IW Gazette 48

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gazette the isle of wight



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FREE! Friday January 15, 2010 Issue 48

NEWS Cat Hits Pier

More problems for Wightlink as a FastCat collides with Ryde pier

Page 5 BUILDER Rob Newton downed tools in the Island’s sub zero temperatures to make a special delivery that warmed the hearts of a Brighstone family. Rob, from Newport, drove to the rescue when he heard a plea on local radio from a young girl who desperately wanted her mother and new baby sister back home from St Mary’s Maternity Unit in Newport. Alisha Wagstaff, 12, made her plea for help on IW Radio, and in a matter of minutes Rob was on his way to pick up his very precious cargo. He transported mum Heidi and new arrival Sienna-Rose and took them safely along the snowbound roads for the happiest of homecomings. See full story page 3


Snow Tales

The highs and lows of the Island’s spell of ice and snow


Page 6



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The Gazette, Friday, January 15, 2010

DRINK WARNING YOUNGSTERS who are caught with alcohol in their possession will have the option of watching a new hard-hitting DVD. The alcohol awareness film ‘Drink: What Do You Think?’ is presented by Galaxy FM DJ Ben Glover and was the idea of Youth Engagement Officer Lorraine Barry who is based in Southampton. “If a young person is stopped with alcohol in their possession their parents will be contacted within a few days and will have the offer of seeing the DVD with the young person and myself in their home,” said Lorraine who also briefly stars in the film. “I think that having a police officer in your lounge is bad enough for most families, although lots of families have said they’ll deal with it themselves,” she added. “Quite a few parents have seen it and think it’s really good and it’s started a really good discussion. Sergeant Paul Jennings of the Newport Safer Neighbourhoods team said: “Police on the Isle of Wight

Ben Glover are always interested in new ways of reinforcing messages about responsible drinking and the risks of alcohol to young people. “Officers on the island are in contact with colleagues in Southampton to discuss how this project can be used

effectively. “This DVD was screened by the Newport Safer Neighbourhoods team during a Freshers’ Fair at Medina High School last month when it received positive feedback from students and partner agencies.”

HELP AT THE RIVERSIDE THE RIVERSIDE Centre became an emergency centre for those who were stranded in the snow in Newport last week. Over 50 people who became marooned in Newport last Tuesday were evacuated to the Riverside, which is the emergency centre for Newport. This was the first time that snow had brought the centre into action although it has been used during other emergencies such as a gas cylinder at the Folly Inn and a fire at one of Newport’s nurseries. Sleeping bags were provided and evacuees spread themselves across the comfy chairs if they could. Television and other activities such as board

Jessica McGaw and Paddy Noctor games were supplied and people had access to phones to call their worried families. Cooked breakfasts were supplied in the morning. Paddy Noctor (pictured) ran the shelter at the Riverside, keeping it for another couple of nights, although it remained on standby in case

of further snow. During the big freeze the Riverside Art Group produced paintings and Paddy and art teacher Jessica McGaw are holding one of the paintings of the centre in the snow outside the centre. Ironically Jessica has gone skiing in France this week.

The Gazette, Friday, January 15, 2010

Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599




BRINGING BABY HOME! ALISHA WAGSTAFF (12) offered a Sienna-Rose. She made a plea on IW Radio big thanks and a hug to a 4 x 4 hero who helped transport home her news for someone to pick up her newborn baby s i s t e r new baby sister after her mum Heidi and newborn baby became stuck in the hospital because of the snow and couldn’t get home. Listening to the plea was local builder and 4 x 4 owner Rob Newton who set to work to make the youngster’s wish come true. Alisha takes up the story: “My mum had a baby and she had to go to hospital to recover. “We live in Brighstone and the roads were cut off with snow and ice. I have been at home off school because of the bad weather - we couldn’t leave the house because the snow was so deep. “I have

IT WAS SNOW JOKE TALES of heroism emerged this week after the Island ground to a halt under some of its worst weather conditions in living memory. Snow and ice took its toll across the region, leaving hundreds stranded and the elderly and vulnerable trying to cope with the Arctic blast. But almost inevitably people from all walks of life came to the fore to lend a hand to those who most needed it. Heroes responded to pleas for help, transporting patients to hospital, sweeping paths

and drives and delivering emergency supplies from surgeries. Buses, trains and ferries were all affected and the highways network skidded to a halt. But that didn’t stop a host of residents offering their time and assistance. Newport-based IW Radio were inundated with calls for help. Listener Rita, 83, from Ventnor revealed she had run out of milk. Listeners rang the helpline immediately to offer help, and Rita was soon able to brew a warming cuppa.

West Wight B and B owner Boris Moscoff asked Islanders to help him get a group of holidaymakers, caught in the snow at for two days at Ryde, back to their rooms. Two 4x4 drivers battled through the ice and snow while another Islander turned up at their temporary hotel in Ryde with changes of clothes. There were countless other Good Samaritans doing their bit to keep the Island moving and The Gazette would like to applaud them for their magnificent efforts.


RYDE Inshore Rescue are Friday February 26 to help a able to help please contact looking for people who can street collection for the funds Michaela White on 01983 volunteer and hour or two on for the lifeboat. If you are 812178.

BY JASON KAY spent a lot of time on facebook talking to my friends about the new baby and how much I was missing her when one of my friends said to listen to Isle of Wight Radio. And I was listening to the News on Isle of Wight Radio when it gave me the idea to call. “My mum had a home birth on New Years Eve and I cut the cord. But my mum had to go into hospital for recovery and rest for one day, but the bad weather and snow kept her there longer.” Rob phoned Isle of Wight Radio and offered his services with his 4 x4 as soon as the snow had started to fall on the Island and hadn’t stopped since. Rob explained that Heidi and the baby were just one of the pick-ups he has made. He’s also transported a woman with heart problems from Freshwater to Ryde along with daily journeys collecting patients who need kidney dialysis at St Mary’s Hospital. Mum Heidi said: “I didn’t really

know what to do. I owe Rob a big ‘Thank You’. He even stopped on the way home to help push a car that was stuck on a road. He is a knight in shining armour. I am so pleased that he helped up out. It’s really good that there are people like Rob who helped out. He even stopped before we got back home and got me some bread and milk. “I’m now staying at home in the warm with the new baby, SiennaRose, who is fit and healthy. I have got to see the midwife and then it changes over to the health visitor. Its good to be back at home and I can’t thank Rob enough. Alisha is really happy to see the baby.”

Rob Newton and his Landrover



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The Gazette, Friday, January 15, 2010


ISLANDER Peter Venner was safely back at home this week after taking part in an amazing mercy convoy from the UK to Gaza. Leaving home on December 6 last year, the 250-vehicle convoy of supplies finally reached its destination a month later on January 6. Items on board the two vehicles that originated from the Island included medicines, prosthetic limbs, toys, wheelchairs and books needed by the university in Gaza. Peter Venner, of Whitefield Woodyard in Brading, drove a LDV van supplied by Adams Morey and was able to refit another second hand vehicle with spare parts provided by the same company. The second vehicle was driven by Zuber Hatia from Portsmouth. “Of all the vehicles on the convoy ours had no problems and the IW LDV even towed one of the ambulances when it broke down,” said Peter. ”The trip was tremendous – an extraordinary experience. “The driving part was hard work but there were intermittent periods when we were held up in cities and treated like celebrities,” said Peter. “In Aqaba on the Red Sea we were hoping to get a ferry to Sinai but Egypt prevented us and we were held up for five


gates through which the convoy had to travel to get into Gaza). There were two articulated vehicles with the convoy, which were put behind the gates to form a secure barrier. The convoy linked arms and then the skirmishing began. “Sand was thrown and I felt my throat tighten and I realised that tear gas had been released. Then once back behind the gates rocks started raining down. Quite a few people were hurt. “After this incident, the next day dawned and word came through at midday that we were going to be taken through the Rafah crossing into Gaza later that day. It was past midnight before we got through because the vehicles had to be checked and checked again along with Peter Venner (right) with our passports. “On the last day we were “In Gaza we drove to Gaza city and got to the meant to make a presentation hotel at 3am. Next day we and have a tour of the worst met the people who are parts in northern Gaza but it

days. Then we had to retrace our steps to Lattakia where we were put up in a refugee camp, which was quite an experience. Spindrift from the sea was flying through the camp making everything damp. “Turkish vehicles had joined us and after four nights the Turkish contingent laid on a big ferry and all the vehicles were loaded. But the ferry couldn’t take the drivers - they only took Turkish nationals and one fluent Hebrew speaker. “One Israeli gunboat did follow the ferry but the captain of the Turkish vessel refused to heave to and the gunboat shadowed them to El- Arish.” All of the convoy drivers were flown to El-Arish in Egypt and it was here that they encountered their worst problems of the trip. “After clearing customs we were put on buses and taken back to the vehicles to take part in a demonstration to get the aid into Gaza. “The Egyptians had prepared for a possible demonstration and had assembled riot police and extraordinarily direct and police with stones, tear gas welcoming people thriving and water cannon (by the in the most extraordinary adversity. “ Peter was struck by how civilised, relaxed and friendly the Gazans were. Unlike our own government ministers, ministers in Gaza are all highly educated in their particular fields. “Electricity comes from Israel and can be cut off at any time and water from the taps is quite saline and can’t be drunk. But they have lots of breads, fruit and grow olives. In the summer at around the time we have the Garlic Festival they have a festival of cauliflowers and there are acres and acres of cabbages. Convoy crossing the border

“Sand was thrown and I felt my throat tighten and I realised that tear gas had been released. Then once back behind the gates rocks started raining down.” was cancelled. But in Gaza city there were buildings that had been completely devastated. The government building was destroyed last Christmas – in the December 27 attack – with a loss of 60 lives. Pretty much every building has a pepper spray of gunfire across the front of it. “Later we went back to the Rafah border crossing and there was talk that we might not be able to leave, so there was a hectic rush to get out. Then we were taken into Egypt in buses under guard to the airport and expelled from the country.” This now means that Peter is unlikely to be able to drive in another

Zuber Hatia and another member of the community convoy to Gaza. The mini Solent convoy was organised by Rachel Bridgeland who was so distressed by the bombardment of Gaza by the Israelis last Christmas that she travelled to London with daughter Lelia to take part in a demonstration. The group started because of people seeing the ‘IOW Solidarity With Gaza’ banner that Lelia and she had made. Since then she and her group of volunteers have been organizing the trip and collecting provisions.

“Peter said that the quantity and quality of the supplies sent from the Island was outstanding,” said Rachel. “We’re now talking about forming a new movement ‘Lifeline to Gaza’ so that all the various groups can work in partnership with Gaza to bring aid in the future. Peter (and Zuber, our driver from Portsmouth), will be speaking about their experiences at the screening of an award winning film about Gaza, ‘To Shoot An Elephant.’” For more details contact Rachel on 872997.

