Pacific IWRM - Lessons learned reporting template

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ANNEX 10 Lessons Learned Template The following Lessons Learned Template has been developed to assist National Demonstration Projects in documenting lessons learned from the project inception period. The First Meeting of the Regional Steering Committee and Inception Workshop agreed that three “lessons learned” would be documented and submitted to the regional Project Coordinating Unit by end November 2009.

LESSONS LEARNED Country ………………………….

Prepared by……..……..



Purpose The national GEF-IWRM demonstrations are piloting the IWRM approach throughout the Pacific. One purpose of a pilot is to learn lessons about what works well and what does not work so well. Lessons can be successes for repeating; or issues for improving. They can be about processes (how things were done) or products (outputs, outcomes, what was achieved). By analysing our experiences and documenting these lessons, other IWRM practitioners can learn from our experiences, build on our successes and (hopefully) avoid the difficulties that we had. Replication of the IWRM approach in other districts, regions or country-wide will then start from a strong base.

Process Think of a minimum of 3 lessons learnt during the project preparation and/or project inception period that can help other IWRM practitioners. At least 1 lesson should be a success you have had during the project preparation and inception period. At least 1 lesson should be something that did not work so well and where you would do it differently, next time. The third lesson can be about either a success or an “improvement-needed”. For all lessons, analyse what contributed to the success or the lack of success. Make clear recommendations for the steps that others should follow, to repeat the success or to improve upon the outputs / outcomes. Read through the block headings (numbered 1-8 in bold below) and the topics (cell a-e) below. Add in any other block headings (block 8) or topics (cells d-f) if you need, to match your “lessons”. Choose (circle) at least 2 blocks (numbers) and a total of at least 3 cells (letters) (eg 2 cells in one block, 1 cell in the second block, or 1 cell in each of 3 blocks), where you have a lesson learnt to share with other colleagues. e.g., Block 3 Inception Period, Cell d. Logframe Revision: Block 7. Human Resources Capacity: Cell a. Recruit-ment; Cell d. Technical capacity). For each cell, complete one Lessons Learned format (next page), written so that other practitioners can adapt and repeat your successes or follow your recommendations to improve on what you did. If you have more lessons, feel free to complete more sheets.

Project preparation and inception period 1. Project preparation a. Diagnostic analysis/hotspot b. Demo project design c. Regional project preparatn d. ? e. ? f. ?

2. IWRM concept e.g. a. Understanding b. Acceptance c. Application d. ? e. ? f. ?

3. Inception period e.g. a. Clarity of tasks b. Support from RPCU1 c. MoA and signing d. Logframe revision e. ? f. ?

4. Steering Committee e.g. a. Establishment b. Membership c. Performance d. Sustainability e. ? f. ?

5. Stakeholder support / capacity / performance a. Government departments b. NGOs c. Community d. Private sector e. ? f. ?

6. Social equity (including gender & disadvantaged) a. Understanding b. Acceptance c. Implementation d. ? e. ? f. ?

7. Human resource capacity 8. ? for the project e.g. a. PMU (recruitment) a. ? b. Start-up consultant b. ? c. Lead Agency (LA) c. ? d. Technical capacity d. ? e. RPCU1 e. ? f. ? f. ? 1 RPCU – Regional Project Co-ordinating Unit

LESSONS LEARNED Country ………………… Prepared by………….. Year……… Quarter…

Block no.

Success story? Y/N ........... Issue/Event ……… Cell letter .. Improvement needed? Y/N Describe issue/event [What was expected vs what happened: analyse what lead to the success / lack of it] Expected outcome

Actual outcome and reasons for the success or the lack of success

What PMU (PCU, Lead Agency) would do next time [to repeat the success or improve on the outcome]

What others (who?) should do next time [to repeat the success or improve on the outcome]

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