Iyad Abou Gaida GSAPP Stories

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Iyad Abou Gaida GSAP P Stor ie s

Stories 07 25 35 67 77

Story 1// Play, Summer Studio Story 2// Make, Material Things Story 3// Engage, Fall Studio Story 4// Writing, Essays On Architecture Story 5// Thesis, Spring Studio

Story 1// Play, Summer Studio


“Only the children know what they are looking for.” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince




Vertiplaygroundschool-Dan Wood



VertiPlayGroundSchool // questions the model of education in preschool by suggesting that ‘Play‘ is a fundemental factor in the learning process. In fact, ‘Play ’ is the main driver behind a child’s curiosity and creativity and teaches them how to organize themselves not only in the playground, but also in class (community).Architecture has a long history with the concept of play, in previous eras, architects found inspiration in design of play spaces for children, from the Bauhaus and Corbusier during the Modernist movement to post war pioneers such as Team Ten’s Aldo van Eyck and the “Adventure Playground” movement in Europe, American designers and artists such as Louis Kahn and Isamu Noguchi in the 1970’s. Today, architects like David Rockwell, Capitein Roodnat in the Netherlands, Snohetta, Elemental, Tashiko Horiuchi, among others are continuing that tradition.aspect of our lives. VertiPlayGround is a continuation of this architecture legacy. The new model we’re proposing puts ‘play’ at the heart of the building via vertical ‘play’ spaces that become the connecting tissue (circulation) o f t h e d i ff e r e n t s l a b s a n d p r o g r a m s . Slabs fold, roll and lift to create new spaces and surfaces for exploration. The floor becomes a landscape with different topographies. The negative spaces resulting from these operations become the main spaces that evoke the imagination, playfulness, and creativity of the child. 1. Playground 2.VertiPlayGround 3.VertiPlayGroundSchool






Lift 08

Things are not what they seem.


“Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is exhausting for children to have to provide explanations over and over again.” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince





















East Elevation


Ground Floor Plan Plan


Longitudinal Section


Story 2//Make, Material Things


A journey of building skills focusing on the connectivity of analog and digital model making methods.





Material Things- Joshua Jordan

Trube// is hybride of a Pyramid and a Pitch Roof. The geometry explores the technique of casting in plaster with adding pigment to the cast.



Iconography of Trad

Iconography of Trad// dove-heads+tails traditional Wood connections, manipulated, the Joint requires a flexible substance (silicone and resin casts). The traditional dovetail and arrow have the language of a firm and locked joint, but the circle and triangle are shapes that could slip out of each other. Counterintuitively, they not only stay together, but they do work in keeping the joint together by locking the joint in all directions.






Missilebrella// is an artifact, liberated from its “intended� use and instead constructed around the opportunities of material, detail, and form rather than the constraints of functional purpose. The assignment was to design an imaginary artifact with a wall text for a museum exhibition. Wall text Date: early 21st century Location: South of Lebanon During the Middle East conflicts that spanned between 2000s-2010, this artifact is believed to be a response to war, occupation, and interference of foreign countries in regime changes. By recycled missile warheads found all over the Lebanese landscape attached to a frail umbrella structure, the artifact ridicules the agency of war. It is a symbol of resistance and liberation.





Story 3// Engage, Fall Studio


Architecture as a learning process rather than a result.



Spaces that learn: From object to subject-Giancarlo Mazzanti and Carlos Medellín

1. BRIDGING KNOWLEDGE // a hub for informal jornaleros (daily construction workers) - A Monument for the undocumented construction workers the result of a thorough exchange of knowledge and expertise between architects and jornaleros (stationed on 61 Street in Queens, New York). We were interested in identifying existing synergies and complementary methodological approaches between art, architecture, design and social sciences. These can be considered communication entities and applied transversally into problem-solving scenarios for the jornaleros.



The building serves as a space where the jornaleros can organize themselves and a center for the exchange of knowledge amongst themselves and the community. The building is an infrastructure that bridges over the highway: a form of pedestrian bridge around which the entire program revolves. The project was separated into 3 parts: At Toy for the Other, Intersectional Device for communication, and Architecture that learns from the Limits 1. A Toy For “The Other”. 2. Intersectional Devices For Communication. 3. Architecture That Learns From The Limits.



