A Janela Spring 2015

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Spring 2015

1- A Janela Spring 2015

Cascais | Portugal

!""#$%&'()*#(+#,)(%&(-$%./$0(#123/)%4& )4()*#(%&)#$&/)%4&/5(/&1(543/5(34..2&%)%#,6 IPS is a school that prides itself on the warmth of its welcome to the children and parents from around the world. The multi-national community represented at IPS by pupils and their families as well as staff, helps to create a learning environment which fosters a global understanding and appreciation of each other and the variety of cultures we bring to the school daily. We are proud of the high academic standards attained by our children and encourage them to achieve their best in all aspects of the curriculum. Further than this, though, we also promote the value of caring, self discipline, respect, humour, a love of learning and a sense of discovery, which are all so important to the adults of the future who will soon be moulding our world. This then comes as a warm welcome to IPS from all of our staff and students who are always eager to make you a part of a very special school community. Rua da Lagoa, 171 - Bicesse 2645-344 Alcabideche 4EL s %MAIL INFO IPSSCHOOL ORG s WWW IPSSCHOOL ORG

2- A Janela Established in 1982Spring | English2015 National Curriculum | Renowned for Academic Excellence | 250 children | 35 nationalities


Inside this issue

S p r i n g 2015


Leadership & Administration


"Sir Francis Drake visited Cascais"


Letter from the President


"So you think you want to be a millionaire?"


Welcome to our new members


"The transition from Winter to Spring: Simple tips for detoxifying"

"A felicidade exige valentia" 10 Fernando Pessoa - 70º aniversário da sua morte


This is a continuing series on Flávia’s recent trip to China.

11 "Christmas Brunch at Rosemary’s"


"From psychologist to real estate consultant"

12 "The Lisbon Aqueduct and the evil Diogo Alves"


"Brief history of the Endeavor from 1934 to 2014"



"Returning after all these years!"

16 "Off the Beaten Track Discoveries"


"Pets and Traveling"

18 "Adapted Transport: The solution for an independent life!"


"IWP made a donation to the Bombeiros of Alcabideche"

21 "Australian Emu Egg Carving"


"IWP Patriachal Reservoir Lisbon tour"

22 "Once upon an Ostrich Egg"


"IWP Readers Book Reviews"

24 "Historic Villages of Portugal" (Part Two)


IWP Activities

27 "Coimbra: A River—and History— Runs Through It"


Advertise in A Janela

31 "WWII Medal arives in Lisbon after 70 years"


IWP Membership Application/Renewal Form

Proofreading team: Jessie Young, Jackie Kennard, Kay Baker, Yeoni Chung, Jeanine Nazareth, Flávia Soares, Carole Beranek, Louise Ross, Sara Jones, Agnes Bourhis, Manuela Lamers, Sharon Wake Editor: Leonor Pereira, ajanela.edition@gmail.com Advertising team: Yeoni Chung and Jackie Kennard, ajanela@iwponline.org Cover Photos by: Catherine Barry Hayes Printer:Editora Cercicawww.editoracercica.com

Articles or advertisements carried in this publication are not necessarily recommended by IWP or its Board. IWP members and their guests attending any event or activity do so entirely at their own risk.

3- A Janela Spring 2015

Leadership and Administration International Women in Portugal Associação de Mulheres Internacionais em Portugal Apartado 6, 2751-901 Cascais - Tel. 915 552 847 www.iwponline.org Email: office@iwponline.org Find us on Facebook: International Women in Portugal (Apartado means PO Box in English, so no more information is required) Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 9:00 - 14:00 Please note that our board, co-ordinator positions, activities captains, and the A Janela team, are entirely voluntary, and that any office work and phone answering is done by volunteers. IWP, International Women in Portugal, is a social and cultural non profit organisation for women of all ages and nationalities in the Lisbon/Cascais/Sintra area. Whether you have just arrived in Portugal or are a long time resident, being a member of IWP is a marvellous way to meet people from all over the world, to make new friends and to enhance your life in this wonderful country. If you would like to join IWP or renew your membership, please see the application form at the end of this magazine.

IWP Executive Board

President Louise Ross president@iwponline.org

Vice-President Tricia Marques vicepresident@iwponline.org

Secretary Maggie Marinho

Treasurer Terri Blakley

Member Representation Board

President Axelle Mercier

4- A Janela Spring 2015

1st Vice-President Jeannine Nazareth

2nd Vice-President Christine De Lafonteyn

Financial Review Board

President Rosemary Adams

1st Vice-President Bela Mendonça

2nd Vice-President Agnes Bourhis

IWP Co-ordinators

Activities Coordinator Linda Hunter activities@iwponline.org and Jeannine Nazareth

Advertising Coordinator Yeoni Chung ajanela@iwponline.org

Billing and Invoicing Jackie Kennard iwpinvoicing@gmail.com

Member Designate and Event Coordinator Marsha Turner office@iwponline.org

Newcomers Melanie Praag newcomers@iwponline.org

Amigas Coordinator Ana Lozar office@iwponline.org

Dear Ladies, My name is Leonor, and I am the new editor of the “A Janela”. I am Portuguese and live in Carcavelos. I am a Geophysicist, specializing in finding oil and gas in the ocean. As a new member of IWP, I would like to thank you for giving me this great opportunity to do the “A Janela” and participate in all the IWP activities. My hobbies are my daughter, Irish Dance, American Tap Dance, and ocean sports such as Stand Up Paddle Surf and Sailing. Between being a mother, housework, my profession and my hobbies, I also make time to do charitable work. I am the founder and president of a private charitable organization called “ANITA” Associação National de Intervenção no Transporte e Automonia – IPSS (Instituição Particular de Solidariedade Social), which promotes adapted transport for people with physical disabilities. If any of you have stories or articles you would like to contribute to the A New Editor of "A Janela" Janela, please send them to me by email at: ajanela.edition@gmail.com Leonor Pereira Looking forward to hearing from you!

5- A Janela Spring 2015

Letter from the

President Hello Members, Welcome to the spring edition of A Janela. This is the first A Janela published under the watchful eye of our new editor, Leonor Pereira, who is one of our Portuguese members and who is also new to IWP. Thank you Leonor for your fearless enthusiasm in taking on this demanding job. Additionally, this is our first printing of the A Janela at Cercica, a non-profit organization that offers rehabilitation and education for the handicapped in their state-of-art facility in São João Do Estoril. This is also my first letter as the new IWP President and I confess that when I volunteered for the position, only six months after moving to Portugal, I naïvely imagined the role would involve “lots of tea and scones.” At the writing of this letter, I’m now two months into my presidency and I’m eating those words and not scones! And I have a new level of respect for all former and present IWP volunteers, this because it became quickly apparent that a great deal of organization and effort goes on behind the scenes in order that IWP upholds its mission as an inclusive social and cultural non-profit organization for women of all ages and nationalities. What I’ve also come to appreciate is that all IWP volunteers and members bring a wealth of unique talents and gifts, worldliness and sophistication, and generosity of spirit to this organization, which makes my job particularly enjoyable because I’m surrounded and supported by incredibly smart, wise, talented, fabulous and fun women. With that in mind, who wouldn’t want to be a member of International Women in Portugal! Before I move onto business, I’d like to say a very big thank you to Barbara Flynn and her outgoing board and coordinators for their hard work and dedication. Many of you may also be aware that longtime member, former president and coordinator, Sharon Wake, returned to the

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UK in early February. What many of you don’t know is that 3 people have now filled the various roles and duties that Sharon had taken on. On behalf of IWP, I’d like to express how deeply grateful we are to Sharon for her unwavering gusto and commitment. Looking forward, the new board and Event Coordinator, Marsha Turner, have put together a very exciting calendar of events, excursions and charity coffee mornings for the months ahead. Look out for event details in Chris Rola’s monthly newsletter. We’re also considering various organizations that we’d like to support with funds raised. For the charity morning coffee held on February 11th, monies will be donated to SOS Animal Portuguese, the charity that presenter, Adriana Duarte, supports. As you may have read in Chris’ February newsletter, the Board also decided to make a 200€ donation to the Bombeiros de Alcabideche in thanks for allowing IWP to visit the fire station, where members were treated to a tour and breakfast. Pictures of the event were included on the Bombeiros Facebook page and on our Facebook page. This social networking exchange resulted in IWP’s page receiving an exponential increase in visitors. By the time you read this, the Board will have formally presented the IWP donation, and a First Aid class offered by the Bombeiros for IWP members will have taken place. Let’s see if these two photo opportunities, with subsequent pictures posted to Facebook, result in even more visitors to IWP’s page. Social networking is certainly a great tool for connecting with the larger community. Amigas Coordinator, Ana Lozar, has been scouting out new venues in Cascais for the Let’s Meet coffee mornings, as those of you who attended in January and February might have noted. Jenny Acott and Jackie Kennard organized a terrific walking tour of the Patriarchal Reservoir in January, which will be followed by a walking tour of Lisbon’s Águas Livres Aqueduct in early March. Hopefully we’ll

have articles on those 2 tours in our next A Janela. The Lisbon coffee morning, which happens on the second Tuesday of each month, has been well attended so far this year. It could be because the venue changed to Sacolinha – a pastelaria in Chiado boasting a to-die-for array of treats – or it could be that our Lisbon members are simply enjoying the opportunity to connect and get to know one another. We are trying to organize more events in Lisbon, but do let me know if you have ideas on how to increase the connection between members in the Cascais / Sintra area and the Lisbon-based members.

The board would also love to hear from our younger members. Young working women, young mums, how can we best meet your needs in 2015? Would you like to see more evening and weekend events, more family and children oriented events? Email and let me know how we can make this another great year for all IWP members. And may the birdsong in your backyard remind you that spring has sprung. Louise Ross IWP President President@iwponline.org

Art for Enjoyment We are delighted to announce that our proposal to the Câmara de Cascais for an Art Exhibit has been accepted. This will be a great opportunity not just to show our work but also to promote IWP in the community. Date: April 17- May 8 Opening: April 17 at 17:00 Location: Galeria de Cascais Open invitation to all!

Live Longer “We follow you in your rehabilitation in any health board. We will give you the joy of living every second with dignity. We will live with you, being your company, organizing your house, providing the necessary care for your well being. Our offer is the stability of your family.” Acompanhamos a sua reabilitação em qualquer quadro clinico.Devolvemos-lhe a alegria de viver cada segundo com dignidade. Viveremos consigo, fazendo-lhe companhia, organizando o seu Lar e prestando-lhe os cuidados necessários ao seu bem estar. A nossa oferta, é a estabilidade da sua família. www.livelonger.pt

Edite Antunez Tel.: 918711819 Email:livelongerediteantunez@yahoo.com 7- A Janela Spring 2015

Welcome to our New Members! ALCABIDECHE Audrey Willet I am Scottish and arrived in Portugal 1.5 years ago. Johanna Marina Zwennis

CARCAVELOS Leonie Yeates My husband's job has brought us to Portugal for a while. At the moment I´m working from home as a copywriter and we´re enjoying living in this beautiful and friendly country. Sallie Simões Da Conceição I have worked as a Science/Chemistry teacher at St Julians School for 35 years.

LINHÓ Evgenie Spyropoulou Hi my name is Jenny and I am Greek. I am here for the last four years and I love Portugal. I would like to meet new people and I love to cook.

LISBOA CASCAIS Dominique Crespin I lived most of my life abroad, Japan, Thailand, France and now Portugal, where I am more than happy to settle.

Christine Houtekier

MONTE ESTORIL Rose Humphries

Julie Dutra I´m a new mum, translator and writer and just moved to Cascais with my husband and baby boy. We´ll probably be leaving the Cascais area for a quinta in early 2015 but hope to be involved with IWP as much as possible until then. Mary Cox Moved to Portugal with my husband Simon and 1 year old son Bertie. Simon is a Royal Marine working with NATO in Oeiras.

MONTIJO Virginia Azevedo Interior designer living in Lisbon and Geneva.

SÃO DOMINGOS DE RANA Rose Anna Sciberras I am from Malta. I love outdoor activities and am looking forward to participating in the Sintra Walks.

