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eye candies f rom Paris

The French capital Paris celebrates every month of January an all-encompassing festival of interior design and fabrics. That is the time for Paris Déco-Off and Maison&Objet.

While Paris Déco Off is a city-wide event involving brands specializing in fabrics, wallpapers, trimmings and wall coverings, Maison&Objet is a half-year fair, that has spread its wings to design shops all over the city

Which is striking, every year again, how many trends the experts manage to distill from the events OBJEKT International has been present since the beginning of the manifestation and always made a totally subjective summary of some high lights.

The theme of Maison&Objet spring 2023 was ‘Take Care’ created and curated by Nelly Rodi design consultancy from Paris.

Forecasting pioneer NellyRodi is an expert strategic consulting and consumer trends agency for the creative industries They claime to be the first to put aesthetic trends in perspective with consumer trends and to broaden the spectrum of trends to the Beauty and Decoration sectors

“When deciding on our themes, taking a close look at modern-day society always serves as our starting point Today, the second we step outside, we are hit with cultural, environmental and identity issues.

Society is craving new models, and that is something that brands can deliver, providing solutions that target the environment, safeguard expertise, or encourage us all to care for others or focus on our own wellbeing. What we are interested in is the rising voices that are picking up that gauntlet

The under25s that make up Generation Z are impatiently waiting for something to be done Today, a new set of ethics is dictating the type of consumer activity we are seeing ”

He continued: “The world boasts an abundance of expertise that we all turned our backs on for a good many years. Today, however, brands are increasingly placing the accent on all things local.

They all reflect a mindset that is under pinned by a sense of commitment and the desire to root design in a specific region, drawing on local expertise and culture”

Designer of the Year

For each show, the Paris Maison&Objet interior design event, presents the Designer of the Year award During the Januar y 2023 edition the price went to the Paris based designer Raphael Navot. During the event he showed ‘The Apother n Lounge’, an immersive installation, designed to por tray a visual emeotion. (right hand page. Photo: Aethion) This page: por trait of Navot (photo: Cerruti Draime) and images of his designs for the 39V Paris. (photos: Yann Deret)

Braquenié, par t de the Pierre Frey Group, celebrated its bicentennial with a splendid exhibition of the Anniversaire 1823-2012 collection in Château de Louye, Normandy. According to Patrick Frey, Braquenié bears witness to the timelessness of its heritage and celebrates the quintessence of French style, a subtle blend of foreign influences and national creations. The collection unfolds around authentic reproductions as well as reinterpretations inspired by illustrious documents, preser ved in the House's archives depar tment, or in the heritage collections of the Château de Versailles, the Musée des Ar ts Décoratifs in Paris or the Musée de la Toile de Jouy.

Founded in 1935, Pierre Frey is a French company with a strong sense of eclecticism that creates, edits and manufactures fabrics, wallpapers, custom carpets and high end fur niture

For more than 40 years, Mi Pan, Mexico City, Mexico, has been baking for ever yone, reaching thousands of families and breaking down barriers between generations. A visit to the baker y is a milestone in the memor y of almost all Mexicans. The recent design of Mi Pa, by Concentrico, honored the bakers and Mexican baker y traditions focussing on creating a sense of community. The self-ser ve layout was key to maintaining the original baker y experience. The goal was to invite customers to visit the baker y with their lo ved ones in order to make it a shared cultural experience.

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