Yoga Samachar FW2014

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H d e o a o l t G h d G n u a a y r t i a v n e t g e e n d! o L By Yoon Cho

Illustration by Curtis Settino

“You feel so lost, so cut off, so alone, only you’re not. See, in all our searching, the only thing we’ve found that makes the emptiness bearable, is each other.”—Carl Sagan, Contact I’m more than halfway into my first year of teacher training,

one end to elation, excitement, and gratitude at the other.

As fear of death subsided, I actually began to enjoy our classes and the amazing faculty members at the Institute.

I have been most pleasantly surprised by the esprit de corps of

After a move to the Bay Area for my husband’s job late last

our group, fostered through intense learning and growing

year, I finally investigated and applied to the program, deluding

together in the program. I came to the Iyengar Yoga Institute of

myself that I would participate simply for the knowledge and to

San Francisco alone, but I will never be alone again because

deepen my practice. After all, the official name for the program

now I belong to a community of people who care deeply about

is Advanced Studies/Teacher Training.

and I cannot help but look back and take stock of the journey so far. My emotions have ranged widely from profound unworthiness, controlled panic, and impatience with myself at

teaching and practicing Iyengar Yoga. Shortly after the program began, I realized what an Before applying for the program at the Institute, I had always

overwhelming flow of information I had to take in—and the

been interested in teacher training but never followed up on

program really asks a minimum of what is needed to become a

my urge to explore. I’m not a particularly flexible person

teacher. I have felt at times that I was trying to drink from a fire

with effortless form, nor was I ever disciplined enough for

hose, but instead, the fire hose, with its monstrous and raging

consistent home practice. And I had never taught anything

stream, had me pinned against the rope wall (especially after

before—though I do enjoy lecturing my sister, my husband,

five hours of anatomy on Friday afternoon, followed by three

and close friends.

hours of asana).


Yoga Samachar Fall 2013/Winter 2014

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