The convoy

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The Gazette, Friday, January 15, 2010






A WIGHTLINK fastcat had to be withdrawn from service after it struck Ryde Pier, causing damage to two beams on the 19th century structure. There were also unconfirmed reports that as a result of the incident, which happened on the 5.15pm sailing from Portsmouth on Tuesday, a Wightlink employee was suspended pending an investigation. Fastcat Ryde, one of the vessels due to be replaced by the recently introduced Wight Ryder I and II, is due to leave the Solent shortly to operate between Swansea and Ilfracombe. That may now be delayed because of damage to the front of the body. One passenger said the trip went as normal until the fast cat approached Ryde Pier, but then failed to slow sufficiently to begin its mooring.

BY JASON KAY Barry Hurst from Ryde said: “The engine normally goes into reverse and the boat is pushed backward, but on this occasion the boat surged forward. “There was a little bit of panic but the staff calmed everyone down. There were a couple of elderly people who looked a little shook up, but they were helped off by the ferry staff. The damage to the boat looked serious; there was a lot of bent metal on the front of it.” A number subsequent sailings where cancelled while the fast cat was taken back to Portsmouth to be checked over. Wightlink spokeswoman Kerry Jackson said: “Wightlink can confirm that FastCat Ryde – the

1715 departure from Portsmouth Harbour - landed heavily at Ryde Pier on Tuesday which resulted in minor superficial damage to the vessel. No injury was caused to any passengers or crew. “As a result the vessel sailed back to Portsmouth light and as a precaution has been withdrawn from service whilst a full

investigation takes place along with a complete check of the vessel, as is standard company procedure. The safety of our passengers and crew is of paramount importance to Wightlink. “A charter vessel was put into operation on Thursday to ensure that the service was maintained during commuter periods.”



RED JET’S high-speed service between Cowes and Southampton was severely disrupted this week to add to commuters’ cross-Solent frustrations. Red Jet 5, the latest member of the fleet suffered damage while being maneuvered on to a maintenance berth in Southampton. And to add to the company’s problems another vessel was out of service

for routine work on an engine. It meant Red Jet could run only an hourly service with their one remaining craft, and left many travelers angry and frustrated at the latest troubles. A spokesman for the company confirmed: “A Red Jet suffered slight damage whilst being manoeuvred on to a maintenance berth in Southampton. There were no

passengers onboard and no one was injured. “Unfortunately as another Red Jet is out of service for a routine engine change, Red Funnel is running an hourly Hi-Speed service, with additional charter boat services at 1000 hrs from West Cowes and at 1730 hrs from Southampton to provide more than sufficient capacity.”

MR HUDSON, Crowded House and Hockey have been added to the Isle of Wight Festival line up. The new acts join a hyper-eclectic bill that boasts Jay-Z, The Strokes, Blondie, Pink, Calvin Harris, Doves, Vampire Weekend, Spandau Ballet, Paloma Faith, Orbital and Friendly Fires. Hockey and Mr Hudson will both be playing the Friday, while Crowded House will be taking to the stage on Saturday. The Isle of Wight Festival takes place from June 11 - June 13, 2010 at Seaclose Park, Newport.


SANDOWN Rotary Club is appealing for donations to help victims of the recent earthquake in Haiti. The quake registered 7.0 on the Richter scale and it is feared that over 100,000 people have been killed, with thousands more injured. Any money donated will go towards water boxes that will help survivors. If you would like to make a donation then you can contact Bill Wyke on 405471.

THE RECENT snow and ice, combined with the grit and sand used to ease the problems, are still causing havoc to Island roads. As surfaces began re-appearing this week after being covered in up to six inches of snow, it soon became clear that dangerous potholes had formed on many streets and roads. Now the IW Council has urged residents to be on the look-out for potentially dangerous spots and to report them. Peter Hayward, IW Council head of highways and transport, said: “It is inevitable that conditions such as those experienced recently will lead to some deterioration of the highway. The council will of course take whatever is action is appropriate to to keep the highways network safe. In the first instance this may involve temporary repairs and solutions until such time as the conditions allow a more permanent response. “I would remind residents that highway defects can be reported on 823777 or online at www.iwight.com



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The Gazette, Friday, January 15, 2010


Wallabies at Seaview Wildlife Park

Lou Alabaster and Amy Tillett

Ryde Esplanade


THE ISLAND’S MP, Andrew Turner, has praised the community spirit shown all over the Island during the current recent of extreme weather. He has been particularly impressed by the valuable support being given to the emergency services, the local authority and communities by the owners of 4x4 vehicles. Mr Turner said: “I have been

talking to Cllr Wayne Whittle who was telling me of the number of 4x4 owners on the Island that made their vehicles available to help whenever and wherever they can. I understand that St Mary’s Hospital sent out an e-mail to ask if 4 wheel drive vehicles and their owners were available to assist with transport problems. “Cllr Whittle went on to tell me that

he saw the driver of a 4x4 vehicle pulling a number of stranded cars up Binstead Hill. There are so many tales of good neighbourly behaviour, and this is just one of them. I am very proud and encouraged by the way the Island community has pulled together to help each other out when the need arose.” Cllr Whittle, councillor for Ryde North East, is the owner of a 4x4

vehicle and feels they are often given a tough time. Mr Turner added: “These vehicles are often referred to disparagingly as ‘Chelsea Tractors’ and their drivers are much maligned. However it has been obvious over the past few days that they have been very effective in providing much needed support across the Island.

“I shall be writing to the Secretary of State for Transport, Lord Adonis pointing out that the Government’s policy of penalising drivers of these vehicles with ever increasing levels of road tax may be appropriate for ‘yummy mummies’ running their kids to school in city centres – but in rural areas there are very different circumstances – which has been proven over recent days.”

The Gazette, Friday, January 15, 2010

AFTER the Island suffered its worst winter weather in decades, many residents began directing icy blasts at the IW Council this week, claiming officers were caught cold by the Arctic conditions. Although the snow had been widely forecast for several days before it arrived, the heavy falls still resulted in businesses and schools being forced to close for up to a week, before things slowly returned to normal as the thaw began to set in. But in the aftermath of the bleak spell, there were numerous claims that the Council were unable to cope with the ice and snow, that resulted in roads being closed and footpaths turned into skating rinks. Some of the remotest parts

of the Island were among the worst to suffer as the council gritters, helped by contractors, concentrated on trying to keep the main routes open. Many side roads remained untreated, while others were simply sanded to help maintain salt supplies. Now Jill Wareham, Liberal Democrat Prospective MP for the Island has called for the council to hold an inquiry on the impact of the cold snap on residents, amid scepticism about the effectiveness of some of their actions. She said: “I eventually ventured out to Newport in my car last Friday, three days after the first snow fell, and was amazed to see that the pavements in the main town on the Island had not been cleared and people were

A tractor helps move the snow

The scene at Ryde

A walker braves the snow

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walking along very gingerly. “I understand the emergency services at St Mary’s have been put under enormous pressure due to people falling over and breaking bones. Perhaps retailers should question the council’s inaction to provide safe pedestrian access bearing in mind the amount of business rates they have to pay. “Considering the council was showing off their 12 new gritting lorries and assuring us they had enough salt to cope with 20 days of continuous freezing conditions just weeks ago there is a need to review the effectiveness of their actions during this cold spell. These occurrences are becoming regular and the council should be well prepared to cope and make sure the Island does not grind to a halt.” Many have questioned why grit bins, which used to be commonplace at key spots around the Island, have disappeared. Peter Hayward, the IW Council head of highways and transport, explained: “Up until around 15 years ago the council did provide a limited number of grit bins but there were a number of problems with these and they were withdrawn. “Among issues with such a provision are that the salt corroded the bins creating an ongoing maintenance liability while the salt itself was largely unused from year to year and become compacted in both the bins and the heaps making it




Newclose County Cricket Ground

Sledging at Big Meade difficult to get a spade into it. “Furthermore, in reality, the bins were not widely used, even in the appropriate conditions and where the salt was used there was no control over rates of application and it was frequently wasted and often taken by members of the public for private areas such as driveways. “In all the circumstances it was decided that the bins were not particularly effective nor a good use of resources, and there are currently no plans to re-introduce them.” Many smaller businesses across the Island suffered the brunt to the cold spell, with shops and offices forced to close because staff could not get into work. That resulted in loss of vital revenue in what are already difficult economic times.

George Gladdis and Omi Lane with snowcat, Sovereign Way, Ryde

Jeff Smith, who owns The Bike Shed at Merstone, echoed the difficulties that so many other traders like him experienced. He said: “Never in 11 years have we had to close outside of Christmas and New Years day But the store closed on January 6 and re-opened last Sunday purely to man the phone lines and complete services on bikes that were due for delivery.

“Even the threat of foot and mouth disease didn’t challenge the Bike Shed trading like this heavy snow did. While the roads and temperatures limit riding cycles we will be offering a free collection service for February and the remainder of January in order that we can encourage riders to get their bikes serviced ready for when the temperatures rise and normality creeps back.”

Sandown and Shanklin golf course

A snowman built at Brading Downs



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The Gazette, Friday, January 15, 2010


A MAN was dramatically rescued and transferred to Southampton General Hospital by the Solent Coastguard and IW ambulance crews, after he suffered spinal injuries when he slipped over on the ice and snow. The 64-year-old Islander was taken to Seaclose Park, Newport in an ambulance 4x4 vehicle, after land ambulance crews were unable to reach him because of treacherous road conditions caused by

BY JAMIE WHITE heavy snowfall. Firefighters from Newport helped transfer the injured man to the helicopter on a spinal board across the densely snow covered ground at Seaclose, before being airlifted to Southampton General Hospital. Solent Coastguard has continued to work closely with paramedics and

emergency services on the Island over the past few days. Dialysis patients have been transferred around and off the Island and the coastguard crew also attended a road traffic accident at Arreton. They have also been assisting in reaching individuals in the Ventnor, Freshwater and Shanklin areas, who are located in steep hill areas and are impassable for two-wheel drive vehicles. Mike O’Sullivan, Duty

Watch Manager at Solent Coastguard, said: “Our teams have been absolutely outstanding, with most starting at around 8am and not finishing until around 7pm – although some have worked much later. “The increasing wind chill factor and cold saps the strength and I know many patients and drivers have expressed their deep gratitude for our volunteers fortitude and eager willingness to assist in these very unusual conditions.”


AN ENTERPRISING Ryde family built an igloo in their front garden and then decided to try and market the icy home to passers by. Kevin White and his son

Rhys built the igloo outside their St Johns Hill home using icecream tubs to make the bricks and packing softer snow into the gaps between them.

