Final report project metlife 2015

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FINAL REPORT First semester - 2015

July, 2015

SUMMARY SUMMARY .......................................................................... 2 1. JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT ................................................ 3 1.1 Institutional .......................................................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Junior Achievement Values ................................................................................................................. 4 1.3 Junior Achievement Results in Brazil .................................................................................................. 5

2. PROJECT GOALS .......................................................... 5 2.1 General Goals .................................................................................................................................... 6 2.2 Specific Goals .................................................................................................................................... 6

3. BENEFITS FOR THE VOLUNTEER ............................... 7 4. PROJECT GOALS .......................................................... 8 5. APPLIED PROGRAM .................................................... 9 5.1 Personal Economics ............................................................................................................................. 9

6. FIRST SEMESTER RESULTS 2015 ............................. 11 7. RESULTS PER SCHOOL ............................................. 12 7.1 São Paulo – Aristides de Castro State School .................................................................................... 12 7.2 São Paulo – Profª Maria Petronila Limeira dos Milagres Monteiro State School ............................. 13

8. VOLUNTEERS .............................................................. 14 9. PHOTOS ........................................................................ 15 9.1 Applications in the classroom ............................................................................................................ 15 9.2 Volunteers .......................................................................................................................................... 17 9.3 Certification of schools ...................................................................................................................... 18

10. TESTEMONIALS ......................................................... 19 10.1 Students ............................................................................................................................................ 19 10.2 Volunteers ........................................................................................................................................ 34 10.3 Schoool............................................................................................................................................. 36

11. CLIPPING .................................................................... 37 12. SURVEYS .................................................................... 40


1. JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT 1.1 Institutional Established in 1919, in the United States, Junior Achievement is the largest and oldest organization of practical education in business, economics and entrepreneurship in the world. Junior Achievement is currently present in 120 countries, benefiting 10 million young people per year. In Brazil, there are units in all States and in the Brazilian Federal District, with the involvement of 130 thousand volunteers, consolidating the formation of an entrepreneurial culture within an ethical and responsible perspective, having reached the milestone of 3,6 million students. It concerns of a non-profit educational association, sustained by private enterprise, and the goal is to evoke the entrepreneurship spirit in teenagers, still at school, stimulating their personal development, providing a clear vision of the business world and making it easier to access the business market. Educational programs, applied to teenagers through the partnership with private and public schools and volunteers willing to share their experiences and knowledge, develop Junior Achievement’s activities. The success of Junior Achievement is the result of the synergy and commitment of all involved parts: businesses, schools and students, having the volunteers as the main link between them.


1.2 Junior Achievement Values TO THE STUDENTS Personal development and individual responsibility. Strengthening of entrepreneurial spirit and ethics. Clarification of career options and the business world. Greater knowledge of the global economic dynamics within the assumptions of sustainability. Training cities to be more prepared to assume duties and rights. TO THE VOLUNTEERS Development and personal gratification. Organized practice with structured methodology. Recognition of the company and its peers. Experience to meet and interact with different audiences. Challenge of “making things”. TO SOCIETY Citizens more prepared and able to lead a productive life in society and to socio-economic inclusion. Development of entrepreneurial culture. TO THE COMPANY Demonstration of the practice of corporate social responsibility. Institutional visibility. Development of the corporate culture of volunteerism. Branding. Qualification of its employees through the performance in the classroom. Participation in structured projects with proven results. Possibility of tax deduction in a maximum percentage of 2% on taxable income of the donor (OSCIP law 9.970/99). Security in the social return of its contribution by supporting Junior Achievement in Brazil. TO THE SCHOOL Complement to the student's schooling. – Extra-curricular. Access to unique teaching materials of JA programs. Interaction between teachers and volunteers. Institutional and logistical support of Junior Achievement.


1.3 Junior Achievement Results in Brazil


2. PROJECT GOALS 2.1 General Goals To contribute to the training of students from the Public System in Elementary Schools and High Schools, complementing the core curriculum with skills, concepts, debates, group work and simulations related to the business world. By encouraging financial awareness, examining the role of money in achieving lifelong goals, making financial decisions and focusing on the development of their preparation for the job market, with interview simulations, preparation of resumes and discussing job interviews. With the involvement of volunteers in guiding the methodology in the classroom, we take to the students real experiences from the business world and training opportunities for the job market.

