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ISBN 966–655–106–3
© À. Ì. Øåâ÷óê, òåêñò, ïåðåêëàä, êîíöåïö³ÿ, 2004 © Î. Ä. Ìàêàðåíêî, îáêëàäèíêà, ³ëþñòðàö³¿, 2004 © ¥åéë ². Ãàøë, ï³ñëÿìîâà, 2004
Anatoly Ì. Shevchuk
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t happened a long, long time ago in the year no one can quite remember. At that time, the moon and stars shone more brightly in the cloudless sky, and the sun and wind gilded the rye and wheat fields in the summer time. In that time, there lived a prince who had three daughters who were triplets: Myroslava, Luboslava, and Yaroslava. The Good Lord had sprinkled them with early dew on their birthday and, thus, endowed these young women with sharp intelligence and pure beauty. However, God failed to save their mother who died because of the difficult delivery of the three beautiful babies. As the girls grew, their lives were without care on their father’s homestead. They passed their days learning to weave, to embroider, and in the evenings, they learned to read books of wisdom. When the time came for them to participate in the gatherings of the lads and lasses, their father, the prince, decided to build a mansion with three chambers. Each of these rooms would be as alike as his daughters. All of the rooms would have the same doors, the same windows, and the same high ceilings. He hoped these rooms would satisfy his daughters so that they would stay with him in contentment until suitable matches could be made for them. But while the sisters enjoyed their pursuits of weaving, embroidery, and reading books of wisdom, they did become curious about the world outside their chambers. They began peeping through the windows at the other girls in the village. When they saw the other girls, they realized that their own beauty was, indeed, something to boast about, and so they were proud of their rare beauty and intelligence! One sunny day while the daughters were busy with their weaving in the morning, busy with their embroidery in the afternoon, and busily reading their books of wisdom in the evening, they saw a horseman coming nearer and nearer to their father’s homestead, straight as a beeline.
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The horseman was a knight who knocked at the gate, and asked the prince if he might have a chance to speak with his lovely daughters. The prince went out of his gate and onto his estate to greet the stranger politely and to question him closely about his intentions: “Who are you, my good lad? What family do you come from? Why are you roving these lands?” The knight responded: “I rode my horse to you from the far-off lands, from the remote country. I was born to the family of a grand duke. It is rumored all over the wide world that you have three daughters— three beauties who bear a great resemblance to each other. Good people say that God sprinkled them with early dew on their birthday and, thus, endowed them with sharp intelligence and pure beauty. It is said that God failed to save their mother, your wife, after their difficult delivery. I intend to seek the hand in marriage of one of your daughters!” Father, the prince, looked at the young horseman. This young knight was tanned brown by the sun and wore a black moustache. His hands were as strong as his legs. Father began to think that perhaps this lad would be good enough for one of his daughters. When the girls saw the good looks of the knight, their hearts began thumping excitedly, and the same thing happened with the heart of the stranger when he saw the beauty of the girls. But which girl would be his bride? The choice was very difficult since they were completely alike in their appearance and demeanor! Seeing the confusion of the young knight, father suddenly announced:
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“My dear daughters, Myroslava, Luboslava, and Yaroslava: three daughters, three beauties! You have grown up motherless. While good people taught you to weave, to embroider, and to read books of wisdom, I built you a new mansion with three chambers, exactly alike as you are alike. Each of these has an oak door, large windows, and high ceilings. Here is your challenge: the daughter among you who will decorate her chamber in the most pleasing manner will be the bride of this young knight.” The three girls blushed and each thought, “Surely, the handsome lad is seeking me in marriage!” Myroslava, Luboslava, and Yaroslava went to the newly built mansion, each to her own chamber. Each of them began thinking about how to win their father’s competition. Myroslava began turning everything over in her mind so as not to miss her chance to stand alongside the young knight on the embroidered wedding towel in the church. She decided to weave a linen tablecloth to place on the fine oak table in her chamber. Surely, this will prove her ability and win her a husband. Luboslava began turning everything over in her mind so as not to miss her chance to stand alongside the young knight on the embroidered wedding towel in the church. She decided to embroider a linen towel with red and black threads to place over the icon of the Virgin. Certainly, this would be a fine way to show the prince that she is best suited to be his bride! Yaroslava began turning everything over in her mind so as not to miss her lucky chance to stand alongside the handsome knight on the embroidered wedding towel during the marriage ceremony in the church. But what could she do to show that she was best suited to be the bride? What talent could she display? Suddenly she remembered a tradition of her native land: she could ask advice from her mother who was buried in the churchyard! Away she flew to take counsel with her mother, whom Yaroslava had lost on her own birthday:
Ìàòè-ìàòóñþ ð³äíåíüêà, ñâàòàºòüñÿ äî òâî¿õ äî÷îê ïàðóáîê ³ç äàëåêèõ êðà¿â, ³ç êíÿæîãî ðîäó. ×îðíîâóñèé, ÷îðíîáðèâèé, ðîçóìîì íåïóñòîòëèâèé. Òðè äí³ é òðè íî÷³ â³í áóäå ÷åêàòè, à òâî¿ äîíüêè áóäóòü ãîðíèö³ ïðèêðàøàòè. Áàòüêî ñêàçàâ: âèéäå òà äîíüêà çà êíÿæåíêà-ïàðóáêà çàì³æ, ÿêà íàéêðàùå ñâîþ ñâ³òëèöþ ïðèêðàñèòü. Çàðàäü, ùî ìåí³ ðîáèòè! ßðîñëàâà ïîñòîÿëà ùå òð³øêè á³ëÿ ìîãèëè ìàòåð³, Áîãó ïîìîëèëàñü, ïåðåõðåñòèëàñü òà é ï³øëà äîäîìó â íîâèé ìàºòîê, ó ñâîþ ãîðíèöþ. Ïî ê³ìíàò³ õîäèòü, ñîá³ ì³ñöÿ íå çíàõîäèòü. Çìîðèëàñÿ òà é ïðèëÿãëà íà äóáîâ³é ëàâ³, ùîá â³äïî÷èòè. ² ñíèòüñÿ ä³â÷èí³ ìàòè, ÿêà ïðèéøëà äî íå¿ é êàæå: – Ó ïðàáàòüê³âñüêîìó ë³ñ³ òå÷å ð³÷êà. Ãëèíîêîïàíêîþ ñòàð³ ëþäè ¿¿ íàçèâàþòü. ³çüìè äåðåâ’ÿíå öåáåðêî ³ ïîñòàðàéñÿ â³äøóêàòè â ë³ñ³ òó ì³ñöèíó, çâ³äêè áåðå ñâ³é ïî÷àòîê ð³÷êà. Òàì êð³çü ãëèíó – ðóäó, ñèíþ, çåëåíó òà á³ëó – äæåðåëüöå ñòðóìåíèòü. Òðè ðàçè òîìó äæåðåëüöþ ïîêëîíèñÿ òà Áîãó ïîìîëèñÿ. Íàáåðåø ò³º¿ ãëèíè, ïðèíåñåø ó ãîðíèöþ, çðîáèø ìàëåíüê³ êâà÷èêè ç³ ñòàðîãî ïîëîòíà òà ïðèíåñåíîþ ãëèíîþ ðîçìàëþºø êâ³òè íàâêîëî â³êîí ³ äâåðåé. Áóäå ê³ìíàòà-ãîðíèöÿ
“My dear mother, the lad is seeking marriage to one of your daughters. He came to us from the far distant lands—the remote country. He is dark brown from the sun and has a black moustache, and he has a very bright mind. We have three days and three nights in which to win his heart by decorating our chambers in the most pleasing way. Father has said: ‘Only the daughter among you who shows her best talent will marry the young knight.’ Please, give me advice! Tell me how to do it in the most pleasing way!” Yaroslava stood near her mother’s grave for a long time, praying to the Lord. Then she crossed herself and returned to her chamber in the new mansion. She walked up and down in her room, trying to calm herself. She became tired and decided she must lie down on the bench to have a little rest. In a minute or two, her mother appeared to Yaroslava in a dream. She came to her daughter and said: “There is a river in your forefathers’ forest. Old people have named it the Claydigging River. Take a wooden bucket and try to find the place in the forest where this river has its beginning. There is a spring that flows through the red, blue, green, and white clay. Bow low to the spring three times and pray to the Lord. Put some clay of different colors into the wooden bucket, bring it to your chamber, and make small brushes out of old linen. You will paint flowers with the red, blue, green, and white clay around the doors and windows. Your chamber
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will laugh with color, and the young knight will be so pleased that he will hurry to excite your heart. But remember: you must go to the forefathers’ forest early in the morning; you needn’t greet anyone or look back! Do this just the same upon returning home!” Yaroslava awoke from her mother’s dream appearance in a cold sweat at daybreak. She could see her mother was no longer there, but she remembered the advice in detail since Yaroslava had a bright mind. Yaroslava got up early, washed herself and prayed to the Lord. Then she took the wooden bucket and set out for the forefathers’ forest. She walked to the forest without greeting anyone and without looking back. She searched for the place where the Claydigging River began. When she found the spring, she bowed low to it three times and prayed to the Lord. Yaroslava then dug out red, blue, green, and white clay and put it into her wooden bucket. After this, Yaroslava thanked the spring for its clay and went hurriedly to her chamber in the newly built mansion. On her way home, she didn’t greet anyone, and she didn’t look back. She only nodded to people whom she met. Myroslava hadn’t been sleeping for three days and three nights; she had been sitting at her loom all the while. Without a rest, she had been weaving a linen tablecloth, taking care to hide the knots of threads on it. On the third day towards morning, she fell into a sound sleep, still sitting at her loom. Luboslava hadn’t been sleeping for three days and three nights. She had been embroidering a towel, trying to put neatly stitch to stitch. But at dawn of the third day, she, too, fell into a sound sleep from her exhaustion. Her unfinished embroidered towel lay on her lap.