Pat Butler

Welcome to IWP! Now that you are a member of IWP, please enroll for events you wish to attend or contact the activity captain of any activity you would like to join. For help regarding IWP or settling in your new area, please contact newcomers@iwponline.org. If any member would like to contact one of our new members, please email Chris Rola, our IWP Amiga Co-ordinator, at newcomers@iwponline.org

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9- A Janela Spring 2015


Fernando Pessoa - 70º aniversário da sua morte "Posso ter defeitos, viver ansioso e ficar irritado algumas vezes mas, não esqueço de que minha vida é a maior empresa do mundo, e posso evitar que ela vá à falência. Ser feliz é reconhecer que vale a pena viver apesar de todos os desafios, incompreensões e períodos de crise. Ser feliz é deixar de ser vítima dos problemas e se tornar um autor da própria história. É atravessar desertos fora de si, mas ser capaz de encontrar um oásis no recôndito da sua alma. É agradecer a Deus a cada manhã pelo milagre da vida. Ser feliz é não ter medo dos próprios sentimentos. É saber falar de si mesmo. É ter coragem para ouvir um "não". É ter segurança para receber uma crítica, mesmo que injusta. Pedras no caminho? Guardo todas, um dia vou construir um castelo...."


Fernando Pessoa - 70th Anniversary of his death "I may have faults, live with anxiety and sometimes become irritated, but I do not forget that my life is the biggest enterprise in the world and I must prevent it from going bankrupt. To be happy is to recognise that life is worth living in spite of all challenges, misunderstandings and crisis periods. To be happy is to stop being a victim of circumstances and make your own destiny. It is to cross the deserts around you and be able to find an oasis in the depths of your soul. It is to thank God every morning for the miracle of life. To be happy is not to be afraid of your own feelings. It is to know how to speak about yourself. It is to have courage to hear a "no". It is to have the confidence to accept criticism albeit unjust. Stones on the path? I keep all of them, one day I will build a castle......" Translated by Manuela Lamers

10- A Janela Spring 2015

Christmas Brunch at Rosemary’s On a sunny day in early December, Rosemary Adams and her husband John welcomed 52 members of IWP to the traditional Christmas brunch. As usual Rosemary had a team of assistants in the kitchen, including Sue Lyons and Sara Jones, who helped create the wonderful Christmas fare. Guests were asked to bring breakfast cereals for our charity, Casa Sol, this being a tradition every year. On arrival we were treated to coffee and tea served with delicious mince pies and a Christmas tree-shaped chocolate and nut cake, courtesy of Sara. Following the refreshments we were all invited downstairs, where Bernadette Madureira was waiting to demonstrate her artistic skills in flower arranging. From the camellias, roses and sprigs with berries that were spread out on the table in front of her, Bernadette soon created a lovely table arrangement, which I was lucky enough to take home with me.

by Carole Berenek

accompanied on the piano by Theresa Adams. Then we all joined in singing a selection of traditional Christmas carols with great enthusiasm. To conclude the afternoon’s entertainment, Bernadette’s exquisite flower arrangements that had decorated the rooms were put up for auction, and were soon to adorn the homes of some of us lucky ladies. My table arrangement looked as good as new two weeks later, when I merely replaced some of the blooms and added a few sprigs of holly and pine.

This wonderful Christmas brunch raised the amazing sum of 1,057 Euros for the handicapped of Mira Sintra. A big “thank you” to our hosts, Rosemary and John, and to their marvellous team of helpers for making this such an enjoyable occasion for us all.

In the meantime, John came round with trays of mulled wine to put us in a festive spirit and whet our appetites for the further treats awaiting us in the dining rooms. Rosemary and her team of

“fairies” had made a tasty chilli con carne with rice and salad, followed by two types of meringue and more chocolate cake. After lunch song sheets were handed out, and before long we were put into the Christmas spirit with the beautiful solo sung by Nina O’Donnell,

11- A Janela Spring 2015

The Lisbon Aqueduct and the evil Diogo Alves by Manuela Lamers Constructed in the middle of the 18th century, the impressive Aqueduto das Águas Livres is a national monument. Financed by taxes on beef, olive oil, wine, and other products, it brought drinking water from the parish of Caneças (now Odivelas) to Lisbon. The almost 1 km section crossing the Alcantara valley is supported by 35 startling baroque stone arches, the tallest of which reaches a height of 65 metres. Surviving the 1755 earthquake, which laid most of the city to waste, it is one of the most remarkable examples of 18th-century Portuguese engineering.

The IWP will host a walking tour of the aqueduct and a visit to the Water Museum, the Mãe d'Água (Mother of the Water) reservoir in Amoreiras, on March 6th. This is a chance to come face to face with an exciting and bizarre bit of Portugal's extraordinary history. When you cross the old aerial watercourse watch out for the ghost of Diogo Alves, the assassino do aqueducto, a serial killer and robber of note. Some historians claim that for his heinous crimes, Alves was the last person to receive the death penalty in Portugal. Originally from Galicia in Spain, Diogo Alves came to Portugal very early on in life, to work as a servant for the well-to-do of Lisbon. Through means unknown, he acquired duplicate keys to the aqueduct where, in the dead of night, he would lie in wait for folks who used the aqueduct as a shortcut between Lisbon and what today is known as Serafina. The unsuspecting transversers were assaulted, robbed and thrown from the aqueduct to their death. The Aqueduto

12- A Janela Spring 2015

das Águas Livres unjustly became known as the serial suicides location of Lisbon. In 1836 Alves, now aged 26, fell in love with an innkeeper Gertrudes Maria. Love and Gertrudes did not come cheap and, in order to support their lavish lifestyle, they formed a gang with Split Lips, Dancer, Digger and Feeler, an unsavoury mob indeed. Alves' gang name was Hitter and Getrudes Maria was known as "Parreirinha” (the name of a little vine). The gang's modus operandi changed from throwing victims from the aqueduct to strangulation. Their reign of terror lasted three years during which more than 70 people were robbed and murdered. Although Split Lips spilt the beans on the gang and its activities on his arrest, none of the other gang members were caught. With the aqueduct now being in the police spotlight, Diogo Alves moved elsewhere to pursue his dark career. After killing 4 members of a doctor’s family, he was condemned to death and hung in February 1841. He was never convicted of the aqueduct murders. Because of Diogo Alves’ reign of terror, the aqueduct was closed to the public in 1853 and it only reopened to the public in recent years. Scientists of the Medical School of Lisbon cut off Alves' head for research. Phrenology, the study of the localization of mental functions in the brain, the inclination to commit murder in this instance, was state of the art at the time. Phrenology's founder, Franz Joseph Gall, theorised that the intellectual, affective and instinctive faculties of an individual are linked to the configuration of the skull. The head is still kept today at the Museum of the Medical Faculty of Lisbon. It was one of the most horrific objects on display in the exhibition called “Passages: One hundred items from the Museum of


Medicine “, held at the National Museum of Ancient Art in Lisbon, in 2005. Portugal's phased abolition of the death sentence, depending on the nature of the crime, took place from 1852 to 1911, one of the first countries in the world to do so. The death penalty for treason and other military/war time offences remained in place until April 1977. Contradictory evidence exists as to the last person to be condemned to death in Portugal. Records indicate that two murderers were hung on 22nd April 1846 in Lagos on the Algarve, post the 1841 execution of Alves. Bibliography: "O Último Condenado à Morte em Portugal" (www.historiadeportugal.info) "Diogo Alves the Aqueduct Assassin" (www.waymarking.com) Executed Today.com

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13- A Janela Spring 2015

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14- A Janela Spring 2015

New DRAWING GROUP by Ewa Radecka-Mundinger During the first week of December 2014, a new IWP activity group came together for the first time. It was just Jacqueline Hajak, myself, and Tody Cezar, who hosted our small group in her beautiful apartment and where we had an inspiring view of the Tejo, the bridge, and Christo del Rei. After coffee and cake, we discussed the future of the newborn group asking the following questions of one another: would in fact we continue to meet, and if so, how often, when and where? And then which drawing techniques would we focus on, i.e. would we use live models for still-life drawing? Tody suggested we just to draw! Even between meetings, she said, we should take every opportunity to draw, and quickly, without even looking at what we were drawing! And then later on, at the next meeting, we could show one another what we’d produced, discuss it and give feedback.

15- A Janela Spring 2015

And so feeling ready to draw, given that that is why we’d come together, we decided to try portrait drawing, first sketching Tody, and then Jacqueline sat as our model. Because we decided on meeting in the future at a member’s house, the next meeting was held at Ewa’s house in Cascais at the beginning of January. We already have 2 more members interested in joining the group: Tricia Marques and Valery Harvey. We hope to expand our small, so if you are interested in learning how to draw or if you would like to improve your drawing skills in a relaxing and creative atmosphere, please contact Tody Cezar (see: Activities page).

Off the Beaten Track Discoveries by Marcia Schwuchow Sometimes a trip that was not initially undertaken with much enthusiasm can result in a surprisingly pleasurable experience. So it was with us this summer, when an old friend visiting from the US informed us she had always wanted to go to Santiago de Compostela. My initial reaction was, "Oh no, mid August, the height of the tourist season in Southern Europe, roads, restaurants and hotels are packed, prices are high. . . Who in their right mind would want to travel anywhere at this time?" But my husband had no hesitation insisting, "We'll drive her up there, no problem!" Deciding to make the best of it and introduce our visitor to the north of Portugal as well, a brief internet search yielded bookings for two nights in a lovely quinta a few kilometers outside Ponte de Lima. We spent a day touring the Minho before delivering my friend to Santiago the following day. Leaving Ponte de Lima after breakfast, thirty minutes on the A3 brought us to the International bridge crossing the Minho River. Rather than heading directly on to Santiago, we turned left at Tui and took #552 westward to Guarda on the Galician coast. There a steep road climbs to the Castro de Santa Tecla. The remains of an iron age Celtic settlement, it is spectacularly situated on a mountaintop high above Guarda, overlooking the mouth of the Minho River. The restored granite beehive dwellings and the view are well worth a visit.


Continuing north, the scenic coastal road leads to Baiona. We followed the signs to the

pousada, in the old fortress, where a 5â‚Ź entrance fee lets you drive in and park within the walls. From the ramparts there are panoramic views out to sea, to the Ilhas Estelas in the Ria de Baiona, and over the beautiful bay dotted with sailboats, beaches, and seaside villas. The bar esplanade of the posada is a good place to stop for a coffee or tea break. From Baiona, we zoomed up the highway to Santiago de Compostela, where we dropped off our friend. My husband and I, having previously visited Santiago, opted to spend those two nights somewhere else. I had searched online for somewhere to stay in the Minho valley; most places were filled to capacity at the height of the summer season but I finally managed to find accommodation in Tui. Tui??? Those of you who have crossed the border at Valença on the Minho River that forms the border between Portugal and Galicia, Spain's northwestern province, have probably, like we have, flown past Tui on your way north, but never thought of taking a closer look, or spending a few days there. From Santiago it was a ninety minute drive back to Tui. It is not a large town, but the labyrinthine granite streets of the old quarter within the Medieval walls that climb from the river banks to its hilltop cathedral made it a challenge to find our B&B. Here is where a knowledge of Spanish (or Portuguese with a Spanish twist) comes in handy - I had to ask directions two or three times. But once we found the Hotel A Torre do Xudeu, a 16th century granite house, we were welcomed with a chilled glass of Galician white wine in the garden, where we relaxed from the International Hairdressers, Beautician and Manicurist

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16- A Janela Spring 2015

Open Monday - Saturday 9 am - 7 pm

long drive, watching the sunset on the river and the Portuguese hills opposite. As weary travelers, we were happy that evening to be directed to a cafe just a few steps up the street, which served excellent tapas, and "pub meals" of local seafood with wine or beer for @7.50€ per person. This cafe seemed to be a neighborhood gathering place, and the friendly locals, seeing that we could communicate on a basic level, included us in their conversations. We felt so at home, and going back the second night we'd almost become regulars.

photographs, I spent a peaceful morning sketching in the lovely Cloister. One thing we miss in Portugal is fresh sea scallops, but in Galicia they are a specialty. We lunched in a popular modern glass-walled restaurant on the belvedere overlooking the river, where the gourmet prix fixe lunch menu for 10€ included two courses. We chose fresh scallops on their shells and a main course of tender beef steak 'salomillo,' and a good local wine. Homemade dessert was only an additional 1€ .

In the morning we were awakened by a curious loud clacking noise coming from the narrow cobblestoned street below. It was the sound of small groups of pilgrims - hundreds of them with their backpacks and walking sticks, heading out on the last leg of the Portuguese Caminho de Santiago, from the pilgrim's hostel adjacent to the nearby Cathedral.

