Two Minute Tutorials (or less)
Using the Advanced Search
When you make a search from the main page of the AUR Library Catalog, you will be doing a simple keyword search, which searches all the information in the records. If you want to search the materials in the catalog in more specific ways, click on Advanced Search.
When you see this page, you can search for words that occur only in specific areas of the records: as titles, as authors, and so on. Therefore, if you search “White” in the Author field, you will get everything with “White” as an author, but not with “White” in the titles.
If you click on “Browse List” you can see a listing of all the ways the term you search is used in the catalog. For example, if you click on “Browse List” after the author and enter “White,” you will see all of the instances where “White” occurs in an author’s name. Currently, it only works with a single word so if you search for “Evelyn-White, you will retrieve zero.
You can also limit to specific formats (e.g. books or electronic resources), or library locations (e.g. reserves). You can limit to specific dates of publication, and finally to reset the displays to order by author, publication year, ascending or descending.
Again, it is important to realize that when you do any of these searches in the catalog, you are NOT searching the full-text of anything. You must use the Extend Search function for that. Finally, when you do the search in the regular box on the main page, you are searching through all of these fields at once.
Two Minute Tutorials (or less)
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