For Sale and To Let signs were not only being used to market igloos – many youngsters used them as makeshift sledges too.

The Gazette, Friday, January 15, 2010

Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599



FED UP with sitting indoors unable to do anything to help in the big freeze, a group of Islanders set up a Facebook group, ‘Emergency Information for the Isle of Wight,’ to help people who might need supplies or information. Donna Taylor from Northwood started posting helpful status updates on her own Facebook page but quickly realised that this was not going to get to all the people who might need the information. After talking with a few other friends she started the group with Lisa Warder and Jayne Booth from Newport and Debs Aske-Harris from Winford. Her mum Frances Kirby and sister Holly Kirby also helped. People began asking about accessibility on the roads, food supplies in the shops and requesting emergency help through the Facebook site. Three 4x4 owners offered their services for free, for those who were stuck or needed to get to work or the shops. Pedestrians would ask about the state of the pavements on a route they wished to walk and others

who had attempted the journey would message them back. Those wanting to drive along a particular road would do the same and inevitably another user of the site would have information on the route. Admin person to the group Kev Summers was also out taking photos of the roads to show how accessible they were. The ‘Emergency Information for the Isle of Wight’ group quickly gained in popularity and by the end of the weekend numbered over 3,000 members. School and road closures were posted daily as they were available from the council. Discussion forums started with topics such as pavements, post/ royal mail, cold weather payments, Island Line trains, plumbers and tradesmen, emergency treatment and local heroes. The group intends to keep the site going just in case of another emergency such as someone going missing. “It’s been fun and my friends have enjoyed it and it’s brought people together and made them feel useful,” said Donna. “I’ve been amazed at how public spirited people have been.”



DONNA CAFFERKY from Adgestone sent in this picture of Richard Salter’s Highland Cattle in her back paddock. Although the Upper Adgestone Road was blocked and even a snowplough ended up stuck

in the side ditch, Donna managed to get into work at Sandown Nursing home by walking across the fields. Husband Neil and Donna also walked to Brading and Morrisons to pick up supplies.

gazette the isle of wight






AN ATTEMPT to cross Brading Downs proved too tricky for one driver last week when his car got stuck in the snow. The man was attempting to drive to Sandown in his silver

Toyota Celica and despite putting snow chains on his wheels, the car became stuck in over a foot of snow. Luckily for the driver, passers-by in 4x4 vehicles managed to

free the car and tow the man to safety, before he carefully carried on his onward journey. The above photograph was taken just before the road became impassable and was closed.



Address: Unit B18, Spithead Business Centre, Newport Road, Isle of Wight, PO36 9PH Tel: (01983) 402599 Fax: (01983) 404189 Email: newsdesk@iwgazette. co.uk

Write to: Jo Macaulay, Unit B18, Spithead Business Centre, Newport Road, IW, PO36 9PH. Tel: (01983) 402599. Email: jo@iwgazette.co.uk


Jamie White Tel: (01983) 402599 Email: jamie@iwgazette.co.uk

Write to: Jason Kay, Unit B18, Spithead Business Centre, Newport Road, IW, PO36 9PH. Tel: (01983) 402599. Email: jason@iwgazette.co.uk


Peter White Tel: (01983) 402599. Email: newsdesk@iwgazette.co.uk

THE ISLAND is set to face yet more job losses after it was announced that the tax office in Newport is set to close. Island MP Andrew Turner has reacted angrily to the news that many of the services carried out by the tax office at St Cross Business Park are to be withdrawn, with the loss of 37 jobs. The announcement was made as part of a closure programme of 130 offices around the country. The face-to-face advice service is to stay on the Island, but may be moved to a more central location. As part of the campaign to keep the office open the Island’s MP attended a meeting in November between local tax-office staff and Dave Hartnett, the Permanent Secretary for Tax, to discuss the future of the office on the Island. Mr Turner said: “The meeting in November seemed to be positive and constructive and although Mr Hartnett did not hold out any false hope, he did say that he would consider carefully any proposals put forward. I have seen the submission that was subsequently sent to him from the staff on the Island which suggested a number of stand-alone and discrete projects that they could undertake. It was eminently sensible and well-reasoned. “Staff are highly skilled on the Island and because of the low staff turnover, (over 80 per cent of local staff have more 20 years service) the teams have developed innovative ways of working well together that have gained plaudits from across the country. However, it appears that good arguments and common sense have been sacrificed to the Government’s agenda to centralise services and relocate jobs away from the South East.” Mr Turner continued: “This is a stupid and short-sighted decision, which I believe will lead to lower tax collection – a particular worry in the current economic climate. Mr Hartnett accepted that due to the long-service of Island staff it would be a particularly expensive office to close – and of course enforcement on the Island will in future incur higher costs as mainland based staff will have to bear time and the cost of crossing the Solent. “I am very disappointed that none of the arguments that have been put forward in favour of keeping the office were taken up.”

Penny Newnham Tel: (01983) 402599. Email: penny@iwgazette.co.uk

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Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599


The Gazette, Friday, January 15, 2010


A SPECIAL drop-in antenatal clinic has been arranged by the Maternity Department at St. Mary’s Hospital to enable ‘mums to be’ to catch up with their appointments following the winter weather. The drop-in clinic is being held in the Maternity Department today (Friday) between 9.30am and 3.30pm and will be run by Midwives. No appointment is necessary. Head of Midwifery, Annie Hunter said: “Although our Midwives and Consultants have been keeping in contact with snowed in ‘mums to be’ by telephone, it has not been possible for some of them to have their antenatal checks during the last week. We’ve laid on this special no-appointment needed drop-in clinic so that those that want to catch up with their antenatal checks can do so. “Throughout a pregnancy women receive regular care to check that they and their baby are well and to ensure that any problems are picked up and dealt with as early as possible. Most women have their first and longest check at between 8-10 weeks. Thereafter we recommend that they are seen monthly in the first 28 weeks, fortnightly for 28-36 weeks, then weekly until the birth of the baby. Usually the visits can be alternated between the hospital, the GP and the community midwife.” Advice is also available on giving up smoking and alcohol, along with general guidelines on diet and nutrition. The focus of the Maternity Department’s care programme is on fulfilling the individual needs of mothers, babies and their families, with an emphasis on continuity of care. Mothers are encouraged to be actively involved in their own care during all stages of pregnancy, labour and the postnatal period. Further information about antenatal care during pregnancy can be found on the NHS Choices website at www.nhs.uk/conditions/ antenatal-health-and-care/

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Effortless to learn and practice. Gain profound relaxation freedom from stress, anxieties, etc. Boosting mental/ physical energy, health and happiness

WITH the Island being surrounded by water and having a large amount of coastline, it is no surprise that HM Coastguard’s called upon on a regular basis. The Coastguard has historically played a vital role in Search and Rescue (SAR) operations along the coast. Today HM Coastguard is a world leader in maritime search and rescue. Looking back 200 years, goods, which now travel by road, were carried by hundreds of small ships. Year in, year out, dozens of ships and hundreds of lives were lost within sight of the coast. The public called for the creation of national life saving organization after a high number of tragic maritime accidents occurred. Although its beginnings lie in those decades, HM Coastguard originated not to meet the dangers of the seas but to combat a threat to the country’s economy and security – smuggling. Whilst the Coastguard still assists in smuggling operations, their main role is much more diversified. Mike Caffrey is the Isle of Wight Sector Manager for HM Coastguard, which is part of the Solent Maritime Rescue Sub-Centre. He took a day out to explain his role, the importance of HM Coastguard and the way they work with other agencies to provide a world-class rescue service. There are no two ways about it, Mike has a tough job but it’s clear it’s more than just a job to him – it’s a way of life. Mike is the only full-time


employed member of the HMCS (Her Majesty’s Coastguard Service) – every watch on his patch along the South Coast consists of Auxiliary Coastguard Volunteers. The primary relationship that the Coastguard has is that they work closely with the Search and Rescue (SAR) Helicopter and the lifeboats. This can involve bringing out the helicopter, which is based at Lee on Solent, and using it to search for vulnerable

or missing persons along the coastline and also, on occasion, inland. The helicopter is well equipped to deal with any emergency and is quite often a vital element of the SAR process. In a recent incident involving a vulnerable missing person in Ventnor, the coastguard was called to assist with a coastline and inland search. All Auxiliary Coastguards are trained in searching and receive training each month to keep them up to date on their skills. Mike explained that the more the volunteers get out to incidents, the more

experienced they become, which is why working with other emergency services is vital to the success of their operations. “Efficient communication is vital,” said Mike. “Often, people may think that we don’t want to come out to an incident but we are fully equipped and trained to deal with many different types of incidents. By attending more, we can help out and get training on the job – contrary to what people may think, we are more than happy to come out.” Mike covers the whole of the Island to Lee on Solent. This is a large area for one person to cover, particularly if a major incident occurs in one part of the patch and he is called to something else. His main job is to assess incidents, train the auxiliaries, offer advice on dealing with major SAR incidents, educate the public about the work HMCS do, help with security contingency plans for major operations and also put his extensive coastguard training into good use by helping out with SAR operations on the ground. For one person, this is quite a tall order, which is why he has to be dedicated to his job. “ I absolutely love it – I wouldn’t and couldn’t do it if I didn’t love it. It’s very hard work. The hours are long and there’s a lot of driving involved, but there is nothing like it. I thrive on the unpredictability and ultimately, I know I am helping people in one way or another,” said Mike.

Winchman Alf Kitwood

Call Bill on 07972 478673 / 404476 for an info pack and details

Sector manager Mike Caffrey and station manager Jim Roberts OBE with Ryde and Bembridge auxillary coastguard volunteers

The Gazette, Friday, January 15, 2010

Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599





A HUGE area of the English Channel off West Wight has been earmarked for a massive wind farm project. As many as 200 massive wind turbines are set to be built to help generate electricity for half a million homes along the south coast. But the turbines will rise nearly 150 metres out of the sea, changing the view from the shoreline towards the world famous Needles forever. Even though the development could bring

up to 2,000 new jobs to the area, there is bound to be a wave of protest within the next few months. It is the green energy vision the Government wants to become a reality by 2020 but objectors are already circling. Eneco, based in the Netherlands, and owner and operator of 28 wind farms, has been given exclusive rights to develop the farm by the Crown Estates. It is one of nine zones within British waters Government ministers

hope will eventually deliver a quarter of the country’s total electricity needs. Southampton City Council has already backed the proposals that are part of the Government’s green energy vision they want to become reality inside 10 years. Like the Island, Southampton has considerable experience of handling wind turbine blades after working with Danish company Vestas, which closed its Cowes factory and sister facility

in Southampton last year with the loss of 400 jobs. Eneco director of business Guy Madgwick claimed: “The turbines will only be seen far in the distance on a clear day. I’m hoping it would become a matter of civic pride, not a threat.” Construction is due to start in 2016 but experts say Britain will need to spend about £15 billion to improve its electricity grid, attract huge investment and boost its supply chain to make the projects viable.

