RH Portfolio

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Interior Design

Selected works 2019 - 2022



BLESSING IWOK Architect | Interior Designer | Project Manager


C O N TA C T +44 (0) 7391005069 blessingiwok@gmail.com

CONNECT http://instagram.com/biminteriors http://www.linkedin.com/in/blessingiwok

A n e n t h u s ia st i c I nte r i or De s ig ne r w it h 5 y ear s o f e xpe r ie n ce , ex ce l le n t i n u s i n g te c h n i ca l so ft ware to crea t e h ig h ly de ta iled 2D & 3D de s ig n s ne eded to f u l ly e xe c u te pr oje c ts . I a m pa s s io n ate abou t c reat i n g a sy ne r gy bet wee n i nte r ior de s ig n a nd a r c h ite c t ur e to de s ig n e x ce pt io na l spa ce s w i t h a se n s e o f co m m u n ity t ha t fosters funct io na l i ty and creativity .

COLOUR PALETTE When designing, I like to use a monochrome colour palette because it gives a visually interactive design and allows room for contrasting tones that can attract attention and create focus.

FUNCTIONAL FURNISHING I love using contemporary furnishing and making sure it is functional to give a feeling of openness with the raised chairs, lightly textured fabrics, and square-shaped couches.

LESS IS MORE My number 1 design principle is “less is more”. I only use elements that are necessary for the space or design. I like to preserve the existing space features and bring in the least number of elements in the rooms by introducing sober, smooth & neutral tone decorations to achieve harmony.

FUNCTION FOLLOWS FORM When designing, I am very intentional about making sure the space is functional and user-friendly. My aim is to always create a space that is equally efficient and appealing.


3 Bedroom Residential Decor PERSONAL PROJECT The brief was to design a contemporary chic residential apartment for a family . I used classic fabrics and materials around to space to create a glam and sophisticated look with artistic and timeless furniture and fixtures to draw the eye and create an interactive space. This Décor style creates a calm and peaceful subtle and comfortable atmosphere.

Industry: Residential Size: 538 sqm Software Used: AutoCAD, Revit, Goggle

SketchUp, Enscape & Adobe Photoshop


First Floor Plan 5

ANTE - ROOM (Rendered Image)


This décor style and colour pallet are subtle to create a calm and peaceful atmosphere . Used neutral tones, gold accent and clean lines with geometric patterns to give the room an extra glam detail.


BEDROOM & TOILET (Rendered Image)


Residential Renovation (Open plan) PERSONAL PROJECT In respo nse to the brief, I was ask ed to design a modern and luxury apartment building that has a modern minimalist contemporary design and is aimed at providing the users with a homely feeling upon enterin g the space used a lot o f calm colours in the space to give the feeling o f relaxation. I also used a lot o f white o n the walls and in fittings to give the appearance o f cleanliness . I also utilized colour in paintings, decor, and other pieces to keep the walls fro m appearing boring and to draw the users' eyes

Industry: Residential Size: 87 sqm Software Used: AutoCAD, Revit, Goggle

SketchUp, Enscape & Adobe Photoshop [For Animation] DaVinci Resolve





LIVING ROOM (Rendered Image) The design style for the space was minimalist and luxurious, as I wanted the space to have a fun feel I added an orange shade to give the room a bit of a fun, exciting feeling and used complementary colours to get a cohesive look.

DINING AREA (Rendered Image) The dining area colour palette was inspired by the need to throw in a tetradic colour that will blend in with the orange but still stand out. Went for a very simple look and feel in the dining space .


KITCHEN (Rendered Image) Because the area was an open plan, the kitchen design had to blend in with the rest of the space . I chose white cabinets to give the area a luxurious feel, as well as light strips beneath the cabinets to add extra accent lighting while the space is in use. To tie the theme together, I incorporated the orange theme from the living room onto the bar seats and the whitewashed wood shade on the countertop with black accessories for the fixtures.


