new survey

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NEWS Red Hot Love

Alice Belton

A FORMER Caribrooke High School pupil escaped jail this week after pleading guilty to ‘phone sex’ with inmates at the Parkhurst wing of IW Prison. Alice Belton, 23, also sent naked photographs of herself to prisoners, the IW Crown Court heard. After admitting a single count of misconduct in a public office Belton was handed a four month

suspended sentence by Judge John Dixon and a 12 month supervision order. He told Belton, formerly from Newport but now living at Bexhill-on-Sea: ”You were weak and foolish. You did not do this for personal financial gain but it was probably to improve your self esteem and bolster your emotional fragility.” See full story Page 3

A SURPRISE marriage proposal heats up new firefighters passing out parade


Page 7



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The Gazette, Friday, April 2, 2010


HMP ISLE of Wight celebrated its first year at a dedication service led by the Vice Lord Lieutenant of the Isle of Wight, Sir Guy Ackland. Present at the dedication were the High Sheriff, Mrs Gay Edwards; Chief Fire Officer, Paul Street; Director

of Public Health and Chief Medical Advisor, Dr Jenifer Smith; Cllr Dawn Cousins; Mr. Nigel Hawley from IMB; Chief Inspector of Police, Mr. Paul Savill and Chamber of Commerce Group Marketing Manager, Ms Zoe Stroud. Also present were Prison Governor, Barry Greenberry,

Dougie Graham, Steve Sallis, Richard Knowles, Neil Borton, John Baxendale, Mark West, Colin Craven and John Wilcox. HMP Isle of Wight is a long term Category B training prison based on three sites; previously Albany, Parkhurst and Camphill prisons. It

Prison Governor Barry holds up to 1698 prisoners, employs 1000 staff and is Greenberry said: “Prisoners now officially the largest cell cards now have Mr. on establishment in the country. them and prisoners are no

“The managers and staff have had the courage to introduce new ways of working.”

Front row left to right: PO Mark Richards, Police Chief Inspector Paul Savill, Lord Lieutenant Sir Guy Acland, Prison Governor Barry Greenbury, High Sheriff Gay Edwards, Chief Fire Officer Paul Street, Nigel Hawley of the IMB, and Dougie Graham

longer routinely called by their surnames only. The average stay in segregation has fallen from 260 days to 47. “Joining up the three sites populations has seen more progressive transfers from Parkhurst site to Camp Hill site. Each site has an elected prison council, which are engaging prisoners in finding solutions to current problems and proposing improvements to our ability to reduce reoffending. “We believe that not only are we managing individuals but shaping a community. The prison takes its inspiration from those sink estates which have successfully changed from places of graffiti, drug taking, poor health and marked by criminal and anti-social behaviour to decent places where people succeed. “The prison has established a number of flagship projects designed to bring multi function, multi site and multi organisation staff together around improvements such as culture change, better managers, better regime, heritage centre project, dragons den older prisoners project etc. There has been a much more joined up working with the local IW Council and other Island organisations such as the chamber of commerce, local housing groups, social services and older prisoners support groups. “The prison has changed considerably. The managers and staff have had the courage to introduce new ways of working and have done so without a major incident or escape.”


A WELLOW woman was beginning a 15-year prison sentence this week after being found guilty of murdering her husband. Helen Lawson blasted husband Geoffrey to death with a shotgun, claiming his heavy drinking was making her life hell. Mr. Lawson died instantly, and the jury at Winchester Crown Court rejected a plea of diminished responsibility. The court heard that on January 4 last year Lawson she fired at her husband from close range as he lay

in bed, shooting him in the chest and abdomen. It was claimed Lawson, who has been married three times, took the gun from a cabinet in their home, went upstairs, put the light on, and then called her husband’s name to wake him before she shot him. She then dropped the gun and went downstairs and before dialing 999 and telling the operator was no accident. When told by police her husband was dead, Lawson replied ‘good’, the jury heard from Nicholas Haggan QC,

prosecuting. Mr. Justice Sweeney told Lawson: “You were intent, as you admitted during the trial, on killing him. I have no doubt that you then woke him up so that he knew

lives of all the members of and that his wife admitted his family. You plainly gave she had drunk brandy and no thought that night to wine that night. these consequences. At the time you were proceeding simply upon your own selfish wish to be rid of Geoffrey Lawson.” After her arrest, Lawson told police her husband was ‘hell to live with’ because he was an alcoholic. She maintained he had been drinking on the night he treasured and desperately died. But tests later showed that missed. “Your actions have had a Mr. Lawson was ‘as good as Helen Lawson devastating impact on the sober’ when he was killed you - an extraordinarily cruel thing to have done.” “You robbed Geoffrey Lawson of his life at the age of 61. You thereby deprived his sons, in particular, of a loving father who was much

“You were intent, as you admitted during the trial, on killing him.” what was coming and with the intention that the last moments of his life would be spent in abject terror of

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The Gazette, Friday, April 2, 2010





A WOMAN monitor who indulged in ‘phone sex’ with inmates at an Island prison, sending them naked photographs of herself, has been given a four-month suspended sentence. Alice Benton, 23, had “inappropriate” and “intimate” relationships with three inmates serving at the Parkhurst branch of HMP Isle of Wight where she worked voluntarily October 2008 and April 2009. Isle of Wight Crown Court in Newport heard she carried out the relationships while working with the Independent Monitoring Board (IMB), which involved visiting prisoners to check on their well-being. Her liaisons, which took place over a six-month period, came to an end when she was arrested for taking a mobile phone into Parkhurst in April 2009. Benton, a former pupil of Carisbrooke High School, was living in Newport at the time of the offences. She now lives at Bexhill-on-Sea, Sussex. The court heard she began a relationship with one of the prisoners on an internet forum while working at the jail but that she was not aware he was an inmate. However even after she discovered she was contacting a prisoner she continued the


relationship, and also began chatting to one of his friends, even though he told her they were in Parkhurst. She later began sending sexual text messages to the men before meeting them inside prison in her role as monitor. She also sent explicit, naked photographs which she had taken of herself on her phone, the court heard. She was arrested, an investigation took place and a search of her house revealed correspondence relating to a serving prisoner named as Stuart. She explained that serving prisoner, Stuart, befriended her on an internet chat site called Fast Flirt in November 2008, they exchanged phone numbers and started to talk and text. Then he told her he was a serving prisoner serving a sentence “up North”. When she explained that she was a prison monitor he said: “Fancy that. I’m a serving prisoner at Parkhurst.” When Stuart asked, she had phone sex with him and sent explicit messages from her phone to his. The court heard

that Stuart then asked her to bring drugs into the prison and asked her for her bank details to deposit money. She agreed because she was short of money and two deposits were made: one of £100 and one of £500. She started to ignore Stuart because he was pressurising her to bring in drugs. “John Paul” (JP) then contacted her and explained that he was a friend of Stuart’s and that he had been using his phone. Belton also admitted that the nature of text messages between herself and JP had developed into phone sex and swapping of photographs. Gary Venturi, prosecuting, gave a resume of the texts that were exchanged between Belton and JP. The first text message was sent to her phone on March 27, 2009 at 21.03 and said: “You gt it x.” A reply was sent. On April 2, 2009 “JP” sent to Belton: “Sent you that picture when he was soft. Send me some more p**** shots and I’ll send you a picture when he’s hard.” Later that night at 22.40, Belton sent: “Doesn’t look like you but have only seen you once – who took it?” Another text was received by Belton, “When can I have another serving of that ******?” Belton replied: “Tomorrow, will pop round.” Another exchange of texts read to the court were: AB: “Have you got it? JP: “What no ***** shots x. AB: “Nope, you have to be good, you have to be really

JP: “For how long, you tease?” AB: “For however long it takes for me to like you enough.” 
JP: “What are you up to, I can’t stop thinking about your *****.” AB: “You been quiet.” 
JP: “I have a lot of things to get sorted but have you been thinking of me and has that sweet ***** been missing me.” AB: “I might have been thinking of you but my ***** has fallen out with you, ha. X.” The reason Belton gave for joining the Independent Monitoring Board was to gain life experience and history on her CV. The court heard that the chairman of the IMB had told her: “Don’t make the mistake of feeling sorry for the prisoners.” Her barrister, Richard Germain, said she was 22 at the time of the offences and had no previous convictions. The reason she pleaded guilty was because she couldn’t cope with the trial because she was fragile and that she should be given full credit for pleading guilty. The monitor nearest to her in age was 30 and the rest were in their 50s, said her barrister. She welcomed the text messages and craved the attention. The court heard that she had left home at 16, after a personality clash with her mother, and that her father had left when she was ten. She then moved to a hostel called the Foyer in Ryde where she met her boyfriend during the offences, Paul. They both decided to leave the Foyer and get a place

together and jobs. At the time of the offences she was employed as a care assistant looking after young adults and studying for her level 4 NVQ in Social Care. Her barrister said that her refusal to bring drugs into the prison may have led the prisoners to turn on her. “Tell the judge I’m not a bad person,” Belton had told her barrister. Judge John Dixon sentenced Belton to four months imprisonment, suspended for two years with a 12 month supervision order. He said: “You were weak and foolish and naïve young woman. You are not to be punished for that, but

the consequences of your weakness and foolishness were very serious. You made yourself vulnerable to exploitation by manipulative and unstable men and although you rightly resisted the invitation to import drugs into HMP Parkhurst, you could have caused serious damage to the good order of her majesty’s prisons and that was not only irresponsible but a serious breach of trust. “Given the public humiliation you have brought upon yourself, the shame you feel and the collapse of your personal life I come to the judgment you have suffered enough.”

NIGEL HAWLEY, Chairman of the Independent Members Board, was unhappy with the verdict given to Alice Belton. “The verdict can only be pronounced on the evidence put before the judge, but the true facts about her appointment and the training element were not given,” said Mr. Hawley (pictured left). “In his summing up the judge said that he was amazed that someone could

go into the prison without training but Alice Belton went on a residential training course. “She wasn’t allowed to go into the prison alone for the first nine months of her appointment and only then if her mentor and other board members were satisfied that she was capable of doing so. “One of the board members is a national tutor for the IMB and he was involved in

her training at Parkhurst. She got as good if not better training than her colleagues in other establishments. “I critisise the lack of information that was given to the judge – the defence gave the impression that she was a naive young girl but she had 70-80 hours of training. “Age is not a problem for us – saying she was young and naive was not appropriate. If

she’d been told she was too young ageism would have come into it. “We’re trying to get a younger average age of board members and we would really like to see younger members coming forward. “Had they thought to invite us to explain the role, appointment and training element there might have been different views from the court.”

