Classifieds A CALL FOR MUSINGS Yoga Samachar seeks submissions for our “Musings” column, which features a range of short thought pieces from members. These can be philosophical in nature or might focus on more practical topics—for example, a great idea for managing your studio or for creating community in your home town. See page 28 for Musings by Iyengar Yoga Institute of San Francisco student Yoon Cho. Please send your own Musings to by Feb. 1.
ASK THE YOGI Yoga Samachar seeks questions for our new “Ask the Yogi” column. Rotating senior teachers provide answers to a range of questions submitted by IYNAUS members. We welcome your questions related to how or when to use props, how best to deal with specific health conditions, philosophical help with the sutras, tips on teaching or doing certain poses, and more. Please send questions to by Feb. 1.
JOIN IYNAUS To join IYNAUS or renew your current membership, please visit our website and apply online: Membership fees begin at $60, with $30 of each membership going to support teacher certification and continuing education.
RENEW YOUR IYNAUS MEMBERSHIP IYNAUS would like to remind all teachers, including Introductory I and above, that annual membership invoices are posted online and payment is due directly to IYNAUS (not your regional association) by Jan. 31, 2014. General members can pay dues to their regional associations directly or via the IYNAUS website. If you have difficulty logging in to your account, please email or call 206-623-3562. Thank you!
YOUR AD HERE Yoga Samachar accepts short, text-only ads to announce workshops, offer props for sale, list teacher openings at your studio, or provide other yoga-related information. Ads cost $50 for up to 50 words and $1 per word over 50 words, including phone numbers, USPS addresses, and websites. Please contact Rachel Frazee at or 608-780-6774 for more information or to submit an ad.
Happy Holidays from everyone at IYNAUS
Fall 2013/Winter 2014 Yoga Samachar