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I've worked in Photoshop for many years but only really started getting into digital collage last year. Lockdown has an upside. Influeced and inspired by nature, the real and unreal. Images are often the transmutation of emotions.

Laura Romero

I consider my work to be quite intimate. Under the scope of my own experiences, I elaborate a story about everyday life, I expose situations we all face day today. My intention is to bait the audience into taking a second, closer, look; it is an invitation to reflect on everything that goes by in our journey unnoticed. I am Spanish, but I have been living in Mexico for the last six years. I began to work with the city as a self-portrait since I arrive from an urban environment to a more rural one, and I began to search for myself here, with a view to the unknown and the new, to find my self in what was in front. These last years through art, I have been questioning the territory I live in, building a new identity, my identity.

The cities with which I work in this series, “Intervals ” , represent the mirror as an image of the reflection

on one

´ s own identity. This duality between Narciso and the Vampire of what Fontcubert speaks about in his book “The Kiss of Judas: photography and truth” “ someone pursues the reflection of the one he lacks ” . We are in a constant paradox searching for ourselves. The horizon of the utopia is one being. A none horizon.

Ben Nealon

G’day, I’ m Ben Nealon. I created Aielfire, an Australian Art & Design startup from Orange , New South Wales, Australia.

I have ambitious goals of completing the #100daysofprocreate challenge on Twitter as well as three art collections I plan to release in September, These will all be released on canvas along with a digital copy + NFT.

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