Metrolive 2016

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warm water,

golden beaches, exotic cuisine,

loads of adventure,

energetic nightlife and friendly people.

#DurbanSummer Durban Tourism Tel: 031 322 4164 @DBNTourism











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ROCKS DURBAN This year’s edition of the awards has introduced new ground breaking features to the prestigious awards ceremony.

Last year’s production took viewers on a journey to celebrate greatness.



NOMVULA Destined for greatness, Nathi`s voice has captured millions of fans in South Africa. It is not surprising considering his level of talent.

CREATIVE DIRECTOR Gomotsegang Mogale EDITORIAL CO-ORDINATOR Lebo Mothibi BUSINESS CO-ORDINATORS Sphamandla Dlamini Sandile Ngubeni LAYOUT AND GRAPHICS 5th Republic Media Group CONTRIBUTERS Maxine Becket Nompumelelo Mncube Bonolo Sekudu DISTRIBUTION InTouch Africa Andiswa Maqungu



Metrolive is published by Izani Media on behalf of METRO FM Music Awards. Copyright: Izani Media 2016. No portion of this publication may be reproduced without prior written consent from Izani Media or the authors. The publishers are not responsible for any unsolicited material. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of Izani Media or the editor. 4 METROLIVE | FEBRUARY 2016


The fill-up that gives you more kilometres per tank. BP Ultimate Fuels clean your engine, so you get better performance and more kilometres per tank.

Exploring our Hidden Gems... A myriad of towns that colour an already picturesque landscape, blend into a melting pot, creating the breathtakingly unique province of KwaZulu-Natal, complete with its own African


Exceptionally rich in cultural heritage and featuring two amazingly scenic World Heritage Sites, PRODUCTION TEAM the iSimangaliso Wetland Park and uKhahlamba-Drakensberg Park... This is the Zulu Kingdom.

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PUBLISHER Izani Media (Pty) Ltd

Sunshine, blue skies and warm waters all year round that let you indulge every priceless coastal CREATIVE DIRECTOR Gomotsegang Mogale pleasure. EDITORIAL CO-ORDINATOR Lebo Gunguluza Lebo Mothibi

If the perfect combination of luxurious seaside getaways and beaches that beckon along an LAYOUT AND GRAPHICS enticingly beautiful coastline is what you seek, look no further than the Zulu Kingdom. 5th Republic Media Group


Magic every minute - This is what falling in love with our Zulu Kingdom is all about... Exceptional. CONTRIBUTERS

Themba Ndala Lesego Nkabinde

Metrolive is published by Izani Media on behalf of Metro FM Music Awards. Copyright: Izani Media 2016. No portion of this publication may be reproduced without prior written consent from Izani Media or the authors. The publishers are not responsible for any unsolicited material. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of Izani Media or the editor.



Publishers Notes

he METROs are once again hitting Durban hard this year with a full week programme of entertainment. I am honoured that METRO FM chose to empower my Izani 12-12-12 programme on developing young emerging entrepreneurs in media through the production of this magazine. The magazine has been produced by a group of talented journalists and creative designers who are part of the Izani Media development programme. The team is thrilled to be part of this exciting movement of celebrating local and continental artistry, where they are able to participate in telling the story of African music and its successes. Keeping up with the METROs, as the theme goes for the 2016 issue which resonates with the journey that METRO FM has taken over the years, and the success of these awards which have grown to reflect that. The METRO FM Music Awards 2016 (MMA15) started 15 years ago and today they remain one of the best music awards in the country, and they ARE NOT DONE.

The countdown to the METROs this year will showcase the relationship between music and fashion and how this can create an experience of a lifetime for METRO FM listeners, through a mixture of fashion and an all-star line-up of the hottest nominees and DJs that are set to light up Durban. We have listed all the official METRO FM parties planned for the week to rock Durban. It is Fact that Durban will Rock with the METROs this week. In this issue of the METRO Live Magazine, our cover story is the Kings of the Weekend, a collaboration effort of DJ Naves and SPHEctacular who have become synonymous in the South African entertainment scene. Their show on METRO FM and collaboration with a number of artists on their album has captured the imagination of many South Africans, coupled with their high spirit and creativity, has resulted in them being nominated in a number of categories. This issue we also look at the Music Meets Fashion campaign as a reflection of what the METROs are about, which is a fusion of music, fashion and lifestyle. We have profiled top designers that METRO FM has brought on board to be part of this campaign to showcase the best of fashion. We have also covered the best spots for you to go to in Durban and with Durban Tourism by your side guiding you all the way, you can never run out of places to go. We have listed all the parties officially hosted by METRO FM, which include the music conference, a comedy show and a fashion escapade. We also decided to feature useful gadgets that could be useful for you in keeping up with the METROs through the latest smart technologies to make life easy for you. The Hosts of the Show are still the best kept secret and will be revealed on Saturday 27 February and we are giving you an opportunity to share on social media who you think they will be. We also have given you a sneak preview in pictures of the nominations party that took place in Johannesburg on the 14th of January. We have listed all the nominations for the MMA15, and this issue should be a useful guide for you to navigate the programme and nominations on the night of the awards. I hope you enjoy all that is in this issue and wish you a splendid week in keeping up with the METROs in Durban.

Lebo Gunguluza, Publisher


We carry Legends on our wings. Flying our top stars to the MMA15 is another feather in our wings. So book a flight with us and let us take you to the stars. Because we fly for you.


Station Manager’s Notes


ETRO FM turns 30 this year. Over the past three decades the radio station has seen the music industry be dismantled, transformed, remodelled, and rebuilt. The music business has shown that to survive in the information age, you have to constantly reimagine what you are bringing to the listeners. The battle is no longer the control of the future of music but setting the agenda of what’s next. Over 30 years we all have watched the brand shift, change, grow and still continue to define trends. These myriad ways of survival teaches us something about soul, more importantly about legacy and that bridge between the two. METRO FM has placed itself firmly in the creation of a future, a legacy and of trendsetting. When we launched the brand campaign in 2015 tagged; “I Am Not Done,” we capitulated the station into future growth and built on the heritage of the station. The campaign talks to a multitude of people in a way that is relevant and captures their imagination. It looks at how far South Africa has come as a nation despite its numerous challenges. Our people are defined by a striving spirit and constant quest for more. This inspiration from an ambitious

