Iztok Hvala_Architectural portfolio

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Iztok Hvala (b. 1987) completed his architecture study at Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana. He has earned the M. Arch title in Architecture and Urban design (highest honours, 10/2014). He is an enthusiastic and motivated young architect who enjoys working with qualified and passionate people as well as learning new approaches and skills from them. He has conduced internships with Studio Rebeka in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and with Studio Kalamar in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Throughout the study time, he has participated in two international workshops, one in France and one in Ljubljana with guest lecturer, Juan Herreros from Spain. In personal field, he has completed two apartment renovations and two public projects. He also collaborated with studio Trost and associates at two projects as a co-author. He has roughly four years of professional experience in field of architecture and urban design. 2


4 - 5


faculty project 6

- 21 Francis shaft renovation

Master thesis; Faculty of Architecture

professional projects

24 - 33 House Zorec


office project; Trost and associates

- 47 Intra Lightning academy

office project; Trost and associates

build projects

48 - 57 Youth center Idrija personal build project 58 - 65 Bookstore DEPO build project

66 - 67 Photography various photography projects






EDUCATION 2014 Faculty of architecture University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

M. Arch I master of architecture and urban planning

project studio: prof. Miloš Florijančič master’s thesis mentor: prof. Miloš Florijančič; co-mentors: doc. Mitja Zorc, dr. Matej Blenkuš grade point average: 8.90/10 master’s thesis grade: 10/10

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2012 - 2014 Freelance architecture and photography Ljubljana, Slovenia Self-employed

Working as a self-employed architect on various projects. Projects: - Youth centre Idrija, Slovenia (from design phase to build project) - apartment Trcek, Slovenia (design phase) - apartment Kobal, Slovenia (from design phase to build project)

2013 - 2014 CCV Adria Pula, Croatia architectural advisor and assistant Working on various small scale projects, mainly focusing on making plans and documentation of the existing condition of various residential housing units in Croatia. Coordination with all parties involved in projects.

2011 - 2014 project Playful Architecture Ljubljana, Slovenia Architect, photographer



2011 - 2012 CEREEF Ljubljana, Slovenia architectural assistant

Working on making plans of existing condition of two big scale projects, preparing the material for client presentations and materials for online presentations for potential investors.

Projects: - Ceeref C2C; Ljubljana (construction permit phase) - Liko facility, Vrhnika (construction permit phase)

2009 - 2010 Studio Kalamar Ljubljana, Slovenia architecture internship

Working on series of projects at multiple scales, programs and construction phases. Main field of work was in project concepts and in completing the project documentation.

Projects: - - House Brodnik, Ljubljana (construction permit phase) - House Marof, Mačkovci (design phase) - Development zones Rakičan (design phase) - Housing 15. Maj, Koper (construction permit phase) - Dimičeva Office Building, Ljubljana (construction permit phase) - Marof Winery, Mačkovci (construction permit phase) - Theatre Park, Murska Sobota (construction phase) - Project Kaštel, Portorose (design phase) - Mercator shopping centre, Maribor (design to construction permit phase) - Gemini office towers, Ljubljana (construction permit phase)

2008 Studio Rebeka Ljubljana, Slovenia architecture internship

Working on series of projects at multiple scales, programs and construction phases. Involved in work in the office and on locations and building sites. Main field of work was architectural drawings (Autocad), modeling (rhinoceros).

2012 - 2013 Trost and associates Ljubljana, Slovenia Architect

Projects: - Thermana Laško; congress centre (construction permit phase) - Renovation of inner patio; ZZZS Slovenia (design phase) Collaboration with the office on two projects of - branch unit renovation, different scales and in a design phases. Field of work Vzajemna, Ljubljana (design phase) was on design, making physical models, 3D modelling, presentations, and final book design. Working on projects as co-author. Projects: - House Zorc, Babna gora (design phase) - Intra lightning academy, Šempeter (design phase)


RESEARCH 2011 Domžale: The laboratory for Small Towns Design workshop with Juan Herreros

2010 Research workshop on Roman SKILLS churches in Burgundy, France Le Centre d’Études des Patrimoines Drawing culturels du Charolais-Brionnais Autodesk AutoCAD, Vectorworks


3D modeling Rhinoceros

2014 Revitalization of Franci’s shaft in Idrija Master’s thesis; Faculty of Architecture

Renderings Autodesk 3D Studio Max, Vray

2014 Playful architecture: Graphics Manual Playful architecture about Adobe package Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Bridge, Acrobat build environment for teachers in kindergarten and primary schools The National Education Institute of the Republic Other of Slovenia 2013

