Above: An example of a yr8 painting for this assignment.
For this assignment you will make a COMPOSITIONAL painting using music as inspiration. Follow the task instructions below carefully, and use the media players and icon links for more help.
Task 1: Listening to Music. 1. Begin this assignment by listening to some music. Choose your music carefully and try to listen to at least 3 different types of music. 2. Prepare a full page in your sketchbook for each of your music tracks. Use the worksheet icon (EXPLORE) for an example of how to set up your sketchbook page. 3. Create mini compositions that illustrate your response for each of your music tracks, by using a combination of LINE, SHAPE and COLOUR. Use the image icon (EXPLORE) to see an example. 4. If you need to some music to listen to, use the weblink icon (EXPLORE) to go to an excellent music website where you can listen to a wide range of music by type, date and mood.
Task 2: Creating your own Composition. 1. Select ONE of your previous mini compositions and use this as the subject of your painting. Use A3 (size) paper and water colours for this painting. 2. Begin by sketching out all the required line and shapes, and when you are happy with the sketch, replace your sketchy line with stronger, neater and clearer line. Remove all the old sketchy line when done using a rubber lightly. 3. Using your chosen mini composition you should have a clear idea about the colours that you plan to use for your painting. Begin by painting the BACKGROUND of your work first. 4. Next paint the shapes, and finally paint the lines on top of your work. There should be at least 3 layers evident in your painting. 5. TIP: Why not listen to your original (chosen) music track while you are working on your painting, to help keep you in the mood and feeling, you are trying to create.
Submitting your work: • When you have finished your painting, take a digital photo of your work and transfer it to your PC. You may need to take you work home to do this, or ask to use a school camera. • Click the SUBMIT WORK button at the bottom right of the assignment page. When the next page appears, use the bottom (2nd) BROWSE button and locate your picture on your PC. Select the picture and then click on OPEN. • Click the OK button to confirm your actions, and after a short moment you will return to the assignment page. Go to the bottom left and click on the DONE button to return to a list showing all other assignments. • Use the TABs above the list of assignments to navigate elsewhere in your course, you should check your online markbook regularly for marks and comments.