nation has fuelled METRO FM’s own spirit of forward thinking and progress. The station continues to be on top of its game as a broadcast and lifestyle brand for 30 years and never settling or slowing down. The 15th Annual METRO FM Music Awards From the new brand positioning, “I Am Not Done” we have built a theme for this year’s MMA campaign. A resounding call to all those artists who want to go down in the history books, who want to become legends, as well as those who have already achieved a legendary status.The awards are presented under the banner; “Legends don’t stop. They ask, what’s next?” The aim is to inspire listeners and musicians to keep moving and achieve more, never settling with the aim of never being done. The awards celebrate both musicians and the opportunities they have created for themselves. They appreciate the choreography of new ways of being a legend, but also the unexplained magic of artistry; standing out from the crowd. Challenging convention. Creating something new. This is true for all our nominees. They disrupt, innovate and they are legends in their own right. To become a legend is to never stop bettering yourself. It’s taking any achievement, and thinking of it as a starting off point, not the finish line. One award doesn’t make a legend. It’s a building block, the potential to become the best. We have seen being the best is also not a solitary journey. Over the past four years METRO FM has partnered with Kwazulu Natal Province. In this time we have established the awards as undoubtedly the biggest event in South Africa. In true legendary stance the province continues to align itself with us; ensuring that we continue to stand out and be a force. The build up to the awards also offers an opportunity for the province to showcase many tourism attractions and hidden gems only found in the exceptional Zulu Kingdom. The MMA statue has also received a facelift. The statue is more defined and much shinier as revealed at the nominee party a human size statuette. It has been on tour to all the provinces of the country. Beyond MMA15 The MMA15 are the beginning of a broader celebration of our 30 years of existence. We will continue to push boundaries and be the trendsetter with all our events this year. Listeners can look forward to a Music and Food Festival, celebrations in our birthday month and an even bigger Heatwave to close of the year. METRO FM believes that we are at the very beginning our journey; not at the end of it. This is the driving soul in our brand. What is this soul that METRO FM possesses? It is our pulse on the ever changing landscape. Our commitment is to grow with our listeners and keep the brand fearless by continuously challenging convention and asking; What’s Next?

Sibongile Mtyali METRO FM Station Manager 10 METROLIVE | FEBRUARY 2016

Provincial Message



he City of Durban is proud to once again welcome the 15th METRO FM Music Awards in 2016. Durban is honoured to once again roll out the black carpet for the visitors, celebrities and Captains of the music industry, who will descend on to our shores to attend the prestigious 15th METRO FM Music Awards. We therefore want to extend a warm Durban welcome to all our visitors during this time. Over the years we have worked hard in building a strong brand for the City of Durban and we view the coming together of these two powerful brands, namely METRO FM as the largest national urban commercial radio station and the City of Durban, as a bolster in one of our efforts in taking Durban to the world. This particularly forms the basis of our partnership with METRO FM and gives credence to our long held view that Durban is the leading lifestyle and entertainment destination in South Africa. Furthermore, this event coincides with yet another momentous year, 2016, whereby we are celebrating the


16 years of Democratic Local Government. EThekwini local government has achieved a lot in these 16 years through huge investments that have improved the lives of the citizens. EThekwini invested in the extension of the Chief Albert Luthuli ICC which has since gained capacity of 20 000 delegates for hosting conferences thus making it the biggest convention center in South Africa; invested in the building of uShaka Marine World to the biggest marine theme park in Africa; upgraded 6 kilometers of the beach promenade; invested in the building of the Moses Mabhida multifunctional stadium which is opened 7 days a week and sustains itself; invested in building the Warwrick flyover bridge and N2 Umngeni interchange, to mention just a few. These investments have created an enabling environment for private sector to further invest in the city thus contributing to employment and poverty alleviation resulting in better lives for residents of Durban. These have also added to the product mix for tourism in the city and provided ease of access by tourist and residents alike. We look forward to yet another successful episode of the 15th METRO FM Music Awards. As the City, we are confident that our vibrant lifestyle, quality tourism products and world class facilities, will give our visitors a full Durban experience. Welcome to Durban, THE WARMEST PLACE TO BE!!

Councillor James Nxumalo Mayor: eThekwini Municipality

DDB SA 43806/E





GET ALL THE MMA EXCLUSIVES. Tap into the world of Evoke and get the lowdown on the biggest events, stars and exclusive news. In this issue we’ve got the latest scoop from the nominees and winners of the 15th Metro FM Music Awards. Download the SABC Evoke App for free and follow us across all social media platforms to stay in the know.

Follow @sabcevoke

Spotted At The Nominees Party

GUESS WHO WAS THERE? Nominees for the 15th METRO FM Music Awards were announced in Johannesburg on 14 January. In a addition to nominees the Pan African category was announced where musicians from across the continent will be honoured. It was also announced that winners in each category will receive a R100 000 cash prize. The evening was celebrated with artists like Zahara, Nathi and Amanda du Point. The prestigious METRO FM Music Awards will be held on 27 February in Durban and can be watched on SABC 1 at 8pm.



Metro Rocks Durban


MUSIC WORKSHOP The music workshop seeks to bring in music industry experts from different fields to be part of the education of the invited delegates.This also affords the awards an opportunity to bring in some nominated musicians to tell us about their journey in music and how they made it to where they are now.Some of the top artists, producers, artist managers and relevant associates in the country will be sought after on a yearly basis to attend the music workshop. Date: Wednesday, 24 February 2016 Venue and Address: Umlazi M Community Hall, Umlazi Time: 9AM Free Workshop


METRO FM ALL STAR COMEDY JAM Venue and Address: Durban Playhouse, 29 Acutt Street, Durban Time: 8PM Lineup: 7 Comedians - Jason Goliath, Tol Ass Mo, Simphiwe Shembe, Sifiso Nene, Carl Joshua Ncube, Thapelo Seemise (“Shampoonizer”), Siyabulela Seya. On the decks - DJ Siyanda Ticket prices: R200


MUSIC MEETS FASHION Venue and Address: Waterfront Hotel, 40 Mahatma Gandhi Rd, Durban Time: 8PM Line-up: TBo Touch, Oskido, Dj Tira, Lulo Café, Naked DJ, SPHEctacula and DJ Naves, Big Nuz, Dbn Nyts, DreamTeam, WTF, Naak MusiQ, Joocy Ticket prices: R300



LIVE MUSIC AND DINNER Venue and address: Zorka, Florida Road, Durban Time: 5pm Line-up: Glen Lewis, Ismail Abrahams, Naima Kay, Thebe, DJ Bongz, Unathi, Linda, Vincent Bones, Kelly Khumalo Ticket prices: R150


KWAITO VS HOUSE Venue and address: Eyadini, Umlazi, Durban Time: 7PM Line-up: T-bo touch, SPHEctacula and DJ Naves, Oskido, Shimza, MoFlava, T-Deep, Heavy K, DJ Siyanda, Sox, Professor, DJ Feel, Touch of Soul, DJ Meech, DJ Wobbly, DJ 8 hours, DJ Ntukza, DJ Boris, DJ Sjerere Ticket prices: General Access R150 and VIP R300



