Karen Bowden | Alex Scott | Rachel Wallis | Benjamin White
REVIEWED BY Courtney Rubie, Wiradjuri woman
Rachel Wallis, Wiradjuri woman
Third edition published 2023 by
John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
Level 4, 600 Bourke Street, Melbourne, Vic 3000
First edition published 2013
Second edition published 2018
Typeset in 10.5/13 pt TimesLT Std
© John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd 2013, 2018
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ISBN: 978-1-394-15093-9
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This suite of print and digital resources may contain images of, or references to, members of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities who are, or may be, deceased. These images and references have been included to help Australian students from all cultural backgrounds develop a better understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ history, culture and lived experience. Wherever possible, culturally sensitive material has been flagged with a disclaimer at the beginning of a lesson to help teachers and students navigate the material.
2.12 How do we conserve our deep time history? 000
2.13 INQUIRY: Communicating deep time culture and history 000
2.14 Review 000
Sequencing events in chronological order
1.8 SkillBuilder: Describing broad patterns of change
1.9 SkillBuider: Developing a hypothesis
1.10 SkillBuilder: Analysing and corroborating ancient Greek sources
1.11 SkillBuilder: Analysing and corroborating ancient Roman sources��������������������������������
1.12 SkillBuilder: Analysing and corroborating ancient Egyptian sources �����������������������������
1.13 SkillBuilder: Analysing different perspectives about ancient India
1.14 SkillBuilder: Analysing different perspectives about ancient China �
1.15 Review 000
2.1 Overview......................................................... 000
2.2 How do we know about the deep time history of Australia? 000
2.3 What is deep time? 000
2.4 Where and what was the land of Sahul? 000
2.5 Who were the first peoples of Australia and the Torres Strait Islands? 000
2.6 How did First Nations Australians manage the land? 000
2.7 How did technology develop in ancient Australia? 000
2.8 What was the First Nations Australian economy? ....................................................... 000
2.9 How did custom and kinship shape First Nations Australian society? 000
2.10 How was life and death recognised in ancient Australia? 000
2.11 How have the world’s oldest continuing cultures changed over time? 000
3.1 Overview
3.2 How do we know about ancient Greece?
3.3 Who were the Minoans and Mycenaeans?
3.4 What was the Greek ‘Dark Age’?
3.5 How were Athens and Sparta governed?
3.6 What was it like to live in Sparta?
3.7 What was life like in Athens?
3.8 What do we know about Greek laws, myths, gods and oracles?
3.9 What were the Olympic Games?
3.10 How was Greece changed by wars?
3.11 What is the heritage of ancient Greece?
3.12 INQUIRY: Contested histories — did the Spartans really kill their weak babies?
3.13 Review
4.1 Overview 000
4.2 How do we know about ancient Rome? 000
4.3 How did Rome become so powerful? 000
4.4 How did the Roman Empire grow? 000
4.5 Why was the Roman army so successful? 000
4.6 How was Rome ruled? 000
4.7 How brutal was Roman slavery? 000
4.8 What was it like to live in the Roman Empire? 000
4.9 What did ancient Romans believe about death? ............................................................ 000
4.10 How did ancient Roman laws and religion change? 000
4.11 Why did the Roman Empire fall? 000
4.12 What is Rome’s heritage? 000
4.13 INQUIRY: Contested histories — how bad was Emperor Nero? 000
4.14 Review 000
5 Ancient Egypt 000
5.1 Overview 000
5.2 How do we know about ancient Egypt? 000
5.3 Why was the Nile so important? 000
5.4 What was Egyptian society like? 000
5.5 What did ancient Egyptians believe? 000
5.6 What’s the truth about the pyramids? 000
5.7 Who were Tutankhamun, Akhenaten and Nefertiti? ......................................................... 000
5.8 What were the effects of war and trade? ....... 000
5.9 Rameses II — Egypt’s greatest pharaoh? 000
5.10 What should we thank the Egyptians for? 000
5.11 INQUIRY: Powerful women — how have they been recorded and treated in history? 000
5.12 Review 000
6.1 Overview
8.10 SkillBuilder: Drawing a climate graph
8.11 SkillBuilder: Creating and analysing overlay maps ������������������
8.12 SkillBuilder: Annotating a photograph���������������������������������������
8.13 SkillBuilder: Drawing a line graph ��
8.14 SkillBuilder: Interpreting diagrams