2.2 Specific Goals Awaken the entrepreneur spirit in students, still in school. Encourage the commitment of young people to the economic, environmental and social development. Develop in young people personal skills and interests. To present the importance of education for a successful future. Demonstrate the importance of interpersonal relationships, responsibility, commitment and planning. Develop young people's critical thinking about the consequences of their actions. Encourage the students to think about their professional future. In partnership with MetLife, add a differential in preparing young people. Create a space in which students, guided by a professional, reflect on the importance of education in generating employment opportunities. To enrich the bond of MetLife with the business class, school and the community at large. 6

3. BENEFITS FOR THE VOLUNTEER  Contact with students - to teach is to consolidated knowledge.  Development of skills and competencies.  To contribute to the community.  Interpersonal relationships.  Speaking exercise.  Personal satisfaction by contributing to social development.

Above, application in Aristides de Castro School on May 13 and 14 and bellow, application in Proª Maria Petronila Limeira dos Milagres Monteiro School, on May 20 e 21, both in São Paulo.


4. PROJECT GOALS The goal of the project was to benefit 250 students, divided into 10 classrooms, with the Personal Economics Program, developed by the Junior Achievement Unit of S達o Paulo.




S達o Paulo

Goal of Classes Personal Economics

Students Goal

Volunteers Goal

Volunteers Per Classroom




20 to 30

2 to 3

At least 2


5. APPLIED PROGRAM 5.1 Personal Economics Personal Economics helps students understand their interests and their personal skills, explore career options and discover the value of education. They also learn about budgets, personal and family financial management and the advantages and disadvantages of the use of credit. The program takes place in the classroom, through 10 weekly meetings of 45 minutes each. Advisors with real business experience trained by Junior Achievement present the Program, which is completely free to the school and the students. CONTENT Activities

Educational Goals

Concepts and Skills

First Impressions

 Students learn the importance of meetings and greetings in the workplace.

 Professional courtesy.  The importance of first impressions.

What are my strong points?

 Students complete a Map of Life and an Inventory of Personal Interests

 Personal interests and skills.  Identifying careers and educational needs.

Exploring Careers

 Students explore career options.

 Individuals have the freedom to make career choices.

The Keys to My Success

 Students relate their career goals with specific educational requirements.

 The education needed to achieve career goals.

A Um Passo do Emprego

 Students discover the steps involved in finding jobs.  Use of local classifieds to identify employment opportunities.

 Sources of information about careers.  Filling a job application.

A Step Inside

 Students discuss the characteristics that employers want in potential employees.

 Desirable characteristics of an employee.  What to do and what not to do in an interview.

Personal Budget

 Students use hypothetical information to develop a personal budget for a typical teenager.

 Characteristics of a balanced budget.  Opportunity costs associated with the balance of the budget.

Family Budget

 Students develop a monthly family budget.

 Development of a family budget.  Description of the benefits of a budget.

Establishing Financial Goals

 Students learn different saving and investment opportunities.

 Costs, risks and benefits of alternative savings and investments.


Spending With Wisdom

 Students analyze advertisements and debate the decisions on purchases.

 Evaluate product information in an advertisement.  Principles of a smart purchase.

Using Credit with Wisdom

 Students discuss the costs and benefits of using credit.

 Costs and benefits of the use of credit.


The student receives a Participant Manual and a certificate of participation. The supervisor uses the Labor Deck of cards, Situation Cards, Chance cards, and other materials. TÉCHNIQUES

The volunteers teach the concepts through guided discussions, written exercises, group work, simulations and games, providing a pleasant environment for learning.


6. FIRST SEMESTER RESULTS 2015 In the first semester of 2015, the Project benefited 413 students from two schools in S達o Paulo, by applying the Personal Economics Program. 18 MetLife volunteers worked with the students current issues of the world that show the competitive reality of business, its benefits and complexities. They showed the value of planning, setting goals and the importance of making decisions within the context of personal savings. In addition, using the methodology developed by Junior Achievement, and their previous experiences, the volunteers were able to contribute to the development of financial awareness among young people, fighting the school evasion numbers and making them better prepared for the job market.