SANDOWN ON HIGH MUSICAL HELP FOR MINSTER A WEEK celebrating the efforts and achievements of the students throughout many aspects of school life, culminated with a presentation evening for sixth formers and leavers of Sandown High School. This event, one of 15 celebration events throughout the school’s annual calendar, welcomed over 200 guests and recipients to applaud the success of the top students, past and present. In his opening address, Headteacher John Bradshaw congratulated all and reflected on the continued high standards and achievements of the Sandown High students on A-level and Level 3 courses, but most significantly the progress the students have made. Over 100 trophies were awarded, with the top awards presented to Savannah Whaley (Lowish Cup for outstanding academic achievement) Paul Sammons (Southern Vectis Cup for Achievement), Courtney Durand (Robinson, Jarvis and Rolf trophy for sixth form excellence), Gayle Jackson (Shanklin Rotary Club for effort and achievement) Katherine Grattage (Plessey Radar Awards for Science) Ben Woodhouse (Sandown Ambassador Cup) and Marie Locke (Sandown Graduate

Cup). Reflecting the high profile of student leadership at the school and its potential to raise aspirations, a special tribute was also given to Rosie Drake-Knight and her colleagues Joe Alabaster, Megan and Leah West, Paige Henderson and Ben Woodhouse for their leadership and teamwork, which resulted in the school team becoming Global Rock National Champions. Comperes for the evening were the school captains who also received special awards for their

outstanding contribution to school life. The progress and achievement of over 600 students was also formally recognised within the four house rewards events. House leaders Steve Apsey (Yellow), Gavin Oldridge (Green), Helen Peak (Red) and Paul Royle (Blue) thanked the students and staff for their hard work and commitment to school life and active citizenship and commended in particular the efforts of those nominated by departments for certification.

MUSICIANS from across the Island are being asked to get involved in a fundraising musical event ‘Music at the Minster’ at St Thomas’s Church in March. The event to raise money for the repairs to the Minster is being organised by Tina Byers, (pictured) who is better known for her work with Pan Neighbourhood Partnership, and High Sheriff Gay Edwards, who is on the Minster’s Friends Committee. They are hoping to attract a variety of Island musical talent to perform at the Minster on March 19, 2010. “The idea is to offer performers the opportunity to demonstrate their abilities as musicians and it is hoped that there will be a wide mixture of styles,” said Tina, a musician herself, who sings and plays clarinet and piano. A didgeridoo player, an African drumming group and a soprano have already approached her with a view to playing at the concert. Anyone who can play or sing and would like to show off their talent should contact Tina who says: “We really want to get those people who don’t have regular opportunities

to perform or show their skill in a public arena, whether you’re a soloist or a small group it doesn’t matter – it’s really about getting out there and going for it. “It’s more of an anything goes from a four year old who can sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to an older person who might play the trumpet. People need to realise that the church is also a venue and if this works it may pave the way for other events.” If you would like to get involved or would like further information call Tina on 07805 272 478.



Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599

PLANET ICE in Ryde is hoping for an increase in ice skaters after the new series of Dancing on Ice started this week on ITV1. Planet Ice Manager, Lorna Cotton, explained: “The arena has been badly affected by the recent bad weather and the number of people skating has reduced. “However, each time a new series of Dancing on Ice, or something similar is on the television, we find that a lot more people come down to the arena to ice skate trying to emulate the stars.” This year’s Dancing on Ice show has already attracted over 10 million viewers in its first week and includes celebrities such as Eastenders’ actress Daniella Westbrook, Olympic swimmer

Sharon Davies and Heather Mills, who are all risking life and limb in a bid to be crowned skating champion. The return of the popular show could prove a timely tonic for the ice rink, after the recent cold snap prevented visitors from attending skating sessions. “Dancing on Ice has always sparked a massive increase in interest in skating among the public, particularly on the Island as we have often held training sessions at Ryde Arena. “I’m hoping that this year the interest will be the biggest yet. It is set to be a great series and we are gearing up at Ryde Arena for a surge in interest. We have great facilities and we want it to prosper.” Last weekend, singer Sinitta


The Gazette, Friday, January 15, 2010

Actress Emily Atack being held up by Christopher Dean

Lorna Cotton of Ryde’s Planet Ice became the first celebrity to be voted off the show, when the 41-year-old ripped her ice skating partner Andrei Lipanov’s trousers, after a lift went wrong.

Dr Hilary skating with Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean

WIN A LEARN TO SKATE COURSE AT PLANET ICE! RYDE’S Planet Ice has one of the most successful ‘Learn to Skate’ courses in the UK. Skate UK is the approved Learn to Skate course developed by the National Ice Skating Association which Planet Ice has adopted as the fundamental training scheme for all their Learn to Skaters. The Skate UK program teaches fundamental movement and basic ice skating skills for skaters of all ages in 10 clear stages. Each course lasts for six weeks and the joining fee of £60 includes the following: • Special introductory gift • Skate UK certificates and badges • Skate UK record of achievement • Skate UK 12 month membership When you Learn to

Skate on a Planet Ice Skate UK course you are enrolled automatically into the Skate UK 12 month membership. As a member you will enjoy 4 e-newsletters per year, access to NISA TV for both live and pre recorded ice skating video from the British Championships, IJS events, Ice Shows, and many more fantastic ice skating events that have occurred this year. Also included in the NISA TV access is the use of the online Skate UK video tutorials. The membership also includes 10 per cent discount on all products sold at the NISA shop at www.niastore.org.uk, and 10 per cent off an annual subscription to iSKATE Magazine. Contact Planet Ice at Ryde on 615155 for more details on the courses.

To win one of these courses simply answer the question below and send your entry, along with your name, address and daytime telephone no to: Learn to Skate Competition, The Isle of Wight Gazette, Unit B18, Spithead Business Park, Sandown, PO36 9PH. The prize will be awarded to the first correct entry opened after Monday January 25, 2010. Terms and conditions apply. Employees and their immediate families of Planet Ice and The Gazette are not allowed to enter. The editor’s decision is final. No correspondence will be entered into.

Question: How many weeks does a course last? Answer: Name: Address: Tel no: E-mail:

The Gazette, Friday, January 15, 2010

Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599





Look deep within yourself and spend some time thinking rather than talking. Wrongs need to be put right within your family or close friends.


INMATES CAN HAVE A SAY INMATES have given a cautious, but positive ‘thumbs up’ to a scheme introduced to give them more of a say on key issues inside IW Prison. Following successful counciltype elections in the wings of Parkhurst and Albany, the Gazette was given exclusive access late last year to a similar vote inside Camp Hill. Before the elections took place we were allowed to speak to a number of prisoners, and their general feelings were that it would not make that much different to their way of life behind bars. However, the elections inside Camp Hill, overseen by IW Council leader David Pugh and Island High Sherriff Gay Edwards, still attracted a turn-out of more than 52 per cent, comprising both inmates and officers. IW Prison governor Barry Greenberry explained that he had decided to introduce the ‘councils’ in the three wings of IW Prison, so that inmates had a ‘voice’ when it came to matters that needed extra discussion. The elections were also designed to keep prisoners in touch with the way things operate in the outside world, and help them adapt to life outside prison once they are released with the hope they will not re-offend. Now we have been invited back inside Camp Hill to speak to prisoners on whether the council elections had had any effect on their lifestyle inside prison. Here are some of their views: Wesley, leader of the Education and Training Party, said: “I thought the prison elections were great because of the amount of the staff that actually turned up. A lot of prisoners were saying that the elections wouldn’t work if no staff turned up. When I went out to do my campaign speech the whole room was full which

BY JAMIE WHITE surprised me and I found it very encouraging. “A lot of staff came up to me and said how good the speeches were. A lot of people are scared of change because they have their routines already and are used to the way things are. We are a very small community inside prison and the change will take time.

in to the community they have some form part to play in society. “The elections brought staff and inmates closer together which I think is important and saw everyone communicating on the same level. I’m sure not everyone is interested, but it is encouraging so far.” Darren, head of the prison council for the inmates, said: “What we want to do with the prison council is develop a better relationship between prisoners and the staff on the wings. There were some problems initially because when we organized the first meeting none of the staff turned up apart from the Governor. We want staff to come to the meetings because they want to, not because they have to. “At first, I didn’t think the voting was a good idea, but it did get a lot of people involved and there are now people on the prison council that now have a focus and enjoy the council, and that alone must be a positive. There are several points that we have brought up within the council, including how long we have in the exercise yard. Hopefully this can be looked at and addressed.” Tony, leader of the Housing and Employment group, said:

“I think the council has got massive potential and can help the ways things are run and dealt with inside the prison.” “We want to change the public perception of prisons and prisoners. I want to help others inside the prison and would love everyone to have some form of education and even a degree.” Jermaine, leader of the Resettlement Party, said: “Obviously individuals in the prison are here because they have committed an offence. Prisoners want to change their ways and be positive but we need guidance so that when they are released back

“I think the council has got massive potential and can help the ways things are run and dealt with inside the prison. There have been some issues with re-categorisation that have been frustrating, but I’m hoping that this can be looked at within the prison council because I know others have been affected by it as well.” Mick Hinde, Prison staff member in charge of running the prison council, said: “The staff comments were very positive about how it all went and that must be a good thing. I believe the prison council will help to bridge the gap between staff and prisoners. My hope is that a lot of issues that are raised by the prisoners can be discussed and solved within the prison council. “My ambition is to help change Camp Hill for the better and with support from the prisoners I think it can happen.” Darren added: “Hopefully the prison can look at doing some kind of work in the community. The visit we had from IW Council Leader David Pugh and High Sheriff Gay Edwards was great and we really appreciated them giving up their time to come and see the prison council. It would be great to invite them back again to see how the council is progressing.”

Your sign can become a hermit all too easily, try to mix a little or join a new group of interests or research. You need a 2010 project.


Money talk and house moves are uppermost for the next few months, but it’s a minefield. Ask for advice from a trusted friend before you make any decisions.


A little lovers tiff or a big bust up? Which way will this go? It’s up to you to be honest and straight talking even if your popularity takes a slight dip.


Give praise where it’s due or fear the anger of a partner or friend. Sometimes you take it all for granted, not meaning to, but if you notice this happening act fast Leo...


Travel looks a bit complicated, not the ferries again I hear you say, no it’s other people messing things up and you’re in no mood for this at the moment!


Someone rather special and funny has the romance feeling for you, but do you even know who it is? Might be time to try and find out your secret admirer.


Times and signs, numbers and colours all point to change. Look out for them as they are around you in your everyday life. Something or someone is trying to help you see this.