1. A Toy For “The Other�, was the Corona Oracle which helped extract important information that would eventually drive the project. Such as, legality issues, communication security, job abuse, lake of exposure and uniformity.


Corona Oracle Construction




Conflict-Resolution Origami



Corona Oracle

challenge neighborhood

Biggest living in

Concrete Footing

challenge today

Biggest at

challenge home Biggest at challenge neighborhood

Biggest challenge at work

Biggest living in challenge home

challenge neighborhood

Biggest at

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Biggest at

challenge work

challenge today

Biggest challenge at today challenge neighborhood

challenge work

Biggest Biggest at

Biggest challenge today

challenge home

challenge home


Biggest challenge living in neighborhood

Biggest challenge today

Biggest living in

Biggest at challenge neighborhood

Biggest at

Biggest at


Biggest living in

Biggest challenge home

Biggest living in

work challenges

challenge neighborhood

Biggest challenge today

challenge work

challenge work

personal challenges

Biggest living in

Biggest challenge at work

challenge home

challenge home


Biggest challenge at home

Biggest living in

Biggest living in

Biggest challenge at home

Biggest at

challenge work

challenge neighborhood

challenge today

challenge work

challenge neighborhood

Biggest at

challenge today

challenge work

Biggest Biggest at

challenge today

home challenges

neighborhood challenges




2. Intersectional Devices For Communication, by hacking the average tool box we turned it into a device of communication and a storage of knowledge, where we worked with jornaleros to design business cards for them.

Name: Nationality: Skills:


Job: Market:



Business Cards

Rafael Ortega skulbone@gmail.com 646.289.1731

Juan Benito Hernandez miguelelgatoresendiz@gmail.com

Nino Dominguez 929.395.8405




Time Line

7 am 69 st Queens, NYC 48

10 am

NICE, defense of day laborers and domestic workers

Luis Bolivian

uction,Design Jornalero



NICE organization instructs day laborers and domestic workers to defend their rights, focusing efforts on recent immigrants without legal immigration status. In 2006, NICE established a permanent base in the Latino neighborhood of Jackson Heights, Queens, with the intention of deepening the fight in the prevention of hate crimes, access to language and civic participation of immigrants. Valeria Treves, director, stressed that wage theft is one of the most serious problems faced by day laborers or day laborers.“We maintain a strong campaign to prevent wage theft, creating awareness among employers and educating workers about labor rights,” said Treves. NICE runs the Justice for the Immigrant Consumer Campaign (ICJC), which seeks to prevent fraud at the hands of immigration service providers, lawyers, notaries, employment agencies, tax preparers, remittance sending and check-cashing businesses, parcels and real estate agents. “We promote community organization to promote laws and policies that help curb abusive practices,” said

Photage from 69 street Queens showing Jornalaros running to a subcontractor to get a job.

Picked up = Imployed for the day Doesn’t get picked up= Unimployed for the day 49

Hacking Tool Box Translate & Communicate e Th

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h wit

of an artist for a needs fram the e.

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The cards become a translational tool as well as an instrument to discover new uses within other disciplines. Their possibilities are endless, small icons suggest a use that can foment exchanges through the accumulation of knowledge

oolbox transpor , the t ts th nario e jo sce rna l


to s that con f o r ed cage m to h cializ is spe boa of t.

As an educational device, the jornalero box unveals the construction process and translates tool names and their


d ee

Integrate & Construct


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Learn, Teach, Build This toolbox has been hacked to help undocumented inmigrants of Queens navigate and establish new transactions which are outside of the technocratic building environment of New York. Using simple

Opening Alternative Economies


3. Architecture That Learns From The Limits, BRIDGING KNOWLEDGE a hub for informal jornalaros. A Space where the jornalaros can organize themselves and use the space as a center for exchange of knowledge amongst themselves and the community. the building is an infrastructure that bridge over the highway. where the program revolves around the pedestrian bridge.





Urban/Architecture Strategy









Exchange Knowledge









Water Tank


Garden Class



Soup Kitchen Caffe



Ground Floor Plan







Story 4// Writing, Essays on Architecture


Architecture as a manifestation of a country’s political system.