Venue and address: Absolute, Florida Road, Durban Time: 7PM Line-up: DJ Jawz, Tbo-Touch, Major League, FiFi Cooper, WTF, Junior Lavie, Aewon Wolf Ticket prices: R150


Metro Rocks Durban


15TH METRO FM MUSIC AWARDS This year’s edition of the awards has introduced new ground breaking features to the prestigious awards ceremony. For the first time, winners in each respective category will receive R100 000 Cash Award to mark their musical merit. As South Africa’s largest commercial radio station, METRO FM is investing in musicians building wealth from their trade over and above the artistic recognition that comes with the MMA’s coveted statuette. The awards have also introduced a New African Category. This new category will focus on celebrating African musical excellence by honouring musicians from across the continent that made it onto the METRO FM playlist hence contributing to the station’s music offering. Venue and address: Durban ICC Time: 6PM The MMA15 will be broadcasted live on SABC1 at 20:00

PUBLIC VIEWING AREAS Venue and address: Moses Mabhida Stadium Time: 6PM Ticket prices: General Access R200 and VIP R500 FM, Da Bass Venue and address: Centurion Shisanyama, Pretoria Time: 6PM Venue and address: Drifter Race track, Cambridge East London Time: 6PM


LOVE MOVEMENT MEETS URBAN JAZZ Venue and address: Max’s Lifestyle, Umlazi Time: 12PM Line-up: Amon Mokoena, Wilson B Nkosi, Sentle, Nothemba Madumo, Nasty C, Dj Tira, Big Nuz, Dj Bongs, Nomuzi Mabena, Dj Vuuh, Dj Lee, Dj Rocksilver, DJ Naves and SPHEctacular, Joe Mann Venue and address: Canelands Beach Club and Spa, 2 Shrimp Ln, Salt Rock Time: 12PM Line-up: Nomfundo, Amon Mokoena, Wilson B Nkosi, Sentle, Nothemba Madumo Ticket prices: R500 including welcome drinks


Awards Journey



The 14th METRO FM Awards took over Durban last year February 2015 at the Inkosi Albert Luthuli International Convention Center. 21 Awards were presented on the night with sizzling hot performances and collaborations. Last year’s production took viewers on a journey to celebrate greatness.


ETRO FM and the amazing local music talent have walked together to create the most anticipated Music Awards on the Calendar. The METRO FM Awards had it all covered last year. Minnie Dlamini hosted the METRO FM Awards alongside T-bo Touch. The Annual awards showcased South Africa’s best Hip-hop, Kwaito and Jazz artists


battling it out for the coveted title and have become an institution The Hip- hop artist , Cassper Nyovest Scooped the most coveted awards and walked way with five Trophies. The likes of Sfiso Ncwane, Lloyd Cele, Dj Fisherman, Lvovo, The Soil, Afrotraction, Vinny da Vinci, Naima Kay, Wanda Baloyi, Nastee Nev, Donald, Zahara, AKA also scooped Awards


Your Hosts


15TH METRO FM MUSIC AWARDS Watch your favourite celebs, personalities, nominees, dj`s, local and African entertainers on the black carpet on Saturday 27th February at 18:00



he 15th METRO FM Music Awards Ceremony is scheduled to take place on the 27th February 2016. These Awards will be celebrating 15 years of existence and of recognising the rich South African music and talent. Not only are the METRO FM Music Awards a celebration of the artists but they have matured to become a key driver of local tourism for the hosting province. They have significantly contributed towards the economic growth of hosting cities. These awards, through


the Corporate Social Investment (CSI) angle, also seek to make a significant difference in the lives of those that are less fortunate This 15th METRO FM music awards will be broadcast live on SABC1 at 20:00 on the 27th february. Last year the awards were hosted by our drive-time show Thabo Molefe, aka Tbo Touch and famous SABC 1 sports presenter Minie Dlamini. Tune to METRO FM on Saturday and be the first to know which of your favourite celebs will be your host at the 15th METRO FM Music Awards.



AND THE NOMINESS ARE... Nathi - Buyelekhaya Zahara - Country girl Zonke - Work of Heart Maleh - You make my heart go

DJ Fresh - Fresh House Flava Vol.8 DJ Kanunu - Soul Meditation 2 Various Artists - It’s Not A Party

Kabomo – Sekusile

Without Us

DJ SPHEctacula & DJ Naves -

DBN Nyts - Believe

Kings Of The Weekend

Deep Xcape - Pandora’s Box

Black Coffee - Pieces of Me Prince Kaybee - Better Days Mobi Dixon - Tribal Soul Special Edition Heavy K - Respect The Drumboss

Mi Casa - Home Sweet Home DJ SPHEctacular & DJ Naves - Kings Of The Weeakend Junior Taurus & Lady Zamar - Cotton Candy


Maleh - You make my heart go Zonke - Work of Heart Zahara - Country Girl Thiwe - Soul Therapy Fifi Cooper - 20FIFI

Big Nuz - For The Fans Durbanutz - Believe DJ Bongz - Game changer Kabelo - Immortal Vol 3

Nathi - Buyelekhaya Emtee - Avery Ricky Rick - Family Values Prince Kaybee - Better Days Fifi Cooper - 20FiFi


Cassper Nyovest - Refiloe Ricky Rick - Family Values Emtee - Avery FiFi Cooper - 20FIFI Zakwe - Impande

Nathi - Buyelekaya Black Coffee - Pieces Of Me Cassper Nyovest - RefiloePrince Kaybee - Better Days Ricky Rick - Family Values

Benjamin Jephta - Homecoming Judith Sephuma - One World

Mpumi Dlamini - Mpumi Dlamini Nduduzo Makhathini -

Listening to the ground Nomfundo Xaluva - From now on

Ntokozo Mbambo -

AKA ft Burnaboy, Khuli Chana, Yanga - Baddest

Spirit and Life Andile ka Majola - Chapter 7

L-Tido - Dlala ka yona

Ayanda Ntazi - Udumo

Malusi Mbokazi - Ngisize Nkosi Worship House - True Worship 2015 (Live)

Kwesta - Nomayini WTF - Nomusa

Shekinah & Kyle Deutsch - Back to the Beach Kelly Khumalo - Asine

Zonke - Reach It

(Afrikan Soul Remix) DJ Sliqe - Do like I do (Remix)

