ASAN AS F O R E MOT I O N A L STA B I L I T Y B.K.S. Iyengar Sequencing was one of Guruji’s gifts, both in the sense that his own sequencing was utterly brilliant and endlessly fascinating and that the very concept of sequencing we work with was given to us by him. There are ways of sequencing for a given class or practice, for a given week or month or year, for people of a given age or a given condition, for people at a certain stage in their practice, and so on. Occasionally, Guruji would give out certain sequences for special circumstances or needs—to help people traumatized by a severe earthquake, for instance, or to build immunity during an influenza outbreak in Pune. Here we reprint for you the wonderful sequence Guruji provided for us all at the end of Light on Life.
1: Adho Mukha Svanasana (resting the
head on support): Stay for 2–3 minutes.
2: Uttanasana (resting the head on a chair or head down with the shoulders resting on two high stools): Stay for 3–5 minutes.
3: Sirsasana (using ropes):
Stay as long as you feel comfortable.
4: Viparita Dandasana (on two stools): Stay for 3–5 minutes.
5: Sarvangasana (on a chair): Stay for 5–10 minutes.*
6: Niralamba Sarvangasana (resting the 3
shoulders on support): Stay for 5 minutes.**
7: Niralamba Halasana (knees or thighs resting on a stool): Stay for 5–10 minutes.
8: Setubandha Sarvangasana (on a bench): Stay for 10 minutes.**
9: Viparita Karani in Sarvangasana (here shown resting on two bolsters): Stay
for 5 minutes.**
10: Paschimottanasana (head resting on a bolster): Stay for 3–5 minutes.
11: Upavista Konasana (If you cannot hold the toes, you can sit straight with palms on the floor behind the buttocks): Stay for 2 minutes.
Yoga Samachar Fall 2014/Winter 2015