Essays on Architecture - James Graham

Not so Concrete State

“I do not know what is making the Lebanese economy work; as long as it does, I would advise you not to touch it.” Paul van Zeeland, a Belgian economic advisor.

1. Samia Nakhoul, Tom Perry, “Lebanon’s Aoun wins presidency to end two year political vacuum”, Reuters oct 31,2016. https://www.reuters. com/article/us-lebanonpresidency-session/lebanonsaoun-wins-presidency-to-endtwo-year-political-vacuumidUSKBN12V102

O n 31 O c tob e r 2016 , t h e L e b an e s e parliament elected the former maverick army commander Michel Aoun as president, ending a 29-month presidential vacuum. From the main lobby of presidential residence, the newly elected president promised to strengthen the state and reform its institutions, whereby he effectively changed the name of the of presidential residence from the “Presidential Palace” to the “House of the Nation.” But the political system of the country is based on sectarian power-sharing, not leadership. Therefore, nothing can be effectively done, without the agreement of the countr y ’s most prominent leaders of the Sunni, Shiite, Christian, and Druze communities. And Lebanon’s warlords turned political leaders seldom agree on anything.1 Most ordinary Lebanese reacted with indifference. The new president is just another name, another title, and another episode in the country’s endless and ultimately meaningless political drama. The power-sharing political s ystem has seeped into all the governmental institutions rendering them ineffective. The electricity sector in particular epitomizes the corrupt and fragile Lebanese political system, and its iconic headquarters, the Electricite du Liban [EDL] building, serves as a reminder of the ambitious nation that had been crippled by the fragile power sharing system rendering its institutions ineffective and an economical burden. In the 1950 and 1960 the vibe of Beirut’s streets was different. It was a period in which Lebanon witnessed a boom on several levels: economic, political, social, cultural and, for that matter, architectural. It was a time that reassured the Lebanese that their choice of a


2. Arbid, Georges Joseph. , “PRACTICING MODERNISM IN BEIRUT ARCHITECTURE IN LEBANON, 1946-1970. Master’s thesis, Harvard Design School, 2002. 20. 3. Arbid, Georges Joseph. , “PRACTICING MODERNISM IN BEIRUT ARCHITECTURE IN LEBANON, 1946-1970. Master’s thesis, Harvard Design School, 2002. 49.

frail state apparatus in charge of centralized institutions was a good one.2 With the economic and cultural boom, Lebanon witnessed a surge in architectural development that was embedded in modernist ideology that came to the country through young Lebanese architects that have recently graduated from European universities mainly France. At that time France was still considered by the ruling political body as the mother country, the country that drew the modern-day borders and helped in drafting the Lebanese constitution. The government mobilized these young architects to establish a new national identity modern identity that had its roots in Europe and the west to counter some Arab nationalist voices in the country and assure Lebanon as a modern sovereign state within an Arab apparatus. The period’s modernist optimism is exemplified by EDL headquarters by the architect Pierre Neema and CETA, built in the mid-1960s. Pierre Neema was one of the most prominent Lebanese modernist architects after studying in France and Several years of training, internship and experience in various Parisian architecture firms, he decided to return to Lebanon where he began his great career in the sixties, where he started CETA group, a team of Lebanese and French architects and engineers including Jacques Aractingi, Joseph Nassar , and JeanNoel Conan. 3 The EDL building hovers above a sunken public courtyard, where it offers the neighborhood an urban pocket and a view towards the Mediterranean, a space of generosity where institutional buildings seem to welcome the public and convey a sense of transparency. The headquarters asserts the ruling governments determination to supply services far into the rural territories of Lebanon.