Nathi - Nomvula

Emtee - Roll Up Re-Up

Maleh - Feels so good Cici - Runaway

Tresor Never - let me go (Mobi

Vincent Bones - My lady

Dixon Remix) AKA - Baddest (Remix)

Da Les - P.A.I.D

Wizkid - Ojuelegba

Donald - What Goes Around

Burna Boy - Soke

Emtee - Roll Up

Patoranking - My Woman

DJ SPHEctacula & DJ Naves -

Mavins - Dorobucci

KOTW Anthem

Reekado Banks - Katapot

Tumi ft Busiswa - Visa

Nathi - Nomvula

DJ SPHEctacula & DJ Naves

DBN Nyts - Shumaya

ft. Professor - Kings Of The

Heavy K - Umoya

Weekend Anthem

Ricky Rick - Boss Zonke

Heavy K FT. Professor &

DJ Ganyani - Talk To Me

Mpumi - Umoya

DJ Sliqe ft JR, Okmalumkool-

kat, WTF - iLife AKA ft Burna Boy, Khuli Chana & Yanga - Baddest

DJ SPHEctacula & DJ Naves - Kings Of The Weekend Anthem Prince Kaybee - Wajelwa

Majour League DJs ft.Cassper Nyovest, Ricky Rick &

Black Coffee - We Dance Again

MalumKoolkat - Slyza Tsotsi

AKA Andile ka Majola Ayanda Ntazi Benjamin Jephta Big Nuz

DJ Shimza - Akulalwa

Prince Kaybee - Better Days Black Coffee Cassper Nyovest Cici Da Les DBN Nyts Deep Xcape DJ Bongz DJ Fresh DJ Ganyani DJ Kanunu DJ Shimza DJ Sliqe DJ SPHEctacula & DJ

Naves Donald Emtee Fifi Cooper Heavy K Judith Sephuma Junior Taurus & Lady Zamar Kabelo Mabalane Kabomo Kelly Khumalo Kwesta L-Tido

Majour League DJs Maleh Mi Casa Mobi Dixon Mpumi Dlamini Nathi Nduduzo Makhathini Nomfundo Xaluva Ntokozo Mbambo Prince Kaybee Ricky Rick Shekinah & Kyle Deutch

Thiwe Tresor Tumi ft Busiswa Vincent Bones Worship House WTF Zahara Zakwe Zonke



Nathi - Buyelekhaya Zahara - Country girl Zonke - Work of Heart Maleh - You make my heart go Kabomo – Sekusile Kelly Khumalo - Asine (Afrikan Soul Remix) DJ Sliqe - Do like I do (Remix) Tresor Never - let me go (Mobi Dixon Remix) AKA - Baddest (Remix) Cassper Nyovest - Refiloe Ricky Rick - Family Values FiFi Cooper - 20FIFI

Zakwe – Impande L-Tido - Dlala ka yona Kwesta - Nomayini WTF - Nomusa Shekinah & Kyle Deutsch - Back to the Beach Cici - Runaway Vincent Bones - My lady DJ SPHEctacula & DJ Naves - Kings Of The Weekend Black Coffee - Pieces of Me Prince Kaybee - Better Days Mobi Dixon - Tribal Soul Special Edition Heavy K - Respect The Drumboss 2015 Big Nuz - For The Fans Durbanutz - Believe DJ Bongz - Game changer Kabelo - Immortal Vol 3 Benjamin Jephta - Homecoming Judith Sephuma - One World Mpumi Dlamini - Mpumi Dlamini Nduduzo Makhathini -

Listening to the ground Nomfundo Xaluva - From now on DJ Ganyani - Talk To Me DJ Shimza – Akulalwa Da Les - P.A.I.D Donald - What Goes Around Emtee - Roll Up Tumi ft Busiswa – Visa DJ Fresh - Fresh House Flava Vol.8 DJ Kanunu - Soul Meditation 2 Thiwe - Soul Therapy Mi Casa - Home Sweet Home Junior Taurus & Lady Zamar - Cotton Candy Deep Xcape - Pandora’s Box Majour League DJs ft.Cassper Nyovest, Ricky Rick & MalumKoolkat - Slyza Tsotsi Ntokozo Mbambo - Spirit and Life Andile ka Majola - Chapter 7 Ayanda Ntazi - Udumo Malusi Mbokazi - Ngisize Nkosi Worship House - True Worship 2015 (Live)

Nathi - Buyelekhaya Zahara - Country girl Zonke - Work of Heart Maleh - You make my heart go Kabomo – Sekusile Cassper Nyovest - Refiloe Ricky Rick - Family Values FiFi Cooper - 20FIFI Zakwe – Impande DJ SPHEctacula & DJ Naves - Kings Of

The Weekend Black Coffee - Pieces of Me Prince Kaybee - Better Days Mobi Dixon - Tribal Soul Special Edition Heavy K - Respect The Drumboss 2015 Big Nuz - For The Fans Durbanutz - Believe DJ Bongz - Game changer Kabelo - Immortal Vol 3 Benjamin Jephta - Homecoming Judith Sephuma - One World Mpumi Dlamini - Mpumi Dlamini Nduduzo Makhathini Listening to the ground Nomfundo Xaluva - From now on DJ Ganyani - Talk To Me DJ Shimza – Akulalwa

Da Les - P.A.I.D Donald - What Goes Around Emtee - Roll Up Tumi ft Busiswa – Visa DJ Fresh - Fresh House Flava Vol.8 DJ Kanunu - Soul Meditation 2 Various Artists - It’s Not A Party Without Us 999 music - Summer Ya Di Summer Thiwe - Soul Therapy Mi Casa - Home Sweet Home Junior Taurus & Lady Zamar - Cotton Candy Deep Xcape - Pandora’s Box Ntokozo Mbambo - Spirit and Life Andile ka Majola - Chapter 7 Ayanda Ntazi - Udumo Malusi Mbokazi - Ngisize Nkosi Worship House - True Worship 2015 (Live)



Don’t explore. P i o n e e r . The all-new Audi A4. Progress is intense.