We lazily passed the rest of the day exploring the old town, and people watching as we enjoyed ice creams in the bustling cafe-filled plaza. The next morning my friend arrived on the little one-car tourist train from Santiago via Vigo, and we then drove home to Sintra, exhilarated by our unexpected discovery. Hotel A Torre do Xudeu in Tui, Galicia opposite Valença do Minho. info@atorredoxudeu.es 34 98 660 3535 Booking.com Aug.2014: 1 double room w/breakfast for 2 nights - 138€ total incl. VAT Heated room with free WiFi, ensuite bathroom, Elevador, Guest parking on site

Tui's Romanesque Cathedral of Santa Maria was built around 1170 AD. The North portico has exquisite sculptural iconography above the main doorway, considered to be the first Gothic sculpture done in the Iberian Peninsula. While my husband roamed around taking !

The Women’s Royal Voluntary Service (WRVS) in Lisbon Associa!ção Real de Servi!ços Voluntários de Mulheres invites you to its ‘Spring Charity Fundraising Event’

LABELS FOR LESS Saturday 18 April 2015 from 10.00am to 3.00pm PLEASE NOTE NEW VENUE

Centro de Convivio (Community Centre) do Bairro do Rosário Rua Paolo da Gama 114, 2750-183 Cascais. Quality clothing, vintage & designer labels. Lots of bargains. Funds raised to go to Portuguese Charities supported by WRVS. To donate good quality clothes, accessories or new shoes email wrvsportugal@gmail.com.

17- A Janela Spring 2015

Adapted Transport: The solution for an independent life! by LeonorPereira In Portugal there are about 1 million people with disabilities. The disabled have great difficulty with mobility and consequently, they typically experience isolation and social exclusion. T h e A N I TA - A s s o c i a ç ã o N a c i o n a l d e Intervenção e Autonomia- IPSS is an Instituiçao Particular de Solidariedade Social that promotes adapted transport services for the disabled to "take you where you need to go." ANITA-IPSS also promotes inclusive tourism incorporating travel and leisure activities for people with disabilities.

contributes helping us with any value to the ANITA- Associação Nacional de Intervenção e Autonomia bank account at Millennium BCP: NIB: 0033 - 0000 - 45370474645 - 05. You can help too if you become our member. Everbody can be our member. If you, or someone you know, would benefit from becoming a member of our non-profit organization, ANITA-IPSS, please contact us for more information.

ANITA-IPSS is currently accepting membership subscriptions from all over Portugal. We’re creating a database of individuals with disabilities so that we know where they’re from, what degree of disability they have, and what kind of transportation they need. Our intention is to refer to this information so that later the organization can specify the daily routes of adapted transport for our members. To begin with, daily routes will run through various municipalities, starting with Cascais, Sintra, Oeiras, Lisboa and Loures. By municipality, we will create routes and the number of times per week that transport will be available on those routes, according to the number of members in need of transport.

Now we are organized, but there is one thing that prevents us from moving forward with the project and that is a lack of funds to purchase our first adapted minivan required for transporting members. The adapted minivans cost close to € 55,000.00. We are asking for donations to everybody who can help ANITA-IPSS. Please contact us or

18- A Janela Spring 2015

Contact Information: ANITA- Associação Nacional de Intervenção no Transporte e Autonomia - IPSS NIF: 509 735 991 Address for correspondence: Rua Canto e Castro, n.7 - r/c - B, 2785-055 São Domingos de Rana Daily schedule 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. Telefone: 929365476 e-mail: geral.anita.ipss@gmail.com

Address for attendance: Rua Dr. Camilo D. Álvares, n.801, 2775-373 Parede (only by appointment)

Trip to Sierra Nevada Adapted Snow Sky ANITA- IPSS is organizing a small trip to Sierra Nevada for the disabled people and it will take place from April 13th till April 18th 2015.

There will be adapted ski lessons, and access to the spa, including spa treatments and après ski relaxation massages.

If you are interested, please contact for more details and reservation: 929365476 e-mail: geral.anita.ipss@gmail.com.

Weekends: Sailing Tours in Cascais Bay

For Spring and Summer: Adapted Surf

Anita-IPSS is promoting fantastic and exciting sailing trips for people with disability on weekends If weather conditions allows between Cascais Bay and the river Tagus. We will promote too the amazing sailing tour on full moon night once each summer.

From 1 June until 30 October/2015, ANITA-IPSS will promote adapted surf lessons for people with disabilities, with experienced surf teachers and staff in our spectacular beaches between Carcavelos and Cascais. You just have to make a reservation.

If you are interested, please contact for more details and reservation: 929365476 e-mail: geral.anita.ipss@gmail.com. Thanks to Bafureira College! ANITA-IPSS would like to thank the school for their kind and generous attitude in allowing our organization to use a space for our meetings with current and future members.

19- A Janela Spring 2015


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20- A Janela Spring 2015

Australian Emu Egg Carving by Louise Ross Australian emu-egg carving, also known by Australia’s first people as “Kalti Paarti,” evolved from the early-etched eggs used for ceremonial purposes, as water carriers, or simply for aesthetics, to the intricate and diverse beauty of the carved eggs of today. Carving emu eggs was popularized in the midto-late nineteenth century with the advent of colonization and with Aboriginals and nonAboriginals practicing the art. During the twentieth century egg carving continued with many Aboriginals, now forced to live on missions and in camps, commercializing their art as a way to make money. Using the medium to tell stories, explain totems and depict connections to important animals, the land, people, customs and scenes from the past or present, carved emu eggs portrayed a rich visual history of aboriginal traditions, practices and cultural identity. Because emus are now protected (it is illegal to collect emu eggs from the wild) today's carvers have to be registered and licensed to purchase or collect eggs.

brown with the shell colors fading the deeper the carving.

Originally carved with a tool such as a mussel shell, today's designs are created by using a combination of penknife, file, and steel wool to carve away the outer layer of the shell to reveal under layers of muted blue, blue-green, grey or

In the contemporary “Kalti Paarti” example above, Aboriginal artist Badger Bates has illustrated a Tunjilii, or echidna, hunting for ants on sand hills in the Broken Hill area in the far west of outback New South Wales, Australia.





45 Min/15€


teresa.katz@gmail.com Tel: 966 713 961

teresa.katz@gmail.com Tel: 966 713 961

skype: maria.teresa.katzenstein 21- A Janela Spring 2015

ONCE UPON AN OSTRICH EGG (The peculiar hobby of carving eggshell) by Manuela Lamers Peculiar indeed, but yes, there are many who use their considerable artisanal skill to earn a living carving eggs, any which type. With me, it all started last June during a visit to Restaurante Mundo Rural on an ostrich farm in Alqueva, Alentejo. Scrumptious scrambled ostrich egg with mushrooms, ostrich steak and baba de camelo made with ostrich eggs preceded the obligatory stroll through the restaurant's curios section; with absolutely no intention of buying anything, of course. Before you could say “An ostrich with its head in the sand is just as blind to opportunity as to disaster�, four empty eggs were in the car and a new hobby was beckoning.

With paraphernalia from previous home ventures (jewellery drill, diamond tipped bits, protective mask and free standing magnifier) at my disposal, my start was an easy one. Google provided the research and trial and error the rest. I still have the first egg that I carved, but since then, many did not make it and had to be trashed. Fortunately, a vendor at the Cascais market sells ostrich eggs, be it full ones, so disasters are not that big a problem. An ostrich egg is equivalent to 24 chicken eggs and I don't waste any of it. Making an extraction hole with a sterilised drill bit is easy, removing the yolk and white through the small hole is far more difficult, and there's lots of the stuff. The mixture, with a bit of salt, can be frozen and a muffin form holds just enough egg mix to make an omelette for two. My deepfreeze is stacked with frosty muffin forms. Taste wise, there is hardly any difference and only an ostrich egg's unhappy size, stops it from being sold in supermarkets.

22- A Janela Spring 2015

Ostrich eggs are so hard that the chicks cannot hatch unaided, mommy Ostrich has to break the shell. An adult can stand on an Ostrich egg without breaking it. However, once carved, they become delicate and fragile. The breakage rate for an experienced carver is about 10%; I still break almost half of mine! Making eggs look pretty is a global phenomenon. The Chinese did it (and still do), Russians love them (FabergĂŠ recognised that), no Nowruz (the Persian New Year) is complete without them and all over Africa, painted and carved eggs are sought-after collectables. Christianity popularised decorated eggs for Easter, the Ukrainian pysanky (an egg with batik style traditional folk motif) is particularly striking. From primitive holes and scratches to complex patterns, carving eggs is a delicate and time consuming endeavour. It can take months to carve an egg. But beware, removing too much shell, mishandling or a photo shoot on a veranda in a Cascais gale (my personal misfortune, that) and all your labour of love comes to nought. To start off, the egg is drilled and drained, its internal membrane is removed and the empty shell is washed (bleach works best). Transferring the desired design onto an egg shaped object is tricky; you need to find and mark the different centres of the egg and pencil in guidelines (a grid) on which to draw the design. I carve with a high speed drill and diamond tipped bits. Traditional carving tools can also be used. The slightest pressure in the wrong place and the shell will crack. "Oops" doesn't cut it, the slightest crack and the egg is history. Once the egg is carved, it is washed again to remove all pencil markings and guide lines. Sealant protects the shell from dust. It is then varnished and ready for display. The carving process releases enormous amounts of calcium dust which, if inhaled, can clog the lungs. Protective masks are a must. Once inside your lungs, the gunk just sits there and will never come out again. Good lighting is a must. I work on the veranda because of the light and to keep all that dust outside. So for me, winter carving out in the cold, rain or wind, is a no no!

In Australia, egg carving is done on Emu eggs. An Emu egg is a mottled dark green (almost black) on the outside, has a middle layer in teal green and a creamy white interior layer. An experienced carver will use the different layers to make an awesome display of all the natural colours. It is a costly hobby. Eggs are pricey and a good drill, bits, protective masks and the free standing magnifier for more detailed carving don't come cheap. Sealants, varnishes, display bases and glass domes (carved ostrich eggs and domestic chores don't see eye to eye) complete the cost cycle. The sense of pride and joy that you get from an egg that survives to the end is awesome. Visitors to my house are given a grand tour of my handiwork and woes betide those who make light of my hard work. They get no coffee and are quickly shown the door. A hobby not for the faint of heart.

23- A Janela Spring 2015

Historic Villages of Portugal PartTwo: Continuing Carmo's tour of Villages 6 to 12 The Historic Villages of Portugal are a group of 12 villages classified under a 1991 government program called “The Historic Villages Program”.

By Carmo Loureiro

The aim of the program was to restore and promote a series of ancient villages / human settlements important to the history of Portugal. Starting in 1991 the government included ten villages located in the BEIRA INTERIOR. An additional two villages were added to the program in 2003. (to make it easier for a roadtrip, they are listed by order on the road map below).

Marialva Trancoso

The A Janela Winter 2014/2015 issue covered the first five: 1 Piodão, 2 Linhares da Beira, 3 Trancoso (added in 2003), 4 Marialva, 5 Castelo Rodrigo.



Castelo Rodrigo

Castelo Mendo

Sortelha Belmonte

and here are the remaining seven: Monsanto

6 Almeida 7 Castelo Mendo 8 Sortelha 9 Belmonte (added in 2003) 10 Castelo Novo 11 Monsanto 12 Idanha-a-Velha

Piodão Castelo Novo Idanha-a-Velha

6. ALMEIDA The history of Almeida can be traced back to the first century B.C. when the area was inhabited by Lusitanians. The central village was later held by Romans and Barbarians before the Arabs took control and named the village Al – Meda. A fortress was built in the 17th century, surrounding the village. It is fortified with bulwarks and has a star - shaped walled design.

24- A Janela Spring 2015

7. CASTELO MENDO Castelo Mendo remains a village steeped in history and authenticity. Two large stone statues from the Iron Age guard the entrance to the castle. Walk among the ruins, which include ancient tombs and cisterns. A popular medieval fair takes place late March / early April each year.

8. SORTELHA Built upon a granite massif near Serra da Opa. A Gothic gateway invites visitors to explore this medieval village sitting high on a mountain crag at 760 meters. The village has many features to discover, including a beautiful pillory, a 14th century church, its castle and houses constructed mostly of granite.

9. BELMONTE Austere in its granite architecture, was the birth place of the navigator – Pedro Álvares Cabral, who discovered Brazil in 1500.The castle of Belmonte served on the Alto Côa line of defense fortresses protecting Portugal from eastern invaders. In the 13th century, Jews settled in Belmonte, assisting in the commercial development of the city all while hiding their beliefs from the Spanish Inquisition. The heritage of these crypto-jews survives today, making the village a popular destination for those interested in Judaísm.