Magazine To Bo Idrija, issue 2

Matevž Štravs, Iztok Hvala; Idrija student Club

2012 Playful Architecture: Explore, watch, feel, listen Playce; Didakta Radovljica 2012

Matevž Štravs, Iztok Hvala; Idrija student Club


Published project: Bookstore DEPO

Magazine To Bo Idrija, issue 1 magazine Praznine, issue II/III

2012 Domžale: The laboratory for Small Towns Juan Herreros, Faculty of Architecture

2011 Young people in Idrija municipality: State and wishes

Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) Apple Pages, Apple Keynote


Architectural photography, portrait photography, editorial photography Adobe Lightroom, Photo Mechanic

Hand skills

Hand drawing and sketching Model making and model construction Fluent in Windows and Mac environment.

TEACHING 2011 - 2014 Photography class teacher Jurija Vega grammar school, Idrija

Matevž Štravs; Idrija student Club

2009 Magazine Hiše, issue 51

published project: House Zabrdo

2007 Freehand drawing for Architects Janez Suhadolc, Faculty of Architecture


Slovenian mother tongue English professional working proficiency German elementary proficiency

REFERENCES prof. Milos Florijančič, u.d.i.a. Faculty of Architecture

I A.Biro

doc. Mitja Zorc, u.d.i.a. Faculty of Architecture I Projektarna Andrej Kalamar, u.d.i.a. Studio Kalamar

Apolonija Šušteršič, u.d.i.a.

Royal University College of Fine Arts, Stockholm Špela Kuhar, u.d.i.a. Center for Architecture Slovenia contact information available upon request

Croatian limited working proficiency 5




master’s thesis

graduated with distinction mentor: prof. Miloš Florijančič, u.d.i.a co-mentor: doc. Mitja Zorc, u.d.i.a. co-mentor: dr. Matej Blenkuš, u.d.i.a.

Idrija, a city of technical culture and a UNESCO site, deserves a quality presentation of it’s heritage and for that, it needs suitable place to do so. More than five hundred years of mining in this area have left behind some priceless examples of European machine manufacturing from the end of the 19th century to early 20th century. Today, these machines are on exhibit at the complex of Francis’s Shaft, the only still operating mine shaft in the city. Mater’s thesis is dealing with a question of revitalizing industrial heritage and presenting the technical heritage of Idrija’s worldrenowned known mercury mine. The intervention takes up on the whole area of the shaft. Historical development resulted in many alterations to the main building and to the surroundings. Existing building was extended and partitioned from the inside with many small rooms several times. Furthermore, after the second war, the administrative building was built in front of the main building, covering almost half of its historical facade to the city. On top of that, the site suffers from not being connected to the city; therefore today the site attracts almost no visitors. New design aims to clear all the structures added over the course of time and to presenting just the main elements of the site. Open space in front of the existing building is used to host new program and also acts as a new entrance to the area. Moreover, due to the historical importance, the clear separation between the existing and the new must be achieved so that the whole context is readable and understandable. The new institution with the exhibition of old mining machines targets to become one of the leading European actors in the field of technical museums. It emphasizes natural sciences with the added programs of the World centre for Mercury and the Geological centre. Those two programs are interlaced with the city and its history. New design creates a relationship between all three main programs and beside them, adds additional commercial program that also brings life and activity to the site at all times, day or night. The newly designed complex will become one of the main tourist attractions in the city and would contribute to a better understanding of the whole story of the rich heritage of Idrija’s mercury mine. 7

Existing condition of the site with visible added administration building, that covers almost half of the main existing building’s facade.

New site development with emphasized main building and all the key elements of the site. Existing administration building is removed and its program is added to the back in form of a office block. Added tower hosts all the supporting programs of such institution. Area gets its new main entrance through the wall opening in the existing wall.



Today, the site is officially operates as a tourist destination, but in reality, it is just the opposite. It is detached from the city and with a mix of various unconnected programs, it does not function as it should. Intervention proposes connecting the site to the city and making it one of the most important location to see and visit in town. All of the original programs are maintained, they are just connected together and with the new, added program, all of this forms a functioning whole that is attractive to the visitors of all age.

Preserving of all the main elements of existing structure and adopting all the new added structure to them.

Opening the volume of the existing main object from underground level to top level, creating one big exhibition area and enhancing the space experience.

Additional program space is put into the ground, emphasizing the importance, both visual and functional, of the existing object.