Try to avoid the sales, you are meant to be saving. What a joke, but try your best. You will need every penny soon for a big move or work change .


In a party mood? Watch out then, an ex or old flame still has feelings for you and you need to tread carefully around them for fear of hurting them all over again.


Animals or small children prove to be not just an expense, but a worry too. A health problem is not serious, but will need attention at some point soon.


Left to right: Mick Hinde, Wesley, Tony, Jermaine, Darren and Peter Killeen

Learn your lesson from whatever recent events happened to you. Move on with your best foot forward... please don’t look back!



Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599


The Gazette, Friday, January 15, 2010

Insp Paul Saville and Archdeacon Caroline Baston at the St Thomas carol service



THE ISLE of Wight Community Christmas Eve carol service at St Thomas’s Church drew members of the armed forces, the emergency services, Isle of Wight councillors and Island pupils along with many residents from across the Island. The service was dedicated to all IW public service personnel but most notably colleagues lost in 2009 including Penny Deacon, Jim Dunn, Paul Fletcher, Laura Groves, Carol Lovelock, James Quigley and Paul Westmore. It was led by the Archdeacon of the Isle of Wight, the Venerable Caroline Baston, who gave a welcome and an opening prayer after the first carol, Once in Royal David’s City. Following the second carol, The First Noel, a reading from Isaiah 9 was given by police sergeant Gary May, IW councillor Julie Jones-Evans and environmental officer Mick Halliday. After the third carol, O Little Town

of Bethlehem, a reading from Luke 2 was given by Hannah Clarke from Medina High School, Harry Tremlett from Ryde School and Kate Denton from Carisbrooke High School. Then the Archdeacon gave a reflection after the congregation sang Silent Night, Holy Night and Away in a Manger was the next carol to be sung. Prayers and the lighting of candles were then made for those who “served the Isle of Wight,” including those who grieve and for the armed forces and emergency services. Following a blessing by the Archdeacon and a final carol, Hark The Herald Angels Sing, a retiring collection was made to be shared between the Earl Mountbatten Hospice, Help For Heroes and Newport Minster. Hot chocolate and mince pies were served as the congregation filed out from Newport Minster.

NFU PRESIDENT Peter Kendall visited Coppid Hall Dairy Farm at Havenstreet with young members of the NFU on the Island yesterday (Thursday) at 10am. This progressive business, known as Wight Milk, has a processing plant, supplying fresh milk via a doorstep delivery service and a wholesale arm that distributes to hotels, restaurants and direct retailers. He also addressed Island farmers about the future challenges facing farming at their annual general meeting on Wednesday (January 13), outlining the NFU’s Why Farming Matters More Than Ever campaign, with reference to the forthcoming General Election. Mr Kendall said: “For my part, I see an industry that is increasingly confident about its future and optimistic about its fortunes. And it has been heartening to see Defra Secretary of State Hilary Benn acknowledge the importance of productive agriculture in unequivocal terms over the past year. I am pleased to see the detailed work that Defra has begun on food security in

The NFU president with members of the organisation the UK and the resilience of our industry.” The NFU will be asking a future Government to build on this work and to give greater resource to research and development to support the food and farming industries Isle of Wight NFU chairman Laurie Calloway, of Arreton, said he was delighted to be welcoming the next generation of farm business-people to this NFU breakfast meeting. He commented: “There is no doubt about the importance of

attracting and encouraging more young people to work within UK agriculture and horticulture. We need to recruit 60,000 people at management level over the next decade because our industry must meet the challenge of helping to feed the world’s growing population. British agriculture has a long and impressive history of providing the goods. So I have every confidence that the next generation of farmers and growers has the ability to produce more food yet impact less on the environment.”

The Gazette, Friday, January 15, 2010

Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599





FOUR Islanders have been named in the New Year’s Honours list this year with two OBEs and two MBE’s being awarded to very worthy individuals. Shanklin resident and Chief Executive of the Riverside Centre in Newport, Richard Priest has been awarded an OBE for his services to the community in the Isle of Wight. A ‘local boy’, Richard is also a town councillor for Shanklin and a former town mayor, a co-leader at Shanklin Youth Club and a trustee of the Real World Trust. He is also a school governor at Shanklin C of E Primary School and Sandown Adam, Jane and Richard Priest with a High School as well as being on the board 2009, leaving wife Kitty, sons Pat, of Medina Housing Association Joe and Richard, five grandchildren and being involved in many other and three great grandchildren. organisations and committees. Arthur Priest served in the Richard sadly lost his father just transport corps during the Second before Christmas but was able to talk World War, receiving campaign to him about his coming award. “I medals for seeing action in North have mixed emotions because of my Africa and Italy – including at the dad, obviously, but it is a tremendous battle of Monte Cassino. honour for all of the family,” said On leaving the Army, he played Richard. rugby for the Saracens. The family “It’s good for the Island too – for moved to the Island in the late a working class bloke from humble 1950’s, and he worked in the Post origins,” added Richard whose father Office until the late 1970’s when, due Arthur James Priest (best known to ill health, he retired. around Lake/Sandown as Joe), was Richard will be hearing soon about born March 1, 1924 (St David’s Day) the actual presentation of his OBE at in Wales, and died December 16, the palace where he will be taking his

Hospice Fundraising: Telephone - 528989 Walk the Wight 2010 - registration now open

copy of the London Gazette wife Jane and son Adam. “My son is hoping that Jenson Button might be there,” he laughed. Also receiving an OBE is William Hynett, Group Chief Executive of the B-N Group at Bembridge Airport for his services to the Defence Industry. Jet (Terence) Harris has been given an MBE for his services to music. The legendary guitarist, who was the original bass guitarist with Cliff Richard and the Shadows, now lives in Bembridge with his family. Ian Davis, who also hails from Bembridge, was awarded an MBE for his services to the House of Commons where he is Trainbearer to the Speaker.


FRUSTRATED mobile phone users have criticised network giants Vodafone after being without a signal for up to two weeks over Christmas and the New Year. Residents in an area around Shanklin and Luccombe suffered their third signal failure in less than a month when a Vodafone mast was out of action due to an antenna problem. The breakdown also caused temporary failures on other parts of the Island The troubles began back in November when the mast was first reported as faulty. It was temporarily mended only for the problems to return in mid-December for eight days before going off again before Christmas, and staying off until several days into January. Peter and Mandy Fuller, who run catering company Mandibles from Luccombe said: “We had a lot of work booked during that period, and we also carried out an advertising campaign with our mobile numbers as contacts. “But because we could not receive a signal it was a very stressful time, and although we contacted Vodafone many times to complain, they didn’t

seem in any hurry to do anything about it. I am sure it cost us a lot of money, but all they did was make a derisory offer of compensation.” Engineer Stephen Murphey, who lives nearby, was on 24-hour emergency call during the whole of the Christmas and New Year, and found it virtually impossible to carry out his work. He said: “It meant having to leave home every half hour and travel half a mile or so to as point where I could get a signal to see if I had any messages. We have several mobile phones at home, all on Vodafone, but no one could make or receive calls for more than two weeks. “We made a number of calls to Vodafone from our landline but to be honest they didn’t seem too bothered that they let us down so badly. When there was a problem with the landlines on Boxing Day, BT were without within a couple of hours to mend the fault. I see no reason why Vodafone could not have acted as

swiftly.” Peter White was another who was affected by the signal failure. He said: “Vodafone were making all kinds of excuses as to why the signal was down, but it just seemed they didn’t want to come out and mend the mast during the Christmas and New Year period. “First they said it could be an electrical problem, and then they said they were waiting for a new part to arrive. But as soon as the holiday period was over they put on a temporary replacement, and then within a couple of hours they put the new part on.” A Vodafone spokesman confirmed: “There were some isolated issues with our cell site in the Luccombe area of the Isle of Wight and this has impacted on Vodafone’s network availability in the area. “A temporary solution was put in place and we restored full network coverage as soon as possible. We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused for our customers.”

Winter Gardens on Sunday January 24 and Sunday February 14. Violinist Stephen Bingham will be performing in January while Frances Mason THIS year’s Walk the Wight and Jennie Broome on Violin takes place on Sunday May 16 and Harp will be hosting the and we are hoping to top the amazing 11,500 walkers we had February Recital. The concerts are free to attend and will both last year! start at 2.30pm. There will be You can register now for this year’s Walk the Wight by going a collection for the Hospice at the end of both Recitals. to www.iwhospice.org/wtw There will once again be a full walk option of 26 miles, 2 half Chairman of IW distance options and the 8 mile council’s charity ball flat walk. COUNCILLOR Arthur Taylor Forms will also be available and Mrs Doreen Taylor Invite from all the Hospice shops. you to a charity ball in aid of the If you prefer you can call the Earl Mountbatten Hospice and Hospice fundraising team on Haylands Farm. The ball will 528989 and we will send you be held at Cowes Yacht Haven a form. Please remember you on Friday February 12, starting will need one form for EACH at 7pm. This will be a black walker, including children. tie event to include a 3 course You must register in dinner, auction and raffle and advance to take part in dancing to Bob Howarth Big Walk the Wight 2010. Band. Ticket price is £35 to If you would like your child include a drink on arrival. to take part in Schools Walk For more information phone the Wight, please contact your the Events Office on 823525. child’s school and ask to speak to the Schools Walk the Wight Coordinator. Unused presents www.iwhospice.org/wtw will be regularly updated with all the news about Walk the Wight 2010, so please check back to keep up to date.

Pumphouse Gang to play in memory of Sue LOCAL bands Pumphouse Gang, Mechanix and Cats Like Plain Crisps are holding a gig at Ryde Castle on Saturday January 23 2010 from 7.30pm. There will also be DJ’s MC Mike Stanz and Kitty Jes Lytle holding court on the night. The Concert is in Remembrance of Sue Oxford and will raise money for the Island’s Hospice. Tickets are £10 and are available from Strings, Monkton St, Ryde, The Simeon Arms, Ryde, Hospice Charity Shops and from Hospice Fundraising on 528989.

make great raffle prizes

IF YOU have received a present this Christmas that you really don’t think you can use perhaps you might like to consider gifting it to the Hospice Fundraising Team to use as a raffle prize. We hold raffles at various events all year round and they are a great way of raising funds for the Hospice. Suitable items could include sealed bottles of alcohol, unopened packs of toiletries, unopened perfume, new gift sets, new sealed board games and new kitchen sets. To donate your gifts simply telephone the fundraising team on 528989 to arrange a suitable time for you to bring your donation into the hospice.

