SLB - Fall 2011 Edition

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Politics and Patriotism Sigma Lambda Beta: Alpha Males

The Whites Have Turned Black


It feels like it’s been forever since El Iluminador relaunched in March of 2009, and although it’s been two years, seven months, and two days (at the time I wrote this letter) since the launch of our website -and I mean, who’s counting?- it certainly feels as though the journey is just now starting. We’re proud to present to you our Fall 2011 print edition and with it we want to reassure you that we are committed to continue putting out content that is relevant and engaging, yet revolutionary and different from your average fraternal publication. As we move closer to our third anniversary, our team has been hard at work at trying to figure out different ways to make our content fresh and exciting so your experience is new every time you visit our website or open one of our print issues. We want each of our readers to pick up a new print edition and feel like it’s his/her first time doing so! This will take hard work, but I am confident that our team will continue to excel and make this publication the best it can be. After Leadership Institute I was inspired to Think Big! I want our publication to be available on online newsstands so that anyone can have a copy of our issues on their mobile device or e-reader. Now, I know I’m dreaming big, but one has to dream big for big things to happen! Furthermore, our team is recruiting a series of columnists that will engage readers from all walks of life. We want our website to be a blog you check out weekly, if not daily! We want our publication to grow so much that we can start offering internships! Yes, we may be dreaming big, but we think our publication is exactly where it needs to be to make all this happen. It will take a lot of work, but we’re committed to seeing that work through and I know that our team, along with your help, will exceed expectations. So go ahead, shoot us an e-mail, ask us how you can get involved or simply check us out and read on. I’m excited to continue my involvement with the publication as its new Editor-in-Chief, and I’m ready for the challenge. Bro. Carlos Frevert did an outstanding job as our previous Editor-in-Chief, and I have some big shoes to fill; a bit exciting, a bit terrifying! So I invite you to flip through this issue, visit our site, and get involved! We have some great content, and it was all written just for you so enjoy! All the very best, Bro. Ricky Cortez Editor-in-Chief National Website

El Iluminador Website




Cover photo by clive.flint of Back Photo by gordontarpley of

All photos are used under a Creative Commons agreement and attributed accordingly. Photos not attributed are either clip art or photos taken by the editors.

CONTENTS photo by william_79 of The Whites Have Turned Black


Sigma Lambda Beta Alpha Males


Politics and Patriotism


Exposure for the Sake of Evolution

Executive Office

Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity 125 E. Zeller St. Ste. E North Liberty, IA 52317-9248

Staff Editor in Chief Ricardo Cortez

10 The Whites Have Turned Black 14 Meet the Team


13 The Dream Shatterer

Design Editor Irving Roman

Technical Editor Carlos Frevert

Senior Editor Joaquin

Copy Editor

Blessing Shingi Mavima


Joaquin Nathan Bunch Derek Duzan Blessing Shingi Mavima Fall 2011


Sigma Lambda Beta Alpha Males

A Theoretical Approach to Why We Clash by Joaquin

photo by genitalssky of Ever wonder why Beta fish fight with each other? Simple. It’s because they’re Alphas. You know, for a long time I have wondered why we, as Sigma Lambda Beta Brothers, fight. No, I’m not talking about fist fights. I’m referring to disagreements, quarrels, and conflicts. Go ahead, admit it. Our Brothers beef, have issues with each other, and can’t see eye to eye. I’m sure the rates and severity of these disputes vary, but nearly every colony, chapter, and/or region has those instances of Brothers who are mortal enemies. Let’s face it: virtually every organization where its members have a vested interest has a bit of commotion (can you think of a family that didn’t have any drama? Didn’t think so.) I DIDN’T PASS THE BAR, BUT I KNOW A LITTLE BIT Being around the Brotherhood for a while has wisened me up to the game. Catching on to some patterns, I would like to make a hypothesis as to why we, as Brothers, fight. What I will do is provide a somewhat scientific approach as to why we as Sigma Lambda Beta men clash. Like any scholar or researcher, I’ll create a theory, which will be called the “Sigma Lambda Beta Alpha Male Theory.” And while this may not be true for every occurrence, it’s 4