25- A Janela Spring 2015

10. CASTELO NOVO Set in the superb amphitheatre formed by the Serra da Gardunha, Castelo Novo was built in the 12th century but badly damaged by the earthquake in 1755. The castle was described as new because another one already existed, having been abandoned as it was inadequate for the region’s defence. This is why the village is named Castelo Novo. Castelo Novo is one of the many fortifications given by the Portuguese Kings to the Knights Templar to assist in the protection of the region. The windy streets of the village are fun to explore. Examples of Manueline (16th century ) and Barroque ( 18th century ) architecture are evident in the buildings and monuments.

11. MONSANTO Usually known as “The most Portuguese village in Portugal” This important defensive village, is also popular for its village houses that use giant boulders for walls or roofs. The castle at the highest point of the village offers stunning views of Serra da Gardunha and River Ponsul. In the 2nd century B.C. the village withstood a siege by the Romans. Today villagers commemorate this victory with Festival of the Crosses, every 3rd of May.

12. IDANHA – a – VELHA Considered one of the oldest villages in Portugal, Idanha –a – Velha is built on a former settlement known as Egitânia. Its marvelous architectural heritage reflects Celtic, Roman Classicism, Visigothic, Arabic, Middle Ages and Portuguese Manueline influences. A restored 16th century church holds the largest collection of Roman epigraphs in Europe. This concludes the summary of Portugal's 12 Historical Villages....now.....how many have you been to? Happy Travels! Sources - Gregório/ February 1, 2014, Wikipédia, Aldeias Históricas de Portugal website and Turismo de Portugal ( Centro)

26- A Janela Spring 2015

Coimbra: A River—and History—Runs Through It by Tricia Pimental A surprise shower has left the steep, cobblestoned Rua de São Pedro slippery, and I regret my decision to wear strappy sandals instead of sensible shoes. It's not easy to know how to dress here; morning mist makes you forget sunglasses, but by noon, brightness sears the sky high above the blue ribbon of the River Mondego that flows through the center of town. If I stay here long enough, I'll get the hang of it. Maybe. I'm in Coimbra, former capital of Portugal, two hours north of Lisbon, and home to one of the oldest continually operating universities in Europe. Established in 1290, it relocated about 600 years ago to its current location, perched atop the city, in the building that housed Portuguese monarchs from the 12th to the 15th centuries.


As I reach the top of the hill, to the right is the College of Medicine, Student Union, other campus buildings, and the aptly-named Monumental Steps. Wide and steep, there are 125 of them, five groupings of 25 each, daunting to ascend, and with no handrails, dizzying to descend. To the left is the Arts Building and opposite that, the student library. In between sprawls a plaza that was once the royal palace courtyard. "Would you like your picture taken?" A blackcloaked co-ed approaches, cradling a book she opens for inspection. "You'll get the photo of us together, this book, and a CD about the history of the University." The ten euro price tag is reasonable, but I'm having a bad hair day. I tell her "another time," and she smiles and swirls away toward a group of German tourists. I head toward the Baroque Library. With its polished woods and leather-bound volumes

27- A Janela Spring 2015

dating back centuries, it's a prime tourist attraction, as is St. Michael's Chapel, home to a 3,000-pipe organ; Sala dos Capelos, the University's main room, where academic ceremonies take place; Weapons Room; and Private Examination Room, a site for testing students for advanced degrees, but once a chamber where the monarch slept. Before leaving the University grounds, I pause on the courtyard overlook and take in the bustling city below, neatly divided by the Mondego, and I marvel at the simultaneous sense of energy and tranquility this vista affords. The next stop is just a block away, on Largo Doutor José Rodrigues: the Museu Nacional de Machado de Castro, named for one of Portugal's most famous sculptors. Walking into the building that was once the Bishop's palace, I approach the front desk. My basic Portuguese is sufficient to get me around. More often than not, when I ask, "Fala Inglês?" the answer is a modest "mais ou menos" but I then discover the person speaks my native tongue not "more or less," very well. "American?" asks the woman as she slides my ticket across the counter. I nod yes and ask what the must-sees at the museum are. "We were closed for a long time, but our expansion and remodeling is complete, so now you can see not one, but two floors of cryptoportici," the woman, Carolina, says with unmistakable pride in her musical voice. In the Middle Ages, the palace was built over the Roman forum of Aeminium (the Roman name of Coimbra), and the semi-subterranean galleries, whose vaulting supports portico structures


above ground, was one of the lures of the Museum for me. "There are Medieval and Oriental collections to view as well. And don't forget our restaurant," she adds. "We are world famous for our sponge cake." Afterwards, I venture down serpentine alleys to the Rua Ferreira Borges and Rua Visconde da Luz, past boutiques, pastelerias, and cafĂŠs. I choose a spot and order coffee and pasteis de bacalhau, plump pillows of potato, codfish, eggs and parsley, often served as an appetizer in restaurants, but which can be enjoyed as a quick, light lunch. I'm eager to find the Igreja de Santa Cruz. A former monastery dating from 1131, the church is notable for its Manueline architecture, the late gothic style that flourished during the reign of King Dom Manuel I. It's also a National Pantheon owing to the fact that it's the final resting place of the first two kings of Portugal: Dom Afonso Henriques and his successor, Dom Sancho I. I admire the sanctuary's magnificent

28- A Janela Spring 2015

blue and white azulejo-tiled walls before exiting the sanctuary and returning to the 21st century. I'm in the Baixa, or low district, now, compared to the Alta, where the University sits aloft the city. The shops here are packed tightly side by side, and then suddenly a small plaza opens up, ringed with shoe stores and flowers stalls and tables displaying aprons, pottery, and scarves. "Posso ajudar?" asks an amiable shopkeeper. "Posso ver?" I reply, and having offered help, she grins and nods, acknowledging that I'm "just looking". A moment later I spot a pair of flat brown leather boots with slim rubber soles, perfect for walking the uneven streets. Now the key words are, "Posso experimentar?" They fit perfectly. I make my purchase, slip my sandals into my backpack, and set off for the river. I wend my way to the Parque Verde, where three very different restaurants live in harmony on the banks of the Mondego. The Irish Pub's deck extends out over the water, creating the illusion of floating on the river. It looks like an ideal place to enjoy a cocktail, and I file away the fact that they have Open Mic on Thursdays. Another restaurant, A Portuguesa, is next to it, specializing in local fare like grilled sea bream, and adjacent to that, an Italian eatery. But I'm meeting a friend at 5:45 back up near the University, so dinner on the river will have to wait for another evening. Fado ao Centro is located on Rua do QuebraCostas, loosely translated as "Street of Breaking Back." (There's a good reason it's called that.) When I finally arrive, my friend is waiting at the door. We enter and pay our fees, ten euros for me, five for her, as Jisong, a native of South

Dinner is still ahead, and an excursion is on tap the following day to nearby Roman ruins. I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to see everything Coimbra has to offer, but I know one thing, I'll sleep well at night. Oh, and one other thing: sandals are for the beach.

Korea, is a student. When I'd told her I wanted to attend a performance of fado, the lyrical traditional folk music of Portugal, I'd made a point of saying I didn't want it to begin at 10:00 p.m., which is not uncommon. My friend found Fado ao Centro, with a performance at 6:00 p.m. The fado of Coimbra, as opposed to that of Lisbon, for example, is unique in that it is sung only by men, and appreciation for the "serenade" songs is shown not with applause, but with a discreet clearing of the throat. Fifty minutes and a few ahems later, we are chatting with the singer, two guitarists, and other attendees, while sipping complimentary port wine.

DERMATOLOGIST Dr Rui Mendonça (English and Portuguese) Clinica Europa - Carcavelos Tel 21 4569800 CUF Cascais Tel 21 1141400 CMIL – Lisbon Tel 21 3513310

Treatment of skin ailments of all ages and skin tumour surveillance 29- A Janela Spring 2015

30- A Janela Spring 2015

WWII MEDAL ARRIVES IN LISBON AFTER 70 YEARS by Jackie Kennard In 1943 a young lady from Rhyl, North Wales, joined the British, Women’s Royal Naval Service (WRNS), to play her part in the great conflict of WWII. After training, Wren Kathleen Winifred Helen Knowles was sent to RAF Defford, in Worcestershire, England to work at the Radar Research Flying Unit, a highly confidential area of RAF operations. During this period she met her husband to be, Willy Victor Jean-Marie Deffense, who was with the Belgian army in exile at Kinmel Camp, Abergele, near Rhyl. After the war they moved first to Brazil, then to Portugal to bring up their large family of 10 sons and 1 daughter. In 1993 another retired WRNS member came to Portugal with her husband whilst he served at NATO, Oeiras. They had met at HMS PEMBROKE, Chatham whilst they were both in training, Jackie Kennard (Nee Piper) joined the WRNS on 21st July 1964 as a Wren Writer (ST). Following an invitation by Lieutenant Colonel Paulo Banazol, [a serving officer in the Portuguese Cavalry Regiment], to a Cavalry Day at Santarem, the two ladies met and soon became engrossed in each other’s stories. Kathleen mentioned she had served in the Wrens during WWII and Jackie became very interested in her story. Coincidentally, at that time Jackie was working for a local Portuguese magazine, “The Portuguese Review,” which had reported in their May/June 1994 issue an article on “Belgians in Portugal”. In this article they reported on the Deffense family.

LISBON WRNS BRANCH 2010 In 2010 Jackie and her husband returned to Portugal following their retirement. During this time, Colonel Banazol’s wife, Claire, who at that time was serving in the Royal Navy (she joined in 1986 as a Wren and was promoted to 3rd Officer in 1988, subsequently then transitioned to Sub Lieutenant, RN, as gradually the WRNS became part of the Royal Navy) had decided to retire and return to Portugal. It was her suggestion that we explore the possibility of forming a Lisbon branch of the WRNS. Jackie remembered meeting Kathleen and made some enquiries as to whether she would be interested in joining them. Coincidentally, at around the same time, Jackie met Alexandre Deffense at an Irish Association event and found out that he was Kathleen’s youngest child. Sadly, Kathleen had passed away just a few years earlier on 27 May 2006. By an even bigger coincidence, Jackie then realised that Georges Deffense,

Admiral Tim Love presenting the medal to Alexandre Deffense, the youngest of Kathleen's children.

whom she had known for several years, was Kathleen’s 5th child.

Wrens Valerie, Kathleen and Maureen

31- A Janela Spring 2015

THE MEDAL An issue of “The Wren” magazine, published earlier this year, gave details of how to apply for the service records of WRNS who had served from 1939-1955. Remembering the fascinating story that Kathleen had told her when they met many years previously, and with the permission

of Georges Deffense, Jackie sent off for the application form. Wren Kathleen Winifred Helen Knowles, WRNS 54367 – 1943 – 1946 With service details provided by the Deffense family, the process started in February and, after about a month, Jackie received a reply enclosing Kathleen’s service records. These showed that she had been awarded a War Medal, which had never been issued or previously claimed. With some encouragement, Jackie helped Georges complete the forms to apply for his mother’s war medal in May. As far as Jackie could ascertain, none of Kathleen’s family were aware that she had been awarded a medal. It is also believed that Kathleen herself was unaware of the fact. So it was not until 22nd July 2014 - 70 years after it was awarded – that the medal Kathleen

The Family Deffense

32- A Janela Spring 2015

was entitled to, has now been claimed by her family. WILLY VICTOR DEFFENSE While researching his mother’s service record, Georges also discovered papers relating to his Father’s service with the Belgium Army. Willy Deffense arrived in UK from Brazil to serve from 16 April 1941 – 20 April 1945 . His father had also been awarded the “Baudouin, Roi des Belges” – “Chevalier de L’Ordre de Léopold” on 19 February 1969. Among the papers was a cutting of a newspaper with Kathleen on her wedding day with her two sisters, who had also been in the WRNS. The warrant of the Order of Leopold granted to Mr. Willy-V.-J-M. DEFENSE is for the civilian version of the knight cross of the Order of Leopold. Click on the link http://www.cavan.pt

L-R the brothers and one sister with the Admiral and his ADC: Georges; Gerard; Lt Alex Harris RN; Baudouin; Alexandre;Cintia; Jacques; Rear Admiral Tim Love RN; Daniel.