S達o Paulo

E. E. Aristides de Castro


Personal Economics E. E. Professora Maria Petronila Limeira dos Milagres Monteiro Total

Classes Students Volunteers*

Volunteer Participations

Donated Hours**
















* Name of volunteers acting only once. ** Each volunteer donates 13h and 30 min: 3 hours and 30 minutes of training + 10h / application class Economics Program staff in the classroom.


7. RESULTS PER SCHOOL 7.1 São Paulo – Aristides de Castro State School Applications occurred in May 13 e 14 2015 Volunteers: Nº 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Name Suellen Portugal Santos Rodrigo Fernandes Garcia Queli Paulino de Brito Alex Nunes de Sousa Luana Flávia Barbato Eduardo Kobayashi Clayton Monteiro Jéssica Ribeiro Corrêa

Summary of that took place in this institution: Unit


São Paulo E. E. Aristides de Castro





Volunteer Participations

Donated Hours**

Personal Economics







7.2 São Paulo – Profª Maria Petronila Limeira dos Milagres Monteiro State School Applications occurred in May 20 and 21, 2015 Volunteers: Nº 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Name Adriana Oliveira Lívia Cunha Renata Paranhos Telma Costa Xerxes Costa Adriana Barros Sara Oliveira Márcio A. Martins Robson Ramos Thamyres Soares Fadiga

Summary of that took place in this institution: Unit


São Paulo

E. E. Professora Maria Petronila Limeira dos Milagres Monteiro

Program Personal Economics




Volunteer Participations

Donated Hours**







8. VOLUNTEERS The awareness lecture for the MetLife Project in the state of S達o Paulo happened on April 15. MetLife employees attended the lecture and its main objective was the presentation of the Junior Achievement partnership, and the Personal Economics Program, mainly engaging the volunteers to participate in the training and consequently perform applications in public schools from the region.

The Program training took place on May 5. 18 volunteers participated and received the Personal Economics Program training, as well as all the teaching materials offered by Junior Achievement, containing a different methodology to encourage education and practice, in order to awaken the entrepreneurial spirit in young people and the enhancement of education. In the classroom, we had the participation of 18 volunteers.

Project coordinator - Claudia Concei巽達o - Junior Achievement S達o Paulo, passing guidelines in the training of volunteers.


9. PHOTOS 9.1 Applications in the classroom



9.2 Volunteers

Above, volunteers at Aristides de Castro State School. Below, volunteers at ProfÂŞ Maria Petronila Limeira Monteiro of Miracles State School.


9.3 Certification of schools

Coordinator Marcia Yoshida of the Aristides de Castro State School, receiving from Thais Catucci - Internal Communication and Social Responsibility MetLife, the certificate of Partnership school.

Lรกzara, director of the Prof. Maria Petronila Limeira of Miracles Monteiro State School, receiving from Thais, from MetLife, the certificate of Partnership school.


10. TESTEMONIALS 10.1 – Students Personal Economics Program "The program content helped me and will help me a lot. I have no doubt how to act in a job interview, I make plans for the future and economically. Perhaps I can say that I decided what to do in the future, using the tips they gave me. The job interview was definitely my biggest fear before I learned their tips on how to act. I would like other people my age to participate in the program, perhaps they have the same doubts that I had and the tips would help them as well. " Ana Carolina Dias Melo – 13 years old, 5th grade, Aristides de Castro State School

"The program "Personal Economics" will help me a lot in the future because it taught me many things that I will take with me in my life. I hope that many schools may have the opportunity that I had to receive the program in my school. " Maria Karolina Matos – 8th grade, Aristides de Castro State School


Personal Economics Program "On the content featured in this program "Personal Economics", I found many answers to my questions and in fact, I noticed how important it is and will be in my life. I learned how important it is to think about our future. The program taught me the importance of the way of acting in a company and in an interview; it showed me that formality and education are points needed to get the job. Another event that I will take with me for the rest of my life is to know how to manage my money to get along with my willpower and accomplish my dreams and goals. I am very grateful that the program took place at my school." Leidiane Santos – 8th grade, Aristides de Castro State School

"Junior Achievement I am really enjoying the project because it is teaching me a little more about personal economics. We learn how to behave in a job interview, which is very important for our future. We also saw various types of careers that we can choose and how to develop a budget for a family and for ourselves." João Vitor de Deus Viana – 8th grade, Aristides de Castro State School


