TERMS OF REFERENCE (Individual Contractor Agreement) Title:
SAP Formulator
1. General Background
The Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem and Adjacent Regions (CLME) Project is a 4-year project co-financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The Project partners include 23 GEF countries, 2 associate countries and a number of regional and sub-regional organizations. The Project Document was approved by GEF on 11 April 2008. The Project implementing agency is the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in partnership with IOC of UNESCO and the executing agency is the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS). The project is administered from a Project Co-ordination Unit (CLME-PCU) located in the offices of IOCARIBE, IOC of UNESCO, in Cartagena, Colombia. The CLME Project seeks to assist countries in the wider Caribbean in improving the regional governance and management of shared living marine resources (SLMR) through the preparation of Transboundary Diagnostic Analyses (TDAs) and the preparation and region-wide endorsement of a Strategic Action Programme (SAP). In this context, the project also implements a series of Case Studies and Pilot Projects in different parts of the Region to increase the knowledge base and trial innovative approaches to improved resources governance and management. The CLME SAP is expected to be a commonly agreed upon policy document that consolidates the outcomes of the CLME Project through the identification of policy, legal and institutional reforms, as well as investments that will be required to ensure the sustainability of the provision of goods and services by the shared living marine resources, through enhanced regional governance and management. The CLME SAP document is expected to be finalized in January 2013, after which it will be presented to the Project’s Steering Committee at the Fourth Steering Committee Meeting of the Project in February, 2013. Once approved by the SC, the CLME PCU will seek to receive endorsement of the document at the political level from the 23 GEF-eligible participating countries by April 2013. Justification: During the Third CLME Project Steering Committee (SC) Meeting held in November 2011 the SC agreed that due to the large number of countries participating in the CLME Project it would be best to create two ‘critical’ teams consisting of regional experts to assist the CLME PCU in the development of the CLME SAP. These teams consist of representatives from intergovernmental organizations working on behalf of the countries in the region, as well as a number of regional experts in fisheries, governance, law and science. The first of the two teams, the SAP Core Development Team (CDT) consists of representatives from the regional organizations responsible for the execution of the CLME Pilot Projects and Case Studies, which amongst other things, seek to identify and test management and governance models at different levels of the region’s governance framework and provide input into the CLME SAP. SAP CDT members are responsible for: Page 1 of 4
Developing and proposing a draft long-term vision for the CLME
Defining and proposing draft Ecosystem Quality Objectives, Societal Benefit Objectives and Strategic Directions for inclusion into the CLME SAP
Identifying and proposing draft Interventions and Activities as these relate to outputs and/or recommendations that emanate from the TDAs, Case Studies and Pilot Projects, for review and prioritization by the SAP FEST and National Focal Points
The SAP Formulation Endorsement and Support Team (FEST) consist of a number of regional experts whose main role is to undertake critical analysis of the different components of the SAP proposed by the PCU and CDT, and to provide comments, recommendations and suggestions for amendment. Input from these two teams are critical in delivering key inputs for the CLME SAP document, as many of the representatives of the two teams have been working on behalf of many of the CLME participating countries for a number of years and are aware of their priority issues. In light of this, various input materials for different components and sub-sections of the CLME SAP currently exist. These have been developed, reviewed and accepted by members of the SAP CDT, FEST and National Focal Points (NFPs). However, whilst these inputs are critical to the CLME SAP, further work is required to amalgamate and complete these inputs into a well-structured and adequately formatted final SAP that can easily be assimilated by policy makers. As such, the CLME PCU is seeking the expertise of a SAP Expert(s) to pull together the subsections of the CLME SAP into a coherent document that identifies the legal, policy and institutional reforms and investments that are required to address many of the transboundary issues identified under the CLME Project as well as to promote an ecosystems approach to management. 2. Purpose and Scope of Assignment
Under the overall supervision and guidance of the Regional Project Coordinator (RPC) of the CLME Project, the international consultant will: (a) review the draft input materials for the CLME SAP document, together with any other materials produced by the project that may be considered to be of relevance in this context: the Table of Contents for the CLME SAP, the draft content that has been submitted for inclusion in the CLME SAP document including the proposed interventions and activities, and the comments received from FEST and National Focal Points; (b) utilize the information referred to above to develop a Final CLME SAP document. The international consultant shall:
Review, revise and submit an updated version of the Table of Contents provided in Page 2 of 4
Annex A for the CLME Strategic Action Programme.
Review the following: o
Proposed long-term vision for the wider Caribbean,
Ecosystem Quality Objective, Societal Benefit Objectives and Strategic Directions/Strategies
Draft text (sub-sections) for the CLME SAP submitted by the PCU to the consultant
Priority interventions and activities proposed for inclusion in the CLME SAP
Any other material that the PCU might deem to be relevant to informing the development of the CLME SAP.
Finalize CLME SAP draft for submission to the CLME PCU, no later than 7 th December
If possible 1, assist the CLME PCU in the preparation of the revised final draft SAP during the week of 21 st January 2013.
3. Monitoring and Progress Controls
Expected outputs: A final Draft CLME Strategic Action Programme that outlines a long-term road-map towards ocean governance and management for the wider Caribbean through the promotion of the ecosystem approach, and which details prioritized short-to-medium term interventions and activities for implementation within a five-to-ten year framework. Inputs: The Project Coordinating Unit (PCU) will provide the international consultant(s) with relevant documentation required to develop the CLME SAP, and will provide the necessary support – as required - to contact governments’ representatives or regional organizations in the search for relevant information.
Consultant shall develop and submit a completed draft version of the CLME SAP to the CLME PCU no later than 7 th December.
Consultant shall if possible 2, assist the CLME PCU in the preparation of the revised final draft SAP during the week of 21 st January, 2013.
The consultant will be paid per days worked with a maximum of 18 days Duration of the consultancy: 1 The total amount of consultancy days foreseen under this contract should not be exceeded. 2 The total amount of consultancy days foreseen under this contract should not be exceeded. Page 3 of 4
The consultant will work up to a maximum of 18 days as specified below: • Develop the first draft of the CLME SAP – 15 days • Finalize second draft of CLME SAP – 2 days • Finalize SAP – 1 day 4. Qualifications and Experience
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The Consultant should hold minimum 11 years of relevant experience Experience in the field of TDA/SAP processes under the GEF IW focal area is an asset Excellent communication skills Experience in report writing, preferably in the field of International Waters
a. Education
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Master’s Degree required Ph.D. an asset
b. Key Competencies
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Fluency in English is required Knowledge of Spanish an asset
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