Alice Belton




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The Gazette, Friday, April 2, 2010


PRESENTED with a panel of years 11, 12 and 13 politics students, local politicians visited Ryde High School last week for ‘Politics Day’. Bob Keats, the Green Party representative for the Island, felt strongly that there is at the present time, a “tremendous opportunity for us to act” against global warming. Mr Keats also explained that unlike other political parties, the Green Party is not about a struggle between people, but about working together as one planet, and that politics needs to go back to locality. Mr Keats agreed that losing Vestas was an opportunity lost. Jill Wareham, the Island

By Tia Pennant-Lewis

representative for the Liberal Democrats also feels strongly about the wind turbine campaign, despite her previous opinion that it would be a bad idea to have them on the Island. Mrs Wareham assured students after many complaints about Island buses, that “Southern Vectis needs to be looked into”. She stated that she didn’t agree with the upcoming academies; arguing that it is “privatisation through the back door”. She also stated that apprenticeships should be fully funded. Andrew Turner, the Island’s MP and representative for the Conservative Party, was


A STEEL fabricator had a lucky escape this morning after his work van caught fire. The red faced worker was driving along Havenstreet Road on Thursday April 1, when the engine compartment became engulfed in flames. Practical joker Derren Holmes had bosses in stiches after making the April Fools prank call to tell them the

story and sending this picture by his mobile phone. Glen Loofemore, Manager of Amdross Engineering said: “At first I really thought it was for real and we where really worried.” Company owner Ron Shire said: “It didn’t catch me out because his mobile didn’t have a signal and when I pulled into the yard the van was still there with no damage!”

up next, making it clear that the issues of priority are education and health. When asked why he voted against gay equal rights, Mr Turner argued that homosexual behaviour is acceptable inside people’s homes but should not be brought to a “standard that is unnecessary”. He went on to say and people “can only be married if they are two different sexes” and that you are in a “better position if you are Christian”. Though Mr Turner did admit he understands and the financial benefits of civil partnership, he believes that it is a “hostile decision that is wrong”. When later asked if his view was representative of Island thinking, he said that it was. Though quite supportive of environmental issues, Mr Turner said that wind turbines would not be right in areas of outstanding natural beauty and that he

doesn’t believe in slogans such as “Eco-Island” (despite the fact his picture is used for the eco Island campaign). Other issues raised included fox-hunting. Mr Turner argued that the “present law is ineffective”. He also argued that only old and weak foxes are killed during fox-hunting. The final politician to visit the school was Mark Chiverton, the Island representative for the Labour Party. Mr Chiverton, a trade union organiser, feels strongly that politicians should stand more on a genuine platform to help people. When asked if “Britain is Broken”, he said no, arguing that we are in a rapidly changing society and that the concept of what is a family is different to what it used to be. Mr Chiverton Mark Chiverton agreed that it is a pity there are no wind turbines on transport on the Island” and the public. Mr Chiverton also the Island. He also feels that Southern Vectis should made it clear that education strongly about “better public run more for the benefit of should be a central priority.

Pupils at Ryde High School

The Gazette, Friday, April 2, 2010

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IT MAY be Easter, but it appears there are a lot of very UNHAPPY bunnies working for the Isle of Wight Council. A survey conducted among Council staff has revealed that only just over one-quarter agree that morale is good where they work. Senior management and directors did not fare well in employees’ assessments, and a lack of communication across the council also came under heavy fire, with only 12 per cent agreeing it was good. Overall, 1,064 or 40 per cent of staff completed the anonymous survey, which was run by an independent research company BMG Research, and delivered to workers by Council chief executive Steve Beynon. The Directors’ team, along with senior managers, use the survey as a key way in which they can understand the issues and challenges that are facing employees, as well as understanding where things have improved. In the report Mr. Beynon told staff: “Perhaps unsurprisingly given the

announcements we had to make early last year, job security is now one of the most important factors to people in their work at the council and an area where you are least satisfied. “This is a difficult one to address in the current economic climate where budget pressures prevail. We can only repeat that it is very much our intention to avoid compulsory redundancies where possible by managing vacancies and redeploying any staff at risk and I hope that our success in doing this last year will provide some reassurance. “This has no doubt had a knock-on effect in terms of morale though with only 27 per cent of staff agreeing that morale is good where they work. There is no doubt that some areas have experienced more unsettling times than others with changing staff structures and interim management. “However, we announced a new structure in January and have only a couple of outstanding appointments and with interviews well underway I hope that this

Council chief executive Steve Beynon

will give the organisation some much needed stability.” He continued: “There are wider issues of communication which need to be addressed by all of us; whilst communication within teams is generally perceived to be good, communication across the council is deemed to be poor with only 12 per cent of staff agreeing that it is good. “At a time when so many of our corporate priorities overlap many different service areas this is also a

can be rectified with targeted training or senior management intervention. “I have to say that senior management and directors did not fare well in your assessments either. Whilst we appear to be collectively communicating our vision for the directorate and council overall, we are seen as less approachable, less interested in listening to staff opinions and you appear to feel unable to speak up on issues where you disagree with us.

“Job security is now one of the most important factors to people in their work at the council and an area where you are least satisfied.” missed opportunity and one that I have asked directors to look at more closely in each of their areas. Of particular concern too is the fact that you have told us that the reasons for change are not well communicated with only 38 per cent tending to agree/ strongly agreeing (35% in 2008). This is a major area for us to address as we continue with our key corporate priority of delivering better services through work to transform the way we work.” There was criticism of line management with half of those surveyed feeling that their line managers did not act on their ideas (50%), provide enough support or resources (54%) or give feedback on performances (56%). Approaching one-fifth also felt that their line manager never or rarely fed back corporate information. On line management unrest, Mr. Beynon said; “These are all significant issues which we intend to address through improved manager briefing and training. This year you will also have the opportunity to give anonymous feedback on your managers as part of the PDR process so that we can be certain that individual management problems

“You also do not feel consulted on matters where you can contribute (67% agree) (71% 2008). I think that this is particularly sad and would like to reassure you that we really do welcome comments and opinions from staff at all levels of the organisation, even when those may be critical. We know that staff throughout the organisation have good ideas and we would welcome any solutions as we continue in this challenging period.” On a more positive note, the survey revealed that job satisfaction has improved by two per cent, increasing to 66% compared to 2008 whilst accomplishing something at work and with the people who worked together, along with pay, were aspects highlighted as being most important to employees. Three-quarters agreed

they understood how their job helped the council deliver its objectives and just over three fifths (62%) understood the council’s aims – figures described as ‘also encouraging’. Mark Chiverton, the branch secretary of UNISON, and other representative of the trades unions, will meet Council officers within the next few days to discuss the survey. Mr. Chiverton admits: “In large sections morale appears to be extremely low, with a huge amount of worry over job cuts. Many are bemused by the changes that have been introduced and don’t understand how they will benefit the service. “Remember the survey

does not cover schools, where there is a lot of uncertainty, particularly at middle schools, where there is potentially a high level of jobs at risk. “It is essential the Council engages with UNISON and other trades unions on all aspects of the survey, because if issues are not addressed, levels of unhappiness will become greater. “It is essential there is dialogue to try to improve matters, otherwise staff morale will continue to be low. We will meet the head of communications to go through things in more detail, and hopefully that will provide the springboard for meaningful talks with the chief executive.”



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QUEEN VICTORIA lived there in the 1880s, but there will be more than a touch of the 1980s at Osborne House, East Cowes, later this year. The second night of a double-header concert on July 31 and August 1, will feature many of the top names of the 80s music scene including Bananarama, Rick Astley, ABC, Belinda Carlisle, Howard Jones and Go West. The opening night will see a return to the Island of Will Young, the original ‘Pop Idol’, who won the series in 2002, he has since become most successful British male solo artist of the 2000’s and has sold over eight million records. John Giddings, organiser of Osborne House Summer Concerts and the Isle Of Wight Festival, is thrilled to have teamed up again with Green Eye Events, Riverside Productions and English Heritage to put on the unique weekend. He said: “We are proud to continue the tradition bringing great artists to the grounds of Osborne House. “Both Will Young and Bananarama were such huge success at the Isle of Wight Festival last year that we had to bring them back to the Island!”


The Gazette, Friday, April 2, 2010


AN MP has admitted “a bit of a boob” after mistakenly sending a letter to Lord Mandelson referring to him as “Mr Mandelweasel”. Andrew Turner, Conservative MP for the Isle of Wight, wrote to the Business Secretary on official House of Commons headed paper. The letter, sent by Mr Turner’s office in his name, highlighted a constituent’s concerns about proposals for the Digital Economy Bill. In his original complaint to Mr Turner, the constituent had branded the Labour peer “Herr Dictator Mandelweasel”. Mr Turner’s office then inadvertently repeated the insulting Mandelweasel nickname. The MP’s official correspondence stated: “Please

find enclosed a letter from Mr [constituent’s surname] who is concerned about the ramifications of Mr Mandelweasel’s 3

NEW plans for a wind energy project could add up to 11.5 megawatts towards the total amount of energy generated from renewables on the Island. The figure currently stands at just 2.6megawatts but the IW Council will soon have a fresh opportunity to help achieve the Eco Island’s renewable energy target of 18 megawatts installed capacity by this year. Dorset-based renewable energy company Infinergy has invited councillors, community groups and statutory and non-statutory consultees to a presentation of plans for a five-turbine wind

energy project in the north west of the Island, outside any known constraints such as Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Hosting an onshore wind farm would increase the Island’s green credentials dramatically. Infinergy’s Project Director, Herb Lindlahr, said: “The site has great potential for a wind energy project that would cover around 10 per cent of the Isle of Wight’s domestic electricity needs. This is an exciting opportunity in taking the next step towards fulfilling the Eco Island Vision, something much talked about but far from realised.”

strikes and disconnect policy.” The complaint refers to proposals which could mean that users illegally sharing copyrighted files would receive three warnings before having their internet access terminated. Business minister Stephen Timms wrote a three page reply to Mr Turner on Lord Mandelson’s behalf – and made no reference to the insult. In a statement, Mr Turner said: “We all make mistakes sometimes. This is obviously a bit of a boob - and I hold my hands up. “Interestingly, Steve Timms, the minister who answered the letter, appears not to have noticed our error. “He certainly didn’t mention it in his three page response. I know that Lord Mandelson has

been called much worse in the past!” Mr Turner’s letter, which was not signed by him, was sent in November last year but the gaffe has only just come to light. His office was today blaming a temporary worker for the embarrassing blunder. A Department for Business Innovation and Skills spokesperson said: “The Government is determined to support our creative industries, in particular by dealing with the problem of unlawful filesharing. “The Digital Economy Bill contains proposals to tackle this problem. “Lord Mandelson and his ministerial team are concentrating on this important issue and others facing our digital economy. “Weasels are beyond his remit, for now at least!”