"Junior Achievement! I will speak of Junior Achievement. I found the course very nice although it was only two days; we were able to learn and have fun. The volunteer is very interesting because of him being willing to come here to talk about economy. Now I come to praise the Junior Achievement course and congratulate Edward and Jessica volunteers, they are nice and I loved going through this experience with them. A kiss and a hug for the whole team of Junior Achievement. " Helen da Silva de Jesus – 8the grade, Aristides de Castro State School

"The Junior Achievement project is cool, it teaches us to save money, choose a good profession and know what we want to do in the future. They also show us the preparatory courses for the chosen professions, and teach us to be independent. I quite liked the course; volunteers are really nice and attentive. Thanks for everything.” Gabriela de Lima Cavalcante Barbosa – 8th grade, Aristides de Castro State School


"I really enjoyed yesterday's lessons and today, they taught and gave very important tips and what I learned from them, I know that up front" in the future "I will use a lot. The story of their lives made me think a lot and I understood that to achieve things and reach your dreams you have to chase and give the maximum to achieve them. I also learned that nothing in life is easy; it will not always be that you will achieve things. I became interested enough in tips they gave to your first interview. Well, all they said here I would take into consideration. " Vitória Santos de Sousa – 8th grade, Aristides de Castro State School

"In these two days, we have learned that it is important to make a good impression when it comes to a job interview. We also learn how to choose our profession. We made a map of our present life, then our life in the future, what we want and what we expect of careers that we enjoy. We learn how to manage our expenses and how to save more, and we learned how to make a family budget. We analyzed types of advertising campaigns and the technology they use and slogans, emotional and rational appeal. We learned how to write a check and what to do and what not to do to write the check.” Fabrício Corrêa de Jesus – 8th grade, Aristides de Castro State School


"I found the project interesting because it shows situations of everyday life and Cleiton and Luana showed us solutions and tips for solving them." "The lecture was great because they tell a bit of their life stories, showing that even though I study in a public school, have a chance to have a better future. One thing that scared me in the lecture was when they said that when a person is hired, the company responsible for the contract will look in his or hers social network. " Camila Pereira – 8th grade, Aristides de Castro State School

"The meeting of Junior Achievement about economy helped me a lot, so I can have control of my money. They helped me get a sense of how is a job interview. From now on, I will "map" my future, for example: -I want to be in college in 2019. -In 2025, I want to be working, living alone, with my own responsibilities. The economics classes also taught me how to make a resume, writing checks and making sure what I am buying, and I learned that I should make a good impression whenever I introduce myself or meet someone. " Tatiana Menez da Silva – 8th grade, Aristides de Castro State School


"The Junior Achievement course on Personal Economics was good to help manage my life, know the value of everything and know what I really want to be when you grow up. Both for me and for others, the course was very useful because we are in an age that we want our own goods, but we do not know how to administrate. Many also do not know what they wanted to be when they grow up. It was very good and it greatly helped us to know what we want to be. " Luana Batista Fernandes – 8th grade, Aristides de Castro State School

"In my opinion the course is excellent. For the manual is well structured and simple, it has good surrounding both individual exercises, and in groups. People who came to teach are very friendly, patient and can explain very well. We had two full days of class with them. In that time, we managed to do enough things. However, I think it could be at least a 3 or 4 days so we can do everything very well because we take it for life. I think that all students should be interested in it. " William Silva – 8th grade, Aristides de Castro State School


"The coming of Junior Achievement with people from MetLife Company encouraged me a lot. Clayton and Luana were very friendly. I learned a lot and I started thinking about my future after the lecture, I want to be thinking about my college and I really want to work, to have my own money, home, etc. For me two days of talk was enough to teach everything they taught because it was a lot. They simulated a job interview, how to behave in it, ways to greet certain people in certain places. They talked about the check that I knew very little about, I learned a lot and loved everything they taught. I will use in my future. The only thing that did not help were my classmates because some people were not interested in the subject and were not quiet. However, are all to be congratulated! " Eduardo Caetano – 8th grade, Aristides de Castro State School

