IW Gazette 55

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gazette the isle of wight



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FREE! Friday March 5, 2010 Issue 55

NEWS Going Orange for the ‘Indies’

THOUSANDS raised for the independent lifeboats of the Island

Page 4

NEWS Trouble at Niton

SEE PAGES 16 - 17

NITON residents show their anger at traffic light plans for their village


Page 11



Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599


FURTHER to the recent statement by Dave Burbage, Isle of Wight Council Director of Resources, Quay Advocacy (part of the Riverside Centre) wish to confirm their support of his commitment not to publish ‘incorrect and misleading’ information. In respect of Quay Advocacy services, the recent Budget Report contained a statement that said: ”The number of sessions delivered for this amount does not meet the contractual agreement.” The Centre wrote to Davina Fiore on February 5, 2010 to seek clarification on this statement, and has yet to receive a reply. The Centre has also sent copies of the correspondence to other officers of the IW Council and local ward councillor, and has yet to receive a response. Quay Advocacy and the Riverside Centre have been contacted by anxious service users, volunteers and other stakeholders, to seek urgent clarification of the comments made or an indication of how these concerns can be resolved, and if the service can continue. A spokesperson for Quay Advocacy said: “If the Council is clear that their Budget statement is correct and not misleading, perhaps they can specify the number of sessions we should have provided and where in the contract, referred to, it states a sessions number.” The spokesperson adds: “We are comfortable sharing our copy of the contract with any third party to ensure that this process is open and transparent, and the publication of any ‘incorrect and misleading’ information is avoided.” Any response will be shared with stakeholders at the event planned for the Centre on Saturday March 13, 2010.


The Gazette, Friday, March 5, 2010


BUSY Bee garden centre in Ryde have offered to help Rotary International in their bid to raise money for the young casualties of the Haiti earthquake. A display about the way people can help those who have lost limbs, along with pictures of some of the people Rotary hope to help, can be seen at Busy Bee Garden Centre for the month of March, along with collection boxes for your donations. Further collection boxes are situated in the café and management has offered free tea and coffee to anyone making a donation in these boxes between the hours of 3pm and 4.30pm. At the same time you will be given a free ticket and entered into a draw to win a prize of garden furniture.

Bill Wyke, district coordinator for Rotary in the South of England said: “In the aftermath of the Haiti earthquake we have all seen the devastation caused to the buildings and the countryside. But there is also a human toll. Tens of thousands of men, woman and children have lost limbs. “Just as we will need to help to rebuild the houses, we also need to help to rebuild the lives of the people who have lost not only their homes but also so their ability to work. With your help we can at least give those who have survived but who have lost a limb another chance. “Please come along and support us. The display will be at the garden centre for the month of

March and we would like their wonderful support.” For further information to take this opportunity to say a big thank both to the or if your club, school, management and staff for church or organisation

would like us to tell them more about this Rotary project please contact Bill Wyke on 405471.

Bill Wyke, Cath Howlett, Martin McGahey, Eliza Owczarzak, Przemek Szafranski and Dorothy Dye

RED CROSS SEEKS VOLUNTEERS DO YOUR bit and collect on the Isle of Wight during Red Cross Appeal Week The British Red Cross is calling for volunteers to collect during Red Cross Appeal Week, the charity’s annual fundraising drive, 2 - 8 May. Volunteers are needed to collect for just two hours at a multitude of locations - so you can be sure there will be one near you. Volunteer Norman Hobbs from Bembridge, collected in Bembridge for the charity during appeal week 2009. He said: “I signed up because I wanted to help the Red Cross continue its good work in my local

community. I gave up just a little of my time and was astonished at how much I collected. - I came away knowing I’d really helped the charity and local people in crisis. “Getting involved in Red Cross Appeal Week is a great way to make a direct difference to other people’s lives simply by having fun with your friends, family or colleagues. You can collect money directly or organise a fun event if you want to - it’s up to you!” Lesley Insley, Red Cross fundraiser for the Isle of Wight, added: “As part of the world’s largest humanitarian organisation, the Red Cross has a

truly global reach. Whenever you see a conflict or natural disaster on TV, like the recent devastating earthquake in Haiti, it’s likely you’ll also see us there, helping people right at the heart of the problem. Our volunteers also support thousands of vulnerable people in the UK every year. By fundraising for us, you’ll help ensure we can still be there the next time things go wrong. “During Red Cross Appeal Week we rely on our fantastic volunteers giving their time to collect locally, in aid of the Red Cross. We couldn’t do it without them, but the more collectors we have, the more we can raise, so we are urging people to sign up

this year.” Last year, Isle of Wight Red Cross volunteers raised more than £5000 during Red Cross Appeal Week and the money was used to support vital work in the UK and overseas, providing unconditional care for vulnerable people in crisis. Journalist and British Red Cross supporter, Michael Buerk, said. “As the number of disasters increase and communities across the UK are hit hard by the recession, the British Red Cross is needed now more than ever. You can help support vulnerable people near you by fundraising or donating during Red Cross Appeal Week.”


ISLAND farmers who feel they are being wrongly accused of sheep tagging infringements have won the backing of local Euro MP Catherine Bearder. She is defending South East farmers, including any on the Island, against unfair penalties. At a meeting of the European Parliament’s Agriculture Committee, Liberal Democrat MEPs called for a moratorium on punishing farmers for tagging infringements until the technical problems with sheep

tagging have been ironed for non-compliance to out. They also put down be applied in a more amendments to the CAP proportionate way. Speaking in support of the moratorium, Catherine said: “A lot of farmers across South East England have contacted me to complain about the unfair and heavy handed nature of this system. “Our farmers are being punished for minor infringements of the rules, and often it’s down to Simplification Report problems with the EID currently before the tagging machines rather Committee calling for than the fault of farmers. the criteria and penalties The punishment for these

“Our farmers are being punished for minor infringements of the rules”

infringements can be huge deductions from their Single Farm Payments. “The EID scheme is still proving a huge problem for many small livestock farmers because of factors entirely outside their control.” “A moratorium on penalties while teething troubles are resolved is surely fair. “We need to make sure the technical problems are sorted out without imposing even bigger and unfair costs on hard pressed local farmers.”

The Gazette, Friday, March 5, 2010

Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599


THE IW Council parking permit saga has taken a new twist – and it will cost the average Island motorist big time!

Gone is the £70 a year per permit, to be replaced by one that will cost a massive £500. But the increase does not end there. The new permit

will allow drivers to stay only in any IW Council-run long-stay car park. But there is no provision for short-stay and shopper car parks or car parks at Dinosaur Isle, Browns Golf Course and Ventnor Botanic Garden. The long-stay parking permit can be bought for three, six or 12 months, and comes into force from April 1. It replaces the Island Residents Permit and the Island Business Permits. Both will be withdrawn on March 31, including for eco-friendly cars, following the Isle of Wight Council’s budget. A three-month long-stay parking permit will cost £135, for six months the charge will be £260 and a yearly permit

will cost a whopping £500. Edward Giles, IW Council Cabinet member for transport, said: “Each payment option works out to paying less than £1.60 a day to leave a car all day in a long-stay car park, which will help workers and daily commuters as it works out to less than a third of what it would cost to feed a meter all day. “We feel that is very good value for money and gives people the option of saving on parking charges, following the budget decision to discontinue the Island Residents’ Permit” So let’s wait and see who takes up this latest IW Council ‘bargain’ on car parking!





FURTHER to recent media coverage, The Riverside Centre has confirmed that it is holding a stakeholder consultation event at 10.30am on Saturday March 13, 2010. Shirley Smart, Riverside Chairman said: “We have written repeatedly to officers of the Local Authority to seek clarification on the implications of the Budget proposals, and the need for direct dialogue, that is not conversation through the media, and have yet to receive any response.” Shirley added: “Service users are very anxious and angry about the lack of consultation, the implications of the cuts, and the increased charges that have been suggested.” The Centre has invited senior Council Officers and all IW Councillors to the meeting planned for Saturday March 13, 2010. The agenda will include

details on how the public and community fundraised to build the Centre, the implications of the proposed cuts and increased costs to users, and the Centre’s proposals to work with partners to maintain services for vulnerable people and marginalised organisations. Shirley concluded: “The Riverside Centre is committed to working with partner agencies, including the Local Authority, to ensure services meet the needs of vulnerable people. Personalisation was at the heart of why the community fundraised to build the Centre, and, whilst we are awaiting a response from the Local Authority, we need to ensure we are doing all that we can to maintain the range of much needed services provided at and from the Centre.” For further information contact Richard Priest 822209.

A WOMAN in her 60s was slightly injured during a burglary at an address in Medina Park off Folly Lane, Whippingham, near East Cowes. Police are appealing for information after the woman heard a noise from outside her home at approximately 1.10am on Sunday, February 28, 2010. She opened her back door and saw a man near her garden shed. It’s alleged the man then assaulted the woman before taking a handbag near her back door and running away. The woman also saw a second man standing near her garden shed who appeared to flee the scene after being seen. The woman, received minor cuts and scratches to her body, has provided descriptions of the two suspects: The first man, accused of assault and theft, is described as: white, approximately 18 years old, 5 ft 10 ins tall. thin build, wearing a grey camouflage zipped coat, blue jeans, white trainers, black woolly hat.

The second man is described as: white, approximately 18 years old, but possibly younger, shorter than the first man, thin build, wearing a black hooded top, dark trousers, white trainers. Acting Sergeant Justin Pringle from the East Cowes Safer Neighbourhoods team said: “Officers, PCSOs and specialist police staff with local knowledge are carrying out house-to-house and forensic enquiries in and around Medina Park. I would like to reassure the community that crimes of this nature are rare in the area. “The number of burglaries in East Cowes has fallen by 40 per cent over the past 11 months when compared to the same period a year earlier. We are appealing for anybody with information about the suspects or people who may have noticed someone acting suspiciously in Whippingham on Saturday night or Sunday morning to contact the police.” Anyone with information is asked to phone Cowes Police Station on 101.