This site has been considered before. Infinergy is confident that these proposals will meet the planning requirements and will address the concerns raised in previous applications anywhere on the Island. Mr. Lindlahr added: “We are confident that the site is good and we can come up with an appropriate proposal. We take responsible development very seriously and will work closely with statutory consultees; professional bodies in their field that need to be satisfied that our proposal meets their requirements.”

The project is at scoping stage and nothing has yet been submitted to IW Council. However, Infinergy has started the community consultation process for Vectis Wind Farm of which the launch is the first event. Mr. Lindlahr said: “Community consultation is an essential part of our approach to development. We are looking to work closely with the Island community as a whole. The residents of the Isle of Wight have shown a lot of interest in this subject in the past and we look forward to explaining about our plans.”


THE POPULAR, annual Bembridge Street Fair will take place on Monday, May 31 from 2-430pm, in Bembridge High Street. There will be more than 40 stalls and entertainment includes vintage cars, The Godbus, IOW Youth Band and the Queen Victoria Lifeboat. There will also be music in the cloisters garden from the Minstrels, magic from Randini, a flower festival at Holy Trinity Church, as well as a barbecue, gardening, arts and craft, jewellery and bric-a-brac stalls. A beer festival and pig roast will be held at the Old Village Inn, with an art and craft display in the Village Hall.

gazette the isle of wight





Write to: Jo Macaulay, Unit B18, Spithead Business Centre, Newport Road, IW, PO36 9PH. Tel: (01983) 402599. Email: jo@iwgazette.co.uk

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THE NEWS EDITOR Write to: Jason Kay, Unit B18, Spithead Business Centre, Newport Road, IW, PO36 9PH. Tel: (01983) 402599. Email: jason@iwgazette.co.uk

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The Gazette, Friday, April 2, 2010

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ROBIN FIRES UP LOVE IN THE AIR EVERY GIRL loves a guy in uniform so trainee firefighter Robin Jones, 21, thought he was on to a fairly safe bet when he proposed to his girlfriend in the middle of his passing out parade in Ryde, writes Jason Kay. After gallantly rescuing people from a burning building, during a simulated display, he swooped down from 60ft on a hydraulic platform to make his proposal. The station manager announced that Robin had a special announcement to make and he went down on one knee and asked Donna Guile, 30, if she would marry him. Friends had made sure that Donna, a hair salon manager, had been seated in the front row.

Robin Jones and Donna Guile

Luckily she accepted and then, overcome with emotion, she burst into tears as family and dignitaries who were seated around her clapped and cheered. “All the councillors and other dignitaries at the ceremony came over to congratulate me. I felt like a celebrity,” said Donna. Once she had recovered the pair posed for photographs sitting on a fire engine. “It was so romantic that it was the best thing ever,” said Donna. ”The effort that he went to means the world to me. Robin proposing in his uniform was every girl’s dream. “It was a total shock. He had been so nervous about the passing out ceremony anyway. I never thought it would be anything other

than his big day. “We’re going for a nice meal to decide when the wedding takes place but it will probably be Spring next year. Former builder Robin said: “I wanted my proposal to be special and had been thinking for ages about how to do it. “I said to one of my instructors as a joke that I should propose at the parade and he said they could sort it out. I decided I wouldn’t be able to beat that and I knew Donna would say yes.” The couple met at a mutual friend’s wedding, and have been dating for three years. “I am so glad she said yes. She is perfect for me – everything anyone could ever want in a wife.” said Robin.



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BONCHURCH will be hosting a Flower Festival over St Boniface Day, June 5. The festival will start on Thursday June 3 and run through to Sunday June 6. The theme is a Village Affair and they plan to incorporate different aspects of their village life. Both the Victorian Parish Church and the Old Church (rebuilt in 1070) will be decorated. Tea, coffee light lunches etc will be available in the Victorian School Rooms, which the parish use as a hall. Teas and coffees will also be served in the Parish Church. There are plans to have a concert each night and the Rev. Caroline Bastion is preaching at the Patronal Festival Eucharist on Sunday Morning. The Louis Mountbatten Hospice, will benefit from 25% of the proceeds with the remainder going towards the upkeep of the churches. At the moment they are saving for the repair of the church bell, which fell on the curate’s car! One of the arrangements will be a commemorative one with the names of all those remembered on a scroll placed by the arrangement.


The Gazette, Friday, April 2, 2010


TV ADVENTURER Bear Grylls will be making a mad dash to the Island on Friday, May 7 to mark the start of RIBEX, Europe’s number one adventure powerboat show. He will use Gunwharf Quay in Portsmouth as the starting point for an adrenaline-pumping race across the Solent, racing the organiser of RIBEX, Hugo Montgomery-Swan, from there to the showground at Cowes Yacht Haven. The two man duel will mark the start of the show and once back on dry land Bear will run up the pontoon to the Suzuki Marine stand and officially open the event. The pair will both drive identical seven metre, Suzuki powered Coastline RIBs, which have been donated by show sponsors Suzuki and Coastline. Hugo said: “It was obvious we had to do something adrenaline-filled to introduce Bear as the star guest. He’s been training for an extremely difficult RIB voyage through the icy North West Passage and as I’m a devoted RIB rider, I came up with the idea of challenging him to ride alongside me to Cowes to launch RIBEX 2010. I’m starting to regret it now though - I think he might beat me there!” Bear added: “I’m really excited about racing Hugo across the Solent, which is where my love

of RIBs began. I grew up on the Isle of Wight, sailing and boating, and as soon as RIBs became generally available I was hooked. They are the 4x4s of the sea – so exciting to learn to ride and master in a big sea. RIBs open up a world of possibilities for great adventures worldwide.” Bear’s next major expedition will be a RIB voyage through the icy waters of the North West Passage. The expedition is due to take place in the autumn of 2010 and it is hoped that the vessel will feature as a prime display within the Tented Village zone of RIBEX. Around 80 RIBS are set to be on show at the Yacht Haven and a further 100 visiting RIBs will be moored up. Among the activities on offer are family RIB rides by the RYA and the adrenaline-pumping chance to sit in the navigator seat of a championship RIB and be driven around the Solent by a championship RIB racer. This year’s show will also feature its own music festival, RIBFEST, headlined by folk rock superstar, Seth Lakeman. Entry to RIBEX costs £4.50 for the whole weekend and tickets can be bought at the gates or in advance through www. ribexhibitions.co.uk. Tickets to RIBFEST, which also include free entry to RIBEX for the weekend cost £19.50.

Bear Grylls


Retained Firefighters from Shanklin station with children from Sandown High school

HUNDREDS of cars looked much cleaner on the Island last weekend, as hundreds of pounds were raised for charity. Firefighters from IW fire and Rescue at Shanklin joined forces with pupils from Sandown High School to complete a marathon car wash. The venture raised an incredible £1,100 which was split equally between Leukaemia Research and Sandown High School’s next Global Rock venture, having won the national event last year.

The Gazette, Friday, April 2, 2010

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A DECISION on whether to try to save the Military Road has been deferred by the IW Council’s Cabinet. The future of the road, which runs along the south of the Island from Chale to Freshwater, is under severe threat because of coastal erosion. There have already been suggestions that the road will just be left to fall into the sea, and traffic be diverted through the village of Brook, rather than have millions of pounds spent in trying to save it. But at a meeting on Tuesday night, the Council’s Cabinet decided to defer a decision on the most problematic section, in the area close to Brook, where it has already been reduced to a single lane controlled by temporary traffic lights. The Cabinet decided to allow further consultation on the issue and more discussions with landowners about the options. But Cabinet member for Transport Cllr Peter Giles has told commuters and residents opposed to the closure not to build up their

hopes too much. He said: “I hope this demonstrates we are listening but I wouldn’t wish to offer false hope.” However, Jill Wareham, Liberal Democrat Prospective MP for the Island, has expressed he concerns at the Council’s ‘lack of

lack of importance that the Tories put on this matter is highlighted by the fact that it is agenda item 8 after five major items. “The Military Road is one of only six ‘A’ Roads on the Island - it is a major strategic road. “The impact

“There have been no public meetings or engagement with the public.” consultation’ over the state of Military Road. She is also surprised that the fate of the road is in the hands of the seven Cabinet members. She said: “This Tory-run Council again shows its arrogance by its complete lack of consultation. The Council identifies ‘Parish Councils, Key stakeholders, Public’ as consultees. There have been no public meetings or engagement with the public. The only Parish Council consulted was Brighstone who put forward very strong views in keeping this vital route open. The

on tourism and businesses in the South and West Wight will be massive. “Rerouted traffic will have a major impact on the villages of Brooks, Hulverstone, Mottistone and Brighstone. Newport town centre and Whitepit Lane will also bear the brunt of misplaced traffic. “We are told there is an extra £40m in the PFI scheme, some of this money could be used to reroute the road? I cannot believe the Conservative administration can take this issue so lightly – how can a major road be closed without a full debate on the issues and impact?”


The Wight Diamonds Marching Band THE WIGHT Diamonds Marching Band (WDMB) and the Wellingborough Music & Arts Centre Bands (WMAC) will be joining forces to play at a number of events on the Island over the Easter Weekend. The WMAC will have around 70 playing members from their Festival Band. They are an award winning concert band, who recently took part in the National Festival of Music For Youth

Competition. They are on tour to the Island for the first time in several years and are a very talented band of young people led and conducted by Ruth Allen. They have a very broad range of playing styles that include film music, popular classics, marches, theme tunes and even some jazz numbers. So the Wight Diamonds Marching Band are naturally delighted to have the

opportunity to play with this level of Concert Band. The playing itinerary for the weekend is: Saturday April 3: WMAC - East Dene Fun Day, Bonchurch 12 - 1pm. WDMB & WMAC - Havenstreet Steam Railway Easter Fun Day, 2.30 - 4pm. Sunday April 4: WMAC - Blackgang Chine 12.30 1.30pm. WDMB & WMAC Concert, Rylstone Gardens, Luccombe, 3pm.