For full Hospice event listings please visit www.iwhospice.org or Sunday recitals at keep up to date with all the latest news and Winter Gardens events on Twitter at THE ever popular classical www.twitter.com/ recitals continue at the Ventnor EarlMBHospice



Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599


The Gazette, Friday, January 15, 2010

POLICE LOOK FOR JEWELLERY OWNER POLICE are appealing for information to help trace the owners of some jewellery that was found at an address in Winford. A number of items

were recovered by officers at an address last month during seperate police enquiries into a recent burglary in Apse Heath. Isle of Wight CID

is investigating the possibility these items were stolen recently. Photographs of the jewellery have been released in the hope someone

will recognise their property and contact police with more information about where they came from. Detectives are keen to establish whether any criminal offences have been committed, and return these items to their rightful owners. Some of the more distinctive items found by police are three gold rings and a gold necklace. Anyone with information is asked to phone Isle of Wight CID at Newport Police Station on 101. Information can also be given anonymously by calling Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Geoffrey Hughes, Dougie Stephens and Council chair Arthur Taylor


ALTHOUGH he was recovering from a recent hip replacement operation, actor Geoffrey Hughes was demonstrating one of Meadowside Mobility’s scooters with Chair of IW Council Arthur Taylor, at the launch of the company at the Riverside Centre. Recent legislation from Health and Safety has meant

that mobility scooters can no longer be carried on coaches bringing holidaymakers down to the Island. As an established entertainer in many of the Island’s hotels Dougie Stephens noticed that elderly visitors were finding problems getting around and he decided to help them out. Starting with a couple of

scooters last year, Dougie now hopes to have a fleet of ten up and running by the summer. He keeps them out at his home in Lake and can deliver them to customers at their holiday destinations. “Sandown and Shanklin is 99 per cent of my customer base,” said Dougie. “Usually people have a similar model to the one they hire at home.”

The Gazette, Friday, January 15, 2010

Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599




JOOLS HOLLAND EKURBREKAL MAKE FIRST EP SET TO RETURN TO THE ISLAND JOOLS HOLLAND and his full Rhythm and Blues Orchestra, featuring Gilson Lavis, are to make a long awaited return to Ryde Arena on Friday April 23, 2010. Green Eye Events directors Annie Horne and Neil Roberts are very pleased to have finally secured this date on the tour. Neil Roberts said: “Since the last amazing performance here in 2005 we have approached Jools each year for a return to the Isle of Wight but the timing has never been quite right. This time the dates available fitted perfectly into his schedule and here we are.” The current 20-piece Jools Holland and His Rhythm & Blues Orchestra consists of pianist, organist, drummer, three female vocals, guitar, bass guitar, two tenor saxophones, two alto saxophones, baritone saxophone, three trumpets, and four trombones. Annie Horne said: “This show will undoubtedly be as exhilarating as the last one, which was a lively and vibrant performance and a fantastic evening of entertainment. The audience loved it and with guest vocalists Ruby Turner and Louise

Marshall appearing with Jools this time, I am sure it will again be a night to remember.” Tickets for the Ryde Ice Arena performance are £31.50 (may be subject to booking fee) and are available Ryde Ice Arena telephone 01983 615155, Ticket hotline 0871 376 1000 and online with ferry booking at www. wightlink.co.uk/joolsholland and in person at The Blacksheep Bar, Ryde, Visual Impact (Mens) Newport and all Island Tourist Information Centres.

THE ISLAND’S first ‘poetry band’ Ekurbrekal release their four track debut EP, ‘Musk in the Morning’ at the end of January. Led by ‘gender transcient’ Phaedra Kelly, the band include Brian Hinton on keyboards and Chris Cook on guitar who also writes all of the music over which Phaedra recites her poetry. “In performance I only sing one cover number ‘Memory from Turner’ from the film Performance (starring Mick Jagger), which is based on the words of William Burroughs,” said Phaedra. “I’ve renamed it ‘Memory from Phaedra.’ The song is often named as a precursor to rap.” Phaedra was formerly with the Electromagnetic Workshop with Melinda Rann, which broke up last year. ‘She’ was also a model with the Lace Model Agency in Newport

Jools Holland will be in Ryde this April



1. Lower down, the thing stirs at twelve (8) 2. Bank to hold speck at distance (8) 3. Pull up to inhale second puff (4) 5. Sell better at ad hoc counter (7,5) 6. Round, yet there’s nothing in it (4)

Ekurbrekal performing at Quay Arts on National Poetry day site www.myspace.com/ecurbrekal with Maggie’s video being the first,” said Phaedra Kelly. John Cattle of Wight trash is currently making a film about the band and the EP will be hopefully be available through his website. It will also be on sale at Black Sunshine in Newport and Black Orchid in Ryde along with other outlets Islandwide.

CROSSWORD ANSWERS To the puzzle from December 18 2009, issue 46


1. Sorcerer envelops Irish king in illusion (6) 4. Fixed end brought forth (8) 9. Block request for fabric (6) 10. Huffy gasp over dropped instrument (8) 12. Italy to love volunteers for scrap (4) 13. Slide to shelter in church (5) 14. Make better pickle (4) 17. Cheek loyal Mr Wild. Good grief! (4,8) 20. Eccentric, like milliner? (3,2,1,6) 23. Try to understand (4) 24. Mix up from two days in beer (5) 25. Sheltered when weapons raised (4) 28. Large key to lunar pub? (5,3) 29. Australia in the market for composer (6) 30. Atmospheric conditions for chaps in steel mill (8) 31. Bird takes a way from set (6)

from the mid eighties. Readers may remember ‘her’ 1985 wedding at which she wore a wedding dress and her bride wore a suit. The band has also forged links with a ‘Russian Ecurbrakal’ in Latvian born transsexual Margaret Mankevitch who is based in Moscow. Phaedra Kelly met Maggie in Russia in 1992. “We have heard that Putin has made illegal all persons of difference; Goth, Emo and Transgender persons who look apart from others have been being arrested on the streets and taken to a “re-education” camp near one of the Lakes, a kind of Guantanimo Bay for minorities in general. So Ecurbrekal is using the network of the human rights organisation International Gender Transient Affinity, to contact such minorities and to try to show their artwork on the western-based

7. Dull to develop a queen’s side piece (6) 8. Caught by demand to hold races (6) 11. Many in succession crowded together with firm (5, 3, 4) 15. Dirty sheep return over earth (5) 16. Started for example in block (5) 18. Popular measure (8) 19. Cheer up when man not left inside (8) 21. Immaculate match as teams do their bit (6) 22. Wise man catches state barbarian (6) 26. Time in charge of garden party (4) 27. Piece of turf with a drink (4)


Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599



The Gazette, Friday, January 15, 2010


First of all we would like to congratulate you on your forthcoming wedding plans. There’s a lot to do to plan your big day and make it every bit as special as you deserve it to be. We’ve put together a rough guide to help put you on track and help you to plan your big day.

Your 12 month countdown

Set the date! Decide on the date and place of your wedding. If you are getting married in church make an appointment with the Minister. If you are having a civil ceremony visit the registrar in your area. Draw up a guest list and set a budget for your wedding Organise wedding insurance before you pay any deposits Book your reception/arrange the catering Choose and book your photographer Arrange for a video or DVD of the big day Choose your attendants: Bridesmaids, Best Man, Ushers, Witnesses Choose your wedding dress, decide on a colour scheme for the wedding, choose attendants outfits, shop for accessories Book your honeymoon Order your wedding cake and wedding favours. Arrange your transportation, remember “arrive in style.

From 6-9 Months

Select your invitations & Stationery (wedding invites, order of service, place settings, etc) See the florist Buy the wedding rings Book the entertainment (musicians, DJ, fireworks) Book the balloons and any other decorations

From 3 Months

Compile wedding present list Send out invitations, include a map and a list of accommodations for out of town guests Schedule rehearsal time and date, have you selected hymns, booked organist? Consult your hair stylist, and organise your make up Have you got all the accessories for the big day? Underwear? Shoes? Jewellery? Headdress? Don’t forget to start wearing in your shoes around the house Shop for Mum’s outfit

1 day

Have a manicure Layout wedding dress & all accessories


Allow at least two hours for dressing Take a deep breath, Relax & ENJOY your day

From 2 Months

Apply for name change on passport Shop for going away outfit Start writing speeches Plan stag & hen nights

From 1 month

Have final dress fitting Have trial run with make up & hair Hold stag / hen night

The Gazette, Friday, January 15, 2010

Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599



BRIDAL SHOW AT SHANKLIN Regency Suite Bridal Show Sunday 31st January 2010 11am-4pm

The first bridal show of the season is at Shanklin Conservative Club’s Regency Suite on Sunday January 31 from 11am till 4pm. And the highlight of the show is the stunning gown catwalk show from Elizabeth Smith Bridal at 1pm. This well established show, organised by That’s Service Party Shop in Shanklin, is one of two they organise every year. With 25 exhibitors you will be able to book or buy everything you’ll need for your special day. Shanklin Conservative Club is also an ideal venue for your wedding reception and you could

take the opportunity to speak to the management on the day about prices and availability. That’s Service Party Shop can also help to make your dream day more magical. Not only can they supply flowers, both real and silk, they offer a hire service for stunning flower arches, bay trees, garlands and other decorations. Balloons are always popular and That’s Service can match them to your wedding colours, filled with helium, and can even supply matching serviettes. Or if you’re on a budget a DIY pack of 100 pearlised balloons in your colour of choice


with 100 ribbons and helium gas is only £70 (plus £50 returnable deposit for the gas canister). Favours for tables, champagne bubbles and table confetti are other items That’s Service has for weddings. And for your hen or stag night they have naughty novelty items you might like. A beautiful, interactive ending to your wedding evening might be That’s Service’s biodegradable Chinese Glo Lanterns. Your guests could light the lanterns and watch them sail off into the might sky whilst wishing you well in your future lives together.


Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599



The Gazette, Friday, January 15, 2010


A brand new year and a brand new look for the Tap in Sandown. The larger bar has had a complete makeover to re-open as a ‘Sports Bar and Grill’ and the pub are now offering a new full menu. Additions in the Sports Bar include new sofas, a football table and two more televisions making three screens in total. Sports memorabilia and the whole new look make the bar a Sky HD multi-screen venue with ESPN and Sky Sports. Added to this there are pool league and football tournaments every week, poker league every Monday at 7.30pm and live music every Friday and Saturday nights. Now serving food seven days a

week from 12.30pm to 8pm and Sunday roasts from 12.30pm to 4pm, whether you fancy a homemade burger on the sofa in front of the rugby or homemade steak and ale pie in the snug bar in front of the woodburner, The menu is fresh, home cooked, well priced and has something for everyone. Through the double doors from the Sports Bar, the snug hasn’t changed with its cosy atmosphere, antique furniture, real ales, photos of Sandown in days of yore and the wood-burning stove. Nina and Ben Barlow will offer you a warm welcome at this popular venue and pub, which they took over last March.