Fall 2011

an interesting perspective to reflect on. While not all Sigma Lambda Beta men are Alpha Males, many are and others desire to be. An Alpha Male is considered to be a confident, goodlooking man who may be from a high socio-economic status, at ease with women, and highly capable of taking charge of any situation. An Alpha Male may be well-built physically and is assured of his capabilities. He’s ambitious, confident, and opinionated. He may be considered intimidating or cocky by some. Sound like a typical Beta? There’s more. THEORY ME This way of living can be influenced by aspects of our culture, and further nurtured into our being by our environment. We are raised from a very young age to be assertive. Everything we know and see from our early development on teaches us to believe in ourselves. As a child, when we learned to walk or ride a bicycle, we’re trained to have confidence -if we fall, then we must get up. As we grow a bit older, we have dreams of being the “top dawg,” successful, or like people we admire. After all, we’ve been asked for years the infamous question: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” We realize the American Dream and we recognize that the only way to achieve this is to go out and take

it. Machismo is very much in our culture, as well, and it is hard to drop it (no matter how hard we try). It is in our blood to be prideful and goal-driven, which are not bad traits. However, there are third variable effects -with unintended consequences of such traits. Too much of something is never good, but by this time, we have advertently (or inadvertently) grown a desire to be “the boss,” wanting some or all of the spotlight, the baddest chick, the nicest clothes/cars, and will stop at practically nothing to get it. These desires may or may not be subconscious. Moreover, this Alpha Male theory is present in animal ethology. Human ethology (psychology) and animal ethology have many consistencies and have been associated since the beginning of time. The opening of Aristotle’s Politics proclaimed man as a political animal (zoon politikon). Amongst other things, humans have innate animal instincts to survive, reproduce, and thrive. Mammals such as gorillas, lions, and bulls all have Alphas in their groups. Tigers often roll solo, because they’re so Alpha. Confrontations between rams or sharks can be epic and they fight for often the same reasons us humans do. Every society, organization, and pack of animals has comparable pecking orders (e.g., hyper-gamy, social hierarchy, etc.) and people naturally fall into a specific ‘role,’ if you will. You’re bound to see Alpha Males in college, too. Kate Lundeman Ph.D., and Eddie Erlandson M.D. wrote the book “Alpha Male Syndrome.” They found that Alpha Males represent three out of four senior executives and half of all middle managers in corporate America. So it’s safe to say these men have been students at major universities around the U.S. These males can be intense, commanding, methodical, and relentless, which, possibly makes them hard to work with. It’s likely that this type of guy would be an appealing recruit for any colony or chapter of Sigma Lambda Beta. On the surface, he has all of the qualities that make a tall strong Lambda Beta man. FALLING IN AND OUT Fast-forward to your crossing night and you’re soon likely to fall into one of the following three categories: Alpha Male—You’re an Alpha Male. You authoritative and borderline domineering. You don’t get along with everyone, mostly because those people don’t see things your way. You’re on a path and you don’t plan to veer from it. You and other Alpha Males clash because you’re so much alike and don’t mind scuffling over what you believe is ‘right.’ Even when you’re taught to be humble, you are what you are, possibly arrogant,

with a really strong personality. Aspiring Alpha Male—You’re a wannabe Alpha Male, although you may not know it. You have a desire to be like your “Big Brother” but it may never come to fruition. Thus, you may have a bit of envy or internal jealousy towards your Alpha Male Brothers. You and Alpha Males clash because you see all of their shortcomings and you’re not afraid to stand up for yourself. The only result is falling-out. You’re both humble and arrogant. Beta Male—You’re a Beta Male, or next in line. You avoid risk and confrontation. You accept things for what they are. You may have different personality traits, but overall you are sincerely humble. You don’t have the presence and charisma of an Alpha Male and you are fine with it. And if you haven’t experienced it yet, you will clash with your Brothers. These disagreements may or may not be personal, but there’s a chance it is political or spurs from something political (SLB business, local vs. national traditions, etc.) As Aristotle so eloquently put it, we are political animals, who act irrationally, with emotion, and passion. Many Brothers state that they are not “political Brothers” or that they don’t like “playing politics.” But, the truth of the matter is that these politics, bureaucracy, agendas, and what have you, will always play a part of any organization. And whenever these “politics” are involved, you can expect disagreements. Whether the disagreements are warranted or not, the manner in which we carry ourselves should always be professional and conducted in a gentlemanly fashion. But this is not always true; instead, we’d rather put guys on blast, call each other out, and bicker over things that don’t really mean much. Everyone has an argument against something: dues are too expensive, my Line Brother told a Gamma about our pledge process, you’re paper, he’s fake, so on and so forth. Sometimes we can’t even work on projects with others. We may have a “do it myself” mentality, either because we’re difficult to work with or because we don’t believe others are good enough to work with us (they don’t do things the way we want them too). We’ll resort to tearing each other apart before building each other up. Like many disagreements, no one wants to listen, everyone wants to be right, no one wants to be wrong, and no one is budging -It’d probably be a lie if no one has ever called you hard-headed. And then when you throw alcohol in the mix, you can forget about it—things can CONTINUED ON PAGE 15 Fall 2011


