1 minute read

Ginger — Halima Hussein


Sit with me a while in this ginger and clove scented kitchen The counters are flour stained The windows are foggy from the heat of the oven The apple cider is on a simmering boil and we have nothing but time I tell you about the traditions that seemed tedious The traditions that now fill me with joy The traditions of talent shows, cookies and falling asleep after a meal You tell me stories about a time where laughter filled the home you grew up in The home where the carpet was lined with wrapping paper and ribbon The home where the dough covered counter was the centerpiece of conversation We talk about the possibilities of Christmases to come and the treats that are must haves We debate the best way to make gravy and icing a gingerbread house We sparkle with hope of recipes being passed down the next generation As the buzzer goes off on the garland lined table, we are left with smiles The smiles of ease, warmth, joy and peace Smiles I pray you carry with you through the years and into the moments you find yourself lost in the memories of our ginger and clove scented kitchen.


Born in Edmonton, Halima is a writer and podcaster, being the creator of “What’s Your Hustle”—a podcast that explores people’s hustles, inspirations and passions. She believes that words and the stories of people hold a certain beauty and need to be shared with the world. Her experience includes writing for blogs as well as the podcast interviews.


Halima Hussein whatsyourhustlepodcast@gmail.com whatsyourhustlepodcast

Photographer: Tyler Blackwood tylerblackwoodphotography

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