HELLO! My name is Juliet Alavicheh. Herein lies various illustration work from my time in the Illustration minor program at the University of Central Oklahoma through 2017.
CREATURE Illustration I Miyazaki-inspired avatar using 4 Techniques: Carbon pencil shading, Inking, Stippling, and Hatching
Marker exercise involving classmates' and my own coloring and ANDROID
Illustration II my drawing, taking some inspiration from Middle-Eastern clothing.
Character Design Avatar
Illustration II
Chalk & Ink wash corvid on black paper, flicking a paintbrush over a paper-masked figure area to create the starry sky.
Chalk & Ink wash crow with added digital type in the background featuring Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven.
CROWMAN BURANA was a collaboration between the UCO Wind Symphony and Department of Design with the Edmond Community Chorale, Santa Fe High School Choir, and Edmond Youth Chorus, featuring the music of Carl Orff's Carmina Burana. The illustrations follow the story of a young crow's ascent in the pecking order.
KING AVON CHARACTER DESIGN Crowman Burana King Avon is the battle-hardened antagonist.
CROW STUDIES & STYLES Crowman Burana Pencil sketches in preparation for the semesterlong project.
BATTLEFIELD Crowman Burana Charcoal & Digital
RUINS Crowman Burana Charcoal & Digital
GATHERING Crowman Burana Charcoal & Digital
MISSING SIGN Crowman Burana Charcoal & Digital
SELF-PORTRAITS Illustration and Computer Graphics (Left) Digital image cartooning exercise (Bottom Left) Digital vector image execrise (Bottom Right) Marker color and light exercise
INDIANA "JAGUAR" JONES Illustration III Ink & Digital visual parody of Raiders of the Lost Ark. Indy is a jaguar - a hunter (here, of antiquities) and native species to Peru where the scene takes place. The idol statue is a monkey instead of man. A black and white version was placed below the color to add more depth.
Illustration III Pencil & Digital
Illustration III Pencil & Digital
HUNTER & TARGET Illustration III Pencil & Digital character designs with a robotic theme. Final images involved use of the dodge/burn tools and blending modes in Photoshop.
OLD MOTHER HUBBARD Illustrating Children's Books Process for illustrating the Mother Goose rhyme Old Mother Hubbard (1) Old Mother Hubbard Wenttothecupboard To get her poor Dog a bone; Butwhenshecamethere Thecupboardwasbare, And so the poor Dog had none. (2) So she went to the baker's To buy him some bread...
(3) But when she came back, ThepoorDogwasdead. (4) So she went to the joiner's Tobuyhimacoffin...
MUSIC TO ILLUSTRATE Independent Study Ink & Digital images set to the song Dirty Paws by Of Monsters and Men
Jumping up and down the floor My head is an animal
And once there was an animal It had a son that mowed the lawn
The son was an OK guy They had a pet dragonfly
The dragonfly it ran away But it came back with a story to say
Her dirty paws and furry coat She ran down the forest slope
The forest of talking trees They used to sing about the birds and the bees
"IGNITE" POSTER CONCEPTS Illustration III 2017 Illustration Capstone Show
IT RETURNED TO THE SEA WHERE IT CAME FROM Illustration I Watercolor & Carbon
PEPPER GRINDER Illustration I Ink
Independent Work
Independent Work
Drummer-dancers in pastel
Anthropomorphic acorns, acrylic on canvas
RESTING MAN Independent Work (Left) Conte
MY PET HUMAN Independent Work (Right) Digital
THE END! You're still here? Go on. Get outta here!