Intended to be an icon not only to Beiruties but for all citizens throughout the country. An infrastructural building that represents the newly established state of Lebanon. Today, the frail state apparatus and central institutions proved to be a failure. The EDL’s worn façade, its rundown service systems, gated sunken courtyard, and archaic office spaces, exemplif y the inefficiency, lack of transparency, and outmoded political system of Lebanon. 53 years after the construction of EDL the electric sector in Lebanon is scant, and power shortages are the norm. Instead, an informal economy of private generators has almost replaced the government electrical power network. In the absence of a functional state private initiatives and businesses substitute for governmental institutions and services, weakening the state even more. In the past year, Lebanon has witnessed a series of political scandals, from the detaining of the prime minister Saad El Harriri by Saudi Arabia’s government, which forced him to resign from abroad, to the hijacking of parliamentary elections by the traditional political powers which constitutes of 14 and 8 of march alliances, 14 March backed by western countries and 8 of March backed up by Iran, Syria and Russia, manipulating the results in their favor against the independent candidates. While the country was facing a new wave of political tension EDL had its fair share of the turbulence as well. In February the 1,050 EDL Tax collectors protested in front of the EDL headquarters demanding binding contracts that offers them health insurance, months of unpaid salaries, guarantees, and social and


4.Annahar, “ , EDL opens investigation into in-house chicken coop” August, 2, 2018.

economic benefits. Yet these demands fell on deaf ears, and similarly to the prime minister’s detention abroad, these 1,050 workers were hostages of the political conflict between the¬¬ leaders of the different Lebanese communities. Again, the power-sharing system has interfered with the centered governmental infrastructure rendering it ineffective. Following the peaceful protest in February and the vague replies to their demands from the government, the EDL was the site of different clashes between the workers and the police forces, whereby protesters encircled the building closing of all entrances, smoke rising from burning tires made things worse where people trapped inside the building started to faint. The protestors refused to retreat, and it was only under severe pressure from political and religious leaders that the protests stepped down, hoping that their requests would be heard this time. But it was too late for EDL, which was trapped in a cloud of dark smoke, a scene too familiar for Beirut dwellers, as if the civil war aesthetics are back to haunt the city. The building was a hostage trapped between angry protesters and dark smoke on one side and government on the other side that refuses to take action and resolve the problem. EDL similarly to other Lebanese institutions has an unfortunate history with Lebanese politics, so long gone the heydays of 50s and 60s and the promise of a modern strong state, a central state that can supply the needs of the nation. The slab and modulated building that was supposedly to manage and supply the state with power became a hotspot for political unrest and corruption a place of political and managerial chaos .


EDLs credibility had faded away with every misfortune, it was unable to supply the country with around the clock electricity yet again it wasn’t able to do so in Beirut where it had taken the city as its host, but the scandal of not paying its workers money have put the company’s reputation in serious trouble. By now it was perceived by most Lebanese as an abusive institution that cannot offer a sustainable solution for it’s daily workers. This is reflected in the attitude of people towards the company. The sunken courtyard becomes garbage dumb at night for the party goers leaving the vibrant and hip Mar Mikhaël street, throwing rubish and almaza bottles through the fence that surrounds the building. EDL seems to never catch a break, in August 2018 the Lebanese woke up to several media outbreaks reporting the existence of a makeshift chicken coop at the state-owned EDL. The chicken farm consisted of coop, made of wooden cages and reportedly containing electric incubators, chickens, chicks, quails, and eggs. The claims made by media were later confirmed by EDL’s spokesperson and Ministry of Energy and Water. The electricity provider announced on 2nd of August the opening of an investigation into the bizarre scandal. “The monitoring wing of the institution will conduct the necessar y investigation and submit its findings as soon as possible,” the statement read. The statement went on to express how the scandal caused “severe moral damage to the organization.”4 The smuggling of chickens into the EDL headquarters and hijacking its lower floors to create a chicken coop resonates with the hijacked elections that took place earlier this summer and occupying

EDL building illustration


EDLstory explores the potential of transforming the iconic “Electricité Du Liban” building into an urban vertical farm. This illustration is a reaction to the reports published a few weeks ago, that documents in details an illegal chicken farm in the EDL headquarters building in Beirut. EDLstory is a manifestation of governmental “Mazraa” (Farm in Arabic) a term that Lebanese use to describe Governmental institutions for the lack of transparency and efficiency.