The Military Road




Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599


The Gazette, Friday, April 2, 2010


THERE was a bumper turnout for the Walk for Prostate Cancer with over 80 walkers making the circular trek from Yarmouth, many of them with their underpants over their trousers. “It was manic,” said organiser and media spokesman for The Prostate Cancer Charity, John Fraser. “Some were sufferers, some were from the families of sufferers and some people came from the mainland. We even had a helicopter pilot from the army. “We raised £400 on the day and we have raised £700 so far from online donations with more coming


in. Donations can be made to www.justgiving.com/island walkforprostatecancer. “Nearly all the men had their underpants on the outside. My son Neil (45) wore a gold thong over his jeans and my wife Ann dressed in colourful pants over her trousers.” said John. The route was from Yarmouth car park, along the beach to Colwell Bay and on to Totland Pier, then round the back of Freshwater and along the causeway to Yarmouth. It took people between two and a half to three hours to complete. John is part of the am dram

scene in Freshwater and a group of fellow thespians and family members then repaired to the Wheatsheaf. “I’ve had prostate cancer for nine years and it’s not a death sentence,” said John. “I’ve had chryo surgery and radiotherapy and it’s now on its way back again, but I know there’s surgery available. “I do this not just to raise the profile of prostate cancer but to say to blokes out there, over the age of 50, to go to the doctor and get a simple blood test called a PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen).” A free and confidential helpline is available at 0800 074 8383.

ISLAND authorities have been told they will receive nearly £275,000 from Government funding to help repair the potholes caused by the harsh winter conditions. Repairs have already been taking place across the Island, but the funding is not expected to meet the full cost of replacing tarmac which was badly damaged by severe frost and snow.

IW Councillors will soon receive help filling the Island’s potholes

DEREK LAUNCHES HIS NEW ALBUM FOLLOWING his success with ‘Welcome to the Isle of Wight,’ possibly the Island’s first reggae song and a massive hit on the internet, Derek Sandy is releasing his new album ‘Brighter Day’ on May 28. A big party night at the Studio in Newport is planned for the launch night. “It’s gonna be a really exciting night – loads of fun,” said Derek. “It’s gonna be the party to launch the summer.” This is Derek’s second album release since moving to the Island in 2002. His first was ‘Dancing in Heaven’ and the single ‘Welcome to the Isle of Wight’ sold over 3,000 copies, along with its worldwide viewing on YouTube. In his native country of Trinidad and Tobago Derek began singing at school and in church at the tender age of five. In 1978 he sang in the same concert as the late, great Bob Marley. Derek has worked on the

new album with local music producer Jonathan Parkman who has also played some of the instruments along with mixing the album. The feature track is called ‘Brighter Day’ and is about looking forward to a better time when the world will be a happier place. Other tracks include ‘2000 and Beyond’, ‘Dirty Harry’, ‘Forgive Me’ and love song ‘Baby Don’t Cry’. There are a couple of calypso numbers, but most of the tracks are the reggae dance numbers for which Derek is so well known. There’s always a lot of dancing going on when Derek Sandy gets up to sing and he will be starting the season at the Sands Hotel this weekend. You’ll be seeing him over the summer at many events including the Old Gaffers and the Garlic Festival. Tickets for the May 28 launch at the Studio in Newport are only £5 and

Derek Sandy available from the Studio café, Spaced Inc and Island Photo Centre in both Newport and Ryde, Holliers Hotel in Shanklin and Sandown News. Under 18s do need to be accompanied by an adult.

Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599

The Gazette, Friday, April 2, 2010




THERE was a full itinerary for the Duke of Kent when he visited the Island on Tuesday to meet some of the businesses who have been awarded the prestigious Queen’s Award for Industry. The Duke flew into Yarmouth by helicopter and was met by the Queen’s representative on the Island, Major General Lord Lieutenant Martin White. Yarmouth Lifeboat was his first port of call in his capacity as president of the RNLI. He then visited the software firm PhysE and was shown a presentation about wave modeling in Yarmouth Harbour. In Newport the Duke visited RF Engines at St Cross Business Party where he met the High Sheriff Gay Edwards, leader of the council David

Pugh, chairman of the council Arthur Taylor and MP Andrew Turner and had lunch. Finally the Duke made a visit to Inflight Peripherals Ltd who specialise in electronic equipment for aircraft seating. Managing Director Geoff Underwood and director Claire Underwood hosted the visit. IFPL won the Queen’s Award in 2008 when Geoff and Claire attended Buckingham Palace and were presented to the Queen and Prince Phillip. “At the reception we spoke with Prince Edward, the Duke of Kent. Apparently he remembered us and when his trip to the IW was being arranged, (to visit the two companies who received the award in 2009) he said he would like to visit our company

Lord Lieutenant Martin White, Geoff Underwood, Clare Underwood and the Duke of Kent

as well,” said Claire Underwood. “HRH has previously been the UK’s special representative for International trade & Investment. This is relevant because our award is officially The Queen’s Award for Enterprise: International Trade - We export 95% of our products,” she added. HRH also met Geoff Underwood’s father, John Underwood because his role as Deputy Chief Engineer on the only UK British Rocket programmes, built on the IW, was instrumental in encouraging Geoff to become an engineer. After being shown some of the firm’s products and trying out one of Inflight’s aircraft seats, the Duke was taken to Seaclose Park to catch his helicopter at around 3pm.


Geoff Underwood with the Duke of Kent



Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599

Your letters... WAKE UP ISLAND

Dear Sirs,


The answer to your shameful and ill-informed comments is that we believe David Pugh will be exonerated, that there are most relevant facts which will eventually enter the public domain in this regard and that we also uphold that basic tenet of British law, namely that you are innocent until proven otherwise. Further do not believe all you read in newpapers, particularly that run by a man with many

Yours Sincerely Mr Phil Sard, St Helens


Dear Sir

Once upon a time, there was a very naughty boy who threw a tantrum and told fibs. Unfortunately he got caught out. But he got his own back when he told his pal not to accept any more sweets from the nasty people who told on him to his parents. Keep up the good work Gazette, tell it like it is. Sincerely Stephen Blanks, E Cowes.


Dear Editor,

I am appalled by the Hospice dropping the Gazette saying that another charity now deserves to have the money. I have found out that David Pugh’s father, Jim Pugh, is a Hospice nurse and maybe this influenced the Hospice to drop the Gazette’s donations. I for one think that if the Hospice do not need the Gazette’s donations then I will give my future donations to another Isle of Wight charity. Regards Adam Carson

The Gazette, Friday, April 2, 2010


To the Editor

My name is Phil Sard and I have lived on the Island throughout my whole life. It’s about time the people on the Island woke up and realised what is going on - we are being ripped off by the council, we should show a bit of backbone and fight the council because right now they are walking all over us. I honestly believe that the current council leader; David Pugh, has destroyed this Island and broken the community spirit, leaving many people unsettled with the constant change. Why should we allow the council to bully us? We should stand up to them because it’s sad to watch the Isle of Wight go down further... enough is enough.


criminal convictions mostly involving dishonesty but also one for assault and who declines to sign up to the standards of the Press Complaints Commission. What has he got to hide? In the meantime, perhaps you will direct your attention to the non-Conservative IW Councillors who are facing serious breach of the Code of Conduct charges. In addition we have the most un-edifying spectacle of a Councillor elected in 2009 as a Liberal Democract

pleading guilty to a dreadful assault on a Police Officer, being sentenced to three months suspended inprisonment, who feels he has grounds to appeal because, in his own reported words, he should have been given two months and 28 days thus avoiding his disqualification as a serving Councillor. Not even the faintest hint of regret or apology to his colleagues, a person who could not even see how his attendance at this week’s Council meeting


To the Editor I can’t believe what I have read regarding Graham Elderfield not wanting to accept any more money from The Gazette. How dare he voice this opinion and try to make his actions look benevolent by passing this money to other worthwhile causes. I, with four trustees run a registered charitable cancer trust in Ventnor and we are so grateful for every penny that comes our way. We do this willingly, as volunteers and have for 21 years. Is Mr Elderfield the right person to run the hospice? Above everything he should be considering what the money can be used for and who will be benefiting. He cannot turn down funding given so freely by the public to keep OUR hospice in funds over some personal vendetta. My husband and I have been involved with the Shorewell Mammoth Jumble for over 20 years, and everyone involved

both exasperated and dismayed Members present from all political and independent groups. If David Pugh had conducted himself in that fashion and after such a criminal conviction, your ire would indeed be regarded as commendable. As it is, please reconsider what you have alleged against David and the rest of the Conservative Group. Yours truly, Cllr Roger Mazillius


spends so much time preparing Dear Sir or Madam for this event.We have raised tens I do not recall seeing any of thousands of pounds during the last 30 plus years. It is hard, coverage of this issue, but filthy work which we do because I would be astounded we imagine that at the end of the if you have not had any victims day someone at the EMH will be unfortunate more comfortable through our contacting you. I received a one page endeavours. form from a company Mr Elderfield should be aware that we and other fundraisers called Civil Enforcement could look to give their money to Ltd, about two weeks after other worthwhile causes, of which my car had been parked there are plenty. How is it possible in the car park outside the for someone employed (and cinema at Coppins bridge. handsomely) to raise money for It was clearly laid out to the EMH to refuse to accept funds appear like an official that are given for that very cause? “Parking Fine Notice” and The general feeling at the present demanded £75 or £150 if from a lot of people will be hurt, not paid in 14 Days. It would appear that disgust, rejection and “if he can’t this company bought the be bothered, then why should car park sometime early we?”. Maybe this should be Good-bye this year, ( Who from I Mr Elderfield, because you are do not know ) and that they have installed CCTV most certainly the weakest link! at the entrance to record cars entering and leaving. Yours Sincerely Signage they have put up Erika Arnold, Ventnor

tells you of a time limit, but they are not obvious especially at night. They then obtain keeper details from DVLA, and then, the forms are sent out. I nearly paid the amount demanded, but then searched for the company via Google. Many results and forums suggest this company is acting unlawfully, and are relying on people just paying either immediately, or after a series of letters inflating the amount owed, and threatening legal action or poor credit rating. I don’t recall any publicity for the introduction of such charges, or of the many forms issued, but thought it may be of interest. Regards Pete Jeffery