8.15 SkillBuilder: Cardinal points — wind roses
6.2 How do we know about ancient India?
6.3 What is the geography of India?
6.4 What are the lost cities of the Indus Valley?
6.5 What contacts and conflicts did ancient India experience?
6.6 What was significant about the Mauryan Empire?
6.7 Who was Ashoka the Great?
6.8 What was the social structure of ancient India?
6.9 INQUIRY: What was behind Ashoka the Great’s sudden change in leadership style?
6.10 Review
7.1 Overview 000
7.2 How do we know about ancient China? 000
7.3 How did China’s civilisation begin? 000
7.4 What were life and death like in ancient China? ............................................................ 000
7.5 How did China’s civilisation affect its environment? 000
7.6 What were the influences of Confucianism, religions and laws? 000
7.7 How did the first emperor change China? 000
7.8 Why did the Han dynasty rise and fall? 000
7.9 What is the heritage of ancient China? 000
7.10 INQUIRY: Contested histories — how should we judge the legacy of Qin Shihuang? ................ 000
7.11 Review ............................................................ 000
8.16 SkillBuilder: Creating a concept diagram ��������������������������������������������
8.17 SkillBuilder: Interpreting topological maps
8.18 SkillBuilder: Understanding satellite images ��������������������������������
8.19 Review ............................................................ 000
9.1 Overview 000
9.2 What are environmental resources? 000
9.3 How is water used as a resource? 000
9.4 How is groundwater a resource? 000
9.5 How does groundwater connect people? 000
9.6 How is water distributed across the world? 000
9.7 How does Australia’s climate affect its water availability? 000
9.8 Investigating topographic maps: The value of water in Noosa ............................................... 000
9.9 Does everyone have enough water? .............. 000
9.10 What water scarcity exists in Australia and the world? 000
9.11 How can people overcome water scarcity? 000
9.12 INQUIRY: What is the water quality of a local waterway? 000
9.13 Review 000
8.4 SkillBuilder: Constructing a pie graph�������������������������������������������������
8.5 SkillBuilder: How to read a map
8.6 SkillBuilder: Reading a weather map ���������������������������������������������������
8.7 SkillBuilder: Creating a simple column or bar graph
8.8 SkillBuilder: Using topographic maps �������������������������������������������������
8.9 SkillBuilder: Using alphanumeric grid references���������������������������������
00 0
10.1 Overview......................................................... 000
10.2 What is the difference between weather and climate? 000
10.3 What are natural hazards and natural disasters? 000
10.4 What is the impact of water variability, availability and accessibility? 000
10.5 What causes droughts and how do we manage them? 000
10.6 What are the causes and impacts of floods?............................................................ 000
10.7 How are floods managed? ............................. 000
10.8 Investigating topographic maps — potential flooding on Sydney’s northern beaches 504
10.9 Why does the wind blow? 000
10.10 What causes thunderstorms and extreme weather? 000
17.5 SkillBuilder: Interpreting and explaining graphs
17.6 SkillBuilder: Evaluating a business plan ��������������������������������������������������
17.7 SkillBuilder: Writing a business case study ���������������������������������������
17.8 Review 000
18 Our economy — consumers, producers and government 000
18.1 Overview 000
18.2 What are our needs and wants? 000
18.3 What are the types of businesses and why do they exist? 000
18.4 How can we use our finite resources sustainably? .................................................. 000
18.5 What are your rights as a consumer? ........... 000
18.6 What responsibilities do businesses, producers and gover nment have to you? 000
18.7 INQUIRY: How did First Nations Australians satisfy their needs and wants? 000
18.8 Review 000
19.1 Overview.........................................................
19.2 What is the role of the entrepreneur? ............. 000
19.3 How do values influence entrepreneurial decision-making? 000
19.4 What other factors contribute to the success of entrepreneurs? 000
19.5 What is the role of First Nations Australian entrepreneurs? 000
19.6 What are sources of income?......................... 000
19.7 What contribution can work make to individuals and society? 000
19.8 What are the different types of work? 000 19.9 INQUIRY: Innovation and entrepreneurs 000
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