Two Minute Tutorials (or less)
Using the Electronic Resources
Using the Electronic Resources While you do your research you will find lots of databases to search. There are so many, it can be very difficult just to decide where to begin! This tutorial will show you how to begin, and how to get some help.
Access the electronic resources from the main page of the catalog. Currently, it works on-campus only.
When you click on AUR Databases, you will find a few.
Deciding Which Databases To Search AUR has access to over 100 databases. All of them are very good, but how can you know if you are missing something or not? Also, how can you keep from wasting your time? Unfortunately, there is no tool that searches them all at once.
Search all the Databases so I don’t have to choose
You can ask your instructor, ask a librarian, or refer to a Research Guide made by professionals (a guide to help you do your research that includes lists of databases, articles, hints, and so on). AUR has worked to bring you the best of the Research Guides. Go to: Two-Minute Tutorial on Research Guides
The closest thing we have to search everything is Google Scholar, which contains links to many scholarly journal articles. While Google will not tell us exactly which databases and journals are in Google Scholar, there are a lot of them. Finding articles in there can lead you to other ones.
Although there are many articles available for free, often they want you to pay for the journal article. Many times however, you will be able to get a copy for free. You should take the Two-Minute Tutorial Accessing Articles to discover how this is done.
Another way is to browse the electronic journals. This can be done most easily by going to the main page of the catalog, and click on AUR Electronic Journals List.
This will put you into another database, where all of the electronic journals can be b.
This will put you into another database, where all of the electronic journals can be browsed by title or subject of the journals. Remember, you are NOT searching the the articles inside the journals with this search..
Still another way to get into many of the digital materials available is to use the Extend Search function of the catalog.
For more information on AUR’s Extend Search functionality, see: Extending Your Search in the Wiki.
For Study-Abroad students, you can use the resources we already mentioned, plus you can normally use those of your home schools. In the AUR Library Information Wiki, we have tried to add links to everybody’s schools, your databases and list of journals. If your school is not listed, please let us know and we can add it.
Two Minute Tutorials (or less)
Using the Electronic Resources See also: Accessing Articles Using Research Guides Extending Your Search Go to: List of Two-Minute Tutorials