ZINGER Mechanisatie B.V.
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GENERAL Terms of guarantee Terms of delivery Transport costs Return shipments Claims
Validity of guarantee: 1 year The guarantee is limited to the replacement of faulty parts. Machines are supplied partially unassembled. Zinger cannot be held liable for any damages and/or costs, arising from deliveries effected too late or incorrect deliveries. All prices are ex Borger Transport costs will be charged. Return shipments will only be accepted on consultation with the sales department. Claims relating to deliveries must be lodged in writing within 8 days after date of delivery
All the information contained here has been compiled with the utmost care, it can however not be seen as binding. As we engage in a programme of continual improvement, all prices, constructions and/or models are subject to modification without prior notification and without obligation in regard to previous deliveries. All prices and models stated in this price list are without obligation and excl. VAT Š ZINGER Mechanisatie b.v. - November 2013
ZIBO Machines comply with CE-norms. Since 1 January 1995 the application of the Machine Directive is obligatory. This is a legally binding, European guideline. All machinery marketed in Europe since that date, must carry CE-marking and be accompanied by a detailed manual for use and a so-called declaration of conformity. The CE-marking affixed to a machine is a symbol that indicates that the item complies with all the essential requirements of the Machine Directive.
All our quotations, all orders placed with us and all contracts concluded with us are subject to the METAALUNIE CONDITIONS, filed with the registrar of the District Court of Rotterdam, as stipulated in the latest text lodged with the said court. The Algemene Handelsvoorwaarden Landbouwwerktuigen and -uitrustingen (AHL) are included in these conditions. A copy of the Terms of Delivery will be sent to you on request.
ZINGER Mechanisatie B.V. - Borger
Postbus 102 9530 AC Borger (NL) Rolderstraat 2a 9531 TC Borger (NL)
Tel. +31 (0)599 234 418 Fax +31 (0)599 235 908 Internet www.zinger.nl E-mail info@zinger.nl
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...................................................................................................................................................... ZIBO Ditch diggers ...................................................................................................................................................... ZIBO Ridgers ...................................................................................................................................................... ZIBO Hoeing machines/ridgers ...................................................................................................................................................... ZIBO Hoeing machines ...................................................................................................................................................... GANDY Spreaders ...................................................................................................................................................... ZIBO Granulate spreaders ....................................................................................................................................................... ZIBO Powder application units ....................................................................................................................................................... ZIBO Fertilizer units ....................................................................................................................................................... ZIBO Drillmachines ...................................................................................................................................................... ZIBO ECO spreaders ...................................................................................................................................................... ZIBO Grass Drillmachines ....................................................................................................................................................... ZIBO 12 Volt Spreaders ....................................................................................................................................................... ZIBO Weed wipers ....................................................................................................................................................... LEHNER centrifugal spreader ...................................................................................................................................................... HANKMO Knife harrows ....................................................................................................................................................... ZIBO Mech. Pressure rollers ZIBO Hydr. Drive Assist Nose Wheel ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ZIBO (Front) Cultivators ...................................................................................................................................................... ZIBO Pressure rollers ...................................................................................................................................................... ZIBO Cage rollers ...................................................................................................................................................... ZIBO Packer discs ZIBO Packers single row .................................................................................... ........................ tandem .................................... .................................................................................. depth ploughing packer ..................................................... tandem depth ploughing packer .............................. Cam shaft rings ......................................................................................... plastic .......................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................ ZIBO Haulm toppers ...................................................................................................................................................... ZIBO Combi cultivators ...................................................................................................................................................... ZIBO Element cultivator ...................................................................................................................................................... ZIBO Front lifters ...................................................................................................................................................... ZIBO Fall breakers ...................................................................................................................................................... ZIBO Camera systems ....................................................................................................................................................... Parts Sieve belts/lifters ...................................................................................................................................................... Parts Tillage machines
4 6 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 24 24 25 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 32 32 33 34 35 36 37
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ZIBO ditch digger with horizontal adjustable disposable disc (hydr. powered) and support wheel
Drainage unit cpl. with hydr. frame
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ZIBO DITCH DIGGER TYPE SF improve water management on your land The ZIBO ditch digger is the solution to prevent puddle forming on fields. On particularly wet plots a narrow trench is dug before planting the crops at right angles to the rows. This avoids crop damage and water accumulating on the surface of the soil. Thanks to its depth, the trench remains intact and will promote drainage throughout the entire season. The ZIGO ditch digger can dig trenches up to 650mm deep from the centre (to the right) of the tractor. Trench width 110 or 155 mm (depending on the cutter mounting on the disc). Huge advantages of the ZIBO disc ditch digger: - Little or no damage - Disc runs behind the tractor wheel - The trenches stay operational after tillage - No deep trenches (trench cutter) that have to be flattened - The ZIBO ditch digger can also be used for drainage or to lay ground cables. The ZIBO ditch digger is fitted as standard with a frame on which the bearings of the impellor are independent of the gearbox. Type SF12040 SF17060 SF19070
Description ZIBO Disc Ditch digger ZIBO Disc Ditch digger ZIBO Disc Ditch digger
Diameter 120 cm 170 cm 190 cm
Max. working depth 40 cm 60 cm 70 cm
Price € 5.410,€ 6.035,€ 6.310,-
Delivered as standard with power take off with clearance and sheare bolt clutch. Advice speed: 300 - 500 metres/hour Options: direct delivered with the machine SF0315 Support wheel SF0316 Hydr. depth control SF0209 Adapter piece for ditch 1000 mm. from centre (to the right) SF0232 Adapter piece for ditch centred below the tractor SF0320 Drainage unit cpl. with hydr. frame SF0335 Horizontal adjustable disposable disc (hydr. powered) SF0615 Twin wheelset hydr. adjustable. SF02BC120 Share treated with carbide (SF120) SF02BC170 Share treated with carbide (SF170) SF02BC190 Share treated with carbide (SF190) Spare parts (shares) : Type Quantity Code SF120/40 SF170/60 SF190/60 * excl. bolts
7+7 9+9 10+10
SF02B14 SF02B18 SF02B20
Standard Shares set € 160,-* € 205,-* € 230,-* 5
€ 390,€ 655,€ 520,€ 760,€ 2.870,€ 2.690,on request € 160,€ 210,€ 230,-
Code Share carbide treated Shares set SF02BC14 € 320,-* SF02BC18 € 415,-* SF02BC20 € 460,-*
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ridging – ridging in grown crops
ridging – ridging with dividing dics before crops emerge
4-row ridging hiller type ‘Super’ with spray tracks frame 2
row Super ridging hillers
general + larger volume in ridges, fewer green tubers; + firm ridges, slower dehydration (better water management) and ridge remains intact all season; + allows activities to be started and stopped earlier; versatile use at different times; + can be used until leaf canopy closes; Ridge will warm up faster, so potatoes develop faster; + ridge retains shape better even in heavy rain; + temperature rise in ridge is slower in hot summer periods, so storage quality of the potatoes is improved; + Weeds can be dealt with in one single action so considerable savings on spraying costs can be achieved.
