Second edition published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
Level 4, 600 Bourke Street, Melbourne, Vic 3000
First edition published 2015
Typeset in 10.5/13 pt Times LT Std
© R. Ruskin, K. Proctor 2015, 2023
The moral rights of the authors have been asserted.
ISBN: 978-1-394-15165-3
Reproduction and communication for educational purposes
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Front cover images: © Malte Mueller
Illustrated by various artists, diacriTech and Wiley Composition Services
Typeset in India by diacriTech
All activities have been written with the safety of both teacher and student in mind. Some, however, involve physical activity or the use of equipment or tools. All due care should be taken when performing such activities. Neither the publisher nor the authors can accept responsibility for any injury that may be sustained when completing activities described in this textbook.
Thissuiteofprintanddigitalresourcesmay containimagesof,orreferencesto,membersofAboriginalandTorresStraitIslander communitieswhoare,ormaybe,deceased.TheseimagesandreferenceshavebeenincludedtohelpAustralianstudentsfromall culturalbackgroundsdevelopabetterunderstandingofAboriginalandTorresStraitIslanderpeoples’history,cultureandlived experience.Whereverpossible,culturallysensitivematerialhasbeenflaggedwithadisclaimeratthebeginningofalessontohelp teachersandstudentsnavigatethematerial.
About this resource NEW FOR
Developed by teachers for students
Tried, tested and trusted. Every lesson in the new Jacaranda Health and PE series contains a strengths-based and practical approach to support teachers and help students lead healthy and active lives.
Because both what and how students learn matter
Learning is personal Learning is effortfulLearning is rewarding
Whether students need a challenge or a helping hand, you’ll find what you need to create engaging lessons.
Whether in class or at home, students can access scaffolded lessons, with engaging practical activities and interactive content.
Automatically marked, differentiated question sets are all supported by detailed sample responses – so students can get unstuck and progress!
Personalise student learning pathways, ensuring that confidence builds and that students push themselves to achieve … all in learnON, Australia’s most innovative learning platform.
Through real-time results data, students can track and monitor their own progress and easily identify areas of strength and weakness.
And for teachers, Learning
Analytics provide valuable insights to support student growth and drive informed intervention strategies.
Learn online with Australia’s most
Everything you need for each of your lessons in one simple view
• Trusted, curriculum-aligned content
• Engaging, rich multimedia
• All the teacher support resources you need
• Deep insights into progress
• Immediate feedback for students
• Create custom assignments in just a few clicks.
Reading content and rich media including interactivities
powerful learning tool, learnON
Differentiated question sets
Teacher and student views
Textbook questions
Sample responses
Digital documents
Video eLessons
Extra teaching support resources
Interactive questions with immediate feedback
Get the most from your online resources
Online, these new editions are the complete package
Embedded interactivities and videos enable students to explore concepts and learn deeply by ‘doing’.
Trusted Jacaranda theory, plus tools to support teaching and make learning more engaging, personalised and visible.
New videos for every topic are designed to help students learn concepts by introducing the key ideas and are flexible enough to be used for pre- and post-learning, flipped classrooms, class discussions, remediation and more.
Pre-test and post-tests help test skill acquisition.
Three differentiated question sets, with immediate feedback in every lesson, enable students to challenge themselves at their own level
Instant reports give students visibility into progress and performance
Every question has immediate, feedback to help students overcome misconceptions as they occur and get unstuck as they study independently — in class and at home.
Consent and respectful relationships
Reliable and practical content and activities on consent and respectful relationships.
A wide variety of activities
Includes a range of practical activities in every lesson including group work and practicals.
The eWorkbook enables teachers and students to download additional activities to support deeper learning
A wealth of teacher resources
Enhanced teacher support resources for every lesson, including:
• work programs and curriculum grids
• practical teaching advice
• quarantined topic tests (with solutions)
Customise and assign Reports and results
An inbuilt testmaker enables you to create custom assignments and tests from the complete bank of thousands of questions for immediate, spaced and mixed practice.
Data analytics and instant reports provide data-driven insights into progress and performance within each lesson and across the entire course.
Show students (and their parents or carers) their own assessment data in fine detail. You can filter their results to identify areas of strength and weakness.
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