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hertfordshire LEP

hertfordshire LEP

Free self-employment webinars launched to help those facing redundancy

Not-for-profit social enterprise, are now running a series of free webinars the lockdown period. As always, we’re here Wenta, have launched a series which take you through the psychology to help people to turn their business ideas of FREE webinars designed to of running your own business (‘Is starting into a reality and get started.” help anyone facing unemployment and a business right for me?’), the practical considering becoming self-employed. elements of starting a business (‘How to set Wenta provides free of charge and up your small business’) and how to write impartial business start-up advice as Whilst the COVID-19 pandemic has a business plan (‘Business planning for well as physical, affordable workspace caused uncertainty to many, it has also your small business’). across their business centres in Watford, been a time to reflect on work-life balance Potters Bar, Stevenage and Enfield. Home and what really matters. Business start-up Commenting on the launch of these to a community of 270 SMEs, the social experts, Wenta, have reported a 140% webinars, Alex Shoobert – Business enterprise helped 373 local residents to increase in their digital traffic over the Advisor at Wenta, said: start their own business in 2019. The new past five months with a large proportion series of business start-up webinars run of these enquiries now coming from “Speaking to the hundreds of people that alongside Wenta’s Hertfordshire Start-up those at risk of redundancy from their are coming to us each month for advice at Programme which provides Hertfordshire jobs and now thinking of starting their the moment, we are seeing unprecedented residents with 12 hours of free advice and own business. numbers of those that have been made support worth £1400, including access to a redundant and considering ‘alternative’ start-up grant. In response to this demand, Wenta, who options to getting another 9 – 5 job. Some have been providing free business start-up have used ‘furlough time’ to reflect on their To book and find out more about Wenta’s advice and skills training for over 37 years work-life balance needs and others have free business start-up webinars visit: across Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire, turned hobbies into business ideas over wenta.co.uk/training-events


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