Sissy Boy is the alchemy of denim the elixir of looking good that turns women from ordinary to extraordinary. Founded in 1986, Sissy Boy is South Africa’s leading denim brand, creating a legacy of fashion which includes tops, dresses, jackets, shoes, lingerie, bags and swimwear. At the forefront of denim intelligence, Sissy Boy jeans are designed to fit like a glove, and our diverse range of styles and cuts have been specially constructed to hug your curves in all the right places. At Sissy Boy we understand that nothing makes you feel sexier than the perfect pair of jeans. Sissy Boy embodies the provocative woman who oozes attitude, personifies glamour and above all, loves herself. Images Courtesy Of: SISSY BOY







The Designers

MUSIC MEETS FASHION Celebrating the relationship between music and fashion By NOMPUMELELO MNCUBE


he recent influence of mass media communication emphasized the visionary image of music and eventually the close relationship between the music and fashion industries was formed. Back then if you couldn’t sing your way into the stratosphere the next best option was dressing your way out of the ordinary. There is indeed a close relationship between Music and Fashion … People who are more interested in these two industries tend to have a stronger correlation between their preferences. In essence, both Fashion and Music celebrate and encourage creativity and expression of self. David Tlale South African Fashion Designer, Trendsetter, Award winning brand, Born in 1975-1-29, Born and Raised in Vosloorus Boksburg Sandile Mlambo

Founder of Alfalfa, from KZN, believes in his craft, aims at kicking mediocrity to the curb, offers his clients a fresh product that thrives in versatility and quality Ephraim Malingoana Born in the early 70’s in Soweto(Mapetla), his clothing label(Ephymol) was established in 2002 and launched in 2003 at the Fashion week. Mthokozisi Khathi Born 1976-8-24 in Kwahlabisa in KZN.Known as Dj Tira the Diddy of South African Music, Diddy being the fact that he has crafted the musical careers of so many musicians over the years, He joined the world of recording music in 2001. Has a degree in Human Resources and is currently running an events company called Afrotainment FEBRUARY 2016 | METROLIVE 33


Hashtag KOTW!

KINGS OF THE WEEKEND The right attitude? Check! Intelligent? Check! Drive? Check! By MAXINE BECKET


our music,” DJ Naves said. KOTW say they obviously hope they could win all five awards but if they could choose to win only one, they would opt for the best duo award. “That is the award that speaks to us, our work ethic and drive, it is not influenced by any other person but by our hard work,” SPHEctacula said. KOTW collaborated with artists they respect for their album. “We thought it would be cool to have people whose sounds could infuse with our ideas,” they said. Their friendship was formed during varsity days when SPHEctacula was studying at Wits University and DJ Naves would “hang-out” with his student friends. The birth of their friendship was beyond business, SPHEctacula said. “You know when people say ride or die? That is what we have. “We respect each other as individuals and for the different crafts we come with,” SPHEctacula said. He added that their union is a gift and they would not have been where they are had it not been for each other. A combination of their different talents contributes to their success. DJ Naves describes himself as the creative with the ideas. “I will see or

We don’t go into studio with nominations or award shows in mind but for mass appeal


PHE ‘SPHEctacula’ Ngwenya and Lebogang Naves, the duo who make up Kings of the Weekend never imagined, when recording their album, that months after its release they would have five nominations added to their list of accolades. Their video for the Kings of the Weekend Anthem is in the running for the best of the last year. “People always think that our lives are all about party, if that’s what people think then that video is a version of how we would like it to be,” SPHEctacula said. Their inspiration for music comes from the multi genre of music under their belts and is evident in the album and their line-ups. KOTW always aim to cater for people with different tastes in music who gather under one roof. “We don’t go into studio with nominations or award shows in mind but for mass appeal. “We try to make sure that our music is something we can listen to and play for people, our album is like wearing our hearts on our sleeves,” the duo said. The strangest transition from being DJs to being recording artists is realising that feedback has to be taken. SPHEctacula and DJ Naves are thankful that they are mature enough to take feedback as constructive and move forward. The idea for their album came from challenging themselves and the opportunity to play songs that are exactly how they like it to be. “The presentation of our music is more personal because when we are Djing we can present it in any way. “It also means a lot when people are losing their minds to

think of something creative and immediately text it to SPHEctacula,” DJ Naves said. Sphectacula is described as the counting machine. “Creativity doesn’t know budgets but Sphectacula is able to bring my ideas to a level where it can be done. “Sphectacula will remember my ideas when in studio and put it to a beat,” said DJ Naves. KOTW also has a show on METRO FM on Saturday evenings from 6-9pm and the duo believes that they were destined for it. Both of them grew up listening to the station. “I loved listening to a show every Saturday on METRO FM between 6 and 9pm when there was a ghost DJ and now we present that radio show and do such mixes,” said Sphectacula. Their show One’s and Two’s that helped with the success of DJs will be returning after auditions in April. The show gives young DJs the opportunity to develop their talent into careers. More information on the show and auditions can be found on their Facebook page. Kings of the Weekend say aspiring DJs must dream big and believe in themselves. “Nobody knows your dreams better than you, dreams are free but working hard is the toughest part of it all. “A dream is nothing without hard work,” DJ Naves offers. Praying, he says, is essential in everything one does. Sphectacula said one shouldn’t be proud. “Believe in yourself but don’t be too proud to put others in your space who have the same vision as you,” he said. KOTW know that one can never stop learning and say they are constantly working to be better in everything they do.


Keeping Up With The Metros

00:00 – 03:00


Keeping the night owls company and ensuring that their early mornings are filled with companionship, good conversations and even greater music. The Private Line with Sentle appeals to all who are up at the time whether studying, on night shift duties, driving or simply wanting to listen to good radio and burning the midnight oil. With a mixture of R&B, Soul, Afro Soul and nostalgic songs, Sentle ‘the man behind the jams’ keeps his listeners glued onto METRO FM adding themes like, light blue Mondays, Opinion Tuesdays and Chillers Thursdays – listeners don’t only enjoy the music, they engage with the show through the ‘private line’ to the presenter.

03:00 – 05:00


While the rest of the world is snugly asleep, an ambitious few are planning their next business move or simply fantasizing about the Merc that’s only one pay rise away. The Crack Of Dawn provides the perfect soundtrack for those who plan to sleep when they’re dead. Power songs from the eighties are set to inspire, romantic hits spark a daydream of the perfect proposal and upbeat offerings keep the busy executive awake for long enough to notice the embarrassing typo. The Crack Of Dawn is pre-breakfast nutrition, the perfect early morning companion and the reason why there’ll be a spring in your step tomorrow at dawn.

05:00 – 08:00


Easing the listener into yet another workday is the pulse that drives “The First Avenue” with Glen and Unathi the first part of the new ‘METRO FM POWER BREAKFAST’. The breakfast show has moved an hour earlier to accommodate the early risers and change in listener lifestyle. ‘Wake Up Happy’ is the motto of the show, and with their fun interactive features plan to ensure listeners wake up happy everyday. They fuse their signature relaxed, structured tone with entertaining features to produce a world-class show in the pulsating City of Gold. Unathi’s wit and charisma complements Glen’s relaxed, funny, and street smart style of broadcasting. Adding an extra bit of sugar to the breakfast brew is Melanie, who sometimes spots the role of mediator between Unathi and Glen. To round off the First Avenue is the sports with Owen Hannie. His daily sports quiz with the listeners keeps them in touch with the sports world in a fun way.