The Gazette, Friday, January 15, 2010

Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599

green, orange or pink fronted units with matching toilet seats for something bang up to date. A small range of disabled products is available. “We take care to look after people. Customer care is very important to us,” said Jerry who has been a bathroom fitter for 25 years. A small range of fireplaces, from traditional to modern,



JERRY LIGHTS UP VENTNOR Ventnor Bathroom and Fireplace Centre must be one of the most stylish and eye-catching bathroom showrooms on the Island in its corner location on the High Street and Victoria Road. Jerry Dalton has now been running the business for two years and is very grateful to all of his customers. “I’ve had a brilliant year,” said Jerry who supplies Islandwide specialising in non-branded items at affordable prices. “We have quality products and first class service from design to installation in association with NW Electrical and Plumbing,” said Jerry. The shop also has quality branded accessories from Roper Rhodes, the popular large headed Hudson Reed shower-heads, taps and wastes and Bristan taps. Montrose Furniture can be ordered in the finish you prefer to house your white furniture. Door fascias in various wood finishes through to modern laminates. You might even opt for Artisan’s day-glo


including Firewarm log-burning stoves are on sale, in solid fuel, multi fuel and electric options. The ‘Celtic’ Victorian style is particularly popular at £699. “We’re very flexible here – come and see me and I’ll give you a deal,” stressed Jerry who likes to get involved in each project from start to finish.


Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599



The Gazette, Friday, January 15, 2010


Husband and wife super slimmers from Shanklin lost over 18 stone between them, after their GPs warned them that they might die early. Since meeting 16 years ago Maria and Toby Webber’s waistlines had grown along with their relationship. But now, after shedding a mammoth 18st 1lb between them, the pair have been crowned Mr. and Mrs Slimmer of the Year 2010. Maria lost half her body weight, 9st 6lb, to now weigh 9st 7lb, and her husband, Toby, lost 8st 9lb to now weigh 12st 7lb. The pair received their prize for becoming Rosemary Conley Diet & Fitness magazine Mr. and Mrs Slimmer of the Year 2010 – a cheque for £1,000 – from Rosemary Conley, CBE, at a glittering ceremony held at the London Marriott County Hall . “It was quite nerve racking at the ceremony,” said Maria. “Rosemary was really proud of us and all our achievements and it was lovely to hear other people’s stories.” From wearing a dress size 26 and weighing 18st 13lb, 42-year old Maria has slimmed to a super slim size 10. Toby wore XXL clothes and weighed in at 21st 2lb but now the 38 year old wears size medium clothes. It was only in April 2008 when the pair began to feel unwell that they took action. Maria was tired all the time and suffered from lots of headaches. The osteoarthritis she had been diagnosed with several years before was getting worse and she could barely walk to the local shop and back. Toby, too, started to feel totally lethargic and his energy levels were at an all-time low. A medical check-up revealed that Maria had dangerously high levels of cholesterol and blood-sugar, putting her at high risk of heart attack, stroke or diabetes and Toby, who also had very high cholesterol, was only three points off needing medication for diabetes. “The doctor told us that if we wanted to be around long enough to see our son, who is 22, have his own children, we had to act now,” says Maria, who realised then that their overeating was ruining their lives. “It was the shock we needed to turn our lives around before it was too late,” added Toby.


Maria promptly joined Rosemary Conley classes with her mum, Jenny Grange, in April 2008 and both still attend twice a week – Jenny has lost three stones too. Toby followed the diet by proxy using the recipes and diet plan as his job as a prison officer made attending classes difficult. On their wedding anniversary in August 2008 they took

advantage of an offer from Bembridge Coast Hotel and sampled the gym for five days, and they’ve not looked back. “We knew that as well as doing the diet it would be hard to get rid of extra flabby bits and that it would help,” said Maria. “After a while it got better and we started going three times a week. We also started running a three-mile circuit and we’ve entered the Great North Run this year – we’re just waiting to hear from the organisers. Maria got to her goal in June 2009 and Toby just before. “I started off as a stone at a time,” said Maria. “Amanda (franchisee of the Rosemary Conley classes on the Island) was so un-judgemental I can’t tell you. She said: “You’ve taken the first step. You’re here and from here on in it gets better.” I didn’t go away thinking: “This is terrible.” I wanted to go back.” Both of the Webber’s cholesterol levels have come down and Toby is now within normal levels for diabetes. Maria no longer gets any of the arthritis problems she had in her knees. “We did it for our health and to live a longer life,” she said. Rosemary Conley said: “This is the first year we have presented the Mr. and Mrs Slimmer of the Year Award and it really couldn’t go to a lovelier couple. Maria and Toby have achieved a fantastic weight loss in just over a year. They had put on weight together and they have lost it together. I am thrilled that they have now both become so slim and fit. Before losing such a colossal amount of weight, they were putting their lives at risk. Now they’re planning to run a Half Marathon. How good is that?”

Before Maria and Toby began their diet

The Gazette, Friday, January 15, 2010

Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599





New for the New Year, the LittleJohn Clinic will not only be offering Kiron Patel’s skilful osteopathic treatments, there will also be counselling on offer from Wendy Cooper’s First Step Counselling. “I am really happy to be joining Kiron’s team at the LittleJohn clinic,” said Wendy. “He is a well regarded as an osteopath and a very charming young man.” Kiron came to the Gazette office this week to help us with our aches and pains and we were amazed at the effectiveness of his treatments. Sitting hunched over a computer can cause many posture problems and all of the editorial staff had varying degrees of discomfort

that Kiron’s skillful manipulations helped to alleviate. “People who drive, use a computer, knit or just read can get problems with their necks and shoulder blades, which can shoot down their arms,” said Kiron. In fact it was problems with his own shoulder blades as a child that brought Kiron into the profession. “I had a lot of pain in my shoulder and I couldn’t do anything about it. But then I went to an osteopath and he had me treated within one session – and I had no more pain,” he explained. “Most musculo skeletal problems can be helped by osteopathy and I love doing shoulders and knees because they’re more interesting

areas to treat and you get really good results. “Tension headaches can be cured by manipulating the muscles and the joints. And cranial osteopathy can be used for ailments such as sleepless nights and for babies with colic and problems caused by their delivery. My client base is from age 21 days to 102 years. “If you’ve slipped on the ice and hurt yourself you can come for help. It’s also good for sports injuries such as tennis elbow and golfing problems. And I’m not kidding but I’ve had three people come to me with injuries from using the Nintendo Wii since Christmas Day.” A graduate of the British

School of Osteopathy, Kiron has a photograph of himself being presented with his degree by their patron Princess Anne in 2007 on the wall of his spacious yet cosy clinic. He moved to the Island only six months ago after previously working part time in the clinic for a year. Wendy Cooper trained in Integrative counselling at Southampton University and has a background in bereavement therapy. “First step counselling provides an opportunity for clients to take a first step to improve their emotional wellbeing. I will be treating clients for depression, anxiety, bullying, relationship

issues, bereavement and life changes,” she explained. “I believe that counselling is a two way process, where the client is the expert on his or her own life. I provide a safe and supportive space for my client where they may find potential for clear thinking and new possibilities. The Littlejohn Clinic is ideally situated beneath the Conservative Club just opposite the turning into Regent Street with access via Cross Street. Wheelchair and disabled access is very good. You can find out more about Wendy and Kiron on the January 23 at the New Year New You pampering and information day at the Riverside Centre.



Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599


The Gazette, Friday, January 15, 2010




The Gazette, Friday, January 15, 2010

Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599









Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599



The Gazette, Friday, January 15, 2010


The Gazette, Friday, January 15, 2010

Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599





2009 - 2010


Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599


The Gazette, Friday, January 15, 2010

The Gazette, Friday, January 15, 2010

Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599







Jobcentre Plus Reference Number. How to Apply:



Previous experience an advantage but training will be provided. Duties to include emptying bins, vacuuming floors, cleaning toilets, cleaning kitchens and all other associated tasks as required

£6.00 per hour. 3 hours per week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.


NIW/9832 - Visit www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk or call 01983 276803 to speak to an adviser quoting the reference number.

Night Care Assistant


Must be aged 18 plus Some experience preferred but training can be given. The position will involve providing personal care and looking after the wellbeing of up to 24 elderly residents some having mental health problems

£43.28 - £70.84 per night. 22 hrs per week. Between 9pm 8am over 7 days.


RFM/6062 - Visit www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk or call 01983 276803 to speak to an adviser quoting the reference number.



Previous cooking experience for up to 24 meals preferred. Duties preparing and cooking Sunday lunch for elderly clients. Health and hygiene certificate preferred, but training can be provided.

Exceeds National Minimum Wage. 3 hrs per week. Sunday 10am-1pm.


RFM/6008-Visit www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk or call 01983 276803 to speak to an adviser quoting the reference number.



Required for 3 year old girl and two boys aged 6 and 7. Must be a confident, fun nanny who’ll be active with the children, but also firm but fair enforcing manners and routines and who can also drive.

£6.34 -£7.51 per hour. 9 hrs per week, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 3.30pm to 6.30pm.


NIW/9774- Visit www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk or call 01983 276803 to speak to an adviser quoting the reference number.

Creche Workers


Required to join our bank of staff to cover our mobile crèche service as well as our regular creche facilities within other organisations. Experience with children is essential.


NIW/9704- Visit www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk or call 01983 276803 to speak to an adviser quoting the reference number.



Required to join our bank of staff to cover family requirements as well as hotel, holidays lets and other venues. Experience with children essential.

£6.25-£8.45 per hr. As & when required basis, no set working patterns. Min. shift 3 hrs and will involve evenings and weekends. £6.25 - £8.45 per hour 3+ hours per week


NIW/9703 - Visit www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk or call 01983 276803 to speak to an adviser quoting the reference number

Nursery/Pre School Supply Staff


Qualified Staff to join our bank to cover our Clients requirements in Nurseries and preschools in our coverage areas. Experience with children essential. Level 2 or 3 Childcare Qualification is also required.

£6.25 - £8.45 per hour 3+ hours per week


NIW/9706 - Visit www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk or call 01983 276803 to speak to an adviser quoting the reference number

Stores Person/ Driver


Applicants must be 25 for insurance purposes, have a full driving licence. Must have some knowledge of automotive re finish products/paints. Applicants will be ideally IT literate and some heavy lifting will be involved.

Exceeds National Minimum Wage. 20 hours plus per week, You will also be required to cover sickness and holidays.


NIW/9759- Visit www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk or call 01983 276803 to speak to an adviser quoting the reference number

Internal Sales Adviser/ Stores Person


Must have good written and communications skills. You will be working in a busy office and will be an all rounder. Some experience and product knowledge preferred but not essential.

Exceeds National Minimum Wage. Full time - Mon – Fri 7.30am – 5pm and alternate Sat 8am -12noon.


