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Brand Colors
Brand Color Palette
This color palette emphasizes the Viddler brand colors. The primary colors of this palette consist of Viddler Red, Blue, Yellow, and Cool Gray.
These colors are equivalent to the Pantone Matching System (PMS), the standards for which may be found in the Pantone Color Bridge. For 4-color process printing, refer to the CMYK values. For screen and web applications (Microsoft Office PowerPoint, Microsoft Office Word, video, broadcast, websites), use specifications indicated by the RGB and HEX values.
Variations in color may occur, but try to match the Viddler color palette as closely as possible. For 4-color printing, use the CMYK values as a foundation before calibrating. Vendors may have their own values and formulas for PMS in 4-color process, but the goal should always be to match the PMS standard of the Viddler color palette. Color variations may also occur on screen as a result of different screen calibrations, operating systems, and software.
PMS 185 CP @ 85% C 0 M 79 Y 67 K 0 R 241 G 93 B 83 #F15D53
PMS 298 CP C 59 M 27 Y 0 K 0 R 102 G 159 B 213 #669FD5
PMS 123 CP C 0 M 19 Y 89 K 0 R 255 G 206 B 52 #FFCE34
PMS COOL GRAY 3 CP C 8 M 5 Y 7 K 16 R 199 G 201 B 200 #C7C9C8