A MUM and governor from Chale School has released a single to help raise funds for the school that is threatened with closure – particularly as the case may be taken to the high court. Cheryl Shepard (right) is a community musician teaching choirs and in schools as well as playing in pubs and festivals. Her song “How to Make a Miracle” was recorded it at her uncle Les Payne’s studio in Princes Risborough. The first verse of the song is: “Please remember why you love me, when it’s all going too fast, when your dreams look like they’re dying, remember we’re building something to last.” “I feel that this is what the school would say to us if it could talk,” said Cheryl. “The school has been a part of village life for many years and it is at the heart of our community. “If it is closed, people will stop moving to the area and village life will die. We are asking Islanders to remember that Chale is an important part of the Island, even though it is small. “At the moment we are

feeling like our dreams for the school and village are being ignored, the council refuses to listen to us, but we are holding on with all the strength we can muster because we believe it is right that our school should survive, and be there for future generations. It is a wonderful starting place in life for any child.” The chorus is: “Beauty comes from a thing that’s greater than its parts, truly wondrous miracles come from pure, simple, human hearts.” “We are trying to keep the school open because it is a thing of beauty,” added Cheryl. “The children are so happy there and it means so much to the people of this village. We would invite anyone on the Island to come and spend the morning with us and see this fantastic little school in action. “The Island is a place of beauty with many different parts. We are asking Island residents to look into their hearts and find the time to buy this single to help save the school. As a very small group of governors, we can only do so much.” Chair of the governors,

Alan Lock, said: “We are working on three options at the moment, one of which is to take the case to the high courts. Our legal advisors have suggested that we may have a good case based on floored process. “But we’re racking up legal fees and hope that people will buy copies of Cheryl’s song to support the community in Chale. She has a wonderful voice.” People can listen to the

song at www.myspace.com/ featherhead123. If they wish to purchase it, they will need to send a cheque for three pounds, made out to Cheryl Shepard, to Chale Primary School, Chale, Ventnor, Isle of Wight, along with their details on a piece of paper - name, address, email and phone number. She will then post the cd. A launch party for the single is planned at the Quay Arts in the near future.



Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599


The Gazette, Friday, March 5, 2010


Staff of Ryde’s LA Bowl with crewmembers from the lifeboats GO ORANGE Day last Friday has raised over £8,000 for the Inshore and Independent lifeboats on the Island and money is still coming in. Michaela White, Chair of Ryde Inshore Rescue, was overjoyed with the day, which has raised £4,000 for the Ryde branch although the final amount has not been calculated. “It was manic but it went very well and we’ll definitely be doing it next year,” said Michaela. “The crew going our collecting was the best pull and the generosity of

the public was amazing. We the High Street and Union also had loads of volunteers Street in the evening, and helping on the day who we’d then along the seafront,” said

“Chris Harris raised about £200 by being sprayed orange and there were so many great people. There are too many shops and businesses to name but thank you to you all.” Michaela. like to thank. “We’d also really like to “The crew were at Somerfield during the day on thank the staff at LA Bowl Friday and then went down for organising the fun day

The Gazette, Friday, March 5, 2010

Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599




MAN FOUND SAFE AN 87-year-old Ryde man who went missing at the weekend, was later found safe and well. Frederick Simpson, of Trinity Street, Ryde, was found on the Island. Police thanked the media and members of the public for their assistance with appeals to find Mr Simpson.

STUDENTS UNHURT A GROUP of French students were uninjured when the coach in which they were travelling was one of three vehicles involved in a minor road accident at Beaper Shute, near Ryde, on Monday night just after 9pm. An occupant of one of the cars suffered minor injuries and was taken to St Mary’s Hospital, and the road was partially blocked, leading to traffic hold-ups.


A MEMORIAL service for former IW Council chairman John Effemey will take place at the Minster Church of St Thomas, Newport, on March 22. The service will be led by Canon Richard Emblin, and anyone wishing to attend should contact the council on 821000, to give organisers a guide to numbers. The service will begin at 10.30am.

go toward buying new kit for on Saturday. It was a very for us. “The lifeboat was in Regent the crew.” successful event with face Freshwater also has an painting, a hip-hop band, Street on Friday and King Lifeboat, Unidos Samba Band and Harry’s Bar had a casino Independent circus workshops – all free of night. I’d like to give a special although Vice President Don thanks to Trish White for Wright was keen to stress charge. that as they cover far further “Chris Harris raised about organising it. “I’d also like to thank Red than just the inshore area. £200 by being sprayed orange and there were so Funnel’s Red Jet for allowing “We raised around £1,200 many great people. There us to collect at Cowes on although we are still waiting are too many shops and Friday between 7 and 10am. for money to come in,” he businesses to name but We’ll be doing the day again said. “It was the start of things next year on February 18. thank you to you all. “It was amazing to see to come as far as awareness “The money will be going towards plans to improve so many people wearing of the Inshore/Independent orange ribbons – thank you lifeboats are concerned. All and extend the Roxy existing Music premises for Ryde Inshore everyone. Some money will being well we will be doing it Rescue at Appley, which go towards a new extension again next year and we’ll be leaks and is very squashed.” to the building and some will at RIBEX too.” Mark Birch, Operations Manager at Sandown and Shanklin Inshore Lifeboat, said: “It was a superb day out. We’ve collected just under £3,000 but we expect to get at least £3,500 as money is still coming in. “I would like to thank everyone who participated in helping to arrange it. The party shop decorated their window orange, Pets Paradise in Shanklin dressed up in orange and Sandown Social Club had an evening David Williams (left) and Mark Birch


PUNTERS who took the gamble to turn up at King Harry’s Bar, Shanklin Old Village on Go Orange Day ensured Sandown and Shanklin Inshore Lifeboat were the winners. A James Bond-themed Casino Night raised £450 for the Lifeboat as part of the celebrations last Friday to promote the three independent lifeboat stations on the Island at Ryde, Freshwater and Sandown and Shanklin. Mark Birch, coxswain of the Sandown and Shanklin Lifeboat crew, said: “I was overwhelmed by the support we received from the public on Go Orange Day. The main idea was to get the message over that Ryde, Freshwater and Sandown and Shanklin Inshore Lifeboats are independent, and not connected with the RNLI. “It was good to see so many people wearing the Go Orange ribbons to show their support, and I would like to thank everyone who organised events to raise money for the stations.” The organisers of the Casino Night at King Harry’s Bar would like to thank everyone who attended for their support, and to all those who gave prizes for the bottle raffle.



Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599


The Gazette, Friday, March 5, 2010


LIVE music was the unusual feature at a fundraising coffee morning at Niton Church Hall, which raised £200 for Chale Church and churchyard. Formed 12 months ago the Midlanders, who play easy listening music ranging from Glen Miller to pop, played two sets. Andy Price on trumpet and Karen Thornton on saxophone were well received by all the visitors to the event. In the twenty minute interval there was a debut performance by four musicians. Karen had met Heather Knowles (Saxophone), Alona Rayner (Saxophone) and Mandy Blakeley (Cornet) when she was associated with the White Diamonds Marching Band and Graham introduced himself as a sax player at one of the Midlanders gigs. These four enthusiastic instrumentalists were keen to play dance/big band style music so encouraged by Andy & Karen on a snowy night in January the tentative steps were taken.

Confidence has grown and the fundraising event at Niton, for Chale Church, was their first public appearance. “They did very well,” said Andy Price. Jean Harris, who organised the event, was very pleased with the coffee morning – especially the entertainment. “People said what a lovely morning they had. They could sit and have coffee and cakes, browse through the books, the small amount of jumble and bric a brac and listen to the lovely music. “There was also a cake stall and Nora Morey’s daughter Susan baked four lovely sponge cakes – they were exceptional,” said Jean. “The Midlanders were very kind and asked us to put their money in the church funds. It was the other group’s first occasion playing in public and they were very good. “A lot of people from Chale did come, although there were many from Niton and even one lady from Cowes.


Alex Webb, Gordon Osborne, Elle Beere, Gillian Osborne and Bryony Newman


STUDENTS from Ryde High’s Student Governing Body presented a cheque for over £330 to two representatives from Ryde Inshore Rescue on Monday this week. This money has been raised by students through fundraising events to benefit Ryde Inshore Rescue, the local charity chosen by students.

They chose to support Ryde Inshore Rescue as it is a totally independent charity and does not receive any funding from the RNLI. There are two other independent lifeboat stations around the Island. In the past year Ryde Inshore Rescue received over 80 call outs to various different incidents, ranging

from stranded windsurfers to removal of sea debris. They were also on hand during multiple engine fires on large vessels. Members of the public got together to raise money for the UK’s independent lifeboat stations on February 26, ‘Go Orange’ day. See pages 4 - 5 for more on the activities that went on that day.

ADD WATER - AND £260K A £260,000 - PLUS international advertising campaign is underway to try to attract more tourists to the Island. The marketing campaign for tourism ‘Just Add Water’ will have a greater emphasis on on-line marketing using for the first time popular social networking sites. This includes Facebook and YouTube, where more user-generated content can be used such as videos and photos, as well as visitors and residents comments. Flickr and Twitter will also be used, with the council actively encouraging Islanders to upload their images of the Island. Online search engines Google and Yahoo will also be used to promote the Island with the use of online adverts, with the tourism website www. visitwight.co.uk heavily promoted.

A further new innovation will be to display promotional material on moving LED screens in central London during

minds when they are thinking of a quality holiday destination. “While traditional marketing methods are

“We must position the Isle of Wight so that it is uppermost in people’s minds when they are thinking of a quality holiday destination.” peak commuter times. The campaign also involves more traditional types of advertising such as billboards, national newspapers, magazine advertising and adverts on the London tube network. IW Council Cabinet member responsible for tourism George Brown said: “With the so-called ‘staycation’ holiday still popular, we must position the Isle of Wight so that it is uppermost in people’s

valid and successful, it is important we have a greater focus towards online and social networking marketing because sites such as YouTube and Facebook have millions of users, all of whom could be potential visitors” The ‘Just Add Water’ campaign is also promoting the Isle of Wight Chamber of Commerce, Tourism and Industry (IWCCTI) 2010 Isle of Wight Accommodation Guide

which is available from Tourism Information Centres throughout the country and via www. visitwight.co.uk The IWCCTI general manager Dean Pascall said: “We have received excellent feedback from the industry on the quality and new look of this year’s Accommodation Guide. With a speedy distribution network already underway, this is going to support the Campaign’s promotion of the Island as a great holiday destination and tourism product.” Another feature of the 2010 ‘Just Add Water’ campaign is that, while focusing activity during the months when most people traditionally book, it ensures the Island has a year-round presence to attract the people who book their holidays at the last minute and during out of season months.