POST NOTE: In August I contacted the Defence Directorate General Human Resources, Division Administrative Expertise, Brussels, Belgium to enquire about Willy Victor, Jean, Marie Deffense’s service record in the Belgian Army. I received in the post the original attestation of the honourable decorations that were awarded to him which were: La Médaille Commémorative de la Guerre 1940 – 1945 avec deux sabres croisés, 30 september 1947; La Croix de Chevalier de I’Ordre de la Couronne, Arrêté Royal No. 4208 du 15 novembre 1955; La Croix de Chevalier de I’Ordre de Léopold (Décoration civile – Ministère des Affaires étrangères), Arrêté Royal du 19 février 1969. Distinctions honorifiques étrangères Defence Medal,, 28 février 1956; 1939 – 1945 Star, 28 février 1956; France and Germany Star, 28 février 1956; La Médaille de la France libérée, 3 novembre 1961. Celebration for the Deffense family A special celebration was held Wednesday, 12 November, for the Deffense family as Admiral Tim Lowe Royal Navy, presented a post World War II medal awarded to their mother, Kathleen Deffense, at a reception held at the Cascais, Messe de Marinha. Admiral Lowe provided an insight into the type of work Kathleen would have been involved in during these difficult times and his testimony was warmly received by the family.

Appeal to all Portugal taxpayers The 350-year old British Cemetery and Anglican Church in Lisbon and Estoril face an ongoing struggle to raise income. The Portuguese law permits you to direct 0.5% of your tax assessment to charity. You pay the same tax, but the state keeps only 99.5%. The procedure is to complete “Anexo H, section 9 – Consignação de 0.5% do IRS” of the (modelo 3) income tax return. Place an X in the box “Instituições Religiosas, art 32º n.º 4”, complete box 901 with the Church identity number 592005542 and place an X in the box IRS. A third X in the box IVA will additionally direct to our Church any benefit granted to you.

Your help is greatly appreciated 33- A Janela Spring 2015

SIR FRANCIS DRAKE VISITED CASCAIS by Chris Rola To celebrate the 650th anniversary of Cascais, I was asked to write an article on the history of Cascais for International Women In Portugal‘s magazine A Janela, and whilst researching I discovered Sir Francis Drake had spent time in the Cascais area. In 1588, after the defeat of the Spanish Armada, Sir Francis Drake led a fleet of ships with the aim of expelling the Spanish from Portugal and installing Don Antonio, the Prior of Crato, and an illegitimate son of a younger brother of King João III of Portugal. The force was also under the command of Sir John “Blackjack” Norris and his name, together with Drake’s reputation, points to another aim of the expedition, looting valuables to fill the depleted coffers of Elizabeth I, after the Spanish Armada. Rather ironic, as one of the reasons Phillip II sent the Armada was because Elizabeth I would not punish Sir Francis Drake and others for plundering Spanish ships. In the book ‘The First Global Village’ by Martin Page, the first part of Chapter 14 is devoted to a description of this expedition to Spain and Portugal and, at times, it reads more like a script for “Pirates of the Caribbean” with stories of drunkenness and debauchery, shipwrecks, lack of arms and food, botched attacks, and deserting soldiers. The most bizarre was the ransacking of a mansion near Peniche where clothes ridden with fevercarrying fleas were stolen and worn by the troops, causing many to become very ill and some to die. During these adventures, Sir Francis Drake ended up in Cascais where the people welcomed him warmly. Drake described Cascais “as a sweet town and cleanly kept” but after his

34- A Janela Spring 2015

troops left a week later they had turned it into “a place most loathsome”. Drake advanced to the Spanish-held fort of St Julian’s, Carcavelos where they were turned back by Spanish troops, and so decided to abandon the whole campaign as they were not finding much “booty” worth plundering.

When I look at land or old buildings, I try to imagine what has happened there, and as I live on the coast between Cascais and Carcavelos, I am amazed to think that Sir Francis Drake passed by this way. Did he ride a horse along the coastal path below my house (no marginal then), and did he view St Julian’s Fort from higher ground above Parede? As I come from a naval family and enjoy Tudor history, I was even more delighted to find this connection to Sir Francis Drake in Cascais.

SO YOU THINK YOU WANT TO BE A MILLIONAIRE? by Tricia Pimental As a trivia addict, I had tried for years to appear on my favorite game show, the American version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? After each test—failed or passed—I received the same rejection postcard. Then one day my phone rang with an offer to be a contestant—in two weeks’ time. The fact I’d just spent a weekend in hospital undergoing tests to determine if I had suffered a heart event (or simply job stress) was irrelevant. I was terrified I would lose my chance. On taping day, I was at the studio at seven a.m. Hours dragged by. Except for a dry run on getting in and out of the “hot seat” (a menacing piece of furniture with an open rung perfect for ankle-snaring), we contestants were holed up in a room where we couldn’t read or study, and had no idea when we would be called. I was finally summoned at 5:00 p.m.. While a microphone was clipped on me, I viewed a screen displaying snippets of former shows. A recording of the Black Eyed Peas' I Gotta Feeling revved the audience, convincing them it was “gonna be a good, good night.” I hoped so. When cued, I walked on stage and greeted host Regis Philbin. After nailing the first five questions, the celebrity question appeared on a monitor. I stared nervously at CNN’s Larry King as he asked to whom Michael Jackson’s will had entrusted the care of his children. I sensed trouble, but narrowed my choices: Jackson had been close with Brooke Shields; it made sense he would select someone younger than my other choice, Diana Ross. I used my Ask the Audience lifeline. They correctly voted for the latter, and an initial wave of uncertainty washed over me.

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I attempted to wrestle into submission the hot air balloon that used to be my brain, deciding it is harder to play “for real” than at home. More questions. I used my Ask the Expert lifeline. The expert didn’t know. Thankfully, I guessed right. On the next time out, Regis leaned close. “Don’t burn your lifelines,” he whispered conspiratorially. When an alarm sounded and the show was over, crew members scuttled about. I had a wardrobe change, returned, and began a new game. Finally I reached a major level. “Here we go,” Philbin said. “For twenty-five thousand: the national fruit of the Philippines is A) Mango, B) Coconut, C) Pineapple or D) Watermelon. My mind reeled. A mist of

perspiration formed on my face, my hands were icy. And that clock! One way the producers had eliminated excessive deliberation was to install a timer on the screen where questions and potential answers appeared. A Jamaican friend who loved “mongoes” popped into mind. I eliminated them as Caribbean. Coconut was for Indian food; pineapples, Hawaiian. But they had coconuts too… Watermelon? From picnic baskets. I was out of control. Tick, tick, tick. I told Regis I’d “walk away,” the key phrase to cut short the torture. “Wait!” Three seconds left, and I hadn’t said another key phrase, “final answer.” “Mango!” “She got it!” Regis exclaimed, somewhere between shock and recognition of great television. “One second to go! It’s never been closer than that!” When the audience stopped screaming and I could—sort of—think again, we continued. This is where I really got into trouble.

I had been a legal secretary, lawyer’s wife, mystery maniac. What’s the establishing shot for any trial scene? Lawyers jogging up and down courthouse steps under the statue of blindfolded Lady Justice, holding balance scales. Question: what’s in her other hand: lion, sword, torch, or gavel? I dismissed lion. Sword? Maybe. In my mind’s eye, I saw the hand without scales at waist level. Regis asked what I thought they were talking about. I thought he’d hinted I was missing the obvious. I looked at “torch” and it slipped out, irretrievably, into the ether. “The Statue of Liberty?” Humiliation flushed my cheeks. How could I confuse Lady Justice with Lady Liberty? Philbin again. “J-u-s-t-i-c-e,” he said, dragging the word out. Now all I could think of was a judge, therefore, a gavel. “P a r t o f m e w a n ts to sa y ‘ sw o rd ,’ but…‘gavel,’ final answer.” “Aw, it was ‘sword,’ but here.” Philbin handed me a dummy check and a stagehand helped me maneuver my numb body into a small, black-curtained booth offstage where I signed

papers. Then I grabbed my things and propelled myself, heart fluttering, onto the New York nighttime streets. Was I right to appear on the show? Would they have called back another time? I’ll never know. I do know I can’t watch crime dramas without cringing when I see Lady Justice’s hand resting on a sword as big as a skyscraper. But if I ever get that “Justice” question on a Quiz Night, I’ll be ready.

ENGLISH DENTAL SURGEON Dr. Francis Haley, B.D.S. (Guy’s Hospital, University of London) Av. 25 Abril, 184 – 1°C 2750 – 511

Cascais Tel : 214 863 012 -


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36-AF_iwp_2013 A Janela Spring 2015 segunda-feira, 28 de Janeiro de 2013 09:41:21

The Transition from Winter to Spring: Simple tips for Detoxifying by Louise Ross The Spring Equinox on March 22 nd is considered a yearly starting point when the length of day is equal to the length of night. With the return of longer days with more sunlight hours and warming temperatures, spring heralds new beginnings and a fresh start. Shedding outer layers, coats and sweaters, and exposing our skin again is easier because it’s warmer. Likewise, cutting back on our food consumption is a natural because we need fewer calories to generate body heat. My preference in spring is for lighter meals with more emphasis on colorful vegetables, and less emphasis on saturated fats and simple carbohydrates like pasteis e doces. Green foods are a great way to make the transition from winter to spring because their phytonutrients support the liver to detoxify after several months of heavier, richer food. But do try and buy organic leafy greens. Because leafy greens grow low to the ground, they’re more likely to contain a high level of pesticide residue if not grown organically. Incorporating spring vegetables into one's diet is easy when they’re so abundantly available at the various markets in and around Lisbon and Cascais. Instead of adding butter or oil to your cooked vegetables, try drizzling organic apple cider vinegar or lemon juice over them; it enhances the subtle natural flavors and while also stimulating a sluggish liver. The skin is a great indicator of the state of the liver. Rashes, dermatitis, acne, and so on, are linked to liver function and the blood. As the liver begins eliminating toxins, the blood purifies and inflammatory skin conditions begin to clear.


One unusual, but gentle way to help with this process of drawing toxins from the liver and body is to start the day with an Ayurveda practice called “oil pulling”. (Ayurveda is a system of Hindu traditional medicine native to the Indian subcontinent, and a form of alternative medicine in the West.) Google “oil pulling” for more details, but essentially it goes like this: Upon rising, take a spoonful of cold pressed organic oil, such as sunflower, sesame or coconut oil, into mouth and swish it through your teeth for about 15 minutes. Don’t swallow the oil just swish it gently around your mouth. Then spit it out and rinse the mouth with warm salty water.

Notice how fresh the mouth feels and how smooth the teeth feel. Follow the oil pulling with a glass of warm lemon water. Lemon juice is both acidic and alkalizing. Outside the body it’s acidic; inside the body after its minerals dissociate, its effect is alkalizing. A healthy diet that includes alkaline foods, like lemon juice water and fresh vegetables, supports liver function by creating and strengthening liver enzymes and regulating blood carbohydrate levels. Stick with a morning ritual of oil pulling and lemon water and a lighter diet as described above for at least a month and note how you feel, how your skin looks, and how your body responds. In addition to modifying my diet (minimal saturated fat, minimal sweets, more colorful veggies, particularly organic greens, no alcohol but lots of filtered water), in spring, I exercise more with the intention of working up a sweat.

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Sweating is a great way to release toxins from the body. Walking, hiking, running, and biking are all great aerobic activities that accelerate the heart rate and promote sweating. I also like to supplement my diet with traditional western bitter herbs like milk thistle, artichoke extract and dandelion extract since these support liver function while also cleansing the blood. I’ve seen combinations of these herbs in capsule form and combined in a liquid extract formula at Celeiro. I'll be the first to admit that any kind of ‘diet’ is not easy. I love to cook, and eat what I cook, so making a conscious choice to not eat certain foods, and to also avoid sweets (very difficult for me since I love, love, love pasteis e doces) is a real challenge. And like most people, I usually put on a few kilos over winter, but those kilos quickly drop off on a simplified spring diet of less. Fortunately, the benefit of preparing meals with spring vegetables is that the taste of the season’s bounty speaks for itself and complicated recipes and flavor-enhancing sauces are not necessary! Here are a couple of simple meal ideas: Grilled Vegetable Medley and Spinach Salad 1) Wash a bunch of asparagus (asparagus is considered a bitter green), snapping off the woody ends. Line a skillet with a tablespoon of olive oil and with the heat on high, toss in the asparagus and move the skillet about vigorously so that the stalks char-grill but don't burn. For additional color, add whole radishes and chunks of organic bell pepper to the skillet with the asparagus. Once tender (it only takes a couple of minutes), remove vegetales from the skillet and lay on a large plate or platter. Drizzle with lemon juice and season with cracked black pepper and salt. 2) Wash baby spinach leaves and an equal amount of spicy, bitter arugula (rocket); toss into a bowl. Add a peeled and chopped avocado and a peeled and chopped granny smith apple. Gently toss enough olive or walnut oil to coat the salad, then top with fresh-squeezed lemon juice and raw or toasted pistachio nuts. To Serve: Present the plated asparagus and the spinach and arugula salad as a light meal with chunks of crusty bread.

