cultivate the mind of the yogi in asana. If we are not going
object. Then, treat the mind that knows or the process of
toward yogasana, then asana falls back into mere pose or
knowing that as an object. The part of you that is able to do
that is the knower. Treat that too as an object and you are approaching the yogic state of mind.
6. “You have to be your own social media network.” We must work with integration with the various parts of
10. “Create a better lesson for yourself.”
ourselves. Work with the breath, particularly the exhalation. We
After we cycled through rope Sirsasana (by the way, ladies did
must isolate various parts and see the effect. We must
not get to go first), he gave us a choice between doing Janu
coordinate the effect of these parts.
Sirsasana, chair Sarvangasana, or Viparita Karani. The idea of getting out a chair and finding a place for it was a little much
7. A humorous interlude about income tax.
for me. Also, finding a place at the wall seemed daunting. I had
Prashant told this very funny story about using his “crafty
just come out of rope Sirsasana, which I was in for the whole
mind” to provide the Indian government with documents that
knower, knowing, and the known talk. I was feeling a bit dizzy. I
proved yoga was an art form.
created the lesson of Janu Sirsasana for myself. As we were in this final pose, Prashant said, “I’ve attempted to teach you
8. “I haven’t taught a new point about asana in many years.”
something. You probably won’t do your homework, so I’m
The point is to move beyond the accumulation of points. At the
giving you time to do some now. Review what you’ve learned
same time, you can’t just do whatever you want in a pose. At
and what you think you need to learn. Create a better lesson for
slightly after an hour in, Prashant paused, looked at the clock,
yourself than I’ve been able to give you.”
and said, “This part of the lesson is adjourned. We should be clear that it is not over but adjourned.” We went onto part two:
Anne-Marie Schultz (Intermediate Junior I) teaches philosophy and
yoga in Austin, Texas. Read her blog at www.
9. The knower, knowing, and the known. First, recognize that you know something. Treat that as an
n the 70s, I taught yoga for the Montgomery County Department of Recreation (in Maryland), which held many of its adult education classes, including yoga, in local public schools. Shortly after I began teaching, someone filed a separation of church and state complaint, claiming that a government facility shouldn’t be promoting any religion
and that yoga was a religion. The Rec Department officials asked me if I thought yoga was a religion. I said I did not, so they asked me to write a letter to that effect. Apparently it was convincing enough, because I continued to teach those classes for several more years.
John Schumacher in Sidhasana
Now, after 40 years of teaching and study, my reply to the question, “Is yoga a religion?” is a bit more nuanced. This question has been floating around yoga and religious
major schools of thought, or darshanas: Samkhya, Yoga, Nyaya,
circles for a long time and still evokes everything from fierce
Vaisheshika, Mimamsa, and Vedanta. The underlying thread
partisan debate to shoulder shrugs. Some fundamentalist
between these six darshanas, they say, is the acceptance of the
Christian groups claim that yoga is a false religion and is really
Vedas as the supreme revealed scriptures. They declare that it is
the work of the Devil. Father John A. Hardon, a close associate
with this very basic understanding in mind that yoga should be
and advisor of Pope Paul VI, Pope John Paul II, and Mother
examined and its roots in Hinduism be properly acknowledged.
Teresa, says that yoga is incompatible with Catholicism because it is the best known practice of Hindu spirituality.
On the other side of the coin, many yoga teachers and
Father Gabriele Amorth, the former chief exorcist (!) of the
practitioners strongly resist the idea of yoga as a religion, claiming
Vatican, says yoga can lead devotees to Hinduism. “Practicing
that it is, in fact, a spiritual practice quite apart from religion.
yoga is Satanic,” he says. B.K.S. Iyengar, in an email interview for Beliefnet with Corinne The Hindu American Foundation, as part of its Take Back Yoga
Schumann, said, “Yoga has a lot to offer to people, whatever [their
movement, points out that Hinduism contains within it six
faith]. It has no geographical boundary, gender, caste, or religion.”
Yoga Samachar Spring /Summer 2015