Art 160 Process Book JA

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Process Book

Jessica Acevedo California State University Domingues Hills Art 160 - Fall 2015 Process Book


Process Book Jessica Acevedo California State University Domingues Hills Art 160 - Fall 2015 Process Book


Table of Content •Class Assignments..... 4-5 •Project 1..... 6-11 •Brief..... 7 •Research..... 8 •Sketches..... 9 •Digital Drafts..... 10 •Final Submission..... 11 •Project 2..... 12-17 •Brief..... 13 •Research..... 14 •Sketches..... 15 •Digital Drafts..... 16 •Final Submission..... 17 •Project 1..... 18-20 •Brief..... 19 •Final Submission..... 20




5 Building on the existing shape in each square. Using Photoshop, practice using adjustment layers to mask in various colors of an image.

Using the Photoshop masking techniques learned in class to blend the images together. Using Illustrator’s graphic tool, create a bar or a pie chart that visually represents a segment of information.

Pen tool exercise, outlining every shape on all three documents.

Using Photoshop, practice removing the background from an image.


PROJECT 1 Infographic

Brief For your first project, you will design a simple infographic. The function of an Infographic is to provide a visual representation of information, data or knowledge in a way that can be digested and understood quickly and clearly. Infographics can improve cognition by utilizing graphics to enhance the human visual system’s ability to see patterns and trends. The topic for your infographic will be chosen by you. You must perform research to find a topic and outline the information that you will include in your infographic. Although the topic for your infographic is completely up to you, the topic must be related to an issue affecting your community or the city that you live in. For example, your topic can center on the state’s water crisis, education, unemployment or the raising cost of tuition etc. Parameters Dimensions: 8.5” x 11” Delivery: Printed, full color, ½” border Presentation: Mounted, 2” margin, vellum cover, name on back (with pencil). Method: Use simple shapes to create more complex icons, illustrations etc.



Research The topic I chose is stray cats and dogs in Los Angeles and how to reduce the issue. I used google, the CSUDH library database, and YouTube videos for information searching. The topic is important to me because I am a huge animal lover. I have three dogs myself, it is also a very important topic in general because in the area that I live in, I see so many stray dogs and cats. This causes issues with overpopulation of stray animals in the city. More tax payer’s money paying for animal shelters. Also, public health issues with disease spreading to people and to other animals. Public safety as well, not everyone trains their pets and if a larger dogs is lost or gets loose it can be a safety concern. A sad truth also is that stray animals can be a target for being abused. A lot of these issues caused by stray animals can not completely be avoided, but could be reduced if people knew more about what they can do to help. There are many organizations that offer low-cost spay and neutering options. Getting this done to one’s pet can reduce overpopulation and reduces the amount of money it cost to license your pet. They also have low-cost microchips they can be put into your pet to get them back home safely. There are so many resources people can go to, to ensure their pet’s well-being. This is why the topic is important to me. These are some links I found on the issue:



Sketch #1

For the first sketch, I was looking at how I wanted to place everything. I wanted to make sure and break up the main text under the image/design where the information and statistics on the topic will, that way it’s easier to read. I choose to do five solutions. Each solution will have text/ information and an image that goes with the subtitle. The subtitles are split into two columns but in a way so that it creates movement through the info graph. Solution one starts on the top of the left column of course then goes into a zig-zag formation hitting solution two on the right and so on until it finishes at solution five. Although, I’m not sure if I want to do five or just four solutions. I think visually the way my sketches look maybe just four might look more visually appealing.

Sketch #2

For the second sketch, I wanted to do an actual line trail that starts at one and ends and five. Once again I wanted to create movement through the page. I think my biggest challenge for this one is where exactly the text and images for the subtitle solutions are going to go. To be honest this one might be a little bit challenging, because I’m not exactly sure how it will come out looking. I’m still not sure if once I place the text and images they will all fit in a coherent manner. I’m not sure it will read well, but I wanted to sketch it out just in case I do decide to use this as a design. I want the design to be simple enough to follow the information, so this idea might be a little too hard to read.

Sketch #3

For the third sketch, I thought maybe I should just go in a list formation. The only thing that would be different would be that the top paragraphs would be separated from the subtitle solutions by an image/design. That way the text wouldn’t be too incoherent. I’m not sure if I want to go with this design simply because I think it is too plain. Unless, of course I figure out a way to place the information text and images in a way that makes the infographic more appealing. This one would definitely be a challenge.

Sketch #4

For the fourth sketch, I was thinking of maybe making it wider basically making it horizontal. Separating it into two columns. The left would have information and statics on the subject with a design/image at the bottom. The right would have the subtitle solutions. They would be in a list, but to create movement I was thinking of going in a zig-zag formation like the fist sketch. Except, here it would be created through the placement of the images and text for each subtitle. I personally think really like this design and I can already visually see how it will look.