“Esse curso foi muito importante para o primeiro ano C, porque falar sobre um assunto que será muito útil e usado não só no nosso futuro como atualmente. Nós estamos na faixa dos quatorze ou quinze anos e é preciso aprender a respeito de como administrar nosso dinheiro e, escolher qual profissão iremos seguir e os nossos planos para daqui a dez ou vinte anos. É importante também, para que nós possamos ensinar para nossos pais e parentes a cuidar das contas da casa e não se endividar, a primos e colegas meus novos, a já começarem a pensar o que querem fazer depois que terminarem o ensino médio e como vai ser daqui pra frente. Agradecemos a Adriana e a Lívia nossas professoras e à MetLife pela experiência, pelos ensinamentos com aulas dinâmicas, com um processo rápido. E que possamos levar o que aprendemos para o resto da vida.” Poliana Semião – 1º ano C E.E Profª Mª Petronila Limeira dos Milagres Monteiro


"These two days of the course were very good because it helped us to think more about our future. It also helped us with personal savings. Adriana and Livia demonstrated how to act in a job interview, how to speak and think. On advertisements and the future was the best part, because we know more about the business world, the amount that each job gains, etc.” Elis Regina Ferreira – 9th grade, Profª Mª Petronila Limeira dos Milagres Monteiro State School

"I loved this course, it was really cool. The representatives of MetLife (Adriana and Livia) explained very well, they have patience and competence. Not to mention that this course will be very, very helpful in my future life. It was very nice Junior Achievement have given us the opportunity to know and already learn how prepare for our professional life. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to have this course! " Ana Carolina Silva de Souza – 9th grade, Profª Mª Petronila Limeira dos Milagres Monteiro State School

"The program was a great experience for my future in the job market and personal life with lots of advice for a pleasant interview. It also helped me to think more about what I want to be and taught us to know what to do with their money. Thanks for the classes and the tips we had, as it will be good for our lives. " Caio, Felipe, Kauan, Lucas, Gabriel and Yuri, Profª Mª Petronila Limeira dos Milagres Monteiro State School


"We are in the countdown to finish school, preparing for college and entering the work environment. MetLife brought volunteers who really believe in us and in our potential that motivated us. I can tell that everyone liked to learn for the present and future, we learn more deeply the basis for entering the working environment. Karla Bragga – 9th grade, Profª Mª Petronila Limeira dos Milagres Monteiro State School

"I enjoyed the program Personal Economics of Junior Achievement. It helped me a lot and found out many things, how to save and get a sense of the job market. " Mohamed Osman – 9th grade, Profª Mª Petronila Limeira dos Milagres Monteiro State School

"On 20.05.2015, the lawyer Márcio Martins attended the school and gave Maria Petronila student manuals of what he came to do" voluntarily ". I learned a lot about working in groups and individually. Márcio Martins treated everyone as best as he could. I learned that to get where I want, I need respect, ability, attitude, education, and not talk too much. I learned how to make a resume and how to do an interview. I learned a lot and enjoyed the presence of everyone. Took pictures, talked, explained, gave opinion and asked us, took our doubts, etc. I loved to participate. Already I signed up for sites for interested me a lot for work. Thank you for coming to our school: Maria Petronila. Paolla Bispo de Albuquerque – 8th grade, Profª Mª Petronila Limeira dos Milagres Monteiro State School


"Last year the Junior Achievement project was not very productive, because the class was messy, had five meetings and I did not learn almost anything. However, yesterday, the school gave us a second chance, and the Junior Achievement Project was here again. Surprising because the room was overcrowded and was very noisy, even more so, the class was productive and able to learn a lot. I awakened interest for new things and expand my learning on the job market. I knew the basics of the labor market, after the course, I learned new things and how it should carry me to get a good job. Our teacher Robson, is a professional, explains very well, is attentive and very polite, gave several tips and simulated a job interview and then discuss with students about right and wrong. This course helped me a lot and I liked to participate in it. Congratulations to all participants and thank you for the opportunity. " Maria Clara Rielly Rodrigues Venâncio – 8th grade, Profª Mª Petronila Limeira dos Milagres Monteiro State School

"It was very interesting entire project; however it was only two days. I was very concerned about my profession, but with the project, I have a basis of what I want. Although the room did not cooperate much, it was very interesting all that work. If last year was great, this year was even better. We work with different subjects, all facing a career choice, of course. I had the opportunity to meet desktops, which interested me. I could learn a lot from this experience and do not say this just for me, for all students. " Larissa Medeiros Domingos – 8th grade, Profª Mª Petronila Limeira dos Milagres Monteiro State School


