biz4Biz Insight Spring issue

Page 22



Skills Strategy ‘integral’ to delivering a county of opportunity for all our residents and businesses


ver 170 key decision makers came together to take forward a joined-up countywide approach to skills and employment to support Hertfordshire’s long-term economic growth and future prosperity. Stakeholders from across business, local government and education participated in a second webinar on 25th February to help re-shape the Hertfordshire Skills and Employment Strategy in the light of COVID-19 and provide a route-map


for recovery and sustainable growth up to 2024. The pandemic has had a particularly adverse effect on the employment opportunities of the classes of 2020/21 and other school leavers, apprentices and older workers with those from Black, Asian and minority ethnic groups (BAME), people with a disability, women and the lowerpaid in society disproportionately affected. The strategy is being updated

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for a third time to reflect the current economic landscape and continue to provide collective leadership on skills development. Cllr Terry Douris, Executive Member, Education, Libraries & Localism said: “Hertfordshire County Council is proud to be partnering with Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership, the Department of Work and Pensions and many local stakeholders to develop the strategy and tackle the skills and

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