Keeping Up With The Metros

08:00 – 10:00

“THE MORNING FIX” WITH MOFLAVA & LERATO KGANYAGO The second part of the ‘METRO FM POWER BREAKAST’ sees the young, new, dynamic duo of Moflava & Lerato Kganyago who are sure to give you a morning fix like no other. The show is geared at being your companion whether stuck in traffic or wanting to know the latest ‘talk of the town’. The show entails interactive features which give a high value for entertainment, great music and a place to share thoughts with the rest of the country. With MoFlava bringing his knowledge of music, wittiness and tongue in cheek comments and Lerato her sexy soothing voice with her always looking at things from a different side and always rooting for the underdog, the duo gives a breakfast show you would certainly not mind being part of.


10:00 – 12:00


A mid morning which is not your average mid morning show, anchored by the award winning Bonang, technical producer Naked DJ and producer JJ keeps South Africa entertained with their highly interactive and upbeat daily show. The show is filled with a mixture of METRO FM’s signature music sounds, listener music selection, Naked DJ mixes and JJ’s witty comments during the popular ‘ask a man’ feature which affords ladies the opportunity to ask men any question they want and seek advice. With a daily themed show, Money Mondays, fashion lifestyle Tuesdays, celebrity Wednesdays, urban Africa Thursdays and Travel Fridays, the show doesn’t offer the listener an opportunity to take a break with exciting, fun, witty interactions, daily listener music selections and high social media interaction – this show puts the listener in the front row of everything they need.

12:00 – 15:00


Lunch is served on a silver platter with Amon and Pearl Modiadie, served with all the ingredients on the menu and leaves you asking for seconds and thirds. The show has a fresh injection of fabulousness in Pearl Modiadie who brings a new approach and vibe to the show with a street smart yet elegant young lady who appeals to both male and female market. With features that are set to keep the listeners engaged yet connected whether in the office, in traffic, out of school or just pure listening pleasure the show will make you listen up. Throw in some sports from new sports girl Mpho Maboi to keep all sports fans updated throughout the day and you have a lunch meal that one can’t resist. The show also offers mixes that will keep your feet tapping to the beat. Nothing more says lunch time than The Great Escape.


Keeping Up With The Metros

15:00 – 18:00


Fast-paced and exciting, the Touch Down is all about what’s happening, from new technology to sizzling entertainment and interviews with everyone worth talking to. Forget what you thought you knew about radio, loosen your tie, turn up the volume and tap your fingers to the hottest tracks this side of the sun. Seamless integration with social media means your opinion will never be stuck in traffic, so be sure to charge your smartphone before you leave the office. Sports fan? Let Joe Mann keep you posted on the successes of your team and the failures of your opponents with up-to-theminute sport bulletins. Refiloe will arm you with news and current affairs to discuss whilst in traffic, at home or working late. Your drive home will never be the same.

18:00 – 19:30


083Sports@6 with Robert Marawa offers a wealth of well-researched sport statistics and news, combined with opinions and predictions for what lies ahead. SABC’s flagship radio sports programme, the show offers exclusive interviews, audio bites and conversations with those at the footstep of sporting decisions and those who pen them down. This interactive prime-time show keeps fanatics posted on the latest breaking news in sports. The show also focuses on developmental projects aimed at forming tomorrow’s sport superstars today.

19:30 – 21:00


Rams brings a different feel to the average talk show, this opinionated, well-informed and tongue in cheek presenter covers all relevant and current topics which calls for immediate attention in our country. The show also invests in informing our listeners about updates within Africa and gives the listeners an opportunity to air their views about the topic at hand or anything on their mind. The Monday show is all about Current Affairs and what’s making the news with a look into Africa and its day journery. With economic development and job creation a corner stone in our society the Tuesday show offers listeners the chance to connect with leaders in different spheres of business, finance and development whilst giving them an exclusive opportunity to talk about their small businesses and learning from CEO’s of major companies.


Our Headphones and Earphones have been produced to the highest international standards, incorporating 6 of South Africa’s hottest music icons. From the uber cool Danny K to word master Khuli Chana, the musically mesmerizing Mi Casa, the sexy and stylish DJ Zinhile, bass dropping DJ Tira and the Master of House & EDM Euphonik. All our Headphones and Earphones were designed in conjunction with the artists, encapsulating everything they would want in a headphone or earphone design, making Rocka Head and Earphones by The Artists, for the People. Be part of the Rocka experience by following us on our Social Media.




Keeping Up With The Metros

19:30 – 21:00

“POSITIVE TALK” WITH CRISELDA Positive talk provides a holistic journey through a healthy mind, body and spirit, the show touches on the sensitive yet important parts of our complete self, a shift from a survival to a living mode is what every listener benefits from listening to positive talk with Criselda. What differentiates this show from other talk shows is that the host is a wellness specialist, the guests are specialists in their given fields who understand the challenges facing South Africa and their main objective is, to inspire a healthy nation through education. The shows offerings: • Nutrition • Rest and Recreation • Love, Life and Relationships • Health • Sexuality • Support Groups


21:00 – 00:00


Monday to Thursday 21h00 to midnight is the “new” sound of urban night radio. Ismail takes a fresh approach to night radio, with music being the key! The show focuses on love and relationships, factoring in all matters of the heart. Whether studying, at work, out and about or just chilling at home, content on #nighttime night radio keeps the listener engaged. Social media; twitter and Facebook also plays a huge role on the show. Ismail Abrahams with knowledge of music , relationships along with sharp wit and humour keeps listeners tuned in from beginning to end.

19:30 – 22:00


When house and hip hop meet, the result is sweet audio love that culminates in two and a half hours of Audiogasm. Just as Shakespeare’s Montague and Capulet families produced the lovers Romeo and Juliet, the war between house and hip hop produced Lulo Café and Naked DJ.


Keeping Up With The Metros

22:00 – 01:00



The Urban Beat is one of the fastest growing weekend show on South African radio. The show features the bass and beats of DJ Christos, Vinny and anchored by the versatile Marion, the show will keep you dancing and bobbing your head all night long. Tune in, get down and party up a storm.

01:00 – 5:00


The Late Nite Ride is just that, a ride with a lovely blend of weekend and party tunes, whether on your way to or returning from a party, or just with friends and family. The music and conversations with Siphokazi will keep you company all night long and will give you the ride of your life. Keep your belt fastened as this is a ride you will not forget.

