Transient soul scribbles8

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TRANSIENT SOUL SCRIBBLES Choice of topic: Dreaming and becoming

EvEry now and thEn wE gEt caught up in oursElvEs. wE bEcomE caught up into trying to balancE doing what’s right and doing what wE want to do. in tangiblE rEality doing what’s right usually gEts nEglEctEd. wE as humans havE drEams of bEcoming somEthing or gEtting somEwhErE, but thE only rEason that wE nEvEr accomplish anything is bEcausE wE drEam of bEcoming rathEr than waking up and doing what nEEds to bE donE in ordEr to bEcomE. so, whEn is thE appropriatE timE to wakE up? whEn will humanity awakEn and takE hold of thE powEr that wE havE inhEritEd? it is okay to slEEp, but at somE point wE all havE to wakE up.

Quote of the Month

“Nothing comes to a sleeper, but a dream.” -Unknown

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