38- A Janela Spring 2015

Fish with Sweet Potato, Zucchini and Capers Since white fish has no saturated fat, it's a great protein source while on a spring detox program, and obviously it’s very easy to find deliciously fresh fish everywhere in Portugal. White fish, such as Dourada, Corina, Robalo, Linguado are low in omega oils, but while detoxing, it's not such a bad thing to steer clear of oilier fish, which, though low in omega oils, are high in cholesterol. 1) Into an ovenproof skillet, place half a thinly sliced sweet potato. 2) Slice a zucchini and place it over the potato. 3) Place your choice of fish, whole or filleted, over the vegetables. 4) Dot the fish with chopped green onion and a spoonful of capers, sprinkling some of the caper juice over the fish and vegetables. 5) Peel and slice fresh ginger, chopping it into tiny pieces and then sprinkle it over the vegetables and fish. 6) Drizzle a couple tablespoons of water over the lot, put a lid on the skillet, and put it into a 175-degree oven for about 15 minutes. To Serve: Gently lift portions from the skillet onto a plate, and pour some of the pan juice over the fish. Add squeezed lime or lemon juice and garnish with lots of chopped, fresh parsley.

This is a continuing series on Fláviaʼs recent trip to China.

Part TWO: by Flávia Soares

In Part One published in the last issue of the magazine, I related my adventures in Beijing. In this last segment, I write a summary of the rest of the journey in China. It was an unforgettable experience.

From Datong we took a 16 hour overnight train ride to Xi’An to visit the museum which houses the Terra Cotta Warriors. Fig.2 Xi'An has become a world tourist attraction for its Terra Cotta Warriors found in 1974 by three farmers drilling for water during a severe drought. Our guide told us that after they arrived at a certain depth, they could not drill any further. One of them went down and got the scare of his life as he looked into a face. The farmers reported their finding to the local government but there was not much interest on their part. It was in 1976 that a mass project of excavation was begun. From Xi'An we headed south for 4 days of some much needed R&R in the mountains in Longshen and Yangshuo.

From Beijing we made a 7 hour train journey to Datong. The Hanging Temple (Datong). Fig.1 Built by the Wei (meaning north, because they came from the north) dynasty (386-534 AD) who were fervent believers in Buddhism. According to our guide, they had the idea that the way to control the existing peoples was through religion. The Hanging Temple, a structure built into the side of a mountain is a tribute to Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism with icons representing the three religions. It is an amazing feat of construction.

Fig.1 39- A Janela Spring 2015

Fig.2 Our first stop was Ping An Village among the Longi rice fields. We made the journey up the mountain to our hotel by foot on narrow cement paths and narrow stone steps which snaked between houses and stalls. It was already dark by the time we arrived so we would have to wait until the next morning to see the breathtaking beauty of the rice fields and landscape right outside our windows. Fig.3 Our next stop was Yangshuo. One part of our journey there was a 2 hour cruise down the Li River on a bamboo raft. What a journey among the magnificent, tall limestone hills and lush green vegetation along the riverbanks. Fig. 4 and 5.

centuries ago but it was only in the mid 1800's when the British opened their concession, followed by the French and the Americans that Shanghai began to thrive to become one of the most important ports in China. All this foreign presence plus the dealings with the outside world through the trading ships which came to port, opened the city to the world.

Fig.3 Our hotel was located on the banks of the Yu Long River whose sounds lulled me to sleep at night and gently woke me the morning. During the day the river filled with bamboo rafts covered by colorful beach umbrellas taking tourists for a cruise.

When I think of Shanghai, I think of skyscrapers. This photo was taken from the hotel elevator at night and without a tripod which explains its blurry image and reflections. In an effort to get the best photo, I rode the elevator from the first to the twenty-first (top) floor several times, stopping at every floor‌ Fig.6 I had read that a visit to the Shanghai Museum is a must. I spent a couple of hours admiring its impressive collections in the Ancient Chinese Bronze, Sculpture, Ceramics, and Calligraphy galleries. Fig.7

Fig.6 If you would like to read about my trip in more detail and see more photos, I invite you to visit my blog, fminchina.blogspot.com

Fig.7 Fig.4 and 5 After 4 days in the beautiful and peaceful countryside, we had back to the hustle and bustle of a big city. Unlike Beijing, Shanghai is relatively young. It already existed some three

40- A Janela Spring 2015

From psychologist to real estate consultant by Ana Fernandes I have always loved, heart and soul, my profession, I have always liked to help others, to understand others, to be able to make others feel good. But life takes many turns and sometimes you need to adapt to new situations. For a while I was unable to exercise my profession for various reasons but I never gave up wanting to continue to practice psychology in some way. For a long time a friend had been asking me to work with her in Real Estate, I can´t say it's what I like, but after some time she convinced me. If we analyze well we can say that I'm not so far from my original profession as this work is also to help others, advise them and often when I help them find what they seek, feel their happiness. A brief History In the past, the property market in Portugal was stagnant, there was no construction, in the few apartments that existed for rent were shared by several families. There was no purchasing power. With the entry of Portugal in the EU, there was a "Boom" at the level of construction, economic power was increased which led to a high demand in buying homes. Portugal was the paradise for those who wanted to invest in real

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estate because it was an investment with guaranteed profit. Credit was easy, interest rates started to decline and the tax burden was relatively low. But "not everything is rosy" the market began to show signs of fragility and there has been a decline in this sector, since the crisis of 2008. The Portuguese purchasing power declined further, banks began to tighten credit, construction companies were struggling to sell. Reasons to invest in Portugal There are some very good incentives now to buy in Portugal: 100% financing of bank owned properties Golden visas for non EU citizens EU citizens enjoy 10 years of no taxes on their pensions Lower taxes for non ordinarily residents. Furthermore improvements in laws to protect landlords gives more confidence to buyers who buy to rent. Do I need to mention our fantastic climate, food, people, security etc, etc? This was a short overview of the current real estate market in Portugal. For more information, please contact me at Tel: 968 951 835.

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Communicative language courses for children and adults Support for dyslexic learners in English Director: Caroline Darling

! 21 483 0716 ! 91 6060 170

Rua da Palmeira 5, 1st Floor caroline.darling@elc-cascais.com 2750-459 Cascais

41- A Janela Spring 2015


BRIEF HISTORY OF THE HMS ENDEAVOUR FROM 1934 TO 2014 by Ruth Hurst In 1934, Britain’s famous yachtsman and A v i a t i o n P i o n e e r, T h o m a s S o p w i t h , asked Camper and Nicholson of Gosport, Portsmouth Harbour, to build him a J-Class J 40 meter yacht which he named Endeavour. His intention was to create a winner for the famous “America’s Cup”, and for that purpose he applied all his skills and knowledge as an aeronautical engineer to build the most innovative yacht of the era, with a steel hull and mast. The Endeavour did not win the “America’s Cup”, but it became the most “successful loser” of all times. The design and the performance of the Endeavour were all that could be wished for, but the human factor robbed Thomas Sopwith of his victory. A crew-strike forced him to take on an enthusiastic but inexperienced amateur crew, to race against the Rainbow’s professional, expert sailing crew. The Endeavour’s defeat by a minute margin, coupled with the idea of the amateur versus the professional crew, caught the public’s fancy and imagination, and the Endeavour became a legend even to lay-men. The Endeavour was the challenger who came closest to take the Cup away from American monopoly, until the Australia II won the “America ´s Cup ” in 1983. In its second sailing season the Endeavour was unbeatable, winning several titles and showing her heels to several former winners of the “America’s Cup”. In the following 46 years the Endeavour passed from hand to hand, some less loving than others; until it reached a lamentably ruinous state from which the American yachtswoman Elizabeth Meyer rescued it in 1984.

ORIGINAL SOURCE DOCUMENT RE: ELIZABETH MEYER “In 1984 American yachtswoman Elizabeth Meyer bought the Endeavour and undertook a five year rebuild. Since the hull was too fragile to be moved and was miles away from any boatyard, Meyer had a building constructed over the boat and hired welders to restore the hull. Endeavour’s missing keel and ballast were rebuilt, the steel frames and hull plating repaired and replaced where necessary, and a new rudder fabricated. The newly seaworthy hull was launched and 42- A Janela Spring 2015

towed to Holland where it was put on a barge and transported to the Royal Huisman in Vollenhove. There she was transformed and rebuilt by Royal Huisman’s Huisfit division in 1989 into a modern masterpeice, with all new deck, rig, sailing gear and interior. Endeavour sailed again, on June 22, 1989, for the first time in 52 years. The incomparable Endeavour was the first of the J Class yachts to be restored to her old glory and thus will always claim a special place in the hearts of the shipyard workers and yachtsmen everywhere. The latest refit was completed in 2011 at Yachting Developments, Hobsonville, Auckland NZ in May 2013. The refit work was recognised when JK4 Endeavour won the Refitted Sailing Yacht Award at the 2013 Superyacht Awards.”

In May of 2011 Mr. Cássio Bonomi Antunes acquired the Endeavour and had it transported to New Zealand where Yachting Developments, of Hobsonville, Auckland undertook a new refitting. The unsurpassed excellence of their labour was rewarded with the Refitted Sailing Yacht Award at the Superyacht Awards in 2013. Mr. Cássio Bonomi Antunes is a Club Member at Clube Naval de Cascais since 2012, and most generously donated the Endeavour’s historical steel mast (substituted in New Zealand by carbon-steel) to the Club and to the Cascais City Hall. With the help and support of Cascais City Hall, Clube Naval de Cascais had the mast of the Endeavour raised in August 2014, during the celebration of the CASCAIS VELA Regatta, where it can now be seen, soaring high above the roof-tops of Cascais.

Returning after all these years! by Julia Vonk 13 years ago, we came to Portugal at the request of the company where my husband worked. The plan was to stay for a few years, but it became a little bit longer. In my homeland the Netherlands, I already had heard about IWP, so I became a member about twelve and a half years ago. IWP gave me the key to open doors. In the beginning there were so many activities, there was always something to do, for example tennis, bridge, English and Portuguese conversation etc. There was the walking group on Fridays, the coffe mornings, the aspiring chefs excursions and so on. Today I want to say thank you, especially to Rosemary Adams and Sue Lyon for the aspiring chefs, to Cathy Bowen for the Friday walks and to Theresa Lopez. With her we made a lot of

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excursions and she taught me how to prepare and eat humus. Now we are going back to the Netherlands. We bought a new house on land reclaimed from sea, 30% of what is now the Netherlands used to be lakes or part of the sea in the 16Th century. Piece by piece this has been transformed to fertile land over the centuries. Our property is where fishermen, way back used to go fishing. We will also be closer to our three children and gradchildren. When I go back I will take with me the memories of all the IWP people I have met over the years. Most of them have also gone back or moved forward to a new assignment. For now I like to say goodbye and wish the club all the best for the future.

Pets and Travelling

by Angie Ingils

My memories of having a dog had definitely been consigned to the very deepest parts of my brain, so when in May, we decided to embark on increasing our family unit to include one small white puffball, a Bichon Maltese puppy named Rosie, I don't really think I was that wellprepared.

month before his / her anti-bodies are sufficiently strong to offer full protection. It came as a bit of shock to learn from our Vet that even after the last course of vaccinations we were still "housebound" for another 4 weeks!

Fortunately Rosie is a great little character, cute, intelligent and lots of fun, so I'm now used to the early mornings and rush to open the patio doors to the garden. I've even reconciled myself to the occasional unwelcome "puddles" on the floor tiles, but what has been more difficult and a real learning curving is the planning and organisation now involved in ensuring Rosie can join us on our travels. Here are some of the potential pitfalls to avoid should you be thinking of adopting or buying a

Assistance guide dogs may travel free Animals in carriers may travel for free, but may not take up a seat A half-price ticket is required for animals not in a carrier container An animal must not cause inconvenience to the other passengers and must be in a carrier or muzzled and on a lead Animals are not allowed on the seats. It's a good plan to carry their vaccination record with you.