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When Yaroslava returned home from the forest, she quickly made four brushes from a piece of old linen: the first brush was for the red clay, the second brush was for the blue clay, the third brush for the green clay and the last one was for the white clay. She poured some water into four small pots, put the clay into them, and neatly mixed the water and clay to make her paints. After awhile she began painting flowers around the door and the windows of her chamber. She remembered that the forest flowers asked her to paint them. The bright-berried snowball tree, the prickly wild rose bush, and the talkative rowan tree asked her to remember to paint their flowers, too. Her chamber was laughing with delight, and the girl’s soul was rejoicing at the beauty she was creating. On the third day when the first rays of sun slipped through the panes of the windows, the prince along with his future son-in-law began examining his daughters’ three chambers in the newly built mansion. They came into the first chamber and saw that there was a loom at the window and an unfinished weaving, meant to be a tablecloth when it was complete. His daughter, Myroslava, was sleeping very soundly. Father decided not to awaken her because he could see that she was so very tired from her efforts. They came into the second chamber and saw there was a tambour with the halfembroidered towel at the window. His daughter, Luboslava, was sleeping very soundly. Father decided not to awaken her because he could see that she was too tired to finish her work. They came into the third chamber and saw the paintings of flowers rejoicing on the walls of the room. Yaroslava had just finished the last cluster of the berries of the snowball tree. Father, the prince, was so pleased with his daughter’s talent and beautiful creation that he could not find words to express his joy! Finally his words came to him, and he announced to the young knight:
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“I have three daughters—three beauties—who were born on the same day. God failed to save their mother’s life in their difficult delivery, and I lost my own wife. Now Yaroslava’s time of being a maid has come to an end, and she has shown that she respects our ancestors’ wisdom. She is beautiful, intelligent, and talented. She will be your equal! In a week, the relatives of the two princely families gathered together to celebrate the wedding party. All the guests who were at the wedding party came into the chamber to see what beautiful flowers Yaroslava had painted. Since that time, Ukrainian girls like to paint flowers around the windows and doors, and on the front of the hearth in their family homes. Maybe they, too, may win the hearts of their own knights. That is the end of this true tale. The truth of it’s behind a veil. Here you’ve heard of sisters three In father’s home they lived carefree. Two of them will not be wed Because they fell asleep instead Of keeping to their chosen task. One alone was wise to ask For counsel from her mother, dear. She stayed awake and so did hear Her future bridegroom riding near.
The Wise and Foolish Virgins: Comments on the tale “Beauty in Clay” “Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.” Matthew 25: 1,2
This tale by Anatoly Shevchuk is reminiscent of the parable of the wise and foolish virgins of the New Testament. The parallels are close, but not complete. We do understand that in this tale we see that the two sisters, Myroslava and Luboslava, were “foolishly” not able to sustain their energy and concentration in completing the tasks to win the bridegroom. Just as the foolish virgins of the Bible, they had not planned well enough to be ready for the greatest event of their lives. While the five foolish virgins of the Bible forgot to bring lamp oil to keep watch for their bridegroom, so Myroslava and Luboslava forgot the important work they had begun when sleep overtook them. Yaroslava did plan well just as her wise counterparts in the gospel of Matthew had. She not only stayed awake, she also sought counsel from ancestral wisdom. She alone understood that as beautiful and intelligent as she was, it would not be enough to win the prize of her heart. It is significant that Yaroslava, a girl who grew up motherless, seeks out the spirit of her mother. While her father had given his daughters all
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he could, he could not supply them with the knowledge of the world of women, nature, and ancestors. The parallel between the parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins and “Beauty in Clay” separates in an interesting way. The virgins who were chosen by the bridegroom in Matthew were going to live in a heavenly sphere. Yaroslava will become the bride of a knight of an earthly kingdom. Yaroslava could not depend only on talents she already had, such as weaving and embroidery. She also knew that some knowledge is not found in even the books of wisdom she had read. She needed the understanding of how to make the world beautiful around her. Her mother, nature, and ancestral knowledge gave her this wisdom. Yet, Yaroslava had to venture out, to seek and to learn more. Her world expanded when she left her quiet chamber and listened to the voices of the trees and flowers, the spring and its river, the colorful clay. She could see the beauty in the clay, the flowers and trees, and she knew that she could bring this beauty to others through her art. Through her journey, she treated all she met with respect and joy. Indeed, Yaroslava proved herself to be the equal of her bridegroom and to be ready to leave the life of a maid behind and attain the status of adulthood as she became a bride. Then, as all brides must, Yaroslava will make a new home for her husband and children, never forgetting to teach them about the beauty of the natural world, the beauty in clay.
Gail E. Huschle, teacher of English literature, US Peace Corps volunteer in Ukraine
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