Newly added vertical tower that functions as a communication point between all the programs in the object and also as an exhibition space.

New office block is placed in the place of the existing, but disused roof space. Programs from the demolished office building find new place here.

New open space in front of the main existing building functions as a multipurpose open space area, both for mine maintenance and for public / museum usage.

CONCEPT The main concept of the project is to emphasize the importance of the main existing building and converting it into a modern exhibition area and a key location for tourists and other visitors. The existing building is redesigned only in the interior, the exterior stays exactly the same due to the protective state of the object. New program is put into the ground, making the open space above a big open multipurpose area. The added volumes almost triple the existing exhibition area, while maintaining almost identical outside visual appearance.


existing condition of the main building

removal of all interior walls, added through time

new condition of the existing building, opened to form one big open space



The main building was built in the 1792. With time, there were many additions to the base building, like extending it to the east side in 1914, giving it the characteristic longitudinal shape. Once open space, designed for pure function, later became the system of many small rooms. The concept of intervention plans to remove all the added interior walls, creating one big open space, filled with industrial character, suitable for exhibiting of the entire technical heritage that Idrija’s mercury mine has to offer.

new steel roof structure IPE 600 steel beams same shape as existing roof

flexible steel joints to the reinforced concrete layer

second added floor in steel construction IPE 220 steel beams added floors are suspended from the new roof construction

first added floor in steel construction IPE 220 steel beams

new reinforced concrete layer for new roof mounting

added concrete reinforcement

existing walls

CONSTRUCTION CONCEPT With the removal of all interior walls, problem of structural stability becomes a problem. This is solved with reinforcing the existing walls with vertical concrete joints and making new base concrete layer on top of those walls. This layer supports through existing walls the new steel roof construction, which than holds all new added floors. Floors are suspended from the roof construction and they do not contact with the existing walls. The concept follows the clear separation between the existing structure and the new added one.


Section through the main existing building with the vast open exhibition space and the added tower as a vertical exhibition space.

office volume detail section steel construction roof detail 1

office volume detail section steel construction floor detail

office volume detail section lower glazing

office volume detail section contact with existing structure



tower viewing terrace

tower 5th floor cafĂŠ

tower 4th floor gallery administration 2. floor tower 3rd floor exhibition administration 1. floor

tower 2nd floor exhibition


tower 1st floor exhibition exhibition export machine

entrance employees

tower ground floor exhibition entrance visitors

tower basement- exhibition main exhibition area exhibition Kley’s water pump shaft exit point

main entrance visitors


entrance from the mine

Communication through the object is divided into the part for visitors and the part for employees. At one point those two groups of users meet visually. The main entrance for visitors is through the wall opening on the south side and another one, from the mine shaft, both marked in red colour. Employees enter the complex on the west side, marked in yellow colour. Vertical communications are in the new tower.


site plan


basement floor plan I level -1 14

ground floor plan I level 0


2nd floor plan I level 2 15

cross section y I section B-B

cross section y I section C-C 16

cross section x I section 2-2

cross section x I section 5-5 17


MAIN EXHIBITION AREA Technical heritage of Idrija’s mercury mine is on display in the open space of the existing building. The newly added floors functions as a communication and also as an exhibition area. The visitor moves through the space, seeing and feeling the industrial character. The machines on exhibition are in operating condition and while working, they produce vibrations and noise. This creates a very unique atmosphere and the space becomes more than just an exhibition space. Visitors become active participants to the exhibition. 19

1 I MAIN EXHIBITION AREA Ground floor houses the exhibition of the biggest items of technical heritage. Exhibits are grouped depending on the former operating location and function. Visitor can explore the machines, interact with them, see how they work, and get the sense of their importance. Ground floor also acts as a multipurpose space for different workshops and events. 2 I UNDERGROUND EXHIBITION AREA Underground exhibition area houses the World centre for Mercury and the Geological center. The whole underground area is divided into exhibition corridors and room for experiments in the fields of mercury and geology. The corridors are naturally top-lit, while the rooms are sound and light controlled, creating some special ambients. The whole underground floor resembles the idea of a rough, mine-like space. Furthermore, three small galleries with different light symbolise the miners break area. 3 I NEW TOWER Ground floor is an intersection point between different levels. Space evolve around the 12m high water pump that used to pump water from the mine shaft. Three floors house the exhibition, while the upper two levels consists of a gallery and a cafĂŠ. The roof of the tower is opened for visitors, offering them amazing views to the city and the surroundings of the site. The space on the ground floor can be opened to the exterior, bringing the outside space inside. A high vertical wall in the exhibition space is used for presentation purposes.