IF YOU want to give your family a present this Easter that will just carry on giving – namely loads of free eggs - then why not invest in a few chickens and a sturdy chicken coop? But before you embark on such a venture you must read the Haynes Chicken Manual. This step-by-step guide is a must-have for any would-be chicken keepers. Until the 1950s it was common for many households to keep chickens according to the manual. And although there was a decline in chicken keeping through subsequent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in

keeping backyard chickens, partic-ularly because of fears about welfare, pesticides and genetically modified foods. After a short history of chickens, the manual explores getting started, the choice of different breeds and how to purchase your birds along with other poultry breeds you might consider. Next is daily and seasonal care you will need to perform with a useful diary of hints for each month. Feeding and watering are covered in detail, followed by a useful chapter on budget house-building and another on predators and how to deter them. Section four is dedicated to the chicken fancier who

will want to show their chickens. Covering colours and marking, breeding and showing, this section even shows you exactly how to wash your chicken without harming or alarming it. The next section is the largest and covers all health issues. These cover internal and external parasites along with infections, environmental and physical issues such as feather pecking, boredom, aggression, infertility, eye trauma and poisoning – there are many plants your chickens should avoid. The biology and anatomy of

a chicken gives useful hints about signs to look out for in a healthy bird along with how you will know when your chickens are

ready to lay. Do you know how to cook the perfect egg? The cooking guidelines will give exact directions along with how to kill, pluck and skin your chicken if you decide to eat one. Step by step photographs then explain how to prepare your bird for the oven and exactly which bits to keep for making your stock/gravy. Feeling tempted to try your hand at chicken keeping? You will get at least one egg per day per chicken in laying season and children love to help find the eggs. The Gazette have four copies of the Haynes Chicken Manual to give away if you are seriously thinking of starting your

own coop. Just answer this question: Q: What type of manual is Haynes publishing traditionally known for? Send your answer on a postcard to The Chicken Manual, IW Gazette, Unit B18, Spithead Business Centre, Newport Road, Sandown, PO36 9PH. Please include your telephone number, address and email.

The prizes will be awarded to the first correct entry opened after Monday April 12, 2010. Terms & conditions apply. Employees and their immediate families of Haynes and The Gazette are not allowed to enter. The editor’s decision is final. No correspondence will be entered into.

The Gazette, Friday, April 2, 2010

Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599





Delisle and Clare Leonty


LOCAL woman Clare Leonty is returning to her roots by taking over the café at Newport Pet Centre in Watergate Rd, Newport and renaming it the Jolly Brolly café. Clare, whose father John Ralph used to run the business as Ralph’s Garden Centre, used to work for her father back in the eighties, when the only pets on sale were tropical and freshwater fish. Now Clare and her St Lucian husband Delisle will be bringing a touch of Delisle’s roots to the business too with Caribbean magic on the menu. Along with the café’s usual mix of traditional fayre there will be a touch of Caribbean spice and a tropical ambiance with palm trees and greenery. Dishes such as Chicken with peas and lentils and dumplings will join traditional dishes such as beef hotpot. All dishes are home cooked and ingredients are sourced locally – except

for the spices of course. Freshly made grapefruit and lime juice is a lovely pick me up and much sweeter than you might expect – Delisle is an expert on finding the perfect fruit to use. Fresh fruit salad is made daily and home made cakes include a moist carrot and banana cake with frosting, or Caribbean knobs – rock cakes made with coconut, cinnamon, nutmeg and fruit. Plants are also making a comeback at the café – you’ll be able to pick up your bedding plants when you drop in for lunch or a snack. This weekend there will be Easter plants such as primroses, daffodils, bluebells a selection of alpines and strawberry plants too. Tropical plants will be on sale soon – Clare previously had a business selling lush semi-tropical plants on the Island. Maybe it was this love of tropical vegetation, which led her to the Caribbean Island of St Lucia where she

met her husband Delisle. Bringing it all back home, the couple now intends to bring a Caribbean beach shack type of atmosphere and menu to the Watergate Road premises. Clare will also have her beautiful silver jewellery on sale – designed by her and inspired by the beach, with intricate shell patterns and inlaid Isle of Wight Glass. If you have children this is an ideal place to visit, as there are lots of animals to see and buy, including, of course tropical and freshwater fish. Brolly the friendly talking cockatoo, after whom the café is named, is a firm favourite. There is also a playground with swings and slide to entertain them while you linger over lunch. The café has an outdoor terrace and there’s a fantastic view down through the Medina valley – one of the best on the Island. In the balmy summer evenings there will be barbecues outside, again with a Caribbean flavour.

A UNIQUE training pontoon facility for all users of the River Medina in Cowes, has been inaugurated by the RYA’s International training manager, James Stevens. Welcoming guests to the ceremony at the 11-metre pontoon on the Folly Reach, Cowes Harbour Commissioner, Captain Peter Jackson, explained that every boat owner needed at some stage to acquire essential boat handling skills such as berthing. He explained that during the peak summer months in Cowes this was akin to trying to learn to fly at Heathrow Airport!

Ben Willows, Operations Manager at the UKSA, who contributed to the venture, welcomed the initiative on behalf of the numerous South Coast sailing schools who sometimes struggle to find space for training. David Walters, Chairman of the Cowes Harbour Advisory Committee, said the new pontoon would significantly reduce the chance of conflict between river users and occasional damage to moored boats. Mr. Stevens congratulated Cowes Harbour Commission on providing what he believed to be a unique

facility in the world. He went on to say that the RYA very much welcomed the initiative as it encouraged all boat owners to improve their berthing skills and enhance safety by training family and other crew members to handle their boat properly in case of emergency. Cowes Harbour Commission has now taken positive steps to ensure that all yachtsmen have somewhere to acquire these essential skills, and that inconvenience and disruption to other river users is minimised.


RYDE and Shanklin beaches will soon become more accessible for residents and visitors with mobility issues as well families with pushchairs. The IW Council is to install temporary wooden walkways that will enable people in wheelchairs or with pushchairs to get on to the sand more easily. The structures will be built by Island company Clifford J Matthews Ltd from Douglas Fir and installed in June. They will remain in place for as long as the weather is good. At the end of the season they will be taken up, stored over the winter and then re-used in the following years. The walkways will also be suitable for use at Sandown and Ventnor and may be used there in future seasons. The natural wood will look sympathetic and will be easy to repair, and by using an Island supplier not only will the work be good value but it will help support local

business. It is anticipated that installing the structures at Ryde and Shanklin will help both retain their coveted Blue Flags. Cllr Edward Giles, IW Council cabinet member for environment and transport: “The Island’s wonderful beaches are all different and some, because of their nature, can be difficult for some people to get to and from. “This new equipment will

mean it will be far easier for a great many more people to use two of our most popular beaches. Hopefully this investment shows that the council is working to ensure our beaches have a high standard of amenities and that they are accessible to all. “I am delighted we have been able to work with a local company to provide this amenity that will increase the appeal of our beaches for years to come.”



Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599


The Gazette, Friday, April 2, 2010


Rev Nick Wallace with Belle the donkey

PALM SUNDAY procession from Holy Cross Church in Binstead to the village’s community centre was a sight to behold – complete with a real donkey. Belle the donkey was only six weeks from giving birth so she ambled slowly around the route. Lent by nearby Brickfields Horse Country, she was looked after by parishioner Fran Byerley for the event. The procession of around 40 people made their way up Church Road to the Binstead memorial where they stopped to sing hymns and say Palm Sunday prayers. A short trafficstopping walk down the main road and they stopped again at the post office for more hymns and prayers. Then another short walk down Chapel Road to the Methodist Church, for more hymns and prayers, and on to the Community Centre in Coniston Road where a service was held, which was attended by over 90 people including many children. “People were quite intrigued,” said the reverend Nick Wallace. “We had members of the congregation of the Holy Cross and those from the Methodist Church too. “This will be my last procession on the Island as I am moving to Australia to be a city priest in Adelaide, after ten years here at Binstead. But I’m sure it won’t be my last Palm Sunday procession.”


A W A R D - W I N N I N G photographer Tina Nicholls, has a one woman show at Ryde Library until April 30. It’s titled ‘Dirty Laundry’ and is split into ‘whites’, ‘mixed’ and ‘darks’ and is a showcase of her work over the last couple of years following the tragic and sudden death of her partner in March 2008. Following this awful event, she plunged head-first into photography and hasn’t looked back, winning the Isle of Wight Photographer of the Year in December 2008. “I was born on the island and studied art, design and video design at Carisbrooke High where my teacher Pat Corcoran was a huge influence and encouraged

my ‘out of the box’ thinking,” said Tina. “I studied art and design at art college where I also studied photography. “The photographs are displayed slightly alternatively and it has been described by one visitor to the exhibition as, “a truly genius concept,” and completely fresh and alternative to what is normally displayed on the Island. “At the exhibition you will see displayed wedding photographs, children, studio portraits, exclusive band photography, performers, architectural abstract, journalistic, nautical... and just about every style and genre of photography except landscape,” stressed Tina. “There are enough landscape photographers on the Island.”

STORYTELLERS on the Island are celebrating a £3,000 award from the Grassroots Fund to help put on a storytelling festival over the May Day Bank Holiday weekend. (April 30, May 1 and 2) The festival, called ‘A Mosaic of Words’ is being held at Brading Roman Villa and will have something for everyone aged 5 - 95. On Friday April 30 there will be a feast for your ears and for your tastebuds with a delicious meal cooked by Brading Villa staff accompanied by stories told by members of the Island Storytellers. On Saturday May 1 there will be a storytelling workshop and a performance for children in the afternoon, with another performance for adults in the evening. On Sunday the floor is given over to the popular storytelling competition. There are two categories: under and over 16, and the winner is chosen by popular vote. See the website www. islandstorytellers.co.uk for more information and an application form. Island Storytellers chairperson, Sue Bailey said: “It’s great news for storytelling on the Island. We will be able to have high calibre

performances, workshops and, of course, our highly popular storytelling competition.” There has been a growth in interest in storytelling on the Island over the last few years fostered by the Island Storytellers who have been taking their regular monthly story club on tour around the Island. “It’s been good hearing new tales and new tellers,” continued Sue. “The time was definitely right to have another storytelling festival and with workshops giving people the chance to work on their storytelling skills

we shall have a whole Island of yarn spinners soon!” The Island Storytellers were formed in 2007 their aim being to promote the art of oral storytelling. They meet on the third Monday of the month – next story club dates are Monday April 19 in Joliffe’s in Cowes, and May 17 in The Vines in St Helens. For more information about the festival see the Island Storytellers website, which will be updated as events are confirmed. For information about the meetings or the festival contact Sue Bailey on 241095.

