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Sharon Ali
haron Ali is an award-winning artist who has displayed her many talents within several platforms including media, pageants, interviews, social events and much more. S to represent Canada in the Ms. Commonwealth International 2018/2019 Pageant that was held in the United Kingdom. She was crowned first runner–up representing Canada at the Ms. Commonwealth International Woman In 2020, Sharon was once again awarded with a certificate of appreciation and outstanding work with Swar Taal Music Society of Edmonton. She is currently on the Board of Directors as Director of Social Media and MarHer goal is to encourage, inspire, and Empowerment 2018/2019 Pageant keting. promote others to live life to the fullest competition. It was a great honour for Sharon is currently the host/anchor and not let obstacles get in the way. her to represent her country. for “Through the Eyes of a Woman” laShe believes self-love and self-respect In 2018, Sharon also received a par- dies talk show where she speaks to a is critical in living a happy, healthy, and ticipation award for her performance variety of women at different stages of prosperous life. at Miss Noble Canada 2018 beauty their lives about their life’s journey, acIn 2016, Sharon participated in Mrs. pageant. In 2019, Sharon received complishments, goals, ambitions, and and Ms. Canada Beauty Pageant 2016 the Performing Arts Award from MLA much more. where she was selected as one of the Rod Loyola and MLA Christina Gray for Sharon is deeply passionate confinalists. She was awarded with the her exceptional performance in and cerning women empowerment. She best hair category. around the city. believes that empowering women can In 2017, Sharon was recognized for In 2019, Sharon received a Trophy change the world. She believes that her talent and awarded with a plaque and a Medallion Award for her par- promoting a woman’s sense of worth, for her performing arts from Fiji Mus- ticipation with the Society for Social their ability to determine their own lim Sports League at their Annual Ban- Rehabilitation Services. (SSRS) in Can- choices, and their right to influence soquet Awards Night. ada. This society helps the elderly and cial change for themselves and others In 2018, Sharon was delegated as orphans by giving them accommoda- plays a critical role in women empowthe Goodwill Ambassador for Canada tions, education, and food. erment.