Travelling on trains in Portugal

Elsewhere in Europe. Check out the following website, it's amazing in the wealth of information available.www.seat61.com/dogs-by-train

new family member, and some tips if you want to include your pet in your travels. Rabies vaccination and Micro Chips. If you intend to travel abroad you will need to have your pet microchipped and vaccinated against rabies. However, you must have the micro chip fitted BEFORE the rabies vaccination to comply with customs regulations for entering the UK. Failure to do this could result in you having to wait a further 12 months before your pet can be re-vaccinated and some very expensive kennel costs. Please ensure you are fully compliant by visiting www.gov.uk/ take-petabroad/overview. Immunity Even after your pet completes the third lot of vaccinations required, it can take up to one

44- A Janela Spring 2015

Insects These can be a real problem here in Portugal, so do use a recommended insecticide. Our Vet believes that sprays are more effective than collars. Collars are not recommended for use on animals less than 3-4 months old. Personal recommendations - Phone a Friend! I had no idea where to find a good vet, pet groomer, dog sitter etc. so I asked my friends in IWP! It's been brilliant. I have an excellent Vet, and whilst Rosie might not look forward to her cut and blow dry, she leaves the parlour looking

great! Insert photo. I'd also recommend posting questions on the following websites as they always provide great feedback. www.AngloInfo.pt Hotels, Quintas The IBIS and TravelLodge hotel chains in Europe and the UK do have pet friendly hotels. There are costs involved and rooms are not offered at all locations, but standards are consistent and we experienced pet- friendly staff too! Otherwise my tip would be to use sites such as TripAdvisor and read the reviews already posted. We also found wonderful Quintas on our recent travels, so it is possible to take your pet! Ferries to UK and Ireland. Services, kennels and permitted visits to the car decks vary from ferry company to company. Some charge, others are free. All kennel places are limited and will usually involve a phone call when booking. Personally, we choose to drive to


France and overnight in hotels along the way, this means we are able to keep the ferry journey time to the UK to a minimum. Tip: even on short journeys around town we put Rosie's travel crate on the seat next to her in the car so she can just get in and sleep. Hopefully she will then not get too stressed when left alone on the car deck. Car Safety An unrestrained pet could kill front seat passengers in the event of a car accident. It was very difficult to find harnesses for dogs locally which clip into the car seat belt sockets, but I was able to obtain one from the Amazon website.

45- A Janela Spring 2015

Food. Obviously what you feed your pet is down to you, but after living in a few countries my tip would be to go with a well known dry food brand rather than a supermarket own brand. That way you know you will be able to find what your pet likes the world over without running the risk of "fussy eater syndrome". If you prefer to supplement your pets diet with meat, choose something you know will be readily available from the chilled food cabinets and as for snacks...carrots! Clearly not a bible, but hopefully food for thought and with a few websites thrown in for good measure we hope our experiences will help you in your planning. Happily for us, Rosie is small enough to be carried in her backpack whenever we decide to visit places of interest and so far we've had no problems gaining entry to the castles of Braga, Braganza, Almoural,and the Covento de Christo. Shes accompanied us on the Moliceiro boats in Aveiro, the funicular at Bom Jesus and the train to Lisbon! Maybe I'll keep a journal next year of Rosie's Travels...you never know it could be a best seller!

AZULEJOS Tile‐pain)ng

farm; easy




occasions Private
welcomed ruthscoN9@yahoo.com

183 Ruth


WRVS Car Boot Sale Saturday, May 9 th 2015

Carcavelos Clothes Market ( to be confirm ed ) 10.00h to 14.00h (on sea side of train station)

!12 per car, !20 per van (Payable on the day)

100% of your pitch price goes to charity! Browse for treasures such as toys, books, baby items, clothing, household goods, furniture and much more including WRVS hot and cold drinks, snacks, sandwiches and delicious home made cakes. To reserve a place to sell from your car contact Simon on simonwebb92@gmail.com with your name and Tel No . If you would like to donate items bring them on the day or email Angela on wrvsportugal@gmail.com

46- A Janela Spring 2015

IWP made a donation to the Bombeiros of Alcabideche

The collaboration between the Bombeiros de Alcabideche and the International Women in Portugal began on January 10 with a visit from 33 of their members. During the visit, they became familiar with the day to day life of the firemen and their role in society. Today, the Bombeiros of Alcabideche received some members of IWP who voluntarily made a symbolic donation of 200.00 euros. This collaboration will be extended through First Aid courses for members of IWP. “We want to continue to build partnerships with other organizations which are beneficial to both parts. These small gestures are fundamental for any Associationâ€?, words of JosĂŠ Palha Gomes, Commander.

47- A Janela Spring 2015

IWP Patriarchal Reservoir Lisbon tour - 20 January 2015 By Manuela Lamers IWP Patriarchal Reservoir Lisbon tour - 20 January 2015 By Manuela Lamers

one distributed water to the east of the city, as far as Rua da Alegria

The tour, arranged by Jackie Kennard and Jenny Acott, attracted a good turnout. The historic venue only accommodates tours of up to 30 people – there were 29 of us.

one distributed water to the western part of Lisbon

Our guides, both from the Lisbon Water Museum, were Margarida Filipe and Filipa Laborinho. The informative talk at the start of the tour covered the history and function of the reservoir. Located underneath the garden in the Praça do Príncipe Real, the Patriarchal Reservoir was designed by French engineer Louis-Charles Mary in 1856. The stone masonry construction built between 1860 and 1864 boasts thick walls, high vaulted ceilings and three galleries (underground aqueducts). It has two compartments that together hold 884m³ of water. Its thirty-one 9,25 metres high pillars support the stonework arches that, in turn, support the cupolas housed underneath the basin (the lake), in the garden above. The reservoir’s main function was to regulate the water pressure between the Arco water reservoir (on Rua das Amoreiras) and downtown central Lisbon. Of the three galleries: •

one connects to the Loreto Gallery that brought the water from the Arco Reservoir

The Patriarchal Reservoir was deactivated at the end of the 1940s and has been part of the Water Museum since 1994. Nowadays, the 410 m passage that links up with the Loreto Gallery also opens onto the São Pedro de Alcântara garden. The panoramic view of St. George's Castle, central Lisbon and the Tagus River made up for the cold late mid-winter weather on the afternoon of the tour. The walk culminated at the extraordinary Chafariz do Vinho wine bar. Set within the ancient vaults of the Patriarchal Reservoir, the bottom end of the eastern gallery is its wine cellar. Indeed a special and unique location to enjoy Portuguese wine. Fado and ginjinha would not have been out-of-place. The going was tough at times, with the galleries only taking one person at a time, single file. The walk down to the São Pedro de Alcântara garden was easy enough, but the return trip, all uphill, tested many a weary muscle. The steep steps down the east gallery to the wine bar, constructed with Brobdingnagians¹ rather than municipal water workers in mind, also took their toll. Congestion at the entrance to Chafariz left some of us stranded in the gallery next to endless rows of bottles of wine. Given all that, it was a most e n j o y a b l e afternoon and evening – highly recommended. [¹ The giants in Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels (1726)] •

48- A Janela Spring 2015

IWP Readers

Rewiews by Chris Rola

IWP Readers Cascais 2 group Hello from the Gillespies

The Husband's Secret

by Monica MecInerney

by Liane Moriaty

Angela Gillespie is tired of her life and decides to write about it – EVERYTHING that she’s unhappy about and all her families’ personal problems. She never intends for anyone to see what she’s written, but she uses the annual Christmas e-mail newsletter to write it and it accidentally gets sent out to more than 100 of her email contacts when her husband thinks he’s doing her a favour. Naturally, the contents of the letter are not taken well by everyone. It seems it could be an exciting plot but everything works out well and problems are resolved, maybe not quite what we were expecting. The group found it a pleasant read, great descriptions of life in the Australian outback but we only discussed it for about half an hour giving the book an average mark before moving on to other books.

Cecilia Fitzpatrick has lived many years blissfully unaware that her mild-mannered husband, John-Paul, harbours a life-changing secret until the day she discovers a letter addressed to her, to be opened in the event of his death. What would you do? Would you read the letter? Did Cecilia read the letter? What is the husband’s secret? Well I think I have already told you too much but the book is a complex web of different people’s stories including a bit about Tupperware. The entire group enjoyed this book resulting in a lively discussion lasting well over an hour and we gave the book a high mark. IWP has 3 book groups for members to join. See the Activities List at the back of A Janela for more information about IWP book groups.

Our book group meets once a month and the idea is that we all read the same book and then over a drink and snacks we discuss the book. We look for book club questions to help the discussion along but usually find we have covered most points before we get to the questions.

Special Discounts for IWP Members! If your business has a special savings offer that is exclusive to IWP members, advertise it in A Janela´s Special Discounts Listing for €10 an issue. Send your special offer, any applicable restrictions, applicable contact information or address, and how you would like your business name to appear to ajanela@iwponline.org. Your business will have space for 5 lines or 70 words.

49- A Janela Spring 2015



Please note that IWP Members and their guests attending any event or activity do so entirely at their own risk. All participants should be aware of the safety issues.

Arts & Crafts Arraiolos Tuesdays, 10:00 - 12:00. The art of Arraiolos is unique to Portugal. Learn the craftsmanship of making handmade carpets. We meet in St. Paul's Church in Estoril every week. There is a small fee to cover the cost of the church hall and refreshments. Fore more information on this activity, please contact: office@iwponline.org

Knitting Group - Tuesdays 10.00 till 12.00, along with the Arraiolos Group, in St Paul's Church, Avenida dos Bombeiros Voluntarios, Estoril. A small fee covers the cost of the church hall and refreshments. Fore more information on this activity, please contact: office@iwponline.org

! New Come along and improve your knitting skills in great company.

Art for Enjoyment Thursdays, 14:00 - 17:00. The sessions are facilitated by Heather Taylor and held in her rooftop studio in Monte Estoril with room for five members. These afternoons are not for formal teaching but for everyone to experiment with ideas and painting materials. Books and other inspirational resources are available. Members are asked to bring their own materials. Please contact Heather to book your place and receive information about what to bring. A suggestion list can be emailed to you on request. There is a charge of €5 for studio use and refreshments. Fore more information on this activity, please contact: office@iwponline.org

Drawing Group

! New 'We meet monthly at each other's homes to have an informal drawing session.

This is not a class, but an opportunity to draw in a relaxed atmosphere and support each other in our work. The sessions could include sill life, landscape and life drawing if we are able to find willing models. Fore more information on this activity, please contact: office@iwponline.org

Patchwork and Crafts Our thanks to Javhlan for running the Patchwork and crafts gtoup for many years. numbers have declined and Javhlan is no longer able to offer this activity.


Books & Writing A Janela Get more involved in IWP by joining the A Janela Team. This all-volunteer group meets once a month at a member´s house to discuss and piece together this magazine. It´s great fun! All nationalities are welcome. Email us at ajanela@iwponline.org if you want to join the team or just attend a meeting, write an article, or give suggestions.

50- A Janela Spring 2015

Cascais Book Enthusiasts Avid readers and new members are welcome to join us one evening a month for a stimulating discussion on a book chosen by the group. Fore more information on this activity, please contact: office@iwponline.org

Lisbon Book Club Join us one weekday per month for an easy going afternoon of book chat and catching up. Fore more information on this activity, please contact: office@iwponline.org

Library Wednesday, 11:00 - 13:00. There are over 8000 books: paper, hardback, large print, a good supply of audio tapes, videos and books for children of all ages. The library is at ‘Vila Olivia”, Rua de Areia 154, Birre. On Library mornings there is a large sign on the fence showing exactly where it is. Fore more information on this activity, please contact: office@iwponline.org

Cascais Writers' Group


Fore more information on this activity, please contact: office@iwponline.org

Lisbon Writers' Group The Lisbon Writers' Group meets every third Tuesday of the month at 10:30 alternating in members houses. All writerly contributions, great or small, are very welcome! Fore more information on this activity, please contact: office@iwponline.org

Business Business Owners' Network Are you a business owner? Are you thinking of starting a business here in Portugal? Would you like to meet with IWP members who are going through what you are going through? Fore more information on this activity, please contact: office@iwponline.org

Culture Lisbon Descobridoras (Discoverers) Join us for monthly excursions in the Lisbon area including museums, walks, and tours. Fore more information on this activity, please contact: office@iwponline.org

São Carlos Opera Theatre Group If you are interested in promotional tickets for open rehearsals and other activities at São Carlos opera theatre, please register your interest with us. Fore more information on this activity, please contact: office@iwponline.org

Games & Card Games Bowling Night Come join us on the second Saturday evening of each month for a Bowling Night! This is a true friends and family event, so everyone is welcome. If you have some serious bowling skills, come show them off. If you do not really know how to bowl, come learn with the rest of us. Fore more information on this activity, please contact: office@iwponline.org

51- A Janela Spring 2015

Bridge Group We meet every Monday afternoon from 14:00 until 16:30 to play and improve our bridge. Several members of the group have recently learned to play the game but new members of all levels are welcome to join us. We meet in the homes of members of the group and the cost is €1 per session, except when we have a lesson when the cost is €5. Fore more information on this activity, please contact: office@iwponline.org If you have never played and are interested in learning bridge we can put you in touch with a teacher who runs reasonably priced and fun group lessons with a 50% discount exclusively for IWP members.