4 I MULTI PURPOSE LECTURE HALL Multipurpose hall functions both as an introduction room to the exhibition and as commercial space for different events. The concept of the rooms follows the idea of fluid visitor movement, so many entrance and exit points are available. Lecture room can operate independently from the other rooms and it is equipped to the highest technical standards. 5 I MINE SHAFT EXIT POINT The existing shaft exit point is lowered to the level -6.20 m, the level of once working Kley’s water pump. Visitors can see the entire mechanism of this mighty water pump, now one of the biggest still preserved steam powered water pump in Europe. New vertical staircase is placed around the existing structure of the export lift. Space around the pump functions as a exhibition space regarding the machine. This area also hosts the mine rescue service and two rooms for technical equipment.

2 20



5 21


photo Iztok Hvala


1 2 3 4 5


whole model with exposed underground volume frontal view of model detail view of tower detail of the underground spaces part section view





MODEL For the final presentation, a model was made in scale 1:100. Build from two different types of wood and made from two parts as cross section. The main idea of the model is to represent the new structure in the contrast to the existing one; therefore no facade elements were made for the model.



02 HOUSE ZORC 12/2012


office project

team Trost and associates Jan TroĹĄt, u.d.i.a. Iztok Hvala, M.Arch Peter KrapeĹž, u.d.i.a. the project is currently in progress

How to integrate a modern house with big programmatic requirements into the rural landscape, without disturbing the surroundings? The site location at the slope to the Babna gora hill offers some specific conditions. Its steep profile just calls for a house, that is blended into the environment. The whole concept of the house follows the idea of making a big house visually smaller but still maintaining all the qualities of the site and views to the valley below. Project divides the house in to two different elements - the lower part with all the living areas and the upper part with all the rooms for parents and children. The shaping of the landscape creates a line between these two elements in the form of a concrete plate with a green roof on it. The living element on the ground floor gets a cantilevered roof with plenty of shade and offers views to the surroundings. Upper part, the sleeping element, gets a multipurpose green area around it. The house is integrated into the landscape and only the upper element is visible from the main road north of the site. Upper element also adopts its shape with proportions and the roof shape to the neighbour’s houses. Main entrance to the house is on the lower, living area with a driveway and a garage. Living area can be extended to the exterior with seamless transition. Spaces facing the terrain are meant for service rooms and storage, while the space, facing the exterior is meant for dining area, kitchen and living room. Rooms are filled with views and light. Communication with the upper element is through the staircase. A big two-storey skylight opening between living areas and service areas lights the service programs facing the terrain and connects the house vertically. In the upper element, all the rooms revolve around the big work and play space for parents and children. South facing windows bring light to the space and create shadow play due to facade shading system.


The site is located inside a rural village with farms and old houses. Steep terrain of the site also presents one characteristic element. The southern view is the biggest quality of the site; therefore, all the spatial arrangements are directed towards exploiting these qualities.

light upper element in wood

heavy bottom element in concrete

Dividing the house into two separate elements requires designing and shaping the lower element to the terrain, while the upper element follows the design of the surrounding houses. Middle concrete plate follows the shape of the terrain; therefore, it is designed as an organic shape.



Rural surroundings of the project site required a very delicate placement of the new house. Terrain drops in the direction from north to south quite rapidly. On the north side it is limited by the main road, while the southern side opens to the valley below. Blending the house with its environment is a key factor for the local environment to accept the new object.

“big house�

house in terrain

two story house

house, divided in to two parts

exposed volume

partly hidden volume

Program requirements added up for a big house. Legal limitations directed the design in a way that the house does not show its real size. The idea of splitting the house in two parts and then put the bottom part of the house into the ground was the solution. The upper part adapts to the shape of surrounding houses.

walking path

walking path

multi purpose pavillion

main driveway

multi purpose pavillion Communication around the area follows the terrain shape. Steepness of it is treated as a development potential. The main driveway comes from the west side to the main entrance of the house. A walking path is established from the main road up north of the house and goes right down to the pavilion. The entire area around the house is meant for various activities, from walking to having a family party outside.