Living Room Remodelling PERSONAL PROJECT This project is to remodel the interior o f a livi ng room in Bedworth U K. The client needed a fresh new cosy and sung space to enjoy wi th family as well as provide a play area for her daughter. Understanding the client’s needs, their living styles and their favourite design styles are one o f the most important aspects o f the project. A s a designer, apart from fulfilling clients’ needs, I also have to utilise every space in the area in order to minimize wasted space and als o make sure I enhan ce existing features in the space.

Industry: Residential Size: 40 sqm Location: Bedworth, UK CV12 Software Used: AutoCAD, Revit, Goggle

SketchUp, Enscape & Adobe Photoshop [For Animation] DaVinci Resolve




The client is a university lecturer, enjoys travelling and collecting figurines, loves everything African prints/rattan materials and enjoys watching m ovie s with family after a long day. So, my idea was to create a little corner for her daughter to play in while she watches a movie with her husband was an important factor for her. I also incorporated all her figurines collected in the living décor and used some rattan materials as well.


Light and subdued colours were used to make the space feel warm and cohesive . Incorporated a lot of wood to match the pine flooring, therefore; using various shades of wood and rattan materials to ble nd in with the existing flooring . Plants, figurines and simple decora tive accents were used to brighten up the spaces and bre a the life into a room .

Concept Sketch 13

1 Play Area





1. Sofa and ottoman covered in taupe brown spandex



chair cover



2. Off-white and burnt orange throw pillow covers 3. Beanbag covered in burnt orange spandex chair cover.


4. Patterned beige thermal insulated blind with beige






5. Wooden wall paneling painted with beige on existing wallpaper 6. Wooden TV console with cane material

7. Black frame picture frame

Floor Plan

8. Beige/Rattan floor lamps 9. White marbled top and black coffee stool 10.Wicker/Rattan basket flowerpot 11.Wicker weaving round rug


The design style, for a Scandinavian style, as I wanted the space to feel brighter and lighter. I used muted colours on the brown colour palette to do a monochromatic scheme throughout the space. The living room had a low ceiling level and also had a lot of activities in the space (child play area, reading area, TV area) so it was important to use multi-purpose pieces of furniture so the family can have a clean and fresh space every time. I added a simple mood light strip to the TV console wall so the family can enjoy their movie nights just like in the cinemas.

Rendered Image (Living room)

Indie World Game Development Studio F I R S T S E ME S T E R P R O J E C T (Master's degree) Ind ie wor ld ga me deve l opme n t s t ud io de s ig n h ub pr oje ct i s i n Lo nd o n, Ber n er s Stree t. T h e p u rpo se is to d es i g n an o f f i ce for a s ma l l a n d new Ga me s De s ig n S tu d io t h at emp loy 10 per so n s w h i le p utt i n g t h e po s t- pa nde m i c des ig n i n to co n s ide rat i on . For t h e de s ig n sty l e, i t w i l l be co n te mpor ary a nd m od er n w it h a m i n i ma l c o l ou r p a l let. The overa l l fee l o f t he spa c e fo r it s u s er s i s to p rov id e better i n tera c t io n bet wee n t he ga me r s a n d cr eate a co m f orta b le e nv iro n me nt be c a u se t hey s pe n t mo st o f the i r t i me i n t h e s pa ce o n so c ia l med i a a nd i n the v i rt ua l world .

Industry: Commercial Size: 873 sqm Location: 45-46 Berners Street, London W1 Software Used: AutoCAD, Revit, Goggle

SketchUp, Enscape & Adobe Photoshop [For Animation] DaVinci Resolve



Mostly between mostly over all game.

male, demographics 18 and 34. and cares about achievement other aspects of the


To design an office space that will incorporate a longterm post-pandemic design by including more hygiene facilities, and a fluid.


Creating a comfortable environment to allow them to socialize within their workspace and personal lives.

First Floor Plan


Basement Floor Plan


Section 1 . Kitche n 2 . Communa l Area


3 . Lobby

4 . Gaming Ally

5 5




5 . Toilets 6 . R eception





7 . Workstation s 8 . Upper Floor

Front Elevation


Rendered Image (Reception)

Rendered Image (Workstation)

Rendered Image (Testing Lounge)



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