parliamentar y seats by the conventional parties that were lost to the independent candidates. The chicken coop had generated a public outcry on the streets of Beirut and social platforms it has even made it to regional news whereby neighboring Arab countries were broadcasting the reports on their national TV stations. EDL’s reputation had suffered another setback. In Beirut there is a popular saying w hen you ask people to descr ibe t he government, they almost always reply with one word “Mazraa”. Mazraa in Lebanese means a farm and for Lebanese the analogy can be clearer, the government is a farm filled with animals, chaos, and an unsustainable land management. The EDL becomes a manifestation of the governmental “Mazraa” analogy. What caused a bigger outrage was the fact that the chicken coop was supplied by twenty-four seven electricity in comparison to Beirut that was supplied that summer with almost 12 hours of electricity, which goes to 3 hours a day in some rural areas in the country. Although EDL said in a statement that “the necessary measures have been taken against the employee” who was breeding chicken in a coop in one section of the building, adding that “other administrative measures will be taken to avoid the repeat of such actions which tarnish the institution’s image.” Many Lebanese are skeptical since the employee’s name was kept a secret which raised eyes brows about his identity, especially after some circulation news that high ranked employees were involved in the case. The ambiguity of the chicken coop and the people involved in it kept the story in the spot light, it was never clear

how the chicken coop was assembled in the building and how it was running for 3 months according the EDL spokesperson without anyone noticing it. It seems that the EDL is a “Mazraa” apparatus after all not only infested with chicken but also with corruption that goes deep into its apparatus. An institution riddled with corruption and inefficiency has caused the government billions of dollars all that effort in vain, the company has been greatly subsidized and been costing the countr y 25% of its annual state budget. This has resulted in the decrease of government expenditure on other fundamental matters such as social security, infrastructure, education, health and other social and economic development projects. In the absence of clear governmental apparatus and a scattered ruling power, Governmental institutions become a stage for exploitation and miss use, it is in these structures where political ideologies clash and generate a network of “Mafias” that compete with each other for resources and private businesses under the protective umbrella of the so-called government and law. EDL becomes a great cover up for the questionable after-hours activities of the ruling class. It’s because of its architecture but most important all these stories and how they are linked to Lebanese politics that the EDL building established its reputation as one of the most iconic buildings in Beirut, an icon of governmental institution, and a reminder of the Lebanese golden age, an age that many Lebanese romanticize although it was full of social injustice that triggered civil war but unfortunately it was still economically and


politically better than recent history. The EDL was a muse for many Lebanese artist where it was the central piece in many short movies, paintings, illustrations and photography, one of the examples is Mazen Kerbaj illustration of the building was published in his comic story titled “ Letters to the mother”, with a caption “ Despite it all I sometimes think I love you . Despite it all I love you I do love you despite it all.” This caption sums up most of the Lebanese artist and young generation frustration, the story goes on by describing the hardship of living in the war-torn city of Beirut where Mazen illustrates different scenarios why he hates the city and why he wants to leave, but when it’s time to draw the EDL building he chooses to forget all the hardship and looks at this building as the gate guard to Mar Mikhaël street the artist and party goers haven in the city. EDL is the place where people meet at start of happy hour and meet again later at night when they have walked into every bar and exhibit in the street. It’s a building that holds many stories to the city dwellers. Not to be a victim of romanticism but one must acknowledge the experiences that EDL evokes and tells about Lebanon and its citizens, it’s the nation that against all the odds maintained a certain level of cultural, historical, and political statues in region, a nation that refused to surrender and somehow resurrects itself after each devastating political and armed conflict event, an icon among its surrounding unique and weary but with a charm a beacon of hope that there is more into than the eye sees . The chicken coop is the resent episode in the EDL story but it will definitely not be the last. It is in the EDL Headquarters a building that


one can unravel the history of a nation, it tells the story of the rise and decline of the country. From its concrete heydays days of the 50s and 60s that encouraged the government to invite international architects to compete for the design of the EDL headquarters a centralized state own company that can fulfill the needs of a developing modern country, to most recent times, a frail state with shaky foundations that cannot even control its institutions and buildings. The building becomes an edifice of historical archives portraying the agency in architecture, where architecture becomes a crucial actor in shaping the politics, economy, and culture of a country. Architecture is only interesting and iconic when it starts to weave different stories into its own structure its where different realities and times are superposed on top of each other. EDL not only questions the modern dreams of utopian solutions that has been proven faulty, but also questions what are the political and cultural mechanism that may affects the buildings perception and character.