"The course offered by MetLife during these two days was a course which helped us make our decisions about what we want to learn and work in. Along with this information, they also gave us a few websites where we can have some job opportunities. With this course, we learn many important things that certainly we will take this experience for the rest of our lives. Participating in this course, it was an honor for me and I hope that other teenagers also have the opportunity we had. " Mariana Conserva Freire – 9th grade, Profª Mª Petronila Limeira dos Milagres Monteiro State School

"Well, the experience that MetLife Company brought to us was a very good experience, because we can understand many things that we could not before. Activities (map of life, exploring careers, tips for interview, etc.), was to know how to behave in a company (or any work). Not to mention that the volunteers who stayed in the room (Adriana and Sara), explained very well. MetLife Thanks! Adriana and Sara, thank you! " Camila Magalhães – 9th grade, Profª Mª Petronila Limeira dos Milagres Monteiro State School


"With this course we had a different view about personal economy. We learn ways on how to have a great economy and how to design a better future. We had great people giving us lessons. It helped me a lot, not only I, but also other students. With that, we know we organize more, doing more things and was extremely important this lecture. I have a lot to thank all the volunteers who have set out to help us. You will be in my memory forever for what you have done. Congratulations to the team. Grateful! " Caio Enrico da Silva Souza – 9th grade, Profª Mª Petronila Limeira dos Milagres Monteiro State School

"These two days were the most enlightening of my life. Thank you for the opportunity to learn things that I never thought existed. As well as what to do in an interview, what to do when you grow up, how to plan my life between charges, career, budget, etc. I confess I felt a relief in the soul, for I was undecided about what to be and what to do after high school. Now, thanks to you, I have an idea what to be and where to start. Have an understanding of how to study and how to plan for my life. Thanks to the whole team, especially the volunteers Sara and Adriana, the way they taught me, I could understand everything clearly and easily. The content is excellent and helps a lot to us that we did not know where to start. My eternal gratitude to staff of MetLife and Junior Achievement. Without you, I would not know what to do and not what to think of my future. With all care and attention! " Vitória Rocha da Cruz – 9th grade, Profª Mª Petronila Limeira dos Milagres Monteiro State School


"The Personal Economics Program of Junior Achievement was an amazing opportunity to learn more about the world that we, students, will enter a certain time, the job market. Although short, time (two days) managed to get the information easily and understand clearly and very fun way. Through the student manual, we receive during the class; we had to experience to know our strengths, our vocations and a contact with things outside our daily life, such as resumes, budgets, checks, among other things. A "course" fast, interesting, useful and a lot of efficiency and quality. " Júlia Andrielly S. S. – 9th grade, Profª Mª Petronila Limeira dos Milagres Monteiro State School

"Well, this project helped us a lot with resumes, job records, interviews, etc. I believe that many students of the school Maria Petronila already know what they want to be after these two days of the project. No one here wants to grow up, but we will not be kids forever. There will come a day when the maturity will knock on our door and we will have to grow up, I say with all certainty, that after this project, we are ready for the future, for the job market. I thank Junior Achievement for providing this to us students and the lawyer Márcio Martins, for teaching us things and techniques in the labor market. " Lucas Bezerra Lacerda – 8th grade, Profª Mª Petronila Limeira dos Milagres Monteiro State School


"I'll start by praising the economics course, because I know that not every school that has the condition of giving students the opportunity we're having in our school for the second time, because I think it can help a lot in our future. Volunteer Robson, is to score ten out of ten in the course! He knew how to express well and take our questions clearly. The tips he gave about employment were great, how to behave, what a curriculum needs, etc. Yesterday we had the first lesson of economics at the second time, and I can say that most of the questions I had in mind, most of them were answered. My concern about the future was great, but after yesterday's lessons and today, I still have a lot ahead in relation to studies. Not only is that, but now what matters most in general studies. Congratulations!” Ester Santana dos Santos - 8th grade, Profª Mª Petronila Limeira dos Milagres Monteiro State School