RFM-6065 Visit www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk or call 01983 276803 to speak to an adviser quoting the reference number



Previous experience in a similar role essential. Duties to include emptying bins, vacuuming floors, cleaning toilets, cleaning kitchens and all other associated tasks as required.

£6 per hr. 3 hrs per week Mon, Weds and Fri. Either early morning or after 5pm.


NIW/9832 - Visit www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk or call 01983 276803 to speak to an adviser quoting the reference number

Nursery Manager

Newport and Shanklin

You will manage our established Nursery & Pre-School based in Newport for 6 months and then transfer to a permanent post at our new nursery in Shanklin. Relevant level 3 or above qualification required as well as significant experience at manager or deputy level in an early years setting.

£22-£24,000 per annum. 40 hrs per week over 5 days £6.56 per hr.


NIW/9839 - Visit www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk or call 01983 276803 to speak to an adviser quoting the reference number

Senior Carer


Senior Carers, both day & night shifts, days/nights to be agreed. Applicants must have previous experience and NVQ qualification 2 or 3 is essential. You will be required to lead a shift.

Day and night shifts – hours to be arranged


RFM/6020 - Visit www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk or call 01983 276803 to speak to an adviser quoting the reference number



Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599


The Gazette, Friday, January 15, 2010


The Wightlink Raiders started the new year in style beating Milton Keynes Thunder 6-2, in front of a packed crowd at Ryde Arena. The Raiders managed to secure a victory over the visiting side, when despite being plagued by penalties, they converted the slow start into a third period thriller. The home team were unlucky to go behind early in the first period when Milton Keynes logged themselves a powerplay goal following a hooking call against Steve Gosset. It took the Raiders until the 15-minute mark to log their first strike of the evening with another powerplay goal from Alex

Murray assisted by Steve Gosset and defenceman Damon Larter. The Raiders took the lead in the second period with Danny Hughes scoring the team’s second of the night with a signature slapshot assisted again by Damon Larter. But Milton Keynes drew level just two minutes later, to tie the game at 2-2 heading into the third period. After failing to take control of the game for the first 40 minutes, the Island side stepped out for the third period with one intention alone, to score goals. And they did just that, with three inside the first four minutes of the period.

James Udell scored his fifth of minutes, eventually successfully through coach Jeremy Cornish, the season assisted by hard hitting killing them all, before proceeding assisted by Alex Murray and Luke defenceman Dan Scott, shortly to score their sixth of the evening Reynolds. followed only nine seconds later by a goal from long serving Raider Andrew Robinson, assisted again by Dan Scott and youngster Kieran Annis. The Raiders hit the net again on 43 minutes with a well-taken short-handed effort by playmaker Stewart Tait, assisted by experienced blue liner Steve Gannaway. The Islanders then hit penalty trouble falling foul of the referee’s whistle and incurring six different penalties in the following thirteen


The Wightlink Tigers suffered their second defeat in as many weeks against local rivals when Solent & Gosport Devils. The Tigers started well and were on the score sheet within two minutes, junior Jordan Ricketts found the back of the net, assists going to Ricky Attrill and fellow junior team mate Aaron Edwards. The game was fast and aggressive and on eight minutes Tony Blaize fired one over the blue line to beat the Devils net minder to make it 2-0. The new ruling restricting the use of goal judges behind netting then denied Jason Coles a goal, as the puck deflected back off the inner top strut. The visitors failed to capitalise on the man

advantage as the Devils were penalized, but did successfully kill off an interference call against them. Solent pulled one back just before the midway point, but the Tigers went into the break ahead. The second period saw the Devils draw level after just 90 seconds. Ricketts then grabbed his second of the night assisted again by line mate and man of the match Atrrill for the Tigers. The home side made the most of the man advantage when the Tigers were sent to the bin to level the scores and when Adam Rich was ejected from the game with a match penalty for butt ending, they were handed five minutes of power play opportunity to take hold of the game.

It did take nearly three minutes of the power play to grab the lead, which incidentally did involve the player that got Rich ejected from the game. The top bar cruelly denied Jordan Ricketts his first senior hat trick as his shot was deflect high over the net and the Tigers went into the second trailing by a single goal. The third period saw the Devils extend their lead after five minutes of play and the Tigers were dealt a further blow as the home side’s sixth goal was deflected in off one of the visitors’ skates. The final goal of the game went the way of Solent to make it 7-3, and once again the Tigers were denied any glory, despite one of the best displays in recent games.

SPONSORSHIP BOOST The Wightlink Raiders ice hockey team has received a financial boost after Plumbing and Heating Merchant Plumbing Trade Supplies (PTS) presented them with a cheque for £800, as part of a new sponsorship deal.

PTS Newport, managed by David Stanford, got involved with the team this season as part of their ‘Supporting Island Life’ programme. The sponsorship money has gone towards the cost of sticks, tape and pucks for the team.

PTS Manager David Stanford presents cheque to Raiders Jeremy Cornish


Ventnor Cricket Club celebrated a season of great success at their annual dinner and awards evening at the Eversley Hotel. Chairman John Hilsum paid tribute to the players whose efforts had secured a hat-trick of promotions and provided some great Southern Electric Twenty20 Cup memories, including the final under the Rose Bowl floodlights. He also congratulated Danny Briggs on his success with Hampshire and the England U19 side and Chris Russell in clinching a first class contract with Worcestershire. Mr Hilsum said: “To have three boys from Ventnor (including Steven Snell who plays for

Gloucestershire) playing the game professionally is a terrific achievement for them personally and a source of great pride for the club.” President Brian Gardener congratulated the first team, who will play at the prestigious Newclose Groundin the ECB Southern Electric Premier League Division 1 next season, and to the second eleven who won the Hampshire League Division 4 championship. Mr Gardener also acknowledged the success of the third team who won promotion to the first division of the Island League and the U11 side who achieved the league and cup double.

The club also won the Island Webservices Senior Cup, the IWCB outdoor sixes and Twenty20 Cup and the inaugural Newclose Twenty20 competition in what turned out to be an impressive season for the Steephill club. Mr Gardener presented the following awards: Sat 1st XI player of the season – Ian Hilsum Sat 2nd XI player of the season – Arthur Halsey Sat 3rd XI player of the season – Charlie Turpin Sun 1st XI player of the season – David Beven Sun 2nd XI player of the season – Marcus Toms Young player of the season –

Adam Hose Barbara Rogers Memorial trophy - James Cheek Clubman of the year: Paul Franklin Supporters of the year - Mark and Jacky Turpin Young clubman of the year: Charlie Turpin Life Membership – Steven Snell Hat-trick balls – David Beven and Ian Hilsum Social Secretary Ray Herridge congratulated John Hilsum on a national ECB/Sky Sports award for his outstanding voluntary service to grass roots cricket over more than 30 years. The award was presented at the Rose Bowl in September by David Lloyd, and

it acknowledged John’s work in establishing a coach education programme and his major influence in the creation of the Isle of Wight Cricket Academy and the Newclose County Cricket Ground. Mr Herridge presented John with a gift on behalf of the club in recognition of the richly deserved award. Certificates to acknowledge the work of club members (ECB Outstanding Services to Cricket Awards) were presented by Brian Gardener to Fiona Newnham, Jim Pidgeon and Graeme Burnett. Alan Olver presented his annual young player award to Matthew Dominguez.

The Gazette, Friday, January 15, 2010

the gazette

Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599






Send your sports news to newsdesk@iwgazette.co.uk


With temperatures dropping outside, the action was red hot inside Ryde Arena, when the Wightlink Raiders hosted the Cardiff ENL Devils in a thrilling English National League match. Despite the best efforts of the Island side, the Welshmen were too strong as they narrowly clinched a 5-4 victory to claim the points. The Raiders received a welcome boost prior to face-off, when it was announced that new signing Steve Slater would be taking his place in the starting line up. The experienced forward has been training hard throughout the

season and is hoping to bolster the team in the run up to the play-offs. Cardiff took the lead on 16 minutes, despite the home team having the majority of the shots. The impressive former Island junior player, Kieran Annis, drew the Raiders level five minutes later with a quick unassisted shot, bagging him his sixth point of the season. The Devils took the lead once again shortly afterwards, before another former Island Junior player Steve Gossett equalised with a short-handed effort, assisted by Captain Danny Hughes, to make it

2-2. The visitors regained the advantage on 28 minutes, before adding another six minutes later, leaving the home team with a two goal deficit and in need of a quick response. Coach Jeremy Cornish called a time-out, and straight after the Raiders pulled one back through American John Sarno, with Danny Hughes claiming his second assist of the night. Heading into the third period the Island side were looking strong and continued to apply pressure on the Devils. The breakthorugh came

on 44 minutes with a goal from Danny Hughes, assisted by local defenceman Damon Larter and line mate John Sarno. In the final few minutes the Raiders looked sure to secure at least the draw they had deserved from the match. But in the the dying moments of the game Cardiff’s Cory Watkins knocked home his second of the night following a scramble in front of the net to put the visitors in the lead with time fast running out. The Raiders quickly responded throwing attack after attack on the Cardiff zone, pulling Toby Cooley

from his net with 46 seconds to go in favour of an extra attacker. But despite their efforts they could not find that elusive fifth goal with the game ending 5-4 in favour of the Devils. Defenceman Damon Larter picked up the man of the match award for the Raiders, with Cardiff netminder Mike Brabon scooping the award for the Devils after the Raiders outshot their opponents 36 to 25 over three periods. The Raiders are next in action tomorrow (Saturday) when they take on the Peterborough Islanders at Ryde Arena with a 6pm face-off.


Rugby clubs across the Island are encouraging people to get involved in the sport, with opportunities for male and female players of all levels and ages available. Every Sunday, Vectis RFC provide qualified coaching facilities for Island youngsters of all ages using the club facilities at Sandown and

Ventnor. Younger ladies are training at the IOW club on Sunday mornings, and are currently seeking a coach. They are hoping to enter a team into the Bournemouth Sevens tournament in May. Ladies over 18-years-old are playing for fun at Ventnor on Tuesday evenings, and are again

seeking coaching support. Island schools are continuing to play an important role in rugby development on the Island, with Primary Schools in particular taking part in tag rugby competitions. There countywide schools competitions set to take place within the next few months,

as well as cup competitions for seniors and females. The great bond between schools and rugby clubs is demonstrated well, with most of the current first team of Sandown and Shanklin coming from Island schools and Vectis RFC. Newly promoted Sandown and

Shanklin first team are enjoying a good start to their first time in London South West Division Three, while the Hurries second team plays in the Hampshire Senior Merit Table. The Hurries have started a Veterans team and welcome older Island players who wish to display some of their legendary skills.


Contact the Gazette for News and Advertising: 01983 402599


The Gazette, Friday, January 15, 2010

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