HERTFORDSHIRE CAREERS HUB SCHOOLS MAKING GREAT PROGRESS H ertfordshire Careers Hub is now into its second school term and evidence shows that great progress is being made. Twenty six secondary schools across Stevenage, North Herts and Welwyn Hatfield were selected to receive focused support through the new county-wide Careers Hub, funded by the Careers and Enterprise Company as part of a second wave of 20 new Careers Hubs across England throughout 2019-20.
The Hub supplements the existing work of a network of Enterprise Advisers – volunteers from local business who support individual schools by providing the voice of industry to help shape careers programme. Schools are measured on their ability to deliver a highly effective careers programme mapped to a national framework known as The Gatsby Benchmarks. This framework helps schools develop a strategic focus to
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establishing better relationships with employers that will ensure more young people are better prepared for the world of work. This objective is realised through increased interactions with employers and employees, visits to workplaces and creating better and more tangible links between curriculum learning and careers. Using baseline data in August 2019 the Hub schools were achieving, on average, 3 benchmarks (of a possible 8). Following analysis at the end of December the figure