4-row ridging hiller, type ‘Super’ incl. 2 support wheels, sub soilers, pvc sliding plates and set edging boards €
4-row ridging hiller, type ‘Super’, incl. 2 support wheels, sub soilers, pvc sliding plates, set edging boards, hydraulically retractable €
at harvest + Easier to top haulms thanks to consistent shape of the ridge, no problems with stones and less dragging of haulms for the discs; + Round ridge gives less damage; + Less damage in the lifter by large amount of soil on the first mat.
8-row ridging hiller ‘Super’ hydraulically retractable, incl. 4 support wheels, sub soilers, sliding plates, set edging boards € 6
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ZIBO RIDGING HILLERS Options: 2 support wheels 4 support wheels Set edging boards fold. Set pvc edging boards for 4 row Set pvc edging boards for 8 row Cover full 4 row additional price Cover full 8 row additional price 2 outer covers full instead of half Lighting set (standard with 8 row) Spray tracks frame hydr. (2 rows) Spray tracks unit hydr. (1 row) Dividable divider plate (per set) Dividable divider with V-pull (per set)
€ € € € € € € € € € € € €
565,- * 1.135,- * 290,- * 350,- * 705,- * 390,785,340,345,765,595,89,110,
* = included in basic price
ZIBO fertilizer unit with 8 outlets for fertilizer application in the row, complete with metering wheel € 3.835,ZIBO fertilizer unit with 8 outlets for fertilizer application in the row, hydraulic drive € 3.890,ZIBO fertilizer unit with 8 outlets for fertilizer application in the row, electric drive, complete with control box, GPS-controlled and lifting sensor on request For other fertilizing units see page14.
ZIBO ridger with fertilizer unit and metering wheel
ZIBO ridger
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ZIBO RIDGING HILLER-HOE COMBINATION for optimal potato cultivation
Insert: ZIBO hoebalk 8 row with ZIBO Super aanaarders with edging boards
Type SB02
Hoe. + s.soiler + ridger
ZIBO Bar, 4 rows with 5 paras ZIBO Bar, 8 rows with 9 paras and 1 set support wheels
Hoe. + s.soiler + super ridger + edging boards € 5.675,-
FEATURES ZIBO SB02 Set support wheels Depth control using spindles Spindle setting with depth setting readout Tyres 16x6.50-8 Parallellogram Parallellogram with passing knuckles Depth control using spindles Spindle setting with depth setting readout Tyres 4.80/4.00-8 (ø 400 mm.) Standard shear pin protection for sub soiler & ridger
Reinforced frame (4 row) Frame with tube profile 120*120*4 mm. Hydraulic folding Reinforced frame (8 row) Frame with tube profile 400*120*5 mm. Foldable using 2 cylinders Hydraulics with settable throttle valve and check valve
Additional prices: 1. Sub soiler 2. Sub soiler forged point 3. Ridger version Rumptstad 4. Ridger ZIBO super, settable 5. Ridger ZIBO super, settable with PVC-edging boards (new) 6. Set separate pvc edging boards with mounting material 7. Ridger ZIBO super with hoe 8. Ridger version Cramer 9. Herringbone hoe version Cramer 10. Potato hoe 400 mm 11. Weeder blade for potato hoe 12. Maize hoeing unit 600 mm 13. Weeder blade for maize hoe 14. Maize vibrating hoe 15. Set maize vibrating hoes (version Kongskilde) 16. Foliage protector for maize comp. 17. Steering disc 18. Tool kit 19. Lighting set 20. Hydraulic folding 8
€ 50,€ 60,€ 160,€ 140,€ 215,€ 68,€ 145,on request on request € 83,€ 34,€ 93,€ 33,€ 145,€ 180,€ 240,€ 435,€ 105,€ 345,€ 1.200,-
IBO of work with Z A great piece
ZIBO HOE FOR BEETS AND OTHER SMALL CROPS The hoe beam and hoe elements are entirely revised and new The ZIBO frames have one profile so that the paras can be mounted over the entire width of the beam at any given distance for create the row distance required. Supplied as standard in widths of 3 and 6 metres. On request, any working width can be produced. The para-element has with passing knuckles and a support wheel for the spindle for the depth setting. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Beam 3100 mm manually fold. one side, with 7 paras, 6 row 50 cm€ Beam 6100 mm hydr. fold. with 13 paras, 12 row 50 cm € Beam 9100 mm, hydr. fold. with 19 paras, 18 row 50 cm € Hoe 400 mm € Weeder blade on hoe 400 mm € Vibrating hoe 400 mm with 3 tines € Beet ridger € Beet ridger, settable, with PVC-edging boards € Set corner hoes + middle hoe € Steering disc € Front mounted hitch, complete with cylinder (without hose) € Tool kit € Lighting set € S.steel spray cap with 1 nozzle (see page 16 for sprayers) € Separate parallelogram with adjustable air wheel with ball bearings€
SB03, frame 6,1 m, 13 paras
SB11, frame 9,1 m, 19 paras
Special version: ZIBO beam with spray caps
IBO of work with Z A great piece
GANDY SPREADER For granulates, fine seeds and pelleted substances
Gandy spreaders can be used for multiple applications. Gandy spreaders can be supplied with 2, 3 or 4 discharge chutes. Mechanical and electric (12V) drive both possible. 1 electromotor can be used to drive 2 units. The units can also be driven from a machine The Gandy spreader is easy to mount and operate. Can be mounted on sugar beet lifters, full width treatments, other machines. GANDY spreaders are equipped with a steel supply hopper (SH) and a rubber rotor. Article 09M902R 09M902RWP12 09M903R 09M903RWP12 09M904RWP 09M904RWP12
Type Discharge Hopper cont. SB 2 28 l. SB 2 28 l. SB 3 28 l. SB 3 28 l. SB 4 28 l. SB 4 28 l.
