Iziko Museums Summer School Programme 2013

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02.02.13 - 23.02.13

Iziko Summer School 2013

Youth programme: Living with the legacies of the 1913 Land Act

Public Discussion: Centennial of the Land Act of 1913

Public Discussion: The King’s Map: François Le Vaillant in Southern Africa 1781–1784 of the Circler

Film Screening: The Secret Life

Essay Writing: Exploration, Adventure,

Collection and Discovery Activities

Watercolour Workshop

Public Discussion: ‘Uncontained: opening the Community Arts Project archive’

Bo-Kaap Walkabout

Public Lecture

Inspiring debate: Youth engage during a Summer School indaba.

IZIKO SUMMER SCHOOL PROGRAMME SUMMER SCHOOL 1 Youth programme Living with the Legacies of the 1913 Land Act Date: Saturday, 2 February Time: 09h00–17h00 Venue: District Six Museum Homecoming Centre and Iziko Slave Lodge Museum Paul Grendon (1987) On a water cart, Kamassies, Northern Cape. Silver print. From Land, Iziko South African National Gallery.

Fee: Free [Max 60 participants] Iziko Museums of South Africa (Iziko), in close collaboration with the District Six Museum, hosts a multifaceted youth and intergenerational programme aimed at creating a dialogical space for the re-interpretation of the Land Act of 1913. The programme includes workshops, visual art activities, performances, digital story and much more.

For online programme and registration please visit our website.

Indigenous Games Workshop participants in front of the Iziko South African Museum.

George Pemba (1912–2001) Homeless (1973). Oil on canvas. Courtesy of the Campbell Smith Collection.

Curator, Prof. Ian Glenn describes François Le Vaillant’s map, from The King’s Map exhibition, Iziko South African Museum.

SUMMER SCHOOL 2 Public Discussion: Centennial of the Land Act of 1913 Our Nation in Conversation III: Chronicles of the Land: Towards a Socially Cohesive Society Date: Saturday, 9 February Time: 10h30–13h30 Venue: TH Barry Lecture Theatre, Iziko South African Museum Fee: Donation “It is possible that no other legislation has so deeply affected the lives of black people in South Africa as the Natives’ Land Act of 1913. It created overnight a floating landless proletariat whose labour could be used and manipulated at will, and ensured that ownership of the land had finally and securely passed into the hands

Empowering a new generation of thinkers to engage, explore, reflect, and interact.

This public discussion is a critical analysis of Le Vaillant’s contributions to France, South African writings, and of his role in the preservation of heritage. Chair: Dr Patricia Davison (Former Executive Director Core Functions, Iziko) Speakers: • Prof.

Ian Glenn (Head of UCT Media Studies Department and

curator of the The King’s Map exhibition) • Dr

Sven Ouzman (Curator of Archaeology, Iziko)

• Denise • Dr

Hamerton (Curator of Terrestrial Vertebrates, Iziko)

Gerald Klinghardt (Curator of Anthropology, Iziko)

of the ruling white race”. This year (2013) marks 100 years since

SUMMER SCHOOL 4 Film Screening

the introduction of this notorious Act, and this public engagement

The Secret Life of the Circler – Directed by Claudio Velasquez

seeks to take us down memory lane and look into the aftermath of

Rojas, produced by HOMEBREW FILMS and Jaco Loubser

this inhumane Act in an attempt to help our nation move towards a socially cohesive society. (Quote by Bessie Head in Sol T. Plaatje

Date: Wednesday, 13 February

“Native Life in South Africa”, 1982, p ix)

Time: 13h00–14h00 Venue: TH Barry Lecture Theatre, Iziko South African Museum

Chair: Prof. Martin Legassick (Activist & UWC Emeritus Professor)

Fee: Free


Dr Robert Simmons, from the Percy Fitzpatrick Institute of African

• Dr

Ornithology at UCT, is involved in a 10-year ecological and satellite-

Maanda Mulaudzi (Department of Historical Studies, UCT)

• Prof.

Lungisile Ntsebeza (AC Jordan Chair in the Centre for African

tagging study of Black Harriers.

Studies, UCT) “The implications of the constitutional protection of existing property rights for farm workers and dwellers” • Mncedisi

Twalo (Chairperson, WC Anti-Eviction Campaign)

in that adult birds rarely return to their nest sites to breed. This

“Landlessness of the evicted in pre- and post apartheid

suggests either a highly nomadic lifestyle or high mortality. To

South Africa”

determine where breeding adult birds disperse to, five birds were

• Bonita

Bennett (Director of the District Six Museum) “On a road to

restitution: The District Six struggle to return” • Zenzile

The globally vulnerable Black Harrier is unusual among raptors

Khoisan (Cultural activist and journalist) “KhoiSan land

rights: Revisiting the 1913 cut-off date”

SUMMER SCHOOL 3 Public Discussion

fitted and followed with 12.5 solar-powered transmitters between 2008 and 2010. Three of the birds remained relatively close (60–100 km) to their breeding grounds in the Western Cape’s coast core regions during the summer non-breeding season. This DVD includes extra footage shot during the filming of this segment by chief photographer Claudio Velasquez Rojas. Screened courtesy of HOMEBREW FILMS.

The King’s Map: François Le Vaillant in Southern Africa 1781–1784 Discovery, Mapping, Innovation, Exploration and Influence: François Le Vaillant in southern Africa Date: Tuesday, 12 February Time: 18h00–19h30 Venue: TH Barry Lecture Theatre, Iziko South African Museum Fee: Free

Visitors queue outside the Iziko South African Museum.