"This project Personal Economics it was great to instruct for the job market. The project is nothing new here at school, last year we had some classes, however, was not as good as required. The room fumbled the order and not very learned almost nothing. However, this year, with Professor Robson, I learned everything I learn lacked last year. He can explain clearly, super polite and patient thus taught many useful things for us in the future. Taught to perform in a job interview and also helped us to choose a profession, something many had not thought of yet, thinking early think about it better. We also learned that the job market is very competitive; we need much more advanced qualifications. This project and professionals are to be congratulated! " Letícia Hessel - 8th grade, Profª Mª Petronila Limeira dos Milagres Monteiro State School


“In our lives we go through various things, we gain knowledge and many things as well. The opportunities appear to us, but not as a think "is opportunity," we simply must discern it is an opportunity. Many people cannot afford a course, to have a better chance at life, or cannot pay a course to have knowledge and have a better life or study. Study at the state school, have good living conditions, I have plans, but I am new, I have no knowledge of things to put my plans into practice. The teaching I had, I and my office in the days 20.05.2015 and 05.21.2015 were very important because we learn things it would take to learn, or just would learn if we had lived. MetLife I did not know much about the company. However, with his teachings, I will have a very big professional growth, because I learned a lot, in a relaxed and uplifting way. In my classroom, there are people of various kinds, many cannot take a course, but these two days, learned to be an accomplished personal economy. I am sure that all, without exception gained a huge opportunity. MetLife, in a way, will be in the hearts of students, as in their attitudes that will make from now on will have a knowledge that received those two days. It is not easy we leave our comfort zone to teach strangers to have a knowledge of personal economy. I know Renata and Telma has plenty to do and solve, both personally and professionally, but chose to be here at Maria Petronila Limeira Monteiro dos Milagres, to teach us. My classmates and I thank you very much all that these women and the company did for us. We have nothing to complain, only thank. Congratulations! " Juliana Sousa de Sá - 9th grade, Profª Mª Petronila Limeira dos Milagres Monteiro State Schol


10.2 Volunteers "I really enjoyed the Junior Achievement work and the work with other volunteers from MetLife. Any volunteer work is done by those who chose to have a stronger role of citizenship, using for this purpose, knowledge and experience to assist effectively in the transformation of the social reality of our country. I am proud to be part of these volunteers and thankful to MetLife for providing us this opportunity. Thanks! " (Eduardo Kobayashi - Volunteer from MetLife - Worked in school EE Aristides de Castro) "Being a volunteer again in a Junior Achievement project is just amazing, a unique and indescribable experience that in two days dedicated to doing well, can change the lives of some students and mine. Each school visited provides a different experience, striking and I am sure we can do more. Therefore, we believe in this project and donated our time for this cause. Thank Metlife Junior and my double Eduardo Kobayashi for giving me this moment of learning and personal satisfaction. See you! " (Jessica Correa - Volunteer from MetLife - Worked in EE Aristides de Castro) "I chose to be a volunteer because the Economics subject is in my conversations every day. The principle would be something cool. When I came across the 8th grade class, I had the feeling that they could not develop anything. A very talkative room, restless. I got scared. We were trying to talk but sometimes seemed impossible, and slowly we were trying to enter the content. At this time, we realize the lack of Brazilian public education and deal with a sad reality that is our education, which should move our country. Despite all this: the room not interested and teaching not be very good, 13 and 14 May will be marked on my walk: - I had the opportunity to make a difference; - I left that classroom extremely transformed: either the way of seeing things as far as helping others; - I am sure these two days reflect in my way of acting and thinking, and in the education of my children, when they come; - It was an odd experience, extremely valuable, which is already reflected in my work and in my studies; - I am sure amid a super hectic classroom; we can change a little head of some children; Something remarkable was when he finally managed to organize them and put them in "circle", that is when we realized that there was a lack of novelty and we managed to have some control. As I said, the principle would be something cool. It was not something nice, it was more than that. The moment I read the letter from Ana Carolina student ("With you I could decide the course I intend to do, and taught me things that I will take all my life. I wanted other children had the opportunity to also get them") I realized it was much more than cool. Although it was difficult, also because I have never entering a classroom as a teacher, I felt and I know I made the difference in this student. This is priceless. It was complicated, I saw that I have no ease in to teach but the testimony of this student made me think. Thank you for the opportunity! " (Suellen Santos Portugal - Volunteer from MetLife - Worked in EE Aristides de Castro)