Drive Mechanical Motor 12 V. Mechanical Motor 12 V. Mechanical Motor 12 V.
Price/Unit € 500,€ 870,€ 510,€ 880,€ 550,€ 910,-
Additional prices Metering wheel, complete with 2 cassettes supplied separately Separate Gandy motor 12 V. Gandy motor 12 V., complete with drive and attachment mechanism Extra framer for Type SB 26 litres Liftsensor Two types of distributors 1. point distributor with 2 m hose € 2. V- distributor with 2 m hose €
€ € € € €
Type SB
Gandy 3 mtr.
Set Gandy (working width 3 m, 4 units with 3 outlets), complete in frame with three-point (cat 2) and 12 distributors: V-distributor Point distrib. Set complete with metering wheel € 3.920,€ 3.645,Set complete with hydraulic drive € 3.840,€ 3.565,Set complete with electric drive (2 electric motors) € 3.980,€ 3.705,10
IBO of work with Z A great piece
ZIBO GRANULATE SPREADER (NEW: WITH OWN GPS SYSTEM) For granulates, fine seeds, grass seeds and pelleted substances
This spreads granulates simply, accurately and independently of speed using its own GPS system. The basis is the control box, which can be used to control a maximum of 4 spreaders. For a four-row potato planter, for example, there are usually 2 spreaders each with 2 discharge chutes. These are controlled centrally by the control box, with each unit having its own drive motor. It is possible (optional) to switch off a spraytrack (row). A long 6m cable is supplied as standard from the control box to the spreader. A calibration test is easy to carry out, controlled from the control box. GS02 ZIBO Granulate spreader 2 row with electromotor GS04 ZIBO Granulate spreader 4 row with electromotor Control box complete with integrated GPS
Additional prices Unit fitted with rotor for switching off spreader track Hubsensor
€ €
Two types of distributors 1. point distributor with 2 m hose € 2. V- distributor with 2 m hose €
€ € €
Functions of computer control box: - Automatic function for the calibration test (weighing only) - Display in kg/ha - Calibration of the speed - Headland control (with lift sensor) - Various languages available (inc. NL, DU, UK) 11
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ZIBO GRANULATE APPLICATORS full stainless steel! -
All customary granulates and fine seeds can be spread with high precision accuracy. Spacious storage hopper (contents 25 litres) Tip action for easy emptying. Easy to mount on all makes and types of drilling and planting machinery. Continuously adjustable application rates using sophisticated disc system. Unit suitable for 2, 3 or 4 discharge chutes!
ZIBO Granulate spreader
Cross section ZIBO Granulate spreader
Granulate spreader configuration for drilling and planting machines Unit complete with hydraulic/electric drive and heating element Two types of distributors: 1. point distributor with 2 m. hose 2. V- distributor with 2 m. hose
€ €
ZIBO Granulate spreader and ZIBO powder dosing unit on potato planter
IBO of work with Z A great piece
ZIBO POWDER DOSING UNIT on planting machine Electric drive (12 Volt) 2-row row distance 750 mm 4-row row distance 750 mm 2-row row distance 900 mm 4-row row distance 900 mm extra hopper approx. 25 litres per row
€ € € € €
ZIBO powder dosing unit: for effective crop treatment
ZIBO Powder dosing unit: easy to mount
ZIBO Powder Dosing unit on transport belt
POWDER DOSING UNIT on transport belt With electromotor (220/380 V), 600 mm working width 13
IBO of work with Z A great piece
ZIBO FERTILIZING UNIT Version identical to build on seed drilling mach., dims. 700x480x755 mm (lxwxh) ZZ2602
Front fertilizer unit 2600 mm., cont. 1000L., 8 dicsh., 3 s.wheel.&metering wheel Option: electric drive complete with control box, GPS-controlled
on request
Front fertilizer unit 2600 mm., cont. 1000L., 8 dicsh., € 14.860,3 support wheels, lighting. - Hitch with 3 support wheels and hitch for weighing installation. - Weighing installation - New front fertilizing unit provided with stainless steel shafts, grates, plastic hood to cover, deflector plates directly below seed tubes. - Hydraulic drive unit on seeding shaft with RPM feedback for driving speed. - Weighing-seeding computer with connection for three-point weight box, hydraulic control for seeding shaft speed measurement, hectare counter and total kg applied.
ZZ70010 ZIBO fertilizer unit with 4 d.chutes, 125 L., excl. drive cassette € ZZ70106 ZIBO s.steel fertilizer unit 4 d.chutes., 150 L., excl. drive cassette €
ZZ70010 ZIBO Front fertilizer unit
ZZ2602 ZIBO Front fertilizer unit
ZZ70106 ZIBO RVS Front fertilizer unit
ZZ2603 ZIBO fertilising unit fitted with hitch with weighing installation
IBO of work with Z A great piece
ZIBO SEED DRILLS ZIBO drill machines can easily be built onto any type of tillage machinery (packer,cultivator, disc harrows, sub soilers, hoeing machine, etc.). Precision drilling using slide-wheel system with sprung discharge valve. The seed drill is suitable for applications from 5 kg/ha, settable via a handle (large setting) and a knob (fine setting).
ZIBO L & XL drilling machines feature as standard: - Agitator shaft - Supply hopper with welded triangles for slopes and even distribution ; - Hose with special distributors (no wind influence) - Slide wheel system with sprung discharge valve (protection against hard objects, i.e stones) - Robust lid with gas springs - L-version features as standard built-on consoles with double ring. - XL- version features as standard 3-point hitch.
Price €
160 L. 160 L. 330 L. 330 L. 500 L.
8 12 17 25 25
ø 600 mm 1.830,2.250,2.415,2.950,3.310,-
1500/8 1500/12 3000/17 3000/25 3000/25
Price € with metering 2.550,2.955,3.155,3.750,4.110,-
Sowing hoppers can also be supplied as fertilizer units. A different rotor is available for this version.