The Gazette, Friday, March 5, 2010

Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599



PAUL MCCARTNEY has a ticket to Ryde this summer as he’s headlining the main stage at the IW Festival on Sunday night (June 13). Promoter John Giddings has confirmed rumours of the former Beatle’s appearance at the Festival. “Forty years after Jimi Hendrix performed ‘Hey Joe’ at Seaclose Park we’ve finally gotten to ‘Hey Jude’. I can’t wait!” said John. Across a career that has spanned over 30 years, Paul has penned some of the most famous tracks ever written, including ‘Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band’, ‘Live and Let Die’ and ‘I Saw Her Standing There’. Paul McCartney said: “I always remember hearing such great things about this festival and it has such a sense of history with the likes of Jimi Hendrix playing there the first time round. This will be my first show on the Isle of Wight and I’m looking forward to a rollicking night of rock n’ roll.” Paul’s live shows have reached a new legendary status in recent years

garnering unprecedented reviews from fans and critics alike wherever he goes. He’s pushed boundaries, performed to millions and made global news with monumental shows including performances in Red Square, Russia, outside the Coliseum in Rome, performing live to a NASA space station and the largest outdoor show ever in the Ukraine. This special show at the Isle of Wight Festival is part of Paul’s all new ‘Up And Coming’ tour, which starts in the US in March and comes to the UK and Ireland in June. In addition to Paul McCartney, other world-class artists performing on Sunday’s Main Stage include Pink, Editors, Spandau Ballet and Friendly Fires. Across the course of the weekend over 45 acts will take to the stage including Jay-Z, Blondie, The Strokes, Florence + The Machine, Biffy Clyro, Crowded House, Paloma Faith, Mr. Hudson, Orbital, La Roux, Marina and the Diamonds and many more.


THE ASSOCIATION of Independent Festivals (AIF) launched the new initiative, AIF Twin Festivals: A Cultural Exchange, which partners the UK’s leading independent festivals with their counterparts abroad. Based on the twin towns concept, top UK festivals are paired with likeminded and similarly structured

festivals from countries from around the world and Bestival is very pleased to announce that their twin is Melt! 2010 sees the 13th Melt! festival which returns as a three day event, 16/17/18 July 2010. It’s held in a giant industrial museum, Ferropolis, in the city of Gräfenhainichen, south

east of Dessau in Germany, and features electronica dance music from pop and indie though to ambient beats and hip-hop, spread across six floors with more than 80 live acts appearing over the weekend, including the likes of Massive Attack, The xx, Booka Shade, The Wombats, Foals and Blood Red Shoes.



ISLANDERS’ SPECIAL CHANCE TO SNAP UP TICKETS BESTIVAL will be running a special Islander Day promotion this Saturday (March 6), when Isle of Wight residents can purchase their Bestival 2010 tickets locally, in person, minus any commission or booking fees at certain Island outlets. Tickets will be on-sale at face value (on a first-come, first-served basis) from the following official Bestival 2010 outlets. Please note that all outlets below will revert to normal ticket prices (including fees) after Saturday: • Robin Hill Country Park (10am-4pm) • ‘The White Hart’ pub, Havenstreet (usual opening hours) • Cowes Tourist Information Centre (9 The Arcade: 10am - 3pm) • Newport Tourist Information Centre (The Guildhall - High St: 10am - 3pm) • Ryde Tourist Information Centre (81 Union St: 10am - 3pm) • Sandown Tourist Information Centre (8 High St: 10am - 3pm) • Shanklin Tourist Information Centre (67 High St: 10am - 3pm) • Yarmouth Tourist Information Centre (The Quay: 10am - 3pm) “This is on a one day only, strictly limited first-come-first-served basis. Once they’re gone, they’re gone,” said Bestival. “This represents a potential not-to-besniffed-at saving of up to £11.50 per ticket (over usual purchase price including any commission/booking fees) and you have the added bonus of grabbing your golden Bestival tickets right there on the spot too (no waiting for that pesky postman)... “ Bestival’s Year of the Fantastic stars Dizzee Rascal, Hot Chip, Roxy Music, The Flaming Lips, LCD Soundsystem, Chic (feat Nile Rodgers), The xx, Fever Ray, Tricky, Chase & Status, Vitalic, Mylo, Simian Mobile Disco Mumford & Sons, Rolf Harris and many, many more. One very special headline act will soon be revealed.



Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599

The Gazette, Friday, March 5, 2010



UNFORTUNATELY Angel radio lost their FM transmission on the Saturday before Christmas, due to aerial failure, but it is hoping to be back on the air this Monday (March 8). The original aerial had been functioning perfectly since the station first began broadcasting on FM on March 24, 2007, through all conditions. But the very wet weather in December 2009 proved to be too much and the water penetrated the aerial and shorted it out. Angel Radio had to order a new one immediately but unfortunately the aerial company had a long


Christmas holiday and did not go back to work until January 4. This meant that there was no production until after then. The new aerial eventually arrived on February 8, but to their horror it had been damaged in transit and was very badly bent. It was returned immediately and the replacement one arrived on March 3. It will be fitted and tested ready for Angel Radio Isle of Wight to begin broadcasting again on 91.5 FM at 8pm on Monday March 8. “We have received literally hundreds of emails, telephone messages and

letters wishing us well and we would like to thank our lovely and loyal listeners for all their good wishes and also for their very generous donations to help us back on air,” said a spokesperson “As Angel Radio is run entirely by volunteers and is not allowed to take paid advertising or sponsorship the support of our audience is so important and means so much to us.” Angel Radio Isle of Wight is situated at Communications House, 56 Love Lane Cowes PO31 7EU (In the Wight Cable building) telephone 246810 www.angelradioisleofwight. moonfruit.com

PEOPLE all over the country are being invited to body pop and foxtrot for free at thousands of dance classes this weekend as part of the new Let’s Dance campaign. Let’s Dance is the latest project from Change4Life, the nationwide movement to help us all live healthier, happier and longer lives, this time in partnership with the Fitness Industry Association. On the Isle of Wight, the School sports partnership are offering free Hip Hop, Salsa and Cheer Dance lessons at Medina Leisure Centre, Newport this Saturday March 6. Classes for 5 - 8yr olds are from 10 - 12pm and classes for 9 - 13yr olds are 1 - 3pm and parents are welcome to join in. Booking is essential please call 814 289 or 07789 397 268. On Sunday March 8, Dance Vibez are offering Ballroom/ Latin, Street Dance/Hip Hop, Ballet and Show/ Cabaret at Sandown Youth Club, Grafton St, Sandown from 10 - 2pm. Booking is essential, please call 403 175. Louise Gray, Physical Activities Co-ordinator for NHS Isle of Wight said: “Staying active is a really important part of staying healthy and just 60 minutes of exercise per day for children can help reduce their risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Dancing can be such a fun way

of staying active and burning energy and can be done as part of a class or simply in your own living room.” Britain’s Got Talent winners Diversity recently joined forces with the Department of Health and the Change4Life campaign to help get kids across the country boogying for a healthier future. Thirteen-year-old Diversity member Perry showed his support for the campaign by saying, “I absolutely love to dance. I think it is a really fun way to keep active and has helped me make lots of friends.” Dancing is a particularly effective way of burning energy because it’s often done in short, intense bursts and can fit into the recommended 60 active minutes a day for children, counting towards their five hours of PE and sport per week. At the same time as burning calories, it builds bones – making children healthy and strong. Even very simple dances help children develop their sense of rhythm, balance and co-ordination. Young children learn how to judge distances, and counting skills improve as children count beats of the music and their steps. It also encourages children to use their imagination and creativity, and to cooperate and communicate with others.

These few tips can help you along the way: Offer children healthy snacks after they’ve worked up an appetite dancing along to their favourite music channels. Suggest children learn a different dance each week of the school holidays and organise a back to school show with their friends. Make up a new dance step each and stage a ‘dance-off’. Public Health Minister Gillian Merron said, “Dancing is a great way for people to be healthy – it burns calories, strengthens bones and therefore cuts the risk of becoming overweight or obese. The great thing about dance is that anybody can do it, you can dance in any style, with friends, on your own and at any age.” “Children should be active for an hour everyday – dancing is a fun and really interesting way to hit that goal. The Change4Life movement is all about making it easier to build activity into your daily routine so that we can all live longer, healthier lives.” Let’s Dance with Change4Life follows on from the success of Swim4Life, Walk4Life and Bike4Life which last year helped thousands of families to splash, stroll and cycle their way to more active, healthier lifestyles.


Picture by Jamie Russell

IT WAS a groundbreaking day for the volunteers who turned up to help clean the beach at Grange Chine on Saturday when just over half a tonne of rubbish was collected. Forty eight people of all ages attended the beach clean between 2pm and 4pm on Saturday, which was organised by Joe Cauldwell of Surfers Against Sewage (SAS). “In the two hours we spent down at Grange Chine we collected just under 80 bags of rubbish and a large pile of rope and netting,” said Joe. “We weighed this all and it came to 629.4kg. “Having been on many other cleans on the IW and organised my own for SAS in the past I think this is unprecedented in terms of the support we received

and the sheer quantity of litter we collected. “It is estimated that there are 2,195 items of marine litter for every kilometre of UK coastline and Saturday certainly showed that is true! “As part of the clean I also talked to volunteers about SAS campaigns and encouraged them to sign the online Marine Litter Petition. “We also collected seven items of identifiable litter, which I will ‘Return to Offender’ with a covering letter asking them to step up their anti-littering message on their labelling. We found some items with Japanese labelling, which was pretty hard to work out the address, but it had travelled a long way,” said Joe.

Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599

The Gazette, Friday, March 5, 2010





ISLAND householders could find themselves even more out of pocket if they use too much water during the summer months. A scheme due to be introduced by Southern Water would result in residents paying more for their water during the summer with the introduction of a so-called seasonal tariff. Southern Water customers on the Island, and in Hampshire, parts of West Sussex and Medway in Kent will have new meters installed from June in an effort to preserve water supplies in the hotter months. Some 60,000 customers will have the new meters installed in the first year, and it is expected that 487,000 will be fitted in the next five years, meaning 93 per cent of customers will have a meter by 2015. Residents will pay 6 per cent more than the standard rate for their water from June to September, and 2 per cent less than the standard rate for the rest of the year. The West Sussex-based company insisted that average annual water bills would not rise because it plans to drop the price of water between October and May. The move comes amid concerns about the future pressure on resources through climate change and the projected population growth in the South East. Officials hope the introduction of a seasonal tariff will discourage non-essential use of water and help customers think more about water-saving benefits. A Southern Water spokesman said: “These tariffs are set to discourage

Hospice Fundraising: Telephone - 528989 Frock Exchange at Isle of Wight Pearl THE EARL Mountbatten Hospice retail Team and Isle of Wight Pearl have joined up to give you an excellent chance to get your hands on good quality frocks and raise money for the Hospice at the same time.

non-essential use in the summer months when our water resources come under the greatest stress. This tariff is not designed to have any impact on a customer’s annual bill, providing their water use is typical throughout the year.” The firm has more than 2.2 million customers over the Island, Hampshire, Kent and Sussex regions, but the tariff may only be used with a new type of meter known as automated meter reading (AMR). These are being installed under the programme and are said to be capable of providing more information about water use, including helping to detect leaks. The company said that the seasonal tariff is not designed to penalise customers, saying that because the winter tariff will go down slightly the charges should even out if use remains steady. Seasonal tariffs are being piloted by several different water companies,

but Southern Water is the first to introduce it permanently, the spokesman said. The Consumer Council for Water said its research found just over a quarter (27 per cent) of customers backed seasonal tariffs, with almost half (48 per cent) opposed to them. David Bland, chair of the CCW’s London and South East Committee, said: “We know from our research that customers have reservations about seasonal tariffs, and we’ll be monitoring the situation closely through a series of joint meetings with OFWAT and the company and by close liaison with customers.” The CCW’s research found that 57 per cent of people thought the fairest billing option was charging people based on how much water they used. A total of 43% thought that compulsory metering was fair in areas where there are water resource problems, while 28 per cent thought it was unfair.


THE ISLE of Wight branch of MIND, who campaign to promote and protect good mental health for everyone, are celebrating the forthcoming Mental Health Awareness Week with an ‘Excellence in Mental Health’ event at the Riverside Centre. These awards recognising the contribution made by Island individuals and organisations will be given between 9.30 and 10.30am, on Tuesday March 23, 2010 at the Riverside Centre in Newport. The local branch of MIND has responded to concerns being expressed regarding proposed funding cuts to local mental health care and support provision, by working with statutory and voluntary sector agencies to develop services, and arranging an event to highlight the contribution made by individuals and

All you have to do is donate any good quality dresses/ shoes/handbags that you have, along with a donation of £1; in return you will receive a voucher. This can then be exchanged for any other item at our Frock Exchange event at IW Pearl on Friday April 16. There will be a raffle and wine served on the evening. All items to be exchanged can be taken into the Hospice charity shop in Lugley St, Newport, or at IW Pearl, Chilton Chine, Military Rd. All proceeds from this event go towards patient care at the Hospice.

Hospice patients & volunteers art exhibition WE ARE proud to be holding an exhibition/sale of artwork produced in the Hospice Day Care Unit, both by patients of the unit and volunteers that help out there in Newport Minster, St Thomas Square. The exhibition is open to the public on March 5 - 6 and 9 - 13 from 10am to 12.30pm. All sales and donations goes directly to the Hospice. For more information contact Kate Mansbridge on 535346.

Walk the Wight registration WE’RE now on the cusp of having over 5,000 people registered for this year’s Walk the Wight, so a massive thank you to all of those who have already signed up! The awards for ‘Excellence in Mental Health’ to be presented by MIND groups involved with mental health on the Island. MIND project manager Paddy Noctor said: “The event will provide an opportunity for service users to find out more about the services that are provided locally, and celebrate the positive successes that have been achieved.” IW MIND, together with

South Wight Housing Association, have commissioned special figurines to recognise the contribution made by individuals and organisations involved in the recovery model of mental health provision: awards include, Employment, Carers, Education, Youth and Volunteers, as well as two Special Awards. Paddy Noctor added:

“IW MIND has an important part to play in the development and provision of services on the Island, for example working with the Riverside to provide healthy lifestyle facilities in Quay House, providing training and self help courses, and developing an Art Project which staged four exhibitions in 2009.”

Registering for Walk the Wight couldn’t be easier, simply go to www.iwhospice.org/wtw and fill in the online form. You can register for both sections of the Main Walk or the Flat Walk in this way. Alternatively you can give Hospice Fundraising a call on 528989 and we’ll happily send you out registration forms for each walk. All walker’s must register in advance; we will not be registering anyone on the day. Registration closes on

Friday April 30. If any schools haven’t registered their interest in this year’s Schools Walk the Wight programme please contact Louise Watson on 528989 or louise.watson@emhfunding. com as soon as possible.

Tandem parachute opportunity on Saturday June 19 THE HOSPICE has a few places left for the next sponsored tandem parachuting day at Salisbury airfield. If you have ever wanted to leap out of an aeroplane now is your chance! We ask for minimum sponsor ship of £365 in total, this includes the jump’s cost, but the deposit to secure your place is just £100. Transport to the airfield can be arranged to make the day as easy as possible. To get more details and an application pack call 528989.

Run the British 10k London race WE HAVE got places for The Asics British 10k London Run and we’re looking for fundraisers to run for the Hospice! If you’re looking to get in shape this could be a goal to strive for, or if you’re already in shape this is your chance to run through the heart of London and raise money for an excellent cause. The race takes place on Sunday July 11, the first runners set off at 9.30am. If you’re interested in taking part then give the Hospice Fundraising Team a call on 528989 or email: Ben.Rust@emhfunding.com. All places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. All runners are expected to raise a minimum sponsorship of £30 to go towards patient care at the Hospice.

Shop donations urgently needed OUR HOSPICE retail shops are in desperate need of good quality donations, if you have anything to donate we would be most appreciative. The Hospice is also looking for supplies of good quality books. Ideally, please could you take your donations to our Hospice Warehouse on Dodnor Industrial Estate. The phone number for the Warehouse is 244230.



Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599


The Gazette, Friday, March 5, 2010

VAN FIRE IN SHANKLIN Left to right: Mary Semour, Marie Bugden and Jasmine Light from the Breast Care Department, and Ingrid Barton and Margaret Cox from the Friends.


FIREFIGHTERS were called on Tuesday morning (March 2) when a cleaning van caught light. The van was engulfed by flames at about 9.30am

after its driver had parked up to go in a clean a flat at the Rogers, Green Lane, Shanklin. The blaze, in the engine compartment, was soon brought under control

but the vehicle was badly damaged. Fire crews from Shanklin and Sandown attended and used two hose reels to put out the fire out.

THE BREAST Care Department at St Mary’s Hospital has a new state of the art piece of equipment, thanks to the generosity of The Friends of St Mary’s Hospital. Jasmine Light, Senior Clinical Nurse Specialist at the Applegate Breast Care

Unit received the Flowtron Hydroven, which cost nearly £2,000. The equipment is a new innovation, providing a soothing pulsating effect on the arms of many ladies suffering with lymphodaema It is being used in the lounge

area of the department which is a relaxing and comfortable space. Jasmine said: “The machine will be an enormous relief to the patients, by reducing the lympho-daema swelling, which is normally caused by surgery, disease, or trauma.”


Kathy Godolphin

gazette the isle of wight



A BUSINESS woman from the Isle of Wight is giving hotel and holiday home owners the perfect incentive to attract visitors ahead of the 2010 spring and summer season. Kathy Godolphin, 35, from Gurnard, is offering six months free advertising on her website www.godolphinproperty. co.uk. And if it brings a big influx in bookings, Islanders will have the chance to take out one of a number of advertising packages after the trial. If those who have signed up are not happy, then they are able

to leave the site, having had six months free advertising. Godolphin property is an established internet agency that has been selling property overseas for the last five years. As it is an Isle of Wight family run business, Kathy decided it was time to promote tourism on her home soil. “The Island is a cool place to be right now. We’ve got the Isle of Wight Festival and the Bestival, which have put the place on the worldwide map,” she said. “We’ve got a top music scene

attracting the worlds biggest bands such as The Rolling Stones, Coldplay and The Who. We’re attracting high profile celebs like Twilight pair Robert Pattison and his girlfriend Kristen Stewart, who are looking to buy a house here. Russell Brand loves the Island’s character and Jordan brought her kids over for a holiday. “Islanders deserve the chance to boost their bookings and I hope they make the most of this fantastic opportunity.” The holiday lets section of




Address: Unit B18, Spithead Business Centre, Newport Road, Isle of Wight, PO36 9PH Tel: (01983) 402599 Fax: (01983) 404189 Email: newsdesk@iwgazette. co.uk

Write to: Jason Kay, Unit B18, Spithead Business Centre, Newport Road, IW, PO36 9PH. Tel: (01983) 402599. Email: jason@iwgazette.co.uk

Peter White Tel: (01983) 402599. Email: newsdesk@iwgazette.co.uk

THE FEATURES EDITOR Write to: Jo Macaulay, Unit B18, Spithead Business Centre, Newport Road, IW, PO36 9PH. Tel: (01983) 402599. Email: jo@iwgazette.co.uk

the website went live last Friday February 26. Hotel and holiday homeowners should register their interest by email at info@godolphinproperty. co.uk and then follow the instructions. The details and photos are then updated for free. There are no contracts to sign. For more information and interviews, contact Kathy on 07977 005 530, 291 701, email kathy@ godolphinproperty.co.uk or go to www.godolphin property.co.uk Gemma Iles Tel: (01983) 402599. Email: gemma@iwgazette.co.uk


Penny Newnham Tel: (01983) 402599. Email: penny@iwgazette.co.uk

Colin Clarke Tel: (01983) 402599 Email: gazettead@mac.com


Paul Mercer Tel: (01983) 402599

James Rolfe Tel: (01983) 402599 Email: james@iwgazette.co.uk

Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599

The Gazette, Friday, March 5, 2010





NITON residents are up in arms about plans to put traffic lights in their village and Whitwell residents are no happier about the proposition. A meeting at Niton village hall last Friday was very well attended and everyone was unanimously against the installation of traffic lights in both villages. Halcrow Group, on behalf


Road. In Whitwell lights are suggested for the junction between Kemming Road and the High Street. “The general feeling is strongly against – nobody at the meeting was in favour and

“The general feeling is strongly against – nobody at the meeting was in favour and in fact nobody in the village” of the IW Council, has suggested traffic lights as part of an ‘improvement’ scheme to the roads with two sites for lights suggested in Niton. These would be at the ‘crossroads’ made by Rectory Road, Church Street and the High Street and another at the junction between the High Street and Blackgang

in fact nobody in the village,” said John Stotesbury, Chair of the Parish Council and Niton Village Hall. “We’re hoping it’s not a hard and fast thing. “All the car parking around the village will go and it will be a pretty serious business if they do put them in as all the shops will close and we’ll become a dormitory town,”

