R EFLECTIO NS F ROM P U N E AU G. 20 – S E PT. 4, 2 0 1 4 Compiled by Janet Lilly
Photo: Roberta M. DellAnno
he days following Guruji’s passing on Aug. 20, 2014,
“The morning was time for us to pay our respects to Guruji in
were emotional for his dedicated students around the
his own room at home. We had plenty of time for this prior to
world. Most of us took solace in the reflections that
the afternoon cremation. Everything included prayers and
we received from fellow practitioners who were in
chanting; we could all take part in everything. Women were
Pune. Here, we have gathered some of these reflections to
also permitted to attend Guruji’s rites and cremation. The
chronicle Guruji’s cremation, memorial tributes, and life at
Institute is closed for two weeks now.”
the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute through Sept. 4, 2014.
AUG. 20, 2014
Cathy Rogers Evans, Intermediate Senior III Teacher
John Hayden, Intermediate Junior II Teacher and Executive Director of the Iyengar Yoga Institute of San Francisco “This morning there was darshan at the Institute from about 8:30 a.m. onward to 2 p.m. I arrived at the Institute at about
“It was truly an amazing occasion in Pune today. I feel
9 a.m., and the Iyengar family was allowing people to pass
exceptionally fortunate to have been here at this time. After a
through the house and view Guruji in his passing. He was
couple of weeks of uncertainty realizing Guruji was near his
beautiful and powerful. Geetaji and Prashantji were both
end, the feeling here among people who I have spoken with
strongly present, Prashant sitting on the floor in the room with
today is one of release and fullness.
Guruji for the entire time. There was a steady stream of
Fall 2014/Winter 2015 Yoga Samachar