Story 5// Thesis, Spring Studio


Architecture as a site for image pro duc tion .


The Immortal Heart

Cultural Agent Orange-Mark Wasuita

The Immortal Heart //For America and for the rest of the planet that has viewed Apocalypse Now, Full Metal Jacket, or the endless eruption of photographs and newsreels of student protests of the 1960s and 1970s the Vietnam War has been not only a site of painful and costly defeat, or a generationdefining struggle, but also a relentless image machine. The media coverage in this war was a precedent for future conflicts. The ultimate protest depicting the self-immolation of the Buddhist monk Thich Quang Duc is one of these images that resonated not only in Vietnam but also all over the world causing a shift in the American policies. “No news picture in history, has generated so much emotion around the world as that one” JFKs response to the image that made it on newspapers all over the world. The emulation is this potent not only because it was a first but also because it was well staged to the smallest detail from the site selection to the staging of the whole event and the element of spectacle to the fact that the Buddhist claim that the heart didn’t burn and it is considered a Buddhist relic and a symbol of national struggle. Today the immortal heart is kept in a vault underground away from the people’s eyes at the central bank branch in Saigon. The building is a new home to secure and view for the immortal heart, taking the heart back to the site of ritual, at the same exact street intersection the design revisits elements from the original self-immolation such as performance, spectacle, the fiction, aggregation of bodies, disruption, and production of image using different apparatuses and architectural agencies.


Image Copy Right Malcom Brown


Thich Quang Duc eased down on the pavement in the lotus position, crossed his legs, and quietly stared straight ahead. His two companions had hurried after him, carrying a five-gallon container of gasoline mixed with diesel fuel that they emptied over his head and body as he clutched his prayer beads and repeated the sacred words, “nam mo amita Buddha,” or “return to eternal Buddha.”

A Buddhis burns him death


Buddhist p

himself In the midst of an eerie silence, Quang Duc struck a match handed to him and touched the tinyfiretohisrobe,nowdrenchedwiththehighly combustible pink liquid. Instantly, black and yellow flames shot upward, consuming his clothing before licking into his flesh.



A Buddhi becomes

st priest mself to A


priest burns dhist monk


death b e c o m e s

ist monk a martyr




Image Production and Movement


New York


San Franscisco


















To t a l

15:20 Hr

BROWNE PHOTOGRAPHS THICH QUANG DUC AS HE BURNS TO DEATH, and his colleague Ha Van Tran rushes back to the AP bureau with the film.

HA VAN TRAN EXPRESSES THE FILM TO MANILA BY AIR and flies an urgent cable, the first word on the s t o r y .

THE FILM ARRIVES IN MANILA, PHILIPPINES, where it is edited. Printed and transmitted to



IMAGES ARRIVE IN S A N FRANCISCO and are relayed onward to AP headquarters in New



THE IMAGE IS CARRIED BY MORNING PAPERS and is seen by the world for the first t i m e .


Contact Sheet

The Ultimate Protest



Scene 4:


Scene 1//June 10 Call Malcolm Brown journalist and photographer and tell him to attend ceremony tomorrow. Scene 2// June 11 Driving around the city with a parade of supporters following the car. Scene 3// In front of Cambodian embassy, 2000 bonzes and protesters poor gasoline on monk. Scene 4// In the midst of an eerie silence, Quang Duc stricks a match and sets fire to his rob as a final and eternal act of sacrifice. Scene 5// The body was re-cremated during the funeral, but Duc’s heart remained intact and did not burn. Scene 6// Vietnamese women, drop one piece of gold they had on [wedding ring] in the earn as a sign of contributing to the struggle. Scene 7// Unexpected ending heart gets stolen by army and relocated to the State Bank of Vietnam, an untouchable national treasure stored in a vault underground.