Mavis Norris and John Stotesbury at the corner where residents would like a kerb

Angry Niton residents at proposed traffic light site he stressed. “There are other things that can be done. The one thing that constantly holds up heavy traffic is people parking on the double yellow lines on the High Street near the corner of Rectory Road. If a physical obstruction could be put there that would stop cars parking but would allow larger vehicles to go around it would improve access for them.” Susan Gardner, from Niton, said: “The only place they get stuck is by the Londis so a kerb would help solve that problem. If we have traffic lights all the shops will close down.” Yvonne Perrin, also from Niton, said: “It’s that corner that’s the problem – there has to be some sort of kerbstone to stop people parking on yellow lines. But there’s so much activity in the Village Hall that we need the parking in the High Street. Residents in Whitwell are not happy either. “It’s

bringing the urban into a local area. We don’t want street furniture here,” said Whitwell resident Wendy Arnold. “I’ve had several conversations with local residents and they’re all against it.” Mavis Barclay, who runs the post office in Niton with

Niton for 30 years and is adamant that traffic lights would destroy the village. “I think it’s a waste of time and money and will lock the village up and cause fumes in the village. There has never been an accident – the only problem is the oversize

“We’re a very strong community here – and they’re aren’t many proper villages left. If the council doesn’t wake up to the grey vote they’ll be out on their ear.” husband Roger, said: “If it’s going to effect the street parking and the flow of traffic then we’re against it. We opened the coffee shop to keep the post office going but if we lose the parking it will be the death of the village. People often say to me that if we lose the post office then we’ll lose the village.” Joan Tapley has lived in

coaches. “We’re a very strong community here – and they’re aren’t many proper villages left. If the council doesn’t wake up to the grey vote they’ll be out on their ear.” Katie O’Brien was unhappy about the way in which the consultation information was displayed at the Botanic Gardens. “In the winter

would you really go down to the Botanic Gardens if you’re elderly? There were no leaflet drops or notices informing us of the display and we were told that the exhibition was too valuable to bring up to the village, but it was only a few stands with laminated information on them.” Fay Norris who runs Niton Books, a shop that has been on Niton High Street since 1887 when it was a grocers, said: “From a business point of view I’m right here in the centre of the village and putting in traffic lights will take away valuable parking as we have very little parking here anyway. “Why change something that has worked for years? The traffic flows perfectly okay and we don’t have any accidents here.” Jonathan Mortimer, a resident from Rectory Road, summed up the general feeling in the villages when he said: “It’s an absolutely absurd proposition.”



Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599


The Gazette, Friday, March 5, 2010


A RECORD number of 24 pitches were entered into this year’s hedgelaying competition, which was held at Kings Manor Farm last Saturday, February 27, at the invitation of landowners Mr and Mrs Sheldon. The competition not only boasted its largest ever number of entrants but also the first mainland entrants were warmly welcomed by the locals. Wolverhampton-based hedgelayer John Dunbar travelled down the enter the competition, and a team was entered from mainland-based charity the Peoples Trust for Endangered Species - although as a major Island landowner they are no strangers to the island’s hedges and woods. The competition was lively, with a number of new faces in the ranks as well as some with points to prove from previous years. In the Team class the notorious ‘Wench layers’ returned for their fourth consecutive attempt to lift the trophy, and finally found success, taking first place with a massive 15 points over the second placed Isle of Wight College (1) team. Last year’s Novice class winner Richard Temple successfully defended his title, with last year’s team

winner Peter Smith taking second by four points. More interesting was the glut of newcomers further down the class. Perhaps these were encouraged by the training session held a few weeks prior to the competition, sponsored by the West Wight Landscape Partnership. If these novices keep up their craft the influx of new hedgelayers certainly bodes well for future competitions.

score. In second place, as in 2009, Sean Adams once more showed himself to be one of the Island’s best hedgelayers - this time leading third and fourth place by a single point. But to great applause from the spectators the overall winner, by a single point, was announced as competition stalwart Rob Richards, who not only took the Open trophy for the first time but also retained the Hand Tools trophy, having used hand tools throughout. Winner of the W Hurst & Sons cup for the best hedge laid with hand tools was Rob Richards (for the third year in a row!) Winner of the Wight Wildlife Award given in recognition of a valuable contribution to hedgerow conservation on the Island was Tony Ridd of Landscape Therapy. This was a special award as the trophy is being retired this year and will be replaced by another one next year, so Tony gets to keep it. The Peter Tunks £20 note trophy was an unexpected trophy presented on the day by former supreme national champion Peter Tunks. He awarded a £20 note for the straightest stakes and binding and the winners were the Wench Layers.

Open Class

Novice Class

Team Class

1st Rob Richards Ric Temple

The Wench Layers (Leigh Taylor, Matt Gustar, Nat Purcell, Di Simmons)


IW College (1)

Sean Adams

Pete Smith

3rd Oswald Hoskyns Alex Holmes

Geoff Scott, Karl Dyson, Steve Millis

4th Tom Murphy Colin Lazell

PTES (Ian White, Steven Oram, Zoe Roden)

“The competition was lively, with a number of new faces in the ranks as well as some with points to prove from previous years.”


IW College (2)

The class that everybody was watching was the Open, as last year’s champion Paul Davis chose not to defend his title, leaving the class wide open. Mainlander John Dunbar was an unknown quantity as nobody had seen his work before, and a few of the local competitors could be seen giving Mr Dunbar’s hedge very careful study. But as it turned out it was the local hedgelayers who took the top places, with Oz Hoskyns returning to form and taking third place, separated only by the judge’s decision from Tom Murphy who took fourth place with the same

Dick Pulleine

Jamie Marsh

6th James Cook Simon Creed

Dunsbury Farm (Patrick Seeley, Paul Johnson, Jim Valentine)


Robin Lang

Paul Trickett

Green Gym (2)


John Dunbar

Jim Clinton

Green Gym (1)



Simon Perry


The Gazette, Friday, March 5, 2010

THE HAMPSHIRE and IW Wildlife Trust had fun woodcraft activities for children to try at the Hedgelaying competition. Youngsters were using spar hooks to split timber and were using drills and bow saws to make wooden snail models. From September the Trust will have funding from West Wight Landscape Project to run courses, which teach through bushcraft activities. The Forest School is a system of learning in an outdoor classroom, usually a woodland, through a range of practical skills and achievable tasks which build confidence and self esteem.

Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599


IT WAS the first foray into the arena of hedge laying for the People’s Trust for Endangered Species who entered the team section of the competition and managed fourth place. “We’d never done it before and only one of our team had ever tried – but many years ago,” said Hannah Stockwell, Promotions Manager for the Trust.



“We thought we’d really embarrass ourselves but it went really well and it was great fun. I think we were the first mainland team to ever enter. “We had a stand with leaflets about the work we do but we got sidetracked by the hedge laying, which went on from 10am until 3.30pm,” she added.



Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599


The Gazette, Friday, March 5, 2010

Jordan and Jenna, two of the new recruits at KFC’s Newport branch

BE A HIGH FRYER DESPITE the current economic climate, KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) are looking to recruit 60 people on the Island for permanent positions at both their Newport and Ryde stores. An open day is being held at the KFC in Newport on Thursday March 11 from 12 -7pm where they will be conducting open interviews and allowing prospective employees to gain insight into working in their team. Jobs on offer are for Team Members and Team Leaders. The major duties and responsibilities for a Team Member are described as: “Delivering a ‘Customer Mania’ service level. “Delivering fantastic products and outstanding restaurant cleanliness. “Accurately handling cash and using our till system. “The role will require energy, confidence, flexibility and some previous customer service experience would be beneficial. In return you will receive world-renowned training, great opportunities to progress and get to work with people who enjoy what they do and offer great and fast service to all their customers.”

Previous experience of working in a fast paced customer focused environment is preferable, but not essential. In order to be eligible for this position you must live and work in the UK. The major duties and responsibilities of a Team Leader are described as: “Delivering a ‘Customer Mania’ service level. “Enabling the team to deliver fantastic products and outstanding restaurant cleanliness. “Assisting the Restaurant Manager to develop your team and provide development & training. “Ensuring all Health and Safety/Food Hygiene regulations are adhered to. “Supporting the Restaurant Manager in the control of food and labour costs. “The role will require energy, confidence, flexibility, problem solving skills and some previous supervisory experience. In return you will receive world-renowned training, great opportunities to progress and get to work with people who enjoy what they do and offer great and fast service to all their customers.” Requirements are: “Previous supervisory

experience in a related industry such as Restaurants, Pubs, Bars, Contract Catering, Hotels, Leisure or Food, Retail preferred but not essential. Experience of working in a fast paced

customer focused environment.” Interested applicants can come along for open interviews on the day or apply online at www.kfc. co.uk/careers

The Gazette, Friday, March 5, 2010

Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599





Terry Jarmin, Pauline Groves and Alex Breingan

THREE Islanders were flying high this week after enjoying a ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ experience in an ex-military helicopter, writes Peter White. Terry Jarman from Seaview, Pauline Groves from Sandown and Alex Breingan from Shanklin won the chance to fly in the Westland Scout helicopter after taking part in a grand draw at the Mad Cow pub, Shanklin, in aid of two local charities. The prize was provided by Maurice Hynett, the owner of the helicopter, and a Deputy Chairman at Bembridgebased Britten Norman. Mr Hynett flew his crew members over their respective homes, and they also enjoyed the panoramic views of the east coast of the Island before their vastly experienced pilot even showed them his skills with a simulated emergency landing. Terry said: “I had only

Maurice Hynett, Pauline Groves, Terry Jarmin and Alex Breingan

ever been up in a helicopter once before, and I didn’t particularly enjoy it. But this was an absolutely brilliant experience.” Alex said: “It was a once in a lifetime experience, and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. I won the trip for just £5 and it’s the best fiver I am ever likely to spend.”

Pauline added: “At one time we were below the cliffs at Culver looking up at them! I was so pleased I had the opportunity to make the trip, it is something I will never forget.” Mr Hynett’s generosity in providing the flight raised more than £500 of the £4,000 that was shared between the

Breast Care Nurses Trust at St Mary’s Hospital, and to help Shanklin youngster Gracie May Fuller, a cerebral palsy sufferer, who needs an operation later in the year to help her walk. The organisers wish to thank Mr Hynett for his generous offer for two such worthy causes.



Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599


The Gazette, Friday, March 5, 2010


THIS IS what you might call a “real date from hell”. Many people on the Island have either seen the Pugh Tube Video (over 7,000 views) which we can exclusively confirm was not distributed by The Gazette. Some say it’s simply a witch-hunt where others are

absolutely disgusted. What’s causing all this commotion I ask? We asked for comments from Mr David Pugh (Council Leader) and Rachael Bushby, however they both declined. The only person able and willing to comment was Mr Jason Kay editor of the IW Gazette.

The “date from hell” became reality for David (current Council Leader) on the night of the IW Council Chairman’s Ball. David we understand was invited to the ball in his official capacity as leader of the council. At the time of receiving the invite he was allegedly single so being single he decided to

invite Rachael (who worked within the council pensions department), along for the evening. Rachael gladly accepted the invitation; surely this could not have anything to do with the fact that there were planned job cuts within the pensions Department and she had been recently separated with two children! So far so good, I hear you all say; well you cannot invite a pretty girl to a ball without buying her a top of the range ball gown can you? So David treated her to a brand new ball gown, which allegedly cost over £200. So now armed with his two free tickets, a nice looking girl on his arm they made their way to the ball, for good measure David even booked a nice hotel room into the bargain, on a first date? He must have something other men haven’t got. So picture the scene, David sitting at his table with this nice piece of eye candy on his arm for the evening, well that’s where it ends, from here on it really does turn out to be his date from hell. In the meantime Jason editor of The Gazette newspaper was invited to the event to take photos of the evening to appear in The Gazette the following week. Jason started snapping away at the media hungry

councilors who were more than happy to have there photo taken, that was until he reached David’s table, David was being a killjoy that night and asked that his photo was not taken, when asked why, he replied to me, “you had one of me on the front page of The Gazette last week.” I guess he was referring to the photo of him holding a parking permit which appeared in The Gazette a week earlier. A few moments later a photographer from The Council Press oops sorry The County Press asked for the same photo and was granted permission, you spoilsport David.” So Jason accepted this and moved on. Later on that evening Jason was invited by Carol Dennett (the Island’s MPs partner) to have something to eat as one of their guests unfortunately could not attend. Jason remarked, “I love food, I would never turn down an offer which involves food. So I sat down with Carol and Andrew and started chatting whilst we were waiting for the food to arrive.” So at this point David was happy, he hadn’t been snapped, and Jason was fulfilling his lifelong hobby, food, what could possibly go wrong I hear you all ask? Everything, because from this point on everyone’s life

changed. It all began when David informed Rachael that he f*****g hated Carol Dennett and Andrew Turner MP. We can only assume the reason for this is its alleged that David is a desperate wannabe MP who dropped out of Uni twice and has previously been accused of being a “lying, cheating b******d by the Daily Mirror Sept 2003. Armed with this information David’s hot date for the evening got up from her chair and stumbled her way over to Carol’s and Andrew’s table. Now, most well-mannered young ladies would grab a chair and sit down, however Rachael felt that Jason’s knee was a far better bet. Sitting on his knee she began to really spill the beans the scene resembled a tin of baked beans exploding in the microwave, beans everywhere! Firstly she introduced herself as Rachael Bushby “soon to be Pugh” and later laughed this off as a joke, as this was there first date but the real shock was when she turned to Carol Dennett and told her straight that David f*****g well hated both her and Mr Turner and she couldn’t understand why. Carol, quite politely laughed it off, whilst Jason commented “come on ladies we don’t want handbags at

The Gazette, Friday, March 5, 2010

dawn”. Introductions and niceties over, Rachael then spilled even more beans by informing the whole table including The Doc, (David Holmes) remember that bloke who was on IW Radio with Alex Dyke that she was not really David’s girlfriend and that this was there first date. Naughty, naughty Mr Pugh, you informed everyone before and after the event that she was your girlfriend, did you mother not teach you anything? It’s a first date David! Now the whole table was drowning in beans and there was still plenty more in the tin. Jason explains “Rachael kept on and on, she was warned I was from The Gazette, however this made no difference, I was quite embarrassed by the way she was behaving especially in front of our MP. She persistently sat on my knee and she’s not what you would call a feather-weight after a while my leg was quite numb, and I had had enough. “She then started blurting out how she only attended with David to save her job, however she was not going to sleep with him, her job weren’t worth that much. Then she started saying that she fancied me? I thought what the hell is going on here. She even called me cute, and nobody does that, well not since I was 4. “Eventually the weight was lifted, only for the weight to be transferred to Mr Turner. I felt really sorry for Mr Turner as it does not do ones image good at all having a half drunken ladette sitting on your knee, all I can say is,

it’s lucky Carol had a sense of humor, most women would of dragged her off by her hair extensions.” At this point David made an appearance, completely oblivious to what had been said, muttered “anyone for a drink” and went off to buy his so-called girlfriend a drink. Things got worse and the evening took another turn for the worse as Rachael insisted that she did NOT want to go back to the hotel with David. “I want to go home to Mum, a term often used by David, its amazing how quickly one picks up ones habits, and they had only

been together for a few hours. Jason intervened “I‘ve not had a drink do you want me to drop you back to Shanklin then?” Rachael replied “Yes OK then”. Jason and Rachael left the building only to have David skipping out a few minutes later to claim back his prize possession. David if you take a women out for the evening then the idea is you spend the evening with them not just make an entrance, ignore them all night and collect them for a stay over in a hotel room at the end of the evening, it does not work like this, you have to romance

Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599

them, ask your mum. “As soon as David made an appearance all the shouting started, he grabbed her and started walking away from the venue, at this point Carol Dennett was also present and politely asked Rachael if she was OK, something she probably regrets doing for a long time, because at this point David turned and shouted like a possessed mad-man at the top of his voice to Carol “Carol f*****g leave us alone,” a phrase which has now become a popular hit on PughTube.” It has since been reported that David took Rachael back to the hotel that night and staff heard some shouting that evening before they were seen at breakfast the following morning. At the end of the day you have to ask yourself if you took a nice young ladette out for a date and she spent the whole night avoiding you by sitting on a press man’s knee and avoiding you, would you not get annoyed? So where is everyone now? We believe Rachael is on a weeks extended leave, David (Mr Teflon to his friends) has escaped round one of the Standards board to fight another day and Jason has been arrested (not charged) for harassment, ehhh I hear you all cry, well its true. This story has another fatal twist – we continue this mad episode in next weeks Gazette. In the meantime what do you think happened, post your perfect ending on ventnorblog.com. Does Jason get life imprisonment, does David become celibate, and does Rachael’s parents send her off to a nunnery you decide in the meantime until next Friday, as Vinnie Jones said…. It’s been emotional.




13 QUESTIONS THAT DEMAND ANSWERS 1/ Why did you tell the media and senior Island councillors’ that Rachel was your ‘girlfriend’ when she has subsequently made a sworn statement that she was not then nor ever has been? 2/ Why did you spend two hours on the Monday following the Ball with the council’s legal team if it was, as you claimed, a private matter? 3/ Why was Rachel told to take ‘holiday’ from the Monday after the incident by the IWC Chief Executive? 4/ Why have you not apologised to either Carole Dennett or Rachel? 5/ How when you were ‘too ill’ to attend the law

and order panel at Medina theatre on the morning after did you recover fast enough to be in the pub that night in the Old Village and attend church the following morning? 6/ Are you in the habit of buying £210 dresses for members of staff? 7/ Why did you book a hotel room for yourself and a married woman and has the taxpayer paid for it and your Ball tickets? 8/ Why despite your admission of foul language and abuse in the street have you not yet resigned as Council Leader? 9/ Why when your date was clearly suffering from the effects of alcohol did

you offer her more drink? 10/ Do you think you can continue to lead the joint police ‘not on our Island’ crime and anti-social behaviour reduction campaign? 11/ Why on the night in question did you ignore Rachel’s demands to be taken home to her mother, instead marching her off to your pre-booked hotel in a clearly distressed state? 12/ Why did you telephone Rachel and say ‘you wanted to clarify your position’ on the morning after? 13/ Have you been manipulating your Wikipedia entry since the incident?


Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599



The Gazette, Friday, March 5, 2010

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The Gazette, Friday, March 5, 2010

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The Gazette, Friday, March 5, 2010

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The Gazette, Friday, March 5, 2010




st Ne ru w ct io n



• Grade II Listed • Parking • Three Bedrooms • Two Reception Rooms • Garden • Flagstone Floor The East Wing forms part of this imposing Manor House which is grade II listed, with sitting room, dining room, three bedrooms, flagstone hallway & south facing garden. Constructed of stone elevations beneath a thatched roof the with parts of the original house dating from 1730 when it was known as Ventnor Farm.

NEW RD, LAKE £155,000



This Victorian detached three bedroom home comprises of a living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, shower room, conservatory, south facing garden & off road parking.

This well proportioned Victorian home comprises four bedrooms, two reception rooms, kitchen/diner, bathroom, garden and off road parking. It has been maintained to a very high standard.

• Off Road Parking • Conservatory • Chain Free • Three Bedrooms • South Facing Garden • Long Leasehold 999 yrs

• Four Bedrooms • Two Reception Rooms • Kitchen/Diner • Enclosed Rear Garden • Double Glazing • Off Road Parking




• 80ft Garden • Period Features • Convienient Location • Off Road Parking • Completly Refurbished • Garden Workshop

Su SO co bje LD nt ct ra to ct

Su SO co bje LD nt ct ra to ct

• Garage • Conservatory • Garden • Two Bedrooms • Gas Central Heating • Double Glazing

A semi-detached house which has undergone a complete makeover with a luxury bathroom and quality kitchen, two bedrooms, two reception rooms, garden & driveway.


A detached bungalow which benefits from living room, dining room, two bedrooms, gardens & garage. Located on a bus route, midway between Shanklin & Lake, which have lovely sandy beaches with safe swimming due to generally calm waters.



O nde ff r er



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The Gazette, Friday, March 5, 2010


Job title Location Description Wages Duration

Jobcentre Plus Reference Number. How to Apply:

Chef/ Cook


Will be required to supplement existing kitchen team. Must have level 3 or equivalent in Food Hygiene/Preparation and experience of previous kitchen work is essential. Hours to be agreed at interview.

Negotiable depending on experience.


NIW/10099- Visit www.direct.gov.uk or call 01983 273747 to speak to an adviser quoting the reference number.



