Jacaranda Maths Quest 10 Stage 5 NSW 3e (prelims)

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Contents Preface 000 Abouttheauthors 000 Aboutthistitle 000 Accessallofyouronlineresources 000 Acknowledgements 000 1 Financialmathematics 000 1.1 Overview 000 1.2 Simpleinterest 000 1.3 Buyingonterms 000 1.4 Compoundinterest 000 1.5 Depreciation 000 1.6 Review 000 Answers 000 2 Indices 000 2.1 Overview 000 2.2 Reviewofindexlaws 000 2.3 Negativeindices(Path) 000 2.4 Fractionalindices(Path) 000 2.5 Combiningindexlaws(Path) 000 2.6 Review 000 Answers 000 3 Algebraictechniques 000 3.1 Overview 000 3.2 Specialbinomialproducts 000 3.3 Furtherexpansions 000 3.4 Thehighestcommonbinomialfactor (Path) 000 3.5 Factorisationpatterns 000 3.6 Factorisingnon-monicquadratics 000 3.7 Simplifyingalgebraicfractions(Path) 000 3.8 Applicationsofbinomialproducts 000 3.9 Review 000 Answers 000 4 Algebra,linearequationsand inequalities(Path) 000 4.1 Overview 000 4.2 Addingandsubtractingalgebraic fractions(Path) 000 4.3 Multiplyinganddividingalgebraic fractions(Path) 000 4.4 Solvinglinearequationsreview 000 4.5 Solvingmulti-stepequations,including fractions(Path) 000 4.6 Literalequations(Path) 000 4.7 Solvinglinearinequalities(Path) 000 4.8 Review 000 Answers 000 5 Simultaneousequations(Path)000 5.1 Overview 000 5.2 Graphicalsolutionofsimultaneous equations 000 5.3 Solvingsimultaneousequationsusing substitution 000 5.4 Solvingsimultaneousequationsusing elimination 000 5.5 Applicationsofsimultaneouslinear equations 000 5.6 Review 000 Answers 000 6 Quadraticequations(Path)000 6.1 Overview 000 6.2 Solvingquadraticequationsalgebraically 000 6.3 Thequadraticformula 000 6.4 Solvingquadraticequationsgraphically 000 6.5 Thediscriminant 000 6.6 Review 000 Answers 000 7 Linearrelationships 000 7.1 Overview 000 7.2 Thedistancebetweentwopoints 000 7.3 Sketchinglineargraphs 000 7.4 Graphingregions(Path) 000 7.5 Standardformsoftheequationofa straightline 000 7.6 Themidpointofalinesegment(Path) 000 7.7 Parallelandperpendicularlines 000 7.8 Review 000 Answers 000 8 Non-linearrelationships 000 8.1 Overview 000 8.2 Plottingparabolas 000 8.3 Sketchingparabolas 000 8.4 Sketchingparabolasinturningpointform (Path) 000 8.5 Sketchingparabolasingeneralform (Path) 000 8.6 Exponentialfunctionsandgraphs(Path) 000 8.7 Thehyperbola(Path) 000 8.8 Thecircle(Path) 000 CONTENTS v UNCORRECTEDPAGE PROOFS
8.9 Distinguishingbetweenlinear,quadratic andexponentialrelationships(Path) 000 8.10 Review 000 Answers 000 9 TrigonometryI 000 9.1 Overview 000 9.2 Pythagoras’Theorem 000 9.3 Pythagoras’theoreminthreedimensions (Path) 000 9.4 Trignometricratios 000 9.5 Usingtrigonometrytocalculateside lengths 000 9.6 Usingtrigonometrytocalculateanglesize 000 9.7 Anglesofelevationanddepression 000 9.8 Bearings 000 9.9 Applications 000 9.10 Review 000 Answers 000 Semesterreview1 000 10 TrigonometryII(Path) 000 10.1 Overview 000 10.2 Thesinerule 000 10.3 Thecosinerule 000 10.4 Areaoftriangles 000 10.5 Theunitcircle 000 10.6 Trigonometricfunctions 000 10.7 Solvingtrigonometricequations 000 10.8 Review 000 Answers 000 11 Measurement 000 11.1 Overview 000 11.2 Area 000 11.3 Totalsurfacearea 000 11.4 Volume 000 11.5 Applicationsofsurfaceareaandvolume (Path) 000 11.6 Review 000 Answers 000 12 Propertiesofgeometrical figures 000 12.1 Overview 000 12.2 Angles,trianglesandcongruence 000 12.3 Similartriangles 000 12.4 Quadrilaterals 000 12.5 Polygons 000 12.6 Proofsinvolvingcongruentandsimilar triangles(Path) 000 12.7 Proofsinvolvingplaneshapes(Path) 000 12.8 Review 000 Answers 000 13 Dataanalysis 000 13.1 Overview 000 13.2 Bivariatedata 000 13.3 Linesofbestfit 000 13.4 Howisdatacollected? 000 13.5 Evaluatingstatisticalreports(Path?) 000 13.6 Statisticalinvestigations(Path) 000 13.7 Estimatingpopulationmeansand medians?(Path) 000 13.8 Review 000 Answers 000 14 Probability 000 14.1 Overview 000 14.2 Reviewofprobability 000 14.3 Treediagrams 000 14.4 Independentanddependentevents 000 14.5 Designingandusingsimulationstomodel andexaminesituationsinvolving probability 000 14.6 Venndiagramsand2-waytables(Path) 000 14.7 Mutuallyandnon-mutuallyexclusive events(Path) 000 14.8 Conditionalprobability(Path) 000 14.9 Review 000 Answers 000 15 Polynomials(Path) 000 15.1 Overview 000 15.2 Polynomials 000 15.3 Adding,subtractingandmultiplying polynomials 000 15.4 Longdivisionofpolynomials 000 15.5 Polynomialvalues 000 15.6 Theremainderandfactortheorems 000 15.7 Factorisingpolynomials 000 15.8 Solvingpolynomialequations 000 15.9 Review 000 Answers 000 16 Logarithms(Path) 000 16.1 Overview 000 16.2 Logarithms 000 16.3 Logarithmlaws 000 16.4 Solvingequations 000 16.5 Comparinglogarithmicandexponential graphs 000 16.6 Review 000 Answers 000 17 Functionsandothergraphs (Path) 000 17.1 Overview 000 17.2 Functionsandrelations 000 17.3 Domainandrange 000 vi CONTENTS UNCORRECTEDPAGE PROOFS
17.4 Graphingfunctions 000 17.5 Transformations 000 17.6 Review 000 Answers 000 18 Circlegeometry(Path) 000 18.1 Overview 000 18.2 Anglesinacircle 000 18.3 Intersectingchords,secantsandtangents 000 18.4 Cyclicquadrilaterals 000 18.5 Tangents,secantsandchords 000 18.6 Review 000 Answers 000 19 Introductiontonetworks(Path)000 19.1 Overview 000 19.2 Graphsandnetworks 000 19.3 Planargraphs 000 19.4 Connectedgraphs 000 19.5 Review 000 Answers 000 Semesterreview2 000 Glossary 000 Index 000 CONTENTS vii

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