8:00 AM

1.8 KM

Vĩnh Nghiêm Pagoda

Protest fulfil the 5 demands to end religiousinequality thực hiện 5 yêu cầu chấm dứt bất bình đẳng tôn giáo

fulfil the 5 demands to end religiousinequality thực hiện 5 yêu cầu chấm dứt bất bình đẳng tôn giáo

fulfil the 5 th?c hi?n


9:00 AM XA LOI





fulfil the thực hiện 5 demands to end 5 yêu cầu chấm dứt religiousinequality bất bình đẳng tôn giáo


20 fulfil the 5 demands to end religiousinequality thực hiện 5 yêu cầu chấm dứt bất bình đẳng tôn giáo




Foreign Relations of the United States, 1961–1963, Volume III, Vietnam, January–August 1963 - Office of the Historian


164. Telegram From the Embassy in Vietnam to the Department of State1 Saigon, June 11, 1963, noon. 114 7. CI N CP AC f or P OL AD. P r oces s ion of appr ox im atel y 4 0 0 bon z es car r ied body of dea d bon z e to X a L oi P agoda n ear US OM . At about 0 130 an es tim ated 8 0 0 - 10 0 0 bon z es n ow in s ide pagoda. L ar ge gr oup of pr o- B uddh is t s tuden ts h ave n ow f or m ed cor don ar oun d pagoda an d r ef us in g adm is s ion to an y on e. S tuden ts h ave r ais ed cr ude ban n er in E n glis h s tatin g “ T h is B uddh is t pr ies t cr em ated h im s el f f or

ve item s dem an ded of th e gover n m en t.” M eetin g at pagoda br ok e up at 120 0

an d bon z es quick ly dis per s ed, lea vin g appr ox im atel y 10 0 bon z es in s ide. V er y f ew s pec tator s in ev iden ce; h ow ev er lar ge gr oup of bon z es an d lay per s on s es tim ated at 20 0 0 n ow gath er in g at s ite of cr em ation . Cr ow d or der ly . L ar ge n um ber of police ( es tim ated at 10 0 0 ) in ar ea. P olice h ave allow ed bon z es to pr oceed at w ill w ith in ar ea w h ich is cor don ed o

an d h ave attem pted k eep bon z es an d s pec tator s s epar ate. 2

B an n er s in E n glis h an d V iet n am es e car r ied by bon z es r ead as f ollow s : “ A B uddh is t pr ies t bur n s h im s el f f or our


r eques ts , ” an d “ Do n ot dec ei ve us an d th e peo ple in an y w ay .” Dea d bon z e iden ti ed as T h ich Quan g Duc, a m iddle level bon z e f r om pr ovin ces ( r ep or tedly f r om N h a T r an g but un con r m ed) . H e ar r ived on s cen e of h is dea th in a veh icle w ith cen tr al V iet N am licen s e plates an d car r y in g h is ow n can of gas olin e. B ur n in g took place in f r on t of Cam bodian r ep r es en tation r es iden ce, appar en tly f or pur pos e obtain in g Cam bodian atten tion . 3 Colon el T un g, Com m an der V iet n am es e S pec ial F or ces , h as or der ed tw o R an ger com pan ies of S pec ial F or ces

[ P age 376 ]

m oved in f r om L on g T h an h Cam p ( bet w een S aigon an d V un g T au) . R an ger com pan ies w ill be dis pos ed in th e cam p n ear T an S on N h ut Air por t. Colon el T un g s tated th at h e exp ec ts f ur th er tr ouble today . S ev en th Air bor n e B attalion als o aler ted accor din g to M ACV . R ep or ts per s is t th at oth er bon z es m ay s acr i ce th em s elves in f r on t of public buildin gs . T r ueh ear t

1. S our ce: Dep ar tm en t of S tate, Cen tr al F iles , S OC 14 - 1 S V I E T . Con den tial; Oper ation al I m m ed iate. R ep ea ted to CI N CP AC. R ec ei ved at 2: 21 a.m .↩ 2. T h e E m bas s y r ep or ted later in th e day th at at 6 p.m . th e police ar r es ted s om e 30 n un s an d 5 bon z es af ter th ey r ef us ed to m ove a pr ay er m eet in g in to n ea r by X a L oi P agoda. Acces s to th e ar ea cor don ed- o

ar oun d th e pagoda

w as th en lim ited to r es iden ts of th e im m ediate ar ea . Wh ile dis tur ban ces m oun ted in S aigon , th e E m bas s y n oted th at th e s ituation in H ue s eem ed to h ave r et ur n ed to n or m al. ( T el egr am 1158 f r om S aigon , Jun e 11; I bid.) ↩