CONCEPT Concept follows the idea of hiding the house into the terrain, therefore visually making it smaller. A careful terrain analysis terrain resulted in an organic shape of the concrete plate with the green roof on it as a separation layer between the lower, living part and the upper, sleeping part. Views from the house are directed to the south and the valley below. Material concept is divided into the heavy, concrete lower part and the lighter, wooden part on top.


site plan

ground floor plan 28

first floor plan

cross section y I section 1-1 29

1 I WORK AND PLAY AREA The entrance to the upper part of the house is a big open space for children’s play and parents work area. Children’s rooms open directly to this area so that they can be extended if needed. The big continuous table around the skylight offers a lots of working surface. Space is south orientated, ensuring a lots of light and views. Direct access to the exterior green space is established with two big glass doors. Exterior becomes an extension of the interior space. The wooden flooring and the frame create a warm and pleasant feel. 2 I EAST EXTERIOR VIEW Exterior space around the house is meant for various activities, from playing to having a big family picnic. Cantilever concrete plate offers great shade and protection from the weather. Holes in the plate allows the birch trees to grow through. A walking path is established from the main road up north to the pavilion on the south side of site. 3 I LIVING AREA Open space living area for kitchen, dining and living room. The central element is a big fireplace for heating and cooking, while adding that special atmosphere to the room. Continuous windows offer amazing views to the valley below. Terrazzo flooring and concrete surface are complemented by hard wood furniture. 4 I VIEW FROM THE MAIN ROAD View from the road does not reveal the real size of the house. From here, it appears that it is just a weekend house in the intact rural area. Upper, wooden part of the house sits on a concrete plate with a green roof on it. The shape of this plate follows the shape of the terrain. The outside space around the house is meant as an extension of the interior space, due to calm and pleasant surroundings. 1 2






photo Iztok Hvala


1 2 3 4 5


whole scale model, scale 1:100 detachable view, living part - lower part of the model detachable view, sleeping part - upper part of the model north facade of the model site plan scale model





MODEL For the presentation, a model was made in scale 1:100. Built from foam board. The entire model can be disassembled into different floor plans to demonstrate all the key parts of the project. Parallel to the house scale model, the site plan model was made, to represent the relations between the new house and surrounding houses. 33




office project

team: Trost and associates Jan Trošt, u.d.i.a. Iztok Hvala, M.Arch Peter Krapež, u.d.i.a. Samo Kralj, arch. student the project is currently in progress

The Intra Lightning company wants to establish a light academy in abandoned industrial halls in the town of Šempeter, Slovenia. Light academy would consist of teaching centre, exhibition area and mix used area for informal gatherings, events and other cultural meetings. The light academy will become a demonstration and learning space for employees, architects, project leaders and light designers. The light academy would also be a store and a showroom for client’s products. The main idea was that a tool must be developed, that would ensure that the client does not get an architectural solution, but a system that would be able to adopt current and future needs and would fit the developing brand identity. Key starting point in the design is the need for flexibility. Therefore, all the modules are designed as a system with almost infinite variations but without losing the main project idea. Three sizes of boxes ensure that all the program demands fit in them. The boxes provide all the technical needs for various layouts, from design showroom to lecture room. The differentiation between an existing structure and a new one is achieved by avoiding all physical contact between those two elements. Spatial contrast is achieved by designing new volumes in white colour, while the existing structure stays in its rough, concrete state. The concept also provides the means of constructing the project in various phases. The site consists of three areas - two industrial halls and a patio between them, and an entry hall. Design connects these three elements into one system. In one hall, there are the workshops areas, and in the other the showroom areas. The entry hall becomes a reception area and a mix showroom area. The middle part becomes a service area with meeting space, administration, bathrooms and a small café. The once disused patio becomes an attractive outdoor area that connects workshops and showroom areas.


1 module = 4 x 4 m

interior panel

diagonal reinforcement

steel construction of modular element

framework exterior panel


medium size exhibition box 2 modules

large size exhibition box 4 modules

small size exhibition box 1 module

large size lecture area 4 modules

medium size workshop area 2 modules XL size lecture room 6 modules



To ensure the maximum flexibility, the system of modular boxes was developed. The basic grid is 1x1m, thus creating a 4x4m base module. From this model, the 4x4m baseline grid was the layout for all other modules. Modules are very simple and rational, yet they are a tribute to company’s orientation towards craftsmanship and to the product-directed philosophy.

transparent surface

translucent surface

light surface

full color / material surface

acrylic surface

wood surface

reflective color / material surface

presentation surface

MODULES VARIATION Modules are designed in a way, so that they can all be adopted to suit the current needs. The same concept can be applied to the smaller presentation boxes and benches. Such material flexibility ensures the space to have almost infinite variations regarding usage, material, and colour.