Youth enjoy a walkabout of the Uncontained: opening the Community Arts Project archive exhibition at the Iziko South African National Gallery.

Iziko Educator Faried Basier (second from left) on a walking tour of Cape Town’s historic Bo-Kaap.

SUMMER SCHOOL 5 Essay Writing

SUMMER SCHOOL 8 Bo-Kaap Walkabout

Exploration, Adventure, Collection and Discovery Activities

Led by Faried Basier (Iziko Assistant Social History Educator)

The King’s Map: François Le Vaillant in Southern Africa 1781–1784 Date: Saturday, 23 February Date: Saturday, 16 February

Time: 10h30–12h00

Time: 10h00

Venue: Iziko Bo-Kaap Museum

Venue: Iziko Slave Lodge Museum

Fee: R50 [Max 20 participants]

Fee: Free

The walk focuses on the architecture of the area, including the

Learners from grade 7 to 9 will explore the following terms:

oldest mosque and the first house, as well as the oldest graveyard in

exploration, discovery, adventure and collections. As travellers, we

Cape Town where some of the local founders of Islam are buried.

often belong to one or all of these categories. (Only learners from invited schools will participate in the activity).

SUMMER SCHOOL 9 Public Lecture

SUMMER SCHOOL 6 Watercolour Workshop

By Professor Robert Shell

Led by Annette Loubser (Iziko Senior Art Educator)

Date: Saturday, 23 February

Explore François Le Vaillant

Time: 12h30–14h00 Venue: Iziko Slave Lodge Museum

Date: Saturday, 16 February

Fee: Donation

Time: 10h00–13h00

The Slave Lodge housed a community of enslaved people between

Venue: Iziko Rust en Vreugd

1679 and 1811. Some of the worst human rights atrocities were visited

Fee: R30 [Max 15 participants] [Booking essential]

upon them. Professor Robert Shell, an expert on the Slave Lodge,

Explore a theme from the The King’s Map exhibition relating to

will be talking about this community and how it was governed.

François Le Vaillant in southern Africa 1781–1784 and produce an artwork that explores biography in visualising places and time. [Open to participants aged 16 years and up.]

SUMMER SCHOOL 7 Public Discussion Uncontained: opening the Community Arts Project archive “What do we mean by ‘hidden voices’ in the arts after apartheid?” Date: Saturday, 16 February Time: 11h00–12h30 Venue: Iziko South African National Gallery Fee: Free This discussion, co-hosted with the Centre for Humanities Research, University of the Western Cape, will explore the above-mentioned question. It arises from the exhibition, Uncontained: opening the Community Arts Project archive. The show mainly introduces linocuts, a medium intimately associated with both the now defunct community arts project movement and the history of modern black art practice in South Africa. Reflecting on slavery. Learners reenact passage on a slave ship at the Iziko Slave Lodge.

Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. Payment in advance is required to secure a booking. Registration opens on 17 December 2012, at the Iziko South African Museum, 25 Queen Victoria Street, Cape Town, between 09h00–15h00, Monday–Friday. Postal registrations received after 17 December 2012 will be processed in strict date order.

Registration forms

02.02.13 - 23.02.13

Iziko Summer School 2013


Post the completed registration form, together with payment by cheque or crossed postal order (payable to Iziko Museums of South Africa) to: Iziko Summer School Programme (attention Wandile Kasibe), PO Box 61, Cape Town, 8000.


Registration by post


Please do not leave cash without receiving a receipt for payment, as the receipt is proof of your acceptance to the course. You may also register at the door if your course is not fully subscribed on the day. Credit card facilities are not available.


Registration in person


Please use the form included in this brochure. Use a separate form for each person enrolling. Additional forms are available at Iziko South African Museum reception, or can be downloaded from our website.






Iziko’s banking details are as follows: Account name: Iziko Museums of Cape Town Bank: Standard Bank Branch: Cape Town Account number: 07 00 99 081 Branch number: 020009 Please use “Summer School & your name” as the reference when making payment and fax proof of payment.


EFT payments

No transport for excursions and walkabouts is provided unless it is stated.

All participants are required to note the following: • Sign an indemnity form • Bring your medication, if you are on medication • Bring comfortable clothes It is advisable to confirm acceptance to registration prior to commencement of your courses. Students MUST provide proof of registration (student cards). Note: Iziko Museums of South Africa reserves the right to use any photographic or audio-visual material generated at Iziko public programme activities for marketing, promotional and educational purposes.

For bookings and further information contact: Wandile Kasibe Tel: 021 481 3804/13 Fax: 021 481 3991 Email: publicprogs@iziko.org.za or wkasibe@iziko.org.za Website: www.iziko.org.za Facebook: www.facebook.com/IzikoMuseums Twitter: @Iziko_Museums

Errors and Omissions Excepted (E&0E)

For online programme and registration please visit our website.



Postal Code



Iziko South African Museum is accessible to people with disabilities. Limited parking is available on the Museum grounds. Public parking is available at the 15 on Orange Hotel, Queen Victoria Street.

Payment by cheque / postal order / EFT / cash

Accessibility and museum parking

Course Title

Refunds will only be granted: If the course is cancelled due to insufficient enrolment; or in cases of proven illness, accident or bona fide emergencies. Fees will be refunded within 30 days. Please note: No refunds will be made after 31 March 2013

I wish to register for the following course(s)

Cancellation of courses and refunds

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