photo by ElvertBarnes of


Fall 2011

by Nathan Bunch

There is a narrative that seems to be disseminated through American media sources, be it blogs, television networks, radio shows, or what have you. Whichever way you encounter it, it is not uncommon to hear the idea that many U.S. immigrants (legal or otherwise) do not love America, and are simply here to drain its resources. This is validated by the fact that Mexicans may cheer for Mexico during a U.S. vs. Mexico futbol (soccer) game, or Nigerians may proudly wear their flag on their t-shirt on your local campus. There are a number of instances that one could point to that validate this argument. These arguments, however, are often weak, baseless and only designed to create a pandemic of xenophobia. As a native Texan, I can tell you that I LOVE Texas. I might believe that the government in Texas is more broken than anywhere in the world, and that you don’t have to look far to find an ignorant jerk willing to fight you because of the color of your skin or the way you talk, but I LOVE Texas. I love that Dallas and Houston produce some of the best music on the scene, and the way people from El Paso and the Valley speak Spanish. I love that Austin is the live musical capital of the world, and that West Texas can show you some of the most beautiful desert sunsets you’ve ever imagined. I love that many people will hold the door open for just about anyone, and that you often hear about Texas in the news (sometimes bad, sometimes good). At no point, however, does me loving Texas mean that I HATE Montana, or that I’m disgusted by Colorado, or that I think anyone proud to be from Kentucky hates America. Now, living in Florida, I have

more than ever realized that I love my home state. Again, at no point does my love for the Southwest, mean that I hate the Southeast. Nor has anyone from Florida questioned my presence here because of how much I love Texas. They understand that while I carry a Florida driver license, I will always be at Texan at heart. To make things more interesting, I admittedly have never been to the Northeast. I’ve met plenty of friends from New York, Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts that talk about it. I hear about the schools and know that their education system (in certain places) is great. I love the cold weather and public transportation. I know that, undoubtedly, I want to move there and I have no desire to move back to Texas. By no means does that mean that I hate Texas or Florida. That region has more of what I want, and I want to capitalize on it. Someone who loves their home country, or even the country of their parents, grandparents or whatever more than likely does not hate America. It is no more divisive for someone to love their country of origin, than it is for people to love their home states. People are in America because they were born here (some) and at this point they have chosen not to leave because they love it. For some, it is because their country of origin, while loved, is not the best place to live. The citizens of any country should constantly question their government, because that is what keeps it in check. Doing so doesn’t make them a communist any more than loving their country of origin makes them antiAmerican. It just means they are capable of critical thought.