"I greatly appreciate the opportunity to experience such a rich experience like today, the twinkle in his eye and the self-confidence that we got was priceless. All at once, should participate to meet this other reality and especially to collaborate to change a bit to be the student. Volunteering makes a difference to those who receive the action, but mainly for our own personal and professional growth, I truly believe and practice it! " (Telma Augusta da Costa - Volunteer from MetLife - Worked in EE Prof. MÂŞ Petronila)


"I am eternally grateful for the opportunity to share my personal experience and professional help within the needs of each person who is willing to participate in this work. I will miss the affection that I received from these students. Thank you, students of one year The EE Maria Petrolina! " (Adriana Barros - Volunteer from MetLife - Worked in EE Prof. Mª Petronila) "Great experience, I believe that was a lesson for the students, but I learned a lot from everything that happened in these two days. I am happy with everything I taught and learned, I hope to participate in more work like this because it is VERY WORTH IT! " I loved it, and until the next one! (Thamyres S. Fatigue - Volunteer from MetLife - Worked in EE Prof. Mª Petronila) "It was very nice to be part of the project! Thank you for the opportunity! Exchange experiences with students was very important to understand how we can positively influence them. I met a student that wants to put together a YouTube account to become a Vlogger. I learned a lot with the teenagers and learned that the life of a teacher is not easy. Thanks again and MetLife should continue with actions like this. Congratulations on your initiative! " (Livia Cunha – Volunteer from MetLife - Worked in EE Prof. Mª Petronila) "Being a volunteer is a job done by sympathetic impulse; dedicating part of our time to these young people who received the Personal Economics Program was very good. I believe that this contribution is essential to changing the minds of everyone who receives this project. To be willing to exchange knowledge and experience is not always easy, but, at the end, we have an extremely positive balance. Being a volunteer is to put the heart at will, intelligence in predicting and dedication in doing. Until the next ... “ (Xerxes Costa - Volunteer from MetLife - Worked in EE Prof. Mª Petronila) "Participating in the Junior Achievement Personal Economics Program undoubtedly was a great experience. The staff and I are very grateful for the great opportunity. I have no doubt that the content of the program will be very useful to the students, either to advance their careers, or to take better care of their resources. Congratulations to all of you. " (Márcio A. Martins - Volunteer from MetLife - Worked in EE Prof. Mª Petronila) "Participating in this volunteer work was certainly a unique experience. To share knowledge, somehow making a difference in the lives of some young people, and especially learning from them is very rewarding. Thank you for the opportunity! " (Renata Paranhos - Volunteer from MetLife - Worked in EE Prof. Mª Petronila) "Once again I am grateful for the opportunity. During these two days, we face students in different situations, people without expectations and other people who were lost without knowing what they would like to study. When I read the testimonials of the students, I was more than happy when I saw that we made a difference. They described how important our presence in these two days was. Thais, once again, thank you! " (Robson Ramos - Volunteer from MetLife - Worked in EE Prof. Mª Petronila)


10.3 School To the Junior Achievement team: The Aristides de Castro State School has been a partner of Junior Achievement since 2009. It is with grade satisfaction that we welcome the MetLife volunteers, who share their work related experiences and who are role models from the business world to our students. The 8th grade students participated in the Advantages of Staying in School Program last year, when they were able to experience the cost of life, a monthly budget, how to use classified ads and play the careers board game. This year, the Personal Economics Project approaches subjects that awaken personal interests of the students, identifying possible career paths they can follow and the necessary steps they have to take in order to achieve their goals. The orientation about how to behave during a job interview drew a lot of attention from the students. The material that the students received and all the orientation from the volunteers will be valuable for the students and will definitely make a difference in their futures. The coordination team and the teachers thank you for the effort and dedication from the Junior Achievement team and the MetLife volunteers. We count with the partnership to continue in 2016. Thank you and congratulations on the work and the professionalism of all! Mรกrcia Yoshida Educational coordinator


11. CLIPPING Website JA – 07/09/2015 -


Newsletter - Junior Achievement São Paulo – June 2015


See also: Facebook post: Facebook album: 1&type=1




 To bring closer students and professionals, promoting the growth and learning of the youth;  To develop in the students a clearer vision of social change agents in their environment;  Understanding the connection between education and employability, and sustainable culture;  To contribute to the development of the youth and better prepare them to become conscious citizens;  Commitment and dedication of all volunteers participating.


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