Vira I for Spondylolisthesis and Help with Halasana What advice can you give someone with spondylolisthesis (L5–S1) who sometimes experiences pain when coming into Virabhadrasana I? For example, how much pelvic tilt is allowed in the final pose? —Vicky Seff, owner of Floating Lotus Yoga in North Bellmore, NY Put Virabhadrasana I on a back burner while you strengthen your back muscles, (gently) make space between the intervertebral discs, and re-educate the way you use your lumbar region. Here’s a suggested sequence. There is no need to practice every pose listed, but do practice them in the order in which they are given. Unless stipulated otherwise, hold the poses for 30 seconds to a minute. 1. If the lumbar spine muscles are tight, tense or painful, begin with chair Savasana (figure A) with a bolster under your calves and a sandbag placed across your abdomen. Turn the chair around so the seat slants toward you. Don’t place the weight on the diaphragm or breathing will be affected. Allow your lumbar spine to spread from the center to the sides. Stay in the pose for 10 minutes. 2. Ardha Uttanasana over a tall stool (figure B) propped to hip height. Extend arms to the stool or horse. When the lumbar spine is really delicate, this is a safe and supportive forward bend. As the abdominals are supported, the sacrum will spread. Stay in the pose for five minutes.
Alternatively, practice Ardha Uttanasana (figure C) with a hip-height wall rope just below your hip-bones. Place your outer wrists to the top of a chair adjusted for your height, palms facing each other, toes turned in. Stay in the pose for five minutes.
These opposing movements extend the lumbar, decrease compression of the disc on the nerves, and reduce pain. 3. Adho Mukha Svanasana on ropes (figure D). Facing the wall, place a hip-height wall rope around your pelvis. Then turning right, away from the wall, step your left leg over the rope. Keep your heels as close to the floor as you can. Reach your hands forward. The rope extends the lumbar spine toward the wall, while the hands draw the spine forward. These opposing movements extend the lumbar, decrease compression of the disc on the nerves, and reduce pain. Turn toes in. Alternatively, it may be easier to simply place a rope around your pelvis, just below the hip bones (figure E), but this variation is not nearly as effective in opening up the lower back. Stay in the pose for five minutes.
4. Pavanmuktasana . Lie on your back. Place a folded blanket or bolster across the lower abdomen. Bend both knees over your chest. Stay in the pose for 10 minutes. E. 5. Ardha Pavanmuktasana . Bend one knee at a time over your chest (figure F).
F. Yoga Samachar Fall 2017 / Winter 2018