Annamation performing on the Wightlink ferry as part of the May 2008 festival ‘Ferry Tales’

Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599

The Gazette, Friday, April 2, 2010





IT WAS a case of ‘Carry on Doctor’ at the Wilberforce Hall when the Old Comrades Association met for their annual spring dance. The fancy dress theme of doctors and nurses was gamely supported by over half of the 31 members who attended. “We usually have a theme,” said the Chairman of the Old Comrades, Reg Hunt. “We’ve had so many people going in for surgery, including myself, that we decided on doctors and nurses.” Reg had two new knee joints two years ago and says he is now “dancing like a lunatic, walking and cycling.” “It was a very good turnout and more than half dressed up,” said Reg. “Terry Hack was there and he’s only just had a new knee. And Peter Hopkins was sadly missed – he’s just had a new hip.” The Eric Stevens Band supplied the music for the ‘knees up’ and dancing

was until 11pm. Another enthusiastic dancer was Jim Long, vice president of the Old Comrades, who at 94 is planning his next parachute jump when he reaches 95 – he did his first one at the tender age of 93 and raised £2,600 for the Royal British Legion Welfare Fund. Jim was a prisoner of war in Thailand for three years during WW2 and helped to build the ‘Bridge Over the River Kwai’ featured in the famous film. “We actually built two bridges, a wooden one and a steel and concrete one,” said Jim. “It was an awful time. I had a lot of good hidings,” he remembered. “I had two brothers and we all went off and joined the army in 1939 and didn’t communicate with each other again during the war. “Then one day after I’d just finished building the wooden bridge,

Joanne Dimmock, Reg Hunt and Jennifer Hunt

and I’d had another good hiding that day, and I looked back down the embankment and saw my younger brother. When it came to roll call I saw it was both of my brothers. “My father had received telegrams saying we were all missing and it wasn’t until at least two years later that our wives were told where we were. We all survived. “I can still enjoy myself - if I go out like that I go out with the intention of enjoying myself. My wife Ann, who is 70, does too.” Proceeds from the dance will go towards the other activities the Old Comrades organise throughout the year, including the annual dinner dance in November. The next event on the social calendar is the April scarecrow competition on April 8 and 9. The prize giving ceremony with refreshments will be on Saturday April 10 at 2pm in the Wilberforce Hall.

Irene Bedford, Rob Rimmer (Nurse Hyde) & Nancy Rimmer (Dr Jekyll)

Caroline Sutcliffe, Stephen Sutcliffe and Doug Dimmock

Jim Long offers his services

The Eric Stevens Band

Tony Tondeur with Ann and Terry Hack

Sylvia and Harry Mitchell with Louis and Doreen Oldell



Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599


The Gazette, Friday, April 2, 2010

PROUD NEW RECRUITS New Firefighters Robin Jones, Luke Beardmore, James Chapman, Matthew Mclean, Mark Augustus, Michael Turner, Paul Litt and Mark Donaldson

EIGHT new recruits to the Fire Service took part in a passing out parade on Friday March 26 2010, marking the start of their careers as fire fighters on the Isle of Wight. The parade, which took place at the Service Learning and Development Centre at Ryde Fire Station, provided the new recruits with an opportunity to show off their new skills to members of the Fire Service, family and friends. All eight recruits have just completed a ten-day ‘Safe to Ride’ course which trains them to proficiently use basic fire service equipment including hose, pumps and ladders. The recruits will now embark on 42 months of professional development during which time they will return to the fire training centre to learn about breathing apparatus, dealing with road traffic incidents, first aid and hazardous materials

incidents. Steve Apter, IW Council’s Deputy Chief Fire Officer said: “The passing out parade is a very important event both recognising recruits’ achievements in successfully completing their initial training and marking the start of their careers in the fire service.” Cllr Barry Abraham, Isle of Wight Council cabinet member for fire and community safety said: “As part of our priority to modernise the Island’s fire service we are recruiting more full time and retained fire fighters to ensure we provide a robust and responsive fire and rescue service across the Island. I am sure these new recruits will be a credit to themselves and to the fire service.” Of the eight new retained fire fighters, four will be based at East Cowes, three at Yarmouth and one at Freshwater.

The Gazette, Friday, April 2, 2010

Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599





Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599



The Gazette, Friday, April 2, 2010

The Gazette, Friday, April 2, 2010

Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599






Jobcentre Plus Reference Number. How to Apply:

Administration/Sales Assistant


Applicants must have office experience; you must be computer literate with good general office skills and with a practical aptitude. Interesting and varied work, duties will include over the counter sales, telephone enquiries, key cutting for which training will be provided, stock control and other associated tasks.

Meets National Minimum Wage. 30.5 hours per week. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Friday & every 3rd Saturday (5 extra hours to be worked every 3rd Saturday after initial training)


NIW/10315- Visit www.direct.gov. uk or call 01983 273747 to speak to an adviser quoting the reference number.

Waiting Staff


Experience is preferred, but training will be provided. Duties will be to serve breakfasts, taking orders, the laying and clearing tables, can be up to 85 covers. This position is until January 2011

Meets National Minimum Wage. 15 hrs per week. 5 days from 7. 6.15pm – 8pm.

Asap until January 2011

RFM/ 6288 - Visit www.direct.gov. uk or call 01983 273747 to speak to an adviser quoting the reference number.

Waiting Staff


Experience is preferred, but training will be provided. Duties will be to serve breakfasts, taking orders, the laying and clearing tables, can be up to 85 covers. This position is until January 2011

Meets National Minimum Wage. 15 hrs per week 5 days from 7. 8am – 10.30am.

Asap until January 2011

RFM/ 6287 - Visit www.direct.gov. uk or call 01983 273747 to speak to an adviser quoting the reference number.

Bar/ Restaurant Staff


Must be 18+ as will be serving alcohol unsupervised. Experience in a pub/restaurant background is essential. Must be willing to undertake NVQ level training in hospitality.

Meets National Minimum Wage. 25-35 hrs per week – 4-5 days from 7 between 11am and midnight.


RFM/6283 - Visit www.direct.gov. uk or call 01983 273747 to speak to an adviser quoting the reference number.



Experience/qualifications are not essential but are an advantage. Working in a busy 30 bedroom hotel and spa, duties involve cleaning guest bedrooms and public areas. Training can be given.

£6 per hr starting wage. Min 15 hrs per week. 6 days from 7 9am -2pm.

6 month contract to cover maternity leave

RFM/6284 - Visit www.direct.gov. uk or call 01983 273747 to speak to an adviser quoting the reference number.



Experience preferred but not essential, as full training will be given. A full driving licence would be advantageous but not essential. Employer is very flexible with start time between 6.30am and 10.30am and where possible will accommodate individual needs.

£6.12 per hour. 20 hrs per week. 4 hrs per day. Mon-Fri Start time 6.30 -10.30am.


NIW/10247- Visit www.direct.gov. uk or call 01983 273747 to speak to an adviser quoting the reference number.

Administration Manager


Hours will be reduced during winter months, employer will discuss at interview. Experience is preferred although training can be provided. Duties will involve completing wages onto computer systems, dealing with owner accounts, bank reconciliations as required and cash handling/cheques taken from owners.

Exceeds National Minimum Wage. 40 hours per week, Monday to Saturday.


NIW/10316- Visit www.direct.gov. uk or call 01983 273747 to speak to an adviser quoting the reference number.

Tool Tester/ Fitter


Must be petrol and diesel qualified or trained. Must be electrically minded. A towing licensing for light plant machinery is essential. Position is depot based but will involve mobile fitting. This will be a physically demanding role as it involves lots of lifting.

Negotiable wage depending on experience. 40 hrs per week. 5 days over 6. 7.30am – 5pm.


NIW/10318 - Visit www.direct.gov. uk or call 01983 273747 to speak to an adviser quoting the reference number.

Food and Beverage Team Member


Applicants must be age 18+ due to serving alcohol unsupervised. Previous experience is an advantage but not essential. Duties will be to serve in the bar and in the restaurant to brand standards and restaurant related cleaning.

Meets National Minimum Wage. 16-40 hours per week 5 days from 7 between 6am – Midnight.


NIW/10338- Visit www.direct.gov. uk or call 01983 273747 to speak to an adviser quoting the reference number.

Deputy Head Chef (Live Out)


This is a live out position. With City & Guilds 706/1 & 2 or equivalent and some similar experience you will be responsible for assisting the management in the running of the kitchen, preparing quality meals from fresh ingredients. Immediate start.

Competitive rates of pay apply. 39 hrs per week 5 days over 7 Days and evenings. Latest finish approx 9pm.

April to late October

NIW/10347 - Visit www.direct.gov. uk or call 01983 273747 to speak to an adviser quoting the reference number.


Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599



The Gazette, Friday, April 2, 2010



The Gazette, Friday, April 2, 2010

Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599




Mr Bahar from Bahar Tandoori in Cowes has asked the Gazette to point out that he did not say that the breaches of the hygiene regulations, for which he was recently fined, were not his fault. In our March 19 issue the headline read: “Hygiene Problem ‘Not My Fault’” but this was not what Mr Bahar said. He did tell us that he was in Bangladesh caring for his sick mother at the time of the inspections, but he did not deny responsibility for the breaches. The Gazette would like to apologise for inferring that Mr Bahar was denying that he was responsible. “I take full responsibility

because it is my premises,” said Mr Bahar. “Although I was in Bangladesh at the time of the breaches the restaurant was still wholly my responsibility. “My loyal customers have known me a long time and they know I wouldn’t say something like that – I am an honourable man and although I might not have been in the country, the responsibility must lie with me. “Upon my return from Bangladesh I rectified all of the problems in the kitchen. Now it is clean, modern and up to date and all of the kitchen staff now have their food and hygiene certificates. “We have taken notice

of all of the five breaches and these have been more than rectified with our improvements and staff training. This is why I was giving the thumbs up gesture in the photograph printed with the article. “If any customer wants to inspect our kitchens they are more than welcome. All of this happened 12 months ago and the restaurant is now totally clean and hygienic. “Many of my loyal customers have stood by me through all of this and I would like to extend my thanks to all of those who have supported me. “I apologise to all of my customers and look forward to seeing you soon.”