05:00 – 09:00

“THE PHAT JOE SHOW” Fresh out of the box entertainment is what this show is all about!! Phat Joe offers a divers range and opinion on all content delivery, from political issues to entertainment news both locally and internationally. Phat Joe`s unique delivery style along with his skill of attacking any topic head-on, is set to leave his audience captivated and always coming back for more. In-between captivating dialogue, listeners are musically entertaining by all hits new and old. The next songs era can never be depicted however it’s a guarantee that (just like the show), it’s a HIT! Pearl Thusi brings a zest for life and a great companion for Joe, as she is as witty as he is and offers a challenge to him. With the best and exclusive interviews in the morning, there is entertainment galore in this laugh a minute show, whilst learning information to feed the soul.


09:00 – 12:00


THE METRO FM Experience is a chart show dedicated to the first love of METRO FM listeners. Listeners can get hyped up with on –air competitions, interacting with the charismatic Adil and experience a touch of enlightenment through the music. This is undoubtedly the best chart show in the country.


Keeping Up With The Metros

12:00 – 15:00

“THE 5 STAR SHOW” WITH WILLIAM LEHONG The show is mixture of foot tapping, head shaking, body moving weekend beats with a mixture of music mixes that will kick into any party or chillers session. With the versatile Black Chinese Guy William Lehong and the sexy Lerato Kganyago. behind the mic, they bring together a balance between kasi style and charismatic presenting to put together a weekend lifestyle show which is filled with music, celeb interviews and gives entrepreneurs the opportunity to talk about their humble beginnings to where they are now. This show is a mixture of all things you would expect from a 5 star menu.


15:00 – 18:00


Oskido is considered one of the fathers of kwaito music in South Africa and he brings that same state of mind to his show, where music is the order of the day and unearthing the next big star in South Africa by offering young unheard of artists opportunities in the industry, whether it’s through his rap activity jam or 5 minutes of fame feature, look out for the next big thing on this show together with music mixes that will keep you believing for a long time.

18:00 – 20:00


SPHEctacula and Dj Naves’ electricity on air infects listeners with the party spirit while musical selection makes them the preferred DJ duo to get the party juices flowing. All-time favourites are mixed in with chat toppers from around the world.

20:00 – 22:00


The show pays homage to our love of dance with the very best dance music from around the world. Nobody understands the importance of dance better than METRO FM and Mlu, who brings his knowledge and passion for Urban Contemporary Music to the METRO FM dance-enthusiast.


Keeping Up With The Metros

01:00 – 03:00


This is a music driven show combined with audience interaction. This is targeted at listeners coming home from events/ listeners that are working night shift or just looking to enjoy good music. Presented by the fun and loving Pearl, she engages the listeners through conversation and becomes the after party of the after party. The show ensures that it plays more music in order to increase TSL and also used as a training slot for upcoming METRO FM presenters.

03:00 – 06:00


This is a music driven show with William connecting with audiences after a long weekend. This is targeted at listeners coming home from events or working night shift or simply those who have a bout of insomnia or just enjoy METRO FM.

06:00 – 09:00


The highly accomplished producer, writer, actor and presenter Thami Ngubeni brings a strong element of spirituality to her show. The show is ideal for those who need inspiration, or just a serene moment to recharge their batteries for the week that lies ahead.

09:00 – 12:00

“SOUNDS AND STUFF LIKE THAT” WITH WILSON B NKOSI Wilson’s soothing voice, a fantastic music selection and sound relationship advice is what keeps METRO FM listeners tuning in to Sounds and stuff like that. The relationship-based programme is a sanctuary for listeners, supported by Wilson’s empathetic and fair assessment of relationships.


12:00 – 15:00


The Chill Factor offers advice on navigating the relationship landscape. Like a good friend, The Chill Factor presenter, Amon, understands that listening is part of the solution. Listeners are encouraged to share their experiences and aching hearts are smoothed with an amazing playlist.


Keeping Up With The Metros

15:00 – 18:00


Love makes the world go round and with a new presenter the show is currently undergoing slight cosmetic changes but doesn’t move away from the fact that the show is all about spreading the message of love through great music and listener interaction on a Sunday.

18:00 – 20:00

METRO FM LOUNGE WITH MLU “METROFM LOUNGE” is a Lounge/Chill music show that strives to entertain and unite people through music and entertainment. The show inspires listeners to feel good about themselves while listening to feel-good music. It also encourages people to feel comfortable with being different. When you feel good about yourself you tend to relate better to others. The show is driven by the quirky open-minded personality of DJ MLU. Tune in every Sunday between 6pm - 8pm and let the music move you. The release of the first ever METRO FM Lounge CD compilation influenced the re-branding of the show. METRO FM has partnered with Soul candi to present a collection of some of the popular songs on the show. The repositioning will give Mlu an opportunity to do a lot of live Outside Broadcasts and help the show grown even more.


20:00 – 22H00


There is nothing like a bit of Sunday night jazz to beat the blues. The show features amongst other styles, contemporary and African jazz. Nothemba’s interviews and profiles on jazz artists will keep you clued up on all that you need to know. This show is aimed at allowing the listener to kick back and relax whilst summing up their weekend before entering into another busy week.

22H00 – 00H00


This show is aimed at giving our listeners a last dose of the weekend before heading into another busy week. The show gives them an opportunity to reflect on the week past and prepare for the one ahead.




NATHI NOMVULA Destined for greatness, Nathi`s voice has captured millions of fans in South Africa. It is not surprising considering his level of talent. By BONOLO SEKUDU


umbled and speechless over his incomparable achievements birthed by his debut album ‘Buleyekhaya’, Nathi Mankayi says all that he is, is because of the grace of God that has carried him through his aspirations of being a dynamic artist. South Africa experienced a burst of newness in his sultry voice and fell in love with him in an instant. Within six weeks of being released, his album kept upgrading to new levels. I t went gold, platinum and double platinum. Nathi has been nominated five times (Best New Artist, Song of the Year, Best Male Album, Best African Pop Album and Best R n B single) for the 15th METRO FM Awards- it might be something to brag about for others but that isn’t the case for the humble Eastern Cape artist. ‘Nomvula’, his hit single was on high rotation, attracting attention across the 46 METROLIVE | FEBRUARY 2016

borders of South Africa. Other African countries flirted with the soulful and talented Xhosa written album this, proving Nathi’s sentiments that his music is art. “Contrary to popular belief, ‘Nomvula’ is not a song written from a personal experience. I did not have a ‘Nomvula’ in my life. I always tell people that I am an artist, therefore my vocation isn’t just to sing about myself but it is to paint pictures of everyday experiences other people go through and make them sound golden and real through music,” Nathi explains. Every moment of his journey is a divine dream of faith and persistence: “I had faith that I would be a well-known artist but I never thought I would achieve this much in the short space of time.- I am still amazed,” he says. The ‘city of gold’ hype has swallowed and killed many dreams; city lights are too bright for many and the life is fast-paced,