Fall 2011


Exposure for the

by Derek Duzan Sitting at a roundtable with multiple community sense anyway. The organizations want to do as much organizations, I listened to each of their as they can, but in order to achieve their goals, they representatives preach about their passions for require funding. The system in place promotes an bettering the community and changing the world. exclusive nature as it requires grants to be written Dreams of what the future would hold for their to explain what sets the organizations apart. What respective programs were put on display like a makes them the best? Or, how are things done marionette show, and the spectacle was met with differently from the other organizations. Without empty applause. The dance was good, but the faces funding, these organizations can’t do anything to help of the puppets didn’t sell the show. There seemed the community. Given that bettering the community to be little excitement in the speakers as every ace is within the foundations of these organizations, at the stayed tucked very cozily in their sleeves. The point where there is no funding, what good are they? hush of the room, accompanied by the tight-lipped With that said, the meetings are had with the goal practice of would-be “change agents” echoed a in mind that we all want to help each other, but common solace. This all made me angry; knowing many are unwilling to share shortfalls or blueprints. the objectives of each organization in the room were There seems to be fear that some people might copy a common concern for the good of community, but in a good idea and take credit for it, or at least reap that I gained an understanding. the benefits. Hwaahhhh?? Who would do such a What seemed to be silently agreed upon was thing? What kind of person would have the audacity that a dialogue of blueprints to the success of all to Zuckerberg someone? Truthfully, that’s a serious these dreams may very well make the work of the issue when you’re talking about the ability to provide organization that much harder, as it may create stiff consistent public services, and it happens more than competition. These groups met to update each other you’d think. on the current states of their organizations and how However, when you think about it, could it be they could help each other. Theoretically, it's a better if we did share those blueprints and shortfalls? rather simple idea: Many people bound by the same What would happen? Perhaps someone would vision can move mountains. Unfortunately, there steal the idea, sure. It does happen…a lot. So, they are slight differences where loyalty demands a bit of would take the idea and claim it as their own and do secrecy. While there are some organizations that out a fantastic job with it. You’d be hurt, BUT, now you of selfishness would refuse to work with others, it is see other organizations stepping up and doing the not usually because of greed…well…in the average same thing. The community is better for it, right? (I 8

Fall 2011

mean, Apple came out with the iPad and now tablets are all over the place!) The competition is better for

“having numerous organizations with their own little twist on how to empower a culture end up creating disunity through competition” the people that aren't involved in the fight. The same thing happens in Greek life. There is an unwillingness to share shortfalls of a chapter’s functioning, even within the same organization. There's a common refusal to share the blueprints of success with other organizations that might be seen as some kind of rival when it comes to receiving awards or recruitment. Speaking on cultural foundation, as a member of a Latino-based organization, we want to see Latinos rise up and be strong. You want to see unity. That’s a beautiful dream. The sad fact is that having numerous organizations with their own little twist on how to empower a culture end up creating disunity through competition between those with a common goal. Choices are great to have from the perspective of those outside of the organizations. To draw direct parallels, funding for the above-mentioned organizations is like recruitment for fraternities and sororities. What good is a chapter to a campus if it

photo by bade_md of

Sake of Evolution

has no active members? There is no organization that runs without a hitch. Commonly, a good organization is the one that never lets you see the hitches, but it's also the organization that typically becomes stagnant. Publicizing your shortcomings gives others ammo for mudslinging when it comes to recruitment and publicizing your blueprints may hinder your ability to be unique, reducing your chances for recognition. I’m going to let you in on a secret; while some problems are organization-specific, MOST of the issues you’re having, others are having too - even other chapters within your organization: • Do your meetings sometimes start late? • Do people not turn their dues in on time? • Are grades slipping? • Do things seem disorganized? These are common issues for chapters of many different organizations. We fail to see that, though, because the grass always seems greener on the other side. It’s an illusion. Don’t get comfortable in mediocrity, though, and don’t let commonalities of weakness discourage you from trying to do better. Continue to maintain greatness and work toward it even if the odds are stacked against you. Don’t be afraid to consult another chapter especially. That’s what they are there for. If you don’t talk about it, it probably won’t change. If you do talk about it, you run the risk of giving someone mud to sling or even building some bad Fall 2011