Mr Baha with his staff



Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599



The Gazette, Friday, April 2, 2010


St Mary's Day Nursery is a purpose built nursery located within the grounds of St Mary's Hospital in Newport, Isle of Wight. YMCA Fairthorne Group have been working in partnership with the NHS since January 2005 to provide the very best in Pre-School facilities and Day Care Provision. The childcare delivered is of an exceptional standard and the experienced staff team understand the importance of play-based learning, healthy eating and time spent playing outside. For more information contact stmarys@ymca-fg.org or call 01983 525423 Daycamps at Winchester House in Shanklin are available for four - 14 year olds during

every school holiday. Run by their caring, enthusiastic play leaders, the fun never stops! The well-equipped grounds provide a range of activities including: • Giant sand pit • Petanque pit • Drama • Art • Sports and games The fantastic location just above the beach means that trips out to the beach for some sand castle building is often on the cards too! At each Daycamp, children are given the choice of which activities they would like to do. For more information see www. ymca-fg.org/iow-daycamps winchesterhouse@ymca-fg.org or call 01983 862441.

YMCA Isle of Wight opened a brand new 56-place nursery at Winchester House on April 1, 2010 offering care for children aged six weeks to five years and providing the local community with a safe

and reliable childcare option with a difference. YMCA Nurseries are known for their unique ethos offering a play-based learning approach, utilising three large play rooms and a self contained outdoor

play area. The nursery grounds are safely fenced, providing a large, secure garden for the children to use every day. In addition to the indoor facilities, the day-to-day programme includes trips to the beach and other

local attractions. Nursery meals include a healthy breakfast, mid-morning snack, hot lunch and afternoon tea. For more information contact whnursery@ ymca-fg.org or call 01983 862441.

The Gazette, Friday, April 2, 2010

Day nurseries can be great for children as they can give the child a greater variety of activities and provides them with social skills, such as the importance of sharing, that they might not get in a small household. They usually offer daycare on a full-time or sessional basis, i.e. for a morning, afternoon, single day or part of the week. They may be more expensive than a childminder, but perhaps less than a nanny. Nurseries have the benefit of providing full-time daycare throughout the year – if your childminder, or their children, become sick you might find yourself without care for a while. When looking at nurseries, bear in mind the five golden rules. Don’t be swayed by modern, glossy buildings with lashings of primarycoloured walls and fabulous new play equipment. Instead, ask these questions: – Who owns the nursery? Does the owner work in the nursery? Alternatively, who is the manager? Have they been there long? Is it part of a chain? Ask to see the Ofsted report. – How is the nursery structured to accommodate

different age groups? – Who are the staff caring for your child’s group? Ask about each one – how old are they, what experience have they got, how long they have been at this nursery? Try to get a feel for staff turnover. A nursery with a low staff turnover is a top indication of a happy environment. It also gives some reassurance that the person your child attaches himself to will stay around for a while. – Ask about their key worker scheme. A key worker scheme is where each child is allocated a member of staff. There are, however, different definitions of the role of a key worker. Some consider their role is to feed back to the parent on the

Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599

child’s progress, but this suggests the role is primarily for the parents’ benefit. A real key worker should be the person whom your child bonds with, the person your child trusts and identifies as his ‘significant other’ when you’re not around, the one he or she goes to when they fall over or feel sad, the one who can reassure them and make them feel better. Who will this be? – Ask if you can stay for a while and spend some time in the nursery. Watch the children and the carers interact. Get on your knees, or sit on a little chair and imagine how the nursery would look to your child. Use your instincts. Does it feel nice?





Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599



The Gazette, Friday, April 2, 2010


SHANKLIN hosted the 25th anniversary annual reunion of the 40 Royal Marine Commando (1942-46) Association last weekend with a special service of remembrance held in Shanklin Chine on Sunday March 28. The guest of honour was Major General GK (Gordon) Messenger DSO* OBE, accompanied by his wife Sarah. The President of the Association, Major General Robert Houghton CB OBE MC DL (aged 98) also attended with this son Adam, daughter Lucy and daughter in law Rosemary and the Vice President, Major “Jeff” Beadle MBE MC RM with his wife Gay, daughter Annette and son-in-law Stanley. Representing the Island at the reunion were HM Lord Lieutenant Major General Martin White CB CBE; the High Sheriff, Mrs Gay Edwards; Chairman of the IW Council, Councillor Arthur Taylor and all the mayors or their representatives of Brading, Lake, Sandown, Shanklin and Ventnor – veterans were all billeted in these towns during WW2. Mr. Alan Morgan, 91, designer of all the Chine’s exhibitions was also at the

reunion – his own exhibition ‘To War With A Paintbox’ is currently on display in the visitor centre. The Corps of Drums from HM Royal Marine bands, Portsmouth were at the remembrance service this year, and five buglers heralded the ceremony with the last post. Also present were a detachment of Royal Marine

Chine in 1984. It was after this date that they began holding annual reunions in Shanklin. The memorial was moved to the visitor’s centre entrance after the original was damaged in the hurricane of 1987 and was refurbished by veteran Jock Farmer before his death three years ago. His son Gary then enlarged it to include all of the members of the 40 Royal Marine Commandos who died

“It’s so moving and all you can hear are the birds and the sea.” Cadets I/C Sergeant Alan Williams and the Sandown and Shanklin Military Band, who were making their 21st appearance at the service. The Lord Lieutenant read a lesson and Major General Robert Houghton gave an exhortation of the ‘For the Fallen’ poem by Laurence Binyon. It was in the Chine that members of the Association trained for the Dieppe Raid in August 1942. Mr. Hayles, who was manager of the Chine from 1974 until 1989 erected a cairn to commemorate the commandos, after a chance meeting with Mr. Mold, one of the ex commandos in the

during WW2. Mrs Hayles was at the service and was pleased with the turnout. Her husband’s ashes are now planted in the Chine he loved so well. “There were a lot more people this year, although not as many veterans, obviously,” said Mrs Hayles. “It was a lovely day and very interesting.” Owner of the Chine, Mrs Anne Springman, who attended with her husband Michael, was very pleased with the day. “It was marvellous,” said Mrs Springman. “It’s so moving and all you can hear are the birds and the sea. It’s special, so poignant and this year it was even more special.”

Five Buglers hearalded the reunion after a two minute silence

40 Royal Marine Commandos

High Sheriff Gay Edwards with Chairman of council Arthur Taylor

Rev Alan Swanbrough

Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599

The Gazette, Friday, April 2, 2010



Standard Bearer John Dutton

Standard Bearer John Dutton and Mrs Heyles

Bobbie Morgan, Michael Springman, Lord Lt Martin White, Gay Edwards and Major General Houghton

Lydia and Jordan Beresford with Sam Plim


Rev Lucy Murdock, Major General Robert Houghton and Adam Murdock

Sam Plim, Major General Gordon Messenger and Major Jeff Beadle

Bill Valentyne with Ian Forsyth

Ella Barsdell with Anne Springman


Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599



The Gazette, Friday, April 2, 2010


The second annual memorial ploughing match was held at Mottistone Manor Farm with 50 ploughmen seeking to win the coveted trophies. Despite the threat of cancellation due to the wet weather and worries that the ground might be waterlogged, the match went ahead and a wonderful day was had by all. The ploughing match was organised in memory of four members, Den Phillips, John Attrill, Derek Young and Stephen Hayles who all died in 2008. Reuben Abbott was overall winner for the second year running, taking the Den Phillips Memorial trophy. Second was George Richards, winning the John Attrill Memorial Trophy and third was John Stallard winning the Derek Young Memorial Trophy. Winner of the Stephen Hayles Memorial Trophy for the best novice ploughman was 13 –year-old George Hayes who was taking part in his first ploughing match. Prizes were presented by Geoffrey Hughes and over £1,700 was raised towards the coffers of the IW Hospice.

David Bennett, Jo Dray and Trevor Whitewood

Grace and Reuben Abbott

Geoff Hughes and Reuben Abbott

Neil Morey with Geoff Hughes

Trevor Whitewood

Geoff Hughes Ricky Attrall

The Gazette, Friday, April 2, 2010

Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599



Geoff Hughes with John Stallard

Geoff Phillips with Geoff Hughes

Geoff Hughes with Novice ploughman George Hayes There was a treat for those attending the ploughing match as Mottistone Manor Farm Shop were offering bacon rolls and their own home-made beef burgers. Todd and Jackie Carder from Mottistone Manor Farm had also supplied the venue – the field in Strawberry Lane. Mottistone Manor Farm shop stocks beef, pork and lamb produced on the farm. The Aberdeen Angus herd graze on National Trust downland – Tennyson’s Down at Freshwater and around St Catherine’s lighthouse – doing conservation work for the Trust in keeping the vegetation cropped. The shop is open Thursday to Monday from 11am till 5pm and stocks mainly Island produced products along with the fresh farm meats.