Additional prices ZZ70019 Driven by hydraulic motor complete set of construction € ZZ300017 Metering wheel compl. with 2 cassettes supplied separately € Hydr.lifting installation € Set seed hoe tines with para system € Extra large metering wheel ø 1000 mm. with arm (without cassettes) € Drive cassette separate per item 17/30 € Conversion drill machine to fertilizer unit (per discharge) € 15
IBO of work with Z A great piece
ZIBO PNEUMATIC SOWING MACHINE: COMPLETE AS STANDARD! New: pneumatic modular sowing machines with air support The new ZIBO pneumatic sowing machines were developed for farmers who want to sow their seeds easily and practically from 3 to 12 m. The versatility, simple controls and independence (own GPS) make this pneumatic sowing machine an attractive solution for a lot of sowing techniques. The unit is fitted as standard with a versatile control box on which the desired settings can be simply carried out. With its own GPS the unit is completely independent as regards travel speed and it allows the continuous adjustment of applications rates. The ZIBO pneumatic is a lightweight modular sowing machine for rotary harrows, cultivators, rotary tillers, disc harrows, pasture harrows, crosskill rollers, greenland machinery, etc. The reliable ZIBO pneumatic sowing machine is fitted as standard with: - Versatile computer control box with own GPS (independent of travel speed) with long cables (6 metres) - Double fan (option for 2 fans (Quattro)) - Large peep glass in the compartment - Large cover fitted with gas springs for simple filling - 12 discharge chutes (all discharge chutes can be doubled using a Y component) - Special deflectors for an accurate distribution (universal fitting) - A collection tray is supplied as standard for the calibration test - The dosing unit is made from high-quality materials.
IBO of work with Z A great piece
ZIBO PNEUMATIC SOWING MACHINE: COMPLETE AS STANDARD! New: pneumatic modular sowing machines with air support Functions of the computer control box: - Automatic function for the calibration test (weighing only) - Display in kg/ha - Calibration of the speed - Headland control (with lift sensor) - Various languages available (inc. NL, DU, UK)
Price €
80 L with computer, cables, and double fan, 12 discharge chutes € 150 L. with computer, cables, and double fan, 12 discharge chutes € 400 L. with computer, cables, and double fan, 12 discharge chutes €
Options: Additional fan (Quattro) Hydraulic fan Lift sensor (minimum movement 50 mm)
€ € €
Sowing rotor for clover and poppies among other things Sowing rotor for rape seed and mustard among other things Sowing rotor for buckwheat among other things Sowing rotor for fertiliser, peas and beans among other things
on request on request on request on request
IBO of work with Z A great piece
To apply preserving substances, minerals/nutrients Easy operation from cab 12 Volt operating console for continuous adjustment of application rate uniform, accurate application Dosing via 3 openings No bridge forming 80 kg supply hopper with large filling lid Easy to mount
ZIBO ECO Spreader (for Ecosyl)
Eco Streuer Bedienungskonsole
ZIBO COMBI SEEDER GRASS DRILL MACHINE Levelling, drilling, introducing and pressing in one pass Maintenance of the existing grass is crucial to its lifespan. After a dry summer, or intensive pasture, a meadow can be renovated quickly. The ZIBO Combi seeder has been developed with and for users, allowing simple extension of the standard machine as the customer desires. The levelling plate can be supplied with height-adjustable spring teeth. Complete ZIBO grass drilling machine, provided with: - sprung levelling plate, spindle-adjustable - 2 rows of heavy hoe tines Ø12 mm pinhole-adjustable - ZIBO build on drilling machine L 3000/25 contents 330 L. driven by Cambridge roller Ø 480/530 mm. Price
€ 10.765,-
Options Hydr. metering wheel Hydraulic drive Electric drive complete with control box, GPS-controlled 18
€ 955,€ 815,on request
IBO of work with Z A great piece
ZIBO 12 VOLT SPREADERS The ZIBO 12 volt spreader thanks it popularity to its huge versatility. The ZIBO spreader can be used in applications including feed mixing wagons, planting machines, box fillers, hay making machines, quads, choppers etc. The sprayer can also be used in orchards and to disinfect barns, stables etc . The ZIBO spreader has a clear supply tank and a filter. An operating unit is also supplied, which can easily be mounted in the cab. This allows continuously adjustable application rates. The unit is supplied with a 9 metre power cable to connect the spreader/operating unit and a 9 metre hose. Capacity 10 L. per minute unloaded. Brand AG55
Type Drive ZIBO Spreader 12 Volt
Content Version 210 L. complete
Options: with 4 nozzles with 8 nozzles S.steel spraying cap 1 nozzle
€ € €
Zibo Spreader on furrowing machine
ZIBO WEED WIPERS (3 and 6 metre version) Thoroughly tested: a simple machine, with surprisingly good results! Control your weeds efficiently and easily! The ZIBO weed wiper consists of an idle pipe wrapped in special sheeting. The support wheels adjust to the correct working height. Depending on the amount of weeds, working speeds of 3 - 8 km/h can be reached. Working width 3000 mm with 2 support wheels € 1.290,Working width 6000 mm with 3 support wheels (foldable) € 2.340,Separate pipe € 570,-
Zibo weed wiper 3 meter
Zibo weed wiper 6 meter
IBO of work with Z A great piece
LEHNER UNIVERSA L CENTRIFUGAL SPREADERS 12 Volt universal centrifugal spreader for fertilizer pellets, stubble crops (green slurry), grass seeds etc. -
Continuously adjustable spreading width of 2 - 24 metres Robust 12V/180 watt electromotor Operating using with console from the driving seat Digital control engineering (computer) Electr. spare parts waterproof Power cables diam.2.5 mm 6metrer cable between spreader and operating panel Connection cable for battery delivered as standard Automatic start with blocked pellets etc Continuously adjustable spread8ing application rate
Continuously adjustable dosing disc Stainless steel disc and spreader board Robust steel frame with attachment holes Special mixer for grass seed Clear storage tank 105 litres with discharge opening Quick closing lid Easy to mount (dimensions 560x485x920 mm) (25kg)
LEHNER Super Vario® 110 (110 litres) LEHNER Super Vario® 170 (170 litres) lifting sensor
€ € €
Multifunctional Lehner Super Vario® Universal centrifugal spreaders
Lehner Polaro
LEHNER Polaro spreader for road salt, grit, sand and artificial fertilizer LEHNER Polaro® 110 (110 Litres) LEHNER Polaro® 170 (170 Litres) Adapter for 24 to 12 Volt
€ € €
