Yoga Samachar SS_2011

Page 32

book reVIeW

IYeNgAr YogA ASANA AlterNAtIVeS: the Neck AND ShoUlDerS by Lois Steinberg, PhD Reviewed by Jesse Moore Kelsch

Without a doubt, Lois Steinberg

themselves because of the tamas and the lack of consciousness that have built up in

understands the background tension

the joints over time.

that sufferers of neck and shoulder trauma experience on a regular basis.

Lois also addresses the difficulties that multi-part poses present to students with

This is why the first several poses in her

upper-body trauma. For example, Anantasana (Vishnu’s couch) is presented, but only in

new book, Iyengar Yoga Asana

its intermediate stage. She instructs the student to lengthen the armpit to the elbow

Alternatives: The Neck and Shoulders, are

to close the gap between the armpit and the floor. This preliminary action can be

very targeted and deep releasing poses—

unobtainable to those with stiff shoulders, so the student is instructed to practice this

so releasing and opening that I, with my

stage regularly. For Chaturanga Dandasana, Lois gives explicit directions for the hands,

own complicated history of shoulder

knuckles, elbows, shoulders, and sternum—directions to be maintained with repeated

injuries, imbalance, and mobility

practice from a nearly vertical position (hands on the wall at shoulder height)

limitation, almost cry in gratitude when

progressively toward the classical pose. The reason I (and maybe others) don’t come

practicing them.

into the full pose from straight arms is an instability in the shoulders that causes last moment misdirection of correct actions into incorrect ones. Through repetition of the

Even though her prescribed sequences

correct actions as we build up to the final pose, “strength will build intelligently,” Lois

start with exceptionally releasing poses,

tells us. I will certainly testify that I stand taller with a more expanded chest after

she goes farther than this because there

practicing this progression of variations even once.

is work to be done. Quite specific work, in fact. An example is Ardha Parsva

This book, like the first edition from 2000, is organized as a series of photos with

Hastasana, where the palm is placed on

captions, although this edition is much more extensive. The instructions are

the wall at shoulder height, arm straight

unequivocal, leaving no doubt in the student’s mind about what to do and how to do

out to the side. Lois directs the student

it. Lois also provides reasons for the instructions, including both immediate and long-

(and the Iyengar instructor who is

term effects. For me, an Iyengar yoga student with long-time shoulder trauma, this

assisting the student) to rotate this,

collection exemplifies the satisfying thoroughness with which the Iyengars continue

press that, move this here… and she

to “discover improved and innovative ways to address what ails the human race

tells us to feel the actions in the arm all

through the art and science of yoga.” As a teacher, I believe that therapeutic

the way to the sternum and upper back.

instructors will find this book indispensable. The teachings in this volume are so

This pose is a foundational, active

valuable because they thoroughly address the anatomical problems students with

reliever of chronic misalignment for the

neck and shoulder issues struggle with, and they provide clear solutions.

upper body, and it’s clear to me when practicing, when I feel the actions she

Jesse Moore Kelsch has been practicing Iyengar yoga for eleven years and teaching for five. She has

describes, that it should be repeated

passed her Introductory I teaching assessment and is pursuing Intro II. She teaches at the Granada Yoga

often. Lois’ clear instructions help

Studio in Alpine, Texas. Earlier in life, she carried a heavy backpack on one shoulder, had low self-

students organize the actions that they

esteem resulting in poor posture, had an unaddressed case of whiplash from a car accident, used to

wouldn’t have been able to discover for

reach for gallon jugs of water behind the passenger seat while driving, liked to throw a baseball without warming up, sat (and still sits) at the computer a lot, forgets to put ice on her injuries…

Yoga Samachar

Spring /Summer 2011


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