Jacaranda Maths Quest 7 Stage 4 NSW 3e

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1 Computationwithpositive integers1

2 C omputationwithpositiveand negativeintegers65

Contents Aboutthisresource 00 Acknowledgements 00 PoweringupforYear7 Week1 Findingyourplace Week2 Numberingup Week3 Thinkingquickly Week4 Fishingforfractions Week5 Gettingtothepoint Week6 Giving100% NAPLANpractice SetA Calculatorallowed SetB Non-calculator SetC Calculatorallowed SetD Non-calculator SetE Calculatorallowed SetF Non-calculator
1.1 Overview 2 1.2 Placevalueandcomparingandordering positiveintegers 4 1.3 Strategiesforaddingandsubtracting positiveintegers 10 1.4 Algorithmsforaddingandsubtracting positiveintegers 16 1.5 Multiplyingpositiveintegers 25 1.6 Dividingpositiveintegers 34 1.7 Roundingandestimatingnumbers 41 1.8 Orderofoperations 45 1.9 Review 52 Answers 60
2.1 Overview 66 2.2 Integersonthenumberline 68 2.3 Integersonthenumberplane 73 2.4 Addingintegers 78 2.5 Subtractingintegers 83 2.6 Multiplyinganddividingintegers 89 2.7 Orderofoperationswithintegers 95 2.8 Review 100 Answers 106
primes111 3.1 Overview 112 3.2 Factorsandmultiples 114 3.3 Lowestcommonmultipleandhighest commonfactor 119 3.4 Indexnotation 124 3.5 Primeandcompositenumbers 129 3.6 Squaresandsquareroots 137 3.7 Divisibilitytests 143 3.8 Cubesandcuberoots(extending) 146 3.9 Review 151 Answers 158 4 Fractionsandpercentages163 4.1 Overview 164 4.2 Whatarefractions? 166 4.3 Simplifyingfractions 178 4.4 Mixednumbersandimproperfractions 182 4.5 Addingandsubtractingfractions 188 4.6 Multiplyingfractions 196 4.7 Dividingfractions 204 4.8 Workingwithmixednumbers 209 4.9 Percentagesasfractions 216 4.10 Calculatingpercentagesofanamount 221 4.11 Oneamountasapercentageofanother 226 4.12 Commonpercentagesandshortcuts 232 4.13 Review 238 Answers 246 5 Ratiosandrates255 5.1 Overview 256 5.2 Ratios 259 5.3 Rates 265 5.4 Theunitarymethodandbestbuys 270 5.5 Review 275 Answers 279 6 Decimals281 6.1 Overview 282 6.2 Decimalsandplacevalue 284 6.3 Convertingbetweendecimalsand fractions 292 6.4 Roundingdecimalsandterminatingand recurringdecimals 297 6.5 Addingandsubtractingdecimals 303 6.6 Multiplyingdecimals 309 6.7 Dividingdecimals 315 6.8 Decimalsandpercentages 322 6.9 Review 325 Answers 332 CONTENTS i UNCORRECTEDPAGEPROOFS
3 Factors,multiples,indicesand
7 Algebraictechniques339 7.1 Overview 340 7.2 Introductiontoalgebra 342 7.3 Substitutingandevaluating 350 7.4 Simplifyingexpressionsusing liketerms 354 7.5 Multiplyinganddividingterms 359 7.6 Numberlaws 363 7.7 Expandingbrackets 367 7.8 Review 371 Answers 377 Semesterreview1380 8 Equations381 8.1 Overview 382 8.2 Introductiontoequations 384 8.3 Buildingupexpressionsand backtracking 390 8.4 Solvinglinearequationsusing backtracking 396 8.5 Solvinglinearequationsusinginverse operations 403 8.6 Checkingsolutions 412 8.7 Review 417 Answers 423 9 Linearrelationships429 9.1 Overview 430 9.2 TheCartesianplane 433 9.3 Linearnumberpatterns 441 9.4 Plottingsimplelinearrelationships 448 9.5 Interpretinggraphs 455 9.6 Review 466 Answers 474 10 Length,areaandvolume515 10.1 Overview 516 10.2 Unitsofmeasurement 519 10.3 Readingscalesandmeasuringlength 526 10.4 Perimeter 534 10.5 Circlesandcircumference 542 10.6 Area 551 10.7 Areaofcompositeshapes 564 10.8 Volumeofrectangularprisms 569 10.9 Capacity 577 10.10 Drawingsolids 581 10.11 Review 592 Answers 603 11 Anglerelationshipsand propertiesofgeometrical figures000 11.1 Overview 000 11.2 Measuringangles 000 11.3 Constructangleswithaprotractor 000 11.4 Typesofanglesandnamingconventions 000 11.5 Triangles 000 11.6 Quadrilateralsandtheirproperties 000 11.7 Parallelandperpendicularlines 000 11.8 Review 000 Answers 000 12 Dataclassificationand visualisation000 12.1 Overview 000 12.2 Collectingandclassifyingdata 000 12.3 Displayingdataintables 000 12.4 Measuresofcentreandspread 000 12.5 Columngraphsanddotplots 000 12.6 Stem-and-leafplots 000 12.7 Piechartsanddividedbargraphs 000 12.8 Comparingdata 000 12.9 Review 000 Answers 000 13 Probability000 13.1 Overview 000 13.2 Thelanguageofchance 000 13.3 Thesamplespace 000 13.4 Simpleprobability 000 13.5 Experimentalprobability 000 13.6 Review 000 Answers 000 Semesterreview2834 Glossary 844 Index 850 ii CONTENTS UNCORRECTEDPAGEPROOFS

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