Sketch #5

For the fifth and last, sketch I wanted to change it up completely compared to the first four. For this one I want to put the image/design in the middle and have each subtitle/solution surround it. That way it would create a circle movement around the page. I think the most challenging part if I go with this design, is carefully placing the text I don’t want it to be too much that it becomes hard to follow. I think placement of the text and images will be important for this one


Digital Drafts Digital Draft #1 My biggest challenge was figuring out what colors I wanted to use. I was very stuck, so what I did was I held back on picking a good color scheme for now and just working on everything else. So I decided to work in black in white and figure out where I wanted to place everything. Then I went in and figured out what information I wanted to use and where exactly I should place it. I had a lot of information so I wasn’t too sure how I would fit in, but I cut out a lot and used what was most important to the point of the infographic. Digital Draft #2 Once again I held off on the colors, because I was more trying to figure out placement. For this one, I set it up horizontally which I am not sure if we could, but I wanted to try it out. I wanted the pie chart to be in the middle and have the information surrounding it. I do not think it was successful. I think there is just too much information to try and fit and I didn’t want to make the font smaller. So maybe condensing the information more might help it flow better. Compared to the first draft I like the first draft better. Digital Draft #3 My biggest challenge for this draft was also placement. I figured out a way to make the information fit, but there isn’t enough room for possibly adding more images. Plus I think it looks very simple and there is not a lot of flow and movement. It also looks cramped. For this one maybe also condensing the information might help that way it would look better and maybe able to rearrange it to look better. It would also allow me to use more images and less text. Although I do like it compared to draft 2, I think I also like draft 1 compared to this one.

Sketch #1

Sketch #2

Sketch #3

Final Submission


The topic I chose is stray cats and dogs in Los Angeles and how to reduce the issue. Since there are so many stays in the city of Los Angeles, I wanted to make an infographic about the issue. The topic is important to me because I am a huge animal lover. I really dislike seeing animals being abused or abandoned and I see it very often where I live. The purpose of the Infographic is just to bring awareness to dog owners and future dog owners on how to keep their animals from becoming strays. It is also just useful information to people in general that live in Los Angeles to spread awareness of the issue. The information presented in the infographic are statistics of how many cats and dogs live in the county and how many in the recent years have been euthanized or adopted and so forth. It also gives helpful tips to protect your dog and the awareness of adopting. If I had more time on the project I would explore the use of different fonts as well as color schemes. I tend to keep things safe because I can get so overwhelmed with so many options and I defiantly want to break out of that. I did have fun working on this project, it has helped me get familiar with creating shapes and objects on Adobe Illustrator.


PROJECT 2 Propaganda Poster

Brief You will design a propaganda poster that appeals to the viewer’s emotions rather than reason/ intellect. Your poster must have a clear call to action and make use of both imagery and illustration elements. Requirements Dimensions: 11” x 17” (with a 1/4” margin) Presentation: Mounted on presentation board (just like project 1) Colors: Only use 3 PMS colors + black Images: Any image that you use must be your own (taken by you). Make sure to apply masking and adjusting techniques learned in class to appropriate the image to your poster and topic



Research The topic I have chosen is to stop people from texting and driving. I chose this topic, because I feel it is very important. Many people die or get injured every year because of texting and driving. It has become more dangerous than driving drunk. Texting while driving is six times more likely to cause an accident than driving drunk. Since texting and cell phones in general have become so implemented in our lives it makes it so much easier to be distracted by them. The call to action the users will be presented with will be “Live! Text Later!” I feel like this is an effective call to action because I think it will catch people’s attention and gets the point across. I want this action to happen because I see distracted drivers all the time on the road that are texting and driving. People’s lives matter and simply putting the phone away will insure your safety and the other driver’s safety. If people do not take this action there could be serious injuries to both parties, death, suspended license, and jail for the person responsible for the accident. I’m not too sure about any opposing arguments other than maybe the person missed an emergency text. Websites:


Sketch Layout

Sketch #1

Sketch #2

Sketch #3



Digital Drafts

My biggest challenge with the draft was figuring out what sketch I wanted to base it off of. Also, I was going back and forth with which images I wanted to use. It was also difficult to try and blend them together to look the way I wanted them. This was the progress.

Final Submission

I chose the topic because I love animals and because it is so important for drivers not to text and drive. The topic is important because texting and driving is dangers and so many people partake in it. For the final submission, I de-cide to go with a different dog. I also ended up combining some of the ideas from different sketches. I was having trouble blending some of the pictures I had chosen. To fix that I combined different ideas that I had for different sketches. For example, the text message bubbles were in sketch 1 and combined it the concept from sketch 3. I also added blood on the road in the back just to capture peo-ple’s attention and appealing to their emotions. If I had more time I would have tried to take pictures of better im-ages or maybe figure out a way for them to blend together better. I had fun with this project, because I got to use Photoshop which was the first designer tool I ever used and learned.




Brief Part 1 A typographic grid organizes text and images across the pages of a document. A grid can consist of a single column framed by margins, or it may have multiple columns. When you design a grid, you typically begin withthe vertical divisions (columns), and then add horizontal divisions. Create a new document in InDesign. Your page size is 8 x 8 inches. Create a grid with 1/4-inch margins all around and four vertical columns, 1/4-inch gutters. When your document appears on screen, use guidelines to divide the grid again horizontally. Arrange the text below on the grid. Create three different designs on three different pages all using the same underlying grid. You may use any typeface that was designed in Switzerland. Suggestions: Helvetica, Frutiger, Univers, Sabon. Do two layouts using 8-pt type only and one layout that introduces one additional size of type.

Part 2 Using the files attached. Design a simple layout in InDesign for a one-sided, three-panel brochure.



Final Submission

Grid Layout #1

Grid Layout #2

Grid Layout #3

For part of this project I had trouble because we were limited to 8pt size type. Using and learning of the grids wasn’t much trouble because I learned to use them before. But when given the 8pt type it made the task much more difficult because you have to figure out a way for it to look good, but in a grid. It took me several tries for all three lay-outs to figure out ways to arrange everything to my liking and eventually I did. For part 2, there really was no difficul-ty because there was not any restriction on type size and I absolutely love using grids. Part 2 was definitely very enjoyable.


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