flower shop

living room



meeting space 1





meeting space 2




waiting area


hotel room


kitchen and dining area

floor lightning

wine bar





sweet shop



exterior /park space

snooker room

fast food


optics office

boat interior

bus / train interior

medic ordination

building entrance



fower shop jeweler shop

fast food sweet shop






For exhibition and demonstration of lightning equipment, boxes offer various program layouts and ambients.

roof material steel sandwich panel insulated roof skylights in steel construction with Alu frame existing roof construction prefabricated concrete elements new facade in the area of new entrance part layers of enamelled glass and alucobond composite

new facade of the entire object; heat insulated Alu panels

glazing heat-insulating glass, without visual joints

new green roof on the top of the entrance area

existing concrete walls; repaired, protected and painted

existing reinforced concrete structure; repaired, protected and painted

exhibition area learning area

steel construction of modular elements added mezzanine floor in prefabricated steel construction

existing transformer station, covered in high reflective material

end layer flooring polished concrete

CONCEPT The main concept follows the idea of building a house within a house. Two existing elements, the reinforced concrete structure and the roof, are preserved. Empty space between gets the new modular volumes and a mezzanine floor is created for service programs. This creates clear separation between the existing and the new, making the space readable and giving it that industrial character. 39



reception staircase

toilettes lift

exhibition - lounge meeting area

meeting space exhibition - flower store


exhibition - dining and kitchen

exhibition - store

multipurpose space staircase

exhibition - office


utility space

staircase multipurpose space exhibition - gallery


closed meeting room toilette

meeting space





ground floor plan




green roof


coffee shop staircase

toilet lift


classroom exhibition - bar

exhibition - meeting space exhibition - lounge



lecture room

exhibition - hotel room

exhibition - gallery


exhibition - bedroom







first floor plan


added skylights in the existing roof structure connection path between exhibition volumes in perforated sheet metal

staircase exhibition double height lounge exhibition bar exhibition store

perspective structural section y1 - exhibition space

cross section x2

cross section x4 42







exhibition gallery exhibition hotel room

cross section y2

cross section y3








1 2



1 I EXHIBITION AREA View of the exhibition area from the ground level. Exhibition boxes in three different sizes form a flexible system of multi-storey gaps, overhangs, and knots. This creates a dynamic and exiting space where people meet, create, and explore various products of client’s company. The whole exhibition area is concepted as a continuous path from the ground floor to the mezzanine floor and back. 2 I ENTRANCE LOBBY View of the entrance lobby that functions as a multipurpose area. Visitor is drawn to the inside of the building through entrance and lobby, where he can observe all the activities that take place in this complex. Lobby can host various exhibitions, promotional activities, or can be transformed into a unique event space. 3 I EDUCATIONAL AREA View of the educational area from the ground floor. This part consists of four classrooms, each with its own technical space or laboratory. Classrooms offer in one space both the theoretical and the practical part of company’s educational process. In the centre of the educational area the main lecture room is located. This volume is raised from the ground, expressing its role and creating one big meeting space underneath it. 4 I PATIO Patio area is a connecting element between the exhibition and the educational area. It offers space for relaxation during lectures and also acts as a showroom for company’s products for exterior lightning. The patio area is a mix of paved area and area, covered in grass. The existing electro transformer station is enclosed in high reflective material, creating some unique views and experience of the space. 4



photo Iztok Hvala


1 2 3 4 5


whole model with one side exposed to view the new structure whole model with facade in acrylic glass both sides of the model exposed detail view of the ground floor detail view of the mezzanine level





MODEL For the end presentation, a scale model 1:100 was made. Build material was acrylic glass, white foam, and painted MDF wood. The entire model can be disassembled, allowing viewing of the existing construction in relationship to the new one.





build project

Iztok Hvala design, planning, site management, work organization, coordination with contractors program team: Manca Ogrič, Matevž Štravs, Maša Eržen, Žan Menard