3. On Jun e 13, Ch ar les C. F low er r ee of th e E m bas s y s en t a m em or an dum to Actin g Dep uty Ch ief of M is s ion M el vin L . M an f ull in w h ich h e as s es s ed th e im pact of th e B uddh is t pr oblem on r elation s betw een S outh V iet n am an d Cam bodia. F low er r ee poin ted to a M ay 22 s peech by P r in ce S ih an ouk , in w h ich S ih an ouk ch ar ged th at P r es iden t Diem w as m is tr ea tin g both V iet n am es e an d K h m er B uddh is ts . F low er r ee n oted th at on Jun e 9 th e T im es of V iet N am , w h ich of ten s pok e f or th e Diem gover n m en t, publis h ed an ar ticle un der lin in g th e pr om in en t r ole of Cam bodian , or H in ay an a bon z es in th e B uddh is t di

culties in S outh V ietn am , in lin e w ith w h at th e paper ch ar ged

w as th e Cam bodian policy of attem ptin g to im pos e n eut r alis m on V iet n am th r ough diplom atic an d pr opagan da or ts . N otin g th at “ th e GV N is r ea dy an d ea ger to s ee a

n e Cam bodian h an d in all th e or gan iz ed B uddh is t

action s , ” F low er r ee con cluded th at th e s el f - im m olation of th e bon z e Quan g Duc in f r on t of th e Cam bodian E m bas s y ten ded to f eed th e s us picion s of th e Diem gover n m en t. ( Wa s h in gton N ation al R ec or ds Cen ter , R G 8 4 , S aigon E m bas s y F iles : F R C 6 7 A 6 77, 320 GV N - Cam bodia Jan - Jun e 6 3) ↩


Cambodian Embassy

Thich Quang Duc

Malcom Browne

Monk Initiating Ritual 95

Site on june 11, 1963



Today the immortal heart is kept in a vault underground away from the people’s eyes at the central bank branch in Saigon. Every year on 11th of June the heart is taken out from vault and put on display at the Xai lo Pagoda for prayers




State Bank of Vietnam


The Immortal Heart


Architecture as a Ritual







A new house/ Vault for the heart accessible to all based on the same elements of the ritualistic protest. Bringing the heart back to a potent site where no remarkable and eventful architecture exist to mark and celebrate the site.



The architecture takes the plan layout of event and extrudes it in 3d to create a new typology for exhibiting the site the architecture starts to resemble a distinct layout centered around a body/ an immortal heart the levitates in thin air and takes the people on a journey mixed with spectacle and fiction to interact with the heart on different levels.


Circulation Diagram


Pneumatic Tube

Lifting Platform

6.83 Viewing Platforms Structural Frame

Pressure Control Valve

Magnifying Lens

Studio Booth



Photography Apparatus


Heat Sensors

Structural Frame

Pressure Control Valve

Surveillance Cameras

Pressure Control Valve

Blast Proof Glass Access Panel

Air Pump


Safety Net

Photography Apparatus Photography Apparatus

6.83 6.83

Structural Frame Structural Frame

Pressure Control Valve Pressure Control Valve

Surveillance Surveillance Cameras Cameras

Pressure Pressure Control Control Valve Valve

Air Air Pump Pump

Blast Proof Blast Proof Glass Glass Access Panel Access Panel Safety Net Safety Net


Pneumatic Tube

Lifting Platform

6.83 Viewing Platforms Structural Frame

Pressure Control Valve

Magnifying Lens

Studio Booth



Photography Apparatus


Heat Sensors

Structural Frame

Pressure Control Valve

Surveillance Cameras

Pressure Control Valve

Blast Proof Glass Access Panel

Air Pump


Safety Net

6.83 6.83

Lifting Pla Lifting Pla

Viewing Platforms Viewing Platforms Structural Frame Structural Frame

Pressure Control Valve Pressure Control Valve

Magnifying Lens Magnifying Lens

8.59 8.59

6.8 6.8





By the time that heart reaches the surface which happens randomly twice a month in the spirit of event where it was a surprise it creates a scene of disruption on the roundabout through traffic blocks that blocks traffic and turns the street into a stage to view the heart aggregation of bodies to the roundabout .




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