Clive Whitting

Geoff Hughes with George Watts

Bernard Parker-Ransome Plough


Island MP Andrew Turner

Alan Taylor



Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599


The Gazette, Friday, April 2, 2010

Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599

The Gazette, Friday, April 2, 2010





New Isle of Wight speedway promoter Chris Hunt is hoping for a big turn-out at the Wave105 stadium on Easter Monday evening to support the Wightlink Islanders as they open their 2010 season with an International Challenge match against the American "Dream Team." And Chris has promised the visit of the American Dream won't turn into a nightmare as far as the Islanders are concerned, as they attempt to get what promises to be another exciting season off to a winning start. He said: "While the glorious UK spring weather has prevented us undertaking as much pre-season practice as perhaps we might have liked, everybody at the club is confident that we'll be celebrating a first night win on Monday night." But it remains to be seen whether skipper Nick Simmons will be donning the No.1 race jacket despite the minor shoulder operation he underwent last week going well. "It might not be possible for Nick to ride so soon after undergoing surgery albeit

that it was just to tidy up the after effects of several previous crashes in his career," said joint team manager Kevin Shepherd. "But knowing him I'm sure he will if possible. At the moment it's a question of waiting to see how things go I suppose but the main thing is that he'll be back to fullfitness when our league matches start next month. "Like Chris I'm really looking forward to Monday's match and one thing that I'm sure everyone will be very pleased with is that it will be Brendan Johnson's first competitive match since that horrendous crash he was involved in towards the end of last season. "That saw him airlifted to Southampton General Hospital, being put into intensive care for four days before waking up from what was an induced coma and, in typical speedway rider fashion firstly telling all and sundry that he was hungry and then asking how his bike was! "Injuries you accept as part and parcel of this sport of ours but the run of them that we suffered towards the end of last season

was ridiculous! Still that's behind us now and I'm sure that we'll witness an exciting season opener on Monday as both teams look evenly matched on paper at least but, on track where it matters, I'm confident we'll come out on top." Shepherd hopes things go well for him in person next Tuesday for


Ventnor Boxing Club has been given a £10,000 boost from Sport England as part of a lottery fund grant. It means the club, based at the old Methodist Church in Ventnor, has been able to have a major upgrade of equipment as its membership continues to grow. Items bought with the cash windfall will include a new boxing ring, head gear, gloves and bags as well as an upgrade of the changing rooms. Around 25 to 35 youngsters turn up at Ventnor Boxing Club for each practice session, underlining the popularity of the sport on the Island.

he is due to attend an interview with the sport's authorities that hopefully will lead to him becoming joint promoter of the 2010 Wightlink Islanders alongside Chris Hunt with them sharing the team managing duties on race nights both at home and away.

Monday's match gets underway at 7.20pm with the parade of bikes and team introductions, the tapes are set to rise on the opening race at 7.30pm and admission prices this year are: Adults £10; children (10-15) £5; Children under 10 (accompanied by adult) free; programme: £2.


The IW Thunder under 16 ice hockey team faced a tougher Oxford side than they beat 7-0 just two weeks earlier, but still ran out convincing 6-2 winners. They soon got into their stride and scored the first goal as two of the Under 14 players combined, Sean Molloy netting after good work from Alexander Trendall. The second period was far better from the hosts and their dominance paid off when Trendall scored, assisted by Aidan Doughty and Aaron Craft. The turning point of the game came midway through the period when two goals within 30 seconds were scored by Doughty, with

one of the goals assisted by livewire Archie Bicknell. Oxford scored their first goal after a couple of minutes of ill discipline from the Thunder. However, the hosts did have the final say in the period when Doughty scored after a strong assist from captain Luke Bontoft. The third period enabled all the lines to get plenty of ice time and also back up netminder Hannah Bowkis to step between the pipes. As in so many games this season the lesser experienced players really made the most of their ice time and caused Oxford all sorts of problems. Liam Denness and Daniel Bennett probed away at the Oxford defence along with

Ben Thomas-Hart. Cheri Price also iced for the first time in a good number of months after an operation and certainly didn’t look at all rusty. The pressure certainly paid off and with just three minutes to go the Thunder scored the last goal of the game with the DoughtyBicknell combination doing the damage. The defensive quartet of Andrew McCloskey, Dylan Ronald, Archie Bicknell and Luke Bontoft were once again the backbone of the result backed up admirably by Bowkis and Powell in goal. Man of the match: Alexander Trendall. Spirit of the game: Joss Osman.



Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599


The Gazette, Friday, April 2, 2010


Derek Wright had a weekend to remember at Freshwater Bay Golf Club. While playing in the Hampshire & I.O.W. County Sevens match against Ventnor, Derek recorded a hole in one at Freshwater’s notoriously difficult 15th hole. He then followed that up the following day by going round in a gross 70 in the Club's Irons Only Competition. It gave him 40 points, and he won the event from Club Captain Chris Tansley and Graham

Wells, who both scored 39 points. The weekend Stableford saw some very good scoring, especially in Division Two. John Burke (11) won Division One, pipping Kasey Tuckey (7) on countback with 38 points. In Division Two John Wisker (23) thought his 40 points would be enough, but he had to settle for second place as Justin Clayton (17) came in with a highly impressive 44 points. In the Midweek Medal, Division 1 was won by the in-form Graham

Wells (11), who only last week was complaining he could no longer play to his handicap, and needed shots back. He scored a nett 66 to win by two from Kasey Tuckey (7). Division Two saw Mike Dowsett (19) win with a nett score of 67, with David Wilkins (16) in second place with 70. Westridge Golf Club’s midweek Stableford resulted in victory for Ray Watkins (20) with 42 points, ahead of Malcolm Prouten (16) 40 points.who took second

spot on countback from Richard Williamson (9), with Terry Lidington (21) also on 40. There was high points scoring in the Spring Cup which was claimed by Alan Harnett (21) with 45. He was just two in front of Lorna Pacitti (33), who pipped Chris Royl (16) on countback. In another Stableford competition, Malcolm Prouten (16) took the Division One honours with 42 points, ahead of Richard Daniels (16) on 38, and Chris Royl (16) with

37. The Division Two winner was Ray Watkins (20) with 41 points, who was one ahead of Terry Lidington (22), with Mike Sadler (24) third with 37. The PAR competition Division One victory was clinched by Chris Royl (16) with +6, ahead of Dan Mew (13) +5 and Malcolm Prouten (16) +4ocb. Division Two honours went to Joe Goodey (27) +16, from Terry Lidington (22) +6 and Gerald Wilby (26) +5.

Newport picked up three welcome points in their Sydenhams Wessex League Premier Division match against Laverstock at St Georges Park. The Island side needed a moralebooster after an indifferent spell and ran out 3-1 winners thanks to goals from Tom McInnes, Darren Powell and Matt Evans.

Having completed his suspension, Gary Streeter returned in goal for Port and soon found himself picking the ball out of his net. But the Laverstock effort was ruled out for handball. Laverstock continued to dominate and Streeter did well to keep the scores level before the home side took the lead just before the break.

A James Butt free kick was headed back inside by Adam Howarth for McInnes to score from close range. Then a Butt was cleared off the line. Newport doubled their lead on 62 minutes when Powell netted from 10 yards, but 10 minutes later Laverstock pulled one back when Danny Young raced down the right

and crossed for Eddie Perrett to beat Streeter. Newport’s restored their two-goal advantage 10 minutes from time when a long throw from Ross Gregory enabled Evans to score with a spectacular volley. Brading Town lost 1-0 to Bournemouth Poppies, with the visitors scoring midway through

the opening half. Brading thought they had sneaked a point late on, but had an effort ruled out. Cowes Sports went down 2-1 to Bemerton Heath Harlequins who scored a last-minute penalty, while in Division One, two first-half strikes from John McKie gave East Cowes Vics a 2-0 home win over Verwood Town.



Ryde Rowing Club’s senior squad was in action when they travelled to London to compete in the Tideway Head of the River Race. The Tideway Head of the River Race is a processional race held annually on the River Thames in London over the 4.25 mile (6.8 km) Championship Course that is used for the University Boat Race - but raced the opposite direction from Mortlake to Putney. The race is only open to men's

eights and is considered to be the peak of the head race season — attracting the top UK crews as well as foreign clubs – with over 400 crews competing, starting at approximately ten second intervals, making it one of the largest rowing events in the world. Ryde had not competed in the event for a number of years because of the difficulty of borrowing a suitable boat. But this year, following the club’s loan of a

Coastal Four for training purposes to the Southampton University Boat Club – they responded by making an eight available to Ryde for the Head Race. With training opportunities limited to one session on the Median in a boat kindly loaned by Newport Rowing Club and a race at the Southampton Head in the boat they would use in the race expectations were not high and the Wightlink sponsored club knew

they would do well to get in the top 200. But the crew of Russell Page, Sam Cocker, Stu Johnson, Tom Clark, Callum Lowe, Ian Hayden, Nick Pike and Ben Ade with Maddie Dunn coxing completed the course in a time of 19 minutes, 15.28 seconds to finish in 193rd place.. The previous week club stalwart Steve Bull attended the 2010 Hampshire & Isle of Wight Sports Awards Ceremony which took

place at the Botleigh Grange Hotel, Botley, where he was nominated for an award in the “Service to Sport” Section – and was surprisingly the only Islander who received a nomination in any of the 17 categories. Judged by an independent panel, the standard of entries was exceptional, with many current and aspiring international athletes as well as long-serving officials featuring in the shortlist.

The Gazette, Friday, April 2, 2010

the gazette

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The Wightlink Raiders ice hockey heroes pulled off a magnificent winning double over Cardiff Devils, the team hotly tipped by many to go all the way in this year’s play-offs. A large, noisy crowd descended upon Ryde Arena full of high hopes for the Island side, however few could have anticipated just how well the Raiders would suit playoff hockey. Alex Murray opened the scoring with a neat goal early in the first period, after a well controlled feed from new line mate Kevin Tanner and head coach Jeremy Cornish. The lead stood for five minutes before Cardiff slotted home a power play goal. But Andrew Robinson’s relentless enthusiasm paid off in the final minutes of the period to give the Raiders the lead heading into the first

interval with an excellently timed effort assisted by eventual man of the match James Udell. Two goals for Cornish and the second of the night for fans’ favourite Robinson ensured the Island side maintained the lead after 40 minutes of play the score stood at 5-3. The next goal was scored by Raiders as new-found forward Kevin Tanner hit the back of the net on a play from Alex Murray. Cornish completed his hat trick 25 seconds later with assists coming from Niall Bound and Kevin Tanner to close the Raiders account for the evening. Two late goals for Cardiff inside the last three minutes of play saw Raiders fans on the edge of their seats as the final seconds counted down, but Raiders bagged an impressive 7-5 scoreline. Full of confidence from

the night before the Raiders pulled off another top class performance as they secured their second win of the weekend and became the first team to beat Cardiff in their own barn all season. Goals from Damon Larter, James Udell, Kevin Tanner and Jeremy Cornish put the Raiders on the right side of the 4-1 score line after three periods of play, and ensure the full four points for their weekend’s efforts, giving the team the best possible start to their first playoff campaign in recent years. The Easter weekend gives the Raiders a much deserved break, before the team return to action and hope to continue their good form as they play host to the Chelmsford Chieftains on Saturday April 10 before the team head to Essex the following day for the last game of the group stage.


Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599


The Gazette, Friday, April 2, 2010

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