Cleaning experience is essential. You will be cleaning on-site cabins. Duties will include office and toilet cleaning, dusting, mopping, vacuuming and all other related tasks as required. This position is temporary for 3 weeks.

£5.80 per hour. 15 hours per week. Mon to Fri between 7.30am and 5.30pm.


NIW/10102- Visit www.direct.gov.uk or call 01983 273747 to speak to an adviser quoting the reference number

Senior Carer


Senior Carers, night shifts, hours to be agreed. Applicants must have previous experience and NVQ qualification 2 or 3 is essential. You will be required to lead a shift

£6.56 per hr. Part time hours fro night shifts – hours to be agreed.


RFM/6116- Visit www.direct.gov.uk or call 01983 273747 to speak to an adviser quoting the reference number

Senior Carer


Must be 21+. Senior Carers, hours to be agreed. Applicants must have previous experience and NVQ qualification 2 or 3 is essential. You will be required to lead a shift.

£6.26 per hr. 37.5 hrs per week 5 days from 7.


RFM/6195- Visit www.direct.gov.uk or call 01983 273747 to speak to an adviser quoting the reference number.

General Retail Super visor


Must be numerate and literate. Previous retail supervisory experience would be desirable. Duties will include stock handling, customer service and supervising other staff.

£6.55 per hr. 5 days from 7 35 hrs per week.


RFM/6117- Visit www.direct.gov.uk or call 01983 273747 to speak to an adviser quoting the reference number.

Team Members

Newport and Ryde

Duties are serving customers, till and cash handling, preparing and cooking food. You will receive world-renowned training, great opportunities to progress, flexible working hours, staff uniform and free meals whilst on duty

Meets National Minimum Wage. 16-40 hours per week, full/part time hours available.


NIW/10165 or NIW/10166- Visit www. direct.gov.uk or call 01983 273747 to speak to an adviser quoting the reference number

Team Leaders

Newport and Ryde

Your responsibilities will include assisting the Restaurant Manager to develop your team including training, ensuring all Health and Safety /Food Hygiene regulations are adhered to and supporting the Restaurant Manager in the control of food and labour costs. The role will require energy, confidence, flexibility, problem solving skills and some previous supervisory experience and will deliver a ‘Customer Mania’ service level.

£6.00 per hour. 16-40 hours per week, full/ part time hours available.


NIW/10167 or NIW/101688- Visit www. direct.gov.uk or call 01983 273747 to speak to an adviser quoting the reference number

Short Order Chef


Must have City and Guilds 706/1/2 or NVQ equivalent with a food hygiene certificate. Duties will include the day to day running of the kitchen, Will involve food preparation and cooking, supervising staff and ensuring the kitchen area is clean and tidy. Initially the post will be for split shifts but this will change in the height of the season to one continuous shift each day

Exceeds national Minimum Wages. 40+ hours per week, 5 days over 7days.


NIW/9931- Visit www.direct.gov.uk or call 01983 273747 to speak to an adviser quoting the reference number

The Gazette, Friday, March 5, 2010

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The Gazette, Friday, March 5, 2010

The Gazette, Friday, March 5, 2010

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The Gazette, Friday, March 5, 2010

OH TO GO ‘A MOTHERING’ Mothering Sunday (Mother’s Day) is always the fourth Sunday of Lent and this year it falls on March 14. Children of all ages pay respect to their mothers and often give their mothers a gift and a card. In recent years families have taken ‘Mum’ out for lunch or might perhaps treat her to a day out, a new hairstyle, a spa treatment or a cream tea. Many churches give the children in the congregation a little bunch of spring flowers to give to their Mothers as a thank you for all their care and love throughout the year. Mother’s Day is always the middle Sunday in Lent (which lasts from Ash Wednesday to the day before Easter Sunday). This means

that Mother’s Day in the UK will fall on different dates each year and sometimes even fall in different months. Mothering Sunday has been celebrated in the UK on the fourth Sunday in Lent since at least the 16th century. Mothering Sunday was also known as ‘Refreshment Sunday’, ‘Pudding Pie Sunday’ (in Surrey, England) or ‘Mid-Lent Sunday’. It was a day in Lent when the fasting rules were relaxed, in honour of the ‘Feeding of the Five Thousand’, a story in the Christian Bible. The more usual name was Mothering Sunday. No one is absolutely certain exactly how the name of Mothering Sunday began. However, one theory is that the celebration could have been adopted

from a Roman spring festival celebrating Cybele, their Mother Goddess. As Christianity spread Christians adopted this date. The epistle in the Book of Common Prayer for this Sunday refers to the heavenly Jerusalem as “the Mother of all us all”, and this may have prompted the customs we still see today. It is known on this date, about four hundred years ago, people made a point of visiting their nearest big church (the Mother Church). The church in which each person was baptised. Cathedrals are the ‘mother church’ of all other churches in an area. People who visited their mother church would say they had gone “a mothering.”

Mother’s Day 14th March

The Gazette, Friday, March 5, 2010

Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599





The joint was heaving at Ventnor Winter Gardens last weekend when almost 200 people turned up for the LDN Wrestling Show. “About 50% of the audience were children and they absolutely adored it,” said Sandy Fraser, Ventnor Winter Gardens volunteers co-coordinator, who works in the box office. “People came from all over the

Island – we get birthday parties, football club outings and other groups. There were five or six different bouts and the evening lasted from 7.30pm until 9.30pm with a 15 minute break for drinks and ice creams. “Nobody actually gets physically hurt and it’s great fun to watch. There were very good wrestling matches and everyone coming out

said it was the best they’d seen at the Winter Gardens so far.” Master of ceremonies was Sanjay Bagga, the promoter of the London-based group of wrestlers who pay regular visits to the Island. Announcer was Steve Lytton and Head referee was Dan Vincent. Each of the wrestlers has their own ‘character’ and some are famous for other reasons. David

DeVille was revealed to be the Queen’s personal footman in the Sun newspaper. Jon Ritchie has two personas: the ‘Don’ and the ‘Gentleman’ and RJ Singh is said to have no manners. “He cheats, he lies, he argues with every single decision with the referee that doesn’t go in his favour,” read the programme. Jason ‘Sweet Sensation’ has been

known to be something of a ladies man. Richard Parliament in his top hat claims to be an ex politician, Bulldozer is said to be a typical football hooligan and Yorgos is said to have ‘turned to the dark side’. Rocker Richards bears something of a resemblance to a rock and roll legend in his sparkly white suit.



Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599


The Gazette, Friday, March 5, 2010


Newport picked up three more points in their Sydenhams Wessex League, Premier Division campaign when they overcame struggling Alton Town to secure a 4-2 victory. The victory enabled Newport to leapfrog Winchester City and take 10th place while Alton remain next to bottom. With Alton giving a debut

to youth team keeper Mo Nyumango, Newport wasted no time in testing the youngster, and they were in front inside two minutes. Ross Gregory made the opening before slipping the ball through for Tom McInnes to beat the advancing Nyumango. Despite their lowly position, Alton refused to buckle and their pressure paid off on

34 minutes when Simba Mlambo raced through the home defence, beat Gary Streeter to the ball, and rounded the keeper before shooting into the empty net. Port were back in front in stoppage time of the first half when Matt Evans crossed for McInnes to steer a header into the net. Newport thought they had scored again when recalled Iain

Seabrook raced onto a pass from Tom Scovell and rifled home, but he was adjudged to be offside. Newport extended their lead early in the second period through Seabrook, but Alton cut the lead 12 minutes from time when Paul Preston scored from close in. But deep into stoppage time, Port restored their

two-goal lead, and made sure of the points when Seabrook latched on to a loose ball, evaded a couple of tackles and rounded the keeper. This victory means that Newport leapfrog Winchester City to move into tenth place whilst Alton Town remain one from the bottom. Brading Town’s match at Moneyfields, and Cowes

Sports’ home clash with Bournemouth Poppies were both postponed because of waterlogged pitches. But in Division 1, East Cowes Vics had little joy at home to Hythe and Dibden. Andy Ebbs put them ahead, but Hythe equalised from the penalty spot. Then Hythe added two more in the second period to run out convincing winners.

Iain Seabrook


An Island pensioner is celebrating after returning from the United States with a World Indoor Rowing Championship medal. Roger Prowse from Newport beat stiff competition from across the world in the C.R.A.S.H.-B Championships to claim a silver in the world’s premier indoor rowing regatta. Roger, 65, trains at and rows for the Isle of Wight College and was one of 34 British competitors to descend on America for the event. In a nail biting race, Roger came a close second with a time of 7:10:3, being beaten in a neck and-neck-race with American Hugh Pite by just two seconds.

He competed in the Men’s 65-69 Lightweight category, where he raced against men from all over the world. Although disappointed that he didn’t beat his best time this year, Roger’s time still wasn’t far off some of the top rowers in the UK, including ex England rugby star, Garath Archar who won Gold at Concept2’s British Indoor Rowing Championship at the end of 2009 with a time of 5.51.1. Roger said: “I’m no stranger to rowing, having been involved in big races for the past 11 years. I am an ASA qualified swimming coach and I come from a competitive background, having

always competed in triathlons in the past but had to give them up when I began to suffer from knee injuries. I took up rowing to replace the triathlons and to maintain my fitness levels and I’ve never looked back. “Indoor rowing offers great health benefits and is fantastic at providing an all over body workout in comparison to running and cycling which predominantly only worked my legs”. Roger will be adding his latest medal to an abundance of gold and silver medals already achieved. These have included Gold medals from Concept2’s British Indoor Rowing Championships in 2000,

2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 in addition to collecting Gold medals at the World Indoor Rowing Championships in both 2005 and 2006 and the European Championships in

2004 and 2005. He is also the reigning World Indoor Rowing Championship record holder in his age category, with a time of 6:49:5, which he achieved back in 2005.