The specially shaped blades made from spring steel are mounted in circular configuration, using nuts and bolts. The robust frame can be loaded up to half its own weight. The capacity in one pass is 2 - 3 ha per hour. Number knife working- transportweight capacity Price blades length width width mm mm mm kg hp 90 470 2900 3200 750 75 € 4.880,-
IBO of work with Z A great piece
Mechanical drive-assist belt pressure roller Stable frame with three-point hitch Cat. 2 Working width 1,500 mm Belt size 11.5/80 - 15.3/10 PR size Ø 850 mm Total weight approx. 520 kg
Mechanical drive-assist belt pressure roller
Tyre roller with sprung 3-point hitch Tyre roller with fixed 3-point hitch
€ €
ZIBO HYDRAULIC DRIVE-ASSIST NOSE WHEEL The ZIBO hydraulic drive-assist nose wheel was developed to press fields and grassland evenly. The aim is to have the tractor cause minimum load and tracks on the land. The turning circle is minimal. The drive-assist nose wheel can be easily fitted to every tractor with dual-acting front lift (cat.2 ). The hydraulic system needs to be connected to the tractor control. The unit is supplied as standard with a 8 gts. connection, without belts. Hydraulic drive-assist nose wheel
Price (without belts): Options: belts, lighting
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ZIBO FRONT CULTIVATOR (A) working width 3000 With 2 row vibrating tines pressure roller Ø 450 mm Additional price: V-shaped roller Leveller using spindler
€ € €
€ €
ZIBO FRONT CULTIVATOR (B) working width 3000 With pressure roller Ø 450 mm, height adjustable vibrating tines, Leveller cage roller Ø 320 mm complete with spindle Additional price: V-shaped roller
Front cultivator (A)
Front cultivator (B)
ZIBO FIXED TINE CULTIVATORS type ‘BRUISER’ Various options, we can also produce according to customer specification. Working width
Tine distance Price without rollerl/wei. Price with rollerl/wei. 1¼” Ø620 mm.
2750 mm. 3000 mm. 3250 mm. 6000 mm
11 11 13 25
250 mm. 275 mm. 250 mm. 250 mm.
€ 3.220,€ 3.380,€ 3.760,€ 10.150,-
Additional prices Mech.power lift for seed drill Hydr. power lift for seed drill (up to approx. 1200 kg.) Set support wheels pin/hole adjustment Duckfoot sweep 200 mm. instead of cutter position Duckfoot sweep 280 mm instead of cutter position Lighting set complete with signs.
Zinger fixed tine cultivator cage roller
605 kg 625 kg 685 kg 1535 kg
€ 5.160,€ 5.490,€ 6.040,€ 15.910,-
1000 kg 1030 kg 1090 kg 2300 kg
€ 795,€ 1.800,€ 695,€ 21,€ 25,€ 345,-
Transport position
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ZIBO TRAILED CULTIVATORS 2-beam, width 400 mm Tube profile version, without wheels, compl. mounted, own version tine attachment 11 tines, working width 2200 mm 13 tines, working width 2700 mm 15 tines, working width 3200 mm 22 tines, working width 4500 mm Trailed behind slurry tank Set support wheels pin/hole adjustment Hydr. foldable, with 1 cylinder
€ € € € € € €
Trailed cultivator: 2 beam version
Trailed cultivator: 2 beam version trailed behind slurry tank
ZIBO TRAILED CULTIVATORS 3-beam, width 400 mm Tube profile version with nw. air wheels. compl. mounted, own version tine attachment 15 tines, working width 3000 mm, set support wheels 20 tines, working width 4000 mm, set support wheels 22 tines, working width 4500 mm, set support wheels 28 tines, working width 5600 mm, set support wheels Hydr. foldable, with 1 cylinder
€ € € € €
€ €
ZIBO TRAILED CULTIVATORS 4-beam, width 400 mm Completely mounted, own version tine attachment 30 tines, working width 6000 mm, 4 support wheels hydr. foldable 35 tines, working width 7000 mm, 4 support wheels hydr. foldable Trailed cultivator 5 beam + 5%
Trailed cultivator: 5 beam version
Various cultivators on request
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ZIBO PRESSURE ROLLERS Pressure rollers in various dimensions and models. Our pressure rollers can easily be mounted behind any make of equipment. Pressure rollers with bearings and coupling material are supplied with a fixed tubular bracket for stable linkage. Pressure roller Ø 450 mm with 8 tubes 1,25“ (Ø 42 mm) Work Transp. Roller with bearings and U-frame width width € V-shape € 3000 3250 1.220,1.340,Pressure roller Ø 620 mm with 12 tubes 1,25“ (Ø 42 mm) Work Transp. Roller with bearings and U-frame width width € V-shape € 3000 3250 1.525,1.790,Pressure roller Ø 620 mm with 12 tubes 1,5“ (Ø 48 mm) Work Transp. Roller with bearings and U-frame width width € V-shape € 3000 3250 1.810,2.085,Pressure roller Ø 620 mm with 8 tubes 2“ (Ø 60 mm) Work Transp. Roller with bearings and U-frame width width € V-shape € 3000 3250 2.285,2.965,-
Tube bar roller € V-shape € 860,995,Tube bar roller € V-shape € 1.435,1.685,Tube bar roller € V-shape € 1.500,1.780,Tube bar roller € V-shape € 1.815,2.525,Additional € 445,-
Wear profile (2) with pin/hole plates to cultivator Other dimensions on request
Table for pressure roller A = Ø roller B = Ø tube + number C = width tubes D = width as E = Ø shaft F = type roller
Various pressure rollers: customised
ZIBO CAGE ROLLERS Cage rollers with frame rollers Work. width. mm Single 2600 Single 2850 Single 3150 Single 4300 3 part Single 4200 3 part Single 6000 3 part
Ø 310 price € 1.090,1.185,1.255,2.235,2.350,2.870,-
Single or double rollers on request
Ø 400 price € 1.270,1.350,1.420,2.525,2.680,3.215,24
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ZIBO PACKER DISCS disc version mm*
upper angle width degrees mm
weight kg
ø 580 serrated ø 580 serrated ø 720 serrated ø 700 depth packer (smooth) ø 700 depth packer (smooth) ø 900 depth packer (smooth) ø 550 Camshaft ring ø 480 Cambridge ring (set) ø 720 Crenate Plastic
32 45 38 -
18 17 26 28,5 38 68 30 39 7
105 85 125 150 150 165 155 115 125
Bearing UCP 210 Nylon bearing set for centre bearing, dividable Cast steel bearing (untreated)
price € 57,53,97,100,115,190,66,69,195,50,95,43,-
* All discs shaft diameter: ø 50 mm, except ø 900 mm shaft diameter: ø 60 mm Additional prices: see page 22
ZIBO PACKER single row discs 580 mm serrated Working width 105 mm per disc
Complete in frame work width 1160 1260 1370 1470 1580 1680 1790 1890 2000* 2100* 2210* 3250*
nbr discs 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 32
weight kg 250 275 295 320 345 370 390 415 435 455 475 780
price € 1.280,1.375,1.465,1.560,1.670,1.745,1.845,1.950,2.095,2.190,2.290,3.260,-
Additional prices: see page 22
Serrated packer in frame without built on unit
IBO of work with Z A great piece
ZIBO PCAKER - single row discs 720 mm serrated Working width 125 mm per disc
ZIBO fixed tine cultivator with ZIBO packer 720 mm and seed drill
Packer 720 mm serrated, 27 discs, working width 3250 mm Heavy duty version hitch reinforced version (150x100) with bridge support, hydr. set wheels dw. with set nw. tyres AW profile 15.0/55.
