How technology has changed the world of medical treatment through medical devices

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How technology has changed the world of medical treatment through medical devices

The healthcare and specifically medical device industry today is not what it had been just five years ago. Thanks to technology development and an innovative digital solutions All these developments are contributory from various fields like Information technology where software for managing devices accurately and data collection and its use by doctor remotely. Imagine the advantages of this technology during this corona pandemic where online consultation helped lot of patients where acquired data from device was sent to doctor for study, monitoring and additional diagnosis if required. Let us further examine the technology development and its benefit. 1.

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lot of Patient Data: data generated from measurement with software to convert them in desired pattern for doctor or nurses to take care of patient’s health status. Online monitoring of ICU patients and warning or emergency signals for prompt actions have changed the world of treatment in patient’s life saving measures. By using handheld devices real time data is generated which can be used by doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Mobile application for patient’s self-Guide: lot many applications are available which can be used by person for self- knowing the status so immediate doctor’s attention can be drawn immediately on noticing any abnormality. 3 D printing: Though this technique is not exclusive but its use in medical device specifically customised implants with high accuracy helped the patients to get exact size implants and thus deriving his/her comfort level. Very useful for head injury where portion of skull to be sealed with device created based on image of damage. Patient monitoring through remote: As already mentioned above doctor or expert doctors can guide and help other team of doctors through remote monitoring. Human like simulation for experimentation: This is possible in new technology which resulted into avoiding human volunteers. Artificial intelligence: This has helped in advancement in mobile application. More and more data generated and AI interpreting it to predict has become very easy and accurate.

There are better and more accessible treatments today than at the other moment in history. this is often largely due to technological innovations. These same innovations have made it possible to explore and research other even better avenues of treatment, therefore the healthcare industry is making strides towards even better effectiveness a day.

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