this according to Nathi whose roots are deeply entrenched in the rural areas. He says: “I am careful of not living a life of fame and all I want is to live a life God has intended for me. I have been warned about life in Jo’burg and I have also seen what it does to people. My focus will always be making beautiful music while making a meaningful contribution in other people’s lives-nothing else.” Nathi comes from a life of poverty and severe hardship-growing up he imagined conquering over that life. Now that he has, after years and years of not giving up, he is not letting anything distract him- not even the city lights will blind him, he emphatically expresses. He says his life and struggles have made him understand the importance of time, patience and hard work. This could be the reason why he is not under pressure to release a new album. “2016 is a time to tour the world and to promote my album further than I have. I am not in a hurry to release another album but when I do, it will not be short of perfection in artistry,” he assures his fans. Nathi is grateful to METRO FM awards for the platform, although nominated for five awards, the song of the year nomination is most exciting for him. The soft spoken Eastern Cape artist says he is not a flashy person but for this auspicious occasion, he will ‘clean up’ well and look the part.


Gifts You Deserve


If you’re not familiar with Fluance, the company makes home audio systems that focus on everything you’d want in a set of high-end speakers: sound quality, performance, construction, style and value. Designed and built by audio lovers with a passion for sound, each Fluance product is so well produced that they’re willing to put their money where their mouth is and offer in home trials, lifetime customer support and a lifetime warranty. Most importantly though, their latest release, Fi70, is a three-way wireless speaker system that is the first of its kind to pack dual 8 inch woofers to push the limits on bass driven tracks. Rather than being something you hide in a corner or the ceiling, Fluance focused on making this piece a focal point of any setup. This is one speaker that won’t be upstaged by an Eames chair.


LACIE PORSCHE DESIGN French hardware manufacturer LaCie has enlisted the help of frequent collaborator Porsche Design for a range of sleek storage devices. Housed in a scratch-resistant aluminum enclosure, the duo’s latest product is aesthetically second to none, with its sandblasted finish, rounded corners and high-polished edges. Aside from the exceptional design, the hard drive can also power up your laptop via a single USB-C cable when its connected to a wall outlet. The LaCie Porsche Design hard drive is available for purchase in mobile (1TB, 2TB and 4TB) or desktop versions (4TB, 5TB and 8TB).



TECHNICS ICONIC 1200S ARE BACK AND BETTER THAN EVER > beloved Technics brand of turntables, we didn’t quite know what to

When Panasonic first broke the news that they were reviving the

think. The prototype that was revealed at IFA in Berlin was gorgeous, but it didn’t do too much to convince us it would ever be a suitable replacement for the tried and true 1200s that DJs everywhere are still using. But Panasonic just revealed that they’re bringing back the iconic Technics 1200s, and they’re better than ever. The Grand Class Technics SL-1200G is powered by an all new direct-drive motor designed to reduce speed fluctuation in the platter by skipping the iron core. The aluminum housing is also outfitted with special positioning sensors and heavy feet to reduce vibrations. If you don’t want to wait until later this year to buy one, the Limited Edition SL-1200GAE with full magnesium housing and serial number is available for purchase now.









Urban Music Xperience






Uzalo (Omnibus)

Now or Never

Nyan Nyan





Live Amp

19:30 18:00 Tuedays




The Legacy (Omnibus)

11:00 Saturdays

Gospel Gold

09:00 Sundays

Mfolozi Street

Friends Like These





This year we’re keeping it fresh with brand new shows, new seasons and exciting new time slots to entertain you kuze kuyo valwa.


Gifts You Deserve






If you’re not familiar with Zeiss, they’ve been making optical systems ever since Carl Zeiss founded the company over a century and a half ago. They’ve made camera lenses for manufacturers ranging from Hasselblad and Rollei to Leica and Ricoh, so it’s fair to say they know a thing or two about giving you the tools to take a great picture. Now, they’ve partnered with Fellowes ExoLens for a line of high-quality lenses that attach to your iPhone using a customized mounting bracket. Speaking of the mounting bracket, it also features a standard tripod mount and a cold shoe for accessories. We’re all for the idea of being able to take even better pictures with the camera we have with us every day, but we might draw the line at cold shoe accessories. That said, each of the three different lenses (macro, wide-angle and tele) and the bracket will be available for purchase later this year.


Asus just released some details on VivoStick, which is being called “one of the tiniest Windows computers on the market.” The Asus Vivostick packs an Intel Cherry Trail processor, 2 GB of RAM, 32GB of storage, 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 4.0 into a package not much larger than an old school jump drive. Plug VivoStick into an available HDMI port and you have a fully functional Windows 10 computer capable of streaming or basic computing. Unlike the previous HDMI PC Stick options on the market (Intel Compute Stick), VivoStick also packs two USB ports for easy keyboard / mouse connectivity and a headset jack.



The Pulcina Espresso Maker from Alessi by designer Michele de Lucchi is the product of intense research into the optimisation of the shape of the coffee pot in order to improve and enhance the taste and smell of coffee. Thanks to the internal shape of its special heater, Pulcina automatically stops filtering the coffee at the right moment. This helps to eliminate the eruption phase, the final filtering stage that generates a burnt and bitter aftertaste, ensuring that only the finest qualities of the coffee realised - enhancing its full-bodied and rounded aroma. The spout is quite pronounced. It ‘V’ shape, reminiscent of a baby chick’s beak, is specially designed to perfectly cut drops when pouring. Practical and functional, making coffee with the Pulcina is just like making it with a traditional coffee pot but with a better result.


BLUETOOTH SPEAKER The AeroTwist bluetooth speaker offers a lot of the blue-

> tooth speaker necessities you look for hi-def sound, multiple drive and amp units, 3.5mm input, built-in mic, 10hr battery, etc.but it packs it all into a circular package that, quite honestly, most notably resembles a donut. This donut might be ABS Chrome plated in one of eight colors or painted in two others, but it’s packing a lot more than just a fancy paint job and high-end hardware. The entire AeroTwist splits in half down the middle to completely change the display dynamic or, more importantly, fit around a bike frame, a bag or even a gas pipe clothes rack in your entryway. The 2015 Red Dot Awards Honorable Mention AeroTwist will look as awesome sitting on a shelf as it will adorning anything you can fit it around.


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