How to create a warm, friendly, and attractive space in a disused dining area in poor condition and with only €6000 budget? For a long time, youth in Idrija had no place to go, no place to gather, to have lectures and workshops and a place, where they could create and explore their potential. The idea dates back in the year 2009, when the local municipality decided that the former dining area of town’s workers centre can be used for youth program. When it was finally agreed that this location would host the new Idrija’s Youth centre, the space was already showing signs of poor maintenance. The mould problem was apparent and also the electrical system needed to be redone. The project started with the idea of establishing a multipurpose space that would offer the capacities to host lectures, workshops, fairs, and even some sporting activities. Also, due to the space dimensions, the system of partitioning was needed, so that it would be able adapt to current needs and future needs. Due to the tight budget restrictions, every process had to be carefully planned and executed. The time window to complete the project, from site analysis, design, organization, planning, material purchase, and work phase, was only 3 months. In regards that the majority of the work was done by volunteers, it was a big success in the end that everything was done right. Key elements in this project are the wood ceiling and the curtain partition system. The ceiling with integrated lightning made the space more warm and friendly, while the curtains ensured the flexible usage of space. These two elements also helped to make the space more acoustical. The lightning system was divided into the working light, which can be adjusted by six zones, and the spot lights, for directional lightning purposes. In the end, the project was very well accepted in the local community and after one year of usage, it still functions as planned and with no changes to the design.


project site - former workers dining area



Location is a disused dining area. Condition of the existing site showed signs of bad maintenance through years of no usage. Because of that, the first step was to clean everything out. The mould problem had to be addressed and also during the site analysis, we found out that the electrical system needed to be replaced. Many problems that were not visible at first sight appeared later and they took a lot of extra time and budget.

existing condition

main path through the object

curtain system for room partitioning

lecture or classroom area

sports room (aerobics, yoga, dancing)

open space in event of cinema, lecture

open space for gathering

extended open space for conferences or other events

CONCEPT The concept follows the idea of creating a warm and friendly multipurpose space. The entrance to the building is established through the once auxiliary door and continues into the building. Due to the size of space, it has to be partitioned in to three equal parts. The curtain partitioning system provides the necessary flexibility and offers additional sound comfort. With this partitioning, the space can be used in various different ways, regarding of the needs. The main room can also be extended to the workout area, creating one big space for some special events.



ground floor plan




ceiling construction plan




cross section x1

cross section y3




ceiling construction detail

furniture construction detail 53

classroom layout

open space / gallery layout



Visualization of the future space, showing the different space usage. On the upper image is an example of a classroom for different lectures and talks. On the lower image is an example of an open gallery and a meeting space. Curtains ensure just enough private space and greatly enhance the acoustics and spatial comfort.

curtains mounting positions

ceiling support frame

adjusting the support frame

installation of the spruce wood planks

ceiling wood work completed

installation of the lightning system

CONSTRUCTION Construction process began just one month before the planned opening day. Before the construction site was opened, all the arrangements were made for the material used. The construction process progressed without any major problems due to correct and detailed project plans. The biggest problem was to coordinate all the volunteers and make the best usage of their available time. In the end, the project was completed just one day before the opening date due to the incorrectly delivered spot lights. 55

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1 I MEETING SPACE AREA Current usage of space is divided into two parts, a meeting space and a lecture area. The layout in this image shows open space through the entire area. On the end, a lecture is taking place, while in the foreground, a casual gathering is taking place. In one workshop, the participant made some furniture from industrial pallets and this is now used as standard furniture. 2 I LECTURE The big white wall provides enough space for different projections and exhibitions. Once a month a lecture is being held in this area. Moreover, every two weeks, a movie night takes place. All electricity comes from the ceiling and the projector stand is currently being installed on the ceiling. 3 I EVERYDAY USAGE View of the space in regular, everyday usage. The reception desk is equipped with a computer and a printer and is opened 6 days a week. Current organization of tables and chairs is due to an upcoming arts club meeting. Two times a week, a board games event takes place and also various other activities are held in this space. This ensures that the youth centre is full of vibrant happenings. 4 I CLOSED CLASSROOM SPACE On the occasion, when on the other side of space a lecture or meeting is taking place, one third of the room can be closed with curtains and thus offers some private space for people in the space. The room can very quickly adapt to the needs of users in the youth center. Dark red colour symbolizes Idrija’s famous cinnabar mine.

photo Iztok Hvala 4





build project

team: Apolonija Šušteršič, Iztok Hvala, Sara Badovinac, Jana Furman, Larisa Kazić, Nina Rojc, Nina Vidić Ivančič collaborators: Tjaša Pogačar, Andrej Škufca