Quiz Nights We are looking for Quizzers and Quizzes! A few IWP members and associate members (family members) have been taking part in organised quizzes (for charity and fun). It is great fun and a good way to meet new people! We would also be interested in anyone wanting to organise a Quiz for IWP and information about upcoming Quizzes. Fore more information on this activity, please contact: office@iwponline.org

Health & Fitness Enjoying Golf Mondays, 9:30 at Beloura Golf Club. If you want to play golf and have fun, this is your group. Our handicaps are between 36 and 28, but we are sure to improve! Fore more information on this activity, please contact: office@iwponline.org

Golf - Beginners and Improvers Thursdays, 11:00 at Estoril Golf Club. If you are interested in learning golf or if you already play but want to improve your game then this friendly group is for you. Complete beginners are very welcome. We meet every week and work with a professional who teaches a group lesson for one hour. The fee is €100 for ten lessons and each week a bucket of golf balls costs €4. Fore more information on this activity, please contact: office@iwponline.org

Mind Body Spirit We meet once a fortnight, Mondays at 15:00 at one of the members´ houses and inform everyone by email. We discuss issues regarding the mind, body and spirit. Each session will have a theme and we discover and rediscover old and new ways of dealing with life. These may include inspirations from a book, personal experiences, or the topic of the moment. Fore more information on this activity, please contact: office@iwponline.org

Sailing Lisbon International Sailing Club www.lisbonisc.org offers racing and cruising opportunities for sailors of all nationalities. Fore more information on this activity, please contact: office@iwponline.org

52- A Janela Spring 2015

Sintra walks Friday, 10:30. Over hill, over dale, rain or shine we hit the trail! Come and join us for stimulating walks through the Sintra mountains and along the coast. Meet new friends and enjoy spectacular scenery while exercising. You should be fit enough to walk for 2-3 hours at a reasonable pace, mostly off road, along trails that can include steep slopes and slippery and uneven terrain. Suitable footwear and clothing is recommended. Walks are done at your own risk. Fore more information on this activity, please contact: office@iwponline.org

Tennis Intermediate Wednesdays, 9:00 - 11:00. We play ladies doubles tennis at the Estoril tennis club every week for two hours. It is a friendly, welcoming group and new members are always welcome. The fee is €7 for two hours. Fore more information on this activity, please contact: office@iwponline.org

Language English Conversation - Advanced Mondays, 10:00 - 12:00. This lively conversation group will give you an opportunity to practice your English as well as involve you in some great discussions. Fore more information on this activity, please contact: office@iwponline.org

English Conversation - Improvers (Group 1) Wednesdays, 10:30 - 12:15. An opportunity to improve your English through general and fun conversation and discussion with guidance on grammar and vocabulary. Fore more information on this activity, please contact: office@iwponline.org

English Conversation - Improvers (Group 2) Tuesdays, 11:00 - 12:30. Meet new friends and have fun with Jackie for general conversation, new vocabulary, and a few grammar tips. Fore more information on this activity, please contact: office@iwponline.org

French Conversation Wednesdays, 14:00 - 15:30. Come and join a friendly group trying to remember the French they once knew. You’ll get a medley of information (in French) on various topics, lots of media gossip, bits on current affairs, and occasional grammar tips. Come and meet the challenge! Fore more information on this activity, please contact: office@iwponline.org

Beginner´s French Wednesdays, 11:30 - 13:00. If you had French classes a long time ago or if you never had any but would like to know the basics...this class is for you. Don´t worry, I will not cram grammar rules down your throat. I will teach you how to order in a restaurant (and know what you are ordering). I will help you make hotel reservation, find your way into a French city etc. Above all, we will do this with a lot of laughter and good humour. Fore more information on this activity, please contact: office@iwponline.org

53- A Janela Spring 2015

Italian Practice for Beginners Every Wednesday, 10:15 - 12:00 in São Pedro do Estoril. If you like Italy, the food, the language and culture but you never studied Italian before, come and practice Italian in an informal atmosphere and have some fun! You'll learn to use the language to communicate at a beginner and elementary level. Reading and conversation about various topics will be included! Fore more information on this activity, please contact: office@iwponline.org

Portuguese Beginner Conversation in Cascais Tuesdays, 14:00 - 15:00. These are not lessons. The sessions will help you to understand basic conversational Portuguese and how to get by in common situations. Fore more information on this activity, please contact: office@iwponline.org

Portuguese Conversation Intermediate Thursdays, 11:00 - 12:30 at the Opíparo restaurant at Praia da Poça. This is an Intermediate Portuguese conversation group for those who want to practice and improve their Portuguese. Fore more information on this activity, please contact: office@iwponline.org

Portuguese Conversation in Lisbon Thursdays, 15:30. Informal sessions (not lessons) to help you understand Portuguese and make yourself understood at a basic level. Fore more information on this activity, please contact: office@iwponline.org

Spanish Conversation Tuesdays, Thursdays or Fridays 14:30 - 16:30 (times and days are flexible). Spanish conversation in any subject from fashion, television and films to politics, current affairs and more, at any convenient location or Visi’s home in Lisbon. Fore more information on this activity, please contact: office@iwponline.org

54- A Janela Spring 2015

Wining & Dining Cook, Eat 'n Chat Italian Wednesdays, from 11:00 IWP members can cook and eat delicious Italian recipes like homemade pasta dishes, Gnocchi, Risotto, Pizza, Lasagna, Scaloppine and more in Lisa's kitchen situated near Casa da Guia in Cascais. Fore more information on this activity, please contact: office@iwponline.org

Mothers & Children Playgroup - Tuesday Tuesdays 10:00 - 12:00. We also organise other activities throughout the week such as softplay, walks, visits to the park or just a get together at each other's houses. It's a great way to build a network of other international mums and let your little ones have fun and play together. Fore more information on this activity, please contact: office@iwponline.org

IWP Associate Activities There are groups that are attended by IWP members but are also open to non members. These groups sometimes make a commercial charge for the services of the group leader. Though IWP does not necessarily endorse these activities, in the interests of enriching the lives of IWP members, these groups are listed on the IWP Website at www.iwponline.org. If you know of any other activities that could be shared with our members, please email the details to office@iwponline.org Note: Attendance at Activities Please remember that all our captains are volunteers. If you have registered an interest in attending a group please have the courtesy to inform the captain each time you are unable to attend. I have had complaints from several captains who have made themselves available to run an activity only to find that no-one turns up! They are understandably upset. Do not assume someone else in the group will turn up so it's ok if you don't - they could be thinking the same. Please treat our captains with the respect and thanks they deserve. Flower Arranging We were also treated to a delightful flower arranging demonstration by Bernadette Madureira at the Christmas Brunch. If you are interested in learning how to do this yourself please contact office@iwponline and we'll see if we can persuade Bernadette to do a few more demonstrations! Choir - NEW ACTIVITY At the Christmas Brunch we sang carols... and it sounded great! Barbara Flynn agreed to become captain of a 'Choir' activity if enough members are interested. This is a work in progress, but if you too would be interested in joining an IWP choir (which may join an existing non IWP choir) then please contact: office@iwponline.org

55- A Janela Spring 2015

Advertise in

A Janela

• Advertising reservations for A Janela must be received by the 1st of the month preceding publication. Advertisements will not be accepted after this date. • Business advertisements may be placed by members and non members. • All adverts must be paid 30 days after the invoice is issued. Please include name, address and NIF number. • Receipts will be sent upon payment. All payments should be mailed registered to: IWP Advertising, Apartado 6 2751-901 Cascais or paid by bank transfer using the following: NIB 0019 0112 002000 13721 85. Please indicate your invoice number when transferring so payment can be identified. • All advertisements must be submitted ‘printer ready’, via email or on a CD-ROM. Requested formats are: Word, PowerPoint, pdf, jpeg, and bmp. • Advertising Inserted Flyers will only be accepted if they are printed on A5 or smaller normal (80 gram) weight paper. They can be printed on both sides and on coloured paper. Two or three fold brochures are fine, as long as the paper is A5 or smaller and 80 grms. or less. Inserts must be delivered to the IWP Office by the 15th of the month before publication. Reserve your flyer in advance as only 3 flyers will be mailed in any one issue. • For more information contact the IWP Office on 915 552 847 or ajanela@iwponline.org • IWP Business Hours: Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays from 09:00 - 14:00. • IWP does not necessarily endorse advertised goods and services.

A Janela Advertising Rates A5 Inserted Flyer


A5 Back Cover (20 x 14 cm)


A5 Inside Cover (20 x 14 cm)


A5 Full page (20 x 14 cm)


1/2 Page (10 x 14 cm)


1/4 Page (10 x 7 cm)


Business card (5 x7 cm)


Special Discount Offer (5 lines or 70 words)


www.iwponline.org Advertising Want to advertise online? Advertise on our online notice board on www.iwponline.org for €15 a month. To advertise online or for more information, contact us by emailing office@iwponline.org. 56- A Janela Spring 2015

IWP MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION/RENEWAL FORM Date: ____________________________

New Member ☐

Renewal ☐

New Members: please complete * Renewing Members: Please update contact information. Print clearly please. Name*_____________________________________________________________________ Address*___________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ Postal Code*________________________ Email*_____________________________________________________________________ Telephone ____________________________ Mobile _______________________________ Contact information is only used to communicate with club members and will not be given to third parties. Nationality*___________________________ Birthday _______________________________ Age (please select) 20-35 ☐ 36-45 ☐ 46-55 ☐ 56-65 ☐ Over 65 ☐ Are you new to Portugal? Yes ☐ No ☐ Do you have pre-school Children in home? Yes ☐ No ☐ Please write a few lines introducing yourself. This will be published in A Janela, the IWP Club Magazine __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ How did you hear about IWP?* _________________________________________________ Is there any activity you would like to start in IWP or an area you would like to help? __________________________________________________________________________ Membership Fees The membership year begins 1 October and runs until 30 September. The annual renewal fee is €35. The membership fee decreases during the year so that new members who join after the start of the membership year will only pay for the remaining months in that membership year (see chart). We charge a one-off administration fee of €15 on joining. Please pay the initial administration fee of €15 plus the membership fee based on the month you join. If you were an IWP Member before and your membership has lapsed, you do not need to pay the administration fee, however, you do need to pay the full annual renewal fee of €35 regardless of the month in which you rejoin.

57- A Janela Spring 2015

Payment An electronic bank transfer of your membership fee can be done online through your bank´s internet banking system or any Multibanco machine. In either case, a receipt of the transfer will be offered to you. We ask that you please enclose it with this form. In addition, if you are paying by internet banking, please be sure to include your full name and phone number in the “reason for transfer” window. New memberships paid by electronic transfer will not be processed unless the completed form and transfer receipt have been received by IWP. The receipt is needed to verify the payment as many members’ names will not coincide exactly with the name on their bank account. If you have any questions please contact the IWP Office. Annual Renewal Fee is €35

IWP Membership Fees September - February - €35.00 (+ €15 administration fee) March - June - €20.00 (+ €15 administration fee)

July, August - €0 (only the €15 administration fee needs to be paid)

IWP Bank Transfer Number

NIB: 0019 0112 002000 13721 85

Please note that as an IWP Member, you agree that all IWP Members and their guests attending any event or activity do so entirely at their own risk. In addition, you agree that IWP can use your name/photograph/image/video recording/and likeness (your image) in all IWP related publications and communications. Even though IWP will only use your image for IWP related publications and communications, IWP cannot control unauthorised use of your image by persons not associated with IWP once your image has been published. I would like to become a member of IWP/renew my membership and enclose a check ☐ cash ☐ a transfer receipt ☐ for the amount of €____________. (Cheques must be made payable to IWP.) IMPORTANT: If paying by transfer and the account holder´s name is different than your own, please indicate it here so we can recognise the payment: ACCOUNT HOLDER’S NAME:___________________________________________

Signature:________________________________________ Date:_____________________ Please send this completed form with fee or transfer receipt to: IWP MEMBERSHIP Apartado 6, 2751-901 Cascais Or by email to office@iwponline.org Now that you are a member of IWP, please enrol for events you wish to attend or contact the activity captain of any activity you would like to join. For help regarding IWP or settling in your new area, please contact newcomers@iwponline.org. Please contact the IWP Office for any further assistance at 915 552 847 or email us at office@iwponline.org on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:00 to 14:00.

58- A Janela Spring 2015

59- A Janela Spring 2015

Academics, Arts & Athetics


Academics Athletics

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