Kura Aras - TOR for a TDA Team Leader

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DRAFT Terms of Reference for a National TDA/SAP Team Leader Services Required: Development of a TDA and draft SAP

“Reducing Transboundary Degradation of the Kura-Aras River Basin” (UNDP/GEF – PDF-B)

Background The Kura-Aras river system is the principal source of water for industry, agriculture, residential uses and energy in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, Iran and Turkey. The rivers are important to regional cooperation in the region as they cross and form many of the borders. Both rivers are very seriously degraded. Water quality is seriously impaired by the dumping of untreated municipal, industrial, medical and agricultural wastes and by huge sedimentation loads resulting from upstream deforestation. Water quantity is seriously affected by uncoordinated damming, over use of water for agricultural and hydropower purposes, and watershed degradation. Integrated, inter-country efforts are urgently required to reverse the ongoing degradation of these river ecosystems. The proposed project aims to ensure that the quality and quantity of the water throughout the Kura-Aras river system meets the short and long-term needs of the ecosystem and of the communities using the ecosystem. The project will achieve its objectives by: fostering regional cooperation; increasing capacity to address water quality and quantity problems; demonstrating water quality/quantity improvements; initiating required policy and legal reforms; identifying and preparing priority investments and; developing sustainable management and financial arrangements. The project is currently in its preparatory phase (PDF B). The PDF B will specifically finance the following: • • • • • • •

establishment of coordination and management framework development of a public involvement plan and pilot projects for public awareness development of a transboundary diagnostic analysis creation of a basin vision development of a preliminary regional Strategic Action Programme (SAP) and National Action Plans (NAPs) donors’ conference in support of the SAP production of a GEF SAP implementation project

Development of the Kura-Aras River Basin TDA and preliminary SAP A key step in this PDF-B funded project is the development of a Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA), formulation of a preliminary Strategic Action (SAP) and the development of country National Action Programmes (NAPS). In particular, there is a requirement for a more comprehensive scientific and technical fact-finding analysis to scale the relative importance of sources, causes and impacts of transboundary waters problems. This analysis should be carried out in a cross sectoral manner, focusing on transboundary problems without ignoring national concerns and priorities. In order to make the analysis more effective and sustainable it should include a detailed stakeholder and governance analysis which considers the local institutional, legal and policy environment. Whereas the Kura-Aras TDA must identify the priority transboundary problems, underlying sectoral causes, and the root causes of the problems, the updated preliminary SAP needs to identify policy, legal and institutional reforms and investments to resolve the priority problems. An important consideration for TDA, NAP and SAP activities is the involvement and full participation of local experts from the riparian countries of the Kura-Aras River Basin. Such participation will have the collateral effect of creating project ownership, strengthening research capacity and providing exposure to international standards and increasing the familiarity with the GEF. Key Stages The development of the TDA and the formulation of the preliminary SAP will proceed in a series of key stages. These are presented in the work plan below. Scope of this TOR This TOR deals specifically with the development of the TDA and the draft SAP and all outputs pertaining to their development. Objectives The National TDA/SAP Team Leader will provide key technical support to the CTA and the International Consultant in the preparation of the Kura-Aras River Basin TDA (and, ultimately, the Draft SAP) in accordance with current GEF principles and guidelines. Working with other experts in the TDA Technical Task Team (TTT) the National TDA Team Leader will assist in the co-ordination of various stages of the process, in order to prepare the outputs described below. The expert will also be involved in the review and editing of all necessary interim reports and final reports.

National TDA/SAP Team Leader qualification and experience • •

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Post graduate qualification in natural science, water resource management, environmental management, international development, or related discipline; Extensive professional experience in water quality and the environment, water resources development and environmental impact assessment of water related projects; Demonstrated ability to work with international organisations and multi-country teams; Experience in project management; Extensive experience and knowledge of the Kura-Aras River Basin; Understanding of the socio-economic processes that lead to degradation of the Kura-Aras River Basin; Well developed analytical and reporting skills; Good command of spoken and written English language.

Services to be provide by the National TDA/SAP Team Leader These Terms of Reference have been prepared for a National TDA/SAP Team Leader to support the Kura-Aras Project Management Unit (PMU) and the International Consultant to initiate and implement the process of developing the Kura-Aras River Basin TDA (and ultimately the Strategic Action Plan). The tasks to be carried out include: 1. Provide expert advice, assistance and support to the CTA and the International Consultant throughout the TDA process 2. Develop a full Inventory of information/data for the TDA 3. Develop a national TDA report for Iran and closely co-ordinate the development of national reports in the other riparian countries 4. Attend all TTT meetings pertinent to the TDA development process 5. Develop an assessment of environmental impacts and socio-economic consequences, and an initial assessment of the analysis of causes of environmental degradation in the Kura-Aras river basin 6. In consultation with the CTA and International Consultant, through obtaining timely information, assist in the preparation and finalisation of the TDA and draft SAP General Outputs • • •

Inventory of information/data for the TDA A set of national TDA reports for the riparian countries of the Kura-Aras Assessment of environmental impacts and socio-economic consequences

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Assessment of the analysis of causes Draft TDA

Duration The specific services are to be provided by the National TDA Team Leader between December 2005 and June 2006 with an initial input of 44 days. Duty Station Home office, Caucasus region, project offices, and other offices as needed

Work Plan for the UNDP/GEF (PDF-B) Project on Reducing Transboundary Degradation of the Kura-Aras River Basin

2005 Month Activity Establish of offices Stakeholder analysis and public involvement plan Formation of TDA Technical Task Team (TTT) 1st TDA workshop – identify and scope issues Production of TORs for TDA and NAPs Establish Inter-Ministry Committees Development of country TDA reports 2nd TDA meeting: TDA reports and causal chain analysis 1st SAP meeting to define basin vision and EcoQOs Drafting of causal chains Synthesis of TDA and 3rd TDA review meeting SHA and PI review meeting 2nd SAP meeting to identify options Establish NAP formulation teams NAP development based on outputs of UNDP-SIDA Draft preliminary SAP 3rd SAP meeting review prelim SAP and launch NAPS Draft NAPs –presentation at 4th SAP meeting Pilot project preparation Final NAPs Full project preparation Ministerial Conference and declaration

Sep 1

Oct 2

Nov 3

Dec 4

Jan 5

Feb 6

Mar 7

Apr 8

2006 May 9

Jun 10

Jul 11

Aug 12

Sep 13

Oct 14

Nov 15

Dec 16


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2007 Jan 17

Feb 18

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