In frame work number width discs 1250 1380 1500 1630 1750* 1880* 2000* 2130* 2250* 2400* 3050* 3250*
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 25 27
in frame
without built on unit
with hitch for half-turn plough
380 415 445 480 520 555 600 645 695 750 980 1070
n/a n/a n/a 1.855,2.050,2.185,2.315,2.445,2.585,2.720,3.530,3.805,-
Packer with hitch
Serrated packer in frame without built on unit
* version with centre bearing
Additional prices 3-point hitch cat. 2 3-point hitch assists drive cat. 2 (see photo page 25) Dividable plastic centre bearings(2 sets) Raised hitch half-turn plough (100x100x4 mm) Raised hitch heavy duty version (150x100x5 mm) Set tyres hydr. dw. Aw profile 15.0/55 Hydr. lifting installation behind packer Lightings set complete with signs 26
€ € € € € € € €
IBO of work with Z A great piece
ZIBO TANDEM PACKER - serrated 720 mm For half-turn plough, complete with hitch and 3-point hitch
Working width 150 mm per disc work width
nbr. discs
weight kg
price €
1050 1200 1350 1500 1650 1800* 1950* 2100*
7+8 8+9 9+10 10+11 11+12 12+13 13+14 14+15
595 661 727 793 859 925 991 1.057
* version with centre bearing Additional prices Support half-turn plough standard Support half-turn plough hydr. (ridge forming) Hydraulic support for half-turn ploughs
€ € €
Hydraulic support for half-turn ploughs
IBO of work with Z A great piece
- IN FRAME 700 mm
single row discs Working width 150 mm per disc Packer in frame
Complete in frame without built on unit work width 1200 1350 1500 1650 1800 1950 2100 2250 2400
number discs 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Upper angle G = 32° weight Price kg € 265 1.950,295 2.075,330 2.210,365 2.280,395 2.490,430 2.625,460 2.820,495 2.950,530 3.080,-
Upper angle G = 45° weight Price kg € 345 2.155,385 2.290,430 2.395,475 2.445,515 2.765,560 2.930,600 3.135,645 3.345,690 3.455,-
3-point hitch assist drive cat. 2
700 mm
single row discs Working width 150 mm per disc
For half-turn plough, complete with hitch work width 1200 1350 1500 1650 1800 1950 2100 2250 2400
number discs 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Upper angle G = 32° weight Price kg € 265 1.950,295 2.075,330 2.210,365 2.280,395 2.490,430 2.625,460 2.820,495 2.950,530 3.080,-
Drive assist packer
Upper angle G = 45° weight Price kg € 345 2.155,385 2.290,430 2.395,475 2.445,515 2.765,560 2.930,600 3.135,645 3.345,690 3.455,-
Additional prices: see page 22
IBO of work with Z A great piece
ZIBO TANDEM DEPTH PLOUGHING PACKER 700 mm For half-turn plough, complete with hitch and 3-point hitch
Working width 150 mm per disc (incl. centre bearing from 1600 mm) work width 1250 1400 1550 1700 1850 2000 2150 2300
number discs
Upper angle G = 32° weight Price kg €
8+9 9+10 10+11 11+12 12+13 13+14 14+15 15+16
661 727 793 859 925 991 1.057 1.123
Upper angle G = 45° weight Price kg €
831 917 1003 1089 1175 1260 1347 1433
ZIBO TANDEM DEPTH PLOUGHING PACKER 700 mm For half-turn plough, complete with hitch and 3-point hitch
Working width 200 mm per disc (incl. centre bearing vanaf 1600 mm) work width 1250 1450 1650 1850 2050 2250
number discs 6+7 7+8 8+9 9+10 10+11 11+12
Upper angle G = 32° weight Price kg € 529 3.100,595 3.365,661 3.640,727 3.910,793 4.185,859 4.455,-
Upper angle G = 45° weight Price kg € 659 3.405,745 3.725,831 4.040,917 4.365,1003 4.675,1089 4.995,-
Additional prices: see page 22
IBO of work with Z A great piece
ZIBO DEPTH PLOUGHING PACKER single row discs 900 mm For half-turn plough, complete with hitch and 3-point hitch
Working width 180 mm per disc (upper angle G = 38°) work width 1280 1450 1660 1820 2000 2360
number discs 7 8 9 10 11 13
weight kg 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1400
Price € 2.855,3.005,3.240,3.420,3.480,3.855,-
Tandem depth packer 900 mm. complete with hitch and 3-point hitch work width 1450 1700 2000 2350
Upper angle G = 45° weight Price kg € 1200 3.850,1400 4.230,1600 4.795,1800 5.225,-
number discs 5+6 6+7 7+8 8+9
Additional prices: see page 22
ZIBO CAMSHAFT RINGS diameter 550 mm (complete with hitch) Working width 160 mm per disc workwidth 1390 1540 1690 1860 2100 2170 2320 2470 3150
number discs 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 21
weight kg 370 410 450 490 530 570 610 650 855
Price € 1.305,1.390,1.505,1.605,1.715,1.830,2.025,2.190,2.905,-
Additional prices: see page 22
IBO of work with Z A great piece
ZIBO PLASTIC PACKER DISCS New: Prepare the soil for seeding in one go The ZIBO milled packer discs are popular as they make it possible to prepare the soil for seeding in one go. However, this causes problems on the back of the spading machines because of the high weight of existing cast-steel packer discs. Using a plastic milled disc reduces the weight of the discs by over 70%. The additional advantage is that with plastic the soil is less clogged than with cast steel or other materials. 27 discs are used behind the 3-metre spading machine; these have a working width of 3.25 metres. The discs are fitted at 125 mm on a shaft. Every disc can rotate independently. The shaft with the milled discs can be integrated easily into a spading machine. The pressure on the disc can be determined using a cylinder. Details: - Disc Ă˜ 720 mm - Hub width 125 mm - Own weight approx. 7 kg.