Bookstore DEPO is an alternative to typical museum shops that are becoming increasingly commercial and reminiscent of custom jewelelry and souvenir shops. The Depository fits in with the concept of MSUM (Museum of Contemporary Arts Metelkova) and its evolution as the new museum unit of Moderna galerija in Ljubljana. Bringing together the past and the present, the bookstore is a depository of Moderna galerija’s publications that represent the symbolic foundations of the new museum of contemporary art. The building blocks made of publications are stacked together in a way that marks the various periods in the history of MG, also visually underscoring the foundations of new knowledge shaping both today and the new museum. The Depository bookstore is not there to replace the museum’s storage facility for books, but rather to comment on it, broaching questions of the significance of these publications, the responsibility toward their keeping, and their public accessibility. There is no furniture in the Depository, since all the functional elements are composed of publications. In a collaborative project with artists Tjaša Pogačar and Andrej Škufca, the bookstore has become a space dedicated to the topical question of the relation between a document and a work of art, focusing particularly on the significance of documents in the construction of historical memory and the way it relates to artworks and viewers. In addition to publications issued by MG+MSUM, the bookstore provides a selection of artists’ catalogues, artist books, various self-published titles, and artists’ portfolios with photographs and videos. The selection of publications changes and grows in accordance with the exhibition program. When visitors come to the bookstore, a certain selection of publications is physically available, but they can also choose from among publications not displayed at a given moment.


north wall

south wall

SITE Future bookstore location designated in the small room, size 4.7 m / 3.2 m at the Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova in Ljubljana. The position of this room in context to the whole building offers great potential in visitor engagement and acts like a part as a gateway to the institution. We were not allowed to make any alterations to the room because of the almost non-existing budget.



The collection of books and catalogues of the Museum of Modern Art consists of almost 900 units. At our disposal were the catalogues from the years between 1950 and 2000. After an analysis of all the material, we divided them into decades, sizes, weights, and applied this informations to the design concept.

book grouping test

all the available books in a scale model

furniture concepting

concept scale model - counter

load baring experiment

CONCEPT We developed the idea of a storage room full of books that opens to the public. As a rule, storerooms in museums are inaccessible to museum visitors and are quite static, while the Depository is just the opposite: as the book storeroom opens, at least symbolically, the act of storing publications acquires another function. Books are the building blocks of every type of knowledge. The goal was also to get the feeling of a storeroom in to the design. The only materials at our disposal were books and plywood in limited quantities. This limitation brought up the idea of band usage. Bands would act as a construction element and also as a strong visual element.


depo - storeroom of books and catalogues in MSUM

available books and catalogues

visualization of the new bookstore

building the 1:20 scale model

1:1 floor plan model

furniture placement in the floor plan model

counter test model

testing the counter model

PROCESS The process of designing the bookstore began with the analysis of all the bookstores in Ljubljana and books at our disposal. Then the concept and scale model was made and to test it, we then built a 1:1 floor plan of the site. Constant evolution of the project, detailing, and testing it resulted in a smooth construction process on the site. Entire construction process, planning and coordination, was carried out by our team. 62

south interior wall elevation

north interior wall elevation with reception table





PLANS Constant evolution of the project and mainly working on the 1:1 floor plan model of the site resulted in the decreased importance of plans. Drawings were used to place holes for bands in plywood boards correctly and to position the book groups. Books are divides into groups, marked with different band colours, which mark the different issue decade. Books and bands form a building element that gives the space its storeroom character.


1 I INTERIOR VIEW Bookstore despite its size offers the visitors enough space to relax, read a book or a catalogue and enjoy the unique ambient. The positioning of books guides the visitor to all parts of the bookstore. The feeling of a small depot or storeroom was the idea of the space. 2 I EXTERIOR VIEW Exterior window is also designed as an exhibition element, to attract the visitor closer and in to the bookstore. The window is encased with an interior wood frame, to which bands are installed - hangs for book and catalogues. The bookstore can also open up to the exterior in summer time and part of the bookstore can be moved to the outside. 3 I CATALOG INDEX Due to the building design, the West leaning wall is a place, where visitor can sit down and go through the index of the books and catalogues used. This wall also represents a key point for understanding the entire bookstore concept. Books are grouped into six different groups, marked with different colours. Each colour represents a different decade in which the book of each group were issued. 4 I BOOK SHELF FROM BOOKS Joined books and catalogues form a base building material with the band as a joining element. All books are in undamaged state and can all be used again with small alterations to the bookstore. Bands go through the plywood boards, reinforcing the structural stability of the whole system. Design also adapts to the compression of book due to top load.

photo Iztok Hvala 2


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06 PHOTOGRAPHY Various photography projects, from architecture, portrait work, to commercial and magazine work. all photos by Iztok Hvala


IZTOK HVALA contact info@iztokhvala.com www.iztokhvala.com 0038640330166


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