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For businesses involved in Agribusiness, Arts and Culture, and ICT in Ghana, these present opportunies to reach audiences all around the globe, thereby increasing the chances of exponenalgrowth.
We cannot discuss these excing opportunies without considering the challenges to achieving them, which is basically lack of infrastructure, mainly errac energy, slow bandwidth and high costofinternetdata.
This is a thorny issue at the crux of digital transformaon in Ghana as all these tools and plaorms indicated above will depend on the availability of the internet speeds that come with 5G.
5G is what will deliver the necessary bandwidths and speeds required to seamlessly integrate these disrupve tools and soware into roune producvitysystems.
Needless to say that the 5G revoluon can be accelerated by a concerted effort between government digizaon agencies, the NCA and mobilenetworkoperators(MNOs).
In conclusion, despite these challenges, there has been a significant growth in digital inclusion and opportunies for businesses in the Agribusiness, ArtsandCultureandICTtothriveandgrow
I dare say that we are at the cusp of formalizing a digital economy in Ghana, as both government and corporate instuons embark on their own digitaltransformaonagendas.
Therefore, it is within the space of this digital economy that businesses in Ghana will be expected to posion their brands, if they are to remainrelevantinthefuture.