4 minute read
Educating Our GENERATION with Therese Djob, CEO FrenchEtVoila
Educating Our GENERATION
Therese Djob is a substitute teacher and businesswoman in Leduc. In this interview, we discuss life as a frontline worker in a pandemic.
I am passionate about
Ttransmitting ell us a little about yourself. knowledge to create FrenchEtVoila. My aim was to promote Tell us about your business. people. I also bilingualism in the community. FrenchEtVoila is a
My name is Thérèse want to leave privately owned tutoring company which offers Djob. I am the owner and founder of a legacy to my maths and French tutoring services to both FrenchEtVoila. I am a married mom of family — kids children and adults alike. four children (9, 6, 3, and a 2-month first, and my FrenchEtVoila offers personalized service to its old). In 2004, I moved to Quebec, community clients. The focus is to assist our clients with their Canada from my native Cameroon unique needs and challenges. as an international student. Six years later in 2010, I obtained a Degree in Mathematics and Technology from Why do you teach? the University of Quebec in Montreal. My determination I am passionate about transmitting knowledge to to learn then led me to move to Nova Scotia, and in people. I also want to leave a legacy to my family — kids 2014, I graduated with a Bachelor of Education from the first, and my community. University of Cape Breton.
I am French-speaking native and certified educator, Share some of your success stories with over ten years of teaching in Francophone and In 2014, I was a resource teacher, grades 10-12 maths French Immersion schools. I am a substitute-teacher in the and science teacher in a Francophone school called Etoile Edmonton, Beaumont and Leduc area. de L’Acadie in Sydney, Nova-Scotia. I was so happy to help
In 2018, as an experienced teacher, I decided to kids with special needs and see them get confidence

towards French and maths. At that time, I had a special connection with grade 10 — they were preparing their provincial exam at the end of the year. We worked hard with the students to overcome their challenges. At the end of the year all the students passed their provincial exams. A few years ago, some of those students contacted me and told me that they made it into university and medical schools. Since I opened FrenchEtVoila, I have been able to help more than 100 students improve their school grades. One example that comes to my mind was in 2018 where we had the pleasure of helping two brothers. They came with grades in French and maths lower than 50%. After working with them for two years, we improved their grades to 90%. Recently, the parents told me that their kids were keeping steady good marks and they are contemplating going to university or other specialized programs.

What’s the hardest part of teaching? What is the best and difficult part of your business?
The hardest part of teaching for me is to motivate students to exceed their current academic level. The best part is when we receive feedback from parents who are happy with the good marks of their kids and the confidence their kids are getting towards learning. Due to my lack of knowledge in accounting or management some times, it can be frustrating for me to do those tasks.
Has the pandemic affected you in any way?
When the pandemic hit, like everyone else, I lost a lot of customers, we had to move online to be able to operate. In every situation in my life, I try to see the positive, the pandemic helped us to develop the ability to teach online. Today with the technology we can teach students around the world.
You are also a businesswoman, how do you combine both? Business, and family?
It is not easy to combine all the hats I am playing in society ( mom, substitute teacher, businesswoman) especially that I have no help (no family) around. My husband is the key role in my success, he helps me a lot with the kids, and he also listens and gives guidance.
What books are you reading now?
I am not reading any book right now, it’s difficult for me to stay focused. Instead I listen to a lot of YouTube videos about spirituality and empowerment like Wayne Dyer, Eckhart Tolle, or Louise Hay.
Where can we find you?
Contact us, today at +1587-879-0607 or at frenchetvoila. com, to find out how we can take you or your child’s literacy to the next level. Limited Spaces available.