Roger Prowse World Indoor Rowing Championship medalist

The Gazette, Friday, March 5, 2010

Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599





The Raiders are now guaranteed a place in the post-season playoffs with the only remaining question awaiting the final league positions to decide who the Island side will face as the top six go head-to-head to be crowned champions. In the first game the Raiders played host to a familiar face as ex-captain Norman Pinnington led the Haringey Greyhounds, but still ran out 9-1 winners. The Raiders were without the injured Dan Scott, Steve Slater and Steve Gosset for the match and with Joe Reynolds unavailable the decision was made to call Isle of Wight Junior under 18’s player George Smith into the fold to help bolster the depleted side. It didn’t take long for the Raiders to take control, with a goal from fans’ favourite Andrew Robinson just under eight minutes into the game assisted by centerman Alex Murray. Head coach Jeremy Cornish opened his personal account for the night with a second goal for the home team minutes later with the single assist going to veteran defenceman Steve Gannaway. Making the transition to play as a forward Kevin Tanner was the next to hit the back of the net,

assisted by Andrew Robinson and the ever impressive Kieran Annis. Closing the first period Danny Hughes converted on a stunning play from Jeremy Cornish and netminder Toby Cooley to score the Raiders fourth. The second period was more even affair with both teams scoring a solitary goal to end the session 5-1 in favour of the Island side. Danny Hughes scored his second with assists from Murray and Cornish. In the third period the Raiders again broke past James Tipple in the Haringey net, with Jeremy Cornish scoring on a feed from the productive pairing of Alex Murray and Andrew Robinson. The speedy Stewart Tait knocked one home 28 seconds later with Hughes and Udell being awarded the assists. Raiders captain Danny Hughes added two more with assists coming from Luke Reynolds, Stewart Tait and James Udell. The Raiders then headed to Milton Keynes to take on the Thunder, and clinched a 4-2success. The first and second periods saw one Raiders goal

in each, the first coming from Damon Larter assisted by Danny Hughes, and the second from coach Cornish with the assist going to Stewart Tait. Alex Murray widened the gap

x15 periods. Blayne Pugh scored an absolute beauty, with what looked like a missed opportunity going wide he pulled it back and slotted it in the back of the net. It has to be one of the best goals we have scored this season. Keelan Walsh also added to his impressive goal tally this season. The attacking line of Walsh, Pugh and Taverner is proving to be an increasingly

effective threat. Ben and Oli Mcloughlin had outstanding games, both defending bravely and Ben displaying a new found confidence both attacking and defending. Levi Coles worked hard chasing the puck, and Kodi made some great passes and blocks, displaying a solid back hand as well. Owen Treadwell put on another

two minutes into the third period with a shot taken on a pass from Luke Reynolds, before Danny Hughes made the score 4-0. Two late goals from a resurgent Milton Keynes side saw the game end 4-2.

The Raiders are at home on Saturday (Mar 6) against Streatham Redskins (6pm face off), before travelling to Haringey on the Sunday for the return match with the Greyhounds.


The young IW Tornados ice hockey team, with 3 players down, made their first ever trip to Bracknell, and battled bravely before being well beaten 15-3 It took some time for the Tornado’s to get and into the game but they got stuck in on the Olympic size ice and improved, especially in the second and third periods. It was also the Tornado’s first experience of playing three

fearless performance. Justin Apps has quickly slotted into the team nicely. Both Owen Moore and Jacob Miller are growing game on game with Owen Moore utilising his size more, and his fast skating ability is beginning to shine through. Jacob’s positional sense is improving, becoming more instinctual each game. Positives for the Tornados were that they scored a short-handed

goal, coped with the changes brought on them, definitely improved playing on bigger ice and the team were able to cope with three players missing. The squad are showing that they are learning week in week out, growing in both skill and knowledge of the game. MOM, IOW: Dan Murray (NM) - 4th in a row. SOG, IOW: Ben Mcloughlin.



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The Gazette, Friday, March 5, 2010


In their penultimate home game of the season, the IW Lightning under-14 ice hockey team played hosts to local rivals Gosport, and eased home 8-4. The young islanders could not have got off to a better start by scoring after just two minutes with an unassisted goal by Brandon Wright

who continues with his rich vein of scoring. The rest of the period was very even but Gosport scored the next goal. Their success was very short lived with an immediate reply from Alexander Trendall with assists from Sean Molloy and Harrison Brown. A further quick fire goal was added by

Rory Julian to end the first period with a comfortable 3-1 lead. The second period was somewhat different with Gosport coming out with all guns blazing and scoring three goals in just four minutes to reverse the lead. The Lightning pulled a late period goal back from Alexander Trendall to level the games

going into the third and final period. The team were given a good team talk before the third period and certainly came out the stronger of the two teams. Rory Julian restored the lead with two quick fire goals with well worked assists from both Eden Holton and Jake Bontoft. This allowed Lightning to take a


The IW Thunder under-16 ice hockey team took on local rivals Gosport in a much anticipated local derby, and trounced the opposition 11-1. In recent games the Thunder have come out of the blocks slowly and this game was no different. Gosport were far livelier during the early exchanges and the pressure paid off when they scored after just five minutes. However, the Thunder replied almost immediately with a power play goal from Luke Bontoft assisted by

Archie Bicknell and Aaron Craft. For the remainder of the period the Thunder peppered the Gosport goal but to no avail. In the second period Thunder took a stranglehold on the game and scored after just eight seconds with a short handed goal by Aidan Doughty assisted by Bontoft. A further three period goals were added by Doughty with all the assists going to Bontoft and Bicknell. The players ended the period in a far more commanding and comfortable

five goals to one lead. At the start of the third period the game was all but over, but with local bragging rights at stake the Thunder refused to take their feet off the gas. A further six goals were added by Doughty, Bontoft and Bicknell with the pick of the assists going to Ben Thomas-Hart and Bobby Gardner. What has been most impressive about Thunder is that this was only the 12th goal conceded this season. The defenceman and netminders of Elliott Powell and Hannah

Bowkis have been the best in the league and continue to impress every game. Next weekend’s game at Lee Valley will see second in the league play third in what promises to be a pivotal game of the season. Man of the match: Aidan Doughty. Spirit of the game: Dylan Ronald Points: Aidan Doughty 8+1, Luke Bontoft 2+3, Archie Bicknell 1+4, Aaron Craft 0+1, Bobby Gardner 0+1, Ben Thomas-Hart 0+1, Joss Osman 0+1.

foot hold on the game and they began to play some nice hockey. Jordan Jacobs scored a rocket of a goal unassisted which was added to with just one minute left with the final goal of the game going to stalwart defence man Dylan Ronald. Man of match: Rory Julian. Spirit of the game: Oliver Bennett.

GRAY ELECTED Robert Gray is the new president of Shanklin and Sandown Golf Club. He was elected at an EGM following the resignation of Stef Brochocki, who had held the post for just over four years. Gray joined the club in 1990, and was captain in 2000 – the centenary year. His term began with atrocious conditions for the Monthly Stableford, which attracted just nine entries. They braved the heavy rain, with Mo Ismail taking the honours with 34 points. He was followed home by Ashley Lawrence, with 33, who beat Keith Taylor on countback. There was a bigger field for the midweek Open Stableford, with Division One victory going to Steve Collins with 42 points. Keith Taylor (37) was runner-up, while in Division Two Richard

Hodges (40) finished first, with John Carter (38) in second spot. As a prelude to the Monthly Stableford, another ‘Open’ was held with Division One going to Tony Williams with 41, one ahead of George Beardsmore, who beat Mark Pepperrell on countback with Rob Turrell (38) fourth. In Division Two John Richards (42) took the honours from Tom Davies (40, ocb) Martin Henry (40) and Alan Whitfield (39) Jordan Sundborg (41) won the club’s junior stableford, ahead of Conor Richards (39). Westridge Golf Club’s midweek stableford was won by Bob Singh-Bansi, playing off 12, who scored an impressive 42 points. He finished three points ahead of 16-handicapper Malcolm Prouten, while Alan Seager, off 12, took third place with 38 points.

The Gazette, Friday, March 5, 2010

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Sandown and Shanklin Rugby team reached the Hampshire Bowl Final with a disciplined 15 points to 10 victory at Petersfield. Petersfield were competing for the Hampshire One title, and with the Hurries 1st and 2nd teams having hard matches the day before while their hosts’ game was called off, Sandown knew that their combined team would be under pressure. Petersfield took the ball through the phases well but their attacks were met with a disciplined Hurries defence and more often than not the hosts committed errors before troubling the Sandown line. The Hurries attacks were fast and direct, and from one such play, skipper Joe Rees found a gap in the covering

defence and powered his way through for a score under the post which was easily converted by Baxendall. Going seven points down did not deter the hosts and, after a period of sustained pressure, they crossed the Hurries line. This was followed by a further three points to the hosts as Sandown gave away a penalty which was converted. The second half followed much the same pattern, with the hosts dominating possession and territory but their attacks lacked the penetration to get through an organised Hurries defence. The game started to turn in the Hurries favour when prop Ricky Harris was brought on to compete in the tight with the bigger Petersfield forwards. The Hurries started to go forwards in the scrums which

gave Baxandall the platform to release the stronger, faster Sandown backline. Soon after, Petersfield conceded a penalty just inside their 10 metre line which Baxandall duly converted. From a scrum on the Hurries 22, young number nine Joel Carey fed Baxandall and the ball was quickly spun wide to winger Chandler who crashed through several tackles before being held up on the half way line. Danny Thomas picked up and went blind before Carey found Edmunds in space in the centre. He passed wide to Baxandall who fed Flux. Flux showed good hands to get the ball inside to Sam Rees who drew his man and switched with Baxandall to give the flying fly half a sprint to the corner for a great team try.

CHALLENGE CUP BRINGS IN CASH Several local sailing charities benefitted from the construction industry regatta, the Little Britain Challenge Cup when they held their annual charity cheque presentation at a reception in London. Despite the economic downturn, and reduced numbers at the 2009 event, nearly £100,000 was raised for the event charities. The reception, hosted by Kinnarps and Octagon Developments, brought together all 10 charities who will benefit from the 2009 event. These included the Jubilee Sailing

Trust, the Cirdan Sailing Trust and representatives from Skandia Team GBR Paralympic Sailing Team. Local charities, the Island Youth Water Activities Centre, St John Ambulance, Fishbourne Sailability Club and Cowes Sea Cadets were also in attendance and received cheques to the value of £28,000. David Smith, the new chairman of the event Committee said: “We started 2009 not knowing what the year would bring, but we couldn’t have hoped for a better event or the generosity of the entrants who

helped boost our funds through the various fundraising activities. The end result meant we were able to continue to give significant amounts to our chosen charities.” Island-based round-the-world yachtswoman Dame Ellen MacArthur said: “The Little Britain Charity Cup has been supporting the Dame Ellen MacArthur Trust for the past five years and their help has been invaluable in helping us realise many of our goals in offering support to young people suffering from cancer and other serious illnesses throughout the country.”


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The Gazette, Friday, March 5, 2010

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