photo by clive.flint 10

Fall 2011

The Whites Have Become Black by Shingi Mavima

The title quote is an excerpt from the following interview with renowned British Historian David Starkey in light of the recent London Riots. (or youtube a video by the same title.) During the interview, Starkey lays the blame for the riots’ escalation on the idea that ‘black culture’ had become so influential in English society that the violence that comes with it now appeals to young people across the cultural boards. However, before we get into all that, let us briefly recap how the riots developed. London Riots 2011 On August 4th, police in Tottenham, London shot 29 year-old, alleged drug dealer Mark Duggan. Feeling the shooting was unjustified, a group of 200 people, comprising dominantly of Duggan’s family and friends, peacefully marched to the police station in protest. When they had not heard from the appropriate authorities, the crowd grew both in size and aggression. Once violence broke out on the evening of the 6th, it spiraled into one of the worst riots the UK has ever seen. While the impetus had been Duggan’s death, the situation was further spurred by historic cultural tensions, socio-economic frustration and -shamefully- the thrill of rioting and crime. As TIME magazine described it, it is “from the worst violence since bombs rained down during World War II". More than 2500 arrests have been made, and the damage has been estimated at $325m. Duggan belongs to the large black (African/ Caribbean etc) population of Tottenham, a region of London well-known for its ethnic diversity. Back to Starkey Now, before we dive back into an analysis of Starkey’s comments, it is important that we clarify a few details and sentiments regarding the issue. First, the Riots have been an abomination and embarrassment to the entire British society. There is no justifying what took place: everyone, from Prime Minister Cameron to Duggan’s family condemned them. Secondly, Starkey’s comments are not only outrageously ignorant; they are potentially dangerous in the ears of a misguided individual. Finally, condemnation for his comments began on the program itself from the other guests, and has continued from all sectors of society since. Cambridge students are calling for him to lose his honorary fellowship position because of his comments. Seeing, however, as he is an academic authority in one of the world’s foremost cultural hubs, it is worth the while breaking down his train of thought. “The Whites have become Black” -what are these ‘White’ and ‘Black’ ideals Starkey celebrates? Has he

regressed to the primitive notion of white equaling good and black being synonymous with evil? That is the only light in which his conclusions make any sense. Expanding on his comments, Starkey goes on to specify the ‘Jamaican Patois’, ‘Violent nihilistic gang culture’ and ‘Hip Hop’ elements in the Black community as being the cause of this creeping decadence on White UK. Starkey’s Myopia Whether he is ignorant (highly improbable -he is a Ph. D. from the University of Cambridge), out of touch, or just in denial; there are several realities that Dr Starkey appears blind to: Since its inception, UK has had its fair share of violent organized crime. From the Damned Crew of the 17th and 18th century to contemporary groups such as Tottenham Mandem, London gangs have been some of the most notorious anywhere in the world. The idea that violent gang culture is novel and particular to the Black community is absurd. He describes the culture as ‘nihilistic.’ Much like most minority communities in the developed world, the accused community has been dealt a short straw and has had to live in the shadows of their ‘successful society.’ They are often excluded (previously by design, now more so by chance) from the influential areas of the greater society -can one not see how they might develop a ‘nihilistic’ attitude? In essence, they are part of a greater thriving community in which they have no stake. Blaming the Black immigrant population in the UK? Have we grown blind to the imperial pursuits of Great Britain that has led to the formation of their current society? As a historian, Starkey might want to revisit the past century or so, and maybe get an idea of why people of Afro-Caribbean origin ended up residing among him and his fellows. Not only is the imperial past responsible for the current make-up of the society, it is also evidence of Britain’s ruthless plundering past. T he fact that Starkey would try to sell the idea of violent outbreaks as an original one Fall 2011



Fall 2011

photo by Beacon Radio of

introduced by Black society simply defies logic. To give his argument some credence, he singles out one African-British academic and says, (and I paraphrase) “If you heard him speak without seeing him, you would think he was White… He doesn’t sound like THEM.” Them who? Other Black people? This is ludicrous, to say the least. The individual above does not sound any more Caucasian and any less Black; he sounds like an intellectual. I have been around the world, and the dichotomy exists everywhere. Learned people will always sound, well, more learned than the general populace, regardless of their ethnicity. When one of the guests on the show tried to defend the slang and ‘patois’ that the London youth use now, Starkey goes on to condemn Hip-Hop culture as well. While I might be a bit biased because I am a fan, I wonder just how much he knows about Hip Hop. What is it that he heard in Hip Hop that he believes had a direct impact on the riots? Indeed, there is some hard-hitting misogyny and rebellious sentiments in Hip Hop, but the same could be said about Rock music, and Blues among other. Even then, one would be hard-pressed to find a current popular rap/Hip Hop song that would have incited such behavior. What, their looting wouldn’t stop because Lupe Fiasco said “The Show Goes On’? Or maybe Eminem told them to just ‘stand there and watch London burn”? Light-hearted as my queries on Hip Hop may be, they reveal the ignorance apparent in the comments. On many levels, Starkey is lumping ‘Black culture’ into a homogeneous primordial entity. Not only is his fear