Price for 27 discs in frame, working width 3,250 mm
IBO of work with Z A great piece
ZIBO HAULM TOPPERR Standard version: - 4 row V-belt drive - Contour set - Set large support wheels 6.50-10 - 1000 RPM power take off with neutral - Guide plates for between the rows - Central lubrication pointfor bearings - Flails attached using pins, not bolts!
Two versions: LKS 75-2A 2 row LKS 90-2A 2 row
Prices on request Options: - Lined inner - Guide plates for tops - Flail set flat field - Lighting
75 - 80 cm 85 - 90 cm
ZIBO COMBI CULTIVATOR Standard version: - 3-point rear mounted - Solid chain drive - Adjustable ridging hoods - Set support wheels
30”- 32” 34”- 36”
Prices on request Options: - Rotary cultivator units for full field versions - Various pressure rollers - Build on drilling machine
ZIBO ELEMENT CULTIVATOR ZIBO element cultivator, 4 row 750 mm. Hoods with spindle adjustment & edging boards
IBO of work with Z A great piece
ZIBO FRONT LIFTER Using a ZIBO front lifter 4 rows can be lifted instead of 2 with your 2-row offset lifter. Advantages compared with lifting with a 2-row machine: - Enormous increase in capacity - Tractor can be fitted with wider tyres - Tractor is used for a shorter time (less fuel & labour) - Halves use of lifter - Low investment - Lower maintenance costs Advantages compared with lifting with a 4-row self-propelled machine: - Minimum investment - Tractor can be used for the whole year - Lower maintenance costs ZIBO FR01 ZIBO FR02
Front lifter with complete hitch with supply belt opening 30 mm (size 40) Front lifter with complete hitch with supply belt opening 30 mm (size 40) & sideshift
Options: - Own hydraulic system with supply tank 50 L. with cooler - Supply belt & outfeed belt continuously adjustable from cab - Supply belt opening 25 mm. (size 35 mm.) - Beater electrically adjustable from cab - Set of haulm pullers with the supply belt - Hitch with extra discs (L+R) - Camera system with 2 cameras Prices on request
Front lifter for a wagon harvester
IBO of work with Z A great piece
ZIBO FALLLN BREAKERS EASY TO MOUNT IN EVERY DUMPER! 1,50 metres € 285,2,00 metres € 370,2,50 metres € 455,Complete with special attachment bolts
ZIBO FALL BREAKERS TO MOUNT IN BUNKER ZIBO Fall breaker incl. attachment brackets for DR1500 or AVR ZIBO Fall breaker for Grimme DR 1500 or SE 150 ZIBO Fall breaker for Dewulf RQ2060 (machine pulled) ZIBO Fall breaker for Dewulf RQ2060 (machine pulled) ZIBO Fall breaker for Dewulf RA3060 (self propelled)
hydr. hydr.
€ 895,€ 1.410,€ 965,€ 1.695,€ 965,-
ZIBO FALL BREAKERS TO MOUNT ONTO HARVESTER ZIBO Fall breaker to mount onto harvester incl. brackets
IBO of work with Z A great piece
ZIBO CAMERA SYSTEMS BRING YOUR MACHINE INTO YOUR CAB! Weather resistant camera systems for mobile use. Can be used as: reverse assist on trucks and ground moving machines, process monitoring in agricultural machines etc. The system has a large, flat 7" colour monitor with sound and a camera with infrared LED light support for badly lit environments. Set price ZIBO Camera system
Camera Set - Multi-voltage (8-32V DC). Power cons.: <10 W - Inputs for max. 3 cameras - Priority switch (for automatic channel choice when reversing) - Automatic channel operation possible on 2 channels; interval time settable from 2 to 20 sec. - Monitor 7" TFT-LCD colour (189x122x24 mm) - Temperature range LCD monitor: -10° tot +50° C. - Mirror function on monitor input signal - Wireless remote control for monitor functions (not to choose channel)
Technical data - Camera with Sony CCD and stainless steel housing and bracket - Minimum light intensity(without LED): 0.5 LUX - Opening angle of lens: 92° (f=3,6mm) - Temperature range camera: -30° to +50°C (features lens heating) - Camera has 1 metre cable with watertight (IP67) plug connection - Camera connection cable
Content Camera set - 1x Colour monitor with remote control - 1x Colour camera 92° mirrored - 1x connect/switchbox - 1x Camera connection cable 20 metres - Mounting material - Instruction manual
Additional prices: ZIBO extra Camera
ZIBO extension 5 meter complete 10 meter complete 20 meter complete
€ € €
IBO of work with Z A great piece
ZIBO SIEVE BELTS & ZIBO SPARE PARTS POTATO AND BEET HARVESTERS/LOADERS Ground chains, tops, level transport, PVC and box filler belts. Split PVC to cover rods. Rubber rollers, toothed wheels, ball bearings, bearing blocks, chain wheels, chains, V belts, etc. etc. Fall breakers, for example, for dumpers. WE CAN SUPPLY SPARE PARTS FOR MOST MAKES - QUICKLY AND FOR COMPETITIVE PRICES: Amac, AVR, Bergmann, Climax, Cramer, Dewulf, EHO, Gilles, Grimme, Gruse, Hagedorn, Hassia, Hercules, Hereau, Hofstede, Kleine, Miedema, Samro, Sterbo, Stoll, Telma, TIM, WKM, W端hlmaus
