Jacaranda Maths Quest 9 Stage 5 NSW 3e (prelims)

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Contents Aboutthisresource 00 Acknowledgements 00 NAPLANpractice SetA Calculatorallowed SetB Non-calculator SetC Calculatorallowed SetD Non-calculator SetE Calculatorallowed SetF Non-calculator 1 Financialmathematics 000 1.1 Overview 000 1.2 Salariesandwages 000 1.3 Specialrates 000 1.4 Piecework 000 1.5 Commissionsandroyalties 000 1.6 Loadingandbonuses 000 1.7 Taxationandnetearnings 000 1.8 Simpleinterest 000 1.9 Introductiontocompoundinterest 000 1.10 Review 000 Answers 000 2 Indices 000 2.1 Overview 000 2.2 Applyingtheindexlawstovariables 000 2.3 Usingindexlawstosimplifyalgebraic productsandquotients 000 2.4 Applyingindexlawstoalgebraic expressionsinvolvingintegerindices 000 2.5 Negativeindices(Path) 000 2.6 Surds(Path) 000 2.7 Operationswithsurds(Path) 000 2.8 Fractionalindices(Path) 000 2.9 Review 000 Answers 000 3 Numbersofanymagnitude 000 3.1 Overview 000 3.2 Verysmallandverylargemeasurements 000 3.3 Absoluteandpercentageerror 000 3.4 Estimatingandroundingnumberstoa specifieddegreeofaccuracy 000 3.5 Scientificnotation 000 3.6 Review 000 Answers 000 4 Algebraictechniques 000 4.1 Overview 000 4.2 Simplifyingalgebraicexpressions 000 4.3 Simplifyingalgebraicfractions 000 4.4 Simplifyingalgebraicfractionswith pronumeralsinthedenominator(Path) 000 4.5 Expandingalgebraicexpressionsand collectingliketerms 000 4.6 Expandingbinomialproducts(Path) 000 4.7 Thehighestcommonbinomial factor(Path) 000 4.8 Factorisingmonicquadratic expressions(Path) 000 4.9 Review 000 Answers 000 5 Linearequations 000 5.1 Overview 000 5.2 Solvinglinearequations 000 5.3 Solvinglinearequationswithbrackets 000 5.4 Solvinglinearequationswithpronumerals onbothsides 000 5.5 Solvinglinearequationsinvolvingone algebraicfraction 000 5.6 Solvingproblemswithlinearequations 000 5.7 Substitutingvaluesintoformulas 000 5.8 Review 000 Answers 000 6 Quadraticequations(Path) 000 6.1 Overview 000 6.2 Quadraticequations 000 6.3 TheNullFactorLaw 000 6.4 Solvingmonicquadraticequations 000 6.5 Solvingcubicequations 000 6.6 Solvinglinearinequalitiesandgraphing theirsolutiononanumberline 000 6.7 Review 000 Answers 000 7 Linearrelationships 000 7.1 Overview 000 7.2 SketchinggraphsontheCartesianplane 000 7.3 Midpointofalinesegment 000 7.4 Distancebetweentwopoints 000 7.5 Thegradientofastraightline 000 CONTENTS i UNCORRECTEDPAGEPROOFS
7.6 Usingthegradient–interceptformto graphlinearrelationships 000 7.7 Examiningthegradient/slope-intercept form(Path) 000 7.8 Parallel,horizontalandverticallines 000 7.9 Findingtheequationsofparalleland perpendicularlines(Path) 000 7.10 Review 000 Answers 000 Semesterreview1 000 8 Non-linearrelationships 000 8.1 Overview 000 8.2 Representingquadraticandexponential relationships 000 8.3 Parabolasandexponentialcurves 000 8.4 Graphingandexaminingquadraticand exponentialrelationships 000 8.5 Sketchingbasicparabolaswithdilation factors 000 8.6 Sketchingbasicparabolaswithvertical translations 000 8.7 Graphingandexaminingexponential relationships 000 8.8 Distinguishingbetweenlinear,quadratic andexponentialrelationships 000 8.9 Non-linearrelationshipsinreal-life contexts 000 8.10 Review 000 Answers 000 9 Variationandratesofchange (Path) 000 9.1 Overview 000 9.2 Directlinearproportion 000 9.3 Inverseproportion 000 9.4 Analysinggraphsthataredecreasingor increasingataconstantrate 000 9.5 Relationshipbetweengraphsandvariable ratesofchange 000 9.6 Constructinggraphicalrepresentationsof ratesofchange 000 9.7 Review 000 Answers 000 10 Trigonometry 000 10.1 Overview 000 10.2 Right-angledtriangles 000 10.3 Trigonometricratios 000 10.4 Calculatingunknownsidelengths 000 10.5 Calculatingunknownangles 000 10.6 Solvingpracticalproblemsusing trigonometry 000 10.7 Review 000 Answers 000 11 Measurement 000 11.1 Overview 000 11.2 Measurement 000 11.3 Area 000 11.4 Areaandperimeterofasector 000 11.5 Surfaceareaofrectangularand triangularprisms 000 11.6 Surfaceareaofacylinder 000 11.7 Volumeofprismsandcylinders 000 11.8 Review 000 Answers 000 12 Propertiesofgeometrical figures 000 12.1 Overview 000 12.2 Ratioandscale 000 12.3 Similarfigures 000 12.4 Areaandvolumeofsimilarfigures 000 12.5 Solvingproblemsusingratioandscale factorsinsimilarfigures 000 12.6 Review 000 Answers 000 13 Dataanalysis 000 13.1 Overview 000 13.2 Measuresofcentraltendency 000 13.3 Measuresofspread 000 13.4 Thestandarddeviation 000 13.5 Boxplots 000 13.6 Describingandcomparingdatasets 000 13.7 Review 000 Answers 000 14 Probability 000 14.1 Overview 000 14.2 Theoreticalprobability 000 14.3 Experimentalprobability 000 14.4 Two-stepexperiments 000 14.5 Designingandusingsimulationstomodel andexaminesituationsinvolving probability 000 14.6 Venndiagramsand2-waytables(Path) 000 14.7 Interpretingconditionalstatements 000 14.8 Mutuallyandnon-mutuallyexclusive events(Path) 000 14.9 Review 000 Answers 000 Semesterreview2 000 Glossary 000 Index 000 ii CONTENTS UNCORRECTEDPAGEPROOFS

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