photo by Daniel Kruczynski of

Shirley Bassey

Sir Trevor McDonald

of Hip Hop representative of the fear of the unknown that promulgated xenophobia since time immemorial, the idea that he uses Hip Hop as the universal face of the black community is also misguided. As I said in the beginning, Starkey’s comments have widely been discredited as the ramblings of an out-of-touch academic. He is, nevertheless, the custodian of history as we know it -and his views actually ‘matter.’ As dangerously ignorant as they are, they represent the academic endorsement that has perpetuated bigotry for hundreds of years. The fact that young people of different ethnic backgrounds participated in the riots could be symbolic of a number of things. First, it might just be that the penchant for violent crimes appeals to young people of all types. The end of the riots is, in part, attributed to parents who pleaded and retained control of their children. Why did Starkey not mention the demise of the institution of parenthood as being a possible factor to young people running amok? More likely, however, is the idea that class is now a more poignant unit of communal identification than race. Thus, when communities that are facing tough economic times perceive an injustice and are moved to ‘take up arms,’ you can expect a multicultural collage of faces on the loose. It is not because the ‘Whites have become Black”. What does that even mean?

The Dream Shatterer by Joaquin

Treading water in the sea of forever... for worse or for better. Late night, red-eye cravings of a lyrical assasin, I could be the death of you. Snatch you up like the Spyder do. You my mint chocolate mocha factory; servin skinny cinnamon dolce latte's and vanilla bean frappe's. Light up the stage with visions and prisms of a Latina ballerina mixed in with a video vixen. But Victoria's Secrets are a warrior's regrets.. Adriana Lima or an M6 Beamer? A soldier chooses between dreams of fights & love or lights & dubs.. But I'm way beyond being snubbed or lettin down my armour; cooled off on my flight home, under my under armour loose heat gear listenin to Sean Carter, Pensively differentiating my feelings between you and your daughter. So I'm killin these feelings like I was Tommy at the slaughter... house, Hackin at a porterhouse. See I could be the lion or the mouse: a lion's prowress plus humility of a mouse.. so pick your poison, arrive with noise and tear down the house.

CREATIVE Fall 2011



Fall 2011

Nathan Bunch

Contributor University of Texas at Austin “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

Ricardo Cortez

Editor in Chief University of Florida “This is the life I chose, or rather the life that chose me.” - Jay-Z

Derek Duzan

Contributor Grand Valley State University “I don’t have a quote.”

Carlos Frevert

Technical Editor Purdue University “In order to truly see the light you must first see the darkness”


Senior Editor Grand Valley State University “All of this is true, but it’s not the truth.”

Irving Roman

Design Editor Rutgers University “It is What it Is”

Blessing Shingi Mavima

Copy Editor Grand Valley State University “I just came along the ride. Somewhere along the journey, I got really good at this”

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 get chaotic. If too many cooks spoiled the soup, then too many Sigma Lambda Beta Alpha Males spoiled the organization. IT IS WHAT IT IS Will we ever grow out of this? With age, maturity should follow. It is possible that this reasoning for hostility could be a phase in our young, developing lives, but one thing is for sure -and that is if certain personalities that are too much alike spend a lot of

such a young organization is that dialogues about necessary improvements can bring better results than an older organization that has already become set in its ways. Seize these opportunities to improve and don’t be held back by an unwillingness to take risks. The exposure may hurt you, but isn't it better to try and fail than not to try at all? The shortcomings need improvement, the blueprint needs refinement, and the pressure of it all will force the evolution of something spectacular.

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CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 blood, but maybe it’s worth it -maybe what’s wrong with Sigma Lambda Beta is an unwillingness to look at what’s wrong with Sigma Lambda Beta? After all, it's a common issue with many organizations. Sometimes a little grease in the fire is a good thing. It all depends on the fire. If we truly want success in our endeavors, we’re going to have to fix what’s broken and improve what isn’t up to par, but in order to do that we need to talk about the problems at hand. Closing off to the dialogue doesn’t help us evolve at all. The great benefit of being

time together- they will clash. Sigma Lambda Beta Alpha Males clash. In the end, I guess boys will be boys and Brothers will rival. No family is perfect. The plausibility of this overall argument may be questionable, but I would argue that it’s relevant for a good portion of Brothers. However, this is merely a theory (which cannot be conclusively proven) and a thought. Be well, my Brothers.

Fall 2011


Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity Executive Office 125 E. Zeller St. Ste. E North Liberty, IA 52317-9248

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