Huge range of spare parts for potato and beet harvesters
IBO of work with Z A great piece
Zinger Mechanisatie supplies spare parts for the following tillage machines quickly and for competitive prices: Accord, Adriatica, Aedes, Agram, Agrator, Agria, Agricom, Agrimac, Agrimaster, Agritalia, Agritec, Agromec, Agromet, Agrotec, Alo, Alpego, Amac, Amazone, AP, AS, Atti, Baas-Trima, Badalini, Baiano, Bams, Barbieri, Barigelli, Baroni, Baselier, BCS, Bechio, Becker, Befa, Benassi Berry Berti, Bertolini, Bleinroth, Bobcat, Bomford, Bonfiglioli, Braun, Brenig, Bressel, Breviglieri, Brouchard, Brumital-Agris, Bruni, Bucher, Bungartz, Cab, Cabe, Calderoni, Cam, Cantone, Cappon, Caroni, Carony, Carraro, Carroy, Carsorzo, Cavagion, Ceccato, Celli, Celvatici, Chabas, Chief, Claas, CMB, Cobra, Collari, Comeb, Cosma, Cosmag, Clemens, Desvoys, Diesse, Deutz-fahr, Dondi, Doppstad, Doublet-Record, Dragone, Ducker, Dutzi, Eberhardt, Einbock, Emy, Elenfer, Epoke, Eros, Eurogreen, Euroma, Eurosystem, Evers, Fahr, FAE, Falc, Falcomero, Falconero, Farmax, Faucheux, Fella, Fendt, Feraboli, Ferrari, Ferri, Ferri & Simoni, Fiedler, Fiona, Fischer, Fliegl, Forgio, Forigo, Fort, Frandent, Fraudge, Frost, Galucho, Gaspardo, Gaziero, Gehring, Gestin, Gilbers, Gimac, Goldoni, Goudland, Gramegna, Grimme, Grillo, Groenewegen Gruse, Gutbrod, Gyro, Hako, Hankmo, Hale, Hansa, Hassia, Hatzenbichler, Hauer, Hemos, Humus, Herder, Hermes, Hienen, HMF, Holder, Holmer, Honda, Hoopman, Horsch, Howard, Huard, Hydrac, Hymach, Ilmer, Imants, Isaria, Iseki, JCB, JF, JNC, John Deere, Joskin, Kemper, Kleine, Knoche, Kockerling, Kongskilde, Koro, Krone, Kuhn, Kverneland, Kyllingstad, Lagarde, Landsberg, Leckron, Lely, Lemken, van Lengerich, Lince, Logifeed & RMH, MAG, Mailleux, Maletti, Manitou, Marchner, Marmix, Marsk-Stig, Maschio, Massano, Mearelli, Mengele, MEO, Meritano, MF, Monosem, Moreau, Moreni, Morra, Mortl, Mott, Mulag, Muratori, Muthing, Nardi, Naud, New-Holland, Nibbi, Nicolas, Niemeyer, Nobili, Nodet, Nordsten, Noremat, Nuova-Cabe, Nutrifeed, Oehler, Overum, Omarv, Omas, Ommas, Ompi, Orsi, Ortolan, Palladino, Pabso, Parmiter, Pasquali, Pedrotti, Peecon, Pegoraro, Perfect, Perugini, Peruzzo, PGS, Pircher, Pottinger, Prater, Procomas, PZ-Zweegers, Quivogne, Rabewerk, Randi, Rapid, Rasant, Rau, Redrock, Reform, Remac, Renter, Rheinland, Ridder, Rienieri, Rivierre, Casalis, Ropa, Rosatella, Roteco, Roteritalia, Rotoram, Rotorland, Rousseau, Rumpstad, Samson, Sandri, Sauerberger, Saxonia, Schanzlin, Schmidt, Schots, Schmotzer, Schrijvers, Schuitemaker, Seima, Seko, Selvatici, SEP, Seppi, Sicma, Simon, Solbjerg, Solo, Sovema, Spearhead, Spragelse-Mica, Staiger, Steeno, Stegsted, Stella, Stoll, Storti, Strautmann, Struik, Szolnoki, Taarup, Tatoma, Terral, Terranova, Tielburger, Tierre, Tim,Tornado, Tornedo, Tortella, Trioliet, Tume, Tunnissen & Stocks, Turner, Twose, Ugelose, Ungarn, Unifeed, Unimix, Walker, Unsinn, Vaderstad, Valpadana, Ventzki, Vicon, Vigolo, Vogel & Noot, Votex, Vredo, Weidemann, Welger, Wifo, Willibald, Wiwexa, Zago, Zampini, Zanon, Zappator, ZIBO, Zumec
IBO of work with Z A great piece
IBO of work with Z A great piece
AIRHAWK CUSHIONS Airhawk seat cushions will end fatigue and backache thanks to their optimal seating comfort. Each Airhawk comfort cushion consists of interconnected air cells that can adapt to your individual contours and distribute pressure over the largest possible area. Airhawk seat cushions are available in two models and can be customised to suit the user using the air pump supplied with the cushions. The firmness of each cushion can be adapted, so the number of pressure points - the main cause of fatigue and backache- are considerably reduced.
Airhawk Allround
Airhawk Plus
Airhawk + pomp
Durable for years of use. Non-slip surface. Easy to transport. .
Suitable for lengthy, professional use; easy to attach.
Thanks to the air pump each Airhawk cushion can be customized
For more information contact Zinger Trading B.V. or visit our website www.airhawk.nl or www.zinger.nl
ng g makes you si Zinger Tradin
ZINGER Mechanisatie B.V. - Borger Postbus 102 9530 AC Borger (NL) Rolderstraat 2a 9531 TC Borger (NL)
Tel. +31 (0)599 234 418 Fax +31 (0)599 235 908 Internet www.zinger.nl E-mail info@zinger.nl
Š ZINGER Mechanisatie b.v. - November 2013
IBO of work with Z A great piece